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JezičNA/mentalna rekonstrukcija eu prostora: nove konceptualne metafore

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Stoga nema smisla popravljati zidove zdanja čiji se temelji ozbiljno ljujljaju. (Prilog za europske integracije Europa , 2.prosinca 2008.str.3)

  • Mogu reći samo jedno: nema budućnosti ni za koga tko ne shvaća da Europa, pa i cijeli svijet, postaje jedinstveni dom svim građanima, neovisno o njihovoj nacionalnoj ili religijskoj pripadnosti. Sanja Mihaljinac Zagreb i županija Primjer svim direktorima gradskih (online-Vjesnik, 9. svibnja 2008.)


    Mnoge metafore koje se koriste u političkom govoru predstavljaju EU kao osobu koja ima tijelo, srce, lice, bolesti i sl. Naime, ljudsko tijelo se vrlo često koristi kao izvorna domena u imenovanju novih pojava u stvarnosti, a što potvrđuju i istraživanja kognitivnih lingvista poput M. Johnson (1987), G. Lakoffa (1989) i dr.

    • Europe must cure its own ills. Europe’s sclerosis is due as much too inflexible macroeconomic policy as inflexible labour markets. (EUROMETA)

    • The European Community is a child of the Cold War. (EUROMETA)

    • The only certainty about the new Europe now struggling to be born is that its shape and character remain uncertain for a long tome to come. (EUROMETA)

    • He wanted Britain to be at the heart of Europe. Yet too often he found himself alone at the end of a limb. (EUROMETA)

    • In Chirac’s address in the Reichstag, in which he said not one word about any of these proposals, except to observe that "the face of the future of Europe is still to be drawn". (EUROMETA)

    • Is the "Franco-German couple" really the "heart of the European Union", as he said during the campaign, or are Britain’s Conservatives right to imagine they have found a fellow-skeptic to flirt with? (EUROMETA)

    • The Prime Minister was right when he said Britain must be at the heart of Europe. But you can’t be at the heart of Europe if you spend your time blocking its arteries," he said. (EUROMETA)


    • "Stara Europa" pred ukidanjem barijera za radnike iz novih članica EU-a
    • Ukratko dinamična i fluidna forma kao što je EU, uza sve svoje nedostatke i mane, još uvijek, kao što vidimo, je živahna. (Prilog za europske integracije, Europa, 2.prosinca 2008.str.1)

    • Europa je danas svjesna svojih slijepih crijeva, pa se nadam da će uskoro biti sposobna i spretna (organizirana) da i slijepa crijeva privede svrsi života. . (Prilog za europske integracije, Europa, 2.prosinca 2008.str.1)

    4) EU=KONCENTRIČNI KRUGOVI (krugovi, prsten)
    EU se često jezično kategorizira kao sustav koncentričnih krugova: centralni, unutrašnji i vanjski krug.

    • In other words, the two-tiered or double-circled Europe is once again appearing on the horizon and, as several close observers are ready to speculate, with greater definition than before. (EUROMETA)

    • Britain must not allow itself to be marginalised, to become so introspective that it is effectively excluded from the inner core of EC decision making," he said. (EUROMETA)

    • Clearly, he said, the Chancellor’s proposals were aimed at creating first and second-class Europe. "The first class belongs to the core Europe, the second class to the periphery. (EUROMETA)

    • For long years to come , Europe will consist of a central, homogeneous core, made up essentially of France and Germany," he said. The second concentric circle would include the weaker European states, such as Britain. The outer group would take in the nations of East Europe which could not hope to meet the criteria of EU membership for some time. (EUROMETA)

    • The finance minister, openly favours the notion of a multi-track Europe embraced by John Major and both proffer the image of five or six concentric circles based around a hard core of countries in an eventual monetary union and comprising new members like Austria as well as Germany, France and the Benelux. (EUROMETA)

    Prve članice EU pripadaju unutrašnjem krugu (core countries), vanjskom krugu pripadaju periferne zemlje, dok u krug proširenja spadaju nedavno integrirane zemlje istočne Europe. U tranzicijskoj zoni nalaze se zemlje kandidati.

    Slika 4


    Granice EU nisu fiksne i ostavljaju 'otvorena vrata' za sve one koji slijede određena pravila ponašanja. Pridruživanjem novih zemalja povećavaju se ekonomske, društvene i političke razlike između zemalja članica. Vrlo je teško postići jednakomjernu integraciju. Upravo stoga se predlaže koncept tzv. multi-speed integration ili differentiated integration.

    • The national border posts are being dusted down again within "frontier-free Europe", as one of the EU’s most liberal experiments faces its sharpest test. Today in Brussels, officials of the countries which signed the 1985 Schengen agreement to scrap their internal border controls are meeting. (EUROMETA)

    • The result would be a carefully planned system of "flexible geometry" whereby some member states could proceed to pool powers in areas of their liking at a faster pace then others . (EUROMETA)

    • The promise that Britain will reject this speed if it turns out to be too fast is therefore quite ethereal. It addresses a proposition whose shape is blurred. (EUROMETA)

    • The race is now on to find some way of accommodating Europe to the realities of "variable geometry" in some way which is both feasible and more transparent to the increasingly doubtful voters of Europe. (EUROMETA)

          1. EU=STROJ, MOTOR

    EU se često percipira kao motor koji pokreće integracijeske procese.

    • The Community is not a vehicle that necessarily requires radical redesign when the landscape through which it is travelling changes ..." he said. (EUROMETA)

    • "Successful EMU is also the engine of Europe’s further political unification." (EUROMETA)

    • This mechanic knows how to work the Euro-machine. (EUROMETA)

    • We want to be the motor of European integration." (EUROMETA)

    • Far from overheating, Europe’s economic engine has only begun to warm up. (EUROMETA)

          1. EU=HRANA

    EU predstavljena kao hrana/jelovnik često se koristi u značenju raznovrsnosti. Koncept hrane, specijalne ponude pobuđuje pozitivne asocijacije, a što je i cilj odabira ovakve metafore.

    • But once all appetites have been sated, who will emerge the stronger. (EUROMETA)

    • Europe as a fruit or vegetable, with a solid centre (northern apple or southern olive). (EUROMETA)

    • That way, we may end up with a menu for the many, not something which is à la carte capitalism. When such a menu is written, let us also have the courage to tell the British public that it will be its choice — in the form of a referendum— whether it wants to dine at such a European banquet or discard it as a feast of fools. (EUROMETA)

    • The important question is not who learns from whom. It is how the two halves of the re-united continent will interact with each other: what kind of soup will emerge from the pot into which each will throw its memories of the past and its hopes for the future. (EUROMETA)

    • Brussels tries to bite off more than it can chew. (EUROMETA)

    • Europe as lunch is one way of accommodating diversity. Pick the courses -or policies -you fancy and dodge the boring ones. But could you leave your greens and still have pudding. (EUROMETA)

          1. EU=ZAJEDNICA/KLUB

    Koncept zajednice, kluba primjeren je novoj stvarnosti koja odstupa od pojma nacije i države.

    • The alternative Thatcherite model of an inter-governmental community — run essentially behind closed doors by the council of ministers, the club of member states — could lead to far more unaccountable centralisation of power than out-in-the-open federalism.(EUROMETA)

    • Blair fights for entry to ‘euro club’.(EUROMETA)

    • We are not a club of Christians, but we are a club where human rights have to be considered .(EUROMETA)

    • Despite the administrative difficulties, a Union of different clubs looks preferable to a union of different classes. (EUROMETA)

    Konceptualizacija EU u okvirma značenja riječi voda produktivna je u političkom govoru, posebice kada se realizira u značenju vala, kretanja vode, vodene struje.

    • In the first wave are Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Estonia and Slovenia (plus Cyprus, if the politics can be resolved). In the second wave are Lithuania, Latvia, Bulgaria, Romania and Slovakia, with Turkey on one side as a special case. (EUROMETA)

    • At the beginning of the week, the Committee of Independent Experts had diverted a stream through the dung-spattered stables of the European Commission — a cleansing torrent which swept both the sleazy and the spotless before it and left behind a damp and slightly astonishing vacancy. (EUROMETA)

    • The feared flood of low-cost goods is just beginning (EUROMETA) .

    Pojam ravnoteže često se koristi u definiranju stvarnosti koja okružuje čovjeka. Iskustvo ravnoteže i uspravnog držanja utemeljeno je na strukturi ljudskog tijela i u glavnini jezika nosi pozitivne asocijacije, tj. javlja se kao vrsta univerzalija.

    • Expansion to the East and the imbalance of power in Brussels are incompatible with an emerging European state, tightly knit and run by a supranational bureaucracy. (EUROMETA)

    • This is not surprising: there are no official balance of payment. (EUROMETA)

    • balanced institutional arrangements which serve the interests of all member state (EUROMETA)

    • tax harmonisation, cooperation, merger, Luxembourg compromise, open method of coordination, balance of power, co-operation between member states, partnership of democratic states, equality between member states (EUROVOC)


    • He insisted that the "centre of gravity" among members was for a "Europe of nation states" co-operating, rather than further integration which gave more power to EU institutions. (EUROMETA)

    • In his address, Mr. Heseltine said that Europe was a growing force of influence and respect, the heartland of the defense alliance, the financial world of which London was the epicentre. (EUROMETA)

    • Thirdly, the process -- despite all the positive experiences so far -- does have the potential of releasing centrifugal powers.


    Struktura integriranih i globalnih korporacija pokazuje transfer s pojma hijerarhija prema mreži (network ili web), tj. od vertikalnog prema horizontalnom.

    • Trans-European Networks (EUROVOC)

    • European Judicial Network (EUROVOC)

    • The German demand — which is backed by Sweden, Austria and Holland, all big net payers, too — threatens to set off an immediate row with the EU’s biggest beneficiaries: Spain, Portugal, Greece and Ireland. (EUROMETA)

    • Tony Blair has also tried to increase the network of contacts with the German government.(EUROMETA)

    Prema rezultatima analize korpusa Hrvatska se percipira prema sljedećim konceptualnim modelima:


    • The former Croatian foreign affairs minister Miomir Zuzul has claimed that the focus of Sarkozy’s politics is not Croatia, but the Lisbon Treaty, and in that context, Croatia has appeared as a “collateral victim.”

    • The EU cannot keep its Balkan neighbours locked up forever.

    • ratna žrtva (EURVOC)

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