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Exceptions of confidentiality between psychiatrist and the patient are the following, except

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    1. Neither that nor other

    1. No correct answer

  1. Defects of the visual field, that often meet for patients with hysteria:

    1. the spiral fields are at the confrontation testing

    1. *paracentric scotomas

    1. tubular sight

    1. sectoral defects

    1. No correct answer

  1. ELENIUM is mostly used as:

    1. * Tranquilizer

    1. Antipsychotics

    1. Antidepressant

    1. Anticonvulsant means

    1. Does not behave to psychotropic facilities

  1. Erroneous perception of really existent objects, phenomena.

    1. Hallucinations

    1. * Illusions

    1. And that, and other

    1. Neither that nor other

    1. No correct answer

  1. Hysterical tremor mostly differs from organic:

    1. by disappearance during sleep

    1. * by disappearance after treatment

    1. by a decline, when a supervision originates secretly from a patient

    1. by an answer on placebo

    1. strengthening during stress

  1. In theory of development conception of critical periods belongs to

    1. to different inclination of criticism on the different stages

    1. * to the different degrees of development, which can happen in definite time, to stay too long or not to happen in general

    1. to different psychical forces which operate for support of equilibrium in face of crisis

    1. to the crises, by a necessity for normal development of person

    1. nothing of above-stated

  1. In which from next situations a hypnosis will have the LEAST success:

    1. dental anaesthesia

    1. moving away of syndrome of conversion

    1. proceeding in a functional letheral deficit

    1. age-old regression is for proceeding in child's remembrances

    1. * improvement of studies of mentally-backward patients

  1. Maintenance of auto orientation

    1. * Delirious eclipse of consciousness

    1. Amentive of eclipse of consciousness

    1. And that, and other

    1. Neither that nor other

    1. No correct answer

  1. Most essential factor at proof of fact, that a woman yielded to raping :

    1. * absence of her obvious or hidden consent

    1. proof of physical rudeness

    1. damage of her introitus'a

    1. physiology proofs of "neurosis of raping"

    1. proofs of her decent way of life

  1. Mutual relations between psychical status and menstrual cycle are the best of all described:

    1. * there are not the clinically confirmed proofs of existence

    1. feeling of calming is preceded menstruation

    1. disappearance of complaints is with beginning of menstruations

    1. for daughters rarely menstruations of maternal "standard"

    1. most attempts of woman suicide are on post-menstrual one, but pre ovulation phase of cycle

  1. Pathological anxiety is distinguished from a normal emotional response by all of the following characteristics except

    1. Autonomy

    1. * Physical health status

    1. Intensity

    1. Duration

    1. Behavior

  1. Pavlovian reflexes:

    1. require the presence of absolute stimuli

    1. more useful for patients with cerebral violations

    1. almost not used in modern psychotherapy

    1. * use as positive or as a negative reinforcement

    1. No correct answer

  1. People with anxiety disorders have all of the following cardiac abnormalities except

    1. "High heat-to-beat nuctuation

    1. Higher baseline heart rate

    1. Higher subjective awareness of heartbeats

    1. Increased deceleration after stress

  1. Perception of objects and phenomena is a pose them by the real presence

    1. * Hallucinations

    1. Illusions

    1. And that, and other

    1. Neither that nor other

    1. No correct answer

  1. Patients which call to the psychiatrist concerning wedding problems mostly complain on:

    1. envy

    1. it is pitiful

    1. * fear

    1. sense of guilt

    1. sexual dissatisfaction

  1. Psychogenic amnesia, psychogenic tiredness, plural personalisation (multiple personality), depersonalization, are disorders of:

    1. fixing

    1. resistance

    1. * dissociation

    1. change

    1. restitution (renewal)

  1. Regarding phobias, all of the following are true except

    1. * The phobia is associated with major depressive disorder.

    1. Patients come from stable families.

    1. Traits are anxiety and dependency.

    1. People with phobias are no different from the general population in terms of education and social class.

    1. Phobias are usually triggered by major life events.

  1. Regarding post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), all of the following are true except

    1. Symptoms should last for more than 1 month.

    1. * There are four subtypes: acute, subacute, chronic, and delayed onset.

    1. Prevalence is about 8% in the general population.

    1. Prevalence is up to 20% in people exposed to combat.

    1. Acute stress disorder is a different diagnosis.

  1. Scale (DES)

    1. More common in persons who experienced childhood abuse

    1. Men and women equally affected

    1. Adults less likely to dissociate than children

    1. * Dissociative identity disorder more common in men

    1. Dissociation measured clinically by the Dissociative Experience

  1. Seduxenum is mostly used for treatment:

    1. It is mostly used for treatment of epilepsy

    1. At an overdose causes тремор and hyperkinesias

    1. * Effectively cut short the states of alarm and fear

    1. Effectively cut short hallucinatory-delusional states

    1. Has all the properties are listed above.

  1. Seduxenum is mostly used for treatment:

    1. It is mostly used for treatment of epilepsy

    1. At an overdose causes тремор and hyperkinesias

    1. * Effectively cut short the states of alarm and fear

    1. Effectively cut short hallucinatory-delusional states

    1. Has all the properties are listed above.

  1. Severe debilitating О CD in a 42-year-old patient is found to be resistant to pharmacotherapy, psychotherapy, and ЕСТ. The option of psychosurgery is discussed with the patient. The most common psychosurgical procedure for OCDis

    1. * Cingulotomy

    1. Subcaudate tractotomy

    1. Caudate nucleus ablation

    1. Internal capsule stimulation

    1. Frontal tractotomy

  1. Systematic desensitization involves all of the following except

    1. Relaxation techniques

    1. Imagination of scenes

    1. Homework

    1. Hierarchical evaluation of a problem

    1. * Resolution of childhood conflicts

  1. All that from the following are positions of classic theory

    1. an alarm is an answer for internal events, fear- on external

    1. role of ego - to restrain the trains of id

    1. force of ego means the use of mature defence, such as sublimation and foresight (anticipation)

    1. anxiety - a signal to ego to use prepotent nocifensors

  1. The always psychogenic is provoked

    1. Maniac excitation

    1. Catatonic excitation

    1. And that, and other

    1. * Neither that nor other

    1. No correct answer

  1. The always psychogenic is provoked

    1. Maniac excitation

    1. Catatonic excitation

    1. And that, and other

    1. * Neither that nor other

    1. No correct answer

  1. The article "Conditioned Emotional Reactions" by John B. Watson explains the behavioral theory of

    1. Panic disorder

    1. Depression

    1. Obsessive-compulsive disorder

    1. * Phobia

    1. Post-traumatic stress disorder

  1. The average number of personality states in dissociative identity disorder is

    1. 3

    1. * 13

    1. 30

    1. 33

    1. 10

  1. The blood/injection/injury phobia is different from other phobias in that

    1. It is twice as common in women.

    1. It has low familial inheritance.

    1. It is characterized by severe tachycardia and hypertensive response.

    1. It is easily treated.

    1. * Bradycardia and hypotension often follow the initial tachycardia.

  1. The condition "brainwashing" included in DSM-IV under "dissociative disorder, not otherwise specified" is characterized by all of the following except

    1. It occurs largely in the setting of political reforms.

    1. It is seen in people subjected to prolonged and intense coercive persuasion.

    1. Patients subjected to brainwashing may undergo considerable harm.

    1. Coercive techniques include isolation, degradation, induction of fear, etc.

    1. * Confrontation of the brainwashed subject is very helpful in treatment.

  1. The most important feature distinguishing malingering from factitious disorder is

    1. Age of onset

    1. * Secondary gain

    1. Intentional production of symptoms

    1. Course of illness

    1. Response to confrontation

  1. The only social factor that has been identified as a factor contributing to the development of panic disorder is

    1. Recent history of death in the family

    1. * Recent history of separation or divorce

    1. Lack of friends

    1. Unsupportive family

    1. Recent history of witnessing a panic attack

  1. The ordinary symptoms of night horror (pavor nocturnus) include:

    1. episodes arise up late at night after a few clock of sleep

    1. an attack is sharp under time delta-to phase sleep
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