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1990 humanoid reports

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HC addendum

Source: Mikhail B. Gershtein "On the other side of UFOs" Saint Petersburg 2002

Type: G

Comments: According to the source no hypnotic regression was ever attempted.


Location. Moscow, Russia

Date: March 17 1990

Time: 1517

A woman was ironing some linen next to a window when she casually glanced outside. She was astounded to see right outside the hovering in the air the image of a woman wearing a Greek dress with her hair combed back. She called her husband. Both now saw the profiles of a man and a child near the woman. The images appeared to be volumetric. Unexpectedly from the head of the woman a symbol resembling a semi-circle and an arrow pointed directly upwards appeared. Also the letter D from the Russian alphabet also appeared, and under the image of the child what appeared to be the Greek alphabet. The children now appeared and excitedly exclaimed that it was an animated cartoon. Having regained his composure the husband began to open the window slowly and the images suddenly turned pale, dimmed and vanished. Soon after this peculiar incident others in the area reported a series of observations of UFOs and other phenomena.
HC addendum

Source: Journalist V Sytenkov, Moscow

Type: E or F?


Location. Krasnodar, Russia

Date: March 17 1990

Time: 1700

The witness was walking along a fenced field when he suddenly heard the unnatural barking of a dog that came running by him and dived under a concrete wall. Wandering what had frightened the dog; he looked to his right and noticed about ten meters from the road, above the grass and at about half a meter up, a huge transparent "soap bubble". It was covered with all the colors of the rainbow and it was slowly approaching the witness position. The sphere stopped about 6 meters from him and he began to grow turbid and was unable to move. The surface of the sphere resembled a cellular structure of a three-sided trihedral. The sphere stood still inches above the grass. Terrified the witness wanted to run away but could not move a muscle. Suddenly on the surface of the sphere a slot-like aperture became evident, pink light twinkled from inside. From the aperture a silvery blue "mannequin" slowly came out and approached to within a meter of the witness. It was taller then the witness and slender, wearing a seamless metallic suit. On the center of its massive head it had what appeared to be a large round "eyepiece" the witness could not see any movement inside the dull visor. The witness then heard a soft whistle and something picked him up, switched him into a horizontal position and then he floated into the sphere. Inside the sphere all the fear seemed to melt away; he experienced a feeling of ecstasy. He was surprised to see that the interior of the object was far larger than what it appeared from the outside. As the floated just above the floor a figure wearing what resembled a motorcycle helmet floated rapidly towards him. A similar helmet was placed on the witness's head. At this point he heard inside his head a squeaky voice. It said that they meant no harm that they just wanted to have a "talk" with him, if he agreed. The witness attempted to float down to the floor but was unable to reach it. At this point he was allowed to ask several questions and before him a large silvery screen appeared. He saw on it the image of our solar system; he briefly explained the earth rotation around the sun and its relationship with the other planets. He also attempted to explain earth's basic system of calculation. He also explained the purpose of societies and the role of the United Nations. After awhile the helmet was removed from the witness, he then floated out an open slot and into the road. The opening on the sphere then closed. Then it began to brighten; it acquired the tint of a shiny mother of pearl and its transparency. It then sharply shot upwards and in a matter of seconds it disappeared into the sky. He arrived home pale, and began to vomit and suffer from terrible muscle spasms. He suffered from general weakness and fainting spells for a week after the encounter. He further described the interior of the ship as having continuous rows of screens resembling small squares, similar to glazed tiles. Periodically he would see symbols or writing on them resembling Chinese. The humanoids appeared to be able to control this panels by hand movements only. He was astonished to see his thoughts also appear on the screens. Everything he spoke was duplicated by the humanoids, which never took off their diving suits or helmets. They moved by sliding just above the floor, they appeared to have one dual foot. He saw a total of 3 humanoids. Their outer appearance seemed identical.
HC addendum

Source: UFOZONE Russia

Type: G


Location. Makarov, Sakhalin, Russia

Date: March 17 1990

Time: evening

Several days before local inhabitants repeatedly had observed above the sea and dry land large red spheres. Sometimes objects of smaller size appear to separate from the larger ones and accompany them in flight. On this evening the witness was walking along a deserted street when he came upon a strange faceless figure, dressed in a long coat, blue boots and wearing a tight fitting cap over its head. The figure walked stiffly by, sharply ejecting one foot forward and the other. At this point the witness heard a voice from the "robot" that said, "stand! Stand!" It then threw out a hand on its side. Several schoolboys now approached and attempted to stab the bizarre figure on its foot. But he continued his sharp procession along the street turning sharply at 90-degree turns. They attempted to chase it but it moved rapidly. Later they saw the "robot" squatting on a street and raise one and foot and then slowly the other. Afraid, the children ran home. Later they found red spots around their elbows and suffered from achy joints.
HC addendum

Source: UFOZONE Russia Type: D


Location. Riga, Latvia

Date: March 20 1990

Time: after 1800

8th grade student Maris M (involved in a previous encounter) disappeared on this date sometime after 1800. He could only remember going out of the house, visiting the Palace of Culture, a hobby shop and coming to his senses outside the town of Panevezhis in Lithuania. For a long time he could not understand where he was, only knowing that he was not in Riga, he was wondering outside of town alone at the edge of a forest. But soon something resembling a reddish fog unexpectedly appeared high in the sky; it seemed to become denser, getting smaller until it vanished. Moments later from the same area of the sky an alien spacecraft appeared. The craft landed in the nearby forest. After running towards the direction of the landing about 300 meters away, Maris saw the spacecraft. An illuminated entryway was open, with a stepladder reaching the ground. While walking towards the craft, Maris noticed a strange robot-like creature walking towards him. The "robot" had large eyes, and bizarre looking protrusions, which confused and frightened the boy, causing him to stop in his tracks. But the robot suddenly seemed to decrease in size and transform itself into an exact replica of Maris, even dressed in the same clothing. The "robot" now made friendly gestures and invited the boy inside the spacecraft. Inside, three aliens sat near a wall opposite to the entryway. They were sitting in deep armchairs, but all were of amazing height. A woman sat to the left, and unlike the two men she had thin lips. All aliens had round ears, 4 fingered hands, snub noses with two openings and egg shaped (elongated oval) heads. Staring at the alien female, Maris noticed a hint of eroticism in her dress. Part of her thighs and breasts were visible. Her suit was fit snugly and covered the other parts of the body. The two alien men wore had low-necked (décolleté) suits. It soon became apparent to Maris that all three aliens were "telepaths". All three smiled in a strange way. Maris could not see their teeth; there was only a slit-like opening for a mouth. The alien in the center, which was the largest and most robust of the three, did most of the talking. The stunned witness was somehow able to understand as the alien invited him to sit down. Not believing his eyes Maris touched the chair to make sure it was real. The robot then sat on the opposite chair and was fastened by two seatbelts. The robot began speaking to the young witness bragging that he knew almost half a million languages including all the languages on Earth. The robot was indeed very talkative and loquacious, telling the boy not to be afraid and trying to calm him down. The robot was now speaking in the Latvian language, and asked the boys several personal questions, age, where he lived, etc. Maris felt slightly awkward as the other three aliens glanced at him, examining him very intently. During the conversation the boy asked 3 times what was the meaning of a strange hieroglyph on the buckles of the alien's belt but did not receive an answer. In the meantime the robot told Maris that their extraterrestrial civilization selected people for contact from time to time, though the contacts were numerous. The extraterrestrial civilizations reached those people that were able to "understand" them and even named the specific declination in the physical construction of Maris's organism. Suddenly the robot asked Maris if he wanted to see how the other planets looked like. Maris promptly agreed. After that everything around Maris began to assume a strange transparency, but he could not see anything outside the spacecraft, the lights became lit in a strange matt white light, which hindered any view beyond them. There were no windows in the cabin. Soon a transparent line about 2 meters wide could be seen along the perimeter of the spherical room. Maris could see a forest outside. By the movement of the craft, Maris understood that the craft had taken off. Out of fear Maris looked at the roof, the robot apparently understood his concerns and said that everything would be corrected. Maris soon became more relaxed and became very curious about his surroundings.

One of the aliens pushed on a pedal on the floor and the speed of the craft seemed to increase. Then one more pedal was pressed and in moments everything became dark and the light inside the craft became a reddish white tint. Maris looked at his hand and it was the same color. Maris perceived the scene around him like a photonegative; the former dark spaces became light, and vise-versa. This lasted for about 5 minutes. Then in 2-3 seconds everything returned to normal. When the speed decreased the walls became transparent and the boy could see a red-blue planet afar. But the destination of their journey was not that planet as the craft was already landing on a "green" planet, which they were quickly approaching. The robot advised Maris that the landing site had been specifically select for him. At the moment of descent Maris saw a dark mountain in the distance. But the descent was swift and a foggy green atmosphere worsening the visibility. They soon landed on a meadow, amid a jungle area. A small door opened and the alien crew exited. The aliens were almost 3 meters in height, but somehow were able to exit through the small door without bending down. Maris head almost touched the top of the doorway. The plants and flora outside looked very much like the ones on earth. He saw several animals, one resembling a common dog, another a parrot and another animal resembling a four legged snake which ran by meters, about 1 meter in length. The animals or entities were not afraid of the humanoids or aliens. It was very light and easy to breathe outside. When Maris walked he felt very light almost as if floating. Strangely he saw several curved armchairs standing on a spacious glade. The humanoids then ceremoniously sat on the chairs. Maris also sat down. The complete conversation was difficult to remember but Maris remembered that the name of the planet was "Emsa". It contained three super-giant cities on its surface and the rest of the surface was virgin nature or woodlands. Besides Emsa, there were 6 other planets in that system. One, reddish-blue, which Maris had seen from the spacecraft, was lifeless. Then another huge planet called Menpluriya, which was without oxygen in its atmosphere, another planet was called Emsa-3, which was inhabited, and contained one huge city on it. Another planet was called Aires in which the aliens told Maris they used for experiments with new "life forms". The last was the smallest and remotest and was called Emsa-2 with two small towns in it, with concentrated technocratic and research facilities.

According to Maris the planet Menpluriya was the most closely resembling Earth. It was a small planet literally swarming with predators. It had once contained a city, which was abandoned because of changes in the planet's atmosphere; only one outpost or station remained there. The glass-like robot, which had visited Maris in Riga apparently, lived on that station. But the main reason that the city was abandoned was because of the growing aggressiveness and potential psychological and physical deterioration of the planet inhabitants, which was constantly changing, just like the earth's atmosphere. Further conversation revealed that the aliens were convinced that Mars was inhabited but did not give any specific information why they thought that, apparently their capabilities were also limited. The aliens mentioned that the distance between their star and our sun was about 26700 parsecs, which seemed wrong and too large. Their star is not visible even with the most powerful telescopes. Its similar to a G-class star or sun. Interested, Maris asked the aliens if there were civilizations located closer to the earth. The aliens answered that there was a star in the area of Polaris, which had 3 earth-like planets and were inhabited by living organisms. During those conversations, Maris was suddenly distracted by a strange entity that ambled out of the forest. It somehow resembled a terrestrial chicken walking on almost 1-meter long thin legs. The "chicken" looked at the aliens and the boy with large eyes and began slowly moving away on the road leaving the glade. This did not cause the slightest impression on the aliens. (Similar type creatures had been reportedly seen around 1937-1939 near Aluksne and Pechory). Soon after that a 2-meter tall giant with a bucket-like cowl on its head appeared on the glade. Maris watched as one of the aliens promptly grabbed a tube-like weapon from his belt and shot a dispersed blue ray of light towards the strange entity. The uninvited alien guest then retreated back into the thicket the robot had stood between the shot and the strange entity and had partially hindered the shot. They all looked in the direction for a long time and then the owner of the shiny tube dropped it on the grass. They then resumed the conversation with Maris, talking about the earth. They pointed out that a super-calamity would not endanger the earth until at least 200 years (that's refreshing), but added that, "planets, grow, live and die". Maris then asked the robot if everything is programmed and could be predicted. The robot then explained to Maris (already a young atheist) that a scientific "team" under the leadership of a superior entity called the "Professor" began the colonization of the earth using at first, bacterium. But the higher the civilization, the more difficult the "operations", and there was more energy consumption. Humans on earth now were sufficiently developed and at times were not under the control of those aliens who conducted the experiments or operations. Apparently humanity was at the edge of its Rubicon and was about to enter an intergalactic community as a young member or "brother", and "experimentation" on earth will resume. The term Apocalypse, which no one knows precisely when it would occur, had shifted to the distant future. With every new arrival of the "Professor" or creator humanity receives a new injection of ideological and scientific creativeness. Such visitations have been reflected in ancient epochs depicted in many ancient rock carvings and paintings. There had been a total of 40 visitations to earth. Arrivals from this specific civilization were more frequent but less significant in scale. The next arrival (41st) will be of special consequences for humans. According to the aliens, the entity called the "Professor" has been worshipped on earth as a God, and was of evasive character. Maris soon realized that the less he knew about that enigmatic character the better for him, he felt that if he knew too much about the "Professor", he would be destroyed.

The aliens then invited Maris to stay in their green planet (Emsa) but he politely refused. But he asked the aliens to show him the cities on Emsa. But apparently that would be too hazardous for him. The abundance of light, energy and radiation on the cities was very harmful on human organisms, though similar influences were experienced by humans in certain areas on earth (example, Bermuda Triangle). So they showed him the lighted cities from a remote location. The city was brightly lit, radiating all the colors of the rainbow. The city stood a mire or swamp. It contained enough residents to make it a small country. Numerous different small animals inhabited the mire. Apparently the animals were very aggressive but this did not worry the residents and tragic encounters with the animals or "monsters" were rare. There was a tall cylindrical tower in the center of the city, narrowing at the top. There was a platform with a large sign on in, the same symbol the aliens had on their belts, the symbol somewhat resembles the letter "T" with an additional line of its right side and the letter "m" beneath. Circling the air above the city, Maris noticed several blue globe-shaped objects flying in different directions. The robot, answering the boy's question, drew a picture of the inner structure of the flying object on a screen that suddenly appeared from nowhere. Their capabilities were not restricted to the atmosphere; the inhabitants of the green planet have found a way to remove gravity when traveling about. He added that similar discoveries await humans in the future. One of the components of the fuel used by the alien craft was called "mortozya" a very active and aggressive substance. The reagents of it are so-called "heavy spirits" and ionized atomic hydrogen that transforms to deuterium and tritium in a sequential manner. The energy of controlled thermo-nuclear reaction, or more exactly the energy of atomic nucleuses is transmitted to envelope the globe. Depending on the amount of transmitted energy, the top epidermis as well as the whole globe, begins to manifest outside matter (?) and the visible flight in space is just temporal movement. The necessary trajectory of the movement, depending on the energy expenditures, defines the curvature of space, necessary for the pending maneuver. Factually, the globe flies in a straight line but in a curved corridor of the host planet or "world beyond". Transition into that world occurs instantly just like turning off an energy source. (!) The upper part of the globe is the specific "accumulator" which collects the products of the radioactive decay and solar energy that then is transformed into "light stream".

Soon, Maris and the aliens were onboard the spaceship again and in 2 minutes the same sequence of red-white photonegative switch occurred again. Apparently caused by the jump "through zero space" on the other end of the Galaxy, which did not take much time at all. The walls of the craft became transparent again; he saw the sea and a small island beneath. The robot then explained to Maris that they were flying through an area known on earth as "The Bermuda Triangle" that the flight would last about 20 minutes. Maris asked the aliens to be let out in Riga and the robot explained that he knew exactly where (which proved to be wrong). They soon appeared above a large city and flew above the rooftops and then descended near an unfamiliar monument. Maris then noted that the contrast of the gamut of colors had been distorted again, but not as much as when using interstellar "jumps". Apparently, in such situations the UFO is invisible. The distance from the ground was about 2 meters and the boy jumped straight to the grass. An aged female street-cleaner that was sweeping the street saw him, jumping out of nowhere, straight in front of her eyes, an amazed look remained on her face. After walking the unfamiliar streets for a while, Maris realized that he was not in his native city. They did not understand his Latvia language and then he began to speak Russian, in which he was then clearly understood. Maris had apparently landed in Minsk the capital of Belarus. Apparently the aliens had somehow mistaken both cities. Maris had no money to return home. He then asked for help from a local militiaman. He then lied to the officer telling him that he had a friend in Lithuania and had taken the wrong train. He asked to be sent back to Riga. The policeman complied and using normal protocol logged the incident in his journal. He was then taken to an underage detention facility and a telegram was sent to his parent in Riga. Soon Maris grandmother arrived and took him home. Apparently the boy had taken a previous journey in which the aliens had originally dropped him off near the town of Panevezys in Lithuania, but those details had apparently been completely erased from his mind.
HC addendum

Source: O. Burak, "I Believe in the Green Planet" In: M-Skiy Triangle, Riga, Latvia # 5 1990

Type: G


Location. Aleksandrov, Vladimir Province, Russia

Date: March 21 1990

Time: evening

An object about 5-6 meters in diameter shaped like a tank with an inverted plate on the bottom landed on a field about 30 meters from some playing children. Frightened, the children hid on a pit an observed two robot like entities and a woman with blond hair wearing silvery coveralls exit the object. After observing an opened door, the children approached the object, they glanced inside of it and two of them, Vitya and Tim climbed inside. Inside, Vitya touched a red button on the door and was shocked by what felt like an electric current. He then attempted to poke at with a penknife, but it became magnetized on the surface. Inside they could see many "shelves" and TV monitors, and a set of small doors on the edges, panels with multicolored buttons, and a large glass like balloon with a luminous flame inside. In the center they could see a "revolving door", which seemed to revolve when the object took off. The children began to press additional buttons and saw on a screen, the two robots apparently collecting soil samples about 150 meters from the object, from its hand it carried what appeared to be a flashlight and with this it seemed to collect soil and insert it into a black "packet". On a metallic door they saw a hatchway and they attempted to climb up, but a voice from one of the monitors told them that they could not climb up. The returning crew found the children onboard and by using rather rough squeaky voices proposed to them to go on a brief ride. The ride took about 5 minutes. When they returned they were let out and watched the object take off emitting shiny sparks some, which, scorched one of the children on his face. The object then circled above the forest and then shot away at high speed. On the landing site an anomalous zone shaped like an ellipse was found on the ground. Magnetic disturbances were also found at the site.
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