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Hmong Legal Glossary

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LANDLORD – TSWV TSEV- A person who rents or leases property (like a house, apartment or office) to another person.

-Ib tug neeg uas xauj tsev lossis ib qhov chaw (xwsli ib lub tsev rau tibneeg nyob, lossis lub hoobkaas ua lagluam) rau lwm tus neeg.
LARCENY = TUB SAB, TUB NYIAG - Stealing or theft.

-Nyiag lossis tub sab.

LAW = KEVCAI LIJCHOJ - The combination of those rules and principles of conduct promulgated by legislative authority, derived from court decisions, and established by local custom.

-Cov kevcai los ntawm cov cai lijchoj thiab kevcai coj/hais plaubntug uas tsim tawm los ntawm faim nomtswv tsim kevcai lijchoj, tsim los ntawm cov tsev hais plaubntug kev txiav txim, thiab tsim muaj los ntawm kev nyob noj haus coj hauv zejzog.
LAW AND MOTION - A setting before a judge at which time a variety of motions, pleas, sentencing, orders to show cause or procedural requests may be presented. Normally, evidence is not taken. Defendants must be present.

-Lub sijhawm tuaj mus ntsib tus kws txiav txim uas hais txog ntau yam xwsli kev thov kom tus nai xaam txiav txim rau ib los lus thov, lees txhaum, kev rau txim, kev muab puavpheej, lossis kev hais plaubntug. Feem ntau tsis yog lub sijhawm cev lus lossis muab povthawj. Tus neeg raug foob yuav tsum tuaj nyob rau ntawd.

LAW CLERKS - Persons trained in the law who assist judges in researching legal opinions.

-Tus neeg kawm kevcai lijchoj uas los pab tus kws txiav txim tshawb xyuas ntaub ntawv txog

LAWSUIT – SIBFOOB- An action between two or more persons in the courts of law, not a criminal matter.

-Ib qho kev sibfoob ntawm ob tug neeg losyog coob leej nyob rau hauv tsev hais plaub, tsis yog plaub txhaum kevcai kaw neeg.

LAY PERSON – TUS NEEG PEJXEEM- One not trained in law.

-Tus neeg uas tsis tau kawm txog kevcai lijchoj.

LEADING QUESTION – One which instructs the witness how to answer or puts words in his mouth to be echoed back.

-Lus nug uas coj kev/qhia tus timkhawv los mus teb lus losyog muab lus tso rau nws qhov ncauj kom hais rov qab li yus tau cob.

LEASE - A contract by which owner of property grants to another the right to possess, use, and enjoy it for a specified period of time in exchange for payment of an agreed price (rent).

-Ib tsab ntawv sib cog lus uas tus tswv khoom vajtsev tsocai rau lwm tus muaj txojcai tau, siv, thiab nyob rawsli lub sijhawm hais tseg tsuas yog them nyiaj rau tug nqi sib tham haum (nqi tsev xuaj nyob).

LEGAL AID - Professional legal services available usually to persons or organizations unable to afford such services.

-Kev pab cuam hais plaubntug feem ntau muaj rau cov neeg losyog koomhaum uas tsis muaj nyiaj them yam kev pab cuam no.

LENIENCY - Recommendation for a sentence less than the maximum allowed.

-Kev pomzoo muab lub txim txo kom luv dua qhov uas raug kaw ntev tshaj plaws nyob muaj rawsli txojcai.

LESSER INCLUDED OFFENSE - A crime composed of some, but not all, of the elements of a greater crime; commission of the greater crime automatically includes commission of the lesser included offense.

-Ib qho txhaum cai uas muaj tejyam, tabsis tsis yog tas nrho, ntawm txhuas yam nyob rau kev txhaum cai loj; qhov ua txhaum cai loj ces yeej xam tagnrho qhov ua txhaum cai me nrog uake rau hauv lawm.

LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION - Legal document issued by a court that shows an administrator's legal right to take control of assets in the deceased person's name.

-Tsab ntawv ua tsev hais plaub sau tsocai rau ib tug neeg saibxyuas kom nws muaj cai los ceev/yuav tej khoom cuabyeej cuabtam ntawm tus neeg tag simneej lub npe.

LETTERS TESTAMENTARY - Legal document issued by a court that shows an executor's legal right to take control of assets in the deceased person's name.

-Tsab ntawv uas tsev hais plaub tsocai rau tus neeg tuav thiab tswj cov ntaub ntawv los mus ceev/yuav tej khoom cuabyeej cuabtam ntawm tus neeg tag simneej lub npe.

LEVY - A seizure; the obtaining of money by legal process through seizure and sale of property.

-Txeeb; qhov ua kom tau nyiaj los ntawm siv kevcai lijchoj los txeeb thiab muag khoom vajtsev.

LEWD CONDUCT - Behavior that is obscene, lustful, indecent, vulgar.

-Tus cwjpwm coj uas tsis zoo saib, xav deev lwm tus, coj tsi zoo, ua qias neeg.

LIABILITY - Legal debts and obligations.

-Nuj nqes thiab tshuav nqe (tau them rov qab).

LIABLE - Legally responsible.

-Yam raws cai uas yuav tau lav.

LIBEL - Published words or pictures that falsely and maliciously harm the reputation of a person.

-Hais lus tawm lossis tso duab tawm ntxeev dag thiab txhobtxwm uas puas lwm tus lub koob lub npe.

LIE DETECTOR = LUB CAV FAIS FAB NTSUAS LUS DAG - A machine which records by a needle on a graph varying emotional disturbances when answering questions truly or falsely, as indicated by fluctuations in blood pressure, respiration, or perspiration.

-Ib lub cav fais fab uas siv ib rab koob kos daim ntawv qhia txog tus neeg tej kev xav/ txawv thaum lub sijhawm teb cov ntsiab lus nug seb yog tiag los dag, raws li cov roj ntshav siab los qis, ua pa, lossis tawm fws.

LIEN - A legal claim against another person's property as security for a debt. A lien does not convey ownership of the property, but gives the lien holder a right to have his or her debt satisfied out of the proceeds of the property if the debt is not otherwise paid.

-Ib tsab ntawv ua raws kevcai uas cog lus muab lwm tus neeg cov khoom lossis vajtse ntau ua nqi them nuj nqi. Tsab ntawv cog lus muab khoom vajtsev ntau ua nqi no tsis yog kev tsocai rau tus tswv los txeeb cov khoom vajtse los ua nws tug tabsis nws muaj cai kom tus neeg tshuav nqi rau nws them kom tas cov nuj nqi thaum twg nws muag yam khoom lossis vajtse ntawd.
LIFE IMPRISONMENT = RAUG KAW TAS SIMNEEJ - A type of sentence where the convicted criminal is ordered to spend the rest of his or her life in prison.

-Ib yam kev kaw neeg uas tus neeg ua txhaum kevcai loj raug tsev hais plaub txiav txim muab mus nyob rau tom tsev kaw neeg kom tag nws simneej.

LIMITED ACTION - A civil action in which recovery of less than a certain amount (as specified by statute) is sought. Simplified rules of procedure are used in such actions.

-Ib rooj plaub pejxeem sibfoob yuav nyiaj uas tus foob yuav tsawg dua (li uas tau teev muaj nyob rau hauv kevcai lijchoj) li qhov xav tau. Siv cov kevcai hais plaub uas yoojyim/ceev los hais cov plaubntug zoo li no.

LIMITED JURISDICTION - Refers to courts that are limited in the types of criminal and civil cases they may hear. For example, traffic violations generally are heard by limited jurisdiction courts.

-Hais txog cov tsev hais plaub uas tsuas mloog tau tej rooj plaub ua raug kaw thiab cov plaub pejxeem sibfoob yuav nyiaj. Pivtxwv tias ,cov plaub tsav tsheb txhaum cai feem ntau coj mus hais rau hauv cov tsev hais plaub uas tsuas muaj cai mloog cov plaubntug no xwb.

LINEUP - A police identification procedure by which the suspect to a crime is exhibited, along with others, before the victim or witness to determine if the victim or witness can identify the suspect as the person who committed the crime.

-Tub ceevxwm qhov kauj raum thaum lawv muab tus neeg xoomxaim tias tau ua kev txhaum los sawv nrog ib cov neeg uake rau tus neeg raug mob lossis timkhawv saib seb lawv qhia puas tau tias tus neeg twg yog tus ua kev txhaum.

LITIGANT - A party to a lawsuit. Litigation refers to a case, controversy, or lawsuit.

-Tus neeg foob rooj plaub. “Litigation”hais txog ib rooj plaub, kev tsis sib haum xeeb, rooj plaub.

LITIGATION - A lawsuit.

-Rooj plaub sibfoob.

LIVING TRUST - A trust set up and in effect during the lifetime of the grantor.

-Tsab ntawv faib cuabyeej cuabtam tseg uas tsim tau thiab siv tau thaum lub sijhawm tus tswv tseem muaj txojsia nyob.

LOITERING - To stand idly around, particularly in a public place.

-Mus sawv tsis muaj qab hau, feem ntau yog rau tej chaw uas txhua leej txhua tus tuaj nyob.

LYNCHING = MUAB DAI CAJ DAB TUAG - Putting a person to death, usually by hanging, without legal authority.

-Txo ib tug neeg txojsia, feem ntau yog muab dai caj dab kom tuag, uas tsis tau kev tsocai ua li ntawd.


MAGISTRATE - Judicial officer exercising some of the functions of a judge. It also refers in a general way to a judge.

-Tus neeg ua haujlwm pab ntsuam xyuas txiav txim ib co haujlwm ntawm tus kws txiav txim. Kuj txhais tau tias nws yog tus kws txiav txim thiab.
MALFEASANCE - Evil doing, ill conduct; the commission of some act which is positively prohibited by law.

-Ua siab phem heev, ua lim hiam. Ua tejyam uas tsis raws txojcai kiag uas yeej txwv tu nrho tsis pub ua.

MALICE - Ill will, hatred, or hostility by one person toward another which may prompt the intentional doing of a wrongful act without legal justification or excuse.

- Kev siab phem, ntxub ntxaug, losyog kev lim hiam los ntawm ib tus neeg rau lwm tus uas tejzaum kuj txhob txwm tsim ib qho dabtsi tsis ncaj ncees uas tsis tsim nyog ua lossis tsis muaj cai ua.

MALICIOUS MISCHIEF - Willful destruction of property, from actual ill will or resentment toward its owner or possessor.

-Txhob txwm ua kom puas rau tej khoom vajtsev, vim muaj qhov txhob txwm ntxub losyog tsis nyiam tus tswv losyog tus muaj tug.

MALICIOUS PROSECUTION - An action instituted with intention of injuring the defendant and without probable cause, and which terminates in favor of the person prosecuted.

-Ib qhov kev ua txhaum uas txhob txwm ua kom raug tus neeg uas ua txhaum yam tias tsis muaj qhov “xoom xaim”, thiab ua kom tu qab vim yog ua kom zoo rau tus neeg uas raug foob ntawd lawm.

MALPRACTICE - Violation of a professional duty to act with reasonable care and in good faith without fraud or collusion. This term is usually applied to such conduct by doctors, lawyers, or accountants.

-Ua txhaum tsis raws kevcai ua haujlwm, tsis ua zoo saib xyuam xim thiab ua kom zoo kom tsis txhob muaj kev ua tsis ncaj ncees losyog dag zais. Feem ntau, los lus no muab siv rau kev coj ntawm cov kws khomob, kws lijchoj hais plaub, losyog kws kuaj ua ntaub ntawv saib nyiaj txiag.

MANDATE - A judicial command or order proceeding from a court or judicial officer, directing the proper officer to enforce a judgment, sentence, or decree.

-Ib qho kev hais raws cai losyog xaj kom ua los ntawm ib lub tsev hais plaub losyog neeg ua haujlwm rau tsev hais plaub, qhia kom cov neeg ua haujlwm khoo ib qho kev yuav tau ua, kev rau txim, losyog kev saibxyuas khoo.

MANSLAUGHTER, INVOLUNTARY - Unlawful killing of another, without malice, when the death is caused by some other unlawful act not usually expected to result in great bodily harm.

-Tua lwm tus neeg tsis raws kev raws cai, tsis muaj qhov hlubsaib taus, thaum qhov tuag ntawd yog tshwmsim los ntawm lwm yam ua tsis raws cai, uas feem ntau yeej tsis xav tias yuav ua tau lub cev raug mob loj.

MANSLAUGHTER, VOLUNTARY - Unlawful killing of another, without malice, when the act is committed with a sudden extreme emotional impulse.

-Tua neeg tsis raws cai tabsis tsis yog txhob txwm tua, vim yog chim dhau lawm thiaj tau tua yuam kev.

MARRIAGE = KEV UA TXIJNKAWM – The legal union of a man and woman as husband and wife.

-Txoj kev sib yuav muaj cai ua neej uake ntawm ib tug txiv neej thiab pojniam ua txiv tsev thiab niam tsev.

MASTER - An attorney who is appointed by the judges of a circuit court with the approval of the Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals, to conduct hearings and to make finding of facts, conclusions of law, and recommendations as to an appropriate order.

-Ib tug kws lijchoj uas raug xaiv los ntawm cov kws txiav txim hauv lub nroog cov tsev hais plaub, thiab tau kev pomzoo los ntawm tus Kws Txiav Txim Loj ntawm cov Tsev Hais Plaub Qib Siab uas rov qab mloog tej plaub ntug uas tsis muaj kev txaus siab rau. Tus kws lijchoj no muaj cai los mloog thiab qhia txog tejyam muaj tseeb uas nws tshawb tau, thiab muaj cai muab txoj cai los txhais seb yuav siv tau licas, thiab los qhia txog tias qhov uas nws pomzoo yog dabtsi.

MATERIAL – Relevant, important.

-Muaj nqi, tseemceeb.

MATERIAL EVIDENCE - That quality of evidence which tends to influence the trier of fact because of its logical connection with the issue.

-Cov puavpheej tseemceeb uas yuav ua rau cov pejxeem txiav txim losyog tus kws txiav txim paub tu rooj plaub vim nws qhov kev sib dhos losyog cuam tshuam rau qhov teebmeem ntawd.

MATERIAL WITNESS – In a criminal trial, a witness whose testimony is crucial to either the defense or prosecution.

-Nyob rau ib rooj plaub raug kaw, tus timkhawv no yog tus uas nws cov lus povthawj yog cov lus muaj nuj nqes kawg nkaus rau sab foob plaub lossis sab txheem plaub.

MAYHEM - A malicious injury which disables or disfigures another.

-Ib qho kev raug mob uas yog txhob txwm ua kom lwm tus neeg raug mob kom puas nws lub cev lossis ua kom nws xiamoobkhab.

MEDIATION - A form of alternative dispute resolution in which the parties bring their dispute to a neutral third party, who helps them agree on a settlement.

-Ib txoj kev sib kho hais kom haumxeeb uas muaj ob tog neeg uas nkawd coj nkawd cov teebmeem uas pheej hais tsis haum mus rau ib tus neeg thib peb lossis sab nraud, kom tus ntawd pab nkawd nhriav ib txoj kev kho kom nkawd ob leeg yuav tau thiab pomzoo rau.
MENTAL HEALTH, MENTAL ILLNESS - The wellness of a person's state of mind.

-Qhov kev nyob zoo ntawm ib tus neeg lub hlwb thiab kev xav.

MERITS – Strict legal rights of the parties; a decision on the merits is one that reaches the right(s) of a party, as distinguished from disposition of a case on a ground not reaching the right(s) raised in an action; for example, entry of nolle prosequi before a criminal trial begins is a disposition other than on the merits, allowing trial on those charges at a later time without double jeopardy attaching; similarly, dismissal of a civil action on a preliminary motion raising a technicality, such as improper service of process, does not result in res judicata of an issue.

-Cov cai nruj uas cov tswv plaub muaj; kev tu rooj plaub uas raug li qhov kev txhaum ntawm kev sibfoob yog qhov tu rooj plaub kom raug li tus tswv txojcai. Qhov no nws txawv li ntawm uas tu rooj plaub kom tag xwb tabsis tsis raug li cov ntsiab lus uas teev nyob rau ntawm kev foob ntawd. Pivtxwv li uas tso rooj plaub tseg thaum ntxov uas twb tsis tau pib hais dabtsi hlo li, tabsis yog tias hnub tom ntej ho muaj povthawj tshiab tshwmsim no ces mam rov hais uas tsis pub muaj kev tias foob ob zaug rau ib rooj plaub (double jeopardy). Muaj ntsis sib thooj thiab ib yam li uas muab rooj plaub sibfoob yuav nyiaj lawb mus tsis hais ntxiv thaum uas nyuam qhuav pib sib hais xwb vim haistias yog xa ntaub ntawv tsis meejpem losyog tsis raws cai. Tsis tau muab rooj plaub tu mus rawsli qhov tseeb thiab txojcai.
MIRANDA RIGHTS or MIRANDA WARNING = KEVCAI MIRANDA – lossis LUS CEEBTOOM MIRANDA – Requirement that police tell a suspect in their custody of his or her constitutional rights before they question him or her: specifically, the right to remain silent; that any statement made may be used against him or her; the right to an attorney; and if the person cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed if he or she desires.

-Cov kevcai uas tub ceevxwm yuav tsum qhia rau ib tus neeg raug xoomxaim thaum lub sijhawm nws raug ntes haistias nws cov kevcai loj uas nws muaj yog dabtsi ua ntej tub ceevxwm pib nug nws: qhov tseeb, muaj txojcai tsis hais lus los tau; txhua lo lus nws hais tawm muaj peevxwm muab siv tau los taujxub nws; txojcai tau ib tug kws lijchoj; thiab yog tus neeg tsis muaj nyiaj them ib tug kws lijchoj, mam nhriav ib tug rau nws yog nws xav tau.
MISDEMEANOR - A lesser offense than a felony and generally punishable by fine or limited jail time, but not in a penitentiary.

-Ib qhov kev txhaum cai uas me dua cov kev txhaum loj (felony) thiab feem ntau tsuas rau txim kom them nyiaj lossis raug kaw sijhawm tsis ntau, tabsis tsis yog muab kaw rau ib lub qhov taub loj.

MISTRIAL - An invalid trial caused by some legal error. When a judge declares a mistrial, the trial must start again from the beginning, including the selection of a new jury.

-Ib rooj plaub tsis thwj cai uas kawj muaj vim tejyam ntawm kev hais plaub ua tsis raws cai. Thaum ib tug kws txiav txim hais qhia txog ib rooj plaub tsis thwj cai, rooj plaub yuav tsum tau rov pib muab hais dua tshiab, thiab xaiv neeg pejxeem txiav txim tshiab.

MITIGATING CIRCUMSTANCES - Those which do not constitute a justification or excuse for an offense but which may be considered as reasons for reducing the degree of blame.

- Tejyam uas tshwmsim uas muab siv tsis tau los pab keb qhov kev txhaum kom tau kev zam txim tabsis tejzaum kuj muab ntsuam xyuas kom pab muab qhov kev txhaum thiab lub txim txo kom me.

MITIGATING FACTORS - Facts that do not constitute a justification or excuse for an offense but which may be considered as reasons for reducing the degree of blame.

-Tejyam uas muaj tseeb uas muab siv tsis tau los pab keb qhov kev txhaum kom tau kev zam txim tabsis tejzaum kuj muab ntsuam xyuas kom pab muab qhov kev txhaum thiab lub txim txo kom me.

MODIFICATION - A change, alteration, or amendment which introduces new elements into the details, or cancels some of them, but leaves the general purpose and effect of the subject-matter intact.

-Ib txoj kev hloov, pauv, losyog kho dua uas qhia txog tejyam tshiab losyog muab ib co ntawd lwv tawm, tabsis cia qhov ntsiab teebmeem thiab qhov ua tawm ntawm qhov teebmeem nws nyob nws khov kho.

MOOT - A moot case or a moot point is one not subject to a judicial determination because it involves an abstract question or a pretended controversy that has not yet actually arisen or has already passed. Mootness usually refers to a court's refusal to consider a case because the issue involved has been resolved prior to the court's decision, leaving nothing that would be affected by the court's decision.

-Ib rooj plaub muaj kev xwv xam losyog ib qhaub yuav tau muab xav es yuav tsis raug muab los mus txiav txim qhia tawm vim nws yog hais txog kev xwv xam losyog ib qho tsis thwj toob uas tsis tau tshwmsim losyog twb yeej tshwmsim.

MORAL TURPITUDE = KEV COJ UA TSIS ZOO – Behavior that violates the accepted moral standard of the community, such as violent crime, dishonesty, and treason.

-Kev coj uas ua phiv txoj kev ntseg ncaj tsim muaj nyob hauv lub zejzog, rawsli kev ua phem rau lwm tus raug mob nkeeg, ua tsis ncaj, thiab ua taujxub nomtswv.

MOTION - Oral or written request made by a party to an action before, during, or after a trial asking the judge to issue a ruling or order in that party's favor.

-Hais lus losyog sau ntawv thov los ntawm ib pawg neeg rau ib qho yuav ua ua ntej, nyob rau thaum lub caij, losyog tom qab ib rooj plaub loj muaj yeej muaj swb nug tus kws txiav txim plaub kom txiav txim losyog xaj hais kom ua mus rawsli tog ntawd siab nyiam.

MOTION DENIED - Ruling or order issued by the judge denying the party's request.

-Tus kws txiav txim lo lus xaaj haistias tsis kam ua rawsli tog ntawd tau thov tuaj.

MOTION GRANTED - Ruling or order issued by the judge granting the party's request.

-Tus kws txiav txim lo lus xaaj haistias yuav kam ua rawsli tog ntawd tau thov tuaj.

MUGSHOT – Pictures taken after a suspect is taken into custody (booked), usually used as an official photograph by police officers.

-Cov duab thaij tom qab ib tug neeg raug liam muab txhom saib cia (ua ntaub ntawv), feem ntau muab siv ua ib daim duab thwj toob raws cai ntawm cov tub ceevxwm.

MULTIPLICITY OF ACTIONS - Numerous and unnecessary attempts to litigate the same issue.

-Ib qhov teebmeem xwb tabsis coj los npaj thiab ua ob peb zaug hais.

MUNICIPAL COURT = TSEV HAIS PLAUB HAUV ZOS - A court having jurisdiction (usually civil and criminal) over cases arising within the city or community in which it sits.

-Lub tsev hais plaub uas muaj cai los mloog cov plaub uas tshwmsim nyob rau hauv nws lub zos lossis zejzog. Feem ntau yog cov plaub peejxeem sibfoob thiab cov plaub raug kaw.

MURDER = TUA NEEG - The unlawful killing of a human being with deliberate intent to kill.

- Txoj kev txhaum cai uas txhob txwm tua ib tug tibneeg kom nws tuag..


NEGLECT = TSIS SAIBXYUAS – The lack of parental supervision, food, clothing, shelter, or medical care necessary to guarantee the health and well-being of a child.

-Qhov tsis muaj niam txiv saibxyuas, zaub mov, khaub ncaws, vajtse, losyog kev pab khomob rawsli qhov tsim nyog tau los lav kom ib tug menyuam tsis txhob muaj mob nkeeg thiab kom nws noj qab nyob zoo.
NEGLIGENCE = KEV TSIS SAIBXYUAS - Failure to exercise the degree of care that a reasonable person would use under the same circumstances.

-Tsis ua zoo xyuam xim saibxyuas kom zoo uas ib tug neeg totaub nkag siab kuj yuav ua yog nyob rau tib qho teebmeem zoo ib yam.

NEGOTIATION = SIB KHO KOM HAUM – discussion about the terms of an agreement or the outcome of a problem where both sides seek to reach an agreement without having to go to court.

-Kev sib tham txog cov ntsiab lus ntawm tej kev pomzoo losyog qhov ua tau tawm los ntawm ib qho teebmeem uas ob sab nrhiav ib qho kev sib tham kom haum es tsis txhob tau mus tom tsev hais plaub.

NEXT FRIEND - One acting without formal appointment as guardian for the benefit of an infant, a person of unsound mind not judicially declared incompetent, or other person under some disability.

-Tus uas txiav txim tabsis tsis muaj ntaub ntawv tso ua tus saibxyuas pab rau cov kev zoo ntawm ib tug menyuam mos ab, ib tug neeg puas hlwb tabsis ho tsis tau kev txiav txim tias nws pab tsis tau nws tus kheej, losyog lwm tus neeg xiamoobkhab.

NO BILL - This phrase, endorsed by a grand jury on the written indictment submitted to it for its approval, means that the evidence was found insufficient to indict.

-Lo lus no yog cov pejxeem txiav txim ua cov uas suav npe thiab muab kev pomzoo nyob rau lawv daim ntawv uas lawv sau txog kev txhaum txheej ntawd, txhais tau tias tsis muaj povthawj txaus los foob tus neeg ntawd lawm.

NO CONTEST = TSIS XUB, TSIS CAM, TSIS HAIS – A plea in a criminal case that is similar to a defendant pleading guilty. The difference is that the plea may not be used as an admission of guilt in a civil proceeding based on the same facts. For example, a car accident may result in both criminal charges for drunk driving and a civil claim for money from the driver and his insurance policy. Also NOLO CONTENDRE.

- Nyob rau ib rooj plaub raug kaw, qhov no yog lo lus lees tias tau ua txhaum lawm uas zoo xws li tus neeg raug foob lo lus lees tias nws tau ua kev txhaum tiag. Tabsis qhov txawv ces tsuas yog tias lo lus lees no yuav muab siv tsis tau rau ib rooj plaub pejxeem sibfoob yuav nyiaj. Pivtxwv tias, thaum ib tug neeg qaug cawv ua tsheb sib tsoo, tus neeg ntawd yuav raug foob rooj plaub raug kaw, tabsis tus neeg uas nws tsoo ntawd muaj cai foob tus neeg qaug cawv thiab nws lub insurance kom tau nyiaj. Yog tias nws lees lo lus “no contest” rau rooj plaub raug kaw, tus neeg foob nws rau rooj plaub pejxeem sibfoob yuav nyiaj yuav siv tsis tau nws lo lus lees no los taujxub foob nws ntxiv. Yog lo lus NOLO CONTENDRE thiab.
NO-CONTEST CLAUSE - Language in a will that provides that a person who makes a legal challenge to the will's validity will be disinherited.

- Cov lus uas muaj nyob rau tsab ntawv faib cuabyeej cuabtam tseg uas sau haistias yog tus neeg twg tsis txaus siab thiab muaj lus cam txog seb tsab ntawv puas ua raws kevcai, ces tus neeg ntawd yuav raug tshem tawm tsis tau txais ib yam dabtsis ntawm cov cuabyeej cuabtam uas tso tseg.

NOT GUILTY = TSIS TXHAUM – The form of verdict in criminal cases where the jury acquits the defendant, finds him or her not guilty.

-Qhov kev txiav txim thaum kawg nyob rau hauv cov plaubntug raug kaw uas cov pejxeem txiav txim los txiav txim tias tus neeg raug foob tsis txhaum.

NOT GUILTY BY REASON OF INSANITY = TSIS TXHAUM VIM VWM LAWM - The jury or the judge must determine that the defendant, because of mental disease or defect, could not form the intent required to commit the offense.

- Cov pejxeem txiav txim lossis tus kws txiav txim yuav tsum los txiav txim tias tus neeg raug foob, vim muaj kev mob hlwb losyog puas hlwb, thiaj li ua rau tus neeg tsis muaj lub siab yuav txhob txwm ua qhov kev txhaum.

NOTICE = TSAB NTAWV QHIA TIAS RAUG FOOB - Formal notification to the party that has been sued in a civil case of the fact that the lawsuit has been filed. Also, any form of notification of a legal proceeding.

-Ntaub ntawv ua raws cai qhia rau ib pawg neeg uas raug foob nyob rau ib rooj plaub sibfoob tsis txhaum cai txog qhov tias rooj plaub tau pib muab ua ntaub ntawv lawm. Tsis tas li, kuj hais txog ib daim ntawv qhia nyob rau ib rooj plaubntug twg.

NOTICE TO PRODUCE - In practice, a notice in writing requiring the opposite party to produce a certain described paper or document at the trial, or in the course of pre-trial discovery.

-Tsab ntawv sau qhia rau tus neeg uas muaj plaub txwv kom nws npaj thiab nqa kom tau tuaj rau tsev hais plaub thaum tuaj hais rooj plaub loj uas muaj yeej muaj swb, tejyam ntaub ntawv rawsli tau hais txog, lossis thaum lub sijhawm uas tshawb, txheeb, thiab sib qhia txog cov teebmeem hauv rooj plaub ntawd.

NULL AND VOID - Having no force, legal power to bind, or validity.

-Tsis muaj zog, tsis muaj kevcai lijchoj los tuav uake, losyog tsis thwj toob raws cai.

NUNCUPATIVE WILL - An oral (unwritten) will.

-Cov lus uas faj thiab hais tseg xwb (tsis tau sau ntawv tseg) txog kev faib cuabyeej cuabtam.


OATH – Written or oral pledge by a witness to speak the truth.

-Txoj kev uas tus timkhawv sau ntawv lossis tsa tes haistias nws yuav hais qhov tseeb xwb..

OBJECT = TSIS POMZOO, TSIS TXAUS SIAB, MUAJ LUS CAM, TSIS KAM - To protest to the court against an act or omission by the opposing party.

-Hais rau tsev hais plaub lossis kws txiav txim tias tsis txaus siab pomzoo rau tejyam uas tog tom ub tau ua, lossis tejyam uas ho hla es tsis ua.
OBJECTION = KEV TSIS POMZOO, TSIS TXAUS SIAB, MUAJ LUS CAM, TSIS KAM - A protest to the court against an act or omission by the opposing party.

- Txoj kev hais rau tsev hais plaub lossis kws txiav txim tias tsis txaus siab pomzoo rau tejyam uas tog tom ub tau ua, lossis tejyam uas ho hla es tsis ua.

OF COUNSEL - A phrase commonly applied to counsel employed to assist in the preparation or management of the case, or its presentation on appeal, but who is not the principal attorney for the party.

- Lo lus uas muab siv rau tus kws lijchoj uas npaj tej ntaub ntawv rau rooj plaub tabsis nws tsis yog kiag tus kws lijchoj loj uas sawvcev hais plaub rau tus neeg ntawd.

OFFENDER = TUS NEEG UA KEV TXHAUM - One who commits a crime, such as a felony, misdemeanor, or other punishable unlawful act.

-Ib tug neeg uas ua kev txhaum cai, xwsli cov kev txhaum cai raug txim loj, cov kev txhaum cai raug txim nruab nrab, lossis lwm yam kev txhaum uas muaj kev rau txim.

OFFENSE = KEV TXHAUM - A crime, such as a felony, misdemeanor, or other punishable unlawful act.

-Kev txhaum cai, xwsli cov kev txhaum cai raug txim loj, cov kev txhaum cai raug txim nruab nrab, lossis lwm yam kev txhaum uas muaj kev rau txim.

OFFER OF PROOF - Presentation of evidence to the court (out of the hearing of the jury) for the court's decision of whether the evidence is admissible.

-Ntaub ntawv qhia txog tej povthawj lav tham ub no rau lub tsev hais plaub (tsis pub rau pawg neeg pejxeem txiav txim hnov) xyuas seb lub tsev hais plaub puas tau txiav txim tias cov povthawj lav tham puas kam muab txais tso tau tawm.

OPENING ARGUMENT or OPENING STATEMENT = NQI LUS QHIB ROOJ PLAUB – The initial statement made by attorneys for each side, outlining the facts each intends to establish during the trial.

-Yog cov lus qib rooj pluab uas cov kws lijchoj hais rau sawvdaws thaum hais rooj plaub muaj yeej muaj swb, uas qhia txog cov ntsiab lus uas nkawd yuav muab piav rau sawdaws kom paub qhov tseeb txog rooj plaub ntawd.
OPINION = TSAB NTAWV QHIA TXOG KEV XAV/ KEV TXIAV TXIM - A judge's written explanation of a decision of the court or of a majority of judges. A dissenting opinion disagrees with the majority opinion because of the reasoning and/or the principles of law on which the decision is based. A concurring opinion agrees with the decision of the court but offers further comment.

-Ib tug kws txiav txim tsab ntawv sau uas qhia txog tias yog vim licas nws lossis cov kws txiav txim feem coob thiaj li xav tau thiab txiav txim li ntawd. Tsab ntawv tsis pomzoo txog kev xav lossis kev txiav txim (dissenting opinion) tsis pomzoo rau cov feeb coob lawv txoj kev xav thiab kev txiav txim rauqhov tias lub ntsiab lus ntawm kevcai lijchoj tsis yog tsim los siv li zoo ntawd. Tsab ntawv pomzoo txog kev xav lossis kev txiav txim (concurring opinion) kuj pomzoo thiab txaus siab rau tsev hais plaub lo lus txiav txim ntawd tabsis ho muaj lus cev ntxiv tias xav licas thiab.

OPINION EVIDENCE - Witnesses are normally required to confine their testimony to statements of fact and are not allowed to give their opinions in court. However, if a witness is qualified as an expert in a particular field, he or she may be allowed to state an opinion as an expert based on certain facts.

-Cov timkhawv uas tuaj teev lus rau hauv tsev hais plaub tsuas pub hais raws nkaus li qhov muaj tseeb xwb, tsis pub hais cov lus uas nws lam kab xwb lossis xav tau xwb. Yog tus timkhawv txawj txaus los ua ib tug uas paub zoo thiab txawj ntse rau yam dejnum dabtsi, ces nws thiaj li yuav tau kev tsocai los cev cov lus xav no los pab tawm tswvyim rawsli tejyam uas nws paubzoo txog.
ORAL ARGUMENT - An opportunity for lawyers to summarize their position before the court and also to answer the judges' questions.

-Ib lub caij rau cov kws lijchoj los rov qab piav txog qhov uas lawv pomzoo rau lub tsev hais plaub hnov thiab los mus teb tus kws txiav txim cov ntsiab lus nug.

ORDER = TSAB NTAWV XAAJ, LO LUS XAAJ – A written or verbal command from a court directing or forbidding an action.

-Ib qho sau ntawv losyog hais lus xaj kom ua los ntawm lub tsev hais plaub qhia kom ua losyog txwv tsis pub ua ib yam dabtsi.
ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE - Court order requiring to appear and show cause why the court should not take a particular course of action. If the party fails to appear or to give sufficient reasons why the court should take no action, the court will take the action. In criminal cases, the defendant must show why probation should not be revoked.

-Tsev hais plaub tsab ntawv xaaj kom tuaj rau hauv tsev hais plaub thiab qhia kom muaj paus muaj ntsis seb yog vim licas lub tsev hais plaub tsis txhob txiav txim ua dabtsi.

ORDINANCE = KEVCAI HAUV ZOS - An act of legislation of a local governing body such as a city, town or county.

- Cov kevcai lijchoj uas tsim los tswjhwm pejxeem zejzog uas nyob ib ntug uake xwsli ib lub zos loj, zos me, lossis nroog.
ORIGINAL JURISDICTION - The court in which a matter must first be filed.

-Lub tsev hais plaub uas yuav tsum xub muab cov ntawv foob zwm rau.

OVERRULE - A judge's decision not to allow an objection. A decision by a higher court finding that a lower court decision was wrong.

-Tus kws txiav txim plaub lo lus uas tsis pub kom ua rawsli qhov uas tsis pomzoo hais, lossis tsis kam sab tod cam tias tsis txaus siab rau ib yam dabtsi. Lo lus txiav txim los ntawm ib lub tsev hais plaub loj uas pom tau tias lub tsev hais plaub me tau txiav txim yuamkev lawm.

OVERT ACT - An open act showing the intent to commit a crime.

-Txhob txwm ua tsis zais lossis ua kom pom meem tias yuav npaj siab mus ua kev txhaum.

OWN RECOGNIZANCE = TSO TAWM TSIS THEM NYIAJ TXHIV - Release of a person from custody without the payment of any bail or posting of bond, upon the promise to return to court.

-Tso ib tug neeg tawm ntawm kev kaw saibxyuas tsis tas yuav them ib qho nyiaj txhiv losyog nyiaj tso tawm, tsuas cog lus tseg tias mam rov qab tuaj rau hauv tsev hais plaub xwb.


PANDERING - Pimping. Arranging for acts of prostitution.

-Txoj kev muab tibneeg lub cev ntiav tawm muag yuav nyiaj. Teem tibneeg mus sib deev ua niam ntiav txiv ntiav.
PARALEGAL - A person with legal skills, but who is not an attorney, and who works under the supervision of a lawyer or who is otherwise authorized by law to use those legal skills.

-Ib tug neeg uas paub txog kevcai lijchoj, tabsis nws tsis yog ib tug kws lijchoj, thiab nws tsuas ua haujlwm nyob hauv qab ib tug kws lijchoj txoj kev saibxyuas xwb.

PARDON - A form of executive clemency preventing criminal prosecution or removing or extinguishing a criminal conviction.

- Nomtswv txoj kev zam txim rau tej tus neeg uas tau ua kev txhaum losyog muab tej kev txhaum uas twb tau raug txiav txim txhaum lawm tshem tawm thiab lwv kom ploj.

PAROLE - Supervised release of a prisoner before the expiration of his or her sentence.

- Kev tso ib tus neeg txhaum raug kaw qhovtaub uantej nws nyob nws lub txim tas.

PAROLE EVIDENCE - Oral or verbal evidence rather than written. The Parole Evidence Rule limits the admissibility of parole evidence which would directly contradict the clear meaning of terms of a written contract.

-Cov lus povthawj uas siv ncauj hais xwb tsis yog sau rau ntaub ntawv. Txojcai tswj ntawm kev teev lus li no muaj kev txwv txiav tias dabtsi thiaj siv tau xwb, li ntawd thiaj li yuav tsis muaj teebmeem cuam tshuam rau ntawm cov lus teev tseg nyob rau hauv tsab ntawv sib cog lus.

PARTY - A person, business, or government agency actively involved in the prosecution or defense of a legal proceeding.

-Ib tug neeg, ib qho lagluam, losyog nomtswv hoobkaas uas muaj kev koomtes nrog foob lossis txheem plaubntug.

PATENT - A government grant giving an inventor the exclusive right to make or sell his or her invention for a term of years.

-Nomtswv daim ntawv tsocai rau ib tug neeg uas khoob khuab xwv xam lossis yog tus xub tsim tejyam khoom ub no kom muaj txojcai rau nws ib leeg xwb los mus ua ntxiv losyog muag yam uas nws tsim tau ntawd li ntawm ob peb xyoo twg tso.

PATERNITY - Fatherhood.

-Kev ua leej txiv rau menyuam.

PENALTY = LUB TXIM - Punishment, civil or criminal, generally referring to payment of money.

- Kev rau txim uas siv rau cov plaub pejxeem sibfoob yuav nyiaj lossis plaub raug kaw. Ntau zaus, lo lus no yog hais txog lub txim uas raug them nyiaj.
PENDING - Begun, but not yet completed. Thus, an action is pending from its inception until the rendition of its final judgment.

-Pib lawm, tabsis tsis tau ua tiav, tseem tabtom hais. Yog li ntawd, ib rooj plaub twg, thaum pib lawm, tsuas nyob qhov uas tseem tabtom hais xwb, txog txij lub sijhawm uas txiav txim zaum kawg ces mam li tiav.

PENITENTIARY = QHOVTAUB LOJ, TSEV LAJCUJ, TUAMTSEV KAW NEEG - A prison or place of confinement where convicted felons are sent to serve out the term of their sentence.

-Ib lub tsev kaw neeg losyog qhovtaub uas cov neeg raug txiav txim txhaum kevcai loj (felony) raug xa mus nyob kom tas lawv lub txim.

PEOPLE (PROSECUTION) = XEEV, TOG FOOB PLAUB – A state, for example, the People of the State of California.

- Ib lo lus siv rau lub xeev uas foob plaub, xwsli, cov Pejxeem nyob hauv lub Xeev California.

PEREMPTORY CHALLENGE - The right to challenge a juror without assigning a reason for the challenge.

-Txojcai los mus taujxub tsis pomzoo rau ib tug neeg los ua tus pejxeem txiav txim tsis tas yuav qhia seb vim licas tsis pomzoo.

PERJURY = HAIS LUS DAG - A false statement given while under oath or in a sworn affidavit.

-Lo lus dag tsis muaj tseeb uas hais tawm tomqab twb tsa tes lees tas lawm haistias yuav qhia qhov tseeb xwb losyog lo lus dag uas muaj nyob rau hauv ib daim ntawv povthawj lees qhia qhov tseeb.

PERMANENT INJUNCTION - A court order requiring that some action be taken, or that some party refrain from taking action. It differs from forms of temporary relief, such as a temporary restraining order or preliminary injunction.

Tsev hais plaub tsab ntawv xaaj kom ua ib yam dabtsis lossis txwv kom tus neeg ntawd tsis txhob ua ib yam dabtsi. Nws txawv cov ntawv muab kev pab siv ib ntus xwb, xwsli tsab ntawv tivthaiv tsis pub tiv tauj nyob uake.
PERMANENT RESIDENT – One who lives in a location for a period of time and denotes it as their official address or residence.

-Ib tug neeg uas nyob rau ib qho chaw tau ib ntus lawm es nws thwm thiab xam tias qhov chaw ntawd yog nws qhov chaw nyob tiag.
PERSON IN NEED OF SUPERVISION = TIBNEEG UAS TOOBKAAS KEV SAIBXYUAS - Juvenile found to have committed a status offense rather than a crime that would provide a basis for a finding of delinquency. Typical status offenses are habitual truancy, violating a curfew, or running away from home. These are not crimes, but they might be enough to place a child under supervision. In different states, status offenders might be called children in need of supervision or minors in need of supervision. See STATUS OFFENDERS.

- Lo lus siv rau cov menyuam tsis tau muaj hnub nyoog uas raug txiav txim tias txhaum rau tej kev txhaum me, tsis yog cov kev txhaum loj raug kaw tau. Feem ntau, cov kev txhaum me yog tejyam xwsli qhaj ntawv tsis mus kawm ntawv, nyob dhau sijhawm pub nyob, lossis khiav tawm hauv tsev mus lawm. Cov no tsis yog kev txhaum loj raug kaw tau, tabsis tejzaum yuav tsim nyog txaus muab tus menyuam tso rau ib qho kev saibxyuas menyuam yaus.

PERSONAL PROPERTY = KHOOM NTIAG TUG - Tangible physical property (such as cars, clothing, furniture, and jewelry) and intangible personal property. This does not include real property such as land or rights in land.

-Khoom vajtsev tej uas pom thiab kov tau (xwsli tsheb, khaub ncaws, rooj zaum thiab saw kub qhwv ntsej) thiab tej khoom ntawm tus kheej (xwsli nyiaj tso cia ua lagluam noj paj ntau (stocks) thiab muaj tug ntawm nomtswv ntaub ntawv txais nyiaj ua lagluam (bonds). Qhov no tsis yog cov khoom xwsli ib thaj av lossis tej cai uas muaj nyob rau thaj av ntawd.

PERSONAL RECOGNIZANCE = TSO TAWM TSIS THEM NYIAJ TXHIV - Pre-trial release based on the person's own promise that he or she will show up for trial (no bond required). Also OWN RECOGNIZANCE.

-Muab tus neeg raug foob tso tawm tsis tas yuav them nyiaj txhiv losyog nyiaj tso tawm, tsuas cog lus tseg tias mam rov qab tuaj hais plaub xwb.

PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE - The person who administers an estate. If named in a will, that person's title is an executor. If there is no valid will, that person's title is an administrator.

-Tus neeg uas saibxyuas cov khoom cuabyeej cuabtam rau ib tug neeg. Yog tias nws muaj npe nyob rau tsab ntawv faib cuabyeej cuabtam tseg, lawm no ces nws hu ua tus “executor.” Yog tsis muaj tsab ntawv faib cuabyeej cuabtam tseg, ces tus neeg ntawd hu ua tus “administrator”.
PETIT JURY - The ordinary jury of twelve (or fewer) persons for the trial of a civil or criminal case. So called to distinguish it from the grand jury.

-Kaum ob tus pejxeem txiav txim (lossis tsawg dua kaum ob) rau cov plaubntug pejxeem sibfoob yuav nyiaj, lossis cov plaubntug raug kaw. Lo lus no nws hu li ntawd kom txawv lo lus grand jury.”

PETITION = TSAB NTAWV FOOB - A formal, written application to the court requesting judicial action on some matter.

-Tsab ntawv sau mus rau tsev hais plaub thov kom kws txiav txim ua ib yam dabtsi

PETITIONER = TUS NEEG FOOB, TOG FOOB - The person filing an action in a court of original jurisdiction. Also, the person who appeals the judgment of a lower court. The opposing party is called the respondent.

-Tus neeg uas ua ntaub ntawv foob lwm tus rau lub tsev hais plaub uas muaj cai mloog thiab txiav txim rau nws. Thiab, kuj yog tus neeg uas tsis txaus siab rau lub txim uas lub tsev hais plaub qib me tau txiav txim lawm, es nws coj mus rau tsev hais plaub qib siab mloog thiab txiav txim dua. Tog sab tod hu ua tog teb “respondent”.

PETTY OFFENSE = KEV TXHAUM ME – In some states, an offense for which the authorized penalty does not exceed imprisonment for 3 months or a fine of $500.

- Nyob rau qee lub xeev, yog cov kev txhaum me uas lub txim raug kaw tsis pub kaw tshaj 3 hli lossis lub txim raug nplua nyiaj tsuas pub nplua txog $500 xwb.
PETTY THEFT = NYHIAG KHOOM ME - The act of taking and carrying away the personal property of another of a value usually below $100.00 with the intent to deprive the owner or possessor of it permanently.

-Qhov uas nyiag thiab nqa mus nyob rau ntawm tej khoom vajtsev ub no ntawm ib tug neeg uas muaj nqis me me xwb npaj ua kom tus tswv losyog neeg muaj ntawv tsis txhob muaj lawm.

PHYSICAL PLACEMENT = CHAW NYOB RAU MENYUAM. The right of a parent to have a child live with them and to make decisions about the child’s daily life.

-Txojcai ntawm ib tug niam txiv ua kom ib tug menyuam nrog lawv nyob thiab muaj kev txiav txim txog tus menyuam kev nyob noj haus txhua hnub.

PIMP = TUS NEEG MUAG NIAM NTIAV - To obtain customers for a whore or prostitute. One who obtains customers for a whore or prostitute.

- Txoj kev lossis tus neeg uas nrhiav neeg los them nyiaj deev cov niam ntiav lossis txiv ntiav.

PLAINTIFF = TUS NEEG FOOB, TOG FOOB - A person who initiates a lawsuit against another. Also called the complainant.

-Tus neeg uas xub foob plaubntug taujxub lwm tus. Kuj muab hu ua tus neeg tsis txaus siab.

PLEA - In a criminal proceeding, it is the defendant's declaration in open court that he or she is guilty or not guilty. The defendant's answer to the charges made in the indictment or information.

-Nyob rau cov plaubntug raug kaw, lo lus no yog tus neeg raug foob lo lus hais tawm thaum tseem tabtom hais rooj plaub hauv tsev hais plaub, uas qhia haistias nws txhaum los tsis txhaum. Tus neeg raug foob lo lus teb cov lus liam uas muaj nyob rau tsab ntawv foob.

PLEA BARGAIN - The process whereby the accused and the prosecutor in a criminal case work out a mutually satisfactory disposition of the case subject to court approval. Usually involves the defendant's pleading guilty to a lesser offense or to only one.

- Txheej txheem thaum tus neeg raug liam thiab tus kws lijchoj foob plaub uas nyob rau ib rooj plaub raug kaw, sibtham hais haum thiab ob leeg pomzoo rau ib txoj kev tabsis yuav yog tus kws txiav txim pomzoo yuav li ntawd thiab. Ntau zaus, tus neeg txhaum los mus lees tias yeej tau ua kev txhaum tiag kom nws tau txais thiab nyob lub txim me zog losyog kom nws tau ib qhaub kev txhaum xwb.

PLEADINGS - The written statements of fact and law filed by the parties to a lawsuit.

- Tsab ntawv uas sau txog cov lus muaj tseeb thiab cov kevcai lijchoj los ntawm ob tog uas sibfoob nyob rau hauv rooj plaub.
POLLING THE JURY = NUG COV PEJXEEM TXIAV TXIM - The act, after a jury verdict has been announced, of asking jurors individually whether they agree with the verdict.

- Txoj kev uas nug txhua tus pejxeem txiav txim ib tug dhau ib tug seb lawv puas txaus siab pomzoo rau lo lus txiav txim ntawd tomqab cov pejxeem txiav txim twb qhia tawm tias lawv txiav txim txhaum los tsis txhaum.

POLYGRAPH = LUB CAV KUAJ LUS DAG - Lie detector test and the apparatus for conducting the test.

- Txoj kev kuaj lus dag thiab lub cav siv los kuaj seb puas dag.

POSSESSION OF DRUGS = MUAJ TSHUAJ - The presence of drugs on the accused for recreational use or for the purpose to sell.

- Txoj kev uas muaj tej tshuaj yeeb txhaum kevcai nyob rau ntawm tus neeg raug liam kom nws tau siv ua si losyog muab coj mus muag tawm.

POSTCONVICTION RELIEF - A procedure by which a convicted defendant challenges the conviction and/or sentence on the basis of some alleged violation or error.

-Ib qhov kev ua ntaub ntawv uas ib tug neeg raug txiav txim tias tau ua txhaum taujxub qhov txiav txim thiab/losyog lub txim vim nws tias uas tsis raws cai losyog tsis thwj lawm.

POSTPONEMENT = MUAB NCUA - To put off or delay a court hearing.

-Muab kev hais plaubntug tso tseg tsis hais es muab ncua rau lwm lub sijhawm mam hais dua.

POUR-OVER WILL - A will that leaves some or all estate assets to a trust established before the will-maker's death.

- Tsab ntawv faib cuabyeej cuabtam uas tso ib txhia lossis tso tagnrho tej cuabyeej cuabtam rau ib tug neeg saibxyuas lossis ib qho chaw khaws nyiaj“trust” uas twb tsim tseg lawm uantej tus neeg uas ua tsab ntawv faib khoom ntawd tag simneej.

POWER OF ATTORNEY - Formal authorization of a person to act in the interest of another person.

-Kev muaj ntaub ntawv tsocai rau ib tug neeg kom nws ua tus sawvcev pab tau li siab xav rau lwm tus neeg.

PRECEDENT -A previously decided case that guides the decision of future cases.

-Ib qho teebmeem plaubntug uas twb muab txiav txim tag lawm uas siv ua qauv rau lwm cov plaubntug rau yav tom ntej.

PREJUDICE - A forejudgment, bias, a preconceived opinion.

-Ib qho kev xav ua ntej, tsis ncaj, ib qho tswvyim xub muaj ua ntej.

PREJUDICIAL ERROR - Synonymous with reversible error; an error which warrants the appellate court in reversing the judgment before it.

-Zoo ib yam li lo lus “reversible error”; ib qho yuam kev uas tsim nyog cov tsev hais plaub uas mloog cov plaubntug uas coj los saib thiab hais dua (appellate court) yuav tsum rov qab muab lo lus txiav txim ntawd thim kho hloov dua tsiab.
PREJUDICIAL EVIDENCE - Evidence which might unfairly sway the judge or jury to one side or the other.

-Cov povthawj uas yuav ua rau tus kws txiav txim lossis cov pejxeem txiav txim rau rooj plaub xav tsis ncaj losyog ntseeg ib tog ntau dua ib tog.

PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION - The hearing available to a person charged with a felony to determine if there is enough evidence (probable cause) to hold him for trial.

-Coj tus neeg raug foob cov kev txhaum txim loj los hais plaub thawj zaug seb puas muaj puavpheej txaus (puas tsim nyog) coj nws mus hais plaub ntxiv lawm yav tom ntej.

PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION - In civil cases when it is necessary to preserve the status quo prior to trial, the court may issue a preliminary injunction or temporary restraining order ordering a party to carry out a specified activity.

-Nyob rau cov plaubntug pejxeem sibfoob yuav nyiaj, thaum nyuav tsum tau pab ua kom tau rawsli txojcai, lub tsev hais plaub tejzaum kuj siv tsab ntawv txwv pab khoo rau ib ntus uantej tso, lossis siv tsab ntawv ceev tsis pub sib tiv tauj.

PREMEDITATION - The planning of a crime preceding the commission of the act, rather than committing the crime on the spur of the moment.

- Txoj kev npaj ua kev txhaum uantej ua txoj kev txhaum ntawd, es tsis yog tias cia li lam tau lam ua kev txhaum xwb xwsli thaum xav ua ces ua xwb.
PREPONDERANCE OF THE EVIDENCE - Evidence which is of greater weight or more convincing than the evidence which is offered in opposition to it.

-Povthawj uas muaj nqis dua losyog txaus ntseeg dua cov povthawj uas qhia tawm los taujxub nws.

PRESENTENCE REPORT - A report to the sentencing judge containing background information about the crime and the defendant to assist the judge in making his or her sentencing decision.

- Daim ntawv siv rau tus kws txiav txim plaub uas yuav los rau txim, uas qhia txog keeb kwm ntawm cov teebmeem kev txhaum thiab tus neeg raug foob kom pab tus kws txiav txim kom nws paub rau txim kom ncaj thwj toob.

PRESENTMENT - Declaration or document issued by a grand jury that either makes a neutral report or notes misdeeds by officials charged with specified public duties. It ordinarily does not include a formal charge of crime.

-Tsab ntawv uas cov pejxeem txiav txim sau hais txog kev nruab nrab lossis kev txhaum los ntawm cov neeg ua haujlwm rau nomtswv txog nws txoj haujlwm. Feem ntau tsis muaj lo lus foob haistias nws tau ua kev txhaum.
PRESUMPTION = XAV UA NTEJ- An inference of the truth or falsity of a proposition or fact, that stands until rebutted by evidence to the contrary.

-Kev xav ua ntej txog qhov tseeb los qhov cuav rau yam tau hnov losyog pom uas yuav tsis hloov siab li txog thaum tog sab tod los sibcav thiab muab povthawj los hais txawv.
PRESUMPTION OF INNOCENCE = XAV UA NTEJ TIAS TSIS TXHAUM- A hallowed principle of criminal law that a person is innocent of a crime until proven guilty. The government has the burden of proving every element of a crime beyond a reasonable doubt and the defendant has no burden to prove his innocence.

-Txoj kevcai lijchoj uas haistias ib tug tib neeg tsis txhaum ib lub txim txog thawm luag muab tau povthawj tseeb tias nws yeej tau ua txhaum lawm tiag. Yog nomtswv txoj haujlwm los muab kom tau txhua txhua yam povthawj los haistias nws yeej txhaum lub txim tsis muaj kev xoomxiam thiab tus neeg raug foob tsis muaj feem xyuam los muab povthawj txog qhov nws tsis txhaum.
PRETERMITTED CHILD = TUS MENYUAM YUG TOM QAB- A child born after a will is executed, who is not provided for by the will. Most states have laws that provide for a share of estate property to go to such children.

-Tus menyuam uas yug tom qab tsab ntawv tso cuabyeej cuabtam twb sau tiav tag lawm, uas tsis muaj npe nyob rau hauv tsab ntawv cuabyeej cuabtam. Feem ntau tej lub xeev kuj muaj txojcai muab cov khoom faib rau cov menyuam ntawd.
PRE-TRIAL CONFERNECE = SIB THAM UA NTEJ – A meeting between the judge and the lawyers involved in a lawsuit to narrow the issues in the suit, agree on what will be presented at the trial, and make a final effort to settle the case without a trial.

-Kev sib tham ntawm tus kws txiav txim thiab cov kws lijchoj txog cov nstiab lus uas yuav muab coj los hais rooj plaub, txaus siab muab dabtsi tuaj mus teev thaum hais rooj plaub, thiab sib tham zaum kawg seb puas txaus siab thiaj tsis tau muab rooj plaub mus hais muaj yeej muaj swb.
PRIORS = MUAJ LOS LAWM – A slang term meaning previous conviction(s) of the accused.

-Ib los lus siv qhia txog cov kev txhaum uas ib tus neeg muaj yav nram ntej lawm.

PRISON = TSEV KAW NEEG – a federal or state public building or other place for the confinement of persons. It is used as either a punishment imposed by the law or otherwise in the course of the administration of justice. Also known as penitentiary, penal institution, adult correctional institution, or jail.

-Tsoomfwv qhib siab lossis lub xeev lub tsev lossis qhov chaw kaw neeg. Qhov chaw kaw cov neeg raug txim rawsli tsev hais plaub tau txiav txim lossis coj tus neeg raug txim mus cob qhia kom nws txhob ua txhaum ntxiv lawm. Lwm cov npe siv, penitentiary, penal institution, adult correctional institution, lossis jail.

PRIVILEGED – A legal right, exemption or immunity granted to a person, company or class, that is beyond the common advantages of other citizens.

-Txojcai uas neeg muaj, ib txojcai uas zam txim rau ib tus neeg, ib lub tsev ua haujlwm, lossis ib qeb neeg twg kom muaj ntau tshaj lwm tus pejxeem.
PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATIONS = TXWV TSIS PUB HAIS TAWM – Confidential communications to certain persons that are protected by law against any disclosure, including forced disclosure in legal proceedings. Communications between lawyer and client, physician and patient, psychotherapist and patient, priest, minister, or rabbi and penitent are typically privileged.

-Lus sib tham ntawm qee tus neeg uas txojcai txwv tsis pub tham qhia ib yam tawm, nrog rau kev yuam kom qhia nyob rau kev hais plaub. Xwsli cov lus sib tham los ntawm tus kws lijchoj thiab tus neeg uas nws hais plaub rau, tus kws khomob thiab tus neeg mob, tus kws kho kev nyuaj siab thiab tus neeg mob kev nyuaj siab thiab tus xibfwb thiab nws pawg ntseeg.
PRIVITY - Mutual or successive relationships to the same right of property, or the same interest of one person with another which represents the same legal right.

-Sib raug zoo lossis koom saib los ntawm ob tus neeg muaj cai ib yam rau tej cuabyeej cuabtam, losyog kev txaus siab ib yam ntawm ob leeg uas muaj kev sawvcev sib npaug zos los ntawm txojcai.

PRO SE = SAWVCEV HAIS PLAUB YUS TUS KHEEJ- Representing one’s self in court without a lawyer.

-Sawvcev rau yus tus kheej hauv tsev hais plaub tsis muaj tus kws lijchoj.
PROBABLE CAUSE = YEEJ MUAJ – A reasonable belief that a crime has or is being committed; the basis for all lawful searches, seizures, and arrests.

-Kev ntseeg tias tejzaum kev txhaum yeej tshwmsim lawm lossis muaj lawm; ua rau muaj cai tshawb, nqa mus, thiab ntes.

PROBATE - The court-supervised process by which a will is determined to be the will-maker’s final statement regarding how the will-maker wants his or her property distributed. It also confirms the appointment of the personal representative of the estate. Probate also means the process by which assets are gathered; applied to pay debts, taxes, and expenses of administration; and distributed to those designated as beneficiaries.

-Tsev hais plaub kev saibxyuas tsab ntawv faib khoom cuabyeej cuabtam ntawm tus tswv lo lus kawg txog kev nws xav kom nws cov khoom muab faib licas. Kuj muaj kev lees paub txog tus neeg sawvcev saibxyuas nws cov khoom. Los lus “probate” no txhais ntxiv tau tias muab tej cuabyeej cuabtam los sau uake; muab them nuj nqi, them se, thiab them nqi ua ntaub ntawv, thiab muab faib rau cov neeg muaj npe nyob rau tsab ntawv tso cuabyeej cuabtam tseg.
PROBATE COURT = TSEV HAIS PLAUB SAIBXYUAS KEV FAIB CUABYEEJ CUABTAM - The court with authority to supervise estate administration.

-Tsev hais plaub uas muaj cai los mus saibxyuas txog kev tswjhwm cov cuabyeej cuabtam.

PROBATE ESTATE - Estate property that may be disposed of by a will.

-Cuabyeej, cuabtam, vajtsev, av uas yuav muab faib rawsli tsab ntawv tso cuabyeej cuabtam tseg.

PROBATION = RAUG SAIBXYUAS - A sentence imposed for the commission of a crime whereby a convicted criminal offender is released into the community, usually under conditions and under the supervision of a probation officer, instead of incarceration. A violation of probation can lead to its revocation and to imprisonment.

-Ib txoj kev rau txim uas muab ib tug neeg tau ua txhaum txim tso tawm mus nyob hauv zejzog rawsli cov cai lawv teem thiab raug saibxyuas los ntawm ib tug neeg hu ua “probation officer,” theej qhov raug mus kaw. Yog ua txhaum txoj kev saibxyuas, yuav raug muab tshem tawm kev saibxyuas thiab coj mus kaw.
PROBATION DEPARTMENT = HOOBKAAS SAIBXYUAS NEEG - The department that oversees the actions of probationers as well as the location of where probation officers work.

-Lub hoobkaas saibxyuas tus xeeb ceem ntawm cov neeg raug txim nyob rau kev saibxyuas, thiab kuj yog qhov chaw uas cov neeg ua haujlwm saibxyuas neeg raug txim ua haujlwm thiab.
PROBATION OFFICER = TUS NEEG UA HAUJLWM SAIBXYUAS COV NEEG RAUG TXIM - One who supervises a person placed on probation and is required to report the progress and to surrender the probationer if they violate the terms and conditions of the probation.

-Tus tib neeg uas saibxyuas ib tug neeg raug nyob kev saibxyuas, uas yuav tsum qhia txog tias tus neeg raug saibxyuas ntawd coj tau zoo licas thiab muaj cai muab tus neeg nyob kev saibxyuas rho tawm ntawm kev saibxyuas yog tias nws ua tsis rawsli cov cai uas muab rau nws.

PROCEDURAL LAW = UA RAWS TXOJCAI - The method, established normally by rules to be followed in a case; the formal steps in a judicial proceeding.

-Txheej txheem hais plaub uas tsim muaj los ntawm cov kevcai hais plaub uas yuav tsum yoog thaum hais ib rooj plaub, cov kauj ruam ntawm kevcai hais plaub.
PROFFER - An offer of proof as to what the evidence would be if a witness were called to testify or answer a question.

-Muab yam puavpheej los siv ua povthawj los xyuas tias yog tus timkhawv raug hu tuaj cev lus lossis teb cov lus nug yuav zoo licas.
PROOF = POVTHAWJ MUAJ TSEEB - Any fact or evidence that leads to a judgment of the court.

-Txhua yam tseeb lossis povthawj uas muab tau coj los txiav txim rau hauv tsev hais plaub.
PROPERTY DIVISION = KEV FAIB KHOOM VAJTSEV- A legal decision about what property and assets a husband and wife each keeps after a divorce.

-Txoj kevcai txiav txim faib khoom vajtsev thiab nyiaj txiag, seb tus txiv tsev thiab niam tsev leeg twg yuav tau dabtsi tom qab sib nrauj tag.
PROSECUTION - A proceeding instituted and carried on in order to determine the guilt or innocence of the accused.

-Txoj kev hais plaub uas tau tsim tsa coj los siv tshawb xyuas seb tus neeg raug liam puas txhaum los tsis txhaum.
PROSECUTOR = TUS KWS LIJCHOJ RAU LUB NROOG/XEEV - A trial lawyer representing the government in a criminal case and the interests of the state in civil matters. In criminal cases, the prosecutor has the responsibility of deciding who and when to prosecute.

-Tus kws lijchoj uas sawvcev pab tsoomfwv foob cov neeg tau ua txhaum txojcai uas muaj lub txim raug kaw losyog kev sawvcev rau lub xeev txog tebmeem pejxeem. Nyob rau cov plaubntug kaw neeg tus kws lijchoj no muaj feem xyuam los txiav txim siab tias leej twg thiab lub sijhawm twg yuav foob nws.

PROSTITUTION = KEV UA NIAM NTIAV - The performance or agreement to perform a sexual act for hire.

-Kev kam ua lossis tso cai/yeem muab lub cev mus sib deev ntiav yuav nyiaj.

PROTECTIVE ORDER = TSAB NTAWV TIV THAIV- A court order to protect a person from further harassment, service of process, or discovery.

-Tsab ntawv tiv thaiv ib tug tibneeg kom nws tsis txhob raug kev thab rau yav tom ntej, thiab txwv tsis pub kom lwm tus xa ntaub ntawv mus cuag nws, thiab txwv tsis pub nws hais qhia txog tej yam lawv (lwm tus) xav paub txog.
PROTECTIVE PLACEMENT = TSO NYOB RAU CHAW MUAJ KEV TIV THAIV- Legal placement of a person who is incapable of taking care of himself or herself, for the purpose of providing care for that person.

-Kev tso cai muab ib tus neeg uas tsis muaj peevxwm tu tau nws tus kheej mus nyob ib qhov chaw, lub homphiaj yog kom muaj neeg pab saibxyuas thiab pab tu tus neeg ntawd.

PROXIMATE CAUSE - The act that caused an event to occur. A person generally is liable only if an injury was proximately caused by his or her action or by his or her failure to act when he or she had a duty to act.

-Txoj kev ua uas muaj ib qho kev xwm txheej tshwmsim. Feem ntau ib tug neeg muaj feem xyuam nkaus xwb yog tias qhov kev raug mob ntawd tim los ntawm nws tau ua tej yam dabtsi lossis los ntawm nws kev tsis ua tej yam dabtsi rawsli lub luag haujlwm nws yuav tsum tau ua.
PUBLIC DEFENDER = TUS KWS LIJCHOJ DAWB - An attorney appointed by a court or employed by a government agency whose work consists primarily of defending people who are unable to hire a lawyer due to economic reasons.

-Ib tug kws lijchoj uas tsev hais plaub xaiv los ua haujlwm rau nomtswv uas nws yam haujlwm yeej yog los txheem plaubntug ntawm cov neeg uas ntiav tsis taus kws lijchoj vim txom nyem.
PUNITIVE DAMAGES - Money awarded to an injured person, over and above the measurable value of the injury, in order to punish the person who hurt him.

-Nyiaj muab mus rau tus neeg uas tau muaj kev raug mob, siab tshaj li qhov nqe uas ntsuas tau rau ntawm qhov kev raug mob, kom ua ib qho kev rau txim rau tus neeg uas tau ua raug nws.
PURGE - To clean or clear, such as eliminating inactive records from court files; with respect to civil contempt, to cure the noncompliance that caused the contempt finding.

-Muab tshem tawm lossis ua kom ploj tej ntaub ntawv qub tsis pub muaj nyob rau tsev hais plaub; hais txog lub txim txhaum tsi ua rawsli lub tsev hais plaub tsab ntawv kom ua rau lwm tus, kho lub txim ua tau ua txhaum.

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