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Sunday, June 8 14 : 00 – 17 : 00 Registration at the "Pushchino" hotel

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12 : 30 – 13 : 30 Lunch

Continuation of Session II

13 : 30 – 14 : 00 (30 min) Boris Ivanov, Maria Mubarakshina and Sergey Khorobrykh

(Institute of Basic Biological Problems RAS, Russia)

T2.8. Interaction of Oxygen Pool with Plastoquinone Pool in Thylakoid Membranes
14 : 00 – 14 : 30 (30 min) Vera Opanasenko and Lilia Vasjukhina

(Institute of Basic Biological Problems RAS, Russia)

T2.9. Regulation of Ammonium Uncoupling in Chloroplasts

14 : 30 – 15 : 00 (30 min) Anatoly Tsygankov

(Institute of Basic Biological Problems RAS, Russia)

T2.10. Hydrogen Photoproduction by Purple Bacteria. Problems and Prospects
Poster Session II

Chairpersons: Alexander Malyan

Boris Ivanov

The Photochemical and Photophosphorylation Activity in Chloroplasts from Brassica chinensis L. Plants Grown under Light-Emitting Diodes with Different Lighting Levels
P2.2. Maksim Bolshakov, Zoya Makhneva and Andrey Moskalenko

Photooxidation of Bacteriochlorophyll Dimers of LH2 Complexes in the Membranes of Alc. minutissimum Depending on the Content and Composition of Carotenoids
P2.3. Yu.V. Bolychevtseva, I.V. Terekhova, M. Roegner and N.V. Karapetyan

Regulation of P700 Transients by the Level of NADP(H) in Arthrospira Cells


Structure and Function of Chloroplast and Mitochondria of Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) under Heat Shock

Participation of Adenylate Kinase of the Chloroplasts in Regulation of Energy Exchange
P2.6. A.N. Khusnutdinova, G.N. Shirshikova, O.A. Postnikova, H.A. Batyrova, A.M. Boutanaev and A.A. Tsygankov

Renaturation of Thermostable Hydrogenase HydSL Derived from the Purple Sulfur Phototrophic Bacterium Thiocapsa roseopersicina Using Heterologously Expressed Subunits
P2.7. M. A. Kozuleva and Boris Ivanov

Relative Contributions of Ferredoxin and Membrane-Bound Carriers to Oxygen Reduction
P2.8. Natalia Krupenina, Alexander Bulychev, Rob Roelfsema and Ulrich SchreibeR

Action Potential Affects the Photosynthetic Pattern of Chara corallina Cell
P2.9. Ilya V. KUVYKIN, Alexey V. VERSHUBSKIY, Vasiliy V. PTUSHENKO and Alexander N. TIKHONOV
Effects of Oxygen on Light-Induced Redox Transients of Р700 and Chlorophyll Fluorescence in С3-Leaves

P2.10. Ilya V. KUVYKIN, Vasiliy V. PTUSHENKO, Ludmila V. OZEROVA, Sergey Kiselev, Olga P. SAMOYLOVA and Alexander N. TIKHONOV

Effects of Pre-Illumination on Chlorophyll Fluorescence of Tradescantia Leaves
P2.11. Galina Lysenko and Valentina Gins

Decrease of the Oxygen Reduction Rate in Winter Wheat Chloroplasts during the Process of
P2.12. Galina Lysenko

Simultaneous Photoreduction of Oxygen to Superoxide Anion-Radical and Hydrogen Peroxide by Pea Chloroplasts
P2.13. Galina LYSENKO, Irina STRIZH

Oxygen as the Electron Acceptor in Wheat Chloroplasts under Drought Stress
P2.14. Elena Pavlova and Alexander Maslov
Comparison of Light Dependence of Nitrate Uptake in Free Living Green Algae Chlorella and Symbiotic Green Algae Trebouxia
P2.15. Alexey PIGOLEV, Sergey ZHARMUKHAMEDOV and Vyacheslav KLIMOV

Functional Characteristics of Photosystem II in the Dark Grown ΔpsbO Mutant Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
P2.16. Marina Pikulenko, Natalia Krupenina and Alexander Bulychev

Visualization of Structural and Functional Heterogeneity in Anthoceros Chloroplast
P2.17. Olga V. POBEGUTS, Tatiana N. SMOLOVA and Vyacheslav V. KLIMOV

Protective Effect of Bicarbonate Against Extraction of the Extrinsic Proteins of the Water-Oxidizing Complex from Photosystem II Membrane Fragments
P2.18. Oleksandr Polishchuk, Nataliya Topchiy and Elena Zolotareva

Influence of Heavy Metal Ions on Dark Relaxation Kinetics of Variable Chlorophyll Fluorescence in Chloroplasts
P2.19. Postnikova O.A., Khusnutdinova A.N., Shirshikova G.N., Batyrova H.A., Tsygankov A.A. and Butanaev A.M.

Modification of the HydSL Hydrogenase from the Purple Sulphur Phototrophic Bacterium Thiocapsa roseopersicina by His-Tagging C-End of its Small Subunit
P2.20. Valentina RASSADINA and Illja KORAN

Protochlorophyllide Resynthesis and Chlorophyllide Esterification in Postetiolated Barley Leaves Treated with Carotenoid Biosynthesis Inhibitor Norflurazon
P2.21. A.K. Romanova, V.A. Mudrik, A.R. Ignat’ev, N.S. Novichkova and B.N. Ivanov

Chlorophyll a Fluorescence and some Biochemical Characteristics of Sugar Beet Plant Leaves in Norm and Effects of Glucose Excess
P2.22. Shandieva I.O., Savanina Ya.V., Phattahov S.G., Lebedeva A.F.,

Lobakova E.S. and Barskii E.L.

Melafen as a Synthetic Growth Regulator: Effect on the Photosynthetic Organisms
P2.23. Анна ШЕСТАК, Артем НЕСОВ, Дмитрий КИСЕЛЕВСКИЙ, Виталий САМУИЛОВ

Регистрация образования активных форм кислорода в клетках листьев гороха с использованием 2',7'-дихлорфлуоресциндиацетата
P2.24. Alexei SOLOVCHENKO and Mark Merzlyak

Pigments and Photoadaptation in the Nitrogen-Starved Microalga Parietochloris incise
P2.25. Irina STRIZH and Ksenija Mushkina

The Slow Kinetics of Chlorophyll Fluorescence Induction Reflects Arabidopsis Floral Transition
P2.26. Olexandr SYVASH, Kateryna DOVBYSH, Stefan VASYLCHENKO, Nataliya TOPCHIY and Elena ZOLOTAREVA

Functional Characteristics of Photosynthetic Apparatus of Tree Plants in Ontogenesis
P2.27. Tekucheva D.N., Laurinavichene T.V. and Tsygankov A.A.

Hydrogen Photoproduction by Rhodobacter capsulatus B10 Using By-Products of Starch-Containing Waste Fermentation
P2.28. Nаtaliya TOPCHIY, Oleksandr POLISHCHUK and Elena ZOLOTAREVA

The Effect of Heavy Metals on the Content of QB Non-Reducing Photosystem II Centers in Leaves and Chloroplasts of Higher Plants
P2.29. Elena Yerofeeva, Maria Naumova and Alexandra Selezeneva

Change of the Photosynthetic Pigment Content in the Birch Leaf Lamina for Adaptation to Anthropogenic Load
P2.30. Elena ZOLOTAREVA, Vladimir PODORVANOV and Olexandеr POLISHCHUK

The Role of Bound Bicarbonate in Photosynthetic Proton Translocation
P2.31. Lilia Vasjukhina and Vera Opanasenko

Synergism in Action of Ammonium and Palmitic Acid in Uncoupling of Chloroplast Thylakoids
P2.32. Ольга КОКШАРОВА

Изменения уровня белков фотосинтеза в цианобактериальных мутантах по клеточному делению
P2.33. Alexander Pronin and Alexander Malyan
Interaction of Pyrophosphate with Noncatalytic Nucleotide Binding Sites of Chloroplast ATP Synthase
Bonfire Party

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