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Reports 1995-1998 Edited by Dwain C. Epps

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Colombia: On the Path of Dialogue and Encounter

Communiqué issued in Geneva, Switzerland, 19 August 1998.

Challenged by the terrible suffering of the Colombian people, building on a long relationship with the churches of Colombia, and committed to peace with justice in Colombia, the four councils – World Council of Churches (WCC), Lutheran World Federation (LWF), National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA (NCC) and Latin American Council of Churches (CLAI) – paid two pastoral visits to that country in July 1996 and November 1997. The purpose of these visits was to accompany the local churches, the civil society and the political powers involved and concerned in a process of dialogue and cooperation for reconciliation and peace with justice in their country.

For the same purpose, the four councils sent an international delegation to the inauguration of the Permanent Assembly of Civil Society for Peace in Colombia that took place in Santa Fe de Bogota on 30 and 31 July 1998.

Following up this process, .the four councils pursued conversations with the various actors involved in and affected by the ongoing conflictual situation in Colombia. On 17 and 18 August 1998, in Geneva, Switzerland, they had an encouraging and fruitful meeting with a delegation of the National Liberation Army (ELN) to hear its views and proposals concerning the implementation of the peace process in Colombia.

The four councils will have further dialogues with other actors involved in the internal conflict in Colombia, with a view to promoting a peaceful and just solution to poverty, violence and war in that country. The four councils reiterate their commitment to pursuing dialogue and facilitation towards a just peace in Colombia.

El Salvador

Expression of condolences on the assassination of César Humberto López

Letter from staff members who were personal friends of the victim to the Emmanuel Baptist Church in San Salvador, 20 April 1998.

Queridos hermanos y hermanas,

Con consternación, nos hemos enterado del vil asesinato del hermano César Humberto López. Compartimos el dolor que aflige a su familia, a su Iglesia y a la Comunidad Cristiana de El Salvador en su conjunto y queremos hacerles llegar nuestra profunda compasión y nuestra solidaridad en estos momentos de sufrimiento.

Valoramos enormemente la contribución de César al quehacer ecuménico. César irradiaba un entusiasmo que le agradeceremos siempre, junto con la sinceridad de su amistad dentro del trabajo. La promesa de un valioso aporte queda truncada en plena juventud.

El nombre de César se agrega a la larga lista de los testigos que han ofrecido su vida en El Salvador por la paz y la justicia. Unimos nuestras oraciones a las suyas, en la fe de que esta nube de mártires les acompañe y les ilumine en su incansable y arriesgado compromiso por construir una sociedad más justa y fraternal.

Lamentamos que las fuerzas de muerte sigan sembrando el terror, el odio y el dolor en El Salvador y que el anhelo profundo del pueblo salvadoreño por la paz y la justicia se encuentre frustrado todavía por la violencia, la impunidad y las injusticias sociales. En este largo y difícil camino, les hacemos llegar nuestra solidaridad, con la esperanza de que de las semillas sembradas por la vida de César y de tantos otros testigos brotarán muchos frutos de paz en su país.

¡Que el Señor de la Vida les acompañe y les dé la fuerza para seguir adelante en su compromiso a pesar del dolor y para profundizar aún más su testimonio de esperanza en el triunfo de la vida sobre la muerte!

En nombre de los amigos y las amigas de César en el Consejo Mundial de Iglesias,

Fraternalmente en Cristo,

Israel Batista

María Rosa Giovannini

Geneviève Jacques

Marta Palma

Mercedes Restrepo

Patrick Taran


Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We have been deeply troubled by the news of the cruel assassination of brother César Humberto López. We share the pain of his family, his church and the whole Christian community of El Salvador, and send them our deep sympathy and solidarity in these difficult times.

We have greatly esteemed César’s contribution to ecumenism. He radiated an enthusiasm and a sincerity of friendship in his work for which we shall be eternally grateful. The great promise he showed has been cut short in his youth.

César’s name is now added to the long list of witnesses who have given their lives for peace and justice in El Salvador. We join our prayers with yours, in the faith that this cloud of martyrs will accompany and illumine you in your untiring and risk-taking commitment to construct a more just and fraternal society.

We regret that the forces of death continue to sow terror, hate and pain in El Salvador and that the deep longing of the Salvadoran people for peace and justice is still frustrated by violence, impunity and social injustice. Along this long and difficult road, we offer you our solidarity in the hope that the seeds sown by the life of César and so many other witnesses will grow and bear the fruits of peace in your country.

May the Lord of Life accompany you and give you the strength to continue in your commitment despite the pain, as a witness to the hope that life shall triumph over death!

In the name of all César’s friends in the WCC.

Fraternally in Christ


Appeal for the release of Daniel Long, WCC representative in Guatemala

Letter to H.E. Ramiro de León Carpio, President of the Republic, 30 June 1995.

Excelentísimo Señor Presidente,

Recibimos con profunda preocupación la noticia de que nuestro representante participante en el GRICAR, el Señor Daniel Long, ha sido tomado ayer como rehén en Ixcán, El Quiché.

De acuerdo a las noticias recibidas aquí, el Sr. Raúl Martínez, Jefe de Patrullas Civiles y Comisionado Militar del Area, tiene como rehenes al Sr. Long junto con otros cuatro extranjeros, incluyendo miembros de MINUGUA.

Le rogamos a Ud. que haga todo en su poder para asegurar la integridad física de Daniel Long y de los demás rehenes, y su inmediata liberación.

Este criminal secuestro es una violación a los acuerdos firmados que permiten el retorno de refugiados al Ixcán. Es un acto que merece la condenación de su Gobierno y de la comunidad internacional.

Esperamos que los rehenes sean liberados sin tardar, y que los refugiados guatemaltecos sean reintegrados sin perjuicio.

Afirmamos una vez más nuestro deseo de continuar a prestar todo nuestro apoyo material y moral para que el pueblo de Guatemala y su patria pueda seguir el camino de justicia y paz.

Reciba Ud. nuestros más cordiales saludos.


Dwain C. Epps

Director, Comisión de las Iglesias para Asuntos Internacionales


Esteemed Mr. President,

We have received with deep concern the news that our representative in GRICAR, Mr. Daniel Long, has been taken hostage yesterday in Ixcán, El Quiché.

According to information received here, Mr. Raúl Martínez, Chief of Civilian Patrols and Area Military Commissioner has taken hostage Mr. Long and another four foreigners, including members of MINUGUA.

We ask you to do all within your power to ensure the physical integrity of Daniel Long and the other hostages and to gain their immediate release.

This criminal hostage-taking is an open violation of the agreements signed that allow for the return of refugees to Ixcán. It is an act that deserves the condemnation of your Government and of the international community.

We hope that the hostages will be released without delay, and that Guatemalan refugees will be reintegrated without prejudice.

We affirm yet again our desire to continue to offer our material and moral support in order that the Guatemalan people and their nation might continue along the path of justice and peace.

With cordial greetings and respectfully,

Dwain C. Epps

Director, Commission of the Churches on

International Affairs

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