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Exceptions of confidentiality between psychiatrist and the patient are the following, except

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    1. to appoint corresponding pharmaceutical treatment

  1. According to classic principles of psychotherapy, at the grant of help unpsychotic, but the emotionally staggered patient, doctor, it follows:

    1. to give direct advices from the improvement of the interpersonal relations

    1. * to help a patient to choose the own plan of actions

    1. to go out on a direct contact with persons - participants of conflict

    1. to cause feeling of safety, brightly expressing liking

    1. to appoint corresponding pharmaceutical treatment

  1. According to cognitive-behavioral therapy, which of the following is true garding depression?

    1. Activity scheduling is discouraged.

    1. Thought diaries are not of much use.

    1. Cognitive content is a threat or danger.

    1. * Depression can improve with correction of cognitive distortions.

    1. The therapy can be carried out by the passive therapist.

  1. According to DSM-1V, to diagnose a patient with hypochondriasis, the symptoms should last at least

    1. 2 weeks

    1. 2 months

    1. 6 weeks

    1. * 6 months

    1. 1 month

  1. According to DSM-IV, all of the following are the criteria for somatization disorder except

    1. Four or more pain symptoms

    1. Two gastrointestinal symptoms that are not pain related

    1. One sexual symptom

    1. One pseudoneurologic symptom

    1. * Age of onset after 30 years

  1. According to Epidemiological Catchment Area studies, which of the following is the most common anxiety disorder in the United States?

    1. Panic disorder

    1. Social phobia

    1. Agoraphobia

    1. * Specific phobia

    1. Generalized anxiety disorder

  1. According to psychodynamic theory, all of the following defense mechanisms are possible in factitious disorders except

    1. Regression

    1. Identification

    1. Symbolization

    1. * Sublimation

    1. Repression

  1. Advantages of benzodiazepins

    1. large therapeutic index

    1. * subzero activating of hepatic microsomal enzymes

    1. large duration of action

    1. subzero risk of evocation of tolerance

    1. No correct answer

  1. After a quarrel with a man a patient lost ability suddenly to move and talk. In an hour he began to move, but could not talk, pantomimed. YOUR CONCLUSION:

    1. Depressed stupor

    1. * Hysterical stupor

    1. Catatonic stupor

    1. Variant of norm

    1. Not enough data for a diagnosis

  1. After an accident can develop

    1. subconscious sense of guilt and necessity are for confession

    1. * high inclination to the critical phases biorhythmic to the cycle

    1. domestic drunkenness"

    1. quiet pacified composition of person

    1. No correct answer

  1. All next signs determine the concept of the fixed ideas EXCEPT:

    1. feeling of stranger, sickliness

    1. aspiration to get rid from unpleasant ideas

    1. * conviction is in a presence extraneous influence

    1. mionectic background of mood

    1. a presence of criticism is to the state

  1. All of the following are characteristic features of conversion disorder except

    1. Patients are usually suggestible.

    1. Symptoms are initiated or exacerbated following severe stress.

    1. * Patients believe that they are severely ill.

    1. Symptoms are not feigned.

    1. Usually occurs between the ages of 10 and 35 years

  1. All of the following are examples of cognitive distortions except

    1. Arbitrary inference

    1. * Depersonalization

    1. Selective abstraction

    1. Overgeneralization

    1. Magnification

  1. All of the following are examples of reconstructive psychotherapy except

    1. Freudian analysis

    1. * Psychodrama

    1. Kleinian analysis

    1. Brief dynamic therapy

    1. Alderian therapy

  1. All of the following are features of Ganser syndrome except

    1. * Most commonly seen in mentally retarded people

    1. Approximate answers

    1. Considered by some to be a variant of malingering

    1. Classified as a dissociative disorder NOS in DSM-IV

    1. Existence of this disorder is controversial

  1. All of the following are seen in psychoanalysis except

    1. Remembering unconscious conflicts

    1. Developing transference to the analyst

    1. Developing countertransference to the analyst

    1. * A single intense abreactive experience that results in cure

    1. Idealization of the analyst

  1. All of the following are therapeutic factors in group therapy except

    1. Altruism

    1. Empathy

    1. * Acting out

    1. Transference

    1. Ventilation

  1. All of the following are true about conversion disorders except

    1. About one-third of patients with conversion disorder have concurrent neurological illness.

    1. The symptoms tend to conform to the patient's own idea of illness.

    1. * Thirty percent of patients' pseudoseizures are due to a neurological illness.

    1. Remission is usually observed within 2 weeks of hospitalization.

    1. Recurrence rate is as high as 20-25% within the first year.

  1. All of the following are true about depersonalization disorder except

    1. More common in women

    1. Onset usually in late adolescence or early adulthood

    1. May last for weeks in adults

    1. * Reality testing impaired

    1. Up to 50% have transient depersonalization symptoms at some point

  1. All of the following are true about dissociative identity disorder except

    1. * More common in men

    1. High comorbid depression

    1. Up to 50% have auditory hallucinations

    1. Very susceptible to hypnosis

    1. Psychotherapy is the treatment of choice

  1. All of the following are true about factitious disorder except

    1. A desire to assume the role of sick patient

    1. No secondary gain

    1. * Good prognosis once the condition is diagnosed

    1. Intentional production of signs and symptoms

    1. Exact prevalence is unknown

  1. All of the following are true about hypochondriasis except

    1. * It is more common in women.

    1. Onset is in early adulthood.

    1. Course is chronic with waxing and waning of symptoms.

    1. The belief of having a serious disease is not of delusional intensity.

    1. The symptoms can involve more than one system.

  1. All of the following are true about mixed anxiety-depressive disorder except

    1. Prevalence is unknown.

    1. About two-thirds of patients with depressive symptoms have anxiety symptoms.

    1. * Sertraline is FDA-approved for treatment of this condition.

    1. Prognosis is unknown.

    1. Criteria include persistent or recurrent dysphoric mood for at least 1 month.

  1. All of the following are true about specific phobias except

    1. If the patient is under 18 years, the phobia should last for longer than 6 months.

    1. Natural environment phobias (fear of heights, water) have an onset in childhood.

    1. * Situational phobias (fear of elevators, airplanes) have an onset in the mid-thirties.

    1. Lifetime prevalence is 10%.

    1. CBT offers good benefits.

  1. All of the following are true about the psychological profile of patients with factitious disorder except

    1. Poor sense of identity

    1. Strong dependence needs

    1. Narcissism

    1. * High frustration tolerance

    1. Absence of formal thought disorder

  1. All of the following are true of institutional defense mechanisms except

    1. Splitting between staff

    1. Projection by staff onto patients

    1. * Oedipal in nature

    1. Can decrease anxiety in staff

    1. Can cause anxiety in staff

  1. All of the following are true regarding cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) except

    1. It can be employed by a therapist without full CBT training.

    1. It is useful in depression secondary to life problems.

    1. * It can be used in patients with dementia.

    1. It includes the three-column technique.

    1. It may need to be modified in the elderly.

  1. All of the following neurotransmitter abnormalities are detected in disorders except

    1. Increased platelet MAO activity

    1. Increased activity of central noradrenaline

    1. * Increased central GABA activity

    1. Increased circulating adrenaline

    1. Increased circulating noradrenaline

  1. All of the following statements about dissociative amnesia are true except

    1. Amnestic disorders are important differential diagnoses.

    1. SCID-D-R is the only tool available to assess the degree of dissociative amnesia.

    1. Patients often present with anxiety, depression, or history of blank spells.

    1. * Implicit-semantic memory is more affected.

    1. Amnesia usually centers around a traumatic event.

  1. All of the following statements are true about mitral valve prolapse (MVP) and panic attacks except

    1. The incidence of MVP in the general population is 5-20%.

    1. The incidence of MVP in panic-disorder patients is up to 40-50%.

    1. * MVP causes panic attacks.

    1. No evidence suggests MVP causes panic attacks.

    1. MVP and panic may represent part of primary autonomic syndrome.

  1. Clinical lines which allow to set the diagnosis of pseudodementia for elderly people include the tendency of part of such patients :

    1. to grumble about the strong loss of mental abilities

    1. * to show the subzero degree of attention and concentration

    1. not to show noticeable efforts during realization of testing

    1. to demonstrate behavior which does not relate to the mental function

    1. No correct answer

  1. Critical estimation of present disorders of perception.

    1. Hallucinations

    1. Illusions

    1. * And that, and other
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