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Mechaber: No chicken has less than 60 against the heart; mutar even if heart davuk to chicken

Rama: If part of chicken need 60 against entire chicken (Ch’N’N)

Mechaber: lungs don’t need to be opened; larger cavitites should be opened

Chaticha Na’aseh Nevaila

Mechaber: do not say ch’n’n by shaar issurim; need 60 against issur, not entire piece

Rama: does say ch’n’ by shaar issurim and entire piece is the issur (even by issurai d’rabanan)
Efshar L’esochato

-blios absorbed in piece spread to point don’t give taste to original piece; still original piece assur

Rama: Original piece remains assur, even if 60 against

Mechaber: does not hold by Ch’n’n by shaar issurim or by Issur Davuk,

-but machmir by Efshar L’sochato

Rama: machmir by Efshar L’sochato, Issur Davuk and Ch’N’N by Sha’ar Issurim

-R’ Akiva Eiger: Halacha only applies if heart not salted

-heart salted even without opening, then blood in heart’s cavity is not issur davuk

-a whole pot can mitztaref to mevatel the heart


The Liver

Siman 73:1-3

Pages 161-170

Yalta to Rav Nachman: Whatever Torah forbade, Torah also permitted.

-Blood is assur, but liver is mutar (Rashi: liver is solidified blood, has the taste of blood)

  1. Liver’s blood is kavush (congealed) and considered dom she’lo parush

  2. Karbonos: permitted all which is not burnt on the Alter to be eaten

Kovaid Osseres V’aino N’esseres

Rabeinu Tam: Liver’s blood completely mutar; salting extracts all the blood

-Is there a gezeira forbidding the cooking of unsalted liver or not?

Rashi: must do melicha (since dam sheparush from liver); Does melicha take out all blood


Only way to cook liver is to boil; don’t boil, blood comes out through cooking and assur m’doraisa

Shaluk -something cooked for a long time

If liver cooked too long and finished giving off blood and would start to absorb blood and be Assur


-Blood in liver=Mutar, but blood in symponos is assur.

-To Roast symponos needs to be slit opened, so blood won’t collect; can cut before or after b’dieved

-Tosefos: don’t need to be cut sh’si v’airev if roasting and eating; but if cooking it, need to cut

-Rambam: To roast symponos don’t need to open; for melicha it would not help.

-For chalita, they should be opened


-Rambam: if liver cooked by itself=Assur if tzli or chalita not done

-Tur: holds like Rashi; but do not know difference between shaluk and bishul (Bais Yosef)

-Mechaber – L’chatchila holds like Rashi that liver should be koshered by tzli and the symponons should be opened sh’si v’airev

Rama: 2 cases where sh’si v’airev is not required

1) If many holes were made; 2) If the gall bladder was removed with some of the liver

-Rashal: Making holes or removing the gall bladder isn’t enough still need sh’si v’airev

-Taz: Sh’si V’airev sufficient for chicken’s liver

-Mishb’tzos Zahav: minhag by chicken’s liver enough to remove gall blader

-Shach: b’dieved if want to cook after roasting one can make holes before roasting

-l’chathila, do Sh’si V’airev before roasting; but can also cut out gall bladder

-Chavas Da’as: liver of a b’haima must be cut sh’si v’airev if wish to cook it (chicken ok)

B’dieved-Liver Cooked without Salting

Mechaber: 1) mutar since gives off blood, but doesn’t absorb; 2) liver itself assur (Rambam)

Rama: even if salted and cooked=assur, since don’t know difference between shaluk & bishul

Halacha Lema’aseh

M’ikar haDin: hold like Rabbainu Tam that dom kovaid is mutar mid’oraosa

-blood is assur m’drabbanan; even if liver was salted, do not permit liver to be cooked

Kaf HaChaim: liver cut and salted before cooking=mutar b’dieved

Askenzaim: even hefsed m’rubeh=assur; Shach: if rav permits after cut, salted and cooked=mutar

Chalita-Rif: No experts in boiling, must roast

Mechaber: B’dieved boiled and cooked w/ other meat= mutar;

-Rama: Boiled then cooked=assur; 2 reasons:

1) lots blood=assur b’dieved-Kula=meat chalita & cook=mutar; Chumra: no roast liver after chalita

2) chalita doesn’t change status-kula=boil liver b’dieved roast; Chumra: meat boil then cook=assur

Open Symponos After Tzli-Liver gives off so much blood that won’t absorb symponos’ blood

Pri Chadash: Mechaber: roasting liver need to cut sh’si OR airev; cook liver after roasting need both

Mishb’tzos Zahav: cook liver after roasing, must cut sh’si v’airev;want to roast the liver, no cutting


Liver with Meat

Siman 73:4-6

Pages 173-178

Liver Roasted w/ Meat in Oven with Top Opening

-Mechaber: Roast Liver under meat; B’dieved Mutar if liver roasted over meat

-Roasting on skewer: Assur to roast liver together with meat

-Rama: Salted Liver Mutar to Roast over meat; like roasting meat over meat

Salting Liver

-Mechaber: Do not salt liver over meat; can salt liver under meat

-Rama: Custom is not to salt liver at all; If liver fixed on a skewer or placed on grill, lightly salt

-Mecahber: if liver salted by itself; or over piece of meat=Mutar

-some say: if around liver is assur k’dai klipah if davuk to chicken (general chumra)

-custom to wash liver after roasting because blood davuk; if didn’t wash still Mutar

-Rama: Remove klipah around liver (general custsom)

-Mechaber: roast chicken w/ liver everything Mutar; if cooked with live, need 60 against liver

-Rama: Chicken doesn’t have 60 against liver; if liver whole will cause chicken to be Ch’N’N

-Need 60 from rest of pot

-Liver not attached to Chicken: Everything in pot can mitztaref to mvatel liver; liver assur

Stuffed Chicken-Stuffed with Eggs and heart or liver found

-Considered as if Chicken cooked Davuk; need 60 in chicken against issur, don’t include stuffing

-eggs harden and prevent blood from being dispersed

Roasted the Chicken with stuffing made of meat and heart or liver found

-Mechaber: same as chicken roasted with liver; Meat doesn’t prevent blood from spreading evenly

Roasing Liver Above Meat

-Maramir: Mutar Roast Liver and utter under meat; mutar b’dieved over meat

-Rashi: Mutar roast liver under meat if skewer is vertical (don’t say Kbolo Kach Polto)

-B’dieved can say Mishrak Sharik to matir Meat on bottom if roasted with liver

Liver Salted-Rama: Mutar to roast over meat

Taz: Can be roasted side by side or on top, but not below meat; blood from meat goes into liver

-Shach: Can roast salted liver under meat; even though liver doesn’t have own blood, won’t absorb

Salting Liver w/ Meat

-Shach: Meat not yet salted; If meat salted=Assur;

-Rashba: Can’t salt salt even w/ salted meat; too much blood in liver

Liver Roasted & Cooked w/out Hadacha Rishona-Shach: dom kovaid only assur Mid’Rabbanan

Roasting Liver with Meat

-Shach: Cook Meat after Roasting w/out removing klipah=muar even w/out 60, don’t remove klipah

-Sifsai Da’as: klipah mutar; so don’t say in all cases klipah became assur cooked only klipah assur

Cooking Liver with Meat-Rama: Even if 60 against the liver, liver is Assur

-Taz: Toras Chatas: liver Mutar: 1) liver gives off blood, won’t absorb; 2) chumra meat assur to 60

-Mishb’tzos Zahav: Why liver not assur since blood moves from place to place? 2 answers:

-1) Liver’s blood assur mid’rabbannan; 2) liver all blood, no place to go to

Egg Stuffing-Liver detached from chicken pressed against walls of eggs

-Rashal: davuk since Rotav can’t reach; eggs absorb so assur; eggs hard won’t absorb at all

-Rashal: liver detached from chicken, stuffing assur; even 60 in chicken; liver davuk stuffing

-Rama: stuffing does mitztaref to chicken as 60 against liver if liver not attached to chicken


The Spleen

Siman 74

Pages 180-184


Mechaber: even though bloody appearance (from color of fat) still same laws as meat

-don’t need cut open, no somponos; chailev and krum need to be removed

Kidneys and Testicles
-Rama: Can’t cook Kidneys and testicles; too much blood; b’dieved not worried

-Mutar to salt spleen, kidneys and testicles w/ meat; as long as chailev and krum removed

-can’t be koshered by salting

-Bais Rosef (Rokeach): kidneys can’t be koshered by salting

-Issur V’heter: same applies to baitzai zachar

-Bais Yosef: can be salted; Darchei Moshe: b’dieved if salted and cooked=mutar

Bani Mayiim (Innards)

-Mechaber: Cook w/out Roasting=Mutar, if don’t become red (little blood after fat removed)

-Rama: Mutar if salted in Kli w/out holes; l’chatchila salt in kli w/ holes and do hadacha rishona

-some say keres & stomach’s chambers have blood; assur b’dieved salted in kli w/out holes

-Mechaber: Fat around innards have din of meat; don’t salt intestines on inside; salt fat on outside

-Rama: Intestines cooked after salted on inside treif w/ unsalted fat; not cooked, salt on outside

Eggs Found in Chicken

-Need to salt if found during yoke stage of development; salt eggs w/ meat

- white stage complet, shell hard=salt eggs, but not with meat; b’dieved salted w/ meat=Mutar

Bnai Mayim w/out Fat-Mutar to salt w/ meat

-Rama: L’chatchila don’t salt with meat; b’dieved Mutar to salt with meat

Fat of Entrails on Intestines

-Some osser to cook even if opened and salted, because marbled with veins; remove veins=mutar

What is counted as Innards?

-Rashi: includes the קיבה וכרס

Ran: agrees to Rashi; bnai mayiim little blood; nothing comes out during cooking

-Mordechai & Ran: hold the כרס is not included

-Taz & Shach: Kurkaban counted as Innards, but has din of meat

Rama: salt bnai mayiim l’chatchila in Kli Menukav

-Shach & Taz: hold bnai mayiim in and of themselves do not need salting

-impossible to completely remove the shuman; shuman requires salting

-Levush (Mishb’tzos Zahav): bnai mayiim require salting; some blood will come out during salting

-even though 60 against blood, to cook without salting would m’vatel issur l’chatchila


-Taz & Shach: mutar salt shuman on intensine’s outside (not on inside) l’chathila, not much blood

-Taz can salt on the outside if already salted on inside

Cooked with 60-Rama: meat cooked w/out salting=assur

Toras Chatas: if 60 against the shuman, shuman Mutar if cooked bnai mayiim w/out salting

Shach: Shmuan Mutar B’dieved:

1) Shuman dissolves instantly into the pot and spreads equally throughout the pot

2) Shuman’s blood not visiable to the eye; don’t worry about issur davuk (only chumra)

-Hold like Mechaber that food in pot will mevatel the taste of blood


-Taz, Shach and Rashal: argue on Rama; eggs assur if salted with meat

-Eggs don’t give off tzir and thus can absorb; shells are porous (more than kli cheres)

Bnai Mayiim mutar even though salted w/ meat, even though less blood-2 reasons:

1) Blood from the meat slides off; Mishrak sharik

2) Bnai mayiim give off tzir, so won’t absorb


Roasting Meat

Siman 76:1-2

Pages 186-191

-Mechaber: Don’t need salt Meat if Roasted; blood drops on roasting meat, assur k’dai n’tila

-Meat can be salted without washing if roasting; some say only if roasting immediately

-if meat resting with salt on it, salt absorb blood and be assur, do hadacha before roasting

-Rama: Kashering by Tzli requires Hadacha Rishona; Meat should be lightly salted

-custom: On skewer, lightly salt and wash; roast immediately before blood fills salt

-if Roasing without wash and meat not salted or salted without washing=Mutar

-if didn’t sit for shiur melicha w/out washing; sat for shiur melicha before roasting assur

-Rama: No difference if roasting fowl that has a cavity; as long as not stuffed with eggs or meat

-if stuffed with eggs or meat, din of being cooked, fowl should be salted before roasting

-Rama: Roasting meat w/out salting: don’t turn spud (let fire draw blood); B’dieved mutar

-halacha same whether eaten roasted or cooked afterwards

-Meat considered roasted when fit to eat

-Tzli needs hadacha after roasting (some blood left in); b’dieved mutar

-Meat salted before roasting and roasted without hadacah achronoa=mutar (blood on salt drawn into fire)

Extracting Blood by Tzli

-Meat can be eaten raw (schected on Shabbos) until the blood moves

- Tosefos, Rosh, Ran: roasted meat does not need salting (blood doesn’t move) (Mechaber)

-Not completely roasted Mutar; even though blood moves, not assur until comes out of meat

-Rashi: should be salted slightly first

-Shach: according to Mechaber if meat is roasted don’t need hadacha rishona

K’dai Klipa / K’dai Natlia

-Drop of blood falls on to meat

-Mechaber: While roasting drop assures k’dai n’tila

-Rama: melicha and more so tzli assurs up to 60

Even 60 melicha/tzli, where drop fell assur k’dai kelipa or n’tila; 2 reasons (Mishb’tzos Zahav):

  1. Don’t know difference between lean and fat perhaps did not spread

  2. Impossible that an imprint was not made at point of contact, even thought it spread later

Hadacha Rishona – Hadacha Achrona

Mechaber: tzli don’t need to do hadacha rishona; sat for a while in salt, need wash before roasting

Mishb’tzos Zahav: do hadacha rishona if immediately placing on grill (salt cause absorb dom b’ain)

Rama: argues on 2 points: 1) tzli needs hadacha rishona; 2) l’chathila needs light salting (per Rashi)

-b’dieved Rama agrees with Mechaber that don’t need to do hadacha rishona

Rama: If sat for more than shiur melicah without hadacha rishona without being roasted=assur

-Taz: meat salted without hadacha rishona assur immediately even for tzli (Rashal & Rama)

-hefsed m’rubeh: can even be roasted or even resalted for cooking

-Shach: b’dieved meat can be roasted if salt did not sit for shiur meclicha; 2 reasons:

1) Surface blood is not true dom b’ain

2) Since did not sit for shiur melicha, the blood was not driven into the meat with force

-Minchas Yaakov: agrees mutar since lightly salted and roasted before shiur melicha

-not enough of a reason to permit resalting for cooking

-Custom: hadacha rishona before tzli, lightly salt on grill; hadacha achrona 3x, even if don’t salt

-if no Hadacha Rishona or Hadacha Achrona=Mutar


Roasting Meat

Siman 76:3

Pages 192-196

-Mechaber: assur eat chicken roasted whole if jugular veins not cut; roast chicken piece by piece

-assur eat chicken uncooked not cut up and salted

-if remove veins: eat unsalted and uncooked or roasted whole

-Machmir: don’t eat chicken roasted whole unless cut jugular veins and 1/2 esophagus & windpipe

Knife Used to Cut while Roasting

-Don’t cut unsalted meat unless roasted enough to be edible (knife will absorb blood)

Shpud Used to Roasted Unsalted Meat=Assur

-Some Say: Assur leave meat on shpud after roasting (meat will absorb blood from shpud)

-Minhag: Meat Mutar in above cases

-Rama: L’chatchila don’t, but Meat mutar B’dieved

Rotary Grill-Rama: W/ Unsalted meat, don’t continuously turn Shpud

-to avoid the meat remaining in the meat rather than being drawn into the fire; B’deived is mutar

-Sifsai Da’as: Makes distinction between turning once in a while and continuously

-Yad Ephraim: heat of a fire (fire extinguished) can draw out the blood

-Igros Moshe: permits meat/liver to be koshered on an electric grill; even if heat coming from above
Ground Meat

-meat ground w/ hadacha rishona, kasher by tzli (b’dieved meat mutar w/out firsr or last washing)

-no distinction about size of the meat

-due to Mishraek sharik & Mishav Sha’ive, blood won’t move to other pieceswhile roasting

Knife and Shpud

-Mechaber: l’chatchila cut the meat with a knife even while being roasted and shpud is mutar

-Rama: piece isn’t roasted to where all blood extracted, then don’t cut w/ knife, shpud assur

-if cut, knife if mutar; shpud needs libun (heated till red hot); no libun, meat mutar b’dieved

Rashal: b’dieved knife mutar; l’chatchila shpud needs libun and the knife needs hagalah

Taz: b’dieved the shpud is assur

-Mishb’tzos Zahav: Reason why shpud is assur l’chatchila: fixed in mixed, absorbs blood; no tzir

-Sifsai Da’as: Assur L’chatchila since fire can’t reach it

Halacah L’Maaseh:

1. Grill that meat or liver cooked on mutar l’chatchila, (mishrak sharik & fire has direct contact)

2. Mini grill that clamps onto meat or liver=assur l’chatchila(lodged into the meat/liver like shpud)
Bread w/ Roasted Meat-If meat roasted so fit to eat=Mutar; even though bread appears red

-Rama: Must be fire roasted half-way, then gravy permitted by itself

-Halacha like Rava: who holds that Mutar even if:

-1) bread turns red, 2) see redness on both sides brea, 3) liquid coming out of meat was thick.

-Rashba: According to Gemara if partially cooked (RamaL ½) and has these three then Assur

Kli under Unsalted Meat Roasting- don’t place kli unless roasted enough to eat

-Can’t place kli under roasting meat to collect fate until redness fades; Mar Zutra: smoke appears

-Rav Ashi: Place salt in kli, lets fat go to the top

-Tur: not experts in how much salt to use (Rashi); roast half-way before putting kli

Cooked Half Way

If meat half cooked, sure all the blood has been extracted

-Before that point, meat assur l’chathila (Shach)


Stuffed Chicken with Meat

Coating Unsalted Meat

Siman 77

Siman 78

Pages 198-205

Fowl or Kid stuffed with Unsalted Meat-Kasher by Tzli; even if opening turned up

-even if Chicke salted stuffed w/ unsalted meat cac roast (will spit out whatever absorb)

-Rama: Can roast chicken even if inside salted and outside unsalted (fire will draw out blood)

Kashering the chicken by salting pot for cooking=assur

-If salted outside & inside separately=mutar

-If fowl or kid stuffed then salted, salt doesn’t extract from inside

-Rama: L’chatchile don’t stuff chicken/kid unless Salted both inside and Outside

Stuffing Itself-Rama: Above only applies by vegetables and meat

-boiled eggs assur b’deived (like unsalted chicken cooked in a pot), if chicken & stuffing not salted

Roasting with stuffing

-Rif: stuffing Mutar even if opening turned up; only by roasting due to כבולו כך פולטו

-Rosh: melicha permitted if both outside piece and stuffing are salted

-Tosefos: l’chatchila stuffing is permitted because fire extract blood better than salt

-Rashi: needs lightly salted to permit by roasting

-Mechaber: follows Rif, Rosh and Tosefos: outside salted and inside is unsalted Mutar to roasted

Rama: l’chatchila Assur to roast stuffed meat unless both stuffing and meat salted (Rashi)

-Rama & Mechaber: Assur to Kasher meat and stuffing by Melicha if only outside and not inside

Nimlach Hachitzon Velo Hameluiah-Outside salted, but stuffing unsalted

-Mechaber: Mutar (baluya and plaita happen at the same time); didn’t say how long salted; learn:

1) If outside piece salted for 24 hours, still say כבולו כך פולטו

-Chidush: usually only if blood left in (Rashal); at least some tzir left in (Rama)

2) If outside salted less than 18 minutes still say כבולו כך פולטו; even thought not on fire

Nimlach Hameluiah Velo Hachitzon-Stuffing salted but not the outside

-Rama: blood drawn to the fire, and inside does not absorb any blood; even if inside washed off

Rashal:inside salted for shiur and outside not, then inside will absorb blood (not in contact w/ fire)

Sifsai Da’as’ five cases of stuffing meat with meat

  1. Both insalted: then apply כבולו כך פולטו

  2. Both are in the middle of shiur melicha: all mutar

  3. Inside not salted and outside in middle of salting: Inside Assur immediately

  4. Inside salted for shiur and outside not salted or in middle of shiur melicah: inside assur

  5. Inside in middle of shiur and outside is salted: Mutar

Salted After Stuffed-salt will not extract blood from inside

Shach: we don’t look at inside and outside as one thick piece; outside like meat salted on one side

-in a hefsed merubah, outside mutar

-Taz: not like one side salted; hefsed merubah assur (chicken’s outides’s inside’s blood blocked)

Stuffing w/ Boiled Eggs and Meat-Shach: like stuffing w/ eggs; Rashal: like stuffing w/ meat

Roasting Salted Meat w/ Unsalted Meat

-Mechaber: Mutar roaste salted meat w/ unsalted meat (like roasting stuffed meat w/ outside salted)

-Rama: l’chathila assur, mutar b’deived

Spreading before Roasing on Unsalted Chicken-Mechaber: Assur (salted Mutar salt)

-Rama: Mutar spread Fat or Tzir (won’t stop blood from giving off)

-Tur: Mutar coat meat during tzli w/ coarse flour; machmir: don’t know what is coarse (Mechaber)

Dough and Meat: What is Assur?

-Pri Chadash only dough assur; Darchai Tshuva: also the meat is assur (Mechaber)

-salted with coat of flour on, like salting in kli she’aino menukav

Poshtida (thick dough) assur cook in; like cooking in pot (Rashi); chumra: blood doesn’t come out;

-Kula: Meat and vegetables can mvatel issur; Unsalted meat-Mechaber:Mutar; Rama:Assur

-Mishb’tzos Zahav: assur even in hefsed Merubah
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