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Report on Polarisation Weather Radar by A. R. Holt & D. H. O. Bebbington

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4. Radar Sensing

The radar sensing process is a convolution of propagation along the path from the radar antenna to the resolution volume, backscattering from hydrometeors in the volume, and propagation back along the path from the resolution volume to the radar antenna. These processes are very dependent on the frequency being used. At S-band, the dominant effect in propagation is differential phase shift between vertical and horizontal polarisation. Attenuation is generally small, as is differential attenuation. However, they cannot be ignored if the radar beam is passing through very heavy precipitation, or the path is a long path through significant rain (refs. 38, 39). At these frequencies, scattering by raindrops (but not by hail) is well described by Rayleigh theory (cf ref. 37). As the frequency increases, though differential phase shift increases, attenuation effects increase more rapidly due to the variation of the imaginary part of the refractive index of water with frequency (ref. 40). Moreover, at C-band frequencies and above, Rayleigh theory is no longer sufficient, and Mie theory must be used. Resonance effects can be seen at certain drop sizes (depending on the frequency) (ref. 41). Severe attenuation and differential attenuation effects have been seen at C-band (cf ref. 21).

Provided that multiple scattering effects can be neglected (believed to be valid at frequencies below around 100GHz (ref. 42)), propagation through a region of hydrometeors can be treated using the theory of Van de Hulst (ref. 43). The effect of propagation along a path of length L (cm) is to multiply the field by a factor exp(iKL), where K(cm-1) is the propagation constant. For vertically and horizontally polarised waves passing through a region containing hydrometeors with size distribution N(D)dD, the propagation constants KV, KH are given by

KV,H = k0 + (2π/k0) ∫fV,H(D)N(D)dD. (9)

Here D(cm) is the equivolume drop diameter, and f(D) denotes the forward scattering amplitude for drops of diameter D. The integration is over the range of drop diameters, where the maximum diameter is typically 7 or 8mm( drops of 8mm diameter have been seen inwarm rain in Hawaii). Note that f(D) is a complex number quantity, and hence the real part of K determines the phase shift, whilst the imaginary part of K gives the attenuation of the wave. In particular, the attenuation per km, AV, of a vertically polarised wave is given by

AV = 8.686 105 Im(KV) dB (10)

Along the path between a radar antenna and a resolution volume, the radar wave will typically pass through many different rain regions (and maybe through regions containing other hydrometeors such as hail or melting particles). The total phase shift per km of a vertically polarised wave will therefore be

ΦV = 105 Re(KV) radians (11)

Along the path being sensed by a radar, there will typically be many different dropsize distributions, each with its own path length. The total attenuation (or phase shift) at a particular resolution volume will therefore be a summation of the individual attenuations (or phase shifts) along each section of the path. Since the attenuation on the return path will be the same as on the outward path, the total effect on the radar return field of the hydrometeors on propagation path will be twice the one-way attenuation or phase shift. The differential attenuation (or phase shift) is the difference between that for horizontal polarisation, and that for vertical polarisation. It is standard to define the differential propagation phase shift, φDP, as the two-way difference in phase-shift between horizontal and vertical polarisation, in degrees.

  1. Hardware considerations

5.1 Antenna Performance and Specification

In polarimetric applications the antenna can be a critical component. Since polarimetry depends on the ability of the system to gauge small changes in the vector components of the field, antenna cross-polarization characteristics need to be reduced. The factors in the antenna specification that are important depend to some extent on the type of polarimetric measurement. Some features can be accounted for and corrected by means of a good system calibration, but not all defects can be calibrated out. For an aperture antenna, such as a parabolic dish, the first defect of interest is the primary diffraction sidelobe, which should typically be less than -20 dB with respect in the main lobe, to give adequate suppression over two-way paths. The extent of this lobe depends to a great extent on suitable tapering of the illumination towards the rim of the dish to minimise edge diffraction. This tapering will also help to reduce higher order sidelobes, as the rate of fall-off with order is much improved by the lack of a discontinuity in the illumination, brought about by the edge, and by edge currents. Centred Cassegrain illumination can result in very low extended sidelobes at the expense of raising inner sidelobes due to aperture blockage. One of the impacts of sidelobes is that, as their symmetry is usually considerably inferior to that of the main lobe, (because of the increased sensitivity to manufacturing tolerances and other non-ideal features (such as radomes, supports, etc.) imbalance between sidelobes can give erroneous polarization signatures (refs. D1=44, D2=45.).

In a typical parabolic dish antenna, incident waves are reflected at various angles from points across the whole aperture, and there is a small specific polarization effect from each point; typically the contribution to the reflected field due to the surface currents at any particular point on the antenna becomes slightly rotated due to the oblique reflection. Symmetry in the antenna construction usually leads to cancellation of most of these effects, but in a real antenna there are integrated effects which do not cancel. Such effects can be calibrated for, in principle, when the antenna receives from a point source. However, in general, even if an antenna is calibrated so that, on axis the speration between polarizations is perfect, the sidelobe responses will not be symmetrical, owing to manufacturing tolerances in the figure of the dish, and other non-ideal features. This means that, when receiving from a distributed source the polarization isolation will be limited. Such effects cannot be calibrated out because, for a random medium of scatterers, the precise distribution of the instantaneous field distribution cannot be known in advance. The figures of merit that describe these characteristics is are known as the Integrated Sidelobe Response and the Integrated Cross-Polarization Ratio (ICR) ( refs. D3=46, D4=47) or Integrated Cancellation Ratio. The integrated sidelobe response depends on the accuracy of the reflector surface and on the illumination and blocking of the aperture, which are characteristics that depend on the feed itself, and its placement. Theoretically, the total energy outside the main lobe for a typical antenna should be in the region of -20 dB with respect to the total. However, feed support structures which cause blockage of the aperture may degrade this ratio by several dB. The integrated cancellation ratio depends not only on the quality (e.g. manufacturing tolerances, surface rigidity, etc.) of the antenna, but on its basic geometric design parameters. That is to say that the antenna performance in some regards may be limited by these design parameters regardless of the manufactured quality. Of these one of the most important is the focal ratio. Thus, when designing radar antenna to be operated within a radome, a short focal distance is required to minimise the radome dimensions. Focal ratios of 0.4 or less may be found (refs D2=45, D3=46). However, for good polarization isolation, a large focal ratio is to be preferred, since the magnitude of the incident and reflected angles is correspondingly small. The impact of cross-polar performance for a given feed, being a pure geometric effect in as far as the Physical optics approximation is valid, will typically be about 6 dB per octave in focal ratio, and was calculated for a number of cases by Ussailis and Metcalf (ref. D4=47). Offset Cassegrain systems allow for a much larger f/D ratio, typically greater than unity, which improve the cross-polar levels out of the plane(s) of symmetry. However, this can come with the disadvantage of reduced overall cross-polar purity for H/V, while in the case of circular polarizations there is a squinting effect (refs. D6b=48, D6=49, D3=46) such that the left and right polarization pointing angles may differ by up to around 5% of the beamwidth. Although the predicted impact of this on power-integrated meteorological parameters is expected to be low, this clearly may have a bearing on correlation measurements, when the cross-correlation between polarizations is intrinsically high.
5.3 ZDR measurement

In the case of differential reflectivity is is relatively straightforward to align the principal polarizations of the feed system with horizontal and vertical reference planes. For a centre-fed geometry the symmetry planes of a circular parabolic dish naturally obtain. The major potential problems are then likely to lie with the feed support structure. In the case of an offset geometry (usually the offset is in the vertical direction), a vertical symmetry plane will be present. However, there is a lack of symmetry between the currents induced in the upper and lower halves of the reflector and this may have an effect on the polarization purity off axis. The effects of misalignment are equivalent to a bias in hydrometeor canting angle, and are estimated to be small in practice (refs. D2=45, D3=46).

5.4 CDR and LDR measurement

Measurement of circular depolarization requires a higher level of intrinsic cross-polar discrimination than is required for ZDR measurements, because the co-polar (weak channel) return is usually many decibels below the cross-polar (strong channel) for hydrometeors. At the point where the co-polar difference between linear returns is 0.1 dB the corresponding circular depolarization ratio is roughly –40 dB. The high sensitivity that the CDR technique implies for small deformations in near spherical hydrometeors is potentially undermined by the corresponding sensitivity to small deviations in the engineering of the antenna reflector. Similar arguments apply to measurement of LDR, where the cross-polar components are typically in the range -27 dB to -30 dB. The practical ICPR for systems measuring such parameters should be better than -30 dB.

5.5 Dual polarization feeds

The requirement for a dual polarization feed is that there be an orthomode transducer (OMT) to a waveguide section capable of supporting both polarizations (ie. two orthogonal modes) and a scalar feed. This can generally be implemented either by means of the choked scalar feed, Potter horn, the corrugated scalar horn (ref. D7=50). All are widely employed in polarimetric radars. The latter operates by satisfying two boundary conditions at once by using a quarter wave depth slots to present a low impedance to tangential H-field as well as E-field on the interior surfaces of the horn. This ensures a close balance between the E-plane response and H-plane response, because the spatial distribution of the fields in the aperture is closely comparable in form, reaching a zero at the same radius. Ideally, the illumination of the aperture should be a Huyghens source (refs. D5=51, D6=49), which the corrugated horn approaches closely when appropriately excited and matched.

An additional advantage of the scalar horn is that the phase centre is well defined, that is, the migration of the phase centre with direction of illumination of the reflector surface is small. This corresponds to the fact that the wavefront is a very close approximation to a spherical surface. Consequently, a good planar wavefront is obtained without the need to correct the reflector surface with respect to a true paraboloid, which would otherwise considerably increase the expense of the reflector.

The equality of field distributions also ensures that the phase centres for each polarization are close to being co-located.

5.7 Orthomode transducers and turnstile feeds

The principle of the orthomode transducer relies on excitation of the orthogonal and independent modes of a circular waveguide section. Linear polarization is obtained by use of a vane which introduces a relative phase delay corresponding to a quarter-wave in the guide. There is little difference in complexity between linear and circular polarization OMTs. The turnstile feed is a design that couples symmetrically displaces waveguide junctions, with non-symmetrically phased shorting waveguide sections to create orthogonally polarized modes according to which junction is fed. Both types of feed are quite frequency sensitive, as the phases introduced are dependent on the lengths of the vanes or shorting sections. Isolation of the order of -50 dB can be obtained over the sorts of narrow fractional bandwidth that usually obtain in current operational radars.

5.8 Technical State of the Art and Evolutionary Possibilities

The technical state of the art in weather radar, particularly polarimetric weather radar has lagged behind that in other radar application fields in the last decade or so principally for one reason, namely the high power requirements and the associated large dynamic range required. This has meant in practice that the prevailing power source for weather radars is still the magnetron, although klystron based systems are used operationally, and in a few cases travelling wave tubes are also employed. But, basically, vacuum tube technology is universal. Possibilites for introduction of advanced techniques to weather radar were reviewed in the COST 75 programme (ref. D8=52). One of the obvious candidates considered was that of the phased array. There are (expensive) military systems in which a large number of independent transmit-receive modules are controlled in phase and perhaps also amplitude in order to synthesize a transmit and receive beam. Clearly, in such a system, the total power may requirement may be shared amongst the modules, making the individuak power requirements modest by comparison with those of a vacuum tube design. However the very large number of modules that are required to synthesize a beam with sufficiently small sidelobes makes the cost within the available technology prohibitive for the foreseeable future.

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