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Chapter One – Grandmother Figg

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Chapter 33 – The Hand of Friendship

Madam Pomfrey fussed over them in the hospital wing, as usual.  She made a proper job of mending the wound on Harry’s neck, but didn’t insist that he have a transfusion.  Over Hermione’s protests, Madam Pomfrey gave her a quick exam, as well.  She seemed almost disappointed to find Hermione nearly unscathed, except for a few scratches.  

Madam Pomfrey had drawn the screens around Harry’s bed, insisting that he change into pajamas and stay the night.  Harry groaned, but complied.  He didn’t feel light-headed anymore, just dirty and tired.  Hermione sat on a bed nearby, exhausted and filthy.   She raised her head slightly at the sound of voices coming toward the ward…

The door flew open and Dumbledore swept in with Cho levitating at his side on a stretcher.   Sirius and Ron were right behind him.  Hermione braced herself for a lecture.  It had been her stupid stunt – racing Cho - that had put their lives in jeopardy.

Madam Pomfrey settled Cho into a bed and drawing the screens around, began to examine her ankle.  Dumbledore strode to Hermione.  There was still something of the aura of power that had surrounded him in the Forest.  It was frightening, yet somehow reassuring at the same time.  His eyes glinted over half-moon spectacles at her.

“Hermione (he never called her Miss Granger anymore) Mr. Weasley and Miss Chang have told me everything - how you kept silent about the true nature of the Cadeau Du Mer even as Miss Chang accused you of despicable behavior.”  He smiled for a fleeting second, but resumed a more serious tone as he mentioned the match race.  “It was a foolish thing to do, but you acted bravely in returning to Miss Chang.”  Hermione looked down, suddenly able to meet his gaze.  He said softly, “Was it you who launched the Mark?” 

“Yes sir,” she whispered. 

“And summoned Harry?”  Hermione nodded.  “Then what happened?” Dumbledore prompted. 

“Lila attacked Harry, so I summoned him away from her.  Then we stunned her, together.  That’s about it.”  It didn’t sound scary or even exciting as she repeated it, monotone to Dumbledore, but her heart pounded at the memory.

Sirius laid a hand on her shoulder and said quietly, “Well done, Hermione.”  

Dumbledore smiled, “Yes, yes, well done indeed.”  His eyes twinkled at her now.  And she found she could look at him again.  “In light of your blatant rule-breaking, foolish behavior, and unending courage in the face of an old and powerful vampire, you shall receive a special award for service to the school.”  Ron burst out laughing.

From behind the screens around Harry’s bed, a loud whoop resounded.  He had heard everything.  Harry stepped out from behind the screens to join them.  “So,” he asked, “what happened to Lila?” 

“Alias Swift has taken her into custody.  He will return to the Ministry with her tonight where she will be charged with as many crimes as Alias can dream up.  He’ll use the charges as leverage to get her to tell him who hired her.” Sirius said.  “I’ll wager he’ll be quite successful. And,” Sirius said with a grin, “if he needs any tips for success in the wizard courts, I’ll send him to you, Hermione.”  She blushed as the gentlemen around her laughed.

Madam Pomfrey had tolerated just about as much noise and disruption as she could stand.  She cleared her throat noisily and eyed the Headmaster.  “That’s our cue, I believe,” he said, getting to his feet.  He and Sirius left the ward in the direction of the staff quarters, presumably to find Professor Lupin and tell him about the night’s events. 

Ron lingered for a moment… “Hermione, I’m sorry for getting you mixed up in all this.  I should have let you handle Cho in your own way….” 

Hermione just shook her head impatiently and gave him a quick hug.  “Enough, enough…” she said, “You don’t owe me any apologies.   I had no idea how I was going to handle Cho.  Broomsticks seemed as good a solution as any…” 

Madam Pomfrey coughed loudly.  Ron flashed a smile and sped out of the ward.  Hermione rose to leave as well, but Harry caught her by the hands.  “May she stay, Madam Pomfrey,” he gave her an appealing look, “just for a few more minutes?”  Madam Pomfrey sighed and turned away.  She had a hard time resisting that look.  It was so reminiscent of the ones James had used on her, years before.  She bustled back toward Cho, pretending not to notice Hermione Granger sitting on the edge of Harry Potter’s bed. 

“So, what do you mean, making off with my Firebolt?” he teased, his emerald eyes dancing.  Hermione blushed again, and looked away. 

“Sorry about that…” she said, genuinely meaning it.  “I guess I just lost control…” she finished. 

Harry grinned broadly.  “I like the idea of the cool Miss Granger finally losing control,”

“Oh honestly, Harry!” she whispered. 

He continued, undaunted, “but listen, if you’re going to go around challenging people like this, we’re going to have to get you your own broom, okay?”  She laughed out loud.   He gave her a swift kiss. 

“See you in the morning,” she whispered and then to Madam Pomfrey’s relief, Hermione left the ward.

Word of the Cho/Hermione challenge spread quickly through Hogwarts.  With each re-telling, Hermione’s skills on a broomstick increased, as did the number of vampires she and Harry Potter had supposedly dueled in the Forbidden Forest.  And, by the end of the following day, most students were certain that Hermione had saved Cho’s life, not once, but twice.  Harry, Hermione, and The Mark of the Phoenix were quickly becoming the stuff of legends.

Cho, for her part, did nothing to dispel the rumors.  When questioned by all but her closest friends, she was tight lipped, denying none of the fantastic stories that were circulating freely throughout the school.  To her closest friends, Vor, and Vanessa, Cho apologized for enlisting their aid in her less than chivalrous plot to capture Harry.  She was, of course, immediately forgiven.  Cho told Vor and Vanessa everything – that Hermione Granger was actually brilliant on a broomstick, and that she had willing risked her own life to trying to rescue Cho from the forest floor and then protect her from a vampire.

“Don’t you get it?” Cho said to Vor and Vanessa the next afternoon.  “She can apparate! She could have left me there whenever she wanted, but she didn’t.”  Vor and Vanessa exchanged looks.  Cho went on, her eyes lowered, “And I know now that she isn’t controlling him with that ring.  I’ve been a fool.”  Cho started to cry.  Vor patted her shoulder.  Through her tears, Cho said, “They have an amazing bond.  You should have seen them shoulder to shoulder, fighting together.  It was real.  He really does love her.”  Vanessa held Cho tightly for a moment.  Cho lifted her head.  “You know Hermione came to see me this morning?”  she said, her voice tremulous.

Vor gave a low whistle.  “I’ll bet that wasn’t pleasant.  Did she let you have it?” 

Cho smiled bitterly.  “That’s the worst part.  I think I could have stood it better if she had…”

Vanessa was confused.  “But then what….?” 

Cho cut her off.  “She was on her way to see Harry and stopped by my bed to see if I was alright.  She even brought me a bit of breakfast.”  Vor and Vanessa were stunned. 

“Classy…” Vor mumbled, “Really classy.”  

Cho continued to sniffle. “Yeah, I thought so too…”

And from that moment on, Cho Chang saw Hermione Granger in an entirely new light.  They were never close, never more than acquaintances, really.  But for the rest of their time together at Hogwarts, Cho would never allow a word spoken against Hermione in her presence.  Malfoy, for example, nearly had his head bitten off by referring to Hermione as “the long-molared mudbood” in Cho’s hearing.   This sudden change in attitude toward Hermione on Cho’s part gave most students the idea that Cho had simply gone mental as a result of her horrifying experience in the Forbidden Forest.  But Vor and Vanessa knew the truth, and were proud of her.

The morning after her experience in the Forbidden Forest with Cho, Hermione slept in.  It was Saturday after all, and there were no classes.  She was roused from peaceful sleep by a voice, calling from a long way off,   “Hermione!” it whispered.  “Mmmph” she said into her pillow, rolling over and blinking slowly.  “Hermione!” it whispered again, more urgent this time.  A slow smile spread across her face.  It was Harry.  “Bored and hungry, no doubt” she thought to herself and dashed toward the showers.  His laughter rang out in her head.  “Not bored, not hungry, just missing you…” 

Her clothes and make-up were on in a flash – hair perfectly coiffed.  She surveyed herself in the mirror, pleasantly surprised.  Since it was Saturday, she had shunned her school robes and was wearing something from what she thought of as her “Paravel” collection – something Harry particularly liked.   It was the little periwinkle sundress she had worn the night he took her flying,  The night he told her he loved her for the first time.  She wondered if he would remember.  Humming dreamily to herself, she slipped discreetly to the kitchens where Dobby was happy to provide her with assorted breakfast goodies for Harry Potter.

Harry heard the door of the hospital wing open and looked up sharply – his faced wreathed in smiles.  There she was, looking lovelier than ever and carrying, Harry thought to himself, “…oh please let it be….yes! food!”  Hermione heard him and laughed, but moved not to his bedside, but to Cho’s.

Cho was awake, but stared, unseeing, out of a nearby window.  “Good morning, Cho” Hermione said softly.  Cho didn’t respond.  “Are you alright?”  Cho turned to face Hermione, her eyes full of tears.  She nodded.  “Good,” said Hermione brightly.  “Listen, I have a favor to ask.”  Cho’s eyes widened slightly.   “I know that you know…” Hermione said evenly. 

“Know what?” said Cho, a little confused. 

“C’mon Cho, you’re in Ravenclaw.  Aren’t you supposed to be the intelligent ones?”  Cho was still mystified.  Hermione sighed.  “Let me spell it out for you…A P P A R A T E.”  Cho’s eyes went even wider, if that were possible.  Hermione rattled on, “You saw Harry apparate.  You saw me apparate.  But no one is really supposed to know.  I mean, we’ve passed our tests, but Dumbledore doesn’t want it widely known.  I’m sure you can understand why, so listen, will you do me a favor and keep it quiet?  Tell Vor and Vanessa if you want to, but no-one else, okay?”  Cho nodded, dumbstruck.  Her memories of last night seemed incomplete and a bit hazy.  But Hermione was right, Cho did remember vividly her shock at realizing Harry and Hermione could apparate. 

“Okay,” said Cho, looking down.  There was something she wanted to know, but knew it wouldn’t be tactful to ask.  Unbidden, the question popped out of her mouth, “You read each other’s minds, don’t you?”  Hermione considered denying it, opening her mouth to say, “Of course not…” but didn’t.  She grinned ruefully and shook her head, “yes.”  Cho let out a long sigh, “So that’s what Parvati and Padma saw.”  You two were having some sort of telepathic conversation in History of Magic, and Parvati got the wrong idea…”  Cho’s eyes were over bright and her voice dropped to a whisper.  “Oh, Hermione, I am sorry.  Truly sorry.  I just didn’t understand what he saw in you, and then, I was so sure you had tricked him.” 

Hermione patted one of Cho’s hands, saying “It’s okay, Cho.  Forget it.”

 She began to shake her head from side to side. “Just one more thing…then I’ll drop it” said Cho, nearly pleading.  “Now, after everything that’s happened, its obvious to me what he sees in you, and how much you love each other.  Thank you, both, for saving my life.  Can you ever forgive me for the way I behaved?” 

“Done!” said Hermione warmly, and it was over.  “Now, have some of this delicious breakfast before Madam Pomfrey confiscates it.” And Hermione handed over a particularly tempting bundle from Dobby.  Cho smiled gratefully and Hermione left her to her meal and her memories.

“What was that about?” Harry asked, when Hermione reached his side.  She sat on the side of his bed and kissed his forehead lightly before responding. 

“Just extending the hand of friendship, my love,” she said softly. 

Chapter 34 – Dating a Sorcerer

Madam Pomfrey discharged Harry from the hospital wing around lunch time.  He and Hermione consciously avoided the Great Hall, and slipped down to Hagrid’s cabin.  Hagrid was pleased to see them, and beamed from under bushy eyebrows.  Harry and Hermione were soon settled before his fire, having tea.  Hagrid listened intently to their account of the previous night’s adventures in the Forbidden Forest.  He was a terrific audience, alternately outraged and impressed.  In exchange, Harry and Hermione listened eagerly as Hagrid told them about his mission among the Giants.  As he listened, Harry’s hand had unconsciously sought Hermione’s.  He was making circles with his thumb on the back of her hand - as though it were the most natural thing in the world.  Hagrid noticed and smiled inwardly.

“So, I understand congratulations are in order…” Hagrid said, raising his eyebrows.  Harry was suddenly aware of Hermione’s hand in his own and grinned broadly at Hagrid, who said, “about yer being made Prefects and all.  Yer Mom an Dad would’a been proud.” 

“Oh, yeah” Harry said, lamely, thinking he had misunderstood Hagrid’s earlier look, “Thanks”. 

Hagrid tried to keep a straight face, but couldn’t; he laughed - a rolling laugh from somewhere deep inside him.  “Sorry, Harry, jus teasin you a bit...” Hagrid smiled.  His eyes were soft now.  “I think it’s great about you and Hermione…really grand.”  And Hagrid did something he’d never done before.  He stooped from his considerable height and gave Hermione a whiskery kiss on the cheek.  “Try an keep him outta trouble, will you?” he said. 

She blushed furiously and said, “I promise.”  They left shortly afterwards, laden with Rock Cakes that they were too polite to refuse, and that they had no intention of eating.

Hermione Granger's flying skills were now the subject of much speculation among the male population at Hogwarts. Quidditch try-outs were coming up, and she was often seen walking with Harry Potter towards the Quidditch Pitch. But would she actually try out? Seamus Finnegan had seen her practicing with a few of the would-be players and was impressed. He and Lee Jordan stood watching as she outdistanced a talented third-year, Buffy Wickham in a race to a bludger. Later, they looked on, impressed, as she handled the quaffle with ease, passing it skillfully to Tim Darcy and then to Emily Dashwood. Hermione even managed to slip one shot by Ron Weasley, who had been practicing in the position of keeper.

The four remaining members of the Gryffindor House Team looked on as well. Oliver Wood had graduated two years ago, followed shortly by Alicia Spinnet and Angelina Johnson. This left Fred and George Weasley in their traditional roles as Beaters, with Katie Bell, a seventh year holding down one of three Chaser positions. Harry, of course, was returning as Seeker. But this left them three players short. They needed a new keeper, and two chasers. And so, as a group, they gazed skyward in search of new team mates.

For the tenth time, Katie Bell asked Harry, "You're sure she won't do it?"

Never taking his eyes off Hermione as she zoomed overhead, he said, "Positive. She'll practice with us- do anything at all to help the team, but she won't be on it." Katie sighed and shook her head. She couldn't understand it at all. But Harry did.

Harry knew that Hermione loved to fly and liked the fun of casual pick-up games of Quidditch between friends, but that a stadium full of cheering fans could be overwhelming. He knew, too, that she was trying to give his own space. She didn't want them to go around joined at the hip all the time. "Like I would mind." he thought to himself as she shot past his left ear, overtaking the Snitch. She held up the fluttering golden ball over her head in triumph. "Sure, you say that now.." her voice filled his ears, laughing. She set down easily in front of him and handed the Firebolt over. Without waiting for him to mount, she released the Snitch and said with a grin, "Your turn!" He was off like a shot and had recaptured the Snitch before it even reached mid-field. Hermione and the others clapped appreciatively.

Harry turned his attention to the other players, re-confirming for himself what he, along with Madam Hooch and the other Gryffindor team members had decided about new team members. Without question, Ron would be their new keeper. But Harry hadn't told him yet. It wouldn't hurt to torture him a little. Tim Darcy would be one of the two new chasers. His skills, particularly defense ones, were amazing. He marked the other teams' chaser so closely, that they were soon calling him "Shadow". He didn't seem to mind, and the nick name stuck. Emily Dashwood edged out Holly Lockheart for the other chaser's position, but Holly would be asked to stay on as reserve. Buffy Wickham would be asked to play reserve Beater.

They had never had reserves before. Now, not only would the house team have an outstanding first string, but an equally skilled pool of reserves to draw on as a second string. In private, Harry had taken to calling Hermione the reserve Seeker. In return, she had taken to calling him "cheeky".

Harry watched as the soon-to-be reserve members of the team hovered in the air near Ron as he tended the goal posts. He certainly seemed to like the attention, and managed to keep conversations with Holly and Buffy going at the same time. Harry caught Tim Darcy's eye and signaled for Tim to pass him the Quaffle. With a quizzical look, Tim threw it easily up to Harry who caught it, then took dead aim at Ron. Ron was oblivious to the oncoming Quaffle. He was grinning madly at Holly, trying to decide which was more appealing, her eyes, or her hair.

The Quaffle caught Ron squarely in the chest. "Oy!" he yelled and nearly fell off. Fred and George collapsed in a fit of laughter.

The next morning a group of excited Gryffindors crowded around a bulletin board in the Entrance Hall near the four large hour glasses that kept track of the points each house had earned.

Madam Hooch had just posted the rosters for each of the house Quidditch teams. Ron pushed his way through the crowd until he could read the list:

"Team Captains - Fred and George Weasley" It read. "No surprises there," Ron muttered, scanning down the page. He saw Harry's name, and Katie Bell's. A huge grin split his face. There in Madam Hooch's neat handwriting was his own name: "Ronald Weasley - Keeper". He let out a "whoop" and spun around, nearly knocking Holly Lockheart to the ground.

"That's twice you've knocked me down, isn't it?" she asked with a sly smile, picking up her books. "Really, Ron, if you're trying to get my attention, there are other ways."

He grinned stupidly and crouched to help her with her things. "Youwannahavebreakfastwime"? he said all in one breath.

"I thought you'd never ask." she said and they headed for the Great Hall. "Things are definitely looking up." he thought to himself, looking sideways at Holly. Maybe he would go the Yule Ball this year after all.

In many ways, Harry felt a lot like Ron. Things were definitely looking up. Voldemort was no longer around to plague him, and Lila Ivenova had been dispatched before the first week of school was even over. There were other things, too. To his surprise, he found that he really enjoyed being a Prefect. He liked being responsible for the younger students and watched with interest as they carved out places for themselves at Hogwarts. And they kept him busy, too. Ashleigh Desai had to be rescued on more than one occasion from Filch, but that was okay. Harry liked the challenge. Besides, Hermione was always there to help him.

Hermione. He felt a smile flicker across his face. It had been almost three months since he'd first told her he loved her - three of the happiest months of his life. Last year, when he'd wondered what it would be like to actually date her, he'd never imagined it would be this perfect. Of course, he'd never imagined that they'd be able to communicate telepathically or that they would emerge from the summer a buddingsorcerer and a sorceress. Even though their training had ended, he realized that in a million small and subtle ways, their powers had continued to develop. He was coming into his own - a sorcerer among wizards.

"Good thing, too" he thought ruefully as he glanced at the group of third year boys that had swarmed around Hermione the minute she entered the Great Hall. This kind of thing had been going on for weeks now. But then, Sirius had warned him this might happen. For the first time in her life, Hermione was really turning heads. She was remarkably pretty, of course, but there was a confidence about her that seemed to radiate from her eyes. It was almost hypnotic. Then, too, there was the fact that the once bookish Miss Granger had suddenly taken to the air, out flying and out maneuvering nearly everyone on the Gryffindor team - just for fun.

One by one, boys fell headlong for Hermione. For Neville, it happened the morning Trevor had wandered from the Gryffindor table over to the Slytherin table in the Great Hall. Malfoy recognized Neville's wayward toad immediately and picking him up, prodded Trevor with his wand. Trevor shot forward suddenly, leaving a trail of sparks behind as he arced high in the air toward the Gryffindors. Without even so much as breaking eye contact with her copy of The Daily Prophet, Hermione reached up and snatched Trevor from mid-air. Even in her human form, some of Talons' reflexes remained. She smiled briefly at Neville and handed Trevor to him. Neville was a goner. Harry saw his eyes slide out of focus slightly and his face flush bright pink. "Yep" Harry, thought to himself, "there goes another one. I recognize the signs." Hermione made a face at him, and then discreetly brought his hand to her mouth. She kissed one of his fingertips and felt him shudder.

Later, as they were making their way toward History of Magic, Harry was detained by Danna, a second-year Gryffindor. She was having some trouble with her wand, and wanted him to take a look at it. "Don't be late," Hermione whispered to Harry. He smiled. "Be there in a minute." he thought silently to her as she headed down the hall.

Harry had Danna's wand sorted out in no time. She beamed up at him as she was once again able to produce a shower of red and gold sparks from its tip. "Thanks!" she called and dashed away toward Charms. Harry sped off in the direction of History of Magic to discover that Hermione hadn't made much progress getting to class.

Justin Finch-Fletchley hadn't really meant anything by it. He just wasn't watching where he was going. He stumbled into Hermione. "Sorry!" he gasped and stepped aside, just as Hermione stepped aside. He was blocking her way again. This time, he would move first, but Hermione was already in motion. Somehow, he wound up blocking her again. He laughed out loud and to cover his embarrassment said, "Shall we dance?" No sooner had the words left his mouth when he allowed himself to wonder what it would be like to dance with Hermione Granger. Without thinking, Justin laid a hand on Hermione's shoulder.

Harry had seen the whole thing and thought nothing of it until he saw Justin's pupils dilate slightly and his breathing quicken. It was still in the realm of forgivable and understandable, until he laid his hand on her shoulder. Harry felt his chest tighten. His eyes glowed, momentarily. Then it was over. Harry swept up to Hermione and in his breeziest manner said, "Hello Justin!" Startled, Justin dropped his hand from Hermione's shoulder immediately.

"Can't be late, Hermione," Harry said smiling, and looping her arm through his, walked her toward History of Magic. There was a slight commotion behind them.

"What's that about I wonder?" Hermione asked, trying to turn around.

"I can't imagine," said Harry giving her an innocent look and propelling her into the classroom.

Justin had watched fleetingly as Potter had scooped up Hermione and headed for class. He sighed and headed for Transfiguration. He took a step and tumbled headlong to the floor. What on earth was the matter with his feet? They felt funny. He gasped in surprise. Justin had often complained about having two left feet. Now he really did.

Hermione pretended to be mad when she heard about it later. They were alone before the Common Room fire. "Harry!" she said in mock exasperation, "You've really got to cut that stuff out!"

He grinned wickedly, "I will, if they will." She rolled her eyes. "Besides", Harry continued, "it wore off after an hour or so. It's wasn't like it was permanent or anything." He pretended to pout and she laughed. "Forgive me?" he said, raising his eyebrows. She leaned forward, twining her arms around his neck and kissing him softly.

"What do you think?" she whispered.

Secretly, Hermione loved how protective Harry was of her. In many ways, Hermione was as practical and as business-like as ever. She might be turning heads, but her feet were firmly on the ground. Hermione loved Harry and only Harry. She was not the distracted or impressed in the least by the throngs of young men who followed her everywhere, drooling in their socks. But the practical Hermione had to admit, that somewhere under her school robes, beat the heart of a real live, flesh and blood girl - a girl who could hardly believe that someone would love her enough to nearly get into a wizard's duel a dozen times a day over "honor". What she liked best, though, was the discreet way Harry handled anyone who made serious attempts to capture her affection.

Harry let those who were merely starstruck slide. But for those that crossed the line - well, let's just say it was nice to be dating a Sorcerer.

Hermione smiled as she remembered a recent Saturday night in the Common Room. She and Harry had just returned from Hogsmeade. Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnegan, and Neville Longbottom were huddled together at a nearby table, books and papers spread everywhere. Seamus gave his comrades a knowing wink then called, "Hermione, would you give us a hand with this?" He pointed to their arithmancy homework. It was her favorite subject. She neared the table.

Harry took a seat by the fire, and looked on, resting his chin in one hand. "What are they up to this time?" he thought with a slight shake of his head. "Will they never learn?"

"What do you make of this?" Seamus asked, pushing a paper toward her. She leaned across him to get a better look. Her blouse fell open slightly. For a fleeting second, Seamus thought he was about to get a better look himself. Across the room, green eyes flashed briefly. Without warning, Seamus's book snapped shut hard on one of his fingers. He drew back, trying to wrench his finger from the book, but it had clamped down tightly. Hermione had to use all her self-control to keep from laughing. She glanced at Harry. He was smiling wickedly.

"You're amazing, you know that?" she thought silently to him. And crossing the Common Room to where he sat in a squashy arm chair before the fire, she had to admit, things were definitely looking up. "Love you..." she said, running a hand through his inky black hair.

"Love you, too" he said and kissed her deeply.

Harry smiled to himself, thinking further about the many ways his life had improved in the last few months. Having sorcerer's powers were incredibly handy, not just for dealing with Hermione's dozens of admirers, but for getting through any number of classes without going completely mad. One morning, he found his mind wandering in History of Magic. "Nothing unusual about that," he thought to himself. But what happened next was. He found himself watching Hermione. She was lost in concentration, trying to note each detail of yet another Goblin rebellion. Her quill flew over her paper. She was so intent on her work that she failed to notice a lock of hair that had escaped her headband and fallen across her face. Harry could never remember exactly what made him do it, but he drew in a deep breath of air, and focusing on Hermione, blew gently at her face - from four desks away. Seemingly on its own, the stray lock glided miraculously back into place. He spent the rest of class using puffs of air to move any number of small objects around. He fixed Hermione's hair three more times before she realized what he was doing and looked at him in amazement.

A few days later, in Potions, his new skills nearly got him in trouble with Snape. Harry had been missing Hermione in the nights, and often, when he wanted to hold her and couldn't, he would write her letters. Sometimes sweet and funny, filled with plans for the future, sometimes beautiful and lyrical, declaring his love for her in new and imaginative ways - they were, in all cases, highly personal. Harry had slipped just such a letter inside one of Hermione's text books that morning at breakfast. By the time they got to Potions, she still hadn’t noticed it. Harry looked around for Snape. He was occupied with Neville Longbottom, whose forgetfulness potion had turned an alarming shade of purple and had begun to smoke.

Now was Harry's chance. He directed a puff of air at Hermione's open book, flipping pages until it lay open to the page with his letter. Hermione gave a muffled cry of delight and looking cautiously at Snape, eased open the envelope. Soon, she was lost in its contents and didn't hear Snape walking up behind her until he said sharply, "I'll take that Miss Granger." he held out a sallow hand. Hermione stared, unblinking, slightly open-mouthed. She couldn't believe she had let herself get caught out like this in Potions. "That letter, if you please." Snape repeated. With shaking hands, Hermione handed it over.

"Love letters from Mr. Potter, no doubt." he said, with a slight sneer. "Something I'm sure your classmates would be interested in hearing." Hermione paled. "Oh please, don't." she thought desperately, putting her head on her desk, not wanting to look anyone in the eye. She knew what was coming. Harry was furious. His eyes flashed weirdly as Snape unfolded the letter and cleared his throat noisily. Snape opened his mouth to read the first words aloud, when his eyes grew suddenly wide, an odd expression appearing on his face. Hermione looked up sharply, first to Snape and then to Harry.

Harry's face was a mask of concentration. His eyes flashed and his lips were a thin line.

Severus Snape had unfolded the letter to see a page full of Harry Potter's bold handwriting. He eyed the first line. Just as he suspected, it was a love letter. He cleared his throat, planning to share the whole touching epistle with his class - every heartfelt word of it, when he gasped. The first line was suddenly no longer there. And then the second line vanished. Faster and faster, the words were disappearing from view until, in a matter of seconds, Snape was left holding blank parchment. He growled in frustration and tossed it to the floor. "Ten points from Gryffindor!" he snapped and returned to Neville Longbottom, whose cauldron was now hissing with steam and emitting loud squeaks.

Hermione retrieved the now blank parchment from the floor with a trembling hand. "Thanks, Harry" she whispered, knowing he had done something, but not sure what. She looked at the paper discreetly in her lap. It had gone blank. She smiled. "Nice," she whispered silently to Harry.

"Look again." he thought back. She looked down, and as her fingers brushed the page, his words came pouring back, sweeter than ever. There was a lot to be said for dating a sorcerer, she thought to herself, and with a small smile, she tucked the letter safely into her bag.

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