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Hmong Legal Glossary

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TANGIBLE = YAM TUAV/KOV TAU- Capable of being perceived, especially by the sense of touch.

-Muaj peevxwm mloog tau, qhov tshwjxeeb tshaj yog los ntawm kev chwv lossis kev kov tau.
TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY MEMORANDUM - A legal document referred to in a will and used to guide the distribution of tangible personal property.

-Ib tsab ntawv hais txog rau hauv tsab ntawv tso cuabyeej cuabtam tseg thiab coj los mus siv pab faib cov khoom cuabyeej cuabtam.

TAX EVASION = TXHOB TXWM TSIS THEM SE TXAUS – Illegally paying less in taxes than the law permits.

-Ua tsis raws kevcai them se tsawg dua qhov txojcai pub ua.

TEMPORARY CUSTODY = SAIBXYUAS IB NTUS – Custody of a child for a limited period.

-Kev saibxyuas tus menyuam rau ib ntus xwb.

TEMPORARY RELIEF - Any form of action by a court granting one of the parties an order to protect its interest pending further action by the court.

-Tsev hais plaub tso cai rau ib tog tswv plaub tiv thaiv/povfwm nws tej khoom/tej yam tseemceem tos txog hnub tsev hais plaub/tus kws txiav txim qia tias yuav hais rooj plaub licas mus ntxiv.

TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER - A judge's order forbidding certain actions until a full hearing can be held. Usually of short duration. Often referred to as a T.R.O.

-Tus kws txiav txim tsab ntawv txwv tsis pub ua tej yam txog thaum lub sijhawj rov qab tuaj hais rooj plaub. Ntau zaus kuj siv lo lus T.R.O.

TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS = TXIAV NIAM TXIV TXOJCAI TU MENYUAM – An order ending a parent’s right to custody and responsibility for a child.

-Kev txiav ib leej niam leej txiv txojcai uas saibxyuas thiab yug tus menyuam.

TESTAMENT - A will disposing of personal property. See WILL.

-Tsab ntawv tso cuabyeej cuabtam tseg.

TESTAMENTARY CAPACITY – The legal ability to make a will.

-Txoj kevcai lijchoj ua tsab ntawv tso cuajyeeb cuabtam tseg.

TESTAMENTARY TRUST - A trust set up by a will.

-Cov nyiaj tseg cia los ntawm tsab ntawv tso cuabyeej cuabtam tseg.

TESTATE - One who has died leaving a will or one who has made a will.

-Tus neeg tas ib simneej es nws yeej muaj tsab ntawv tso cuabyeej cuabtam, lossis tus neeg uas tau tsim ua ib tsab ntawv tso cuabyeej cuabtam tseg.

TESTIFY = UA TIMKHAWV TEEV LUS - To make a declaration under oath in a judicial inquiry for the purpose of establishing or proving some fact.

-Tsa tes cog lus tias yuav hais thiab qhia cov muaj tseeb.

TESTIMONY = COV LUS POJTHAWJ - The evidence given by a witness under oath. It does not include evidence from documents and other physical evidence.

-Cov lus povthawj uas tus timkhawv tuaj tsa tes hais qhov tseeb. Tsis yog cov povthawj los ntawm ntaub ntawv thiab lwm yam povthawj uas pom thiab tuav tau los.

THEFT = TUB SAB - The act of stealing or the taking of property without the owner's consent.

-Ua tub sab tub nyiag lossis muab luag tej khoom nqa mus uas tus tswv tsis tau tso cai.

THIRD-PARTY A person, business, or government agency not actively involved in a legal proceeding, agreement, or transaction.

-Ib tus neeg, ib qhov chaw lagluam, lossis ib ceg nomtswv uas tsis muaj feem nyob rau hauv rooj plaub, tau sib cog lus uake, lossis tau ua dabtsi uake.

THIRD-PARTY CLAIM - An action by the defendant that brings a third party into a lawsuit.

-Tus neeg raug foob hais kom coj tus neeg thib peb (sab nraud) tuaj hais plaub.

TIME SERVED - A sentence given by the court to a convicted criminal equal to the amount of time that the criminal was incarcerated during the trial.

-Lub txim uas lub tsev hais plaub muab rau tus neeg raug txiav txim txhaum, sib npaug li lub sijhawm uas tus neeg raug txim twb raug kaws lawm thaum tseem hais nws rooj plaub muaj yeej muaj swb.

TITLE - Legal ownership of property, usually real property or automobiles.

-Tsab ntawv qhia tias leej twg yog tus tswv ntawm cov khoom thiab vajtse, feem ntau yog vajtse lossis tsheb.

TORT - A civil injury or wrong committed on the person or property of another. A tort is an infringement on the rights of an individual, but not founded on a contract. The most common tort action is a suit for damages sustained in an automobile accident.

-Ib tug neeg uas raug mob lossis ua phem rau lwm tus neeg thiab lawv tej khoom. “Tort” yog ua txhaum lwm tus txojcai, tabsis tsi nyob hauv ntaub ntawv. Hom ntau yog foob nyiaj ntawm tsheb sib nraus.

TRAFFIC COURT = TSEV HAIS PLAUB TSAV TSHEB – A specialized court that hears cases dealing with traffic offenses.

-Lub tsev hais plaub tshwjxeeb uas mloog cov plaub tsav tsheb txhaum kevcai.

TRAFFICKING = UA LAGLUAM TXHAUM KEVCAIBuying and selling illegally, often refers to selling or possessing a significant amount of illegal drugs.

-Kev yuav thiab kev muag tsis raws cai, feem ntau yog hais txog muag thiab muaj tej yam tshuaj ntau ntau uas ttxhaum kevcai.

TRANSCRIPT -A written, word-for-word record of what was said, either in a proceeding such as a trial or during some other conversation, as in a transcript of a hearing or oral deposition.

-Tsab ntawv sau txhua los lus hais plaub rau ntaub ntawv tseg, nyob hauv cov plaub muaj yeej muaj swb lossis kev sib tham tib yam cov ntaub ntawv sau lus tseemceeb rau hauv rooj plaub lossis hais lus povthawj.

TRANSITORY - Actions are transitory when they might have taken place anywhere, and are local when they could occur only in some particular place.

- Tej yam uas yog “transitory” lossis txav mus los tau ntau qhov chaw ces yog yam uas tshwmsim tau rau txhua qhov chaw twg los yeej tau tibsi. Tej yam uas yog “local” lossis nyob rau ib qhov chaw ces tsuas tshwmsim tau rau ib qhov chaw twg xwb.

TREATMENT = KEV KHO – a broad term covering all the steps taken to cure an injury, disease, or addiction.

-Ib lo lus uas siv tau dav heev hais txog txhua txoj kev pab kho tej kev raug mob, tej kab mob, lossis tej kev tiv lossis muaj yees rau ib yam dabtsi.

TRESPASSING = NKAG LAUG AV TXHAUM CAI - Unlawful interference with one's person, property and rights.

-Nkag lossis hla txhaum txojcai mus rau lwm tus neeg tej vajtsev thiab lawv txojcai.

TRIAL = Rooj plaub loj hais muaj yeej muaj swb – A judicial examination and determination of issues between parties before a court that has jurisdiction.

-Tsev hais plaub kevcai lichoj soj ntsuam xyuas txog thiab txiav txim txog tej teebmeem/xwm txheej uas tshwmsim ntawm ob tog nyob rau hauv lub tsev hais plaub uas muaj cai mloog.

TRIER OF FACT - Term includes the jury or the judge in a jury-waived trial, who have the obligation to make finding of fact rather than rulings of law.

-Los lus nos hais txog cov pejxeem lossis tus kws txiav txim rau ib rooj plaub loj hais mus muaj yeej muaj swb tsis muaj pejxeem txiav txim mloog. Nws muaj lub luag huajlwm los mus txiav txim rawsli cov ntsiab lus nws tau hnov, tsis yog li txoj kevcai lijchoj.

TRUE BILL - The endorsement made by a grand jury on a bill of indictment when it finds sufficient evidence for trial on the charge alleged.

-Thaum cov pejxeem txiav txim pejxeem txiav txim nrhiav tau povthawj txaus los mus hais rooj plaub muaj yeej muaj swb rau cov lus raug iab liam.

TRUST - A legal device used to manage real or personal property, established by one person (the grantor or settlor) for the benefit of another (the beneficiary). A third person (the trustee) or the grantor manages the trust.

-Tsab ntawv uas siv los mus tuav vajtsev/av lossis khoom cuabyeej cuabtam, ib tug neeg ua tseg (tus ua cov ntaub ntawv tso tseg) kom lwm tus tau (tus txais tau cov khoom cuabyeej cuabtam.) Ib tug neeg thib peb (tus tuav cov ntaub ntawv) lossis tus tswv muab cov khoom cuabyeej cuabtam saibxyuas cov nyiaj.

TRUSTEE - The person or institution that manages the property put in trust.

-Tus neeg lossis qhov chaw cia nyiaj uas saibxyuas cov khoom cuabyeej cuabtam tso tseg.

TURNCOAT WITNESS - A witness whose testimony was expected to be favorable, but who later becomes an adverse witness.

-Tus neeg timkhawv uas npaj haistias nws cov lus yuav pab yus, tabsis nws cov lus ho tig pab sab tod lawm ntau dua lawm.


UNCONSCIONABILITY = UA TSIS NYHOG - An absence of meaningful choice on the part of one of the parties to a contract, and contract terms which are unreasonably favorable to the other party.

-Ib tug tswv ntawm ib sab tsis ua zoo xaiv thiab txiav txim txog tsab ntawv cog lus thiab cov lus sibcog uas ua rau ib sab tau kev pab/qhov zoo ntau tshaj sab tod.
UNCONSTITUTIONAL = UA TSIS RAUG KEVCAI - That which is contrary to or in conflict with the federal or state constitutions.

-Tej kev uas tsis ua rawsli lossis txhaum lub xeev lossis tsoomfwv cov kevcai lijchoj.

UNDERCOVER - A person participating in a secret investigation in order to acquire information about the crime without the other party realizing their identity.

-Ib tug neeg ua haujlwm xwj txog teebmeem uas thaum nws mus xwj, nws nyiag xwj tsis pub kom cov neeg nws mus xwj paub qhov tseeb txog tias nws yog leej twg tiag, es nws thiaj xwj tau qhov tseeb.

UNDUE INFLUENCE - Whatever destroys free will and causes a person to do something he would not do if left to himself.

-Tej yam uas yuam thiab nyom tau tibneeg lub siab, ua rau tibneeg ua tau tej yam uas nws yeej tsis lam ua yog tias cia rau nws ib leeg xaiv xwb.

UNEMPLOYMENT = TSIS MUAJ HAUJLWM UA - State or condition of not being employed.

-Tsis muaj haujlwm ua lossis poob haujlwm.

UNILATERAL = TUAJ IB SAB - One-sided, ex parte, or having a relation to only one of two or more persons or things.

-Tuaj ib sab, lossis muaj kev txheeb ze rau ib tug neeg, lossis ntau leej lossis ntau yam.

UNJUST ENRICHMENT - The principle that one person should not be permitted to unjustly enrich himself at the expense of another, but should be required to make restitution for the property or benefit received.

-Lub tswvyim uas haistias yuav tsum tsis txhob pub ib tug neeg tau kev nplua nuj yam uas tsis ncaj ncees los ntawm lwm tus neeg txoj kev txomnyem los. Tus neeg ntawd yuav tsum raug them rov qab cov khoom lossis nyiaj txiag uas nws tau txais.

UNLAWFUL DETAINER - The unjustifiable act of retaining possession without right, such as a tenant whose lease has expired.

-Txoj kev txhaum uas tsis muaj cai yuav khaws lossis siv lwm tus neeg tej khoom. Xwsli tus neeg xauj tsev tsis muaj cai nyob vim lub sijhawm twb tag lawm.

UNSECURED - In bankruptcy proceedings, for the purposes of filing a claim, a claim is unsecured if there is no collateral, or to the extent the value of collateral is less than the amount of the debt.

-Nyob rau cov plaubntug tshuav nqi, thaum yuav mus ua daim ntawv foob, cov lus foob lossis rooj plaub tsis nyuab yog haistias tsi muaj ib yam khoom mus tsuam, lossis yam khoom coj mus tsuam tsis muaj nuj nqi npaum li tus nqi yus tshuav.

USURY- Charging a higher interest rate or higher fees than the law allows.

-Muab tus nqi paj nce kom siab lossis siab tshaj txojcai kam.


VACATE = TSHEM TAWM- To render an act void; to set aside.

-Muab tso pov tseg, muab tshem rau ib qho.
VAGRANCY = KEV LOJLEEB - The state or manner of living by wandering from place to place without a home, job, or means of support.

- Txoj kev uas ua lub neej khiav qhov rau qhov, tsis muaj vajtsev, haujlwm thiab tsis khwv noj.
VANDALISM - Willful or malicious acts that are intended to damage or destroy public or private property.

-Txhobtxwm siab phem ua kom puas ntsoog lossis puamtsuaj rau nomtswv lossis tib neeg tej khoom.

VENIRE = PAWG NEEG RAUG XAIV LOS UA PEJXEEM TXIAV TXIM – The group of people called to serve on a jury from which a jury is chosen.

-Pawg neeg uas raug xaiv los ua cov pejxeem txiav txim ntawm cov neeg raug hu tuaj ua pejxeem.

VENUE - The proper geographical area (county, city, or district) in which a court with jurisdiction over the subject matter may hear a case.

-Ib thaj av (nroog, zos, thaj tsam) uas lub tsev hais plaub muaj txojcai los mus tswjhwm thiab mloog thiab hais plaubntug.

VERDICT = LOS LUS TXHAUM LOS TSIS TXHAUM - The opinion of a jury, or a judge where there is no jury, on the factual issues of a case.

-Lo lus txiav txim los ntawm cov pejxeem txiav txim, lossis tus kws txiav txim taug tsis muaj pejxeem txiav txim rau cov ntsiab lus los ntawm ib rooj plaub.

VICTIM = TUS NEEG RAUG KEV PHEM - A person who is the object of a crime or civil wrongdoing.

-Tus neeg uas raug ua phem lossis raug mob.
VICTIM IMPACT STATEMENT - A statement during sentencing which informs the sentencer of the impact of the crime on the victim or the victim's family.

-Cov lus hais rau tus neeg txhaum taug los phua txim kom nws paub haistias nws tau ua kev phem/mob/sab npaum licas rau tus neeg raug mob thiab nws tsev neeg.

VIOLATION = UA TXHAUM TXOJCAI - The act of breaking, infringing, or transgressing the law.

-Ua txhaum txojcai, ua dhau txojcai, ua tsis rawsli txojcai.

VISITATION = SIJHAWM SAIBXYUAS MENYUAM - The right given to a non-custodial parent to see his or her child at court appointed times.

-Txojcai uas muab rau leej niam lossis leej txiv uas cov menyuam tsis nrog nyob tuaj saibxyuas cov menyuam rawsli lub sijhawm tsev hais plaub teem.

VOIR DIREA preliminary examination of a prosepctive juror by a judge or a lawyer to decide whether the prospect is qualified and suitable to serve as a juror.

-Cov lus uas tus kws txiav txim thiab tus kws lijchoj nug rau cov pejxeem seb lawv puas tsim nyog thiab zoo txaus los mus ua ib tus pejxeem txiav txim rau rooj plaub.


WAIVE (RIGHTS) = Tso tseg txojcai uas muaj - A knowing and knowledgeable act to abandon, renounce or surrender a person's rights.

-Yeej paub meem txog thiab txoj kev uas paub zoo lawm tabsis kam tso tseg, thim lossis kam muab ib tug neeg txojcai tso tseg.
WAIVER OF IMMUNITY - A means authorized by statute by which a witness, before testifying or producing evidence, may relinquish the right to refuse to testify against himself or herself, thereby making it possible for his or her testimony to be used against him or her in future proceedings.

-Ib txoj kev uas tau cai los ntawm kevcai lijchoj uas ib tug timkhawv, uas ua ntej nws los teev lus lossis muab povthawj, nws muaj cai haistias nws tsis kam teev, cev, hais lus los foob nws tus kheej. Yog tias ua li ntawd ces yav tom ntej no, siv tau nws cov lus povthawj rov qab los foob nws tau.

WARRANT - Most commonly, a court order authorizing law enforcement officers to make an arrest or conduct a search. An affidavit seeking a warrant must establish probable cause by detailing the facts upon which the request is based.

-Feem ntau yog tsev hais plaub tsab ntawv uas tso cai rau tub ceevxwm mus ntes neeg lossis tshawb nrhiav. Daim ntawv mus thov tsab ntawv ntes neeg thiab tshawb nrhiav yuav tsum muaj lus tseeb thiab qhia tau cov ntsiab lus ntawm kev txhaum tias muaj licas es thiaj tsim nyog thov tsab ntawv ntes no.

WARRANT, ARREST = TSAB NTAWV TSO CAI NTES - An order of a court directing the sheriff or other officer to seize a particular person to answer a complaint or otherwise appear before the court.

-Tsev hais plaub tsab ntawv uas tso cai kom tub ceevxwm mus ntes ib tus neeg tuaj mus teb lo lus foob lossis tuaj mus hais plaub hauv tsev hais plaub.

WARRANT, SEARCH = TSAB NTAWV TSO CAI TSHAWB - A written order directing a law-enforcement officer to conduct a search of a specified place and to seize any evidence directly related to the criminal offense.

-Tsab ntawv uas tso cai rau tub ceevxwm mus tshawb nrhiav ib qhov chaw thiab muab kom tau lossis nqa cov povthawj ntsig txog txoj kev txhaum ntawd.

WEAPON - An instrument used or designed to be used to threaten, injure or kill someone.

-Riam, phom, tej ciaj lossis khoom uas siv los hawv neeg, ua kom neeg raug mob lossis tuag tau.

WEAPON, CONCEALED - A weapon that is carried by a person, but that is not visible by ordinary observation.

-Ib rab riam phom uas ib tug neeg nqa ntawm cev tabsis yog qhov muag ntsia xwb tsis pom rau qhov muab zais lossis npog lawm.

WEAPON, DEADLY = RIAM PHOM UAS NEEG TAUG TAU - A weapon, device, instrument, material or substance, whether animate or inanimate, which if used as it is used or intended to be used is known to be capable of producing death or serious bodily injury.

-Riam, phom, ciaj, khoom, txawm tias muaj sia los tsi muaj, yog haistias muab coj los siv ces yeej yuav ua neeg tuag lossis raug cev nqaij daim tawv mob heev.

WEIGHT OF THE EVIDENCE - The persuasiveness of certain evidence when compared with other evidence that is presented.

-Cov povthawj uas txaus ntseeg tsaj thaum muab coj los piv rau lwm cov povthawj.

WELFARE FRAUD = DAG TSOOMFWV NYIAJ - Illegally getting more in welfare benefits than the law permits.

-Ua tsis raws kevcai kom tau nyiaj pab los ntawm tsoomfwv kom tau ntau tshaj li qhov uas txojcai pub.

WILL - A legal declaration that disposes of a person's property when that person dies. See TESTAMENT.

-Tsab ntawv faib khoom cuabyeej cuabtam thaum ib tug neeg tas simneej lawm. Mus saib lo lus TESTAMENT.

WILLFUL - A willful act is one done intentionally, as distinguished from an act done carelessly or inadvertently.

-Txhobtxwm ua, qhov no txawv txav tej yam uas lam ua es tsis xyuam xim lossis tsis saib zoo ua ntej mam ua.

WITH PREJUDICE - Applied to orders of judgment dismissing a case, meaning that the plaintiff is forever barred from bringing a lawsuit on the same claim or cause.

-Hais txog cov rooj plaub ua tau txiav txim tso tseg, tsis pub tus neeg foob rov qab coj rooj plaub qub tuaj foob ntxiv lawm.

WITHOUT PREJUDICE – Without loss of any rights, in a way that does not harm or cancel the legal rights of any party.

-Tsis poob txojcai, txoj kev uas kom tsis muaj raug mob lossis poob txojcai lichoj thiab ib tog hais plaub txojcai. Rov qab coj tuaj foob dua los tau.

WITNESS = TIMKHAWV - 1. One who testifies to what they have seen, heard or otherwise observed. 2. (v) To subscribe one's name to a document for the purpose of authenticity.

-1. Tus neeg uas tuaj tsha tes teev lus hais txog qhov nws tau pom, tau hnov, lossis pom txog. 2. Kos yus lub npe rau ib tsab ntawv haistias yog qhov tseem.

WITNESS STAND = QHOV CHAW TUS TIMKHAWV ZAUM - The space in the courtroom occupied by a witness while testifying.

-Qhov chaw tus timkhawv zaum thaum nws los teev lus.

WITNESS, EXPERT = TUS TIMKHAWV KAWM TAWM LOSSIS TXAWJ YAM NTAWD - A witness who is qualified by knowledge, skill, experience, training or education to provide a scientific, technical or specialized opinion of the subject about which he or she is to testify. That knowledge must generally be such as is not normally possessed by the average person.

-Tus timkhawv txawj ntse uas raug thov tuaj teev lus povthawj txog yam nws paub zoo txog thiab tau kawm tawm los. Cov lus povthawj nws yuav hais mas yuav tsum rawsli qhov nws paub thiab xav txog rooj plaub ntawd.

WITNESS, HOSTILE - A witness whose relationship to the opposing party is such that his or her testimony may be prejudiced against that party. A witness declared to be hostile may be asked leading questions and is subject to cross-examination by the party that called him or her.

-Tus timkhawv uas tuaj ib tog xwb, thiab tuaj teev lus kom sab tog tod txhob yeej. Tus timkhawv uas hais lus pab ib tog xwb yuav raug nug lus thiab raug tog hu nws tuaj ua timkhawv nug nws lus.

WITNESS, MATERIAL - A witness who can give testimony relating to a particular matter that very few others, if any, can give.

-Tus timkhawv uas tuaj teev lus povthawj txog rooj plaub uas nws hais txog tej yam uas tsawg tus neeg thiaj li paub lossis hais tau xwb.

WORK RELEASE - A correctional program which allows inmates, primarily one's being readied for discharge, to leave the institution for the purpose of continuing regular employment during the daytime but reporting back on nights and weekends. Also called WORK FURLOUGH.

-Ib txoj kev pabcuam uas feem ntau tso cai rau cov neeg raug kaw yuav tas, cia lawv tawm qhov taub mus ua haujlwm sab nraud thaum lub sijhawm nruab hnub, tabsis rov qab los lub sijhawm hmo ntuj thiab ob hnub vaas xaum vaas thiv. Kuj hu ua WORK FURLOUGH thiab.

WRIT - A court's written order commanding the addressee to do or refrain from doing some specified act.

-Tsab ntawv tsev hais plaub sau uas hais/xaaj kom ib tug neeg ua ib yam dabtsi lossis txwv tsis pub nws ua tej yam.

WRIT OF EXECUTION - A writ to put in force the judgment or decree of a court.

-Tsab ntawv uas hais/xaaj kom pib siv lossis ua rawsli txoj kev txiav txim lossis los lus txiav txim ntawm tsev hais plaub.


ZONING - The division of a city by legislative regulation into districts, and the design of regulations having to do with structural and architectural design and use of buildings.

-Txoj kev uas tsoomfwm muab lub zos sib faib los ua tej yam xwsli tej av ua vajtsev rau pejxeem nyob lossis av rau tsim kev lagluam.

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