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Final Import Risk Analysis Report for Fresh Mango Fruit from India

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4.2. Mango pulp weevil – Sternochetus frigidus [Coleoptera: Curculionidae]

Mango pulp weevil is an important pest specific to cultivated and wild mango species and has a restricted distribution from the Indian subcontinent through South-East Asia to Indonesia (De Jesus et al. 2002). Mango pulp weevil has one generation per year, with the species completing the egg to adult cycle in 35–53 days (Srivastava 1997). The immature stages of the pest feed and develop in the pulp, and newly developed adults remain in a pupal cell inside the fruit until it rots (De Jesus et al. 2002). The eggs are white or pale yellow, the average length is 0.6 mm, and the average width is 0.28 mm (De and Pande 1988). In India, Sternochetus infestation may range from 65–100%, reducing the marketability of infested fruits (Dey and Pande 1987).

The species examined in this pest risk analysis is:

  • Sternochetus frigidus – Mango pulp weevil.

4.2.1. Probability of entry

Probability of importation

The likelihood that mango pulp weevil will arrive in Australia with the importation of mango fruit from India is: HIGH.

Association of the pest with the pathway at its origin

  • Mango pulp weevil has been reported in north-east India on cultivated and wild mango (Srivastava 1997; De Jesus et al. 2002). Fruit infestation rates of 65–80% and, at times 100% have been recorded for Sternochetus species in north-east India (Dey and Pande 1987).

  • Adult mango pulp weevils feed on flowers, panicles and fruits. Eggs are laid singly on the developing mango fruit (Srivastava 1997). An incision is made in the fruit and eggs are covered with fruit exudate (De and Pande 1988). Infested fruit usually contain two to three eggs, although as many as seven eggs have been observed (Srivastava 1997).

  • The newly hatched larvae tunnel into the fruit, where they develop (De and Pande 1988; Altoveros et al. 2001), feeding in the pulp as the fruit matures (Waite 2002).

  • Approximately 30–50% of newly hatched larvae die through contact with gum laden tissues while they tunnel through the fruit pulp (CAB International 2007). Up to 20% of larvae die when the fruits are harvested, because they are unable to complete their development (CAB International 2007), but many larvae are unaffected.

  • Infested fruit are difficult to detect as there are few external symptoms of infestation prior to exit of adult weevils from the ripe fruit through holes in the peel (CAB International 2007). Although all fruit is visually inspected during sorting and packing, the cryptic development of this species within mango fruit means current sorting practices are unlikely to detect invested fruit.

Ability of the pest to survive transport and storage

  • As an internal pest feeding on mango fruit, mango pulp weevil is likely to survive during transport and storage.

  • Mango pulp weevil completes a significant proportion of its life-cycle inside mango fruit. Larvae feed in the pulp of the mango fruit where pupation also occurs (De and Pande 1988; Srivastava 1997; De Jesus et al. 2002). Adult weevils may remain inside ripened mango fruits for 37 days after pupation (Altoveros et al. 2001), and a large proportion of adults may hibernate (overwinter) inside mango fruits (De and Pande 1988).

  • The mango pulp weevil has been intercepted on mangoes entering the USA (USDA 2006), demonstrating that it can survive transport and storage and could be imported into Australia via the movement of fruit.

Ability of the pest to survive existing pest management procedures

  • The incidence of Sternochetus species can be reduced by field hygiene practices such as the removal of fallen fruits and leaves (Dey and Pande 1987).

  • However, Sternochetus species have been detected in fruit in numerous countries, and intercepted by others, demonstrating that Sternochetus species can survive existing pest management procedures.

The ability of the pest to survive management procedures, its cryptic life-cycle inside the fruit and ability to develop there undetected for a considerable period supports an importation assessment of 'high'.
Probability of distribution

The likelihood that mango pulp weevil will be distributed within Australia in a viable state, as a result of the processing, sale or disposal of mango fruit from India, is: LOW.

Ability of the pest to move from the pathway to a suitable host

  • The mango pulp weevils associated with fruit are likely to be in the immature stage or adult life stage (De Jesus et al. 2002).

  • The mango pulp weevils that survive cool storage (13˚C) would be capable of laying eggs, but a suitable host would need to be located. From the release of imported fruit at the point of entry to Australia, through to the retailing of fruit, there would be limited opportunities where suitable hosts are likely to be in close proximity to the imported commodity.

  • Mango pulp weevils have a restricted host range (Mangifera indica, M. sylvatica and M. foetida) and develop slowly; the time from egg to adult takes 35–53 days, and only one generation is produced per year (Srivastava 1997).

  • In Australia, some of these hosts can be found in domestic gardens, as well as in urban environments as amenity plants. This would limit the opportunity for reproductively active weevils to locate a suitable host.

  • Adult weevils feed on mango flowers and mate and lay eggs on mango fruit when fruits are small to medium size (De Jesus et al. 2003). For counter-seasonal reasons, suitable sites for feeding may not be readily available when mango fruit is imported from India.

  • The mango pulp weevil might enter the environment through:

  • eggs maturing into larvae within stored fruit, fruit at the point of sale, or fruit that has been purchased. The immature stages of the pest feed and develop in the pulp into adult weevils (De Jesus et al. 2005). Adult weevils may remain inside ripened mango fruits for several days (Altoveros et al. 2001). Some of the adult weevils may leave the fruit but some may hibernate within it (De and Pande 1988). Newly emerged adults are able to move directly from the fruit into the environment.

  • wholesalers, retailers or consumers discarding fruit with spoiled flesh or visible larvae. Adult Sternochetus can emerge from the discarded fruit but rarely move far from the point of emergence (Shukla and Tandon 1985). Adults may transfer to a suitable host by crawling (preferred) (De Jesus et al. 2003), or flying (Srivastava 1997). However, flight is limited to a distance of 50–90 cm in a horizontal direction (Srivastava 1997).

Distribution of the imported commodity in the PRA area

  • The commodity is likely to be distributed to retail destinations throughout Australia for sale.

  • Eggs could develop into larvae, and larvae to adult weevils within fruit throughout the distribution chain. The ability to pupate or even hibernate in fruit gives the weevil the ability to survive distribution within Australia.

  • Wholesalers, retailers or consumers could discard spoiled fruit containing eggs or larvae or adults at multiple locations.

Risks from by-products and waste

  • The intended use of the commodity is for human consumption but waste material will be generated. Infested fruits show no signs of infestation when ripe, despite the immature life stages feeding and pupating inside the mango (Altoveros et al. 2001). Larvae in infested mangoes could complete development in discarded waste.

  • Adults are able to survive for some time in the absence of food sources (De and Pande 1988). Female weevils, for example, are able to survive up to 82 days without food (De and Pande 1988).

The limited flying ability of adults, and the limited number of hosts in close proximity to distribution outlets in the temperate areas of Australia supports a distribution assessment of 'low'.
Probability of entry (importation x distribution)

The overall probability of entry for mango pulp weevil is determined by combining the probability of importation with the probability of distribution using the matrix of rules shown in Table 2.2. The overall probability of entry for mango pulp weevil is estimated to be: LOW.

4.2.2 Probability of establishment

The likelihood that mango pulp weevil will establish within Australia, based on a comparison of factors in the source and destination areas considered pertinent to its survival and reproduction, is: MODERATE.

Availability of suitable hosts, alternative hosts and vectors in the PRA area

  • The mango pulp weevil is capable of surviving and reproducing on Mangifera indica, M. sylvatica (Srivastava 1997) and M. foetida (CAB International 2007).

  • Mangifera species are commonly grown in tropical and subtropical areas of Australia, including major cities (Brisbane, Darwin, Sydney and Perth), as ornamental, shade and fruit trees.

  • Transport of infested fruits containing adults or immature stages of S. frigidus is likely to be the major means of dispersal to uninfected areas, as has been found for the similar species S. mangiferae (Pinese and Holmes 2005).

  • Suitability of the environment

  • Mango pulp weevil has a distribution from India to Indonesia (De Jesus et al. 2002; CAB International 2007). There are parts of Australia that have similar climatic conditions to countries where it already thrives. Sternochetus species could establish in any climate suitable for mango production (USDA 2006). Optimum temperatures for the development of mango pulp weevil are from 21–27°C (Srivastava 1997).

  • Sternochetus mangiferae (mango seed weevil), a closely related species, is already established in tropical and subtropical parts of eastern Australia (Smith 1996).

Cultural practices and control measures

Control of Sternochetus species with insecticides has been shown to be difficult and impractical (Dey and Pande 1987). The implementation of clean cultivation (removal of fallen fruits and leaves) and soil disturbance has been shown to reduce infestations from 87% to 68–78% (Dey and Pande 1987). These practices, if implemented, would reduce but not eliminate the probability of establishment.

The reproductive strategy and survival of the pest

  • Mango pulp weevils reproduce sexually (De and Pande 1988). At full-bloom stage the adult weevils crawl on flowers to feed. When fruits are small to medium in size they become the mating and oviposition sites (De Jesus et al. 2003).

  • Mating occurs 10–15 days following emergence from hibernation (Srivastava 1997). Females lay about 15 eggs in a day, and up to a maximum of 115 eggs in a three week period (De and Pande 1988).

  • The time from egg to adult is 35–53 days and only one generation is produced per year (Srivastava 1997). This limits the ability of the weevils to establish populations if conditions are suitable only in small ‘windows of opportunity’.

  • Mango pulp weevil can survive as adult weevils in the fruit (De and Pande 1988). Female weevils are able to survive up to 82 days without food, and longer when food is provided (De and Pande 1988). Up to 58% of adult weevils of this species may hibernate inside mango fruit (Srivastava 1997). The remaining weevils undergo hibernation beneath fallen fruits, in leaf litter, in crevices and in refuse material discarded in the orchard (Srivastava 1997).

The long generation time (one year) allows this weevil to survive until the next flowering period and the fact a closely related species has already established in Australia supports an establishment rating of ‘moderate’.

4.2.3. Probability of spread

The likelihood that mango pulp weevil will spread within Australia, based on a comparison of those factors in the source and destination areas considered pertinent to the expansion of the geographic distribution of the pest, is: MODERATE.

The suitability of the natural or managed environment for natural spread

  • Many environments (natural and cultivated) within Australia mirror those in countries where the weevil already thrives.

  • Mango pulp weevils survive as adults hibernating inside mango fruit or beneath fallen fruits, in leaf litter, in crevices and in refuse material discarded in the orchard (Srivastava 1997; De and Pande 1988).

  • Current mango pulp weevil management programs (clean cultivation, removal of fallen fruits and leaves) may have some impact on reducing the spread rate of mango pulp weevil (Dey and Pande 1987).

Presence of natural barriers

  • The presence of natural barriers such as deserts or mountain ranges may prevent long-range natural spread of mango pulp weevil to widely dispersed mango production areas. Adult weevils are capable of flight, but are poor fliers only covering distances less than one metre in horizontal directions (De and Pande 1988). Therefore adult weevils will move only a limited distance by natural dispersal. Adult weevils usually hibernate in the vicinity of the original infestation until the following fruiting season (De and Pande 1988).

Potential for movement with commodities or conveyances

  • The major means of dispersal to uninfected areas is likely through transport of infested fruits containing adults or immature stages of the pest, as has been found for the similar species S. mangiferae (Pinese and Holmes 2005). Movement of infected fruit by human transport is generally a significant means of dispersal (Baker et al. 2000).

  • Mango pulp weevil has demonstrated a capacity to spread, from its original range in the India-Myanmar region where mango is native, to Indonesia and Papua New Guinea (De Jesus et al. 2002; CAB International 2007).

  • Existing interstate and intrastate quarantine control on the movement of nursery stock and other plant material could reduce the rate of spread.

Potential natural enemies

  • Natural enemies of mango pulp weevil include the parasitic wasp Flavopimpla mangae and ngrangrang ants (Oecophylla species), which repel most insects in the vicinity of their nest and are able to keep a tree free from weevil infestation (CAB International 2007). Camponotus species of ants can also disturb adult weevils. Larvae, pupae and hibernating adults can be parasitised by Rhizoglyphus species (De and Pande, 1988). No information is available on potential natural enemies that may be present in Australia.

Restricted host range (mango varieties) and limited natural dispersal ability (poor fliers), balanced by an ability to move with commodities, support a spread rating of ‘moderate’.

4.2.4. Overall probability of entry, establishment and spread

The probability of entry, establishment and spread is determined by combining the probabilities of entry, of establishment and of spread using the matrix of ‘rules’ for combining descriptive probabilities shown in Table 2.2.

The overall probability that mango pulp weevil will be imported as a result of trade in mango fruit from India, be distributed in a viable state to a suitable host, establish and spread within Australia, is: LOW.

4.2.5. Consequences

The consequences of the entry, establishment and spread of mango pulp weevil in Australia have been estimated according to the methods described in Table 2.3. The assessment of potential consequences is provided below:


Estimate and rationale


Plant life or health

D – Significant at the district level. This pest can cause significant direct harm to mango production at the district level.

  • The mango pulp weevil feeds and pupates in the flesh of the fruit, resulting in a reduced market value of infested fruits (Dey and Pande 1987; De and Pande 1988).

  • Losses are not restricted to the mango fruit industry as mango pulp weevil also causes quality control issues to the mango-processing industry (Thomas et al. 1995).

Other aspects of the environment

A – Indiscernible at the local level There are no known direct consequences of this pest on other aspects of the environment. The host range of mango pulp weevil is limited to mango species (Srivastava 1997).


Eradication, control etc.

D – Significant at the district level. A control program would have to be implemented in infested orchards to reduce fruit damage and yield losses, and this would increase production costs. Imported mango fruit from countries where mango pulp weevil occurs may be subjected to a quarantine treatment.

  • Control of Mango Pulp Weevil with insecticides has been shown to be impractical (Dey and Pande 1987).

  • Clean cultivation and soil disturbance has been shown to reduce infestations (Dey and Pande 1987).

Domestic trade

D – Significant at the district level The presence of mango pulp weevil in commercial production areas may trigger interstate trade restrictions on mango fruit movement. These restrictions may lead to a loss of markets and industry adjustment.

International trade

E – Significant at the regional level. The presence of mango pulp weevil in commercial production areas of Australia is likely to limit access to overseas markets where this pest is absent. Other countries impose phytosanitary restrictions on the movement of mango fruit due to the presence of mango pulp weevil to prevent the spread of this weevil into their mango production areas (Dey and Pande 1987).

Environmental and non­commercial

A – Minor significance at the local level. It is unlikely that insecticides would be used to control mango pulp weevil, so its consequences would be indiscernible for the environment.

Based on the decision rules described in Table 2.4, where the consequences of a pest with respect to one or more criteria are ‘E’, the overall consequences are considered to be: MODERATE.

4.2.6. Unrestricted risk estimate

Unrestricted risk is the result of combining the probability of entry, establishment and spread with the outcome of overall consequences. Probabilities and consequences are combined using the risk estimation matrix shown in Table 2.5.

Unrestricted risk estimate for mango pulp weevil

Overall probability of entry, establishment and spread




Unrestricted risk


As indicated, the unrestricted risk for mango pulp weevil has been assessed as ‘low’, which is above Australia’s ALOP. Therefore, specific risk management measures are required for this pest.
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