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Convention on biological diversity

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III.Market and economic failures

Under-valuation of forest biological diversity, goods and services

Many forest products are consumed directly and never enter markets. For instance, sawn timber, pulpwood, rattan and gums may be marketed, while food, fuelwood and medicinal plants harvested by local people will usually be consumed directly by them. Biodiversity benefits are in large part “public goods” that no single owner can claim. The benefits of biodiversity are so diffuse that no market incentives for biodiversity conservation ever develop, which ‘justifies’ government policies that further encourage conversion of the forest to other use with greater direct market values. Thus biodiversity will probably continue to decline while it remains undervalued. A challenge is to develop a ready means of attaching greater value to it in order to provide an incentive for sustainable management.

IV.Policy failures

Ill-defined or regulatory mechanisms and lack of law enforcement.

In some countries, the rise of corporate power has gone hand in hand with a breakdown in the rule of law. Economic hardship and a growing underclass have combined to create a rapid increase in illegal activity, including illegal logging, animal poaching and illegal trade (Taiga News, 1999). Lack of law enforcement is also linked to the lack of adequate financial resources allocated to the implementation of the regulations. Many national laws are too weak to provide adequate controls and when this is not the case, governments are often too weak to implement these (see Table 10). Property rights are more likely to be granted to those who clear the forests or live in cities than to forest dwellers living by the sustainable harvest of natural products. This favours the extraction of marketable products (e.g. timber) over the sustainable harvesting of products with a limited market value. The range of ill-defined regulations can cover all aspects of the causes of forest decline. As an example, in some countries there are government guidelines used to promote forest management activities that are detrimental to forest biodiversity. For instance, regulations of the former Latvian government for the management of cultivated forest areas required that every piece of dead wood be removed.
Table 10. Examples of policy failures that may lead to forest decline (CIFOR, 2000).

Direct government investment in the forest sector or in related sectors

Road construction

Hydropower investments

Government command and control regulations

Conservation area protection

Obligation to replant harvested areas

Prohibition to harvest without a permit

Obligation to prepare forest management plans as condition for intervening in forest areas

Log export bans

Fiscal, price or monetary policies

Subsidies affecting forest raw materials or other inputs

Subsidies affecting competitive uses of lands, such as cattle ranching

Plantation subsidies

Price controls

Subsidies affecting forest harvesting or manufacturing

Forest products taxes

Subsidised credit

Foreign exchange policies affecting competitive uses of lands

Provision of services

Delimitation, demarcation and land titling

Actions to promote exports

Settlement of frontier areas

Perverse incentives and subsidies and ill-defined development programmes

Many governmental fiscal, monetary and other subsidies and incentives create driving forces for deforestation and forest degradation. For example, transportation policies often promote the construction of roads, agriculture policies tend to promote the conversion of forests into agricultural land, resettlement programmes are frequently detrimental to forest areas and government subsidies promoting mining and hydrological infrastructure are often available. These government incentives are time and again supported through ill-defined development aid projects.

Furthermore, direct or indirect subsidies are given to economic forest operations that can damage biodiversity, such as the drainage of forests and the logging of old growth forests (Sizer and Plouvier, 2000). The most common and important type of subsidy in the forest sector is that implicit in the low forest charges paid by timber concessionaires. Although justified on grounds of promoting local development and employment, they can sometimes lead to a “boom-and-bust” situation with consequent excessive and wasteful forest degradation (Contreras-Hermosilla, 2000).

Lack of Environmental Impact Assessments or Strategic Environmental Assessments

Infrastructural development projects, structural adjustment programmes, development programmes and trade agreements have been identified as possible direct and underlying causes of forest biodiversity loss (see above). The problem is exacerbated by the fact that very often no Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) or Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) accompanies the development of these projects. In addition, many of the EIAs and SEAs that are undertaken do not include a concrete analysis of the impact of the projects on the quality, size and management of the forests that may be affected.


    A. Introduction

It is not possible to address the issue of forest biodiversity (FBD) loss in a completely comprehensive and quantitative manner because of the complexity of FBD and the difficulties associated with its assessment at all levels. For example, there are problems in defining and classifying ecosystems and forest types; there are a vast number of undescribed tropical tree taxa and forest invertebrates and only a limited number of studies of genetic variation and processes in forest species. There is also a lack of the baseline data that are necessary to assess trends in forest biological diversity. Much more information is needed about biological impacts of fragmentation, time delays over which organisms react to changes in their environments and the impacts of FBD loss, especially in terms of species loss, to the maintenance of goods and services in various forest ecosystems. Nevertheless, governments, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations (IGOs, and NGOs) have compiled an impressive array of statistics and measures of indicators and correlates of biodiversity and these various indicators help to provide a clearer picture of how forest biodiversity is changing.

    B. Forest cover

Given that the maintenance of FBD is closely correlated with the area of forest cover, then the FAO global assessment of forest cover (FRA, 2000)25 provides a useful general indicator of the change in FBD. The FAO figures, however, do not distinguish between primary and secondary forests (see Annex l for definitions), nor do they fully distinguish plantation forests from natural forests, and so those data provide only a conservative index of rates of forest change. However, forest extent is a basic measure of condition: if global forest cover shrinks, provision of goods and services from forest ecosystems will be reduced (Matthews et al., 2000). According to the FAO global assessment of forest cover (FRA, 2001a), the overall decline in forest cover during the period 1990 to 1995 was 0.3% per annum and 0.22% per annum between 1990 and 2000. Between 1990 and 1995, the total area of forests decreased by 56.3 million hectares – the result of a loss of 65.1 million ha in developing countries and an increase of 8.8 million ha in developed countries. The highest rates of forest loss were recorded in the most biologically diverse moist and wet/dry tropical forests, e.g. western Africa (-1.0%), tropical Asia (-1.1%), Central America and Mexico (-1.2%) and tropical South America (-0.6%). Such declines in forest cover have been accompanied by the loss of particular forest associations, extinctions of plant and animal species and the loss of unique, locally adapted populations. The disappearance or gross reduction in given forest types and ecosystems, or the extinction of a single tropical tree species is likely to be accompanied by the loss of several to many obligatory associated species of arthropods, especially beetles, and microflora (Gentry 1992). Depending on the methods employed and associated assumptions and extrapolations, the estimated global rates of species loss in all groups range from 1 to 9% per decade (Raven, 1988; Wilson, 1988; Reid, 1992). During the 20th Century, many regions suffered major deforestation and irreversible loss of FBD, e.g. 95% of tropical, dry forests in Central America have been converted to agriculture, often to support cattle production (Janzen, 1988).

The rate of forest decline, particularly in the past two decades, is alarming. Although there are indications that the rate of deforestation in developing countries is marginally decreasing, this trend probably does not suggest any greater emphasis towards conservation. Between 1990-1995, the annual estimated loss of forest cover (deforestation plus exotic plantation) of 13.7 million ha per year was slightly down from the previous decade (1980-1990) when annual estimated loss of forest cover was 15.5 million ha per year. However, the average rate reported for the 1990s was more than 16 million ha/year (FAO, 2001a), of which almost 95% was in the tropics, indicating that the rate has increased in the past five years. The rate of deforestation varies considerably among regions: for example rapid clearing of lowland forests in Sumatra is likely to lead to almost complete removal of primary forests within the next 5 years Jepson et al. 2001). Between 1990 and 2000, the area of global forests decreased by nearly 94 million ha, (-0.78% annually in Africa, -0.07% in Asia, -0.18% in Oceania, +0.08% in Europe, -0.12% in North and Central America and –0.41% in South America (FAO, 2001b). The overall picture is one in which deforestation is proceeding at excessively high levels that will continue to result in major losses of FBD.

    C. Forest quality

Forest cover is a good general surrogate for FBD. However, it does not indicate structural changes in forest stands and ecosystems or changes in the plant species assemblages including, for example, plantations of introduced species. There is a need for research to expand the application of remote sensing methods to assess changes in tree species composition (at least change in forest types), stand structure, age classes, etc. The recent TBFRA (Temperate and Boreal Forest Resources Assessment) report (UN-ECE and FAO, 2000) includes traditional data on area of forest and other wooded areas and wood supply, as well as data on carbon sequestration, biological diversity and environmental protection, forest condition and damage and protective and socio-economic functions. This kind of additional information provides improved potential to assess changes in forest ecosystems.

The area of forest plantations increased by an average of 3.1 million ha per year during the 1990s, with half of this increase (1.6 million ha) resulting from afforestation, whereas the other half (1.5 million ha) resulted from conversion of natural forest (FAO, 2001a). Global planted forest area has been estimated to be almost 187 million ha (FAO, 2000). During 1990-2000, Asia contained 62 per cent of total plantation area, with Europe 17 per cent and North and Central America at 9 per cent. The quality of plantation forests in terms of maintaining biodiversity is often much reduced compared to primary forests, especially in the tropics where natural forests are converted to rapidly growing commercial trees, which are often exotic species (e.g. LaMonthe 1980, Estades and Temple 1999).

According to the TBFRA report (UN/ECE and FAO, 2000), 55% of forests in the temperate and boreal regions combined was recognized as largely primary (natural in the report and undisturbed by man), 41% as secondary (termed semi-natural in that report) and 4% as plantations. Figures for other wooded lands, such as tundra woodland, shrublands and savannahs were 39%, and 61%, primary and secondary, respectively. In both categories the high percentage values of natural areas were due to the vast boreal areas of the Russian Federation and Canada. However, the high values are due to the ways in which these two countries distinguish between natural and disturbed areas. If relative naturalness is analysed outside the Russian Federation and Canada, the figure for primary forests “undisturbed by man” drops to just 7% of the total boreal and temperate forest area.

Bryant et al. (1997) reported that 48% of the world’s remaining primary forests are boreal, 44% tropical, and only 3% are temperate; (5% contain both temperate and either boreal or tropical forest). Due to their favourable climate, fertile soils and good access, temperate forests were the first to be cleared by humans and the remaining primary stands represent areas that should be fully protected.

In tropical regions, a considerable portion of existing forests can still be classified as primary, although there are great regional differences (Bryant et al., 1997). In Asia and Africa, though roughly a third of the original forest cover remains, less than 10% of this original cover still qualifies as primary forest. Bryant et al. (1997) also estimated that outside of boreal forests, about 75 percent of the world’s primary forest is threatened. Matthews et al. (2000) analysed the world’s forests by using three forms of human activities that are known to be good indicators of environmental change: the spread of ‘transition zones’ (agriculture practiced at the margin of intact forest), road construction and the use of fire to clear forests. Their results were similar to those of the earlier studies of harvested forests, showing increased rates of harvest in both in primary forests and in secondary forests. There is a slow but steady increase in the amount of harvesting operations occurring in secondary forests (FAO 1995). This suggests large-scale forest quality changes in all kinds of forests, and consequently fewer forest stands regenerating naturally after cutting activities and other human caused disturbances, as well as fewer stands attaining the oldest age classes.

Use of, and change in, forest resources is a serious concern to maintaining biological diversity and proper functioning of forest ecosystems. Human disturbance of forest habitats through logging and road access can affect species diversity through habitat loss, fragmentation effects and hunting, unless a sound sustainable use programme is in place. Habitat loss is one of the three most important causes of species extinctions locally and globally in forest habitats (WCMC, 1992). There is a strong relationship between the extent of deforestation and the level of species extinctions and endangerment (Pimm et al. 1995). Skole and Tucker (1993) suggested severe deforestation in several areas of the world over the next 20 years, such as in the Amazon Basin where more than 40% of the forest will be cleared for development. This rate of deforestation will clearly have far-reaching effects on biological diversity. Even in supposedly well-managed forests, where although extinctions are few, most evidence to date suggests that there is a lack of convergence between original animal and plant communities and those in the regenerating forests (Carleton and MacLellan, 1994; Thompson et al., 1999; Lomolino and Perault, 2000).

Riitters et al. (2000) studied global-scale patterns of forest fragmentation based on 1 km resolution land-cover maps. When anthropogenic causes of fragmentation are considered, forests are more likely to be disturbed where the climate is hospitable, soil is productive and access is easy. Boreal countries still contain a high percentage of interior forest. However, in temperate Europe and eastern North America where the conditions are more hospitable and accessible, humans have converted large areas to non-forest uses such as agriculture. Tropical rain forests remained relatively intact until access was provided by governments or industry. In the Rondonia region of Brazil, for example, the pattern of residual forest is directly related to the road pattern (Dale and Pearson, 1997). In the Amazon basin, there are corridors of fragmented forest that follow major rivers and other access routes into larger regions of interior forests. These results clearly indicate the crucial role of road networks in both deforestation and forest quality changes.

In temperate and boreal forests, advanced silvicultural practices have often caused a general homogenization of forest stands and larger forest landscapes. In particular, the size of forest patches caused by logging is reduced in comparison to patches created by natural disturbance regimes (Perera and Baldwin, 2000). In part change to forest structure and species composition in these biomes has resulted from selective logging of tree species, thinning activities, removal of dead and decaying wood and from managing the forest stands systematically, usually in a short rotation time (Maser 1990).

    D. Loss of species and genetic diversity

Current extinction rates are much higher than the rate at which species evolve, and much higher than background rates (Pimm et al. 1995). (see Chapter 3 dealing with Threats and Causes)). For bird species, current extinction rates are estimated to be at least 1000 times higher than the background extinction rate (Pimm et al., 1995). The majority of both animal and plant species going extinct are those from forest and woodland ecosystems (WCMC 1992). Brooks et al. (1999 and references therein) accurately predicted the number of bird extinctions that have occurred in eastern North America, a region deforested many hundreds of years ago, and in more recently deforested areas in insular South-east Asia and the Atlantic forests of South America. Pimm and Brooks (1999) have predicted that of the 1,111 threatened bird species, 50%, or about 500 species, will become extinct in the next fifty years (due to the extinction debt – see Box 5, Chapter 3).

The 2000 IUCN Red List is an inventory of the global endangered status of threatened plants and animal. It uses a set of criteria to evaluate the extinction risk of thousands of species and subspecies. These criteria are intended to be relevant to all species and all regions of the world. For the first time, the 2000 Red List combines animals and plants into a single list containing assessments of more than 18,000 species (11,000 of which are threatened).

The World Conservation Monitoring Centre/UNEP and IUCN Species Survival Commission have developed a database of rare and endangered tree. Information on individual tree species is recorded in the Tree Conservation Database and includes the IUCN red list category, information on distribution, uses, ecology, threats and conservation measures. Summary information on individual species is published in The World List of Threatened Trees (Oldfield et al. 1998). The species presently included in both publications tend to be in certain tree families and genera (e.g., conifers, palms and dipterocarps) and on certain countries and regions, e.g. Africa, reflecting the particular interests and knowledge of the contributors. Together with information in appendices from Japan, Australia and elsewhere, the total number of globally threatened26 tree species was reported to be 8,753, equating to about 9% of the world’s estimated 100,000 tree species27. The loss of any tree genus or species will be accompanied by the loss of a variable and unknown number of obligate-associated species (including parasites, predators, pollinators and microsymbionts) and understory plant and animal species. In the tropics, the number of such associated species may be conservatively estimated28 to be of the order of 10 to 100 per tree species.

A few generalities relating threatened species and forests should be noted:

(a) Tropical forests are extraordinarily rich in biodiversity. Threats to tropical forests therefore tend to result in very large numbers of species becoming threatened. This is especially the case if these threats take place in one of the forest areas where there are particularly high concentrations of endemic species (sometimes referred to as ‘hotspots’).

(b) Certain forest species are climax species. Even relatively minor disturbances can result in some species loss. There are many species that depend, for instance, on standing dead trees or on dead wood lying on the forest floor, and both of these 'habitats' tend to be absent in highly managed forests.

(c) There is good evidence that, at least in certain parts of the world, extinctions of forest species take place if the habitat becomes fragmented and mixed with non-forest areas (Andren 1994). Such extinctions can occur even if the forest in the surviving fragments remains undisturbed. This phenomenon has been demonstrated in particular in the Americas. [reference needed].

(d) Economically valuable forest species are currently being subjected to particularly high harvest levels in several parts of the world (UNEP 1995). Such harvests include the well-publicised trade in bush meat, but also harvest for medicinal purposes, valuable timber and a host of other non-timber forest products. Use of forest species has generally been very difficult to manage sustainably, partly because of the inherent lack of controls in many major forest areas, a lack of knowledge of populations and partly because of the slow reproductive rates of many forest species, which means that even low levels of removal can be detrimental.

Very few high priority economically important forest tree species are under immediate threat at the species level, but in all regions many species are threatened at the population level. The 11th Session of the FAO Panel of Experts on Forest Gene Resources lists over 400 tree species as being global, regional or national priorities and points out those species in need of in situ conservation (FAO, 2000c). A number of regional workshops have been held which document information on the state of forest genetic resources, including, although not focussing on, threatened species and populations in the Boreal Zone (Anon, 1996b), North America (Rogers and Ledig, 1996), Europe (Turok et al., 1998), Sub-Saharan Africa (Sigaud et al., 1998), Eastern and Southern Africa (Sigaud and Luhanga, 2000) and the South Pacific (Pouru, 2000c). For example, a report on the state of forest genetic resources in the Sahelian and North Sudan zone of Africa shows that many important tree species and populations are subject to strong pressures and are at high risk at population level; the report identifies ten species in need of in situ genetic conservation measures.

In temperate zones, some tree species are threatened at the population level. This applies also to well-known and economically important tree species such as Pinus radiata that is threatened throughout its native range. In this case, the three mainland California populations are threatened by pitch canker disease and urbanization, while on Guadalupe Island (Mexico) the species is no longer regenerating due to browsing by goats (Spencer et al., 1998).

In all areas where deforestation has been extensive, it is likely that genetically distinctive, unique populations of plant and animal species have disappeared. This process of extinction of local populations will continue over the next few decades both directly through habitat loss and as a result of the time lag associated with the process of “relaxation” in which the original number of species in the fragmented area eventually falls back to a new, lower number (Diamond, 1972). Bird species in fragmented tropical forest communities will have declined about 50% of the way toward their future equilibrium after 25-100 years in large fragments of around 1000 ha (Brooks et al., 1999). Many bird species have been affected in the heavily cleared woodland communities of eastern Australia and are now declining at an alarming rate, with 20% of Australian bird species now considered threatened. [reference needed].

The most pervasive threat to birds, mammals and plants is habitat loss and degradation, affecting 89% of all threatened bird species, 83% of threatened mammals and 91% of threatened plants [WCMC 1992].The primary causes of habitat loss and degradation are agricultural activities including land clearing, extractive activities and development of infrastructure and settlements. Direct exploitation is also a principal danger, affecting 37% percent of threatened birds, 34% of threatened mammals and 8% of threatened plants (WCMC, 1999). Some large species, like great apes, faced a serious combined threat to their survivel, both by predation by humans for bush meat and by the habitat loss through logging and land use changes, see Box 9. Alien invasive species are a third major source of threat, affecting 30% of threatened birds, 15% of threatened plants and 10% of threatened mammals (Hilton-Taylor, 2000). For tree species in particular, the most frequently recorded threats consist of: felling, agriculture, expansion of settlement, grazing, burning, invasive species, forest management, local use, mining exploration and tourism/leisure (Oldfield et al., 1998).

Threats can be recorded at species level (the whole species is endangered) or at population level (only some populations of the species are threatened). Threats at population level can severely reduce genetic diversity and the potential for breeding and domestication, such as in the case of wild fruit trees [reference needed?]. A pervasive threat to genetically diversified local tree populations, which may have developed valuable attributes, lies in the introduction of non-local forest germplasm for forest plantations or rehabilitation. This could lead to hybridization of local and introduced trees and to a dramatic dilution of native, locally-adapted gene pools in subsequent generations (Ouedraogo and Boffa 1999).

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