Ana səhifə

這本文法書是為我仰光學院的學生們寫的,為了促進他們對巴利語的研習,更容易深入研究。據我所知,並沒有任何巴利語的文法書,適合沒有梵語基礎的學生的需求。Muller、Frankfurter 、Minayef的文法書, 它們是為稍有涉獵過梵語的人寫的,把他們的書讓沒有梵語基礎的學生讀,只是徒增困惑,完全沒有效益。再者,這些文法書並不十分完整,只是名詞和動詞的詞形變化組成。Mr

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■ 形容詞和實詞的一致 (Concord of Adjective and Substantive)

591. 形容詞或者分詞(其具形容詞的性質),當它不跟所修飾的名詞複合,其性、數、格必須和名詞一致。

關係詞與其先行詞的一致(Concord of the Relative and its Antecedent)

592. 關係代名詞與其先行詞性、數、格必須一致。

(1) 關係詞可被單獨使用,不需名詞,如: yo janati so imaj ganhatu (任何人懂,就讓他拿去。he who knows let him take this.)注意: 以上指示代名詞“so”被用作關連詞(correlative)引導主要子句。yo是關係代名詞,引導關係子句。

(2) 使用關係代名詞(指示代名詞)而不用先前使用過的名詞: ahaj ekaj upayaj janami, yena amhe ganhituj no sakkissati [我有個權宜之計,透過其(計)他將不能夠抓住我們。I know an expedient by which he will not able to seize us.]

(3) 帶有表達過的名詞: yassa purisassa buddhi hoti so mahaddhano ti vuccati (有覺慧的人,被稱為有大財富。to whom there is wisdom, he is called very wealthy)

(4) 注意: 關係子句要放在前;有時為了強調子句中含關連詞要放在前: na so pitayena putto na sikkhapiyati‖ (沒有父親的孩子不會令自己學習he is no father by whom the son is not made to learn.)

(iv) 實詞的句法 (Syntax of Substantives)

593. “karaka(格位語法,如對格為kamma karaka)”這個術語表達名詞與動詞間的關係,這才是正確的支配 (government,因為其決定其它相關、後接字詞的文法形式);因此任何字,若其與動詞不相關就不能稱”karaka”,因此屬格和呼格就不能被視為是個”karaka” (屬格是名詞與名詞的關係),要稱為”akaraka (非格位語法,non-cases) “。

■ 1. 主格 (The Nominative)

594. 主格用法跟英語非常像,它是動詞的主詞。動詞在人稱及單、複數上, 必須與主詞一致(見590)。

(i) 主格被用作同位語(apposition),如: malliko kosalaraja (Mallika指茉莉、勝鬘夫人,其夫為憍薩羅國王波斯匿。malliko 指波斯匿王,與kosalaraja憍薩羅國王為同位語。)

(ii) 書名標題裡獨立使用主格,不需採適當的語尾變化,如: mahajanakajataka (《大闍那伽王本生經》,“The Birth Story of Mahajanaka”)

■ 2. 屬格 (The Genitive)

595. 屬格的真正力道有如英語的 –of 和 –′s表達“具有、...的”。

(i)因此,屬格主要是被用來指稱擁有,如: suvannassa rasi (一堆的金子, a heap of gold); rukkhassa sakha (樹的枝幹, the branch of the tree);

(ii)在像上述例子中,屬格經常與它所修飾的名詞複合成一字,如: suvannarasi;

(iii)它指稱全體中的一部分;這被叫“部分屬格(partitive genitive)”: brahmanaj so pandito (在婆羅門中他是聰慧的,he is clever among brahmins); sabbayodhanaj atisuro (在所有武士中最勇敢的, the bravest of all warriors); tumhakaj pana ekena (但是你們中一個也沒有, but even not one of you.)

(iv)屬格也跟表達差別、相等、不相等的字彙一起使用,如: tassa antaraj na passijsu [他們沒看其差異,they did not see the (its) difference]; sadiso pitu [與(他的)父親相同,the same as (his) father]; tulyo pitu (等同於他的父親,equal to his father.)註: 在這些例子裡,屬格也可以用從格: sadiso pitara。

(v)字詞表達“親愛”或與其相反,取屬格: sa brahmanassa manapa[她被該婆羅門所喜愛, she (was) dear to the brahmin. Manapa【adj.】令人喜愛的]

(vi)同樣地,字詞指稱“榮譽,尊敬”等取屬格: gamassa pujito (PPP), 被該村莊供奉honoured of the village; rabbo manito [被國王所崇敬,revered by (of) the king]

註: 在這些例中, 屬格也可以用具格: gamena pujito

(vii)字詞表達“技能,精通...等”或與其相反,後接屬格: kusala naccagītassa (擅長跳舞和唱歌, clever in dancing and singing)

(viii)它與表達“地處,時間,距離”的字詞連用: amhakaj buddhassa pubbe (在我們的佛陀之前, before our Buddha); gamassa avidure (離村莊不遠, not far from the village; Avidura【n.】附近。); upari tesaj (在他們之上, above them)

(ix)對某事物起信或良好地處置: budhassa pasanno (他淨信佛, he has faith in the Buddha) 註: 這裡也可以使用處格: buddhe pasanno

(x)它也用於表達字詞含下列意義: 記憶、哀思,憐憫,想要,給予或分攤、分配,尊敬,清潔,充滿,懼怕...等: matussa sarati [他憶起(哀悼)他的母親he remembers his mother (with sorrow)]; na tesaj koci sarati (沒有人記得他們, nobody remembers them); telassa davati (他布施油, he gives oil); purati balo papassa (那個傻瓜充滿邪惡, the fool is full of evil;Pureti (pur + e) 填充, 實踐, 完成。); sabbe tasanti dandassa (所有人懼怕處罰, all fear punishment; Tasati (tas + a) 戰慄,驚嚇。)在這例子裡可用對格: telaj davati.註: 表懼怕的字詞也接用從格: kin nu kho ahaj sunakha bhayami? (為什麼我要怕狗?Why should I fear the dogs?)

(xi)若屬格有個分詞需與其一致,則稱為“屬格獨立結構。”它通常指稱一些服侍的情境: tassa bhattaj bhuttassa udakaj aharanti (當他用完飯,他們為他拿水。 when he had finished his meal they fetched him water. Bhubjati (bhuj + m-a), 吃【PPP】bhutta。)

(xii)屬格的其它關係不會出現困難, 因為英語有精確平行用法。
596. 從以上註中可見: 屬格經常被使用,而不用對格,從格,具格和處格。它也被當作副詞使用,如kissa(為什麼)?注意: 當屬格相依於動詞時,是因為必須用屬格,不能用其它格位,如: matussa sarati. (他哀悼其母)
■ 3. 為格 (The Dative)

597. 事物給予人或者被做、為誰做(表目的或利益對象),使用為格。因此,對格為及物動詞的直接受詞,為格則用於間接受詞。

(i) 為格表達的關係,即英語中常用“to, for”來指稱的字彙,如: bhikkhussa civaraj deti (他供養比丘一套袈裟, he gives a robe to the priest); yuddhaya paccugga- cchami (我為作戰離去, I will set out for battle. )

(ii) 為格接用動詞表示稱揚或者責備,憤怒,相信,不相信,同意,嫉妒,快樂或者不高興,傷害,利益,贊成,寬恕,問候,祝福,憎恨,虐待,隱藏,虔敬,攜帶。例: - Buddhassa silaghate (pres/mid/3rd/sg)(他讚歎佛陀, he praises the Buddha-Silaghati (silagh + a)頌楊。); - yadi’haj tassa kuppeyya(如果我應對他生氣, if I should be angry with him); - duhayati disanaj ogho (洪水使國家受損傷, the flood has injured the country); - tuyhaj saddahami (我對你信任, I believe thee); - svagataj te (善來,大德!歡迎您!Hail to thee!) - sotthi tuyhaj hotu(祝福您, Fare thee well!) - khama me (原諒我﹗Forgive me!) - mayhaj sapate (Mid/3rd/sg)(他對我詛咒he reviles me-Sapati (sap + a), 詛罵); - tassa sampaticchi (他同意它, he assented to it); - tassa atītaj ahari (他告訴他一個故事, he told him a story); - deva pi tesaj pihayanti (即使天人們想要他們,嫉妒他們, even the gods desire them, envy them);- samanassa rocate saccaj: 諦實使(那)沙門歡喜truth pleases a monk

(iii) 為格通常用與動詞”hoti “連用,表達擁有: putta me n’atthi (我沒有兒子, I have no sons.) 註: 當動詞” hoti”與為格連用,表示擁有一般用單數型,像上例被擁有的是複數。

(iv) 單字, alaj,意義為“夠了!好了!適合!”其接用為格:-alaj kukkuccaya (懷疑夠了!enough of doubt!)-alaj mallo mallassa (力士和力士配, A warrior is match for a warrior.)

(v) 字彙attha (目標,object); hita (利益benefit,祝福blessing);以及sukha (幸福、快樂happiness),用為格分別帶有以下意義: 為了...;為了...利益; 為了...的快樂;且它接用屬格: -ropanassa atthaya,或作, ropanatthaya (為了種植, for the purpose of sowing);-devamanussanaj hitaya (為了利益人天, for the benefit of gods and men); - tassa sukhaya (為了他的幸福快樂, for his hapiness)

(vi) 為格可指稱目的,再接用屬格: darassa bharanaya (為了贍養妻子,for the purpose of maintaining a wife) 註: 從這例子可見到-為格語尾為-aya,含有不定體的意味。

(vii) 動詞mabbati(認爲)用為格,其暗示著輕蔑: - kalivgarassa tuyhaj mabbe(pres /mid /1sg) (我認為你是廢物, I consider thee as chaff; kalivgara朽木,穀殼; mabbe有字典作【ind.】我認為)- jīvitaj tinaya na mabbe [我做不認為生命只像草(那麼多), I do not consider life (so much) as grass; Tina,【n.】草。]

(viii) 動作導向之處,有時放為格: -appo saggaya gacchati [少數去天堂, (only) the few go to heaven; Sagga【m.】快樂的地方,天堂。] ;-nirayaya upakaddhati [(他下到地獄, drags down to hell); Upakaddhati (upa + kaddh + a), 拖近。]; -so maj udakaya neti (他引導我到水邊, he takes me to the water.)

(ix) 為格經常被用來取代受格和處格。
■ 4. 對格 (Accusative)

598. (i)及物動詞一般接用受格: rathaj karoti (他製造一部車, he makes a carriage); aharo balaj janeti (食品產生力量, food produces strength)

(ii) 所有表移動的動詞接用對格: nagaraj gacchati(他進城去, he goes to town); bhagavantaj upasavkamitva (往詣佛陀之後, having approached the Blessed One)

(iii) 動詞表擇名、召喚、指派、質問、令做、知、考量...等要用雙對格,一作直接受詞,另一作間接受詞: puriso bharaj gamaj vahati (男子攜帶荷擔到村落, the man carries the load to the village; Vahati (vah + a), 負擔,攜帶); purisaj gacchantaj passati (他看見一個男人正在走, he sees the man going)。以上例中, gamaj 和gacchantaj 是間接受詞。

(iv) 同樣的,使役動詞接雙受格: - puriso purisaj gamaj gamayati [他派人去村莊,the man causes the man to go to the village; Gameti (gam + e)令去,派去]; - acariyo sisaj dhammaj patheti (阿闍梨令弟子閱讀教法, the preceptor causes the disciple to read the Doctrine; Pathati (path+ a), 讀,背誦。patha[m.]讀誦)註: 在這樣的例子中,可以不用間接受詞而用具格: - samiko dasena (或作dasaj/acc.) khajjaj khadapeti. (主人令奴隸去吃食物, The master causes the slave to eat the food); - purisena (或作purisaj) kammaj kareti (他派人做工作, he causes the man to do the work)

(v) 當字根: √vas (生活,to live); √tha (立, to stand); √si (躺, to lie down); √pad(走、前進to go step) ; √vis (進入to enter) , 前若有動詞接頭詞: anu, upa, abhi, adhi, a, ni等要接對格:- gamaj upavasati (他住在村莊附近, he lives near the village); - nagaraj adhivasanti (他們居住在城鎮, they dwell in the town); -mabcaj/m./acc abhinsīdeyya (他應該坐在小床上; he ought to sit on the cot ); -sakkassa sahabyataj upapajjati (她去帝釋的忉利天, she went to Sakka’s heaven)

(vi) 用對格於處格: -nadij/acc pivati  nadiyaj/loc. pivati (他喝河水, he drinks in the river); -gamaj/acc. carati  game/loc. carati (他遊方於村莊, he roams in the village.)

(vii) 以下不變化詞接對格: abhito(近,出現,在其兩邊); dhi, dhī (表示嫌惡,震驚等-呸!真可恥!;表示悲痛、懊惱、不幸-唉!); dhi-r-atthu(見前), 唉!可惜啊! antara(之間、在途中); parito(在周圍、到處、每邊); anu(與...並列、在旁、較差的); pati(朝、向,為了,近); pari(在周遭; upa較差的); antarena(除了,沒有); abhi(前)。-abhito gamaj vasati (他住在村莊附近, he lives near the village); - dhī brahmanassa hantaraj (襲擊婆羅門的人真可恥﹗woe to whom strikes a brahmin!)- dhī-ratthu maj putikayaj (對我那不淨的身體感到羞恥!shame on that foul body of mine!)- upayaj antarena (沒有謀略, without expedient); - maj antarena (除了我之外, excepting me); - antara ca rajagahaj(在往王舍城途中, and on the way to Rajagaha); -parito nagaraj (在城鎮周遭, around the city); - sadhu devadatto mataraj anu (善栽!提婆達多侍母至孝。Devadatta is kind to his mother); - anu sariputtaj (不如舍利弗,inferior to Sariputta); - pabbattaj anu (依傍著山, by the side of the mountain); - sadhu devadatto mataraj pati (善哉, 提婆達多待母周到, Devadatta is kind to his mother);- nadij nerabjaraj pati (近於尼連禪河, near the river Nerabjara); - upa sariputtaj (不如舍利弗, inferior to Sariputta)。

(viii) 表時間、期間要用對格: - divasaj (整天, the whole day); - taj khanaj (當時, at that moment; Khana【m.】剎那);- ekaj samayaj (一時,從前once upon a time)

(ix) 序數詞用對格指稱第幾次” number of times”: - dutiyaj (第二次, for the second time); - tatiyaj (第三次, for the 3rd time)

(x) 對格也表達距離: yojanaj gacchati (他走了一由尋, he goes one league.)

(xi) 對格經常副詞作使用:- khippaj gacchati (他快快地去,he goes quickly); - hatthanillehakaj bhubjati (他舔著手吃東西, he eats “licking his hands. Nillehaka,【adj.】舔,舔者。)註: 此稱為副詞性對格(Adverbial Accusative)。

■ 5.具格 (The Instrumentative)

599.句法:(i)表達動作的作者,或執行動作所使用的工具要用具格:- cakkhuna rupaj passati [他(人)以眼見色, (one) sees forms with the eye]; - hatthena kammaj karoti [他(人)以手做工(one) does work with the hands]; - dasena kato (由奴隸所完成, done by the slave.)

(ii)表達原因或理由:因此具格可譯為透過、因為、由於:- rukkho vatena onamati [由於風, 樹彎了。the tree bends down because of the wind; Onamati (ava + nam + a)彎下]; - kammuna vasalo hoti [由於他的工作,他是個賤民。he is a pariah by reason of his work; Vasala,【m.】賤民]

(iii)前往的交通工具用具格: -yanena gacchati (他搭車前往, he goes in a cart); -vimanena gacchijsu [他們乘天宮而去they went in a flying mansion, Vimana【n.】天宮。]; -hatthina upasavkamati (騎象往詣, he approached on his elephant)

(iv)買賣東西的價格用具格:- kahapanena no detha/Imp./2pl [請你們以一迦利沙那,賣給我們! give it to us for a kahapana (kahapana 迦利沙那,古印度一小的貨幣單位)] ; - satasahassena kinitva (以十萬錢買了,having bought it for 100,000)

(v)表達方向、路線,或者是其所經由的道路用具格表達:- ta saladvarena gacchanti (她們經由廳門而去, they went by the gate of the hall); - kena maggena so gato, [他走哪條路去? (by) which way did he go?]

(vi)用來指稱體虛或殘障缺陷,其肢體器官要用具格: -akkhina so kano [他瞎了一隻眼, he is blind of one eye, Kana, adj./m.瞎一眼]; -hatthena kuni (有一手殘障, having a crooked hand. Kuni/m. 跛)

(vii)字彙表達: 出生、血統、起源、產地、性質要用具格: - jatiya khattiyo buddho (佛陀是剎地利種姓, Buddha is a ksatriya by birth) - pakatiya bhaddako [天生的幸運,good by nature. Pakati, 【f.】最初的形式,天生。Bhadda【adj.】幸運的,善的。~ka, 【m./n.】幸運的。]

(viii)表達時間: - divasena patto[一日間到達, arrived in one day,Divasa【m】日子。]-ekena masena nagaraj gacchi (他一個月前進城了, he went to the city in a month.)

(ix)也使用於時間,在那時候: tena samayena (當時, at that time...)

(x)表達一起的伴,且通常要與不變化詞saha或saddhij (與、俱): -nisīdi bhagava saddhij bhikkhusavghena (佛陀與比丘僧眾共同坐, the Blessed One sat together with the assembly of the monks.)

(xi)巴利表達事物“對...有什麼用途、利益”等用具格,人則用為格:- kin te jatahi dummedha (愚癡!結髮對你有何利益?what good to thee, O fool, by matted hair? )- kin nu me buddhena (為什麼我要在意佛陀? What do I care for a Buddha?)

(xii)單字attho(想要,需要),想要的標的物用具格,人則用為格:-manina me attho (我想要一顆牟尼寶珠, I want a jewel.)

(xiii)單字alaj (夠了)亦接用具格: -alaj idha vasena (在這裡住夠了,enough of living here) -alaj buddhena (佛陀對我是足夠的,Buddha is sufficient for me.)

(xiv)指稱”分離”的字彙句法一般習慣上用具格: - piyehi vippayogo dukkho (愛別離苦, separation from those we love is painful. Vippayoga【m.】分離。 )

(xv)不變化詞: saha, saddhij, samaj (俱); vina(沒有,除了)接用具格: [vinadosena (沒有過失, without fault; Dosa【m.】過失、煩惱。)

註: saha,有時表示”平等”: puttena saha dhanava pita (兒子像父親一樣富有)

(xvi)動詞意思為”運送,帶,拿”等等,攜帶的位置(部位)用具格: - sīsena頭頂 darukalapaj ucchavgena pannam adaya [她頭頂木柴,腰後繫取綠葉, taking a bunch of firewood on her head and greens at her hips] sīsena頭,Ucchavga,【m.】膝蓋,腰臀部; panna樹葉; ]



■ 6.從格 (The Ablative)

600 (i)從格的主要意義表示”從” ;也就是說,它表達分離的概念。它也表達其它關係, 多多少少看得出是分離。

(ii)分離: gama apenti [他們離開村莊, they left the village; Apeti (apa + i + a)走開]- so assa patati (他從馬上落下, he fell from the horse.)

(iii)從... 方向: avīcito upari (阿鼻、無間地獄之上,above the Avici Hell); -uddhaj padatala (腳板以上, above the sole of the foot. Tala【n.】平面,手掌或腳掌; padatala (abl.)。)

(iv)執行動作的地點用從格。根據本地文法家,這樣的格位用法,有時要理解成連續體省略掉了。不過學生們會注意到,這類表達模式,在英語有精確的平行用法: pasada oloketi (他從宮殿看, he looks from the palace),他們說相當於: pasadaj abhiruhitva pasada oloketi (攀登上宮殿後,他從宮殿看, having ascended the palace he looks from the palace.)

(v)度量長度、寬度或者距離要用從格: - dīghaso navavidatthiyo (長九指距,nine spans long; Vidatthi【f.】一指距) ; -yojanaj ayamato [長度距離一由尋, a league in length; Ayama, 【m.】 長度]。- yojanaj vittharato [寬度距離一由尋, a league in breadth.]註: 在這些字例中可用具格: yojanaj ayamena, yojanaj vittharena.

(vi)看守保護或避開人、動物用從格:- yavehi gavo rakkhati (他看守牛,離於大麥, he keeps the cows off the barley; Yava【m.】大麥。);- tandula kake vareti (他阻隔烏鴉,離於米, he wards off the crows from the rice. Tandula【n.】米。Vareti (var + e)避免,阻隔。)

(vii)與字意為躲藏、隱藏動詞連用,要躲避的對象、人用從格: upajjhaya antaradhayati sisso (學生躲著他的老師, the pupil hides himself from his preceptor. upajjha【m.】宗教導師,戒師。Antaradhayati (antara + dhe + a)消失) 註: 這樣的表達模式,可用屬格: antaradhayissami samanassa gotamasssa [我將躲著沙門瞿曇, I will hide myself from the samana Gotama.]

(viii)動詞 “antaradhayati”意為: 不見、消失,其消失不見的地點用處格: jetavane antaradhayitva/gerd. (在祇園精舍消失, having disappeared from the Jetavana Monastery.)

(ix)但是,當所論及的是自然現象,則要用主格: andhakaro antaradhayati (黑暗消失, darkness disappears.)

(x)動詞意為: “戒除,避免,釋放,懼怕,痛恨”也接從格:- papadhammmato viramati (他戒離於惡法, he refrains from sin; Viramati (vi + ram + a)自制,停止); - so parimuccati jatiya [他解脫生(死)he is released from existence];- corehi bhayami (我駭怕盜賊們, I am afraid of thieves.)

(xi)從格也表達”動機、理由、原因”,可以翻譯為:為了,因為,由於,透過...等。 - vacaya marati (他死於他的言論, he died on account of his speech) - sīlato naj pasajsanti (他們讚嘆他的戒行, they praise him for his virtue.)註: 這些例子,也可以用具格: sīlena pasajsanti.

(xii)用於表達接近:-gama samīpaj (近於村, near the village. Samipa,【adj.】近)註: 上例也可用屬格。

(xiii)動詞意為: “被生出,起源於”等,接用從格: -cora jayati bhayaj (從盜賊恐懼生起,from a thief fear arises.)

(xiv)以下不變化詞接從格: araka (離,遠): araka tehi bhagava (世尊遠離他們, far from them is the Blessed One); upari (在上面,上方): upari pabbata (在山上方, over the mountain); pati (反對,替代,回餽); rite (除之外, 沒有); abbatra, vina (沒有, 除之外); nana (不同, 離開); puthu 母音前作puthag (分別地,沒有,除之外); a (直到); yava (直到); saha (俱): - buddhasma pati sariputto (舍利弗替代佛陀, Sariputta takes the place of the Buddha); -rite saddhamma (無真實的教義, without the true Doctrine)

(xv)應當注意: 從格經常被用以取代具格,對格或屬格,例如: vinasaddhamma, 或 vina saddhammaj或vina saddhammena.

■ 7.處格 (The Locative)

601(i)表事物、人或者動作發生、執行的位置、地方;英語以”in, on, upon, at”表示。 - kate nisīdati puriso (男子坐在墊席上, the man is sitting on the mat); -thaliyaj odanaj pacati (他在一只鍋裡煮食; he cooks the food in a pot. thali【f.】碟,鍋)

(ii)處格顯示動作的”原因、動機”: -dīpīcammesu habbante(豹因皮被殺, the panther is killed for its skin; Dipi, dipika【m.】豹。Camma【n.】獸皮,皮革。);- kubjaro dantesu habbate(象因長牙被殺, the elephant is killed for his tusks. Kunjara【m.】象。)

(iii)指稱動作進行的時間: sayanhasamaye agato(他傍晚到, he came in the evening. Sayanha【m.】傍晚。~samaya【m.】黃昏。)

(iv)事物或人於同類群體中最為卓越,以及形容詞的最高級,需使用處格或屬格, 名詞涉及最為卓越、最高級的表達要用處格: - manussesu khattiyo suratamo(人中剎地利最為英勇, the ksatriya is the most valiant of men) 亦作 manussanaj khattiyo suratamo; - kanha gavisu sampannakhīratama (牛群中黑者乳汁最多, of cows, the black one abounds most in milk)亦作kanha gavinaj sampannakhīratama. (Kanha,【adj.】黑; Sampajjati (sam + pad + ya)成功,發生,變成。【PPP】~panna已具有。Khira【n.】奶,乳。)

(v)下列字彙接用處格以及屬格: samī (主人, an owner, master); issaro (王king,主人lord); adhipati (君主, chief) ; dayado (繼承人, an heir); patibhu (代替者substitute, 保證surety); pasuto (子孫offspring,孩子child); kusalo (聰明clever,專家expert);- gonesu samī或gonanaj samī (牛主, an owner of oxen)

(vi)字彙顯示“愉快,使滿足,渴望”接用處格以及具格: –banasmij ussuko (渴望智慧, eager for wisdom; Ussuka【adj.】熱心的)亦作banena ussako; -banasmij pasīdito/PPP (於智慧處喜樂, contented with wisdom; Pasidati (pa + sad + a)被取悅),亦作banena pasīdito

(vii)字彙顯示“尊敬、愛、樂、禮敬、帶、抓、擊、輕微貼觸的、喜歡、崇拜”接用處格: -papasmij ramati mano (心樂於惡, the mind delights in evil; - bhikkhusu abhivadenti(他們向比丘們問訊,they salute the monks); -pade gahetva papate khipati (抓住他的腳後把他投入懸崖, took him by the feet and threw him in the precipice; papata : [m.]懸崖; Khipati (khip + a)投,丟出); - purisaj sīse paharati (他打那個人的頭, struck the man on the head.)

(viii)處格有時顯示文法上主詞不考慮、體諒到其他的事物或人: rudantasmij darake pabbaji (儘管幼兒們哭泣,他離世出家, he left the world in spite of his son weeping.)也可用屬格: rudantassa arakassa pabbaji (見處格和屬格獨立結構)。

(ix)處格與” upa”或” adhi”連用,指稱較好或者較差: - upa khariyaj dono [一陀那(約1加侖)少於一佉梨(重), a dona is inferior to a khari]; - adhi brahmadatte pabcala (般闍羅國是在梵德的統治下, the Pancalas are under Brahmadatta’s supremacy); -adhi devesu buddho (佛陀在諸天之上, the Buddha is above the gods.)

(x)用於指稱”接近”: - nadiyaj sassaj (在河附近的穀物, corn near the river); - tassa pannasalaya hatthimaggo hoti (他的草蘆旁為象道, near his leaf hut there is an elephant-track.)

(xi)處格獨立結構: 處格跟與相同格位的分詞合用(見: 獨立結構。)

(xii)在辭典中,處格被用來顯示字根,如: √ru (噪音), ru sadde意為”製造噪音”。

(xiii)指稱”健康,適合性”的字彙接用處格:- tayi na yuttaj (不適合你, not fit for thee);屬格被用作相同意義: tava na yuttaj.



(xvi)處格用以替代具格: pattesu pindaya caranti (他們遊行托缽乞食, they go with bowls for their food.)

(xvii)處格也用以取代為格: savghe dinnaj mahapphalaj [供養僧伽果報大, offering to the Clergy are very meritorious.]

(xviii)處格也被用以取代從格: kadalīdesu gaje rakkhanti (他們保護象群離於車前草樹, they keep off the elephants from the plantain-trees.)

(xix)處格經常作副詞使用: atīte (以前, formerly)

■ 8. 呼格 (The Vocatives)

602. 呼格不需要任何解釋說明: 它的使用和英語完全一樣。

■ 屬格及處格獨立結構 (The Genitive and Locative Absolute)

603. (當句子含數個動作,又分別屬不同作者,每組可用一獨立結構)

(i) 當一名詞或代名詞的處格或屬格,與相同格位的分詞連用,這種結構分別稱為處格獨立結構、屬格獨立結構。處格獨立結構被比屬格獨立結構更常見。有時還會發現有主格獨立結構,不過沒有其它兩個那麼普遍。

(ii) 處格,屬格和(有時)主格獨立結構,經常可以被翻譯為“在...的時候when,於…的同時while,自…以後since ”,有時譯為“雖然although ”: - tesu vivadantesu bodhisatto cintesi [當他們在爭論中,菩提薩埵(菩薩、未來佛)他思考著, while they were disputing, the Future Buddha thought; Vivadati (vi + vad + a)爭論;【PPR】~danta]; -suriye atthavgate (當夕陽西下後, when the sun had set, after sunset);-gavisu duyhamanasu gato(他去時,牛正被擠乳, he went when the cows were being milked);-asaniya pi sīse patantiya (雖然雷電正落在他們的頭頂上, although the thunderbolt was falling on their head.)

(iii)單字sati, 處格單數為santo,也是動atthi(是, to be)的現在分詞,除以上意義外,也經常翻譯為”如果,這樣的話”。它也跟女性字合用: satiya (f. ,應該是) - atthe sati (如果有需要, if there be need);-evaj sati (如是這樣的話, such being the case); - payoge sati (當有...場合, when there is occasion.);-pucchaya f./loc/sg sati(如果問題被提問的話, if the question be asked); -ruciya sati (如果他有願望, if he had the wish; Ruci【f.】愛好)

(iv)屬格獨立結構雖沒處格獨立結構那麼常用,但也算夠常見: - sakunakassa gumbato jalaj mocentass’eva[即使當時小鳥從矮數叢網鬆脫, even while the bird was disengaging the net from the bush; Gumba【m.】矮樹叢;Jala【n.】網,糾纏。Moceti (muc + e)釋放、解脫【PPR】mocenta。]- tesajkilantanaj yeva suriyatthavigatavela jata [雖然他們還在作樂,暮色生起 while even they were sporting, it became dusk. Vela【f.】時間。Jata (jayati 的【PPP】)已變成,已發生。]

(v)還有先前提及所謂的主格獨立結構:-gacchanto bharadvajo so (婆羅豆婆羅他正走去, Bharadvaja having gone he )

註: 屬格獨立結構經常用以表達”無視於,漠視”, 它因此可譯為”不管in spite of, 儘管notwithstanding”。例句 (見601, viii)

■ 形容詞的句法 (Syntax of the Adjective)

604 (i) 如前所述,當形容詞不構成複合字,就需與所修飾的字性、數、格一致。

(ii) 形容詞的比較級要用從格: -sīlaj eva suta seyyo (戒行優於學識, virtue is better than learning)

(iii)從格後接形容詞原級也表比較:-madhura pataliputtakehi abhirupa (摩度羅國人比華氏城人俊美, the people of Madhura are more handsome than those of Pataliputta)

(iv) 從格接不變化詞varaj (較佳)亦為比較: tato varaj (比那個好, better than that.)

(v) 用屬格及形容詞原級表達”兩個中的較好者”:-tumhakaj dvinnaj ko bhaddako(你那兩個哪個較好?of you two who is the better?)

(vi) 形容詞最高級用屬格或處格,例句見以上(601, iv)
■代名詞的句法(Syntax of Pronouns)

1. 人稱代名詞 (Personal Pronouns)

605. (i)人稱代詞的使用,很多跟英語一樣,不需特別強調,如果有的話那就是ahaj和tvaj(289-b, c; 290, c)附屬語形外。

(ii) ahaj的附屬語形有: me和no;tvaj則有: te和vo,它們從不使用在句首,也不馬上緊接質詞ca, ta, eva: detu me (願他給我, let him give to me); tava va me hotu (願它成為你或我的, be it thine or mine); kammaj no nitthitaj (我們的工作結束了, our task is finished; Nitthati (ni + tha + a)被完成;【PPP】nitthita。); ko te doso (你的過失是什麼, what is thy fault?) kahaj vo raja(你們的國王何在? where is your king?)

(iii)由於動詞時態字尾,也清楚表明人稱,人稱代詞經常被省略,其如: gacchati = so gacchati (他去, he goes); gaccheyyami = ahaj gaccheyyami (我可能會去, I should go)

(iv)人稱代詞so, sa, taj也被用作指示代詞以及冠詞, (見589)。因此, so puriso依據上下文,意思可以是“一男子”或是“那一男子”。

(v) Tasma (從格)被用作副詞,意義為“因此、所以”。以同樣意義,它後面也接續著hi和ti ha (=iti ha),如: tasma hi pabba ca dhanena seyyo(因此智慧優於財富, and therefore is wisdom better than riches); tasma ti ha bhikkhave (因此,比丘們啊!accordingly, O monks!)

(vi)具格tena與tasma用於相同的意思,如: tena taj madhuraj(因此它是甜的, therefore, it is sweet.) Tena隨在hi後表:“好well! all right! ,非常好very well!” tena hi khadapessami nan ti (很好,所以我將讓你吃了他 very well, then, I’ll make you devour him.)

(vii) Naj和enaj (295, 300),用以表達已經提過、又再次提及的某些事物或人(見296)。

2. 指示代名詞 (Demonstrative Pronouns)

606.(i) eso, esa, etaj (298)為近稱,意義為:這、此this: esa itthī (此女, this woman); nirupakaro esa [她這無用之物, this (fellow) is useless.];相同的重點適用於ayaj, asu (此, this)。註: esa經常用來代eso;sa代so。

(ii)中性字etad (= etaj, 302)與動詞hoti、屬格一起用,其表達“想, to think”: tassa etad ahosi [他那時這麼想, he thought...(直譯 =of his this was).]
3. 關係代名詞 (The Relative)

607. (i)關係代名詞已經說明過(見592);只有少數重要特殊用法需要在此提及︰

(ii) Yo (311)與不限定詞連用,如koci (319): yo koci (不論是誰whoever,任何人 anyone); yaj kibci (任何事物, anything), (見314-a, b)。

(iii)中性單數型的yaj經常當副詞使用,意義為“因為、既然、如果、當”,如: taj bahuj yaj pi jīvasi (它多的夠你生活, it is much that thou live.)

(iv)具格yena用作副詞,意思為“憑此,因為”: yena naj ganhissami (以此我將可抓住他, by which I shall catch him.)

(v) 當用來表達當行動的趣向、明確方所, yena(該處where),它跟tena(那裡)合用 (句型yena +主格.. tena表往詣某人/處 ): yena bhagava, ten’upasavkamati [他到世尊所在之處、他往詣世尊, he went to Buddha (直譯: where was Buddha there he approached. Upasavkamati (upa+sam + kam + a)靠近)

(vi) Yasma (從格),使用意義為“因為”,且其後通常隨有tasma (因此、所以): yasma tvaj na janasi tasma balo’sī ti (因為你不知,所以你是個傻瓜; because thou doth not understand, therefore art thou a fool.)

4. 疑問詞 (The Interrogative)

608. (i)疑問詞代詞ko ( 316 ) ,可單獨使用或者與名詞、代名詞合用: ko pana tvaj (你是誰? who art thou?) ke ete(這些是什麼人?who are these? ) ka darika (哪個女孩?which girl?)

(ii) kena (具格)跟attho合用,且人要用為格,構成句型如”你想要什麼?”: kena te attho (你需要什麼?what are you in need of?)

(iii) kena (具格) kasma (從格)和kissa (屬格)當副詞用,意義為“為什麼, why? ”

(iv) kij多與具格合用,表達“有什麼用呢?what is the use of?” kij me jīvitena (生命對我有什麼用呢? what is the use to me of life?)

5. 不定代詞 (The Indefinite)

609.不定代詞(如ci,見319), 沒有任何特別之處: ma idha koci pavisi (別讓人進入這裡, let no-body enter here); kibci bhayaj(任何駭怕, any fear)

■ 重複 (Repetition)

610. 重複表達“複數,整體,分配,多種,多樣” 等等,字彙有時會重複(以強調): tesu tesu thanesu (處處, in various places); taj taj kathaya mana(說這說這, saying this and this; Katha, 【f. f.】談話。Mana【m.】自豪,慢心)。yo,表”任何人whoever,任何事物whatever,無論哪個whichever”: yaj yaj gamaj(無論哪個村莊, whatever village); itara ten’eva niyamena ya ya. kibci katheti tassa tassa upari kacavaraj chaddesi(aor丟), [且這樣一來,另一個(婦女)投垃圾到說(出任何)話的人身上and in this way the other (woman) threw the refuse on whomsoever said anything. Itara,【adj.】另一個。Niyama【m.】確定,決定。Kacavara【m.】垃圾。chaddesi (chaddeti, aor丟棄)。]; so ditthaditthamanuse jīvitakkhayaj papeti [他見到(任何)人就使(其)命滅, he kills all whom he sees]; gatagatatthane (所到之處, in every place), yena kena (以任何的..., by whatever ...); ubbahīyati (caus.pass./3rd/sg) so so [人人逃跑,every one is put to flight; Ubbahati (u + vah + a)拉出, 取走]。

■ (vii) 動詞的句法 (Syntax of Verbs)

611. (i)動詞和主詞的一致(見590.1)。

(ii)現在式指稱現在進行的動作,一個現在存在的事實。例: so bhayati (他駭怕, he is afraid); sa pacati (她煮, she cooks.)

(iii)現在式經常表示持續動作,相當於現在(英語的)進行式: sa gabbhe nisīdati (她正坐在內室, she is sitting in her private room. Gabbha【m.】內室。)

(iv)習性、風俗和不變的事實用現在式表示: sabbe maranti [一切(人)皆有死, all (men) die]; bhikkhu sīlaj acarati (一位比丘修習戒行: a monk practises virtue.)

(v)現在式有時被用來表示普通的未來: kij karomi (我將要做什麼?what shall I do?)

(vi)當詳細敘述過去事件,好像正在進行,這類現在式使用頻繁,稱為歷史上的現在(Historical Present): - so pabcamanavakasatani sippaj ugganhapeti (他教500個年輕人技, he taught five hundred young men). manavaka【m.】年輕人;sippa【n.】技術,手藝。Ugganhapeti【caus.】教。

(vii)當不使用疑問質詞時,有時會置現在式於句首來表達疑問句: - socasi tvaj upasaka (優婆塞啊,你傷心嗎?grievest thou, O layman? Socati (suc + a), 哀悼,傷心。)

註: 其他時態也可能以同樣方式表達疑問。

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