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LegalRuleml technical Meeting Minutes Feb. 18 2012

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LegalRuleML Technical Meeting

Minutes Feb. 18 2012


LegalRuleML TC meeting – Feb. 18

9,30pm CET

6,30am Australia
3,30pm EST
12,30pm PST

Attached document:

- none



Tara Athan

Voting Member

University of Bologna-CIRSFID

Giuseppe Contissa

Voting Member


Guido Governatori


University of Bologna-CIRSFID

Monica Palmirani


RuleML, Inc.

Adrian Paschke



1. Approval of the previous TC minutes Feb. 11

2. Approval of the examples section 29
3. Approval of the Schema XML in WD
4. Motion to transform the WD in CSD
5. Other business
6. Adjournment

Monica opened the LegaRuleML TC meeting in time. In total 20 people members. Only 5 people have the voting right. Monica checks who is present: 5 people are in the call. As there is a quorum, the meeting starts. Each participant registered the attendance into the OASIS Kavi system. Adam is waiting for the approval of the membership of OASIS.

The agenda is presented for collecting further amendments or integrations. The agenda is confirmed.

Minutes of the previous TC Meeting

There is no minute to approve, due to the fact that Monica was not able to make the report.


Monica proposed a template for the documentation of the XML-Schema.

It is presented based on the document References-2013-02-18.doc.

It is composed by five paragraphs:

- text plain explanation of the element with a simple example taken from the approved examples

- Oxygen Graph that is captured by the Oxygen software. The graph includes each main element and the first level children nodes

- a table with the description of parent, children, attributes, cardinality, etc.

- XML-schema

- RelaxNG

After an analysis of the documentation and a discussion on the children and granularity of the graph the TC approved this template of documentation.

The documentation includes example in two forms: normalized and compacted.

The graph is only for the normalized form.
Adam and Giuseppe will concentrate their effort on the definition and glossary.

Monica will extract from Oxygen the graphs.

Guido will produce some automatic mechanism for extracting the table.

Other business

To ask to to approve the extended module defined in LegalRuleML TC.


The conference finished at 5.33 pm EST and it was adjourned with this agenda:

1. other examples approval

2. approve the final invoice of Tara

3. approve the schema style

The next meeting will be held Feb. 25 in Skype,
9,30pm CET
6,30am Australia
3,30pm EST
12,30pm PST

Annex from the Skype conference call Feb. 18

[18/02/2013 21:43:15] mp:

[18/02/2013 21:46:02] mp: Quorum is ok

[18/02/2013 21:52:14] Tara Athan: the type of an element (such as the ) used in a RuleML extension should produce valid RuleML if all the elements from foreign namespaces are not used

[18/02/2013 21:53:31] Adam Wyner: @Monica. FYI - I tried passwords I have for OASIS, I also used Password reminder using my email addresses. Everything says not recognised. So, I've been deleted from the system. I understand this, but it does mean that I have no OASIS access now and no 'official' OASIS standing. I wrote to the folks at Aberdeen already today about membership and will see what happens in the coming week.

[18/02/2013 21:54:25] Tara Athan: @@@ Addresser

@@@ Authority

@@@ Jurisdiction

[18/02/2013 21:56:12] mp: @Adam: for now I have announced to the LegalXML that you are an observer of LegalRuleML TC :)

[18/02/2013 21:57:02] mp: @@@ in the skype chat

[18/02/2013 21:58:49] mp: legalruleml-core-spec-wd02.doc

[18/02/2013 22:09:36] Guido Governatori:








               refIDSystemName="European Case Law Identifier" refIDSystemSource="OJ:C:2011:127:0001:0007:EN:PDF"/>

[18/02/2013 22:18:50] mp:

FIXME: add type.def

[18/02/2013 22:21:35] Guido Governatori: References:

[18/02/2013 22:27:46] Guido Governatori: References:








base: (type) description

key: (type) description

keyref: (type) description







[18/02/2013 22:31:43] Tara Athan: Relax NG

[18/02/2013 22:31:49] Tara Athan: Relax NG
References =

element References {

(attribute xml:base { xsd:anyURI }?

& attribute key { xsd:ID }?

& attribute keyref {

xsd:string {

minLength = "1"

pattern =



| xsd:anyURI


& attribute refType {

xsd:string {

minLength = "1"

pattern =



| xsd:anyURI


& attribute refIDSystemName { xsd:string }?

& attribute refIDSystemSource {

xsd:string {

minLength = "1"

pattern =



| xsd:anyURI



(hasReference | Reference)*


[18/02/2013 22:36:19] Guido Governatori:

[18/02/2013 22:41:22] mp:

[18/02/2013 22:51:15] Adrian Paschke: I would prefer an ENBF description of the content model as it leads to a very compact format which is well understood by anyone who is familiar with XML

[18/02/2013 22:54:27 | Modificato 23:09:05] Tara Athan: The EBNF is captured is in the Relax NG

[18/02/2013 22:54:45] mp: We will document only the normal form

[18/02/2013 23:01:27] Guido Governatori: Diagrams for nodes expandend till the next nodes

[18/02/2013 23:01:47 | Modificato 23:02:41] Guido Governatori: Tables for all elements with lists of attributes and edges (and the nodes connected by the edges)

[18/02/2013 23:07:01] Guido Governatori: NODE |



[18/02/2013 23:11:37 | Modificato 23:12:06] Guido Governatori: References 1:n -hasReference

[18/02/2013 23:11:38] mp:


refID="/au/2012-05-30/C628:2012/eng@/main#sec2.2" refIDSystemName="AkomaNtoso2.0-2011-10"/>



refIDSystemName="European Case Law Identifier" refIDSystemSource="OJ:C:2011:127:0001:0007:EN:PDF"/>

[18/02/2013 23:11:47] Guido Governatori: hasReference 1:1 Reference

[18/02/2013 23:12:51] mp: the same example in normal form and in compact form

[18/02/2013 23:15:19] mp: [lunedì 18 febbraio 2013 22:31] Tara Athan:

<<< hasComment?,

(hasReference | Reference)*

[18/02/2013 23:18:34 | Modificato 23:19:25] mp: 1.definition+example (in normal and compact form)

[18/02/2013 23:18:43] mp: 2. graph

[18/02/2013 23:18:47] mp: 3. table

[18/02/2013 23:18:51] mp: 4. glossary

[18/02/2013 23:19:36] Adam Wyner: Can we put the glossary in dropbox?

[18/02/2013 23:20:36] Adam Wyner: So, just cc me into any messages.

[18/02/2013 23:27:59] Guido Governatori: paper for International Semantic Web Conference

[18/02/2013 23:28:20] Guido Governatori: lyx

[18/02/2013 23:28:39] Guido Governatori: lyx

[18/02/2013 23:32:27] mp: Semantic Web Conference: deadline 1 may

[18/02/2013 23:33:35] mp: 25 Feb. regular time

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