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Lantana (Lantana camara L.)

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3.1 Goal 1: Prevent new infestations from establishing

Desired long-term outcome:

All areas outside the core distribution are maintained lantana-free.

The objectives and strategic actions to achieve this, and the action level and responsible partners for each action, are shown in Table 3.

Table 3 Objectives and strategic actions to achieve goal 1 of the Lantana Strategic Plan 2012–17


Strategic actions

Action levela


1.1 Enforce relevant national and state legislation

Enforce importation restrictions for all lantana species


Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (now Biosecurity Australia)

Enforce a ban on the sale and distribution of Lantana camara


State and territory agencies, local government

Explore opportunities for legislative and policy support to maintain lantana containment lines and asset protection objectives


1.2 Maintain containment lines and zones

Refine or review priority strategic management zones based on region-specific classifications of prevention, eradication, containment and asset protection


State and territory agencies, local government, conservation and NRM groups

Establish and/or maintain cooperative agreements to defend containment lines


State and territory agencies, local government, conservation and NRM groups, land managers

Priority management of new and outlying infestations


Implement consistent weed management and site recovery monitoring protocols to ensure management actions are achieving the desired outcome of long-term asset protection


State and territory agencies, local government, conservation and NRM groups

1.3 Maintain knowledge of level and extent of all current infestations

Establish and/or maintain centralised state and national databases for storing weeds mapping information


Australian Government, state and territory agencies

1.4 investigate the dynamics of spread

Identify high-risk pathways of spread (specifically west of core infestations)


State and territory agencies, research groups

NRM = natural resource management

a The Australian Weeds Committee (AWC) applied three action levels that reflect jurisdictional commitment to implementing actions:

Level 1 = Highly beneficial as a national action that is critical to success of the WoNS revised strategic plan and all relevant AWC jurisdictions have committed resources to implementing this action.


Highly beneficial to a particular jurisdiction and the responsible party/ies have committed resources to implement this action.

Level 2 = Highly beneficial at national and/or jurisdictional level, but implementation will be subject to resource availability and investment priorities.

Level 3 = Desirable and still beneficial to improving uptake and efficiency of on-ground action, but not critical to success.

3.2 Goal 2: Strategically manage existing infestations

Desired long-term outcome:

Demonstrated and ongoing decline in the adverse impacts of lantana on productivity and high priority natural assets.

The strategic actions to achieve this, and the action level and responsible partners for each action, are shown in Table 4

Table 4 Objectives and strategic actions to achieve goal 2 of the Lantana Strategic Plan 2012–17


Strategic actions

Action levela


2.1 Adopt best-practice management techniques

Facilitate delivery and adoption of best-practice management information


State and territory agencies, Industry bodies,local government, conservation and NRM groups, land managers

Identify and coordinate a response to critical information gaps:

  • specifically address research requirements identified in Section 2.6 of this plan


State and territory agencies, Industry bodies

Promote new lantana control techniques (where efficacy data is documented and comparable)


State and territory agencies, industry bodies, local government, conservation and NRM groups

2.2 Implement strategic management to protect priority assets

Identify and manage high priority areas at local, regional and state levels, based on the protection of values and assets (Australian Weed Strategy):

  • Support the implementation of the Plan to Protect Environmental Assets from Lantana (NLMG 2010) (or similar prioritisation processes)

  • Promote the use of strategic management tools at regional levels for the protection of social and economic values and the defence of lantana-free areas within the current distribution


State and territory agencies, local government, conservation and NRM groups, land managers

Implement consistent weed management and site-recovery monitoring protocols to ensure management actions are achieving the desired outcome of long-term asset protection


State and territory agencies, local government, conservation and NRM groups, land managers

2.3 Implement best-practice biological control programs

Maintain efforts to research and distribute biological control agents, including possible native agents


State and territory agencies, local government, conservation and NRM groups, land managers

Develop and implement biological control impact monitoring


State and territory agencies, research groups

Investigate biological control agents from genetic centres of origin (based on genetic relatedness of Australian and native-range lantana)


State and territory agencies, research groups

2.4 Investigate the ecology of lantana to determine better control options

Develop a better understanding of the ecological and biological parameters that affect management success


State and territory agencies, research institutions

2.5 Manage ornamental plantings of lantana

Promote and support the removal of ornamental plantings of lantana from government and commercial properties


State and territory agencies, local government, Industry groups

Increase public awareness of the impacts of ornamental lantana and encourage replacement plantings


State and territory agencies, local government, industry groups, media organisations, education institutions, conservation and NRM groups

Provide alternative plant species lists for both ornamental and native regeneration, and revegetation situations


State and territory agencies, local government, Industry groups

NRM = natural resource management

a The Australian Weeds Committee (AWC) applied three action levels that reflect jurisdictional commitment to implementing actions:

Level 1 = Highly beneficial as a national action that is critical to success of the WoNS revised strategic plan and all relevant AWC jurisdictions have committed resources to implementing this action.


Highly beneficial to a particular jurisdiction and the responsible party/ies have committed resources to implement this action.

Level 2 = Highly beneficial at national and/or jurisdictional level, but implementation will be subject to resource availability and investment priorities.

Level 3 = Desirable and still beneficial to improving uptake and efficiency of on-ground action, but not critical to success.

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