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Hmong Legal Glossary

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DAMAGES = NYIAJ KHO – Money awarded by a court to a person injured by the unlawful act or negligence of another person.

-Nyiaj txiag uas tsev hais plaub txiav txim muab rau ib tus neeg uas raug mob vim lwm tus neeg ua txhaum kevcai lossis tsis xyuam xim txog lwm tus neeg ntawd.
DE FACTO – (Latin for “in fact.”) Often used in place of “actual” to show that the court will treat as a fact authority being exercised or an entity acting as if it had authority, even though the legal requirements have not been met.

-(Lus Latin rau “in point of fact” lossis “qhov tseeb tiag”) 1. Qhov tiag, yeej muaj tseeb, yeej siv tau txawm tias tsis tau muaj txojcai lossis tseem tsis tau tso cai rau. 2. Tsis tau muaj ntaub ntawv tiag los yeej siv tau nyog lossis ua haujlwm lawm.
DE NOVO – (Latin for “Anew.”) A trial de novo is a completely new trial held as if the original trial had never taken place.

-(Lus Latin rau “Anew” tshiab tuaj, ib zaug ntxiv) – Ib rooj plaub “de novo” yog ib rooj plaub uas tshiab tagnrho cuag li rooj pluab uas twb tau hais tas thawj zaug ntawd yeej tsis tau coj los hais dua li.
DEATH PENALTY = LUB TXIM TUAG – State-imposed death as punishment for a serious crime. Capital punishment.

-Lub xeev muab lub txim tuag no los rau txim rau cov kev txhaum uas loj heev. Lwm lo lus uas siv tau yog “capital punishment.”
DEATH ROW = CHAW NYOB TOS LUB TXIM TUAG – The area of a state or federal prison where criminals who are sentenced to death are confined until their sentence is commuted or carried out.

-Lub chav nyob hauv cov tsev lojcuj hauv lub xeev lossis tsoomfwv uas tuav cia cov neeg raug txim tuag txog lawv hnub tuag .
DEBTOR = TUS NEEG TSHUAV NQI – a person who owes money.

-Ib tug neeg uas tshuav luag nqi.
DECISION = LO LUS TXIAV TXIM – The judgment reached or given by a court of law.

-Lub txim uas txiav tau lossis muab phua tau los ntawm tsev hais plaub los.
DECLARATORY JUDGMENT = LUS TXIAV TXIM QHIA – A judgment of the court that explains what the existing law is or expresses the opinion of the court without the need for enforcement.

-Lo lus txiav txim ntawm tsev hais plaub uas qhia tias txojcai uas twb muaj tseg lawm yog dabtsi, lossis qhia txog tsev hais plaub txoj kev xav tabsis tsis tas yuav tsum yuam kom ua tau.
DECREE = TSAB NTAWV TXIAV TXIM – An order of the court. A final decree is one that fully and finally disposes of the litigation. An interlocutory decree is a preliminary order that often disposes of only part of a lawsuit.

-Tsab ntawv txiav txim los ntawm tsev hais plaub. “Final decree” yog tsab ntawv txiav txim zaum kawg uas xaus thiab daws kev plaubntug kom tas. “Interlocutory decree” yog tsab ntawv txiav txim thawj zaug uas ntau zaus tsuas xaus ib feem ntawm rooj plaub xwb.
DEFAMATION = XYAV MOO – That which tends to injure a person's reputation. Libel is published defamation, whereas slander is spoken.

-1. Txoj kev ua phem rau lwm tus neeg lub koo, lub npe, lub moo uas yog los ntawm hais tej lus dag tsis muaj tseeb (lus paj lus cua, lus xaiv) rau lwm tus neeg hnov. 2. Lo lus dag tsis muaj tseeb uas sau cia lossis muab hais tawm uas puas tau lwm tus neeg lub npe.
DEFAULT - A failure to respond to a lawsuit within the specified time.

-Thaum tus neeg raug foob tsis tuaj teb thiab hais rooj plaub rawsli sijhawm teem tseg.
DEFAULT-JUDGMENT - A judgment entered against a party who fails to appear in court, respond to the charges, or does not comply with an order, especially an order to provide or permit discovery.

-Lo lus txiav txim rau tus neeg uas tsis tuaj tshwm ntsej tshwm muag rau tsev hais plaub, tsis tuaj teb cov lus foob nws, lossis tsis ua rawsli tsab ntawv teev cai tseg.
DEFENDANT = TUS NEEG RAUG FOOB/ TUS TXHEEM PLAUB - 1. In a criminal case, the person accused of the crime. 2. In a civil case, the person being sued.

-Nyob rau cov plaubntug raug kaw, lo lus no yog tus neeg uas raug liam tias nws tau ua kev txhaum.
DEFENSE = LUS TXHEEM / LUS TEB – 1. Defendant's statement of a reason why the plaintiff or prosecutor has no valid case against defendant, especially a defendant's answer, denial, or plea. 2. Defendant's method and strategy in opposing the plaintiff or the prosecution.

-1. Tus neeg raug foob lo lus txheem tias tus tswv plaub uas foob nws lossis tus kws lijchoj uas foob nws yeej tsis muaj lus txaus uas tsim nyog los foob tus neeg raug foob, tshwjxeeb yog tus neeg raug foob lo lus teb, lo lus tsis kam lees, lossis lo lu lees kev txhaum. 2. Tus neeg raug foob txoj kev txheem thiab txoj kev sablaj nhriav tswvyim los teb tus tswv plaub uas foob nws lossis tog uas foob nws.
DEFENSE ATTORNEY = TUS KWS LIJCHOJ TXHEEM PLAUB - An attorney who represents the defendant.

-Tus kws lijchoj uas sawvcev rau tus neeg raug foob.
DEFERRED PROSECUTION = KEV COG LUS TSO TAWM TSIS TAU RAU TXIM – A plea agreement to postpone prosecution of a case if the defendant can meet the conditions of release.

-Ib qho kev sib cog lus kom tsis txhob raug txim ntawm ib rooj plaub yog tias tus neeg raug foob ua rawsli kev sib cog lus tseg tso tawm.
DELIBERATE = UA ZOO XAV – 1. To discuss, ponder or reflect upon before reaching a decision. A judge will usually deliberate before announcing a judgment. 2. Intentional, characterized by consideration and awareness.

-1. Mus sib tham, ua zoo xav kom thoob, lossis nco txog thiab sablaj txog ua ntej yuav txiav txim. Ntau zaus tus kws txiav txim yeej mus ua zoo xav ua ntej nws los tshaj tawm tias txiav txim licas. 2. Txhob txwm ua, muaj kev txawj xav thiab kev paub zoo txog.
DELIBERATION = TXOJ KEV UA ZOO XAV – The jury's decision-making process after hearing the evidence and closing arguments and being given the court's instructions.

-Cov pejxeem txiav txim txoj kev mus txiav txim tom qab lawv hnov cov lus povthawj thiab lus xaus rooj plaub thiab tom qab tsev hais plaub (lossis tus kws txiav txim) muab cov lus qhuab qhia rau lawv.
DELINQUENCY, JUVENILE = MENYUAM TXHAUM KEVCAI – Antisocial behavior by a minor; especially behavior that would be criminally punishable if the actor were an adult, but instead is usually punished by special laws pertaining only to minors.

-Cov menyuam tsis tau muaj hnub nyoog 18 xyoo coj cwjpwm tsis zoo ua tej yam txhaum kevcai; tshwjxeeb yob coj tej cwjpwm uas tsim nyog raug txim kaw tau yog tias tus neeg ua ntawd yog ib tug neeg laus muaj hnub nyoog lawm, tabsis ntau zaus tsuas muab rau txim los ntawm cov kevcai tshwjxeeb uas siv tau rau cov menyuam uas tsis tau muaj 18 xyoo xwb.
DEMONSTRATIVE EVIDENCE = COV POVTHAWJ NTHUAV QHIA – Actual objects, pictures, models and other devices which are intended to clarify the facts for the judge and jury.

-Tej yam khoom, cov duab, cov qauv pivtxwv thiab lwm yam khoom uas txhob txwm muab los nthuav rau tus kws txiav txim thiab cov pejxeem txiav txim kom pom qhov tseeb.
DEMURRER - A motion to dismiss a civil case because of the legal insufficiency of a complaint.

-Tsab ntawv thov kom muab rooj plaub pejxeem sibfoob tso pov tseg vim tias cov lus foob tsis muaj cai txaus lossis tsis muag zog txaus foob.

DENY = TSIS KAM / TSIS KAM LEES – To refuse to grant a petition or motion; to refuse to admit a fact or accusation.

-Tsis kam tso cai ua ntaub ntawv losyog kho hloov ntaub ntawv; tsis kam lees qhov tsheeb losyog kev raug liam.
DEPENDENT CHILD - A child who is homeless or without proper care through no fault of the parent, guardian, or custodian.

-Tus menyuam uas tsis muaj vajtsev nyob lossis tsis muaj kev tu zoo txaus, uas tsis yog tim niam txiv, tus neeg muaj cai saibxyuas tu nws, lossis tus neeg muaj cai muaj tus menyuam nyob nrog nws.
DEPORTATION / REMOVAL PROCEEDINGS = KEV TSHEM TAWM TEBCHAWS – The act of removing a person to another country. Order issued by an immigration judge, expelling an alien from the United States. A deportation has certain consequences regarding the number of years within which a deportee may not legally immigrate. There are also criminal consequences for reentry within a prescribed time period.

-Txoj kev uas tshem ib tug neeg tawm mus rau lwm lub tebchaws. Ib tsab ntawv yuam kom ua lossis lus xaaj los ntawm tus kws txiav txim txog neeg tsiv teb tsaws chaw uas muab tus neeg tsis muaj ntaub ntawv nyob raws kevcai tshem tawm ntawm tebchaws Asmesliskas mus. Tus neeg raug tshem tawm tebchaws yuav muaj kev covnyom xwsli yuav siv sijhawj puas tshawg xyoo nws thiaj li yuav mauj cai rov qab nkag tebchaws. Thiab yog tias nws rov nkag tebchaws thaum lub sijhawm uas tsis tau tso cai, ces nws yuav txhaum kevcai tsim nyog raug kaw.
DEPOSITION = KEV SIB NUG LUS – A pretrial discovery device by which one party questions the other party or a witness for the other party. It usually takes place in the office of one of the lawyers, in the presence of a court reporter, who transcribes what is said. Questions are asked and answered orally as if in court, with opportunity given to the adversary to cross-examine. Occasionally, the questions are submitted in writing and answered orally. Txoj kev hais plaub uas muaj ob tog sibfoob tuaj nug tog tod lossis tog tod tus timkhawv.

-Feem ntau, tuaj nug lus ntawm ib tus kws lijchoj qhov chaw ua haujlwm, thiab muaj tus neeg ntau ntawv uas muab cov lus nug thiab teb ntau kaw tseg. Yeej nug thiab teb lus zoo nkaus li nyob rau hauv tsev hais plaub, thiab muab caij rau ob tog los sib nug sib xaub. Muaj qee zaus, cov lus nug ho muab sau rau ntaub ntawv xwb ces tus neeg mam li teb lus ntawm ncauj xwb.

DEPRIVATION OF CUSTODY = TXIAV KEV SAIBXYUAS THIAB TU – The court transfer of legal custody of a person from parents or legal guardian to another person, agency, or institution. It may be temporary or permanent.

-Txoj kev uas tsev hais plaub muab txojcai saibxyuas thiab tu ib tug neeg ntawm niam txiv lossis tus saibxyuas ib tug neeg hloov mus rau lwm tus neeg, lwm lub koomhaum, lossis lwm lub tuam tsev. Muaj tejzaum kuj yog ib ntus xwb. Tejzaum kuj yog tag simneej.
DEPUTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY = NOMTSWV TUS KWS LIJCHOJ LOO – An assistant lawyer to the district attorney. Also DEPUTY D.A.

-Yog ib tus kws lijchoj loo uas nomtswv tsa los pab tus thawj kws lijchoj hauv lub nroog.
DESCENT AND DISTRIBUTION STATUTES - State laws that provide for the distribution of estate property of a person who dies without a will. Same as intestacy laws.

-Lub xeeb txojcai uas muab coj los qhia tias faib cuabyeej cuabtam licas rau ib tus neeg uas tas simneej uas tsis muaj tsab ntawv faib khoom tseg. Siv ib yam li cov kevcai “intestacy laws.”
DETENTION = MUAB CEEV CIA - The act or fact of holding a person in custody; confinement or compulsory delay.

-Muab ib tug neeg ceev cia, muab kaw cia lossis tuav cia.
DETENTION HEARING - In juvenile court, a judicial hearing, usually held after the filing of a petition, to determine interim custody of a minor pending a judgment.

-Hauv tsev hais plaub menyuam tsis tau muaj 18 xyoo, yog ib txoj kev hais plaub uas ntau zaus sib hais tom qab ua ntaub ntawv foob, los mus txiav txim seb yuav muab tus menyuam tsis tau muaj 18 xyoo coj mus nyob rau qhov twg tos txog hnub rov qab tuaj txiav txim.
DICTUM – (Latin for “remark.”) A comment by a judge in a decision or ruling which is not required to reach the decision, but may state a related legal principle as the judge understands it. While it may be cited in legal argument, it does not have the full force of a precedent (previous court decisions or interpretations) since the comment was not part of the legal basis for judgment.

-(Lus Latin rau “remark” lossis “cov lus hais.”) Lo lus uas tus txiav txim tau hais nrog rau nws lo lus txiav txim uas tsis tas yuav hais es thiaj li txiav txim tau rau rooj plaub, tabsis nws tsuas hais xwb vim tias txojcai zoo xwsli lwm txojcai rawsli tus kws txiav txim totaub. Txawm tias muab coj los siv vim tias sib cam txog ib txojcai ntawm rooj plaub, qhov no tsim muaj ceem npaum li ib cov lus twb tau hais tas lawm (xwsli tsev hais plaub tej kev txiav txim lossis tej kev txhais plaub) vim tias cov lus ntawd tsis muaj feem nyob nrog rau txojcai uas coj los txiav txim rau rooj plaub.
DIRECT EVIDENCE = COV POVTHAWJ UAS POM THIAB HNOV KIAG – Proof of facts by witnesses who saw acts done or heard words spoken.

-Povthawj uas muaj tseeb los ntawm cov timkhawv uas pom kiag qhov uas tshwmsim lossis hnov kiag cov lus uas hais tawm.
DIRECT EXAMINATION = NUG YUS TUS TIMKHAWV THAWJ ZAUG – The first questioning of witnesses by the party on whose behalf they are called.

-Thawj zaus tus kws lijchoj nug nws tus timkhawv.
DIRECTED VERDICT – An instruction by the judge to the jury to return a specific verdict.

-Cov lus qhia los ntawm tus kws txiav txim rau cov pejxeem txiav txim tias kom lawv txiav txim rawsli nws cov lus qhia lawv.
DISBARMENT = TSHEM NTAWV HAIS PLAUB – Form of discipline of a lawyer resulting in the loss (often permanently) of that lawyer's right to practice law.

-Txoj kev rau txim rau ib tug kws lijchoj ua rau nws poob dejnum tsis muaj cai ua ib tug kws lijchoj hais plaubntug ntxiv lawm.
DISCLAIM = TSIS KAM LEES YUAV – To refuse a gift made in a will.

-Tsis kam lees yuav qhov khoom plig uas sau rau tsab ntawv faib khoom tseg.
DISCOVERY = TXOJ KEV SIB QHIA – The procedure by which one or both parties disclose evidence which will be used at trial. The specific tools of discovery include depositions, interrogatories and motions for the production of documents.

-Txoj kev uas ib tog lossis ob tog sib qhia txog tej puavpheej/ povthawj uas yuav coj tuaj siv rau rooj plaub muaj yeej muaj swb. Tej kev sib qhia no kuj muaj txhua yam xwsli kev nug thiab teb lus ntawm cov timkhawv, ntaub ntawv sau cov lus nug thiab lus teb, thiab ntaub ntawv thov tus kws txiav txim kom muab kom tau tej ntaub ntawv los sib qhia.
DISCRETION – The power of a judge to make decisions on various matters based on his or her opinion within general legal guidelines. A judge properly exercises discretion when he or she considers the facts of record under the proper legal standard and reasons his or her way to a rational conclusion.

-Txojcai uas tus kws txiav txim muaj los txiav txim rau tej plaubntug rawsli nws pomzoo tabsis yuav tsum ua rawsli kevcai lijchoj uas muaj teev tseg. Tus kws txiav txim yeej txiav txim raws kevcai lawm yog tias nws xav thoob txog cov lus muaj tseeb uas teev tseg rau ntaub ntawv rawsli cov qauv kevcai zoo, thiab yog tias nws twb xav meej lawm txog cov lus nws yuav coj los hais thaum kawg.
DISMISS = MUAB LAWB – To terminate legal action involving outstanding charges against a defendant in a criminal case.

-Tsum tsis coj tus neeg uas raug foob rau ib rooj plaub raug kaw mus hais plaub ntxiv lawm.
DISMISSAL WITH PREJUDICE = MUAB LAWB TSIS PUB ROV QAB FOOB COV LUS QUB – The dismissal of a case, by which the same cause of action cannot be brought against the defendant again at a later date.

-Muab rooj plaub lawb, yam uas tsis pub coj cov lus qub rov qab tuaj foob tus neeg raug foob lwm zaus ntxiv lwm hnub.

DISMISSAL WITHOUT PREJUDICE = MUAB LAWB TABSIS PUB ROV QAB FOOB COV LUS QUB – The dismissal of a case without preventing the plaintiff from bringing the same cause of action against the defendant in the future.

-Muab rooj plaub lawb tabsis tso cai rau tus foob plaub rov qab muab cov lus qub los foob tus neeg raug foob dua hnub qab nram ntsis.
DISORDERLY CONDUCT = COJ CWJPWM TSIS RAWS KEVCAI – Any behavior, contrary to law, which disturbs the public peace or decorum, scandalizes the community, or shocks the public sense of morality.

-Cwjpwm uas txhaum kevcai, uas ua rau pejxeem txaus ntshai, ua rau zejzog txaj muag, lossis ua rau zejzog ceeb thiab xiam ntsej muag.
DISPOSITION = TXIAV TXIM ZAUM KAWG - A final settlement or determination. The court decision terminating proceedings in a case before judgment is reached, or the final judgment.

-Lo lus sib hais haum zaum kawg lossis kev txiav txim zaum kawg. Lub tsev hais plaub lo lus txiav txim uas xaus kev sibfoob rau ib rooj plaub ua ntej txiav lub txim, lossis lo lus txiav txim zaum kawg.
DISSENT = TSIS POMZOO – To disagree. An appellate court opinion setting forth the minority view and outlining the disagreement of one or more judges with the decision of the majority.

-Lub tsev hais plaub qib siab uas muab plaubntug rov mloog dua cov kws txiav txim feem tsawg zaj tswvyim uas piav txog lawv txoj kev xav thiab kev tsis pomzoo txog ntawm txoj kev txiav txim ntawm cov kws txiav txim feem ntau.
DISSOLUTION = XAUS – The act of bringing to an end; termination. The dissolution of a marriage or other relationship.

-Txoj kev uas muab xaus kom tas mus, tsum kom tsis muaj ntxiv lawm, tu ncua. Xaus kev txijnkawm lossis kev sib txheeb lwm yam.
DISTRICT ATTORNEY = KWS LIJCHOJ RAU LUB XEEV – A lawyer appointed or elected to represent the state in criminal cases in his or her respective judicial districts. Also called D.A. See PROSECUTOR.

-Tus kws lijchoj raug tsa lossis raug xaiv los sawvcev rau lub xeev rau cov plaubntug raug kaw uas tshwmsim nyob rau lub nroog uas nws ua dejnum.
DISTRICT COURT = TSEV HAIS PLAUB HAUV NROOG – 1. Federal - A trial court with general Federal jurisdiction. 2. State - Meaning varies from state to state.

-1. Hauv Tsoomfwv Asmesliskas – Tsev hais plaub uas mloog cov plaub uas poob rau tsoomfwv txojcai. 2. Hauv Xeev – Txhais tau txawv ib lub xeev rhau xeev.
DISTURBING THE PEACE - Conduct which tends to annoy all citizens, including unnecessary and distracting noisemaking.

-Coj cwjpwm tsis zoo uas meemtxom pejxeem zejzog, nrog rau ua suab nrov heev yam tsis tsim nyog ua thiab ua rau zejzog tsis tau zoo nyob.
DIVERSION - 1. The process of removing some minor criminal traffic, or juvenile cases from the full judicial process, on the condition that the accused undergo some sort of rehabilitation or make restitution for damages. 2. Unauthorized use of funds.

-Txoj kev uas muab tej rooj plaubntug tshem tawm tsis foob mus ntxiv, xwsli cov plaub tsav tsheb lossis cov plaub menyuam txhaum kevcai, yog tias tus neeg raug liam ntawd kam mus kawm kom paub coj lossis them nyiaj kho tej yam uas nws ua puas.
DIVORCE = SIB NRAUJ – Legal dissolution of a marriage by a court. Also termed dissolution of marriage.

-Tsev hais plaub txojcai uas xaus kev txijnkawm. Kuj siv tau lo lus xaus kev txijnkawm thiab.
DOCKET - A list of cases to be heard by a court, or a log containing brief entries of court proceedings.

-Daim ntawv teev cov rooj plaub uas yuav coj los hais rau kws txiav txim mloog thiab sau txog haistias rooj plaub twg yog hais txog dabtsi.
DOCKET NUMBER - The designation assigned to each case filed in a particular court. Also called a case number.

-Tus zauv lossis lej ntawm rooj plaub; ib rooj plaub lawv yeej muab ib tug zauv rau.
DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE – Any document which is presented and allowed as evidence in a trial or hearing, as distinguished from oral testimony.

-Tej yam ntaub ntawv uas tso cai muab los ua povthawj thaum hais rooj plaub uas tsis yog tus neeg kiag tuaj hais lus ua povthawj.

DOMESTIC VIOLENCE = TSEV NEEG SIB NTAUS - An assault committed by one member of a household against another.

-Kev sib ntaus, sib tua los ntawm ib tug neeg hauv tsev neeg.
DOMICILE = CHAW NYOB - The place where a person has his or her permanent legal home. A person may have several residences, but only one domicile.

-Qhov chaw nyob tiag tiag ntawm ib tug neeg, ib tug neeg nws muaj tau ob peb lub tsev tabsis qhov no yog nws qhov chaw nyob tiag tiag.
DOUBLE JEOPARDY = TXWV TSIS PUB HAIS OB ZAUG - The constitutional prohibition under the Fifth Amendment against a person being put on trial more than once for the same offense.

-Txojcai loj hauv teb chaw Asmesliskas txwv tsis pub coj tus neeg qub rov mus hais rooj plaub qub uas twb txiav txim tag lawm.
DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED (DWI) - The unlawful operation of a motor vehicle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. In some jurisdictions it is synonymous with DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE (DUI), but in others, driving while intoxicated is a more serious offense than driving under the influence.

-DWI yog tsav tsheb thaum qaug cawv. Txojcai txwv tsis pub tsav tsheb thaum yus qaug cawv los qaug tshuaj. Muaj tej lub zos txwv tsis pub tsav tsheb yog yus tau haus me ntsis caw. Qhov no lawv hu ua DUI. Tabsis tej lub zos ho tsis txhaum txim loj npaum li tsav tsheb thaum qaug cawv (DWI).
DRUGS = TSHUAJ – substances used as medicines or as intoxicants. Legal drugs include prescription drugs; illegal drugs inlcude prohibited substances such as heroin and cocaine.

-Tej yam uas siv ua tshuaj losyog siv ua kom qaug. Tshauj muaj cai siv yog tej tshuaj uas kws khomob sau ntawv muab; tshuaj tsis mauj cai siv uas raug txwv muaj xwsli tshuaj yeeb thiab yeeb dawb.
DRUNK DRIVING = TSAV TSHEB QAUG CAWV - The operation of a vehicle in an impaired state after consuming alcohol that when tested is above the state's legal alcohol limit.

-Tsav tsheb qaug cawv, thaum lawv ntes tau muab coj los kuaj cov cawv nce siab tshaj li txojcai teem tseg.
DUE PROCESS OF LAW - The right of all persons to receive the guarantees and safeguards of the law and the judicial process. It includes such constitutional requirements as adequate notice, assistance of counsel, the right to remain silent, the right to a speedy and public trial, the right to an impartial jury, and the right to confront and secure witnesses.

-Txojcai hais tseg tias txhua leej muaj cai tau txais kev ywj pheej. Yog raug plaub yuav tsum muaj ntaub ntawv hais qhia, muaj cai tau kws lijchoj pab, muaj cai tsis kam teb yog luag nug dabtsi, muaj cai hais kom muab rooj plaub mus hais rau hauv tsev hais plaub uas muaj cov pejxeem txiav plaub, muaj cai nug cov neeg povthawj.
DURESS = KEV NYUAJ SIAB YUAM CAI – A stress or restraint that forces a person to act against his will.

-Ib qho kev nyuaj siab losyog kev yuam cai uas yuam ib tug neeg ua tej yam tsis rawsli nws siab nyiam.
ELEMENTS OF A CRIME = QHOV UA TXHAUM - Specific factors that define a crime which the prosecution must prove beyond a reasonable doubt in order to obtain a conviction. The elements that must be proven are 1) that a crime has actually occurred, 2) that the accused intended the crime to happen, and 3) a timely relationship between the first two factors.

-Tus neeg foob lossis cov nomtswv uas foob rooj plaub yuav tsum muab kom tau qhov kev txhaum uas tus neeg raug foob ua txhaum kom muaj tseeb thiaj li rau txim tau rau tus neeg ua txhaum. Tej yam povthawj tseeb xwsli qhov teebmeem ntawd yeej muaj lawm tiag, tus neeg raug liam ntawd yeej yog tus tsim qhov teebmeem ntawd tiag.
EMBEZZLE = NYIAG SIV/NOJ - To willfully take or convert to one's own use, another's money or property, which the wrongdoer initially acquired lawfully, because of some office, employment, or some position of trust.

-Txojcai lossis tsev hais plaub tso cai rau yus tuav lwm tus cov nyiaj lossis cov cuabyeej khoom tabsis yus cia li muab siv ua yus tug lawm, lossis yus cia li yuav ua yus tug lawm.
EMINENT DOMAIN - The power of the government to take private property for public use through condemnation.

-Nomtswv muaj cai muab neeg tej vajtsev lossis khoom coj los uas luam tug rau pejxeem sawvdaws siv.
EN BANC - All the judges of a court sitting together. Appellate courts can consist of a dozen or more judges, but often they hear cases in panels of three judges. If a case is heard or reheard by the full court, it is heard en banc.

-Tagnrho cov kws txiav txim zaum uake hauv lub tsev hais plaub. Lub tsev hais plaub qib siab muaj ntau tus kws txiav txim, muaj tshaj li 12 tug, hom ntau muaj li ob peb tug kws txiav txim los mloog ib rooj plaub uake.
ENHANCE - To make greater in value, to increase.

-Ua kom muaj nqis, nce tus nqi.
ENJOIN – To require a person, by order of the court, to perform or to abstain or desist from some act.

-Tsev hais plaub tswj thiab khoo ib tug neeg kom koomtes lossis txwv kom txhob ua.
ENTER A GUILTY PLEA = LOS LEES TXHAUM - The formal statement before the court that the accused admits committing the criminal act.

-Tus neeg raug plaub los hais rau tsev hais plaub haistias nws lees txhaum, nws tau ua txhaum lawm.
ENTRAPMENT = NTXIAS / CUAB - A defense to criminal charges alleging that agents of the government induced a person to commit a crime he or she otherwise would not have committed.

-Tus neeg raug plaub liam haistias cov neeg ua haujlwm rau nomtswv ntxias kom nws ua tej yam txhaum, yog nomtswv tsis ntxias nws yeej tsis ua txhaum.

EQUAL PROTECTION - The guarantee in the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution that all persons be treated equally by the law.

-Nyob hauv Txojcai 14 hauv Tsoomfwv Asmesliskas Txojcai Loj tau teev tseg haistias txhua tus neeg muaj vajhuam sib luag yuav tsum coj rawsli txojcai rau txhua tus ib yam.
EQUITABLE ACTION - An action which may be brought for the purpose of restraining the threatened infliction of wrongs or injuries, and the prevention of threatened illegal action.

-Txojcai yeej txwv tsis pub ib tug neeg ua phem rau ib tug lossis ib tug ua kom ib tug raug mob. Yog ua ces txhaum txojcai.
EQUITY = MUAJ CAI IB YAM - A venerable group of rights and procedures to provide fairness, unhampered by the narrow strictures of the old common law or other technical requirements of the law. In essence, courts do the fair thing by court orders to prevent irreparable damage.

-Txojcai uas coj ncaj, coj sib luag rau txhua leej txhua tus.
ERROR = YUAM KEV – A mistake by a judge in procedure or in substantive law, during a hearing, during a trial, on approving or denying jury instructions, on a judgment not supported by facts or applicable law or any other step in the judicial process. If a majority of an appellate court finds an error or errors which affect the result, or a denial of fundamental rights such as due process, the appellate court will reverse the lower court’s error in whole or in part, and remand (send it back) with instructions to the lower court. Appeals courts often find errors, which have no prejudicial effect on the rights of a party and are thus harmless error.

-Tus kws txiav txim ua yuam kev txojcai hais plaub, thaum lub caij hais plaub. Yog lub xam loj pom haistias yog tus xam ua yuam kev lawm lub xam loj yuav xa rov qab los rau tus kws txiav txim kom muab kho rau.
ESCHEAT - The process by which a deceased person's property goes to the state if no heir can be found.

-Txoj kev uas tus neeg tas simneej cov cuabyeej cuabtam raug muab rau lub xeev yog tias nhriav tsis tau nws cov neeg xeebleej xeebntxwv los txais cov khoom no.
ESCROW = QHOV NYIAJ UAS MUAB TUAV CIA – Money or a written instrument such as a deed that, by agreement between two parties, is held by a neutral third party (held in escrow) until all conditions of the agreement are met.

-Nyiaj txiag lossis ib tsab ntawv xwsli tsab ntawv yuav tsev uas yog los ntawm txoj kev pomzoo ntawm ob tog, uas lwm tus neeg muab ceev cia thiab khaws tseg txog thaum cov neeg ua rawsli txhua yam kev sib cog lus.

ESTATE = CUABYEEJ CUABTAM – An estate consists of personal property (car, household items, and other tangible items), real property, and intangible property, such as stock certificates and bank accounts, owned in the individual name of a person at the time of the person's death. It does not include life insurance proceeds (unless the estate was made the beneficiary) or other assets that pass outside the estate (like joint tenancy assets).

-“Estate” yog khoom ntiag tug (xwsli tsheb, khoom vajtsev, thiab lwm yam uas muaj nqi) koog av muaj tswv, thiab tej yam muaj nqi xwsli ntaub ntawv tso nyiaj ua luam thiab ntaub ntawv tuav nyiaj nyob rau tsev/txhab tso nyiaj, tus tswvcuab uas muaj npe thaum lub sijhawm nws tas simneej.
ESTATE TAX = SE CUABYEEJ CUABTAMGenerally, a tax on the privilege of transferring property to others after a person's death. In addition to federal estate taxes, many states have their own estate taxes.

-Feem ntau, yog ib yam nqi se uas sau thaum muab tej khoom hloov npe rau lwm tus neeg tom qab ib tus neeg tas simneej lawm. Ntxiv nrog rau cov se cuabyeej cuabtam rau tsoomfwv, ntau lub xeev nyias kuj muaj nyias ib tug nqi se rau cuabyeej cuabtam thiab.
ESTOPPEL - A person's own act, or acceptance of facts, which preclude his or her later making claims to the contrary.

-Qhov tus neeg ntawd coj, qhov tus neeg ntawd ntseeg haistias qhov ntawd yog qhov pab tau nws.
EVICTION = TSHEM TAWM – Recovery of land or rental property from another by legal process.

-Txojcai hauv tsev hais plaub hais kom cov neeg xoj tsev tawm hauv lub tsev lawv xoj; muab cov neeg xoj tsev ntiab tawm lub tsev lawv xoj.
EVIDENCE = POVTHAWJ – Information presented in testimony or in documents that is used to persuade the fact finder (judge or jury) to decide the case for one side or the other.

-Tej yam uas muab los hais rau cov lus povthawj lossis nyob rau ntaub ntawv uas siv los txw/pha/yuam kom tau tus neeg nhriav cov tseeb (xwsli tus kws txiav txim lossis cov pejxeem txiav txim) los mus txiav txim ntawm rooj plaub rau ib sab twg.
EVIDENCE, CIRCUMSTANTIAL - Inferences drawn from proven facts.

-Yam povthawj uas ntseeg tau thiab pom tau los ntawm yam uas muab tseeb los.
EVIDENCE, DIRECT = POVTHAWJ UAS TIMKHAWV POM THIAB HNOV KIAG – Evidence in form of witness testimony, who actually saw, heard, or touched the subject of question.

-Yam povthawj uas los ntawm tus timkhawv cov lus cev, uas nws tau pom kiag, tau hnov, lossis tau kov kiag yam khoom uas nug txog ntawd.
EX PARTE – By or for one party; done for, in behalf of, or on the application of one party only.

-Ib sab tswv plaub ua ntaub ntawv tuaj teb xwb.
EX POST FACTO – (Latin for “after the fact.”) Refers to laws adopted after an act is committed making it illegal although it was legal when done, or increasing the penalty for a crime after it is committed. --Txojcai uas tsa tom qab twb ua tej yam txhaum lawm. Cov cai no kuj zoo li tsis raug cai tabsis tom qab tsa muaj txojcai no lawm nws kuj siv tau ua cai lijchoj. Lossis lub txim loj ntxiv tom qab ua tej yam txhaum lawm.
EXCEPTIONS = LUS TSIS POMZOO - Declarations by either side in a civil or criminal case reserving the right to appeal a judge's ruling upon a motion. Also, in regulatory cases, objections by either side to points made by the other side or to rulings by the agency or one of its hearing officers.

-Cov lus tsis pomzoo los ntawm ib sab twg nyob rau ib rooj plaub pejxeem sibfoob lossis rooj plaub raug kaw cooj cia kom muaj txojcai rov los muab mloog dua tus kws txiav txim kev txiav txim rau yam uas thov tuaj. Thiab, nyob rau cov plaubntug nomtswv tswj, nws yog cov lus tsis pomzoo los ntawm ib sab twg txog tej ntsiab lus hais los ntawm sab tod lossis rau tej kev txiav txim los ntawm lub koomhaum lossis lawv ib tug kws mloog plaub.
EXCLUSION OF WITNESSES = CAIS COV TIMKHAWV – An order of the court requiring all witnesses to remain outside the courtroom until each is called to testify, except the plaintiff or defendant. The witnesses are ordered not to discuss their testimony with each other and may be held in contempt if they violate the order.

-Kws txiav txim lo lus hais kom txhua tus timkhawv mus nyob rau sab nraum lub chav hais plaub txog txij lawv raug hu los cev lus povthawj, tsuas tshuav tus neeg foob plaub lossis tus neeg raug foob xwb. Cov timkhawv raug txwv kom tsis txhob sib tham uake txog lawv cov lus povthawj thiab tejzaum yuav raug txim raug kaw tau yog tias lawv ua txhaum cov lus hais tseg no.
EXCLUSIONARY RULE - The rule preventing illegally obtained evidence to be used in any trial.

-Txojcai uas txwv tsis pub muab cov puavpheej uas muab tsis raws cai los siv ua povthawj thaum hais rooj plaub muaj yeej muaj swb.
EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION - The matter can only be filed in one court.

-Tsuas pub foob rooj plaub rau ib lub tsev hais plaub xwb. Tsis pub foob rooj plaub rau ob lub tsev hais plaub.

EXCULPATORY EVIDENCE - Evidence which tends to indicate that a defendant did not commit the alleged crime.

-Cov povthawj uas qhia tau haistias tus neeg raug foob tsis yog tus ua txhaum.
EXECUTE - To complete the legal requirements (such as signing before witnesses) that make a will valid. Also, to execute a judgment or decree means to put the final judgment of the court into effect.

-Ua ib daim ntawv kom raug txojcai xwsli kos npe tso tej khoom tseg rau leej twg tom qab tag simneej lawm, yuav tsum kos kom muaj povthawj es thiaj siv tau.
EXECUTOR - A personal representative, named in a will, who administers an estate.

-Tus neeg muaj npe nyob hauv daim ntawv tso khoom tseg cia rau, tus neeg saibxyuas tej vajtsev lossis nyiaj.
EXHIBIT = KHOOM POVTHAWJ – A document or other item introduced as evidence during a trial or hearing.

-Cov ntaub ntawv lossis tej yam khoom uas muab los ua povthawj thaum hais plaub hauv tsev hais plaub.
EXONERATE = TSHEM TAWM - Removal of a charge, responsibility or duty.

-Muab tshem tawm tsis rau txim lawm.
EXPERT TESTIMONY - Testimony given in relation to some scientific, technical, or professional matter by experts, i.e., person qualified to speak authoritatively by reason of their special training, skill, or familiarity with the subject.

-Tus neeg txawj ntse uas lawv hu nws tuaj hais lus povthawj hauv xam txog yam nws txawj ntse xwsli tus menyuam raug mob, lawv hu tus kws khomob tuaj hais lus povthawj haistias nws kuaj pom mas tus menyuam yeej yog muaj neeg ntaus thiaj li raug mob li ntawd.
EXPUNGEMENT = TSHEM TAWM - Official and formal erasure of a record or partial contents of a record.

-Muab tshem tej yam kev txhaum lossis tshem kiag qhov txhaum ntawm yus cov kev ua txhaum yav tag los.

EXTENSION = SIV SIJHAWM NTXIV - To lengthen or prolong.

-Hais kom ntev ntxiv, ua kom ntev.

EXTENUATING CIRCUMSTANCES - Circumstances which render a crime less aggravated, heinous, or reprehensible than it would otherwise be.

-Yam uas ua rau kev txhaum me zog lossis tsis phem npauv. Yog txhob muaj tej yam dabtsis los cuam tshuam ces yeej ua yam txhaum ntawd loj tshaj qhov no.

EXTORTION = TXEEB - The act of obtaining the property of another person through wrongful use of actual or threatened force, violence, or fear.

-Txeeb lwm tus cov cuabyeej, txeeb luag cov khoom tsis raws txojcai xwsli yuam kom luag cia lis muab, ua phem kom luag cia li muab, muab luag ntaus lossis ua kom luag ntshai ces cia li txeeb.

EXTRADITION - The process by which one state or country surrenders to another state, a person accused or convicted of a crime in the other state.

-Txoj kev uas ib lub tebchaws lossis lub xeev xa, tus tibneeg uas raug liam lossis raug txim nyob lwm lub xeev, rov qab mus rau lub xeev ntawd.

EXTRAORDINARY WRIT - A writ, often issued by an appellate court, making available remedies not regularly within the powers of lower courts. They include writs of habeas corpus, mandamus, prohibition and quo warranto.

-Daim ntawv uas lub tsev hais plaub qib siab ua tawm xwsli tso cai kom mus coj tus neeg raug kaw los ntsib kws txiav txim; ib txojcai uas lub xam siab thiaj li muaj cai siv xwb lub xam me tsis muaj.

EYE WITNESS = TUS TIMKHAWV UAS POM - One who saw the act, fact, or transaction to which he or she testifies.

-Tus timkhawv uas nws ob lub qhov muag pom kiag yam uas lwm tus ua txhaum.

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