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Hmong Legal Glossary

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BAIL = NYIAJ TXHIV – Money or other security (such as a bail bond) provided to the court to temporarily allow a person's release from jail and assure his or her appearance in court. Bail and Bond are often used interchangeably.

-Nyiaj lossis tej yam muaj nqis (xwsli daim ntawv nyiaj lav) muab rau hauv tsev hais plaub tuav coj mus tso tus neeg tawm hauv qhov taub los nyob ib ntus. Siv qhov no los ua ib qhov kev cog lus tias nws yuav rov qab mus hais nws rooj plaub. Lo lus Bail thiab Bond no siv tau ib yam nkaus.
BAIL BOND = TXHIV TSO TUS NEEG RAUG TXIM – An obligation signed by the accused to secure his or her presence at the trial. This obligation means that the accused may lose money by not properly appearing for the trial. Often referred to simply as bond.

-Ib tsab ntawv cog lus los ntawm tus neeg raug liam los sau npe lav tias nws yuav tsum tau rov tuaj mus hais nws rooj plaub. Tsab ntawv cog lus no txhais tau haistias tus neeg raug liam ntawd yuav raug xiam nyiaj txiag yog nws tsis tuaj tshwm rau hauv rooj plaub. Ntau zaus kuj cia li siv ua BOND.

BAIL BONDSMAN = TUS NEEG LAV THEM NYIAJ TXHIV - A person who is the liable party in paying the bond for the defendant's release from jail.

-Tus neeg lav them nyiaj txhiv tus neeg raug txim tawm hauv qho taub.
BAIL FORFEITURE = NYIAJ TXHIV UAS RAUG XIAM - Bail that is kept by the court as a result of not following a court order.

-Cov nyiaj txhiv lub tsev hais plaub yuav vim tus neeg raug txim tsis ua rawsli tsev hais plaub tau hais tseg.
BAILIFF = TUS TUB CEEV XWM HAUV TSEV HAIS PLAUB - A court officer who has charge of a court session in the matter of keeping order and has custody of the jury.

-Tus neej ua haujlwm nyob rau hauv tsev hais plaub uas tau cai los tswj fwm rooj plaub kom mus xwm yeem ib yam thiab muaj cai tswj hwm cov pejxeem txiav txim.
BANKRUPT = NYIAJ TXIAG POOB TAG - The state or condition of a person who is unable to pay his or her debts as they are or become due.

-Lub sijhawm uas thaum ib tus neeg them tsis tau nws cov nuj nqis lossis txojcaij lawm es nws them tsis tau.
BANKRUPTCY - Refers to statutes and judicial proceedings involving persons or businesses that cannot pay their debts and seek the assistance of the court in getting a fresh start. Under the protection of the bankruptcy court, debtors may be released from or discharged from their debts, perhaps by paying a portion of each debt. Bankruptcy judges preside over these proceedings. The person with the debts is called the debtor and the people or companies to whom the debtor owes money to are called creditors.

-Hais txog tshooj kevcai lijchoj thiab kev los mus taug plaubntug txog ntawm cov tug neeg losyog tej chaw lagluam uas lawv them tsis tau lawv tej nuj nqes thiab kom lub tsev hais plaub pab lawv pib lub neej tshiab dua. Rawsli hauv tsev hais plaub poob peev txoj kev pov fwm, tejzaum cov neeg tiv nqis ntawv yuav dim losyog raug kev zam txim ntawm lawv cov nuj nqis. Tejzaum kuj yuav tau them ib feem ntawm qhov nuj nqis. Cov txiav txim nyob rau hauv tsev hais plaub poob peev yog cov uas yuav mloog cov plaub no. Tus neeg uas tshuav cov nuj nqis no hu uas tus “ debtor” tus tiv nqis, thiab cov neeg lossis tsev lagluam uas tus neeg tiv nqis ntawd tshuav nqis rau hu “creditors” cov txais nyiaj.
BAR - Historically, the partition separating the general public from the space occupied by the judges, lawyers, and other participants in a trial. More commonly, the term means the whole body of lawyers.

-Lub rooj vag uas cia cov kws lijchoj thiab kws txiav txim thiab cov neeg tuaj mus hais plaub. Feem ntau, lo lus no txhais tau haistias tagnrho cov kws lijchoj.
BAR EXAMINATION - A state examination taken by prospective lawyers in order to be admitted and licensed to practice law.

-Yog daim ntawv xeem uas lub Xeev muab coj los xeem cov neeg uas xav ua kws lijchoj , kom tau cai thiab tuav ntaub ntawv los khiav txoj dejnum ua ib tug kws lijchoj.
BATTERED CHILD SYNDROME (B.C.S.) = MENYUAM RAUG NTAUS – Physical condition of a child indicating that external or internal injuries result from acts committed by a parent or custodian.

-Tej yam uas tshwm ntawm tus menyuam lub cev uas qhia tau haistias nws cev qaij daim ntawv lossis cuab yeeb hauv lub nruag cev raug mob los ntawm niam txiv losyog tus neeg tu tej kev ntau.
BATTERY - An offensive touching or use of force on a person without the person's consent.

-Kov tsis raws cai losyog siv dagzog rau ib tug neeg uas tsis tau tus neeg ntawd los lus tso cai.
BATTERY, SPOUSAL = NTAUS POJNIAM/TXIV –- An offensive touching or use of force on one's spouse without the spouse's consent.

-Kov tsis raws cai losyog siv dagzog rau yus tus pojniam lossis tus txiv uas tsis tau nws lo lus tso cai..

BENCH - The seat occupied by judges in courts.

-Lub rooj uas cov kws txiav txim tu plaub zaum nyob rau hauv tsev hais plaub.
BENCH CONFERENCE - A meeting either on or off the record at the judge's bench between the judge, counsel, and sometimes the defendant, out of the hearing of the jury.

-Ib yam kev sablaj uas thaum tus txiav txim nrog rau tus kws lijchoj, thiab tejzaum tus raug foob los uake tim tus txiav txim lub rooj, uas tsis pub cov pejxeem txiav txim hnov; tejzaum muab teev cia tejzaum tsis muab.
BENCH TRIAL = ROOJ PLAUB UAS KWS TXIAV TXIM UA TUS TXIAV TXIM - Trial without a jury in which a judge decides the facts.

-Rooj plaub loj muaj yeej muaj swb uas tsis siv cov pejxeem txiav txim tsuas muaj tus kws txiav txim los txiav txim rau qhov tsheeb.
BENCH WARRANT = TSAB NTAWV NTES NEEG - An order issued by a judge for the arrest of a person.

-Daim ntawv tso cai los ntawm tus kws txiav txim mus ntes ib tus neeg.
BENEFICIARY = TUS NEEG MUAJ NPE TXAIS KHOOM LOSSIS TXIAJ NTSIM - Someone named to receive property or benefits in a will. In a trust, a person who is to receive benefits from the trust.

-Tus neeg muaj npe los txais yuav ib yam khoom lossis kev txiaj ntsim nyob rau hauv tsab ntawv faib cuab yeeb cuabtam. Nyob rau hauv tsab ntawv muab khoom vajtsev lossis ib tug neeg uas saibxyuas raws txojcai, tus neeg no tau txais tej kev txiaj ntsim.
BEQUEATH = MUAB KHOOM PLIG - To give a gift to someone through a will.

-Muab ib yam khoom plig rau ib tus neeg rawsli hauv tsab ntawv faib cuab yeeb cuabtam.
BEQUESTS = COV KHOOM PLIG - Gifts made in a will.

-Khoom plig uas muaj teev tseg nyob rau hauv tsab ntawv faib cuab yeeb cuabtam.
BEST EVIDENCE = COV POVTHAWJ ZOO TSHAJ - Primary evidence; the best evidence available. Evidence short of this is secondary. That is, an original letter is best evidence, and a photocopy is secondary evidence.

-Cov povthawj zoo tshaj uas muaj. Lwm yam txawv qho no ces ntaus nqi haistias yog qhov thib ob lawm xwb. Txhais tau haistias, daim ntawv uas tseem yog qhov povthawj zoo tshaj, hos daim uas muab luam lawm ces yog qhov povthawj zoo thib ob.
BIAS - Inclination, bent, a pre-conceived opinion or a predisposition to decide a cause or an issue a certain way.

-Muaj qhov xav tuaj tog tod, nyiam ib sab dua, nkhaus mus rau ib sab, muaj kev xav thiab txiav txim ua ntej rau ib yam dabtsi losyog tog tod.
BIFURCATE - To try issues separately, such as guilt and criminal responsibility in a criminal proceeding or liability and damages in a civil action.

-Muab cov nqi plaub sib cais nyias hais nyias, xwsli kev txhaum thiab tus nres lub txim txhaum nyob hauv ib rooj plaub nraug kaw, lossis leej twg yog tus uas txhaum raug mob rau lwm tus thiab nyiaj them pes tsawg nyob hauv ib rooj plaub pejxeem sibfoob.
BIGAMY = YUAV COOB TUS NEEG – a crime committed by being married to more than one person at the same time.

-Lub txim txhaum ua yuav ntau tshaj ib tug neeg tib lub sijhawm.
BILL OF PARTICULARS - A statement of the details of the charge made against the defendant.

-Tsab ntawv uas qhia txog txhua nqis lus uas los foob tus neeg raug foob.
BIND OVER - To hold a person for trial on bond (bail) or in jail. If the judicial official conducting a hearing finds probable cause to believe the accused committed a crime, the official will bind over the accused, normally by setting bail for the accused's appearance at trial.

-Muab ib tus neeg ceev tseg hauv qhov taub lossis tuav nws cov nyiaj txhiv tseg txog txij nws tuaj hais rooj plaub tiav. Yog tias tus txiav txim uas mloog rooj plaub txiav txim tias yeej muaj povthawj txaus los mus ntseeg tias tus neeg raug liam tau ua kev txhaum ces tus neeg ntawd yuav muab tus neeg raug liam ceev tseg. Feem ntau nws teem nyiaj txhiv rau tus neeg raug liam kom rov qab tuaj hais rooj plaub.
BINDING INSTRUCTION – An instruction in which the jury is told that if it finds certain conditions to be true, it must find for the plaintiff, or defendant, as the case might be.

-Cov lus muab qhia rau cov pejxeem txiav txim haistias yog tias lawv pom tej yam uas muaj tsheeb ces lawv yuav tsum tau txiav txim rau tog tuaj foob lossis tog raug foob rawsli rooj plaub muaj.
BLACKMAIL = KEV YUAM LWM TUS – an unlawful demand of money by threatening a person with harm, such as accusation of a crime or exposure of a secret.

-Kev yuam tsis raws cai kom tau nyiaj los ntawm kev hawv ib tus neeg tias yuav ua kom nws raug mob, xwsli liam txog ib qho ua txhaum cai losyog qhia tawm ib yam tsis pub neeg paub.
blood alcohol content = Kev ntsuas cawv hauv ntshava measure of how much alcohol is in a person’s body, used to determine if the person is intoxicated.

-Txoj kev ntsuas seb muaj cawv ntau npaum licas hauv ib tug neeg lub cev, siv los qhia seb tus neeg puas qaug cawv.
BLOOD TEST = KEV KUAJ NTSHAV – a test to determine if a man is the father of a child. Also, a test to determine blood alcohol content.

-Ib txoj kev kuaj kom paub seb tus txiv neej puas yog tus menyuam leej txiv. Thiab kuj yog ib txoj kev kuaj kom paub txog seb roj ntshav muaj cawv ntau npaum licas.
BODY ATTACHMENT - A written order issued by a court directing a sheriff or peace officer to take custody of and bring before the court: 1) A witness who fails to comply with a subpoena, 2) a party who fails to comply with a court order in a civil action, or 3) a material witness in a criminal case.

-Tsab ntawv uas tsev hais plaub tso cai kom tub ceevxwm mus ntes thiab coj tuaj rau hauv tsev hais plaub. 1.) Ib tug timkhawv uas tsis kam tuaj rawsli tsab ntawv tsev hais plaub yuam kom tuaj ua timkhawv rau rooj plaub. 2.) Tus neeg uas ua tsis rawsli tsev hais plaub tsab ntawv hais tseg nyob rau ib rooj plaub uas pejxeem sibfoob, losyog, 3.) tus timkhawv uas tseemceeb tshaj plaws nyob rau hauv rooj plaub raug kaw.
BOND - A certificate or evidence of a debt. Often used interchangeably with bail.

-Daim ntawv lav losyog ntawv povthawj tshuav nqi. Feem tau siv ib yam li lo lus bail.
BOOKING = KEV YEES DUAB THIAB NIAS TES THAUM RAUG NTES - The process of photographing, fingerprinting, and recording identifying data of a suspect. This process follows the arrest.

-Kev yees duab, nias taub teg thiab kev sau cim cia txog ib tus neeg muaj kev xoom xaim. Qho txheej txheem no tshwmsim tom qab lawv ntes tus neeg.
BOOKING NUMBER = TUS LEJ THAUM RAUG NTES - The number assigned to the criminal record that corresponds to the person's arrest.

-Tus lej lossis zauv uas muab siv rau cov ntaub ntawv muaj kev txhaum thiab rau thaum ntes tus neeg ntawd.
BOOKMAKING = SAU NYIAJ NTAWM COV NEEG SIB TWV TXIAJ - The act of collecting the bets of others or making odds on future gambling events.

-Kev sau nyiaj txiag ntawm cov neeg sib twv txiaj losyog haistias tus lej twg yuav tawm tom ntej no losyog pab twg yuav yog pab yeej tom nej no.
BRANDISHING A WEAPON = MUAB RIAM PHOM TAWM - The act of showing a weapon to another person, typically the police or the victim.

-Kev muab riam, muab phom tawm hem rau lwm tus neeg pom, hom ntau yog tawm rau tub ceevxwm losyog tus neeg raug kev phem.
BREACH = TSIS UA RAWSLI - The breaking or violating of a law, right, obligation, or duty either by doing an act or failing to do an act.

-Txhaum kevcai lossis ua tsis rawsli txojcai, ua tsis rawsli txojcai neeg muaj, yam nws lees ua, losyog yam yus cog lus ua, lossis lees es ua tsis tau.
BREAKING AND ENTERING = TSOO THIAB NKAG - Breaking and entering a dwelling of another in nighttime with intent to commit a felony therein.

-Tsoo thiab nkag mus rau hauv luag vaj luag tsev thaum tsaus ntuj uas npaj siab khwv ua kev phem rau hauv.
BREATHALYZER TEST = TSHUAB PA NTSUAS - Test to determine content of alcohol in one arrested for operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of liquor by analyzing a breath sample.

-Kev ntshuas pa seb dej cawv muaj npaum licas rau lub sijhawm tus tib neeg qaug caws raug ntes tsav tsheb.
BRIBE = XIAB - A gift, not necessarily of monetary value, given to influence the conduct of the receiver.

-Ib yam khoom plig, tsis thas yuav yog ib pob nyiaj txiag, muab ntxhias kom nws ua tej yam rau yus.
BRIEF = TSAB NTAWV TEEV NTSIAB LUS - A written statement prepared by the counsel arguing a case in court. It contains a summary of the facts of a case, the pertinent laws, and an argument of how the law applies to the facts supporting counsel's position.

-Tsab ntawv sau los ntawm tus kws lijchoj yuav tuaj cam rooj plaub hauv tsev hais plaub. Nws teev cov ntsiab lus tseeb txog ntawm rooj plaub, cov kevcai tseemceeb, thiab kev sib cam txog qhov cov kevcai no los mus siv txhawb ob tug kws lijchoj cov lus sib cam.
BURDEN OF PROOF = LUB NRA MUAB POVTHAWJ – The obligation of a party to establish by evidence a requisite degree of belief concerning a fact in the mind of the trier of fact or the court.

-Lub nra ntawm ib tog los muab povthawj kom tsim nyog txaus ntseeg rau tus coj rooj plaub tuaj hais lossis lub tsev hais plaub.
BURGLARY = KEV UA TUBSAB – The act of entering or remaining illegally in a movable or immovable structure, vehicle or dwelling with intent to commit a felony.

-Kev tsoo nkag mus losyog mus nyob txaum kevcai ib qho twg uas txawm txav tau los yam txav tsis tau, lub tsheb losyog lub tsev uas npaj siab khwv ua kev phem raug lub txim loj raug kaw.

CALENDAR - List of cases scheduled for hearing in court.

-Diam ntawv qhia sijhawm txog cov plaub yuav los hais hau tsev hais plaub.
CALLING THE DOCKET – The public calling of the docket or list of causes at commencement of term of court, for setting a time for trial or entering orders.

-Kev hu npe cov neeg lossis qhia txog cov teebmeem thawj zaug uas tuaj rau hauv tsev hais plaub, los mus teem sijhawm rov tuaj hais rooj plaub muaj yeej muaj swb lossis tuaj lees txim.
CAPITAL CRIME - A crime punishable by death.

-Kev txhaum uas raug txim tuag.
CAPITAL PUNISHMENT = LUB TXIM TUAG - Punishment by death for capital crimes. Death penalty.

-Muab lub txim tuag rau cov kev txhaum uas raug lub txim tuag. Lub txim tuag.
CAPTION - The heading on a legal document listing the parties, the court, the case number, and related information.

-Tsab ntawv hais plaub uas muaj ob tug neeg sibfoob lub npe, lub tsev hais plaub, zauv rooj plaub thiab cov lus tshuam suam txog rooj plaub nyob rau saum toj.
CASE = ROOJ PLAUB - A general term for an action, cause, suit, or controversy brought before the court for resolution.

-Ib lo lus txhais tau rau ib rooj plaub lossis teebmeem coj tuaj rau tsev hais plaub daws.
CASE LAW - Law established by previous decisions of appellate courts, particularly the Supreme Court.

-Cov cai tsim muaj los ntawm lub tsev hais plaub loj uas muaj cai mloog thiab tshawb xyuas txoj kev txhiav txim tawm los, feem ntau lub tsev hais plaub nqib siab “ Supreme Court”.
CASE NUMBER - Generally refers to the docket number assigned to a case when it is filed with the court system.

-Feem ntau qhia txog tus zauv uas muab los rau ib rooj plaub thaum uas muab teev tseg rau hauv tsev hais plaub.
CAUSATION - The act which produces an effect.

-Qhov uas tau ua thiaj muaj teebmeem.
CAUSE - A lawsuit, litigation, or action. Any question, civil or criminal, litigated or contested before a court of justice.

-Ib rooj plaub. Lub nug, rooj plaub pejxeem sibfoob pejxeem lossis rooj plaub raug kaw, tuaj sib hais lossis tuaj sib cam rau ib tug txiav txim mloog.
CAUSE OF ACTION - The facts that give rise to a lawsuit or a legal claim.

-Cov tshiab lus uas muaj povthawj tuaj mus foob ib rooj plaub lossis muaj cai hais.
CAVEAT - A warning; a note of caution.

-Lus ceev faj, lus ceebtoom.
CAVEAT EMPTOR - Let the buyer beware. Encourages a purchaser to examine, judge, and test for himself.

-Qhia rau tus neeg yuav yuav kom xyuam xim. Qhia kom tus yuav ntawv saib zoo zoo, txiav txim kom zoo, thiab muab sim.
CEASE AND DESIST ORDER - An order of an administrative agency or court prohibiting a person or business from continuing a particular course of conduct.

-Tsab ntawm uas tsoomfwv qhov chaw leg haujlwm lossis tsev hais plaub txawv tsis pub ib tus neeg lossis lub lagluam txhob ua tej yam li qub ntxiv lawm.
CERTIFICATION - 1. Written attestation. 2. Authorized declaration verifying that an instrument is a true and correct copy of the original.

-1. Tsab ntawv povthawj sau haistias yeej muaj tiag. 2. Tsab ntawv tseem qhia haistias yam khoom lossis daim ntawv ntawd yeej yog qhov tsheeb thiab yog daim luam tawm los ntawm daim tseem.
CERTIFIED = MUAJ TSEEB/YOG TIAG – Attested as being true or an exact reproduction.

-Hais tau tias muaj tseeb lossis qho no yeej yog qhov tseem tib yam nkaus li qho qub.
CERTIORARI - A means of getting an appellate court to review a lower court's decision. The loser of a case will often ask the appellate court to issue a writ of certiorari, which orders the lower court to convey the record of the case to the appellate court and to certify it as accurate and complete. If an appellate court grants a writ of certiorari, it agrees to take the appeal. This is often referred to as granting cert.

-Ib txoj kev kom lub tsev hais plaub loj uas muaj cai mloog thiab tshawb xyuas lub tsev hais plaub qis qhov kev txiav txim. Tog uas swb rooj plaub feem ntau yuav thov kom lub tsev hais plaub loj uas muaj cai mloog thiab tshawb xyuas rooj plaub los sau ib tsab ntawv qhia seb lawv puas yuav tsim nyog mloog rooj plaub, uas yuav kom lub tsev hais plaub nqis muab cov lus teev cia txog ntawm rooj plaub los rau hauv lub tsev hais plaub muaj cai mloog thiab los hais tau tias nws yeej tsheeb thiab muaj tagnrho. Yog tias lub tsev hais plaub muaj cai mloog thiab tshawb xyuas plaub pomzoo sau tsab ntawv mloog rooj pluab ntawv, ces nws yeej yuav kam mloog rooj plaub dua. Qhov no txhais tau ib yam nkaus li “ granting cert.”
CHAIN OF CUSTODY - An accounting for the whereabouts of the tangible evidence from the moment it is received in custody until it is offered in evidence in court.

-Txoj kev yuav tsum paub txhua txhua lub sijhawm thaum tau txais qhov khoom povthawj los mus txog rau thaum muab qhov khoom ntawv tuaj ua povthawj rau hauv tsev hais plaub.
CHALLENGE = TSIS TXAUS SIAB –An objection, such as when an attorney objects at a hearing to the seating of a particular person on a civil or criminal jury.

-Los lus cam, tsis txaus siab, tsis pub nug ntxiv, xwsli thaum ib tug kws lijchoj cam txog tus tib neeg uas tsis pub nws los ua ib tus pejxeem txiav txim rau rooj plaub uas pejxeem foob pejxeem losyog rooj plaub raug kaw.
CHALLENGE FOR CAUSE - Objection to the seating of a particular juror for a stated reason (usually bias or prejudice for or against one of the parties in the lawsuit). The judge has the discretion to deny the challenge. This differs from peremptory challenge.

-Txoj kev tsis txaus siab pomzoo rau ib tus tib neeg los ua pejxeem txiav txim mloog ib rooj plaub vim tias (feem ntau tuaj ib tog ntau dua lossis nws muaj txoj kev tsis nyiam ib sab tshaj dua sab tod nyob rau hauv rooj plaub.) Tus kws txiav txim muaj txojcai los mus tsis kam txais lo lus cam. Qhov no txawv lo lus “ peremptory challenge”.
CHALLENGE TO THE ARRAY – Questioning the qualifications of an entire jury panel, usually on the ground of partiality or some fault in the process of summoning the panel.

-Kev nug tagnrho cov pejxeem uas tuaj pab mloog rooj plaub seb lawv puas tsim nyog los ua pejxeem txiav txim, feem ntau tuaj ib sab, losyog pom tej yam tsis zoo thaum nug (summoning) cov pejxeem.
CHAMBERS = TUS KWS TXIAV TXIM LUB HOOBKAAS - A judge's private office. A hearing in chambers takes place in the judge's office outside of the presence of the jury and the public.

-Tus kws txiav txim qhov chav ua haujlwm. Kev sib hais nyob hau tus kws txiav txim qho chav ua tsis muaj cov pejxeem losyog cov neeg sab nrauv tuaj mloog plaub.
CHANGE OF VENUE - Moving a lawsuit or criminal trial to another place for trial.

-Muab ib rooj plaub lossis ib rooj plaub raug kaw muaj yeej muaj swb tshem mus hais rau lwm qhov chaw lwm lub roog lossis lwm lub zos.
CHARACTER EVIDENCE - The testimony of witnesses who know the general character and reputation of a person in the community in which he or she lives. It may be considered by the jury in a dual respect: 1) as substantive evidence upon the theory that a person of good character and reputation is less likely to commit a crime than one who does not have a good character and reputation, and 2) as corroborative evidence in support of a witness's testimony as bearing upon credibility.

-Cov neeg uas tuaj ua povthawj haistias lawv paub tus neeg raug plaub ntawd zoo licas vim nws nyob koom zej koom zos seb nws yog neeg phem los neeg zoo, seb nws coj licas. Tejzaum cov pejxeem txiav txim yuav muab qho no los ua ib qho rau lawv xav: 1) tej qho yuav los mus pab tau cov pejxeem txiav txim tias tus neeg ntawd yog ib tu neeg zoo thiab muaj meej mom zoo yuav ua tsis tau tej yam txhaum cai loj li tej tug neeg ho tsis muaj meej mom los cwjpwm zoo, thiab 2) kuj coj los mus piv nrog rau cov lus uas lwm tus neeg ho tau los hais ua povthawj tias tej lus hais ntawd yeej muaj tseeb tiag.
CHARGE = TSUAM PLAUB –A formal allegation, as a preliminary step in prosecution, that a person has committed a specific offense, which is recorded in a complaint, information or indictment. To charge; to accuse.

-Kev raug iab liam, xwsli thawj thawj kauj ruam coj tuaj hais plaub, tias tus neeg ntawd yeej tau ua tej yam txhaum cai, xwsli twb tau teeb tseg rau hauv tsab ntawv foob, lus txeeb tawm losyog haistias txhaum plaub lawm. Kev foob. Kev liam.
CHARGE TO THE JURY - The judge's instructions to the jury concerning the law that applies to the facts of the case on trial.

-Tus kws txiav txim plaub cov lus qhia rau cov pejxeem txiam txim txog cov kevcai lijchoj uas muab siv rau cov tshiab lus nyob rau hauv rooj plaub.
CHARGING DOCUMENT - A written accusation alleging a defendant has committed an offense. Includes a citation, an indictment, information, and statement of charges.

-Tsab ntawv foob liam haistias tus neeg raug foob tau ua txhaum txojcai. Muaj rawsli no, tsab ntawv nplua uas tub ceevxwm muab, tsab ntawv foob, lus nthuav tawm, thiab cov lus qhia txog kev foob ntawm txoj kev txhaum.
CHIEF JUDGE = TUS THAWJ KWS TXIAV TXIM - Presiding or Administrative Judge in a court.

-Thawj kwv txiav txim raug tsa los saib xyuav tagnrho cov kwv txiav txim hauv tsev hais plaub.
CHILD ABUSE = NTAUS MENYUAM – Any form of cruelty to a child's physical, moral, or mental well-being.

-Txhua yam kev lim hiam rau ib tug menyuam uas yog tsim txhom nws cev qaij daim ntawv, kev zoo kev phem, kev mob siab ntsws puas tag.
CHILD MOLESTATION = KOV MENYUAM - Any form of indecent or sexual activity on, involving, or surrounding a child under the state's designated age.

-Txhua yam kev kov tsis raw cai, kev sib deev, nrog rau lossis ncig txog kev ua saib tsis tau ib tug menyuam uas tsis tau txog lub hnub nyoog tso cai sib deev.

CHILD SUPPORT = NYIAJ YUG MENYUAM - The legal obligation of parents to contribute to the economic maintenance, including education, of their children. Money paid by one parent to another toward the expenses of the children of the marriage.

-Txoj kevcai uas niam txiv yuav tsum tau pab nyiaj txiag yug tus menyuam nrog rau nqi kev kawm ntawv rau nkawv cov menyuam. Nyiaj txiag uas ib tog niam txiv them rau ib tog los mus pab cov nuj nqis ntawm cov menyuam uas nkawd muaj uake.
CHIPS – (Child in need of protection and/or services.) A proceeding in juvenile court for any person under the age of 18 years for non-criminal reasons including abuse, neglect and abandonment. The resolution of a CHIPS proceeding is non-punitive in nature.

-(Tus menyuam uas yuav tsum tau kev tiv thaiv pab/losyog xav tau kev pab.) Qhov no yog ib txoj kev hais plaub nyob rau hauv tsev hais plaub menyuam yaus uas yog 18 rov hauv, rau tej yam kev txhaum tsis raug kaw xwsli ntaus, tsis tu tsis saibxyuas, thiab tso tseg tsis yuav. Cov plaub CHIPS no tsis yog hais kom tau ib pob nyiaj yuav.
CIRCUIT COURT – In some states, the court of general jurisdiction; the trial court.

-Lub tsev ob tog tuaj tim ntsej tim muag sib hais plaub.
CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE - All evidence except eyewitness testimony. One example is physical evidence, such as fingerprints, from which an inference can be drawn.

-Txhua yam puavpheej los ua povthawj tabsis tsis yog yam uas lub qhov muag pom kiag. Ib qhov pivtxwv cev yog cov puavpheej uas tuav tau ntawm tes, xwslis ntawv nias taug teg, uas yuav qhia tau haistias yog leej twg li.
CITATION - A reference to a source of legal authority. A direction to appear in court, as when a defendant is cited into court, rather than arrested.

-Tshab ntawv uas qhia txog txojcai uas txhaum lawm yog dabtsi. Ib txoj kev qhia kom nqis/tshw tuaj rau hauv tsev hais plaub, li thaum uas tus neeg raug foob raug nplua tuaj rau hauv tsev hais plaub, ua tsis yog raug ntes.
CITIZEN = PEJXEEM – under the laws of the United States, a person who has all the rights and privileges of citizenship. Includes persons born in the US, born to US citizens, and naturalized.

-Nyob rau hauv cov kevcai lijchoj tswj techaws Asmesliskas, ib tus neeg uas muaj txhua txojcai thiab kev ywjpheej ntawm kev ua pejxeem. Ntxiv nrog rau cov neeg yug nyob rau tebchaws Asmesliskas, yug los ntawm cov pejxeem Asmesliskas, thiab cov neeg uas mus xeem ntaub ntawv ua pejxeem.
CIVIL ACTION = ROOJ PLAUB NEEG FOOB NEEG (YUAV NYIAJ) - Noncriminal case in which one private individual or business sues another to protect, enforce, or redress private or civil rights.

-Cov rooj plaub uas tsis yog raug kaw uas ib tus neeg foob ib tug lossis lub lagluam foob lwm lub kom muaj kev pov fwm/thiv thaiv, kom ua, lossis nrog daws txojcai uas tib neeg muaj.
CIVIL CASE - A lawsuit brought to enforce, redress, or protect private rights or to gain payment for a wrong done to a person or party by another person or party. In general, all types of actions other than criminal proceedings.

-Ib rooj plaub uas coj los hais kom ua, sib daws losyog pov fwm/thiv thaiv txojcai uas tib neeg muaj lossis coj los hais kom tau nyiaj them rau yam ua tsis yog rau ib tug neeg lossis ib pab los ntawm lwm tus neeg lossis lwm pab. Feem ntau, txhua yam kev sibfoob uas tshuav tsis yog kev sibfoob raug kaw.
CIVIL PROCEDURE - The rules and process by which a civil case is tried and appealed, including the preparations for trial, the rules of evidence and trial conduct, and the procedure for pursuing appeals.

-Cov cai thiab txheej txheem uas muab cov plaub pejxeem sibfoob pejxeem coj los mus sib hais thiab rov taug mloog dua, nrog rau kev npaj rau rooj plaub muaj yeej muaj swb, cov cai uas kav kev siv povthawj thiab kev coj cwjpwm licas, thiab cov txheej txheem uas rov muab rooj plaub mloog dua.
CLAIM - The assertion of a right to money or property.

-Lo lus uas haistias muaj cai rau nyiaj txiag lossis khoom vajtsev/ cuabyeej cuabtam.

CLASS ACTION - A lawsuit brought by one or more persons on behalf of a larger group.

-Ib roog plaub uas foob los ntawm ib tus neeg lossis ib pawg sawvcev rau ib pab neeg.
CLEAR AND CONVINCING EVIDENCE - Standard of proof commonly used in civil lawsuits and in regulatory agency cases. It governs the amount of proof that must be offered in order for the plaintiff to win the case.

-Qauv nrhiav qhov tsheeb uas feem ntau siv rau cov plaub pejxeem sibfoob thiab cov plaub los ntawm tsoomfwv pawg neeg tshwj fwm dejnum rau pejxeem. Nws tswj fwm cov povthawj tias yuav tsum muaj ntau npau licas los mus siv es tus foob rauj plaub thiaj li yuav yeej rooj plaub.
CLEMENCY OR EXECUTIVE CLEMENCY - Act of grace or mercy by the president or governor to ease the consequences of a criminal act, accusation, or conviction. It may take the form of commutation or pardon.

-Ib yam kev zoo lossis kev zam txim los ntawm tus thawj pwm tsav lossis tus tshwj fwm xyuas lub xeev los mus txo lub ntxim ntawm txoj kev ua txhaum, raug kev liam, lossis lub txim txhaum. Tejzaum kuj muab lub txim pauv lossis txo kom yau losyog zam txim kiag rau.
CLERK - Officer of the court who files pleadings, motions, judgments, etc., issues process, and keeps records of court proceedings.

-Tus neeg uas tuav dejnum hauv tsev hais plaub uas khaws cia cov ntaub ntawv lees, ntaub ntawv thov tus kwv txiav txim, ntaub ntawv txiav txim, npaj ntaub ntawv lossis khaws cia txhua yam ntaub ntawv sibfoob.
CLOSING STATEMENT or CLOSING ARGUMENT = LOS LUS XAUS ROOJ PLAUB - The closing statement, by counsel, to the trier of facts after all parties have concluded their presentation of evidence.

-Lo lus xaus ntawm tus kwv lijchoj los rau tus neeg uas yuav los mus mloog cov lus tseeb tom qab ob tog cev lus xaus txog cov povthawj.
CODE - A collection, compendium, or revision of laws, rules, and regulations enacted by legislative authority.

-Kevcai uas muab sau uake, muab coj los khaws tso uake, lossis muab hloov uas yog tsim tsa los ntawm nomtswv.
CODE OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE - Body of federal or state law dealing with procedural aspects of trial for criminal cases.

-Cov tshooj cai uas muaj nyob rau tsoomfwv qib siab lossis cov cai tsim muaj nyob hauv ib lub xeev ntsig txog tej txheej txheem ntawm cov plaub raug kawg.
CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS (CFR) - The CFR is the annual listing of executive agency regulations published in the daily Federal Register, and the regulations issued previously which are still in effect. The CFR contains regulatory laws governing practice and procedure before federal administrative agencies.

-CFR yog ib daim tsoomfwv muab Txhua xyoo tsoomfwv yuav tsum muab cov cai CFR los xyuas thiab sau tseg rau neeg xyuas. CFR yog cov cai uas siv rau kev hais plaub hauv tsoomfwv/nomtswv thiab tej cai ua twb tsim rau suav daws siv uas tseem siv tau rau lub sijhawm no. Cov CFR muaj cov tshooj cai tsom kwm kev hais plaub thiab tej txheej txheem hais plaub los ntawm lub tsev tsom kwm tej cai hais plaub no.
CODE OF PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY - The rules of conduct that govern the legal profession. The code contains general ethical guidelines and specific rules written by the American Bar Association.

-Cov cai uas tswj fwm tagnrho cov kws lijchoj. Txojcai muaj hais txog kev ncaj ncees ua kwv lijchoj thiab tej yam cai uas sau los ntawm American Bar Association.
CODICIL - An amendment to a will.

-Ib nqe lus sau ntxiv tseg rau tsab ntawv tso cuab yeeb cuabtam.
COLLATERAL - 1. Property that is pledged as security against a debt. 2. A person belonging to the same ancestral stock (a relation), but not in a direct line of descent.

-1. Cov khoom muab yuam nqi los tuav rau yus tej nuj nqis. 2. Ib tus neeg uas yeej txawm nyob los ntawm ib tsob neeg (caj ces neeg), tabsis tsis yog tej xeeb leej xeeb ntxwv.
COLLATERAL ATTACK - An attack on a judgment other than a direct appeal to a higher court.

-Lo lus hais cem thuam rau ib lub txim phua, dua lis uas coj mus hais kom lub tsev hais plaub siab tshawb los mloog rooj plaub dua.
COMMISSIONER - A person who directs a commission; a member of a commission. The officer in charge of a department or bureau of a public service.

-Tus neeg muaj cai txom kwm xyuas ib pawg neeg ntawm ib lub koomhaum, ib tug neeg uas nyob rau hauv ib lub koomhaum. Tus tswj xyuas ib lub hoobkaas lossis ib lub koomtxoos uas leg haujlwm khiav rau pejxeem.
COMMIT = TAU UA – 1. To execute, perpetrate, or carry out an act. To commit a crime. 2. To send a person to prison, asylum, or reformatory by a court order.

-1. Tau ua muaj, tau lim hiam ua, losyog ua ib yam dabtsi. Mus ua kev txhaum. 2. Tsev hais plaub txiav txim muab ib tug neeg xa mus kaw qhov taub, qhov chaw kaw neeg vwm, neeg laus, neeg xiam hlwb, lossis qhov chaw coj mus kawm kevcai.
COMMITMENT - 1. The action of sending a person to a penal or mental institution. 2. The order directing an officer to take a person to a penal or mental institution.

-1. Kev xa tus neeg raug txim mus kaw qho taub, losyog hau tsev vwm. 2. Kev tso cai kom tub ceevxwm coj tus neeg mus kaw qho taub losyog mus rau tom tsev vwm.
COMMITMENT ORDER - A court order directing that an individual be kept in custody, usually in a penal or mental facility.

-Tsev hais plaub lo lus kom coj ib tus tib neeg coj mus kaw, feem ntau hauv qhov taub lossis tsev vwm.
COMMON LAW - The legal system that originated in England and is now in use in the United States. It is based on judicial decisions rather than legislative action.

-Cov cai lijchoj tsim nyob rau tebchaws England uas tam sim no tseem siv nyob rau tebchaws Asmeslivkas. Nws siv rawsli kevcai txiav txim hauv tsev hais plaub dua li qhov uas nomtswv txiav txim.
COMMUNITY PROPERTY - Property owned in common by husband and wife each having an undivided one-half interest by reason of their marital status. For example, the earnings of one spouse during the marriage do not belong solely to that spouse; the earnings are community property.

-Khoom vaj khoom tsev uas ob leeg yog tshwv cuab uas muaj cai faib ib leeg nrab vim tias nkawd yog niam txiv. Pivtxwv tias, txawm nyiaj txiag ib tug khw tau xwb los yeej tsis yog nws ib leeg lis; tej nyiaj txiag khwv tau yog ob leeg ntiag tug.
COMMUNITY SERVICE WORK = UA HAUJLWM DAWB RAU ZEJ ZOS – work performed without pay as part of the punishment for a crime.

-Ua haujlwm dawb rau zej zos los mus them lub txim tau ua txhaum cai.
COMMUTATION - The reduction of a sentence, such as from death to life imprisonment.

-Muab lub txim txo kom yau, xwsli muab lub txim tuag hloov mus ua lub txim kaw tas tiam neej.
COMPARATIVE NEGLIGENCE - A legal doctrine by which acts of the opposing parties are compared to determine the liability of each party to the other, making each liable only for his or her percentage of fault. See also CONTRIBUTORY NEGLIGENCE.

-Tsab ntawv raws cai uas muab ob tog txoj kev txhaum txheeb xyuas thiab sib piv los luj seb leej twg txhaum npaum licas thiab hais kom tus neeg ntawd, nws tsuas them raws nws qhov feem txhaum. Saib lo lus CONTRIBUTORY NEGLIGENCE.
COMPETENCY - Mental capacity of a person, especially with regard to his or her ability to stand trial and to assist counsel in his or her defense.

-Tus neeg lub hlwb meejpem npaum licas, qho tseemceeb seb nws puas yuav muaj peevxwm los mus hais nws rooj plaub muaj yeej muaj swb thiab pab tuav tswvyim nrog rau nws tus kws lijchoj hais nws rooj plaub.
COMPLAINANT = TUS NEEG FOOB - The party who complains or sues; one who applies to the court for legal redress. Also called the plaintiff.

-Tus neeg tuaj hais losyog foob; tus neeg uas mus hais kom tsev hais plaub taug nws rooj plaub. Kuj hu tau haistias tus Plaintiff.
COMPLAINT = TSAB NTAWV FOOB – 1. The legal document that usually begins a civil lawsuit. It states the facts and identifies the action the court is asked to take. 2. Formal written charge that a person has committed a criminal offense.

-1. Tsab ntawv pib ib rooj plaub uas pejxeem sibfoob. Nws qhia txog cov lus muaj tsheeb thiab qhia tias kom lub tsev hais plaub yuav taug cauj ruam licas. 2. Tsab ntawv sau liam tias ib tug neeg tau ua txhaum lub txim.
COMPLY = UA RAWS – To act in accordance with, to accept, to obey.

-Ua raws nraim li, lees txais, yuav li hais, los mloog hais.
COMPOSITE DRAWING - A picture of an alleged criminal created by a professional police artist using verbal descriptions given by the victim or a witness.

-Ib daim duab uas yog tus neeg raug liam kev txhaum uas kos los ntawm tus kwv ko duab ua hauj rau tub ceevxwm, uas kos raws nraim li cov lus piav qhia los ntawm tus neeg raug mob lossis tus timkhawv.
CONCILIATION - A form of alternative dispute resolution in which the parties bring their dispute to a neutral third party, who helps lower tensions, improve communications, and explore possible solutions. Conciliation is similar to mediation, but it may be less formal.

-Lwm yam kev hais plaub uas tsis tas mus hais hauv tsev hais plaub xwsli ob tog pomzoo yuav ib tug neeg nruab nrab los mloog ob tog cov lus, pab kom ob tug tsis txhob muaj kev sib tawm tsam, kom muaj kev hais lus sib haum, thiab nrhiav kev haum xeeb rau ob tog. Conciliation muaj tsis zoo tsawm tsawv li Mediation, tabsis nws kuj yuav tsis ruj npauv li ntawv.
CONCLUSION OF LAW – A judge’s final decision on a question of law which has been raised in a trial or a court hearing, particularly those issues which are vital to reaching a statement.

-Tus txiav txim los lus phua ua zaum kawg nug txog tshooj cai lijchoj uas tau muab los hais txog nyob ib rooj plaub muaj yeej muaj swb losyog rau hauv ib rooj plaub sib hais, hom ntau rau cov lus uas tseemceeb heev los muab kom tau kev txiav txim.
CONCURRENCE – A separate opinion from an appellate judge agreeing with the majority opinion, but not necessarily on the legal grounds given in the majority opinion.

-Ib lo lus txiav txim txawv los ntawm ib tug txiv txim nyob rau hauv tsev hais plaub uas rov muab rooj plaub los mloog dua uas pomzoo nrog rau txoj kev txiav txim uas ntau tus muaj, tabsis tsis thas yuav yog taug tib tshooj cai lijchoj li feem ntau tau txiav txim.
CONCURRENT JURISDICTION - The jurisdiction of two or more courts, each authorized to deal with the same subject matter.

-Ob lub tsev hais plaub nyob ob lub zos muaj cai sib xws, ntawm ob lub tsev hais plaub raug kev tso cai sib luag los taug tib roog plaubntug.
CONCURRENT SENTENCES = NYOB TXIM IB ZAUG RAU OB PEB LUB TXIM - Sentences for more than one crime that are to be served at the same time, rather than one after the other. See also CONSECUTIVE SENTENCES.

-Muab kaw ib zaug rau ob lub txim. Tsis yog tias kaw ib lub txim tas mam kaw ib lub.
CONDEMNATION - The legal process by which the government takes private land for public use, paying the owners a fair price. See EMINENT DOMAIN.

-Txojcai uas nomtswv muaj peevxwm muab yus tej av coj los ua av luam rau sawv daws siv, them tus nqe txaus nkaus rau tus tswv.
CONDITION PRECEDENT – Something that must happen or be performed prior to something else occurring.

-Tej yam uas yuav tsum tshwmsim lawm lossis tshwmsim ua ntej tej yam yuav tawm ntawd.
CONDITION SUBSEQUENT – Something that must happen after another thing.

-Tej yam uas yuav tsum tshwmsim tom qab tej yam dabtsis.
CONDITIONAL RELEASE = KEV COG LUS TSEG - A release from custody which imposes regulations on the activities and associations of the defendant. If a defendant fails to meet the conditions, the release is revoked.

-Muab tso tawm tabsis muaj lus xov tseg kom ua rawsli lawv teev tseg hauv daim ntawv tias tsis pub nws ua thiab mus koom nrog. Yog tsis ua los tsis coj rawsli teev tseg ces lawv rov muab kaw dua.
CONFESSION = LEES TIAS TAU UA –Voluntary statement made by one who is a defendant in a criminal trial, which, if true, discloses his or her guilt.

-Lus lees los lawm ntawm tus tuaj mus txheem plaub nyob rau rooj plaub loj, yog tias thwj rawsli nws hais, yuav qhiav tau haistias nws yog tus txhaum.
CONFISCATE = MUAB YWV ROV QAB –To seize or take private property for public use (the police confiscated the weapon).

-Muab ywv rov qab losyog muab tej yam khoom yog tej tug neeg li coj los rau pejxeem suav daws siv (Tub ceevxwm muab riam phom ywv tseg).
CONFLICT OF INTEREST - 1. A real or seeming incompatibility between one's private interests and one's public or fiduciary duties. 2. A real or seeming incompatibility between the interests of two of a lawyer's clients, such that the lawyer is disqualified from representing both clients if the dual representation adversely affects either client or if the clients do not consent.

-1. Qho tiag tiag losyog qho yuav ua tsis tau vim yus muaj yus qho yus xav ua thiab yus lub luag haujlwm losyog yus tej kev dhia haujlwm. 2. Ib tug kws lijchoj txheem tsis tau ob tug neeg xwsli tus neeg foob thiab tus neeg muaj plaub. Pivtxwv li ob niamtxiv yuav sib nrauj, ib tug kws lijchoj ua tsis tau kws lijchoj rau ob leeg.
CONSECUTIVE SENTENCES - Successive sentences, one beginning at the expiration of another, imposed against a person convicted of two or more violations.

-Nyob txim sib txuas ntxaws, thaum ib lub txim tag ces pib ib lub txim mus, muab tsuam rau tus neeg ua txhaum ob qho txhaum losyog tshaj ob zaug mus ntawd.
CONSENT DECREE - an agreement made by the parties involved and sanctioned by the Court and in effect an admission by the parties that the decree is a just determination of their rights upon the facts, had the facts actually been proven.

-Ib daim ntawv uas ob tog tswv plaub pomzoo thiab tsev hais plaub los kuj pomzoo nrog haistias yog raws txojcai lawm.
CONSERVATORSHIP - Legal right given to a person to manage the property and financial affairs of a person deemed incapable of doing that for himself or herself. Conservators have somewhat less responsibility than guardians. See also GUARDIANSHIP.

-Tsev hais plaub tso cai rau ib tug neeg saibxyuas lub vaj lub tsev ntawd, nyiaj txiag ntawm ib tug neeg uas muaj mob lossis vwm es ua tsis tau tej ntawd rau nws tus kheej lawm. Txhais tau tias tus neeg no zoo ib yam li leej niam los leej txiv.
CONSIDERATION - The cause, price, or impelling influence which induces a party to enter into a contract.

-Qhov uas ua rau tus neeg txaus siab kam los sau ib daim ntawv cog lus.
CONSOLIDATE = MUAB TSO UAKE – combine. For example, the judge might consolidate two cases involving the same defendant into one case.

-Pivtxwv tias tejzaum tus kws txiav txim muab ib tus neeg uas raug foob nyob rau ob rooj plaub coj los hais ua ib rooj xwb.
CONSPIRACY = SIB TUAM TSWVYIM - An agreement by two or more persons to commit an unlawful act; in criminal law, conspiracy is a separate offense from the crime that is the object of the conspiracy.

-Kev sib cog pomzoo los ntawm ob tug neeg lossis coob tshaj los ua kev txhaum cai; nyob rau hauv kevcai lijchoj raug kaw, kev khoom siab tuav tswvyim yog ib lub txim txawv ntawm txoj kev txhaum uas nqis tes ua kiag.
CONSTITUTION = HAUVPAUS KEVCAI LIJCHOJ – The fundamental law of a country or state, establishing the basic principles of government and the rights of its citizens.

-Qhov hauvpaus kevcai lijchoj nyob rau hauv ib lub tebchaws losyog xeev, tsim muaj cov kevcai lijchoj tuav kev nomtswv thiab cov cai muaj ntawm nws cov pejxeem.
CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT - A right guaranteed by the U. S. Constitution, interpreted by the federal courts; also, a right guaranteed by some other constitution (such as a state constitution).

-Txojcai lav los ntawm tshooj cai lijchoj tswj fwm tej chaws Ameslikas no, txhais los ntawm lub tsev hais plaub loj tshoom fwm, nrog rau txojcai lav ntawm tej tshooj cai lijchoj (xwsli tshooj cai lijchoj kav lub xeev).
CONTEMPT OF COURT - The finding of the court that an act was committed with the intent of embarrassing the court, disobeying its lawful orders, or obstructing the administration of justice in some way.

-Tej yam uas lub tsev hais plaub pom tau haistias yog txhob txawm ua kom lub tseg hais plaub ntxaj muag, tsis ua rawsli txojcai teev tseg, lossis los cuam tshuam dejnum nrhiav kev ncaj ncees.
CONTINUANCE = MUAB NCUA – The adjournment or postponement of a session, hearing, trial, or other proceeding until a future date.

-Muab ib rooj plaub sib hais, rooj plaub hais muaj yeej muaj swj, lossis lwm rooj plaub muab tso tseg lossis muab ncua tseg rau lwm lub sijhawm.

CONTRACT - A legally enforceable agreement between two or more competent parties made either orally or in writing.

-Ib tsab ntawv cog lus los ntawm ob tog lossis ntau tshaj uas tau los hais lossis sau tseg uas muaj cai hais.
CONTRIBUTORY NEGLIGENCE - A legal doctrine that says if the plaintiff in a civil action for negligence also was negligent, he or she cannot recover damages from the defendant for the defendant's negligence. Most jurisdictions have abandoned the doctrine of contributory negligence in favor of comparative negligence.

-Tsab ntawv raws cai uas haistias yog tus neeg tuaj foob rooj plaub pejxeem sibfoob txog kev tsis xum xim uas yog nws twb tsis xuam xim thiab, nws tsis muaj cai txais nyiaj txiag los ntawm tus neeg raug foob rau tus neeg raug foob txoj kev tsis xyuam xim. Feem ntau, tsev hais plaub tsis siv txojcai contributory negligence es xum siv txojcai comparative negligence.
CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE - Any of the drugs whose production and use are regulated by law, including narcotics, stimulants, and hallucinogens.

-Txhua yam tshuaj uas txoj kev ua thiab txoj kev siv raug kevcai tswj, nrog rau tshuaj loog (yeeb dub), tshuaj muaj zog (yeeb dawb) thiab tshuaj ua kom pom thiab hnov tej yam tsis muaj (tshuaj yas mab/tshuaj nees).
CONVICT - 1. A person who has been found guilty of a crime and is serving a sentence for that crime; a prison inmate. 2. To find a person guilty of an offense by either a trial or a plea of guilty.

-1. Ib tus neeg uas tau txiav txim txhaum ib lub txim uas tab tom mus nyob txim rau txoj kev txhaum ntawd, tus neeg nyob qhov taub 2. Txiav txim tias ib tus neeg txhaum ib lub txim los ntawm txoj kev hais plaub muaj yeej muaj swb lossis lo lus lees txhaum.
CONVICTION - A judgment of guilty following a verdict or finding of guilty, a plea of guilty, or a plea of nolo contendere.

-Kev phua txim tias txhaum tom qab cov pejxeem los txiav txim lossis nrhiav pom tias txhaum, lo lus lees txhaum, losyog teb tias tsis xub tsis cam.
CORONER - Public official charged with duty to make inquiry into the causes and circumstances of any death which occurs through violence or suddenly, with marks of suspicion.

-Tus neeg ua dejnum rau nomtswv uas lub luag haujlwm yog los tshawb xyuas txog seb tej kev covnyom tshwmsim licas thiab tshawb xyuas yog vim licas thiaj muaj kev plojtuag yam uas tshwmsim sai sai, uas tsis paub tseeb es muaj kev xoomxaim, lossis raug tsim txom sab heev.
CORPORATION COUNSEL = TUS KWS LIJCHOJ UA HAUJLWM RAU NOMTSWV - an attorney employed by a government body to advance the interests of the government body or enforce public policies.

-Tus kws lijchoj uas nomtswv ntiav los pab txhawb nqa nomtswv tej dejnum uas tseemceeb, lossis pab tswj kom sawvdaws ua raws tej kevcai kav lajmej pejxeem.
CORPUS DELECTI – Latin for “body of the crime”. The objective proof that a crime has been committed. It sometimes refers to the body of the victim of a homicide or to the charred shell of a burned house, but the term has a broader meaning. For the state to introduce a confession or to convict the accused, it must prove a corpus delicti, that is, the occurrence of a specific injury or loss and a criminal act as the source of that particular injury or loss.

-(Lub cev ntawm txoj kev txhaum.) Yam povthawj uas qhia tseeb tias kev txhaum plaub yeej tshwmsim tiag. Qee zaus kuj hais txog tus neeg uas raug kev phem lub cev uas raug tua lossis rau cov thee ntoo ntawm ib lub tsev uas kub hnyiab tag lawm, tabsis lo lus no kuj muab txhais tau ntau yam. Yog lub xeev yuav qhia cov lus lees kev txhaum no tawm lossis txiav txim tias tus neeg raug liam ntawd txhaum tiag, ces lawv yuav tsum muab kom tau lub cev ntawm kev txhaum los. Qhov no txhais tau tias, qhov kev raug mog lossis kev tuag ntawd yeej tshwmsim tiag, thiab qhov kev txhaum ntawd yog lub hauvpaus uas tsim txoj kev raug mob lossis kev tuag ntawd.
CORROBORATE - To support with evidence or authority; make more certain.

-Muab povthawj thiab tus muaj feem paub txog los pab txhawb; ua kom muaj tseeb ntxiv.
CORROBORATING EVIDENCE - Supplementary evidence that tends to strengthen or confirm the initial evidence.

-Povthawj uas muab coj los siv los mus pab rub kom muaj zog ntxiv lossis qhia qhov tseeb ntxiv rau yam povthawj ua xub muab.
COSTS = COV NQI – An allowance for expenses in prosecuting or defending a suit. Ordinarily this does not include attorney fees.

-Cov nyiaj khaws tseg los them cov nqi thaum muaj kev sibfoob. Feem ntau, qhov no tsis ntxiv nrog rau cov nqi kws lijchoj.
COUNSEL = KWS LIJCHOJ - A legal representative, attorney, lawyer.

-Tus kws lijchoj, tus neeg txheem plaub, tus hais plaubntug, tus nres plaub.
COUNSEL TABLE = LUB ROOJ KWS LIJCHOJ ZAUM- The physical location where the defense and prosecuting parties are seated throughout the duration of the trial.

-Qhov chaw uas tus kws lijchoj foob rooj plaub thiab tus kws lijchoj txheem plaub nyob zaum thaum hais rooj plaub.
COUNT = NQI TXIM - Each of the allegations of an offense listed in a charging document.

-Txhua nqi lus iab liam txog kev txhaum uas muaj sau tseg rau hauv tsab ntawv foob.
COUNTERCLAIM = ROV THIG FOOB – A claim presented by a defendant in a civil lawsuit against the plaintiff. In essence, a counter lawsuit within a lawsuit.

-Ib rooj plaub foob los ntawm tus raug foob nyob rau rooj plaub pejxeem sibfoob uas rov foob tus tswv plaub. Lub ntshiab lus ces yog tus neeg raug foob rov qab mus foob tus tswv plaub.
COUNTERFEIT = CUAV – To forge, to copy or imitate, without authority or right, and with the purpose to deceive or defraud, by passing off the copy as genuine.

-Nyiag kos lwm tus neeg lub npe; nyiag luam lossis ua kom zoo rawsli, yam uas tsis tau kev tso cai uas lossis tsis muaj cai, thiab lub homphiaj yog los txhob txwm dag lossis txhob txwm ua es siv daim cuav los ua daim tseeb.
COUNTY = LUB NROOG – A division of the state; a local area.

-Ib lub nroog hauv lub xeev; ib thaj tsam lossis qhov chaw.
COUNTY JAIL = QHOV TAUB – A building or structure used to house alleged criminals and/or convicted criminals of local area crimes.

-Ib lub tuam tsev lossis ib qhov chaw siv los kaw cov neeg raug liam ua kev txhaum thiab/lossis cov neeg muaj kev txhaum (raug txiav txim tias tau ua kev txhaum) uas tshwmsim rau ib lub roog.
COURT = TSEV HAIS PLAUB – 1. A unit of the judiciary authorized to decide disputed matters of fact, cases or controversies. 2. Figuratively, the judge or judicial officer. Judges sometimes use court to refer to themselves in the third person, as in “the court has read the briefs”.

-1. Ib feem ntawm cag tswj kev ncaj ncees ua muaj cai los txiav txim rau tej xwm hais tsis haum ‘disputed matters of fact’ or lus sib cam, cov plaubntug, lossis kev covnyom. 2. Tus kws txiav txim lossis tus raug xaiv los ua dejnum txiav txim rau plaubntug. Qee zaus cov kws txiav txim kuj siv tsev hais plaub los hais txog lawv tus kheej li lwm tus neeg, xwsli lub tsev hais plaub twb tau nyeem cov ntaub ntawv tas lawm.
COURT ADMINISTRATOR / CLERK OF COURT - An officer appointed by the Court or elected to oversee the administrative, non-judicial activities of the court.

-Tus neeg raug tsa los ntawm tus kws txiav txim lossis raug xaiv los ua dejnum khiav ntaub ntawv, tej yam uas tsis yog hais plaubntug.
COURT APPOINTED COUNSEL = TUS KWS LIJCHOJ TSEV HAIS PLAUB MUAB - A defense attorney designated by the court to represent a defendant who does not have the funds to retain an attorney.

-Tus kws lijchoj txheem plaub uas tsev hais plaub muab los sawvcev pab rau ib tus neeg raug foob uas tsis muaj nyiaj txaus los mus ntiav ib tus kws lijchoj.
COURT COMMISSIONER – A person that performs limited judicial and quasi-judicial functions, such as presiding over initial appearances in all criminal proceedings, preliminary examinations, small claim actions and temporary hearings in family law cases.

-Ib tus neeg ua haujlwm li tus kws txiav txim los mloog tej plaubntug xwsli mloog cov plaub uas coj tuaj hais thawj zaug rau txhua cov plaubntug raug kaw, cov plaubntug uas los txiav txim seb puas muaj lus txaus ntseeg tias tus neeg raug liam tau ua kev txhaum, cov plaub sibfoob yuav nyiaj me, thiab cov plaub ua txiav txim siv ib ntu xwb nyob rau cov rooj plaub tsev neeg.
COURT COSTS – NQI HAIS PLAUB – The expenses of prosecuting or defending a lawsuit, other than the attorneys' fees. An amount of money may be awarded to the successful party (and may be recoverable from the losing party) as reimbursement for court costs.

-Cov nqi los ntawm txoj kev foob lossis txheem plaubntug, tsis yog cov nqi them kws lijchoj. Tejzaum pob nyiaj uas muab txiav txim rau tog yeej rooj plaub (lossis txiav txim kom tog swb them) kuj yog ib qhov kev them rau cov nqi hais plaub.
COURT OF RECORD - A court in which the proceedings are recorded, transcribed, and maintained as permanent records.

-Lub tsev hais plaub uas muab rooj plaub kaw cia, sau tseg, thiab tuav tseg rau ntaub ntawv mus tas ib sim.
COURT ORDER - A written direction or command delivered by a court or judge.

-Tsab ntawv sau qhia lossis yuam kom ua los ntawm tsev hais plaub lossis ib tug kws txiav txim los.
COURT REPORTER = TUS NEEG SAU LUS TSEG - A person who makes a word-for-word record of what is said in court and produces a transcript of the proceedings upon request.

-Tus neeg uas ntaus cia txhua lo lus uas hais hauv tsev hais plaub tseg thiab muab daim ntawv teev lus ntawm rooj plaub rau lawv thaum lawv nug txog.
COURTROOM = CHAV TSEV HAIS PLAUB – The section of a courthouse in which the judge presides over the proceedings.

-Lub chav ntawm ib lub tsev hais plaub uas muaj tus kws txiav txim nyob mloog plaubntug.
CREDIBILITY = YAM TXAUS NTSEEG – The quality in a witness which makes his or her testimony believable.

-Yam uas ib tus timkhawv muaj uas pab ua rau nws cov lus povthawj ntxim txaus ntseeg.
CREDITOR = TUS TXAIS NYIAJ – a person who is owed money.

-Ib tug neeg uas tiv nyiaj rau.
CRIME = KEV TXHAUM – 1. An act of omission or commission in violation of law which carries criminal consequences. 2. Criminal activity in general relating to a specific time or place.

-1. Txoj kev ua lossis tsis ua ib yam dabtsi uas txhaum kevcai uas tsim nyog raug txim kaw. 2. Kev txhaum uas muaj tshwmsim rau ib lub sijhawm lossis ib qhov chaw.
CRIMINAL = NEEG TXHAUM TXIM RAUG KAW – 1. One who has been convicted of a criminal offense. 2. That which is connected with the law of crimes; That which has the character of a crime (criminal justice; criminal intent).

-1. Tus neeg uas raug txiav txim txhaum rau ib txoj kev txhaum plaub raug kaw. 2. Yam uas txuas nrog kevcai hais plaubntug. Yam uas muaj tus yamntxwv zoo li kev txhaum (xwsli nhriav kev ncaj ncees rau cov neeg txhaum; txhob txwm ua kev txhaum).
CRIMINAL CASE = ROOJ PLAUB RAUG KAW – A case brought by the government against a person accused of committing a crime.

-Rooj plaub uas nomtswv foob ib tus neeg tias nws tau ua kev txhaum tsim nyog raug kaw.
CRIMINAL INSANITY - Lack of mental capacity to do or abstain from doing a particular act; inability to distinguish right from wrong.

-Tsis muaj lub tswvyim meejpem txaus los ua lossis tsis ua ib yam dabtsi. Tsis muaj peevxwm paub txaus tias qhov yog thiab qhov tsis yog txawv licas.
CRIMINAL RECORD = NTAUB NTAWV RAUG NTES TAS LOS - 1. Arrest record. A written account listing all the instances in which a person has been arrested. 2. A form completed by a police officer when a person is arrested.

-1. Ntaub ntawv qhia txog kev raug ntes. Ntaub ntawv teev cia txhua zaus uas ib tus neeg raug ntes. 2. Ib tsab ntawv uas tub ceevxwm sau cia thaum ib tus neeg raug ntes.
CRIMINAL SUMMONS - An order commanding an accused to appear in court.

-Tsab ntawv uas yuam kom tus neeg raug liam tuaj tshwm rau hauv tsev hais plaub.
CROSS-CLAIM = ROV SIB LIAM – A claim by codefendant or co-plaintiffs against each other and not against persons on the opposite side of the lawsuit.

-Cov neeg raug foob lossis cov neeg txheem plaub uas nyob rau ib tog rov sib liam, tsis yog foob cov neeg nyob rau tog sab tod ntawm ib rooj plaub.

CROSS-EXAMINATION = NUG SAB TOD TUS TIMKHAWV – The questioning of a witness produced by the other side.

-Txoj kev uas nug lus rau tog sab tod tus timkhawv.
CUMULATIVE SENTENCES – Sentences for two or more crimes to run consecutively, rather than concurrently.

-Cov txim uas nyob ib lub txim tas mam nyob ib lub txim ntxiv, tsis yog nyob thooj txhij uake.
CUSTODY - 1. The care and control of a thing or person for inspection, preservation, or security. 2. The care, control, and maintenance of a child awarded by a court to one of the parents in a divorce or separation proceeding. 3. The detention of a person by virtue of lawful process or authority.

-1. Txoj kev saibxyuas thiab tswj ib yam dabtsi lossis ib tus neeg rau txoj kev kuaj, kev khaws tseg, lossis kev ceev cia. 2. Saibxyuas, tswj thaib tuav cia ib tus menyuam uas tsev hais plaub txiav txim rau leej niam lossis leej txiv ntawm ib rooj plaub sib nrauj lossis rooj plaub sib cais. 3. Txoj kev uas kaw ib tus neeg cia raws kevcai lijchoj lossis raws nomtswv txojcai.
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