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An Analysis of the Precursor Measurements of Mars Needed to Reduce the Risk of the First Human Mission to Mars

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It was not true for the Moon, but many have concluded that it is inconceivable that humans would land in a place where landers and rovers have never been.  As shown in Table 5, the MHP SSG has agreed with this, and has called for at least one measurement (#1Cb) to be done specifically at the human landing site. Although many useful measurements could be made by this penultimate lander mission, note that if site selection happens late in the process, the information may arrive too late to influence mission engineering. In addition, although this would undoubtedly be a subject of future discussion, we did not conclude that sample return from the human landing site is required.

  1. Conclusions

    1. Summary of recommendations for further studies.

  1. The MHP SSG recommends definition of a baseline mission architecture for the first human mission to Mars.

  • We need a more complete understanding of possible engineering approaches to mitigating the risks described in this paper, and their effects on cost, risk, and performance.

  1. We recommend that a long-lead multi-disciplinary advance planning team be assembled to evaluate and prioritize possible objectives for the first human mission. We recognize that this would evolve many times between now and the time the mission actually flies, but for planning purposes it is helpful to have a starting point from which incremental improvements can be made.

  • Important distinctions need to be made between what reduces mission risk and also enhances probability of meeting or exceeding all mission goals, versus what needs to be done to ensure the safety of astronauts and meeting minimum mission success criteria.

  1. We recommend that the above baseline mission be evaluated in the following ways:

  • Establish a cost model, so that opportunities to use precursor investments to achieve cost savings can be identified

  • Establish a quantitative probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) model, which can be used as a starting point for a systematic, comprehensive risk reduction strategy.

  • Evaluate opportunities for performance enhancement with minimal incremental cost or risk.

We recommend that an analysis of the exploration program necessary to define water-related resources necessary to support ISRU be completed.

    1. Summary of the relationship of principal findings of MEPAG [2001], NRC [2002], and this study. (Numbers to the left of the investigation statements are relative priority).

MEPAG (2001)

NRC (2002)

MEPAG (2005)



Not listed in priority order

Soil, dust: engineering


Soil, dust: engineering


Atmospheric characterization



Atmospheric characterization



Biohazard--Back PP


Biohazard--Back PP


Water-related ISRU



Water-related ISRU


Soil, dust: humans

Soil, dust: humans


Soil, dust: humans


Atmos. electricity



Atmos. electricity





Contam.--Forward PP


Ionizing radiation

Ionizing radiation


Ionizing radiation


Traversability hazard

Traversability hazard


Traversability hazard





Dust storm meteorology



3D terrain--landing site safety


3D terrain--landing site safety



Rocks--landing site safety


Rocks--landing site safety

  1. Acknowledgements

This work was carried out at the request of the Exploration Systems Mission Directorate (ESMD) at NASA HQ (points of contact: John Connolly and Jennifer Trosper). Some of the work described in this report was carried out at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The first draft of this report was discussed at a major MEPAG meeting on Feb. 17, 2005, and we would like to acknowledge the many helpful comments provided by MEPAG community in the weeks afterwards. We additionally thank five reviewers for formal editorial comments: Dr. Ken Nealson (Univ. of Southern California), Dr. Thomas Borak (Colo. State Univ.), Dr. Masami Nakagawa (Colo. School of Mines), Dr. Jeff Plescia (Applied Physics Lab), and Dr. David Kass (Jet Propulsion Laboratory).

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