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The Homecoming By Zeke Jeffries

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TRACY is just waking up from being briefly knocked out. She holds her head in pain as she wakes up. She notices that the door is under her, so it is facing the ground. TRACY shakes off her head.
Once again, a machete comes crashing through the side of the outhouse, and once again it gets stuck. This time it nearly stabs TRACY in the stomach. TRACY screams as she looks at the machete.
JASON wiggles the machete around so that it nearly hits TRACY. TRACY notices a bend in the metal towards the room, which could provide a perfect escape. TRACY climbs towards the roof and tries to squeeze through. The hole at the top it too small so she tries to make it larger it by beating on the metal.
The machete begins to wiggle loose as JASON holds it. TRACY finally is able to squeeze through the hole. She crawls out, nearly getting all the way before her dress gets caught on a sharp piece of metal sticking out. TRACY pulls her dress, ripping it. JASON gets the machete free.
TRACY runs from the outhouse down to the path towards the river. JASON follows her, running.

Help! Help me, someone help me!

TRACY continues running until she notices a house not far away with several lit lights. Relieved, TRACY sprints towards it. JASON follows.
TRACY runs up to the door of the house and begins slamming on it.

Help, help, please help!

Cut to

98. Int. The Old Man’s House [Kitchen] – NIGHT

Inside the house an OLD MAN is cooking himself some dinner. The water is boiling. He hears TRACY and peeks his head out the window.
The OLD MAN grins when he sees TRACY, who notices him herself.
Cut to

99. Ext. The Old Man’s Yard – NIGHT


Please, help.

With every second JASON comes closer and closer. He has started to walk, and is holding his machete at his side.

Help me!
Cut to

100. Int. The Old Man’s House [Kitchen] – NIGHT

Be right there, darling.

The OLD MAN tucks his head back in and smiles.

Beautiful woman finally comes knocking. Just what dreams are made of? Screaming help too. I must be dreaming. Or it could have been that leaf before.

The OLD MAN walks over to his stove to turn it off. He knocks over some salt.

Oh dear, what have I done. [Looks up] I’ll be right there.

The OLD MAN bends down to clean up the salt on the floor.
Cut to

101. Ext. The Old Man’s Yard – NIGHT

JASON is getting even closer, now within twenty yards of TRACY. TRACY continues to bang on the door for help.

Hurry, hurry. Oh my God hurry! Please! Hurry! Help me!

Cut to

102. Int. The Old Man’s House – NIGHT

The OLD MAN hears her yells as he’s cleaning up the salt. He hesitates briefly, before shaking his head and getting up. He pushes off his knees and walks into the next room.

I’m coming, I’m coming. Hold your dang horses.

He walks into the front room and sees the door. The OLD MAN walks over to the door.

Here I am, here I am.

He begins to unchain the locks on the door, but one seems to be stuck.

Open it!
Cut to

103. Ext. The Old Man’s Yard – NIGHT
TRACY is still banging on the door, with JASON now less than seven yards from her.

Jesus Christ, open the door, open it, open the goddamn door!

JASON begins to raise his machete.
Cut to

104. Int. The Old Man’s House – NIGHT

The OLD MAN unchains the locks and starts to turn the knob to the door. He pulls the door but its hard to budge.

Shit, door’s swollen.

The OLD MAN pulls more.
Cut to

105. Ext. The Old Man’s Yard – NIGHT

TRACY turns around and looks at JASON, who is now on the porch of the house. He has his machete raised in the air.

Please no, please no. [Beat] I don’t want to die.

Cut to

106. Int. The Old Man’s House – NIGHT

The OLD MAN finally pulls the door open. TRACY is at the door with JASON in front of her. JASON swings his machete down at TRACY but she ducks into the house quickly.
TRACY pushes the OLD MAN out of her way and closes the door. The OLD MAN looks at TRACY, very confused.

So, are you in some kind of trouble?


Do you have a phone?


Yes, why?


Where is it?


I only got one, it’s upstairs in the office.


Are all the door’s locked?


Well, I don’t believe so. The Greenhouse should still be open. I’ll go lock it, it can only lock and open with a special key.


Please do, please do. There’s this man, he’s after me.



I don’t know, but he’s crazy – he killed my friend and now he’s trying to kill me.

Just calm down. I’ll go lock the door and you go call the police.

The OLD MAN points up the stairs and TRACY sprints up the stairs. The OLD MAN then exits the room.
The Old Man’s Greenhouse is dark and still. The door in back is wide open, and wind is blowing through. The OLD MAN walks into the back and pulls a key out from his pocket.

I gotta fix this damn door one of these days. It never shuts.

The OLD MAN pulls the door shut and locks it using a padlock. He then looks at the door.

I wonder if she’s trying to rob me.

The OLD MAN shrugs as if he doesn’t care and walks out of the greenhouse.
TRACY is now upstairs with the lights turned on. She is looking for a phone.

Excuse me, mister…

The OLD MAN hears her and yells up.

I can’t really hear you, can you speak up?


[Louder] Where exactly is your phone?




But where!


In the first room to the left. There should be a window in the room that overlooks the greenhouse directly.

TRACY looks into a room to see that window.

Thank you! [To Herself] Who has only one phone?

TRACY walks into the room and searches the wall for a switch. She finds one and flicks the light on.
The OLD MAN walks back into the kitchen to see that his water is now boiling over the pot, making a mess.

Oh no, oh heaven’s no.

The OLD MAN turns off the stove and grabs a towel to mop it up. He notices the salt that he spilled on the ground earlier, only now it has a strange mark in it. The OLD MAN bends down closer to see that a large shoeprint is in the salt.

That’s not my shoe-

From behind the OLD MAN a sliced hand, JASON’S hand, grabs him by the head. JASON quickly carries the OLD MAN to the boiling water pot as he’s yelling.

Let me go you son of a –

JASON slams the OLD MAN’S face into the boiling water. The OLD MAN’S body struggles for a few moments, flinching and convulsing. His body then goes limp. JASON then looks into the other room towards the stairs.
TRACY is still upstairs, when she finally finds the phone in a neat little corner behind a lamp.

What a brilliant place for a phone.

TRACY picks up the phone and begins to dial a number.
JASON’S scarred hand grabs the wires to the fuse box and rips them out of the wall. The lights in the house go out.
TRACY just begins to get a ringing noise on the other end of the phone when it suddenly dies, as do the lights. TRACY stands in the dark, shaking, looking around.

TRACY exits the room and walks downstairs, slowly. With every step she takes the floor creaks.


Excuse me.

TRACY walks into the kitchen. While walking her foot comes across something. She gives it a little kick, only to realize that it is the OLD MAN’S body. TRACY screams again, and runs back towards the front door. She opens the door and standing outside with his machete is JASON. TRACY slams the door shut and the machete comes crashing through the door.
TRACY runs up the stairs of the house. She runs back into the room with phone and shuts the door. TRACY locks the door and back away. She stands there, shaking. There is a silence in the atmosphere.
JASON then kicks down the door with one strong kick, and comes marching into the room. He takes a swing at TRACY with his machete but she jumps back. TRACY falls backward on the floor. JASON raises his machete and brings it crashing down, but TRACY rolls out of the way.
TRACY gets to her feet and face JASON, who continues swinging at her. TRACY jumps back, away from the swing. She then stands in front of the window, allowing the moonlight to sprinkle in upon her. JASON swings the machete one final time and it grazes her shirt, knocking her backward and forcing her to fall out the window.
TRACY falls out the window and crashes through the roof of the greenhouse.
TRACY lands on a table in the greenhouse, breaking it in half. Plants fall around her and dirty spill on her. TRACY lay unconscious for several seconds.
When TRACY awakes she looks up through the hole in the roof to see that JASON is not in the window anymore. TRACY notices that the greenhouse has two doors, one leading inside the house and one leading into the yard.
TRACY quickly gets up and runs to the door leading into the house to discover that it is not locked. TRACY quickly grabs the padlock from the shelf and puts it on the door, locking it safely. TRACY leans against the door, breathing hard and taking a moment to relax.
JASON’S hand then comes crashing through the door, grabbing TRACY by the throat. TRACY struggles against him but he begins to squeeze harder. TRACY grabs a nearby gardening tool and thrusts it into JASON’S hand. JASON tries not to let go but eventually does.
At her chance of freedom TRACY runs towards the other door and tries to open it. She discovers that it is locked with the padlock.

JASON begins to bang on the door, and the padlock starts to come loose. TRACY notices this and thinks fast.

JASON breaks down the door with his might and enters the room, holding his machete. He looks around the room for TRACY but can not find her. There is no movement. JASON slowly walks around the room, looking for her, ready to kill. He spots a table with a cloth on it and approaches it. He then flips the table so that it, along with all the plants on it, goes flying into the air.
TRACY is not under it. JASON sees another table with a cloth on it and approaches it. He does the same thing by flipping it, but TRACY isn’t there.
From behind JASON, holding a plant in a porcelain bowel, TRACY approaches. She smashes the plant over JASON’S head, causing him to fall to the ground. TRACY then grabs another plant from the table and throws it at one of the glass walls of the greenhouse, breaking the glass. TRACY runs to the break and exits the greenhouse.
Cut to

114. Ext. The Old Man’s Yard – NIGHT

TRACY is now outside and she notices a fishing boat with a light on down by the lake on a dock. TRACY runs down the hill to the dock.

Hey, hey, help, please help me!

TRACY enters the dock and sprints down it. She looks onto the boat but doesn’t see anyone. She jumps onto the boat and enters the den.
Cut to

116. Int. The Old Man’s Boat – NIGHT

TRACY notices that there is no one in the den of the boat, despite the light being on. She quickly shuts off the light and ducks down.
TRACY then hears a loud thumping noise on the boat. It sounds like heavy footsteps. TRACY slowly looks up through the window to see JASON, walking on the deck of the boat, looking for her.
TRACY covers her mouth, trying not to scream, and looks around. She sees a hatch which leads to the lower part of the boat.
TRACY looks back up to see that JASON is gone.
TRACY opens the hatch and ducks down into the bottom of the boat. She climbs down a little ladder into a room filled with ice and dead fish. TRACY slowly closes the hatch and lies against a mountain of ice. She tries not to make a sound, but begins shivering from the cold.
TRACY lays there for a few seconds, but then small drops of blood begin to drop on her. TRACY looks up to see a fish hanging from ceiling, newly gutted.
TRACY’S eyes grow wide, and from the ice a hand comes crashing through and grabs her forehead. The hand pulls TRACY back against the ice, while TRACY screams. A machete then comes slicing through her chest, as if being pushed through the ice.
Cut to

117. Int. The Rented House [Living Room] – NIGHT

Still inside the rented house, KJ and VIKKI are sitting on the couch. The television is off but VIKKI is holding a bowel of popcorn, throwing kernels into her mouth. She seems to be almost on some sort of high, balancing out her depression. She is smiling and giggling, while KJ sits uncomfortably next to her.

Did you know that I wasn’t going to eat this whole entire day?


Uh, no I didn’t know that.


Yep, I didn’t want to gain weight so I fit into this dress just perfectly.


That’s… not healthy.

VIKKI giggles.

So what are you doing here in Crystal Lake?




No, no, why did you come? We’re in the off season here, and you’re obviously not camping. Why’d you come?

KJ looks at the ground.

To support my mom.


Is she in like rehab or something?


My mom wasn’t in rehab, no, close to it though.


Can I ask?

KJ takes a deep breath and looks at VIKKI, who is chewing away on her food.

You don’t have to tell me.


What the hell. I’ll make a deal. I’ll tell you why I’m here if you tell me why you came over tonight.

VIKKI smiles.

You first.


My mom is a survivor of the 1984 Crystal Lake Killing Spree. She’s come back to try and face her fears. It’s apart of her whole entire motto.


Wait, you mean like all that crazy Jason Voorhees stuff. Camp Blood?


Yeah, Jason Voorhees.


Oh my God, that’s crazy.


Yeah, she saw all of her friends die and everything, it really messed with her head. She went to a hospital just before I was born, they didn’t think she was sane anymore. That’s where she met my dad.


Is he here?


No, he’s off living somewhere else, probably with another woman. He was her doctor, and they fell in love. After two kids and thirteen years of marriage they split. My dad couldn’t handle my mom’s paranoia, which led to him seeing other women. It’s a long, sad, pathetic story really.


I’m sorry KJ, I really am. That must be tough, living with a mom who went through that.


It is, very tough actually, but at the same time it’s taught me a lot… to be glad I’m alive.

VIKKI smiles a sympathetic smiles.

Now it’s your turn. Why did you come over here to see some boy you barely know?

VIKKI looks into the popcorn bowel, her smile has left.

Homecoming was a disaster as I said. It began with my dad, who must have forgotten how to be a father when my mom died. After that it escalated. I caught my boyfriend cheating on me, and at that point all my friends seemed to have left. I had reason to be there. Not to mention the fact that it was boring as hell.


I agree. School dances are so over hyped. Homecoming, Prom, what’s the big? It’s an excuse for people to get dressed up in fancy dresses and cool tuxedos and then dance badly.


Oh, you should have seen some of the dancing. They put the ‘sic’ in ‘music.’ Since when did a formal dance ever become an excuse to play reject rave music with strobe lights.


It’s so bad. And the so called ‘cool’ guys all sit in one corner, laughing up a good time while they’re too embarrassed to ask a girl to dance.


And the slutty girls always walk around the place trying to get someone to ask them to dance.


Actually, at the dances, the coolest person is the nerd.


Definitely not the DJ. And this year’s DJ looked like he just crawled out of the ground. His skin is so white that he looks sick.


And I bet he dresses like a gangster. Eminem style.


Good guess.

VIKKI and KJ both laugh, and VIKKI shakes her head.

You never answer my whole question.


What’s that?


Why’d you come here?


I don’t know, I really don’t. I was walking home and then I spotted this house, and remembered you were here. I guess I just feel… safe with you.

KJ and VIKKI stare at each other passionately. KJ then jumps on top of VIKKI and begins kissing her. VIKKI kisses him back, and the two share a moment of intimacy.
ANNIE interrupts.

KJ jumps up and sits up straight. Embarrassed, he rubs his hand through his hair, while VIKKI smiles as she gets back into her seat.


Mom just called my cell phone. She said that she’s stuck at some bar, and she’ll be back later. She also said that there’s a problem, something about two kids found dead.

VIKKI jumps up and turns to ANNIE.


She doesn’t know the full story.
VIKKI turns to KJ.

I have to get back to the dance, the others might be looking for me.


Wait, no.

VIKKI gets up from the couch and rushes towards the door. She takes off her corsage and throws it to the ground. KJ gets up and follows her.

Wait, Vikki, hold on.

VIKKI stops and turns around.

If there’s been a murder I don’t want you walking alone. Let me come with you.


But how will you get back here.


I assume your limo can take me.

VIKKI hesitates.

Yeah, I guess I’d feel better with someone. And having you there would make Travis so jealous.

KJ turns to ANNIE.

Annie, you stay here. Do you hear me, stay in the house. Do not leave. I’ll be back soon.

ANNIE nods and runs back upstairs.

I know this path, down by the lake, we can take it. It should lead right to Camp Crystal Lake.

KJ turns to VIKKI, who opens the door. They walk out.
Cut to

118. Int. Camp Crystal Lake Dining Hall – NIGHT

The dance is still going on. CHARLES is in the back corner, by himself with his arms crossed. He is shaking his head at the dancing on the floor.
OFFICER 1 comes up to him and whispers something in his ear. CHARLES nods and OFFICER 1 walks away.
CHARLES walks through the crowd over to the DISC JOCKEY. CHARLES taps him on the shoulder and the DISC JOCKEY takes his earphones off. The DISC JOCKEY nods and turns off the music.
A loud sigh and several complaints are thrown from the crowd.

Excuse me, everyone, I have an announcement to make. The dance is now over. There have been orders that you leave the area of Camp Crystal Lake immediately. If you do not have a ride home one will be made for you. Please exit the campsite in an orderly and clean fashion, but make it quick. Please cancel all post Homecoming activities and go to straight home.

There is a loud ‘BOO’ when CHARLES steps back and walks away. The DISC JOCKEY turns the lights on to the room, and everyone begins to shuffle towards the door, making up rumors about the sudden cancellation.
Cut to

119. Ext. Camp Crystal Lake – NIGHT

A mass of people begin to exit the dining hall. The sound of dozens of cars starting up can be heard. GABBY walks over to the barn where she and TRAVIS were making love.
GABBY spots TRAVIS still inside, pulling his pants up.

I see you found them. It took you a while.

TRAVIS doesn’t answer.

Everyone’s been ordered to leave the area. Do you need a ride?


I’m waiting for my friends to get back.


Where’d they go?



Oh, that could take all night. Have fun waiting.

Have fun doing nothing.

GABBY smirks before walking away. TRAVIS picks up his shirt from the hay and looks wipes it off.
Cut to

120. Int. The Casino Night Spot – NIGHT

CHRIS is sitting at the opposite end of the bar from where ZERNER is sitting. ZERNER has a smile on his face. He walks over to CHRIS.

Can we kiss and make up?


Can you go to hell?


I’ll take it, I will. You’re going to need a ride home from Crystal Lake though in the morning.


How can you be so cruel to someone who cared for you so much?


Instinct. I have it, you don’t. I work to live, love to live. You simply live.


I should have never trusted you.


What can I say, life’s a bitch.


And so are you.

ZERNER grabs a seat next to CHRIS.
Cut to

121. Ext. The Road – NIGHT

The ROADSIDE OFFICER still has ELIAS in the back of his car. The DEPUTY pulls up Sanchez’s car and comes to stop. He quickly exits the car. The DEPUTY walks over to the ROADSIDE OFFICER’S car.

Hello Officer, you’ve got the catch of the night.


Found him parked on the side of the road.

DEPUTY looks at ELIAS.

I’ll take him.

The ROADSIDE OFFICER gets out of the car and opens the back door. He forces ELIAS out of the back, still with the handcuffs on him. He walks ELIAS to SANCHEZ’S car and puts him in the back seat.

That’ll be all officer. Have a good one.


You too sir.

The ROADSIDE OFFICER gets into his car, starts up the engine, and drives away. The DEPUTY gets into the driver’s seat of Sanchez’s car.
ELIAS is sitting in the back seat, quiet and motionless.

You have a sick idea of spreading a rumor, you know that?

ELIAS doesn’t answer.

Being quiet won’t save you. Sure, you have the right, but that doesn’t mean shit. I can make you talk.

ELIAS looks at him through the rearview mirror.

So you’re the latest one to claim to be Jason’s old man, huh? Only you’re the first to actually kill someone to prove it. That’s just cold.

DEPUTY smiles as he sticks the keys in the engine.

And if you are Jason’s father, I hope your son is rotting in hell with your wretched wife.

The DEPUTY starts the engine to the car. ELIAS lunges his hands over the DEPUTY’S head and brings them down to his neck. ELIAS pulls back, chocking the DEPUTY. The DEPUTY struggles but eventually passes out.
ELIAS says nothing, but gets out of the running car. ELIAS shuts the door behind him, and walks to the front door. He opens the door, reaches in, and grabs a pair of keys from the DEPUTY’S belt. He un-cuffs himself, and then sprints into the woods.
The DEPUTY doesn’t move.
Cut to

122. Ext. The O’Brian House – NIGHT

SANCHEZ is talking on a police radio. He is standing next to a police car while trying to do so. Another officer is beside him, listening in.

Deputy Morgan, Deputy Morgan. Where are you? Over.

SANCHEZ waits for answer but it never comes. SANCHEZ looks at the OFFICER.

I’m going to have to borrow this car. I don’t know where the hell he is, but I have to go to Crystal Lake to make sure everything went smoothly.

SANCHEZ gets into the police car and turns it on, then speeds out of the driveway to the O’Brian’s house.
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