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Yaroslav Hrytsak, Victor Susak

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intelligentsia to govern efficiently the city, not to mention the [Ukrainian] state64 The implication is that instead of promoting economic reforms that could serve as a model for all of Ukraine, the city government was preoccupied with a restoration of historical memory. The present-day city mayor Vasyl' Kuibida, and his team, made mostly of younger and reform-minded persons, are trying to launch an ambitious program to transform L'viv into a major European tourist center. Due to their efforts, in 1998 the city was granted a status of an UNESCO cultural treasure. Most likely, tourists from abroad would be most interested to see the multicultural legacy of the city. Judging by the street names, it would not exactly be the thing they would encounter here. It is hardly a coincidence that the new mayor is delaying a further Ukrainization of street names, much to a frustration of the expert group65. [interesting point]
The project of transformation of L'viv into a touristic center up to this time did not bring any feasible results. Buildings in the historical center are falling apart, the city lacks adequate urban infrastructure, and since 1994 it experiences a steady depopulation. In words of an American journalist, "no Ukrainian city is more European or more democratic. And few are poorer"66. Recently there emerged a group of younger intellectuals, professionals, and businessmen who tried to launch an alternative concept of the city developments.67 To a large extent, they are opposed to the city council, blaming it for succumbing to post-Soviet bureaucratic games (bribes, postponing of decisions, etc.). They are connecting perspectives of future developments with a revival of civic initiatives "from below". One of their iniatives refered to the John Lennon street: they called local inhabitants to bring it in order, without an official splendour and a pomposity.68 One wonders, if a new wave of renamings would start in the city if this group will ever come to power.

1 For a general history of L'viv see: L'viv. Istorychni Narysy, Jaroslaw Isajewych, Feodosij Steblij, Mykola Lytwyn, eds., (L'viv, 1996); Leszek Podhorodecki, Dzieje Lwowa (Warszawa, 1993); Lemberg - Lwów- Lviv. Eine Stadt im Schnittpunkt europäischer Kulturen, P. Fäßler, T. Held, D. Sawitzki, eds.,(Köln, Weimar, Wien, 1993); Aloiz Woldan, "Lemberg - Modell einer Multikulturellen Stadt", in: Ji. Nezalezhnyj kulturolohichnyj chasopys. Nova Jevropa. Problema jednosti u rozmajitti? (L'viv 1998): 57-71. Rich bibliographic information may be found in: E.M. Lazeba, T.O. Vorobjova, 700 rokiv m. L'vova: bibliohrafichnyj pokazhchyk literatury (L'viv, 1956); Paul Robert Magocsi, Calicia: A Historical Survey and Bibliographic Guide (Toronto, Buffalo, London, 1985); Zdzisław Budzyński, Bibliografia dziejów Rusi Czerwonej (1340-1772) (Rzeszów, 1990).

2 'Einführung', in: Peter Fäßler, Thomas Held und Dirk Sawitzki, eds., Lemberg-Lwów-Lviv, 14.

3 Dmytro Zlepko,'Aufbruch unter Blau-Gelb. Der Wandel von sowjetischen zum ukrainischen Lemberg', in: Peter Fäßler, Thomas Held und Dirk Sawitzki, eds., Lemberg-Lwów-Lviv, 182.

4 George Schoepflin, 'The Functions of Myth and a Taxonomy of Myths', Geoffrey, Hosking, George Schoepflin eds., Myths and Nationhood, (London, 1997), 22.

5 Zenon E. Kohut, 'History as a Battleground: Russian-Ukrainian Relations and Historical Consciousness in Contemporary Ukraine', in S. Frederick Starr ( ed.), The Legacy of History in Russia and the New States of Eurasia: The International Politics of Eurasia, Vol. 1 (Armonk, NY, and London, 1994), 123-146; Andrew Wilson, 'The Donbass between Ukraine and Russia: The Use of History in Political Disputes', Journal of Contemporary History, 30 (1995), 265-289; idem, 'Myths of National History in Belarus and Ukraine' , Geoffrey, Hosking, George Schoepflin eds., Myths and Nationhood,, 182-197.

6 Yaroslav Hrytsak, 'National Identities in Post-Soviet Ukraine: The Case of Lviv and Donets'k', in Zvi Gitelman, Lubomyr Hajda, John-Paul Himka, Roman Solchanyk eds., Cultures and Nations of Central and Eastern Europe. Essays in Honor of Roman Szproluk (=published simultaneously as vol. 22 (1998) of Harvard Ukrainian Studies), 263-281.

7 Roman Szporluk, 'The Strange Politics of Lviv: An Essay in Search of an Explanation', in Zvi Gitelman (ed.), The Politics of Nationality and the Erosion of the USSR, (London, 1992), 215-231; Roman Szporluk, 'West Ukraine and West Belorussia. Historical Tradition, Social Communication, and Linguistic Assimilation' Soviet Studies, 31, 1 (January 1979): 76-98; Martin Āberg, 'Putnam's Social Capital Theory Goes East: A Case Study of Western Ukraine and L'viv', Europe-Asia Studies, 52, 2 (2000): 295-317.

8 Quoted after: Geoff Eley and Ronald Grigor Suny, eds., Becoming National. A Reader (New York, Oxford, 1996), 52-53.

9 Myron Kapral', 'Demohrafia L'vova XV - pershoji polovyny XVI st.' in Jaroslaw Isajewych, Feodosij Steblij, Mykola Lytwyn, eds., L'viv. Istorychni Narysy, 72.

10 J. B. Zimorowicz, Opera quibus res gestae urbis Leopolis illustrantur (Leopoli, 1899), 37.

11 Dieter Pohl, Nationalsozialistische Judenverfolgung in Ostgalizien 1941-1944. Organisation und Durchführung eines staatlichen Massenverbrechens. 2 Auflage (München, 1997).

12 Patricia Herlihy, 'Ukrainian Cities in the Nineteentu Century', in: Ivan L.Rudnytsky (ed.), Rethinking Ukrainian History (Edmonton, 1981), passim.

13 Krzysztof Pawłowski, 'Miejsce Lwowa w rozwoju urbanistyky europejskiej przełomu XIX i XX wieku', in Bohdan Čerkes, Martin Kubelik, Elizabet Hofer eds., Arxitektura Halychyny XIX - XX st. Vybrani materialy mizhnarodnoho symposiumu 24-27 travnia 1994 r., prysviačenoho 150 riččja zasnuvannia Deržavnoho universytetu "L'vivs'ka Politexnika" (L'viv, 1996), 125-130; idem, "Narodziny nowoczesnego miasta", in: Sztuka 2 poł. XIX wieku (Warszawa, 1973), 57-58, 61-68.

14 Stanisław Hoszowski, Ekonomiczny rozwój Lwowa w latach 1772-1914. (Lwów, 1935).

15 Andrzej Bonusiak, 'Neidemokratyczna demokracja'. Rzecz o Lwowie w latach 1918-1934', in Henryk W. Żaliński, Kazimierz Karolczak, eds., Lwów. Miasto. Społeczeństwo. Kultura. vol. 2. Studia z dziejów Lwowa (Kraków, 1998), 215-234.

16 Jurij Kryvoruchko, Halyna Petryshyn, Uliana Ivanchko, 'Terytorial'nyj rozvytok L'vova kincia XVIII - XX stolit' ', in: Mistobuduvannia ta terytorial'ne planuvannia (Kyiv, 1999), 144-152

17 Majer Bałaban, Żydzi Lwowscy na przelomie XVI i XVII wieku (Lwów, 1909), XX.

18 Geoff Eley and Ronald Grigor Suny, eds., Becoming National, 45.

19 See: Dovidnyk perejmuvan' vulyc' ta plošč L'vova (L'viv, 1971).

20 Mykola Bevz, 'Urbanistychni transformaciji central'noji chastyny mista L'vova u XIX - XX st.' in: Arxitektura Halychyny XIX - XX st., 53, 69.

21 Olgierd Czerner, 'Przekkształcenia architektoniczne Lwowa w latach 1772-1848', in Bohdan Čerkes, Martin Kubelik, Elizabet Hofer eds., Arxitektura Halychyny XIX-XX st., 79.

22 Quoted after: Vadym Adadurov, 'L'viv u napoleonivs'ku epokhu', in: Marjan Mudryj (ed.), L'viv: misto-suspil'stvo-kul'tura. Zbrinyk naukovykh prats', vol. 3, (L'viv, 1999), 212.

23 J.G. Kohl, Reisen im Inneren vom Rußland und Polen. Die Bukovina. Galizien. Mähren. (Drezden, Leipzig, 1841). Vol. 3, 88, 103-105; Myxajlo Kril', 'L'viv u opysax inozemciv (kinec' XVIII - perša polovyna XIX st.),' in L'viv: misto-suspil'stvo-kul'tura, 300.

24 See: 'Stadtplan von Lemberg, um 1850', in: Rudolf A. Mark, Galizien unter Östereichischer Herrschaft. Verwaltung-Kirche-Bevölkerung (Marburg, 1994), 106-107.

25 Mykola Bevz,'Urbanistychni transformatsiji...', 51, 57.

26 Stadtplan von Lemberg, um 1850, 106-107.

27 See: Dovidnyk perejmuvan' , passim.

28 Plan miasta Lwowa. Verzeichnis der Strassen, Plätze und Gärten von Lemberg. (Lwów,1916); Skorowidz ulic Wielkiego Lwowa wraz z Przewodnikiem orientacyjnym (Lwów, 1938).

29 The Polish image of the city was supposed to be reinforced in a wake of the new mass renamings that was scheduled in a commemoration of the 20th anniversary of Polish republic. The project was elaborated in 1938, and had to be implemented on November 15, 1939. The World War II has put an end to this plan ('Dovidka redaktsiji', Halyts'ka brama, Traven'-cherven'-lypen' 1995, 15).

30 For details see: Ezra Mendelson, Jewish Assimilation in L'viv: The Case of Wilhelm Feldman', Andrei S. Markovits, Frank E. Sysyn eds., Nationbuilding and the Politics of Nationalism. Essays on Austrian Galicia (Cambridge, Mass, 1989) 94-110; Leila P. Everett, 'The Rise of Jewish National Politics in Galicia, 1905-1907', idem, 149-177; Jerzy Holzer, '"Vom Orient die Fantasie, und in der Brust der Slawen Feuer..." Jüdishes Leben und Akkulturation im Lemberg des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts' in: P. Fäßler, T. Held, D. Sawitzki, eds., Lemberg - Lwów- Lviv..., 75-91.

31 Stanisław Makowski, 'Musij Wernyhora i jego proroctwa w świetle badań polskich i ukraińskich', in Jaroslav Isayevych, Jaroslav Hrycak eds., Druhyj Mizhnarodnyj konhres ukrajinistiv. L'viv, 22-28 serpnia. Dopovidi i povidomlennia. Istorija. Ch. 1 (L'viv, 1994), 154-161.

32 Plan miasta Lwowa..; Skorowidz ulic ...

33 The name of Taras Shevchenko, who became a central symbol of Ukrainian national strivings, was given to a street in outskirt generally referred as to "Muddy street" (Bolotna). The Polish city administration, however, turned down a petition of the Ukrianian Ševčenko Scientific Society to gave this name to a central square where a headquarter of this institution was situated (Myxajlo Hrushevs'kyj, 'Ulycia Shevchenka u L'vovi', Literaturno-Naukovyj Vistnyk 10, 4 (1900), 200-202.

34 Verzeichness der Straßen, Gassen und Plätze nach dem Stande der Umbenennungen vom Mai 1942; Alphabetische Strassenverzeichnis des Standortes "Lemberg-Mitte" der NSDAP. Lemberg, im Dezember 1943 (Derzhavnyj Arxiv L'vivs'koji Oblasti ,F - R-35, o 9, od. zb.693, 2-11).

35 Derzhavnyj Arxiv L'vivs'koji Oblasti, F - R-6, o 1, od. zb. 2a, 18; F - R-100, o 1, od. zb. 9, 29, 30.

36 Dovidnyk..., passim. The Soviet renamings did not stop after 1969, but a lack of a systematic list does not allow to evaluate their exact number.

37 In 1939-1941, several old streets were combined into larger units, therefore numbers of the old and new streets did not correspond to each other.

38 Deržavnyj Arxiv L'vivs'koji Oblasti, F - R-6, o 1, od. zb. 2a, 18; F - R-100, o 1, od. zb. 9, 29, 30.

39 Yaroslav Hrytsak, 'A Ukrainian Answer to the Galician Ethnic Triangle: The Case of Ivan Franko', in Israel Bartal and Antony Polonsky, eds., Polin. Studies in Polish Jewry. Vol. 12. Focusing on Galicia: Jews, Poles, and Ukrainians 1772-1918. (London, Portland, Oregon, 1999), 137-146.

40 Roman Solchanyk, 'Molding "the Soviet People": The Role of Ukraine and Belorussia', Journal of Ukrainian Studies, 1 (Summer 1983): 3-18.

41 Taras Kuzio and Andrew Wilson, Ukraine: Perestroika to Independence. Edmonton, Toronto (Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies Press), 1994, p. 127.

42 The list of proposals is preserved in personal archives of Orest Maciuk and Ivan Svarnyk.

43 Interview with Ivan Svarnyk, L'viv, January 29, 1999.

44 For that reason, the name after the first woman cosmonaut Valentyna Tereshkova was removed from one of the Lviv street, and shortly afterwards, a local newspaper responded to this renaming with a article under a telling title: "We wish Valentyna Tereshkova a long life!"

45 A. Dorosh,'Zminysh im'ja - zminysh doliu', Halyts'ka brama, traven'-červen'-lypen' 1995, 15; Inteview with Mariana Dolyns|ka; Inerview with Ivan Svarnyk.

46 See: Hryhorij Hrabovych, "Kobzar. Kameniar. Dochka Prometeja", Krytyka. Vol. III, No 12 (26) (December 1999), pp. 16-19.

47 A. Dorosh,'Zminysh im'ja - zminysh doliu', Halyts'ka brama, traven'-červen'-lypen' 1995, 15; Inteview with Mariana Dolyns|ka; Inerview with Ivan Svarnyk.

48 Myxaila Hruševs'koho street was introduced by a decision of a city council in 1990, before the expert group started to work. Idem.

49 Interiew with Bohdan Yakymovych.

50 Taras Kuzio and Andrew Wilson, Ukraine... p. 155.

51 Interview with Ivan Svarnyk;Interview with Mariana Dolyn'ska.

52 Interview with Bohdan Yakymovych.

53 Interview with Mariana Dolyn'ska.

54 Interview with Ivan Svarnyk.

55 Calculated on the base: Lviv Map /L'viv. Karta- Skhema. Informacija stanom na hruden' 1997 r. (L'viv, 1997), 2-10.

56A. Dorosh,'Zminysh im'ja...'; Interview with Ivan Svarnyk; Interview with Mariana Dolyns'ka.

57 Interview with Bohdan Yakymovych.

58 See: Kiev. Plan-sxema (Kiev, 1997); Vulytsi Kyjeva. Dovidnyk (Kyiv, 1995), 58, 59, 70, 156, 220, 239; Personal information of Dr. Ihor Hyrych.

59 Yaroslav Hrytsak, 'National Identities in Post-Soviet Ukraine...'266-267.

60 See: Donetsk. 2000. Biznes-skhema. (N.p., n.d. [Donesk, 2000]).

61 We are referring here to a distinction between an "ethnic" and a "political" concepts of a nation that became quite widespread in the contemporary literature on nationalism. See: See, e.g., Anthony D. Smith, National Identity (Reno, Las Vegas, London, 1991), 12, 80,149-150.

62 On influences of Polish nationalism on Ukrainian nationalism see: Roman Szporluk, 'Ukraine: From an Imperial Periphery to a Sovereign State', Daedalus, Journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the issue entitled "A New Europe for the Old?" 126, 3 (Summer 1997) passim.

63 Bruno Tobia, 'Urban space and Monuments in the "Nationalization of the Masses': The Italian Case, in Stuat Woolf (ed.), Nationalism in Europe, 1815 to the Present. A Reader (London, New York, 1996, 172.

64 Myxailo Depiak, 'No passaran!', Postup, October 14, 1999.

65 Interview with Bohdan Yakymovych, Lviv, March 2, 2000.

66 Michael Wines, "Struggling Ukraine Teeters Between East and West", New York Times, 26 February 1999.

67 Kontseptsia rozvytku L'vova. Perspektyvy stratehichnoji prohramy. Materialy do konferentsiji 3 bereznia 2001 roku (L'viv, 2001).

68 Zoriana Onyshkevych, ' Pamiat' ', Postup 12-19 zhovtnia 2000.
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