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International Cultural Projects Market 27 June 2008, Budapest, Hungary Short description of project ideas

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Werte Damen und Herren!

Erlauben Sie uns Ihnen den Landesrat der ungarndeutschen Chöre, Kapellen und Tanzgruppen vorzustellen.
Der Landesrat der ungarndeutschen Chöre, Kapellen und Tanzgruppen

(Magyarországi Német Ének-, Zene- és Tánckarok Országos Tanácsa) ist ein gemeinnütziger Landesverein mit eigener Satzung, Struktur, Vertretung und Budget. Gründungsjahr: 1996


- die Pflege der Traditionen und Kulturwerte, der “musikalischen Muttersprache” im Bereich Gesang, Musik und Volkstanz der Deutschen in Ungarn;

- Bildung und Weiterbildung der Leiter der Kulturgruppen sowie der ungarndeutschen Jugend;

- Ausbau der Qualifizierungssystems im Rahmen des Landesfestivals in Sektionen;

- Zusammenarbeit mit der LdU, mit den MSVen und Vereinen im Interesse der Pflege von Volkskultur und Traditionen der Ungarndeutschen;

- Zusammenarbeit mit den Partnerorganisationen im In- und Ausland;

- Beitrag zur Pflege der Muttersprache.
Der Landesrat führt ausschließlich gemeinnützige Tätigkeit aus, seine Unternehmungen dienen direkt zur Verwirklichung seiner gemeinnützigen Ziele.
Mitglieder des Landesrates sind die ungarndeutschen Chöre, Kapellen und Tanzgruppen, die mit der in der Satzung verankerten Zielen und Aufgaben einverstanden sind und sie ihr Einverständnis mit der Beitrittserklärung bekräftigt haben.
Die Zahl der Mitglieder im Jahre 2007: 276, (davon 110 Jugendgruppen)


I. Landesveranstaltungen

1. Landesfestival in einem 3jährigen Rotationssystem für Chöre, Kapellen und Tanzgruppen

2. Fest der ungarndeutschen Kirchenmusik: wird jährlich, an wechselnden Veranstaltungsorten organisiert.
3. Treffen der Musiker mit alten Instrumenten. Ziel: Rettung überlieferten Melodien und Spieltechnik auf alten Instrumenten
4. Jugendauswahlorchester. Wurde im Jahre 2003 ins Leben gerufen. 50 Junge Musiker zwischen 12-24 Jahren, mit Deutschkenntnis aus verschiedenen ungarndeutschen Kapellen aus ganz Ungarn. Arbeitssprache ist Deutsch! Vorwiegend Stücke der klassischen Weltmusikliteratur auf Repertoire.
II. Fortbildungen

Für Chöre, Kapellen und Tanzgruppen im In- und Ausland. (z.B: Turnersee in Kärnten; in Mezzocorona/Trentino; in Herrsching/Bayern; sowie Kapellmeisterlehrgang in Süd-Tirol),

III. Publikationen und Archiv

Archiv: Audio- und Videoaufnahme über Landesveranstaltungen,

Sammlung und Digitalisierung: alte Noten, Gesangsbücher, etc.

Publikationen: diverse Notenhefte, Liedersammlungen, Video- und CD-Aufnahmen; LandesratForum, Informationsblatt des Landesrates

Franz Heilig


Project number: 22
Name of the organisation: Eötvös Lóránd Tudományegyetem Egyetemi Könyvtár (ELTE University Library) (Hungary)
Name of the representant: Prof. László SZÖGI
Address: Ferenciek tere 6., 1053 Budapest, Hungary

Phone: +36-1-411-6777




Central Library of Eötvös Lorand University (ELTE University Library)

(addr. 6. Ferenciek tere, Budapest) looks for foreign parnters for the Exhibiton and Conference in 2010 on History of High Education. The professional representative of the topic is Prof. László Szögi has a long period of resarch on peregrination - Study of Hungarian Students at foreign Universities and Colleges in Europe. He visited more than 60 libraries and archives of universities in 12 Central-European countries building up special connections with the university libraries in Wien, Prague, Krakko, Berlin, Heidelberg, Leipzig, Drezda, Marosvásárhely, Kolozsvár.
Titel of the project - Exhibition and Conference in 2010 on History of High Education.

Participant of the Tender - Prof. László Szögi

He speaks German Language.


Project number: 23
Name of the organisation: (Hungary)
Name of the representant: Mr Mihály FEKETE
Address: , Budapest, Hungary

Phone: +36-20-9570138




A proposal of establishment of a foundation and creating a webpage

The object of the foundation is to install into cities and public places blackboards with photos showing the ancient status of that place.

The photos are donated to the foundation by private individuals, museums, archives, companies, etc. The functioning of foundation will be ensured by received money from companies, private persons, and tendered funds.

The object of the foundation will be the restoration of the photographs, the preparing of the billboards (considering the protection against stealing), the setting up on the right place, the detailed documentation on the billboards, and in the database on the website (in several languages).

The foundation would like to preserve its civil-initiative character, representing the founders, sponsors, and the supporters of the foundation, but the foundation won’t give a surface for advertisements.

The function of the foundation would have the following effect: people who cross through the public places could receive information about the changes of those surroundings, about the events of that place, and then on the website they can find more background information about the photos, they can explore the relationships between today and the past.

The billboards will help the cognition (understanding?) of the inhabitant’s habitation, the formation of a local-patriotism, will develop the tourism, the economy, and will inspire people to search for other photos in their city. The effective influence can’t be totally fixed in advance.

In the same time, when the boards will be established on their place, we will create a virtual database too. The two systems will complement each other, but they will be indiviually complete too.

The Foundation would like to create a network that covers all the settlements and countries with a uniform conditional system, conditional data and signs on the blackboards.

On the score (Regarding the system…) of collecting the photos, creating the database and installing the blackboards we would like to create a franchise-system and licence it all around the world.

Project number: 24

Name of the organisation: (Turkey)
Name of the representant: Mr Ferenc MONOSTORI
Address: , Antalya, Turkey






Event Name

International Antalya Sand Sculpture Festival, Lara Beach 2009


01.05.2008-01.12.2008 (It depends the weather conditions)

Short Description

Sand Sculpture Festivals are large outdoor exhibitions. They are built by an international team (averagly 70 person) composed of professional sand sculptors and compacters with a specific theme within a set period of time (20 days). After sculptor finish the sculpture On these festivals, artists create large sculptures by team work in accordance with the theme of the exhibition which “World Mitology“ or different subject. Festival will be open for visitors 1th of June till continue 1st of December.

Target Group

Anyone facing with a sand sculpture, whatever her/his age, sex and nationality is impressed with its tremendous appearance and its sizes at the first sight. Moreover it is not merely the final product that attracts the interest of people. That is why thousands of visitors want to visit a sand sculpture activity every day during its open. Global Design aim is 500.000 visitors for the 2009 Sand Sculpture Festival.

Project Activities

The building process which starts with the technical preliminary preparation takes about 4 weeks. Following this the park will be opened for visiting of the people. Visitors can visit the sand sculpture festival day and night for a reasonable entrance fee. In day time people watch the works of which their construction is completed, and admire their simple beauty, they make their own sculptures under the direction of the instructors in the places allocated to them, and enjoy the sun and the sand. Nevertheless at nights the festival area takes entirely a different atmosphere. With the torches, special sound and light effects, laser shows, rockets, musical performances, dance shows, theatre etc. the sand sculptures take a magical attraction.

IMPORTANT NOTICE:Because of health reason instead of Cem Karaca, Ferenc Monostori will attend to “Culture Infoday” as representative of Global Design.(Mail of Ferenc Monostori

Project number: 25

Name of the organisation: POD Theatre (Serbia)
Name of the representant: Ms Vuksanovic JELENA
Address: Mladena Stojanovica 1a, Belgrade, Serbia





„Reality Myth- Space of The Light”

Theatre Project Objective Drama - POD Theatre
Mladena Stojanovica 1a, Belgrade, Serbia


Starting point of the Project is researching of the tradition, myths, legends, stories from different places and localities.

Next step in the realizing the Project is connecting discovered material into one integral story, realization of this story through Performing Arts, using old instruments and music, storytelling, and open spaces for performing.

The idea is that native people, old people from different villages start to be the part of the process of making the Traveling Performance. They would be included in the process of the work through manual works that during production can be used as part of scenography, costumes, or instruments.

In this way it would be possible to rediscover the myths of different countries, to revive them, and make them alive in society of today.

Practically the actions of the Project would include different activities:

-Establishing the ethno-musical colony on the Suva Mountain in Serbia.

-Meetings and co-operation of partners from different countries.

-Local Research (including of the Local People, their myths, storytelling, manual works).

- Production of the Performance (Site Specific Performance).

- Touring of the Performance .

- Documenting of the whole process (Through Book, in Co-operation with ethnographic Museums).

“Theatre is process involved in all other processes as one of the primary human activities”.

J. Grotowsky: “In confrontation with Myth we perceive relativity of our problems and their connection with “roots”, and preview relativity of the roots in the light of current experience. (…) Concrete Mythological situation presents experience about general human Truth. “

One of the tasks that Theatre would have is to find “transnational” language that would cross the barriers of differences, with specific elements that would result from the whole process of the work.

Project Reality Myth- Space of Light would be complex mixture developed by: Theatre Practitioners, Anthropologists and Musicians, Native People with their hand crafts, and Institutions involved (as Ethnographic Museums - in charge of publication connected with the Research and Programme of the Project).

Project number: 26

Name of the organisation: Linum Alapítvány (Linum International Scientific and Arts Foundation) (Hungary)
Name of the representant: Mr Attila SZOMOLÁNYI
Address: Lombos u. 3., 2094 Nagykovácsi, Hungary

Phone: +36-20-398-8216, +36-26-555-028




The ringing heritage – The International Day of Bells

„ …never send to know for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee.”

John Donne


The sound of bells accompany us from our birth to our death. We hear their voice but they remain unseen in most cases. We know unjustly very little about them, about their little brethrens the hand-bells, about their history and the role they played during the millennia. The same is true for the bell-founders. Aside from a few experts and some obsessed civilian we do not care much about them.


To change this attitude with the help of the experts, artists and volunteers.

How? /tasks we want to do/

- to translate the existing (Hungarian) Internet sight into English and develop a European one

- ( )

- to organize exhibitions and events focusing on the above themes

- to develop one or more publications developed by means of multimedia software

- to create & put onto stage new music and ballet pieces composed and choreographed for these special events.

-to organize The day of bells in Hungary in 2009 and the first International Day of Bells in 2010.
Some partners: Hungarian Museum for Science and Technology, Hungaria Nostra, the Budapest Dance Theatre, the composers Mr. László Sáry
Attila Szomolányi, Head

Linum International Scientific and Arts Foundation


Phone: +36 26 555 028, + 36 203 988 216

Project number: 27
Name of the organisation: Linum Alapítvány (The Budapest Dance Theatre Foundation & the Linum International Scientific and Arts Foundation ) (Hungary)
Name of the representant: Mr Attila SZOMOLÁNYI
Address: Lombos u. 3., 2094 Nagykovácsi, Hungary

Phone: +36-26-555-028




Moments and eternity in art


The Budapest Dance Theatre (one of the greatest and most influential contemporary dance companies in Hungary) and the Linum International Scientific and Arts Foundation have been successfully cooperating recently in the frame of different IVF (International Visegrad Fund) projects involving ballet and music schools.


To start a new EU project (involving both amateurs and professional from the different genres of art, i.e. applied art, ballet, film, music, painting, sculpture, etc.) meeting the objectives as defined in the following document CULTURE (2007-2013) CALL FOR PROPOSALS — EACEA/23/07 for cooperation measures (strand 1.2.1)

Some future partners: Raza Hammadi (France), Dali Touti (Germany), Márk Lelkes (Hungary), Flóra Remsey (Hungary), etc.
Attila Szomolányi, Head

The Budapest Dance Theatre Foundation & the Linum International Scientific and Arts Foundation


Phone: +36 26 555 028, + 36 203 988 216

Project number: 28
Name of the organisation: Városi Művelődési Központ és Könyvtár (Veszprém City Culture Centre) (Hungary)
Name of the representant: Ms Ágnes C. SZALAI
Address: Dózsa Gy. u. 2., 8200 Veszprém, Hungary

Phone: +36-88-429-693




International Folklore Festival in Veszprém, 2010

Our project aims to create a biennial international meeting and cultural exchange possibility for (amateur) folk-dance ensembles (preferably with own accompanying instrumental group), with a special thematic focus for each festival (such as dances of different professions; from childhood to youth; neighbours’ dances – cross-cultural influences; authentic dances parallel to choreographies; love and wedding; “Four seasons” – special dances on special days; “Pastime with good company” – dances of social occasions, balls; “Story-telling” by dance, etc.)

The number of invitees: 8 groups.

The event would be held in August, (more specific dates are still to be defined), starting with arrival on Thursday, leaving on Monday.

Specialty: a group teaches another group one national dance of their own and vice versa, and the results are performed together on the gala-evening. (It means 8 dances, performed by 4 “united groups”. These are to be performed at the end of the gala-evening, after the presentation of the individual choreographies of 15-20 min.

International jury + audience award (not money)

Individual performances in Veszprém and vicinity.

Free time by the Lake Balaton. Closing party.

Besides the active dancers and musicians, accompanying persons (sponsors, spouses, friends, etc) are welcome to attend, for them, special touristic programmes are organized, at reasonable cost.

Participation fee is charged, accommodation in double-rooms with private facilities, half-board (or – hopefully – full board, according to the financial circumstances) is provided.

More information on the Veszprém City Culture Centre and its current events, festivals:

Project number: 30
Name of the organisation: Zichy-palota (Hungary)
Name of the representant: Mr Attila HORVÁTH
Address: , Győr, Hungary

Phone: +36-30-289-3738




Irish-Hungarian Cultural Festival

The Irish-Hungarian Cultural Festival will take place this year 11-13 July 2008 in Győr which is organized for the commemoration of the Irish bishop Walte Lynch who was died in 1663, and celebrating the picture of the tearing Blessed Virgin, the Irish Madonna. The aim of the festival is the ressurection of the three hundred years connection between Ireland and Hungary,which ranges to Germany and the United States, the enchancement of the collaboration,welcoming Irish cultural-and pilgrim tourists.
A conference 'Best Pratice of Ireland' with the organization of the Chamber of Commerce Győr-Moson-Sopron County and the Enterprise Ireland,with the support of the Local Council.Some of the cultural programs are concert of Sebestyén Mária,'Pristine Pulsation' by Rajkó consort,Neil Mulligan Irish bagpiper,Filharmonic Orchestra of Győr directed by Robert Houlihan,concert and dance with Bran band making Irish music.Let us welcome you in Győr.

Project number: 31

Name of the organisation: Zichy-palota (Hungary)
Name of the representant: Mr Attila HORVÁTH
Address: , Győr, Hungary

Phone: +36-30-289-3738




Baroque wedding Reception,Historical Games 8-10 August 2008 Győr

With the course of historical games event we offer a special experience of interlocking culture and games. Fairs,concerts,games for children,mediavel games are awaiting for children and adults,and certainly the famous events which are organized every year: Baroque serenade with a greate revue on Friday,stage programmes and baroque rush with the mate towns on Saturday,Baroque Wedding on Sunday with about three hundred wedding guests and citilzens in the Széchenyi Square when the engaged couple vows ech other to be faithful unto death.

Some of this year's programmes: Experidance dance group with the performance 'Fairy World',Wedding March,historical archery competition,baroque rush,handcraft fair and games for children

Project number: 32
Name of the organisation: Zichy-palota (Hungary)
Name of the representant: Mr Attila HORVÁTH
Address: , Győr, Hungary

Phone: +36-30-289-3738




Baroque Nostalgia Art Festival 26 September-15 October 2008 Győr

This festival is the only classical music festival in the city and with the Baroque Wedding have won the title of Event of High Priority in West -Transdanubian Region until 2013. As side events the festival of guilds and the national lute and guitar festival will be organized.
The aim of the festival is the familiarization,renewal and preservation of values of the traditional baroque culture. Important aspects are the unique instrumental music,introduction the culture of that age to people. The programmes are provided by Toyohiko Satoh baroque lute,István Kónya renessance lute,Sandor Szászvárosi cello evening.
Beside music literature will get great role during the festival.You can see the performance Péter Esterházy:Rubens and a Nemeuklidesz Women by the Pesti Theatre and a conference for literature teachers with the title of Baroque Literature will be organized in the rooms of Zichy -Palace.


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