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Hmong Legal Glossary

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QUASH = XYUAM POV TSEG – To overthrow, to vacate, to annul or make void.

-Muab tso tseg, muab tshem cia, losyog ua kom siv tsis tau.
QUASI-JUDICIAL - Authority or discretion vested in an officer whose acts partake of a judicial character.

-Kev muaj cai lossis kev txiav txim muab rau ib tug neeg uas khiav haujlwm ib yam li tus kws txiav txim.
RAP SHEET = TSAB NTAWV QHIA TXOG IB TUS NEEG COV KEV TXHAUM - A listing of all the criminal convictions against an individual.

-Tsab ntawv uas teev qhia tagnrho cov kev txhaum uas muaj txog ib tug neeg.

RAPE = YUAM DEEV- Unlawful intercourse with an individual without their consent.

-Yuam deev ib tug neeg uas tsis tau lus tso cai ntawm tus neeg ntawd.
RATIFICATION = TAU UA LOS LAWM - The confirmation or adoption of a previous act done either by the party himself or by another.

-Txoj kev pomzoo thiab txaus siab ib yam ua dhau los lawm los ntawm ib tug neeg lossis lwm tus.

READ-IN = NYEEM RAY HAUV- A crime that was not charged at trial, but is admitted for the judge to consider at sentencing.

-Ib txoj kev txhaum cai uas tsis muab coj los foob saum rooj plaub loj muaj yeej muaj swb, tabsis muab coj los mus rau tus kws txiav txim ntsuam xyuas thaum sijhawm phua txim.

REAL EVIDENCE = POVTHAWJ - Evidence given to explain, repel, counteract, or disprove facts given in evidence by the adverse party.

-Yam povthawj uas coj los qhia tau rau luag pom, coj los nyom, tias tsis muaj rawsli tog tod muab los ua povthawj hais.

REAL PROPERTY = VAJTSEV - Land, buildings, and other improvements affixed to the land.

-Thaj av, vajtsev, thiab txhua yam uas txuas nrog rau thaj av ntawd.

REASONABLE DOUBT, BEYOND A = TSIS MUAJ KEV XOOMXAIM - The degree of certainty required for a juror to legally find a criminal defendant guilty. An accused person is entitled to acquittal if, in the minds of the jury, his or her guilt has not been proved beyond a reasonable doubt.

-Txoj kev ntseeg tau lossis txojcai uas cov pejxeem txiav txim siv los mus txiav txim seb ib tus neeg raug foob puas txhaum tiag. Tus neeg raug liam muaj txojcai mus dawb yog haistias cov pejxeem muaj kev xoomxaim thiab ntseeg tau haistias tsis muaj povthawj txaus foob tias tus neeg txhaum tiag.

REASONABLE PERSON = TUS NEEG TXAWJ XAV - A phrase used to denote a hypothetical person who exercises qualities of attention, knowledge, intelligence, and judgment that society requires of its members for the protection of his or her own interest and the interests of others.

-Ib los lus siv los mus qhia txog ib tus neeg ua xyuam xim zoo heev, paub txhua yam, txawj ntse, thiab txiav txim rau li koom txoos xav tau los mus tiv thaiv nws tus kheej thiab lwm tus.
REBUTTAL - Evidence given to explain, counteract, or disprove facts given by the opposing counsel.

-Povthawj uas siv los hais qhia, cam, taujxub thaib twv tog tod cov ntsiab lus.
RECALL = MUAB TSO TSEG - Cancellation by a court of a warrant before its execution by the arrest of a defendant; also, a process by which a retired judge may be asked to sit on a particular case.

-Tsev hais plaub muab tsab ntawv ntes neeg tso tseg ua ntej mus ntes tus neeg raug foob; thiab ib txoj txheej txheem ua lawv hais kom a tus kws txiav txim ua twb so lwm tuaj mus mloog ib rooj plaub.

RECIDIVISM = PHEEJ UA TXHAUM NTXIV - The continued, habitual, or compulsive commission of law violations after first having been convicted of prior offenses.

-Tus neeg uas twb ua txhaum los lawm tabsis nws pheej tseem ua txhaum txojcai ntxiv ib yam li nws tau ua dhau los.

RECKLESS DRIVING = TSAV TSHEB LWJ LIAM - Operation of a motor vehicle that shows a reckless disregard of possible consequences and indifference of other's rights.

-Tsav tsheb lwj liam tsis xav txog tsam muaj teebmeem thiab tsis hwm lwm tus txojcai li.

RECOGNIZANCE - The practice which enables an accused awaiting trial to be released without posting any security other than a promise to appear before the court at the proper time. Failure to appear in court at the proper time is a separate crime.

-Txojcai tso tawm qhov taub ib tus neeg raug liam ua tseem tos hais rooj plaub, tsis tas txhiv nyiaj yog haistias nws rov qab tuaj hais nws rooj plaub hauv tsev hais plaub rawsli teem sijhawm tseg. Yog tsis tuaj hauv tsev hais rawsli sijhawm teem tseg, yuav raug ib lub txim ntxiv.
RECONCILIATION = KEV ROV QAB KHO KOM HAUM XEEB- The renewal of friendly relations between two parties, such as when a husband and wife resume their marriage instead of getting divorced.

-Qhov kev rov qab sib kho kom haum xeeb ua kom muaj kev txaus siab thiab sib totaub ntawm ob tog, xwsli thaum ib khub niam txiv rov qab los ua neej nyob uake es tsis sib nruaj lawm.
RECORD = TEJ NTAUB NTAWV - All the documents and evidence plus transcripts of oral proceedings in a case.

-Txhua yam ntaub ntawv (khaws tseg) uas sau cov lus hais plaub ntawm ib rooj plaub.

RE-CROSS EXAMINATION = ROV NUG TUS TIMKHAWV-Opportunity to cross-examine a witness again.

-Tus kws lijchoj rau tog sab tod rov qab los nug lus dua rau tog sab tom no tus timkhawv.

RECUSE = TSHEM TAWM - The process by which a judge is disqualified from hearing a case, on his or her own motion or upon the objection of either party.

-Txoj kev uas muab ib tug kws txiav txim tshem tawm tsis pub nws los txiav txim rau rooj plaub. Tus kws txiav txim tshem tawm nws tus kheej tau lossis ib tog twg muaj cai muab nws tshem tawm tau.
RE-DIRECT EXAMINATION - Opportunity to present rebuttal evidence after one's evidence has been subjected to cross-examination.

-Sijhawm uas tus kws lijchoj rov qab mus nug lus rau nws tus timkhawv tom qab tog sab tod twb xaub nws tus timkhawv tag lawm.
REDRESS - To set right; to remedy; to compensate; to remove the causes of a grievance.

-Ua kom yog; ua kom haum; kho qhov kev txhaum; muab qhov kev tsis txaus siab tshem tawm.

REFEREE - A person to whom the court refers a pending case to take testimony, hear the parties, and report back to the court. A referee is an officer with judicial powers who serves as an arm of the court.

-Ib tug neeg uas tsev hais plaub muab cai rau nws mloog plaubntug, mloog ob tog tuaj hais plaub, es coj los qhia rau tsev hais plaub. Tus neeg mloog plaubntug nos yog ib tug neeg muaj cai ua dejnum txiav txim rau tsev hais plaub.

REGULATION - A rule or order prescribed for management or government.

-Ib txojcai lossis txheej txheem uas tsim los siv khoo tsoomfwv lossis nomtswv.
REHABILITATION = KEV ROV QAB XYAUM KHO KOM ZOO- Restoring to a state of former health or constructive activity. For example, a criminal may demonstrate rehabilitation by staying out of trouble and returning to lawful activity.

-Rov qab ua kom zoo ib yam li thaum tsis tau muaj mob losyog coj zoo. Pivtxwv tias, ib tus neeg txhaum txim rov qab los ua zoo, tsis us kom muaj teebmeem ntxiv thiab yuav rov qab los ua kom raws kev raws cai.

REHEARING = ROV HAIS DUA - Another hearing of a civil or criminal case by the same court in which the case was originally heard.

-Txoj kev uas muab ib rooj plaub uas neeg sibfoob neeg, lossis ib rooj plaub uas raug lub txim kaw rov qab los hais dua rau lub tsev hais plaub qub uas twb tau mloog rooj plaub tas los lawm.

REJOINDER - Opportunity for the side that opened the case to offer limited response to evidence presented during the rebuttal by the opposing side.

-Muab sijhawm rau tog foob rooj plaub los teb cov povthawj uas tog sab tod muab tuaj qhia tsev hais plaub thaum hais plaub.

RELEVANT = TSEEMCEEB, MUAJ TSEEB- Evidence that helps to prove a point or issue in a case.

-Cov povthawj uas qhia tau qhov tseeb rau ib rooj plaub.

RELINQUISHMENT = TSO TSEG - A forsaking, abandoning, renouncing, or giving over a right.

-Tsis yuav txojcia uas yus muaj, lossis muab txojcai tso tseg.

REMAND - The act of sending a case back to the trial court and ordering the trial court to conduct limited new hearings or an entirely new trial.

-Txoj kev uas xa ib rooj plaub rov qab mus rau hauv lub tsev hais plaub hauv nroog thiab tswj kom lub tsev hais plaub hauv nroog muab rooj plaub ntawd rov qab mus hais dua tshiab lossis hais kom muaj yeej muaj swb.
REMEDY- The means by which a right is enforced or the violation of a right is prevented, redressed or compensated.

-Txoj kev uas siv los tswj ib txojcai, lossis tiv thaiv kom tsis txhob tshwmsim, kho tej yam uas tau ua yuam kev tsis yog lossis kho uas raws kevcai ncaj ncees.
REMITTITUR - The reduction by a judge of the damages awarded by a jury.

-Thaum tus kws txiav txim muab tus nqi them nyiaj uas cov pejxeem txiav txim pomzoo coj los txo kom tshawg zog.

REMOVAL = MUAB HLOOV- The transfer of a state case to a federal court for trial; in civil cases, because the parties are from different states; in criminal and some civil cases, because there is a significant possibility that there could not a fair trial in state court.

-Muab rooj plaub hauv lub xeev tsev hais plaub xa mus hais rau tsoomfwv lub tsev hais plaub loj; nyob hauv cov plaubntug pejxeem sibfoob, vim haistias ob tog tuaj sibfoob tawm nyob txawv xeev; nyob hauv cov plaubntug raug kaw thiab ib cov plaubntug pejxeem sibfoob, vim ntseeg tau haistias rooj plaub nos ua hais tsi ncaj ncees hauv lub xeev tsev hais plaub.
REPLEVIN – An action for the recovery of a possession that has been wrongfully taken.

-Hais kom tau lossis ua kom tau ib yam khoom ua raug nyiag rov qab los.

REPLY = COV LUS TEB – The response by a party to charges raised in a pleading by the other party.

-Los lus teb ntawm ib tog tuaj hais plaub rau tog tod cov lus foob thaum los hais plaub.
REPORT = TSAB NTAWV SAU QHOV TEEBMEEM- An official or formal statement of facts or proceedings.

-Ib tsab ntawv sau txog tej yam uas muaj tseeb lossis tau tshwmsim.

RESIDENT ALIEN = NEEG TXAWV TEBCHAWS UAS MUAJ CAI NYOB - A noncitizen who has a legal status that allows him or her to reside in the United States.

-Ib tus neeg tsis yog pejxeem Asmesliskas tabsis tau cai thiab muaj ntaub ntawv cia nws nyob rau hauv tebchaws Asmeslivkas.
RESPONDENT = TUS NEEG RAUG FOOB – The party who makes an answer to a bill or other proceedings in equity.

-Tus neeg uas tuaj teb cov lus foob lossis lwm cov rooj plaub uas hais kom muaj kev ncaj ncees.
REST = SO- A party is said to rest or rest its case when it is has presented all the evidence it intends to offer.

-Lub sijhawm uas ib tog los so lawm, lossis nws los so rooj plaub thaum nws muab khoom povthawj cev txaus lawm.

RESTITUTION = THEM NYIAJ KHO YAM UAS PUAS - Act of giving the equivalent for any loss, damage or injury.

-Kev them rov qab rawsli yam tau ua xiam, puas tsuaj, lossis raug mob.

RESTRAINING ORDER = TSAB NTAWV TIV THAIV – A court order forbidding the defendant from doing any action or threatened action until hearing on the application can be conducted.

-Tsev hais plaub tsab ntawv txwv tsis pub tus neeg raug foob ua ib yam dabtsi lossis hawv haistias yuav ua phem txog hnub tuaj hais rooj plaub.

RETAINER = KEV NTIAV KWS LIJCHOJ – Act of the client in employing the attorney or counsel. Also denotes the fee the client pays when he or she retains the attorney to act for him or her.

-Txoj kev ua ib tus neeg mus ntiav kws lijchoj. Thiab qhia tus nqi rau tus neeg ntiav tus kws lijchoj los sawvcev rau nws haistias pestsawg.
RETURN = TSAB NTAWV ROV QAB RAU KWS TXIAV TXIM – A report to a judge by police on the implementation of an arrest or search warrant. Also, a report to a judge in reply to a subpoena, civil or criminal.

-Ib tsab ntawv muab rau tus txiav txim los ntawm tub ceevxwm qhia txog qhov lawv mus ntes lossis mus tshawb ib tus neeg. Kuj yog, ib tsab ntawv sau mus teb tus kws txiav txim txog ntawm tsab ntawv hu neeg tuaj ua povthawj, plaubntug pejxeem sibfoob yuav nyiaj losyog plaubntug raug kaw.

REVERSE = TIG TXOJ KEV TXIAV TXIM – An action of a higher court in setting aside or revoking a lower court decision.

-Txoj kev lub tsev hais plaub qib siab muab lub tsev hais plaub qib qis txoj kev txiav txim ncua cia lossis tshem tawm.
REVERSIBLE ERROR – A procedural error during a trial or hearing sufficiently harmful to justify reversing the judgment of a lower court. See PREJUDICIAL ERROR.

-Ib qho yuam kev taug hais rooj plaub loj, muaj yeej muaj swb es muab cia rau lub tsev hais plaub qib siab tig tsev hais plaub qib qis txoj kev txiav txim. Mus saib lo lus PREJUDICIAL ERROR.

REVOCABLE TRUST – A trust that the grantor may change or revoke.

-Pob nyiaj ua tus neeg saibxyuas muab hloov lossis muab tshem tawm.

REVOKE = TSHEM TAWM – To annul or make void by recalling or taking back.

-Muab tso tseg, muab tshem tawm, muab rov qab.

RIGHTS, CONSTITUTIONAL = TXOJCAI LOS NTAWM TSOOMFWV- The rights of a person guaranteed by the state or federal constitutions.

-Txojcai uas txhua tus neeg muaj los ntawm lub xeev thiab tsoomfwv los.

ROBBERY = NYIAG – The act of taking money, personal property, or any other article of value that is in the possession of another done by means of force or fear.

-Nyiag nyiaj, nyiag khoom, thiab txeeb lwm tus tej khoom muaj nqis uas yog quab yuam los ntawm kev hem kom luag ntshai ces luag muab rau yus.

RULE = KEVCAI- An established standard, guide, or regulation.

-Cov kevcai uas tsim tau los coj, pab qhia lossis khoo kom ua raws.
RULE OF COURT = KEVCAI TSWJHWM HAIS PLAUB – A Rule governing the practice or procedure in a given court.

-Txojcai uas tswjhwm ib lub tsev hais plaub teb kev hais plaubntug.
RULES OF EVIDENCE = KEVCAI POVTHAWJ – Standards governing whether evidence in a civil or criminal case is admissible.

-Txojcai tswjhwm haistias siv tau cov povthawj twg los hais rooj plaub neeg tuaj mus sibfoob neeg lossis rooj plaub raug kaw.
SANCTION = NPLUA – A punitive act designed to secure enforcement by imposing a penalty for its violation.

-Ib txoj kev rau txim/nplua lossis yuam vim haistias tsis ua raws kev raws cai.

SEALING = KAW- The closure of court records to inspection, except to the parties.

-Muab cov ntaub ntawv hauv tsev hais plaub kaw tsis pub lwm tus neeg saib, tsuas yog cov neeg hais plaub xwb.
SEARCH AND SEIZURE = TSHAWB THIAB NQA - A practice whereby a person or place is searched and evidence useful in the investigation and prosecution of a crime is seized or taken. The search is conducted after an order is issued by a judge.

-Txoj kev taug lawv mus tshawb nrhiav ib tus neeg lossis ib qhov chaw es muab tau povthawj uas yuav siv rau rooj plaub kev lossis qa mus. Tom qab tus kws txiav txim sau tsab ntawv tso cia mas thiaj li mus tshawb tau.
SEARCH WARRANT = TSAB NTAWV TSHAWB - An order issued by a judge or magistrate commanding a sheriff, constable, or other officer to search a specified location.

-Tsab ntawv tus kws txiav txim tso cai rau tus tub ceevxwm mus tshawb ib thaj chaw.
SECURED DEBT - In bankruptcy proceedings, a debt is secured if the debtor gave the creditor a right to repossess the property or goods used as collateral.

-Nyob hauv cov plaub tshuav nqi, cov nuj nqi yeej lav ruaj yog haistias tus neeg tshuav nqi tso cai rau tus tswv uas nws tiv nqi ntawd rov qab los sau cov khoom uas nws siv mus txheem.
SELF-DEFENSE = THAIV TUS KHEEJ – The use of force to protect oneself, one’s family, or one’s property from a real or threatened attack.

-Siv dag siv zog los mus tiv thaiv yus tus kheej, yus tsev neeg, lossis tej cuabyeej cuabtam los ntawm ib qho kev phem lossis kev hawv haistias yuav ua phem.
SELF-INCRIMINATION = UA YUS TUS KHEEJ RAUG TXIM - Acts or declarations by which one implicates oneself in a crime.

-Kev ua lossis hais tej yam lus uas rov qab muab yus tus kheej khi rau lub txim lossis qhia tau tias yus yog tus ua txoj kev txhaum.

SELF-PROVING WILL - A will whose validity does not have to be testified to in court by the witnesses to it, because the witnesses executed an affidavit reflecting proper execution of the will prior to the maker's death.

-Tsab ntawv tso cuabyeej cuabtam tseg uas tsis tas kom cov timkhawv mus cev lus hauv tsev hais plaub vim haistias cov timkhawv twb sau ntawv faib cuabyeej cuabtam tso cia ua ntej tus tswv tas ib simneej.
SENTENCE = LUB TXIM – The judgment formally pronounced by the court or judge upon the defendant after his or her conviction by imposing a punishment to be inflicted either in the form of a fine, incarceration or probation.

-Lub txim uas tus kws txiav txim muab rau tus neeg raug foob tom qab nws txhaum txim, tejzaum tau them nyiaj, raug kaw, lossis raug tsev hais plaub tswj saibxyuas.
SENTENCING = KEV PHUA LUB TXIM – The postconviction stage in which the defendant is brought before the court for imposition of sentence.

-Lub sibhawm tomqab tus neeg raug foob tau raug txiav txim tias txhaum lawm es nws los mus sawv rau tus kws txiav txim phua lub txim rau nws.
SEPARATION = SIB CAIS - An arrangement whereby a husband and wife live apart from each other while remaining married either by mutual consent or by a judicial order.

-Ob niamtxiv sib cais ib leeg nyob ib qho tabsis tseem tsis tau sib nrauj. Muaj tejzaum yog nkawv yeem nkawv, lossis tsev hais plaub kom sib cais nyias nyob nyias.
SEQUESTRATION OF WITNESSES = MUAB COV TIMKHAWV SIB CAIS - Keeping all witnesses (except plaintiff and defendant) out of the courtroom except for their time on the stand, and cautioning them not to discuss their testimony with other witnesses.

-Muab cov timkhawv (tso cai tus tswv plaub thiab tus raug foob) tshem tawm hauv chav hais plaub txog txij yog lawv lub sijhawm los cev lus, thiab ceebtoom kom lawv tsis txhob qhia lossis tham txog lawv cov lus povthawj rau lwm tus timkhawv.
SERVE A SENTENCE = MUS NYOB TXIM - The act of spending an allotted amount of time in a designated location such as a prison as punishment for the crime committed.

-Nyob sijhawm raug txim hauv tsev kaw neeg, qhov taub, los nkuaj rau lub txim tau ua txhaum.

SERVICE - The delivery of a legal document, such as a complaint, summons, or subpoena, notifying a person of a lawsuit or other legal action taken against him or her. Service, which constitutes formal legal notice, must be made by an officially authorized person in accordance with the formal requirements of the applicable laws.

-Txoj kev ua xa ib tsab ntawv hauv tsev hais plaub, tib yam li tsab ntawv tub ceevxwm xa mus kom tus neeg raug foob tuaj hais plaub, lossis tsab ntawv hu kom tuaj ua povthawj hais lus. Txoj kev xa ntawv, yog tsab ntawv tsev hais plaub sau, yuav tsum yog ib tus neeg muaj cai rawsli txojcai hais tseg.
SERVICE OF PROCESS - Notifying a person that he or she has been named as a party to a lawsuit or has been accused of some offense. Process consists of a summons, citation or warrant, to which a copy of the complaint is attached.

-Hais qhia ib tug neeg haistias nws yog ib tug neeg uas raug foob lossis raug liam ib lub txim. Txoj kev hais qhia no yog ib tsab ntawv tub ceevxwm xa mus, ib tsab ntawv ntes nws, nrog rau tsab ntawv foob.
SETTLEMENT = KEV HAIS HAUM - An agreement between parties that dictates what is being received from one party to the other.

-Txoj kev pomzoo txaus siab ntawm ob tog uas qhia tau haistias ib tog yuav muab dabtsi rau tog tod.
SETTLOR - The person who sets up a trust. Also called the GRANTOR.

-Tus neeg ua cov ntaub ntawv tso cuabyeej cuabtam tseg.
SEXUAL MOLESTATION - Illegal sex acts performed against a minor by aparent, guardian, relative or acquaintance.

-Txoj kev txhaum ua niamtxiv, tus neeg saibxyuas, lossis tej txheeb ze muab tus menyuam yaus kov lossis xuas chaw mos.

SHERIFF = TUS CEEVXWM RAU LUB NROOG - Elected officer of a county whose job is to conserve peace within his or her territorial jurisdiction as well as aid in the criminal and civil court processes.

-Tus tub ceevxwm hauv lub nroog uas yog pejxeem xaiv tau los ua tus kav kev haumxeeb hauv nws lub nroog, thiab pab khiav haujlwm rau cov plaubntug raug txim kaw thiab plaubntug pejxeem sibfoob hauv tsev hais plaub.
SHOPLIFTING = NYIAG KHOOM – The willful taking and concelaing of merchandise from a store or business establishment with the intention of using the good’s for one’s own personal use without paying the purchase price.

-Txhob txwm nyiag khoom thiab zais khoom hauv khw, lossis hauv ib qhov chaw lagluam es muab cov khoom los rau yus tus kheej siv es tsi them nyiaj rau.

SHOW CAUSE - An order requiring a person to appear in court and present reasons why a certain order, judgment, or decree should not be issued.

-Tsev hais plaub tsab ntawv yuam kom ib tug neeg mus tshwm ntsej tshwm muag hauv tsev hais plaub thiab mus piav kom lawv tsi txhob ua ib tsab ntawv txiav txim.

SIDEBAR - A conference between the judge and lawyers, usually in the courtroom, out of earshot of the jury and spectators.

-Kev sib tham tus kws txiav txim thiab cov kws lijchoj, feem ntau nyob hauv chav tsev hais plaub tsis pub cov pejxeem txiav txim thiab cov neeg tuaj hnov.

SLANDER - False and defamatory spoken words tending to harm another's reputation, community standing, office, trade, business, or means of livelihood. See DEFAMATION.

-Dag thiab xyav lwm tus npe phem, xyav npe hauv lub zejzos, chaw ua haujlwm, chaw ua lagluam, lossis nws lub neej/koob.

SMALL CLAIMS COURT - A court that handles civil claims for small amounts of money. People often represent themselves rather than hire an attorney.

-Lub tsev hais plaub rau cov neeg sibfoob uas tau nyiaj me me xwb. Feem ntau neeg sawvcev rau lawv tus kheej, tsis muaj kws lijchoj.
SODOMY - Oral or anal copulation between humans, or between humans or animals.

-Sib yaim, sib npuav lossis neeg sib ua qhov quav, lossis neeg ua tsiaj.
SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE - A remedy requiring a person who has breached a contract to perform specifically what he or she has agreed to do. Specific performance is ordered when damages would be inadequate compensation.

-Ib txoj kev kho yuam kom tus tib neeg ua rawsli cov lus nws tau cog tseg lawm tias nws yuav ua. Yuam kom ua tej yam thaum txoj kev puas tsuaj tsi txog tus nqi puas.

SOLE CUSTODY = TIB LEEG XWB TAU CAI SAIBXYUAS – When only one parent has the responsibility of caring for, controlling, and supporting a child after a divorce.

-Thaum ib leeg xwb ntawm ob niamtxiv uas sib nrauj tau cai los saibxyuas, khoo, thiab yug tu tus menyuam tomqab sib nruaj lawm.

SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY - The doctrine that the government, state or federal, is immune to lawsuit unless it gives its consent.

-Tsab ntawv uas nomtswv, lub xeev thiab tsoomfwv haistias foob tsis tau, yog haistias lawv tsis tso cai.

SPEEDY TRIAL - The right of an accused to a speedy trial as guaranteed by the 6th Amendment of the United States Constitution.

-Nyob hauv Asmeslivkas txojcai thib 6 tus neeg raug iab liam muaj cai muab nws rooj plaub los hais kom sai li sau tau.

SPENDTHRIFT TRUST - A trust set up for the benefit of someone who the grantor believes would be incapable of managing his or her own financial affairs.

-Ib pob nyiaj muab tso tseg pab rau ib tug neeg vim tus neeg tso pob nyiaj tseg haistias tus neeg ntawd yuav tuav tsis tau nws cov nyiaj txiag.
STANDARD OF PROOF - There are essentially three standards of proof applicable in most court proceedings. In criminal cases, the offense must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, the highest standard. In civil cases and neglect and dependency proceedings, the lowest standard applies by a mere preponderance of the evidence, (more likely than not). In some civil cases, and in juvenile proceedings such as a permanent termination of parental rights, an intermediate standard applies, proof by clear and convincing evidence.

-Muaj peb yam kev qhia povthawj uas siv tau hauv tsev hais plaub. Txhaum txoj plaub raug kaw, yuav tau tsum muaj povthawj tseeb haistias txhaum lub txim tiag, txhob muaj kev xoom xaim li, txoj kev muaj puavpheej siab tshaj plaws. Hais cov plaub neeg sibfoob neeg, tsi xyuam xim zoo, thiab av (vajtse), kev muaj puavpheej tsawg tshaj plaws. Nyob hauv ib cov rooj plaub neeg sibfoob neeg thiab plaub menyuam yaus, tib yam li tshem niamtxiv txojcai ua niam ua txiv, lawm siv txojcai tamsim ntawm, povthawj tseeb thiab txaus ntseeg.
STANDING - The legal right to bring a lawsuit. Only a person with something at stake has standing to bring a lawsuit.

-Txojcai uas muaj peevxwm foob ib rooj plaub. Tus neeg uas muaj ib yam khoom yuav poob thiaj muaj cai foob.
STATUS OFFENDERS - Youths charged with the status of being beyond the control of their legal guardian or are habitually disobedient, truant from school, or have committed other acts that would not be a crime if committed by an adult. They are not delinquents (in that they have not committed a crime), but are rather persons in need of supervision, minors in need of supervision, or children in need of supervision, depending on the state in which they live. Status offenders are placed under the supervision of the juvenile court.

-Cov menyuam yaus raug lub txim vim haistias lawv niam thiab txiv tswjhwm tsis tau lawv lawm lossis pheej tsis mloog lus li, tsis mus kawm ntawv, lossis pheej ua tej yam uas tsis txhaum yog haistias ib tug neeg laus ua. Lawv tsis yog menyuam yaus txhaum txim (vim haistias lawv tsis tau ua txhaum ib lub txim), tabsis lawv tsuas yog cov neeg uas xav tau kev saibxyuas, menyuam yaus tsis tau muaj 18 xyoo uas xav tau kev saibxyuas, lossis menyuam yaus uas xav tau kev saibxyuas, nyob rau ntawm lub xeev lawv nyob. Cov menyuam yaus li no raug lub tsev hais plaub menyuam yaus saibxyuas.

STATUTE - A formal, written statement by legislature declaring, commanding, or prohibiting something.

-Ib tsab ntawv kevcai uas cov nomtswv tsim kevcai lijchoj tau sau hais qhia, muab thiab tsis pub ua yam dabtsi.
STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS - The time within a plaintiff must begin a lawsuit (in civil cases) or a prosecutor must bring charges (in criminal cases). There are different statutes of limitations at both the federal and state levels for different kinds of lawsuits or crimes.

-Lub sijhawm uas txojcai muab rau tus neeg foob rooj plaub mus hais nws rooj plaub (cov plaub neeg sibfoob neeg) lossis tus kws lijchoj ua haujlwm rau lub nroog los lub xeev foob, lossis muab txim (cov plaub raug txim). Muaj ntau teem kevcai txog sijhawm hais plaub nyob hauv tsoomfwv thiab lub xeev lub tsev hais plaub txog ntau yam rooj plaub lossis txim txhaum.

STATUTORY CONSTRUCTION - Process by which a court seeks to interpret the meaning and scope of legislation.

-Txoj kev ua lub tsev hais plaub nrhiav kev los mus txais cov ntsiab lus thiab saibxyuas seb cov kevcai no siv tau dav npaum li cia.

STATUTORY LAW - Law enacted by the legislative branch of government, as distinguished from case law or common law.

-Txojcai uas nomtswv tsim kevcai lijchoj tsim tau los, rawsli los ntawm cov kevcai hais plaub los lossis cov kevcai neeg.
STATUTORY RAPE - The unlawful sexual intercourse with a person under an age set by statute, regardless of whether they consent to the act.

-Yuam cai sib deev nrog ib tug neeg tsis tau muaj hnub nyoog raws kev raws cai, tsis hais yeem los tsis yeem.
STAY - The act of stopping a judicial proceeding by order of the court.

-Tsev hais plaub hais/xaaj kom muab txoj kev hais plaubntug nres cia.

STIPULATE - An agreement by attorneys on both sides of a civil or criminal case about some aspect of the case; e.g., to extend the time to answer, to adjourn the trial date, or to admit certain facts at the trial.

-Cov lus sib yeem pomzoo los ntawm ob tog kws lijchoj rau rooj plaub pejxeem sibfoob lossis rooj plaub raug txim, pivtxwv tias muab sijhawm ntxiv los mus cev lus, muab rooj plaub muaj yeej muaj swb ncua rau lwm hnub, lossis lees ib cov ntsiab lus rau rooj plaub muaj yeej muaj swb.

STRICT LIABILITY - A concept applied by courts in product liability cases in which a seller is liable for any and all defective or hazardous products which unduly threaten a consumer's personal safety.

-Ib txoj kev uas tsev hais plaub siv rau cov plaubntug uas lav muag khoom rau neeg siv puas, li no mas tus tswv muag qhov khoom tau yuav tsum lav txhua yam thiab tagnrho qhov khoom puas lossis ua rau neeg raug mob.
STRIKE - The act of quitting work by a group of workers for the purpose of coercing their employer to accept some demand(s) they have made upon their employer who has initially refused.

-Ib pab neeg ua haujlwm koom siab tawm haujlwm yuam kom tus tswv haujlwm ua li lawv xav tau vim haistias tus tswv haujlwm tsis kam ua li lawv hais.
SUBMIT - To yield to the will of another.

-Ua rawsli lwm tus lub siab xav.

SUBPOENA = TSEV HAIS PLAUB TSAB NTAWV HU TUAJ UA TIMKHAWV - An order of the court which requires a person to be present at a certain time and place to give testimony upon a certain matter. Failure to appear may be punishable as a contempt of court.

-Tsab ntawv tsev hais plaub hais kom ib tus neeg yuav tsum tau mus cev lus ua povthawj thaum lub sijhawm thiab qhov chaw teem cia ntawd. Yog tsis mus ces tejzaum kuj yuav raug lub txim uas yog txhaum kevcai hauv xaam/tsev hais plaub.

SUBSTANCE ABUSE = MUAJ YEES SIV TSHUAJ – The uncontrolled or excessive use of addictive substances, such as drugs and alcohol, that impairs a person’s ability to function.

-Tswjhwm tsis tau tus kheej lossis siv thiab tiv tshuaj ntau dhau lawm, xwsli tej yam tshuaj zoo li yeeb thiab cawv uas ua rau ib tus neeg tsis meejpem coj tsis tus.
SUBSTANTIVE LAW - The law dealing with rights, duties, and liabilities, as contrasted with procedural law, which governs the technical aspects of enforcing civil or criminal laws.

-Txojcai hais txog tib neeg muaj cai zoo licas, lawv lub luag haujlwm yog dabtsi, thiab lawv kev lav yog dabtsi. Cov no txawv cov kevcai uas siv rau pejxeem taug uas yog tswj cov txheej txheem plaubntug pejxeem sibfoob lossis plaubntug raug kaw. cov kev hais thiab coj cov plaub neeg sibfoob thiab plaub raug kaw.

SUBSTITUTION = HLOOV/PAUV – Putting one thing in place of another, such as when a party requests a different judge.

-Pauv ib yam dabtsi rau lwm yam, xwsli thaum ib tog thov kom hloov tus kws txiav txim.

SUBVERSIVE ACTIVITIES = UA TEJ YAM KOM PUAS TSIS ZOO – Acts that are directed to overthrow the government of the United States.

-Tej yam ua kom rhuav tshem tawm tau cov nomtswv hauv tebchaws Asmeslivkas.

SUE = FOOB - To commence legal proceedings for recovery of a right.

-Mus foob kom tau txojcai.
SUIT = ROOJ PLAUB - Any proceeding by one person or persons against another in a court of law.

-Ib txoj kev hais plaub los ntawm ib tug neeg lossis ob peb tug neeg mus foob lwm tus hauv tsev hais plaub.
SUMMARY JUDGMENT - A decision made on the basis of statements and evidence presented for the record without a trial. It is used when there is no dispute as to the facts of the case, and one party is entitled to judgment as a matter of law.

-Kev txiav txim los ntawm cov lus tuaj cev thiab cov povthawj muab tuaj hais thiab qhia tseg, tsis mus hais rooj plaub muaj yeej muaj swb. Lawv siv qhov no taug tsis muaj lus sib cas txog ntawm cov ntsiab lus txog rooj plaub, thiab txoj kevcai yeej txiav txim rau tog tod.

SUMMONS - A notice to a defendant that he or she has been sued or charged with a crime and is required to appear in court. A jury summons requires the person receiving it to report for possible jury duty.

-Ib tsab ntawv xa mus rau tus neeg raug foob qhia haistias nws raug foob lossis raug liam ib lub txim es nws yuav tsum tau tuaj tshwm ntsej muag hauv tsev hais plaub. Ib tsab ntawv uas pejxeem txiav txim yuam kom tus neeg tau txais tsab ntawv ntawd tuaj mus ua ib tug pejxeem txiav txim.

SUPERIOR COURT = TSEV HAIS PLAUB QIB SIAB – Meaning varies from state to state.

-Lo lus no txhais tau txawv ib lub xeev rhau xeev.
SUPERVISION=KEV SAIBXYUAS– Oversight of another person’s activities.

-Saibxyuas lwm tus neeg tej kev ua ub no.

SUPPORT TRUST - A trust that instructs the trustee to spend only as much income and principal (the assets held in the trust) as needed for the beneficiary's support.

-Cov nyiaj tseg ua qhia kom tus neeg tuav/saibxyuas cov nyiaj txuas siv los mus pab tus thiab yug tus neeg ua muaj npe txais cov nyiaj ntawd.

SUPPRESS - To forbid the use of evidence at a trial because it is improper or was improperly obtained. See also EXCLUSIONARY RULE.

-Txwv tsis pub siv cov povthawj thaum hais rooj plaub loj, muaj yeej muab swb, vim haistias cov povthawj muab tsis raws txojcai.
SUPPRESSION HEARING - A hearing on a criminal defendant's motion to prohibit the prosecutor's use of evidence alleged to have been obtained in violation of the defendant's rights. This hearing is held outside of the presence of the jury, either prior to or at trial. The judge must rule as a matter of law on the motion.

-Ib rooj plaub ua tus neeg raug foob kaw thov mus hais tsis pub tus kws lijchoj hauv nroog los xeev siv cov povthawj ua lawv muab los txhaum tus neeg raug foob txojcai. Rooj plaub hais tsis pub cov pejxeem txiav txim hnov, hais ua ntej lossis thaum hais rooj plaub muaj yeej muaj swb. Tus kws txiav txim ua tau tsum txiav txim rawsli txojcai ntawm cov lus tuaj thov.

SURETY BOND - A bond purchased at the expense of the estate to insure the executor's proper performance.

-Tsab ntawv muab nyiaj txhiv uas yog muab vajtsev, av los mus them kom tus neeg ua tsab ntawv ntawd coj rawsli tau cog lus tseg.
SURVIVORSHIP - Another name for joint tenancy.

-Lwm lo lus uas siv rau “joint tenancy” .

SUSPENDED SENTENCE - A sentence postponed in which the defendant is not required to serve time unless he or she commits another crime or violates a court-imposed condition.

-Lub txim raug kaw uas twb phua rau tus neeg raug foob lawm tabsis tsis kom nws mus nyob lub txim ntawd vim tias cia lub txim dai saum nws taubhau xwb. Yog nws ua txhaum kevcai ntxiv lossis tsis ua rawsli tsev hais plaub tau xaaj tseg ces nws mam li mus nyob lub txim ntawd.
SUSTAIN- To maintain, to affirm, to approve.

-Ua kom nyob li qub, hais kom muaj, kam yuam li ntawd lossis pomzoo.
SWEAR = TSA TES HAIS QHOV TSEEB - To put to oath and declare as truth.

-Tsa tes cog lus tias yuav hais qhov kom muaj tseeb.

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