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Exceptions of confidentiality between psychiatrist and the patient are the following, except

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    1. Tranquilizers, disintoxication and Antabusum

    1. * Tranquilizers, disintoxication, Antabusum and psychotherapy

    1. Electroplexy, tranquilizers, disintoxication, Antabusum and psychotherapy.

  1. Specify the most exact determination of concept "palimpsest".

    1. * impossibility of complete recreation in memory of events which took place during alcoholic intoxication

    1. retrograde amnesia is after heavy alcoholic intoxication

    1. bone-holding amnesia is as a result of alcoholism

    1. substituting for failures in memory by the invented events

    1. none of the offered determinations represents the aim of concepts

  1. Specify the most exact determination of concept "Subzero tolerance to the alcohol".

    1. the extraordinarily expressed train is to the alcohol

    1. a grave condition of abstynentia is after alcoholizing

    1. * an origin of strong intoxication is after the reception of small doses of alcohol

    1. weakness of will, impossibility to give up the reception of alcohol

    1. none of the offered determinations represents суті concepts

  1. Specify the most exact determination of concept hard "pseudodrinking".

    1. periods of drunkenness, during which doses alcoholic, that is used, small

    1. protracted continuous (daily) drunkenness

    1. seasonal attacks of out of control drunkenness

    1. * persistent daily drunkenness, interruptions in which are related to the external situation

    1. none of the offered determinations represents the aim of concepts

  1. State of intoxication, caused by the simultaneous reception of teturam and it appears with the use of alcohol and all next symptoms, EXCEPT:

    1. palpitation and shortness of breath

    1. nausea and vomiting

    1. hyperemia of the cutaneous covering

    1. * polyneiropathya

    1. origin of alarm, fear

  1. That can not be observed during typical acute intoxication by COCAINE:

    1. excitation

    1. * narrowing of pupil

    1. insomnia

    1. hyperemia of face

    1. laughter

  1. The alcoholic syndrome of abstinentia is usually characterized by all next displays, except:

    1. insomnia

    1. absence of appetite

    1. ataxia

    1. emotional disorders (alarm, depression, dysphoria)

    1. * decline of arteriotony

  1. The expressed alarm, insomnia and psychomotor excitation, can be a display of:

    1. opioid abstinentia

    1. tromomania

    1. intoxications of cyclodol

    1. sharp attack of schizophrenia

    1. * all enumerated right

  1. The expressed somato-vegetative disorders are characteristic for

    1. * Tromomania

    1. Alcoholic hallucinosis

    1. Alcoholic paranoid

    1. All enumerated diseases

    1. Nothing of above-stated

  1. The major and obligatory component for course of treatment of alcoholism is:

    1. peroral reception of тетурама (To Antabusum)

    1. desintoxication therapy

    1. aphomorfin provocations

    1. intramuscular implantation of Esperal (To Antabusum)

    1. * different psychotherapy methodologies

  1. The signs of a 1 stage of alcoholism are:

    1. * A loss of control is above the amount of the drank alcohol

    1. Increase of tolerance

    1. Presence of psychical dependence

    1. Presence of physical dependence

    1. decline of tolerance, disorder of memory and intellect

  1. The syndrome of Korsakoff` includes:

    1. Paramnesias

    1. Letheral disorientation

    1. Bone-holding amnesia

    1. Anterograd amnesia

    1. * All enumerated symptoms.

  1. To what complications a difficult running of alcoholic syndrome over the withdrawal syndrome can lead ?

    1. Korsakoff`s psychosis

    1. Alcoholic hallucinosis

    1. Epileptiform attacks

    1. Tromomania

    1. * All enumerated correctly

  1. Type of Corsacov psychosis :

    1. * bone-holding amnesia

    1. polyneiropaty

    1. fabrications and pseudoreminiscences

    1. commenting verbal hallucinations

    1. incogerence of thought

  1. Typical symptomatology of abstinentia with barbiturates abuse:

    1. loss of appetite

    1. insomnia

    1. tremor, alarm

    1. epileptiform attacks

    1. * all enumerated correct

  1. Typical symptomatology of alcoholic withdrawal syndrome:

    1. hyperpiesis

    1. taxicardia

    1. hyperemia face

    1. tremor

    1. * all enumerated correct

  1. Typical symptomatology of sharp opium intoxication and his analogues :

    1. Liquid breathing

    1. narrowing of pupils

    1. pallor of face

    1. * all enumerated correct

    1. languor, sleepiness

  1. What rises up in both alcoholic patients and in healthy people after the surplus alcoholizing?

    1. Tromomania

    1. Alcoholic hallucinosis

    1. Alcoholic paranoid

    1. All enumerated psychoses

    1. * None of the indicated psychoses

  1. What clinical criteria undoubtedly testify to the origin of the III stage of alcoholism :

    1. origin of alcoholic psychoses (delirium, hallucinosis, параноїд)

    1. signs of degradation of person

    1. letheral forms of intoxication (including "palimpsests")

    1. * decline of tolerance, disorder of memory and intellect

    1. hard drinking character of drunkenness, use of substitutes of alcohol

  1. What contiguous to alcoholizing psychonosema is accompanied by eclipse of consciousness?

    1. * Tromomania

    1. Alcoholic hallucinosis

    1. Alcoholic paranoid

    1. All enumerated psychoses

    1. None of the indicated psychoses

  1. What disorders are included in a concept "Alcoholic degradation of personality" ?

    1. weakness of will, highly emotional instability

    1. * stiffness of psychical processes

    1. frivolousness, defect of ethics

    1. lacunar dementia

    1. flattering

  1. What from the diseases enumerated below do require obligatory hospitalization of patient in psychiatric permanent establishment?

    1. White fever

    1. * All above-stated

    1. Traumatic enchephalopathy

    1. An alcoholic hallucinosis is with imperative hallucinations

    1. Corsacov psychosis

  1. What is the most common comorbid psychiatric disorder in prisoners with addictive disorders?

    1. * Antisocial personality disorder

    1. Schizophrenia

    1. Depression

    1. Bipolar disorder

    1. Phobic disorder

  1. What is the primary goal of treatment for most alcoholics?

    1. Increased productivity

    1. Increased self-awareness

    1. Increased relationships

    1. * Total abstinence

    1. Participation in AA

  1. What most typical prognosis at Korsakoff`s psychosis ?

    1. complete recovery

    1. * progredient

    1. progredient flowing

    1. forming of lacune imbecility

    1. forming of total imbecility

  1. What neurotransmitter is associated with benzodiazepine withdrawal?

    1. Acetylcholine

    1. * GABA

    1. Norepinephrine

    1. Serotonin

    1. Dopamine

  1. What should be the first step in management of a young adult with marital problems, depression, and alcohol dependence?

    1. Couple therapy

    1. Antidepressant therapy

    1. Insight-oriented psychotherapy

    1. Treatment with disulfiram

    1. * Detoxification and encouragement of abstinence

  1. What stage of motion of alcoholism is decline of tolerance on alcohol?

    1. It is observed at all stages of motion of alcoholism

    1. Usually it arises up on 2 stages of alcoholism

    1. * Usually it arises up on 3 stages of alcoholism

    1. For alcoholism not characteristic

    1. Usually it arises up on a 1 stage of alcoholism

  1. What stage of motion of alcoholism is forming the apatho-abulic syndrome?

    1. It is observed at all stages of motion of alcoholism

    1. Usually it arises up on 2 stages of alcoholism

    1. Usually it arises up on 3 stages of alcoholism

    1. * No characteristic for alcoholism

    1. Usually it arises up on a 1 stage of alcoholism

  1. What stage of motion of alcoholism is forming the concentric imbecility?

    1. It is observed at all stages of motion of alcoholism

    1. Usually it arises up on 2 stages of alcoholism

    1. Usually it arises up on 3 stages of alcoholism

    1. * No characteristic for alcoholism

    1. Usually it arises up on a 1 stage of alcoholism

  1. What stage of motion of alcoholism is observed on letheral forms of intoxication (including palimpsests)?

    1. * It is observed at all stages of motion of alcoholism

    1. Usually it arises up on 2 stages of alcoholism

    1. Usually it arises up on 3 stages of alcoholism

    1. For alcoholism not characteristic

    1. Usually it arises up on a 1 stage of alcoholism

  1. What stage of motion of alcoholism is observed on signs of degradation of person?

    1. It is observed at all stages of motion of alcoholism

    1. * Usually arise up on 2 stages of alcoholism

    1. Usually arise up on 3 stages of alcoholism

    1. For alcoholism not characteristic

    1. Usually it arises up on a 1 stage of alcoholism

  1. What stage of motion of alcoholism is polyneuropatia?

    1. It is observed at all stages of motion of alcoholism

    1. Usually it arises up on 2 stages of alcoholism
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