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Private forest reserves can aid in preserving

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Table 3 Photo capture rates (photos/100 camera-trap nights) for the main mammal species in Canta˜o State

Park and Santa Fe´ Ranch during the wet and dry seasons and variation relative to dry season (* increase;

+ decrease; X no detection)







Tapirus terrestris

1.136 (±0.284)

1.608 (±0.651)


2.582 (±0.585)

1.573 (±0.646)


Mazama gouazoupira




Mazama americana










Pecari tacaju







Cerdocyon thous







Leopardus pardalis












Puma concolor









Panthera onca

0.173 (±0.074)

0.308 (±0.205)



4.957 (±0.738)

4.123 (±0.787)


Didelphis spp.









Cuniculus paca

0.426 (±0.183)

1.072 (±0.562)


0.213 (±0.093)

0.301 (±0.226)


Dasyprocta azarae







Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris







Priodontes maximus

0.275 (±0.088)

0.358 (±0.303)


Penelope spp.










Crax fasciolata












Mitu tuberosum




Camera trap effort





Bold values highlight relevant conservation status

*Significant differences determined using Mann-Whitey tests (P \ 0.05)

vulnerable species were less frequently captured than less threatened ones, which was confirmed by a negative correlation. Trophic niche, on the other hand, did not present a significant association with RAI.
Activity patterns
We determined the activity pattern for 16 species of mammals and birds. Most were nocturnal, with the exception of the gray brocket deer (Mazama gouazoupira), collared

Table 4 Estimated coefficients and standard error (SE) for vari- ables that influence species rich- ness (total number of species)

Model 1
Estimate (±SE)

(model 1) and photographic rate (no. photos/100 camera-trap nights) (model 2) using GLMM analysis

*Parameter estimate significant at

0.05; ** 0.01; *** 0.001 levels

(Intercept) -0.0857 (±0.0157)***

Days 0.0119 (±0.0031)*** Area SF-Ranch 0.3975 (±0.1705)* Year 0.4276 (±0.0784)*** Season Wet -0.7521 (±0.141)*** Place Trail -0.4230 (±0.1434)**

Model 2

(Intercept) -0.0199 (±0.1697) Weight 0.0092 (±0.0006)*** Status LC -0.8340 (±0.0948)***

NT -0.4166 (±0.1079)*** VU -1.9013 (±0.1714)***

Trophic Niche 0.0071 (±0.0538) Territorial Behaviour -0.4908 (±0.0554)***

Fig. 3 Activity patterns of some mammal and bird species in the study area in central Brazil, recorded by camera trapping (nocturnal 18:31–05:00 h, diurnal 06:31–17:00 h and crepuscular 17:01–18.30 and

05:01–06:30 h)

peccary (Pecari tajacu) and agouti (Dasyprocta azarae) (Fig. 3). All of the bird species presented crepuscular/diurnal behaviour. The jaguar was significantly more diurnal inside the park than in SF-ranch (v2 = 55.71, DF = 22, P \ 0.001). There were no differences in the activity patterns of the other common species between both areas.


Photo capture rates are biased towards animals that spend most of the time on the ground and, since cameras were set to detect and evaluate jaguar density, it is also biased towards larger and more abundant animals, making the inventory of mammal species present in the area incomplete. Nevertheless, it contributes important information concerning the occurrence of mammals with different conservation status along the Amazonian agricul- tural frontier where there is no room for complacency about the security of species not currently considered globally threatened (Cardillo et al. 2004). For the majority of the mammal species the activity patterns found in our study area are similar to those described in the literature, with a typical predominance of nocturnal species (Go´ mez et al. 2005). Nevertheless, as occurs in CS-Park, jaguar can be considerably active in the daytime in areas of the Amazon and in the Pantanal, which could be associated with main prey species activity (Schaller and Crawshaw 1980; Crawshaw and Quigley 1991; Go´ mez et al. 2005; Weckel et al. 2006).

CS-Park is influenced by a strong seasonal environment: the flooding regime during the winter season covering around 70% of its area between the Araguaia and Coˆ co Rivers (SMPA 2000), making it very susceptible to catastrophic flooding or, at other times, even droughts. The consequences in terms of habitat availability for terrestrial species are evident, forcing animals to move in search of more suitable habitat and causing seasonal differences in species occurrence and abundance inside the park. Comparing the results on species richness in CS-Park with a previous inventory done by Silveira (2004) using the same methodological approach, we show that 42.3% (N = 21) of the mammal species previously reported in the area were not detected in our three subsequent sampling periods. The number of mammal photos actually decreased from 8–10 photos/100 trap nights to 3–4 photos/100 trap nights from 2002–2003 to 2005–2006, respectively. Also, a decreased pattern can be observed in RAI from 2002–2003 to 2005–2006 for almost all the species, despite a superior sampling effort (2615 camera-nights for 2002–2003 and 3183 camera- nights for 2005–2006) (Fig. 4). These differences can be explained by the extremely wet

2004 season that flooded almost the entire park as a result of elevated precipitation and the consequent increase in river water levels (Brazilian National Water Agency data). During the 2004 flooding many populations of terrestrial mammals probably dispersed from CS- Park in search of more suitable dry land, which is mainly available in the areas surrounding the park. We heard several anecdotal accounts of abnormal numbers of drowned animals and considerable numbers of animals crossing the river during that period. If reductions in the mammal population occur inside the park during wet seasons, the re-colonisation process totally depends on the level of habitat preservation in the surrounding areas, which is mainly occupied by agricultural farms (with their forest reserves) and human rural settlements. Some species with higher mobility, like Panthera onca and Tapirus terrestris, may continue to use CS-Park during the wet season, exploiting the small areas that remain above water. Due to the reduced areas of dry land, a concentration of activity in these areas could result in the increased capture rates (RAI) of these species. In contrast, due to the severe flood in 2004, other species may have been extirpated from the CS-Park area and have not managed to reoccupy the park since. Only Cuniculus paca, Nasua nasua and Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris showed an increase in RAI after 2003.

The forested reserve in SF-Ranch is less effected by river flooding and, thus, animal distribution throughout the seasons should be based on other resource availability; namely food (Bodmer 1990). In fact, the majority of species demonstrated a decrease in relative abundance, especially the large herbivorous such as Mazama spp., Pecari tacaju, Tapirus

Fig. 4 Photographic rate fluctuation between different years of sampling in Canta˜o State Park for the most common mammal and bird species (2002–2003 data from Silveira 2004)

terrestris. Mendes Pontes and Chivers (2007) observed how, in an area in central Amazonia, fluctuations in food supply regulated forest use by peccary species and con- sequently conditioned jaguar and puma whereabouts. With widely distributed food resources during the wet season, peccaries exploited forested areas less frequently and presented broader spatial use. Our results concerning RAI variation for herbivorous species within seasons supports this. In order to understand the influence of seasonality on mammal movement in forested areas in central Brazil further research should be per- formed, enlarging the scale beyond forest limits, supported by a carefully structured sampling design and taking into account food availability measures.

Our camera trapping research revealed mammal diversity in a region covering both a protected and private area within the ‘‘arc of deforestation’’. The results highlight the importance of private forest reserves for mammal conservation and the misleading idea that nature reserves per se can secure species richness. On the other hand, private forest reserves can be more susceptible to pressure (e.g. deforestation and hunting) due to lower law enforcement, especially in the Amazonian agricultural frontier (Cardillo et al. 2004). In this region, for conservation measures to succeed, combined action within protected and private areas should be established.
Acknowledgments This study was funded by the Jaguar Conservation Fund, Ideawild and Ecotropical Institute. Nuno Negro˜ es was supported by a grant from Fundac¸a˜o para a Cieˆncia e a Tecnologia (FCT-MCT) (SRFH/BD/23894/2005). We are indebted to Naturatins, the Canta˜o State Park personnel and Fazenda Santa Fe´ staff; especially to Marcos Mariani, who allowed this study on his property as well as for his logistic support.
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