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Chapter One – Grandmother Figg

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At first Harry found it hard to sleep.  Arabella’s revelations had been startling – unbelievable, but eventually, drenched in the warmth from the fire in his room and tired from the day’s journey, Harry slipped into dreamless slumber.  Hermione had an equally difficult time falling asleep.  The images of Lord Voldemort that once haunted Harry now visited her as well.  Eventually, she too fell asleep, but it was a long, uneasy night.


When the first streaks of gray and pink began to glow across the morning sky, Hermione rose.  She took a long hot shower, and then soaked for a while in the enormous claw footed tub in her bathroom.  To her delight she found the bathroom stocked with all manner of magical bath salts, scrubs, creamy soaps, and foaming bubble bath.   Not to mention something called “Shimmering Shampoo” which gave her hair a marvelous sheen, softening and smoothing the sometimes unruly locks.  While she was in the bath, Hopkins’ wife had been in to place a steaming mug of tea by Hermione’s dressing table.  Hermione sipped it gratefully as she pulled masses of “shimmering” hair into a neat plait down the back of her neck.  A few stray curls slipped out here and there, and Hermione found herself smiling at the effect.  She dressed carefully for her first “real” flying lesson – a light weight t-shirt and jeans, running shoes, and a windbreaker which could be easily shed if things warmed up during the afternoon. 


She started to leave the dressing table, but then returned with a small half-smile.  She never wore make-up in the wizarding world.  It had seemed ridiculous to wear make-up at Hogwarts, but somehow it seemed that a little lipstick and a splash of scent would not be out of place in this glamorous setting.   She pulled open the top drawer of her dressing table and took out a small cache of new cosmetics – a gift from her mother.  Carefully and sparingly she applied some powder, blush, mascara, and lipstick in the palest shade of coral pink.  Hermione surveyed herself in the mirror critically.  She supposed the make-up did make her appear a little more feminine, but after all, Harry and Ron rarely thought of her as a girl anyway.


She sighed as she thought of Ron.  There were so many things she would like to tell him, to share with him, but it would all have to wait.  It would take some time before things were normal between them and the old easy relationship recaptured.  Throughout her whole relationship with Ron, she had always wondered if there might not one day be something more between them than friendship.  He had certainly seemed jealous of Viktor Krum, particularly the night of the Yule Ball.  Whether he meant to or not, Ron had tipped his hand that night in the common room and from that moment on, the idea of them as a couple had lingered in the back of Hermione’s mind.  It cropped up when she least expected it and at first, annoyed her.  Over time, the idea became less annoying, in fact, even rather pleasant to consider.  She found herself eager to see him in class and in the common room, and when term ended, wondering how she would make it until their next visit.  So naturally, she was thrilled to receive his owl inviting her to come to the Burrow the second weekend after school let out. 


On her first evening there, she and Ron went for a long walk after dinner.  Each seemed to have a great deal on their minds and for a while, they walked in silence.  Then Ron burst out suddenly, “How do you feel about Viktor Krum?”  Hermione didn’t answer. She stopped walking and turning to him with a smile said, “Why do you ask?”  Ron moaned and kicked at the dirt like a small boy, “Oh Hermione,” he said with a sigh, “you must know how I feel about you but I’ve no idea where I stand.”  To his immense relief she said, “Viktor and I are only friends.”  Ron pulled Hermione into a hug and without stopping to think, kissed her.    It was just what she had wanted him to do, what she had thinking about for many weeks.  But when it finally came to pass, everything went wrong.  No kiss had ever felt more unnatural.  Even Ron sensed it and pulled away, puzzled.  It was as though she had been kissed by a brother.  Feeling that another try was in order, Ron kissed her lightly again.  This time Hermione closed her eyes and returned his kiss.  Instead of the bliss she imagined, she felt that same unnatural sensation as before, and for the briefest moment she glimpsed a pair of amazing green eyes and a scar shaped like a lighting bolt. 


This time they broke apart laughing.  Ron said, “Uhhh, Hermione, was that err, not all that you had expected?”   “Definitely not” she laughed, still puzzled.  “Because to tell the truth, that felt more like kissing Ginny than a girlfriend”, said Ron pushing his hair back off his forehead in frustration.  They walked and talked for nearly the entire weekend and eventually decided that their “relationship” had merely been a series of unrealistic expectations.  They were simply good friends and there was nothing wrong with that.  They tried to be more, and it apparently wasn’t meant to be.  Rather than risking their friendship, they left off trying to create sparks where there were none and focused on making the rest of their weekend together as pleasant as possible.  Ginny was a big help and often filled the awkward silences with chatter about Harry and school.  Ron and Hermione ended up their weekend on the best of terms.  Shortly afterward, he left for Romania with his parents and Hermione began her journey to Cornwall.


She wondered if she should send him an owl letting him know all the news about who Arabella really was and in between the lines reassure him that their friendship was as strong as ever.  Maybe Harry would let her borrow Hedwig.   But then, would Harry want to write the letter with her?  Would he want to add a postscript?  If Harry saw her letter, she would have to explain to him what had happened and up to now, she hadn’t been sure how to begin.  Her feelings were quite naturally confused.  Why had she glimpsed Harry’s face at the very moment she and Ron finally had their first kiss?  And why did she find herself feeling prickly and out-of-sorts each time Ginny began to go on about Harry.   “Could I really be that fickle? Surely not” she sighed to herself. 


She thought back to last night (was it just last night?) when Harry had hugged her briefly.  There was certainly nothing unnatural about the feel of his arms around her, or the way his fingers laced through hers as he led her back to the sitting room.  Maybe she was just kidding herself, or maybe there was another reason for the careful make-up job this morning.   With an impatient shake of her head, Hermione drained the last of her tea and strode from the room.


Chapter Three– Flying Lessons


Harry came down to breakfast about a half hour later to find Hermione and Arabella deep in conversation at the dining room table.  Arabella gestured to the sideboard where Harry found silver warming dishes with perfectly prepared bacon, sausage, eggs, sticky buns, fruit and juice.  He helped himself and then sat at the end of table nearest Arabella and Hermione.  Hopkins appeared silently with a steaming cup of tea.  With a grin, Harry said, “You two look as though you’ve been plotting and planning”.  “As a matter of fact,” said Arabella, “we were just talking about Hermione’s flying lessons which should begin immediately after breakfast.  Now Harry, tell me, did Oliver Wood have any drills that would be useful for improving Hermione’s flying?”  Harry thought for a moment.  “A few, certainly, mostly it just takes practice to fine tune what you already know.” 


“Precisely” said Arabella with emphasis.  “Have either of you ever been taught to ride horses?”  “Not me,” said Hermione slowly, “how about you, Harry?”  “Are you kidding?  Do you think the Dursley’s would spend money on riding lessons for me?” he choked out.  “Just as I thought” said Arabella. “For your information, there are a number of useful exercises Muggles employ when teaching students to ride.  To give riders and opportunity to develop a sense of balance and unity with their horses, a trainer will put horse and rider on a long line or lunge line and then take the reins away from the rider.  The horse then moves in a large circle, say 60 feet in diameter around the trainer. Because the trainer has some control over the horse, the rider can concentrate on riding with no stirrups, with their eyes closed, with their hands out to the sides, and the like.  They learn to find their center at different gaits and speeds, and how to control the horse just by shifting their weight.  The same techniques can be used with broomsticks.  After breakfast, I’ll show you.”   


And so, after breakfast, Harry and Hermione walked to the center of the park with Arabella.  Harry carried his Firebolt over his shoulder and Hermione carried Arabella’s Nimbus 2000 – a broomstick nearly identical to Harry’s own first broomstick.   When they reached the park, Arabella said, “Let me show you what I have in mind, then you try it.  Okay Hermione?”  Hermione nodded feeling a little uneasy.  “Harry, you are going to be the trainer. Mount your broom and take hold of this line”.  Arabella handed him a long cotton cord with a leather loop stitched onto one end.  She slipped the loop over the front end of the Nimbus and when Harry was ready, they both kicked off from the ground.  When they had risen to about twenty-five feet, Arabella said, “Now Harry, I want you to hover where you are, turning with me as I circle around you”.  Harry nodded.  Arabella began to fly around Harry in an ever widening circle.  Slowly, she took both hands off the Nimbus.  Because it was tethered to Harry, it continued to fly in a controlled circle.  She went through a series of exercises with her arms out to the sides, with her eyes closed, racing at top speeds, and then stopping suddenly.  Without using her hands, she turned the broom slightly to Harry, and then began to make her circle in the opposite direction.  Harry was impressed.  Hermione was mortified.  “I’ll never be able to do that!” she thought in panic.  Arabella and Harry touched back down after a few minutes and Arabella turned to Hermione.  “Ready to have a go?” with a brave half-smile, Hermione reached for the Nimbus.  “I’ll just leave you to it then -I have some errands to run in the village.”  And with that, Arabella turned and walked back to the house. 


Hermione and Harry stood transfixed.  Both were surprised that Arabella would have left them so soon, but eager to please her, they began Hermione’s lesson immediately.  “Ready then, Hermione?” Harry prompted.  “As ready as I’ll ever be” she sighed.  The mounted their brooms and kicked off – a little more gently this time.  Hermione was a competent flyer, but had never considered taking her both hands off her broomstick.  Harry often did during quidditch practice and tried to prepare Hermione for the experience.  “It will wobble a bit at first, but as long as you sit up straight, it settles down pretty quickly.  Don’t worry; we’ll make small circles at first.”  After about a half and hour, Hermione was starting to get the hang of hands-free flying.  She was also getting extremely bored with her sixty foot circle. 


“Harry, do you think we could try this without the rope?” she asked.  Harry considered for a moment.  “I think so, as long as we keep to the park and grounds, it shouldn’t be a problem.”  Harry coiled the lunge-line neatly and dropped it to the ground.  “Lets start out in a straight line, side by side, and not too fast.  When I tell you to, sit up and take both hands off you’re broom.  If you start to lose your balance, catch my hand.”  They rose together into the air and began a slow flight across the park.  Harry flew close enough so that he could reach Hermione if he had to, but he was careful not to fly so close that he bumped her knees.  He wanted to give her every chance to succeed.  The moment came.  Harry gestured for Hermione to take both hands off the Nimbus.  She was a little awkward at first, but her face showed no hint anxiety within.  After a few minutes of straight and level flight, Harry called for her to follow him in a gentle banking turn.  At first, everything seemed to be going smoothly, but a sudden cross wind took Hermione by surprise.  Instinctively, Hermione reached for Harry’s hand.  He was right at her side and steadied her immediately.  He grinned.  “All right there, Hermione?”  She nodded.  “Want to take a break?” he asked.  “No! This is wonderful!” to her surprise and to his, she was having a marvelous time. 


They circled the park several times and each time she felt unsteady, Harry was right there to make sure she didn’t fall.  Encouraged by her success, Harry suggested that she put at least one hand back on the broom and play follow the leader with him.  He lead her on a merry chase through the trees and out over the water.  She kept up with him every inch of the way.  Breathless and happy they flew back to the park to collect Arabella’s long-line.  “You were amazing!” Harry said.  “I wish Ron could have seen you, he would have never believed it!”  Hermione blushed deeply at the complement and at the mention of Ron.  “You know Harry, I started to suggest we send Ron a message by Hedwig, but it just occurred to me, you’ve got to send that letter to Sirius.  Have you written it yet?”  she asked, changing the subject.  “Yes, I sent it just before breakfast, which, by the way, seems like hours ago.” 


As they reached the house, Arabella called to them from an outdoor terrace.  Upon her return from the village, she had ventured out onto the terrace to watch them fly.  She was full of praise for them both and pointed to nearby chairs.   Hopkins served lunch on the terrace and the three of them spent a happy hour talking about flying and then animagi.  “It should come as no surprise to you after last night to learn that it is my hope (and the hope of Professor Dumbledore) that you will each become an animagus.  As you look ahead to the time when you will begin training for this transformation, consider your forms carefully.  There are those who want to become something large and powerful, others who think that small and stealthy is more useful.  Personally, I think Sirius chose a nice blend of the two.  Certainly, his form is a powerful one, but it is one that can easily blend into Muggle or wizard society.  It was because his form is inconspicuous that he was able to escape Azkaban.  If, for example, he had chosen a dragon, or some other magical creature, he would have been spotted instantly.  As you consider your forms, you might want this same versatility.  Hawks and owls are useful, as are horses.” Arabella paused, and then changed the subject abruptly.  “So, who’s ready for a swim, wizard style?”  “No, not gillyweed again” moaned Harry.  “No, not gillyweed - broomsticks” Arabella laughed. 


Mystified, Harry and Hermione went to their rooms to change into swimsuits, shorts and t-shirts.  When they returned to the terrace, Arabella offered them their broomsticks and led them once again down the path to cove.  They reached the white crescent of sand at low tide.  The beach was wide, the water calm.  “How well do you two swim?” Arabella asked.  “Very well” said Hermione.  “Err, not so well” answered Harry honestly.  “Well, just in case,” Arabella conjured ski vests and handed them to Harry and Hermione.  “Put them on! Put them on!” she ordered “Time and tide wait for no man (or wizard for that matter). Now, here’s what we’re going to do.  Harry, you are going to teach Hermione to fly a series of loops.  We’re going to do it over the water in case anyone falls.  Got it?”  Harry and Hermione took broomsticks and flew out over the water until they had reached a depth of about eight feet.  Then Harry said to Hermione, “Follow the leader?” She nodded. He said, "The trick is to get up enough speed.  Here we go!”  He zoomed off and then pulled the Firebolt upward and over into a perfect backwards roll.   Hermione followed, but at the top of the loop, she lost her grip and fell with a great splash into the turquoise water below.  She bobbed up laughing.  Relieved, Harry caught her Nimbus and flew down to where Hermione drifted.  He helped her back onto her broom and she tried a few more times with no success.


Arabella signaled for them to come into shore.  “Hermione, I have an idea.  I want you to experience the sensation of inverted flight and the completion of a loop.  If you feel it a few times, you may develop a muscle memory that will help you make the loops on your own.”  Hermione nodded, but didn’t understand what Arabella intended. “Harry, have you ever had a passenger on the Firebolt?”  “No, but I know it can be done.  I saw some members of the Irish International team flying double after they won the Quidditch Cup last summer.”  “Will you take Hermione on board for a few loops?” Arabella said with a twinkle in her eyes. 


Hermione mounted the Firebolt sidesaddle and Harry sat astride behind her.  He encircled Hermione with his arms then gripped the Firebolt firmly.  “Ready?” he said into her hair.   Arabella said, “You’d better do this over the water, just in case.”  Harry eased out over the tranquil sea.  He paused as Hermione gave Arabella a weak smile and a thumbs-up sign, then he began to pick up speed.  The Firebolt seemed indifferent to the added weight and soon achieved the speed Harry needed to make the loop.  Harry pulled the Firebolt upward and they began to climb.  Before she knew it, Hermione felt them beginning to arc over backward, but this time there was no sickening fall into the water.  Harry kept them both on the broomstick and pulled them level just as Hermione’s feet brushed the surface of the water.  Arabella clapped enthusiastically from shore.    “Again!” she called.  But Hermione said in a rush, “Harry, that was wonderful, but if it’s too hard on the Firebolt or on you, don’t do it again…”   “Do you want to do it again?” he asked.  She paused for a minute, and then whispered “Yes”.  Harry looked at her face closely.  Ringlets of hair had slipped from their braids, framing her face softly.  Her eyes were filled with light and her breath was shallow and uneven.  She looked more beautiful to him at that moment than at anytime he had ever seen her before.  And he had been looking at her for some time.  Unlike Ron, Harry had noticed long before the Yule ball that Hermione was a girl.


Harry’s feelings for Hermione had come upon him gradually and quite naturally.  He couldn’t name the exact moment it began, he only knew how much he cared for her.   Perhaps it was in their first year when, as he was about to cross through black flames to reach to Sorcerer’s Stone, she told him he was a great wizard.  Perhaps it was in their second year when everyone except Ron and Hermione thought he was the heir of Slytherin.  Perhaps it was when she had been petrified and he had to find the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets without her.  Or perhaps it was when she threw the time-turner around his neck in the hospital wing during their third year and swept him back in time to free Sirius and Buckbeak.  Probably though, it was the moment he realized Ron had feelings for her.  Only when the threat of someone else arose, did his own scattered emotions take shape.


Initially, he had no hope of her ever returning his feelings.  He was after all, competing not only with Ron, but with Viktor Krum as well. Krum was a wizard at least three years older than himself and a famous quidditch player to boot.  But then, Krum did take him aside to ask if there was anything between Hermione and himself.  Krum said she talked about him all the time.  And although Krum’s revelation did give Harry a glimmer of hope, there was still the problem of Ron’s feelings for Hermione.  It was clear to Harry that Ron fancied Hermione, even if it wasn’t always clear to Ron, himself.  And so, as far as Harry was concerned it was unthinkable to make his feelings known to Hermione, particularly if she and Ron were about to embark on a relationship, and so, he had kept silent. 


But now, she was right here in his arms, looking up at him with eyes that shone with emotion.  Harry nearly spoke the words he had been longing to say, but instead, urged the Firebolt forward and upward.  He sent them into a dizzying spiral/loop combination and found it nearly impossible to pull out of it before they skimmed the water again.  Hermione was out of breath, but delighted.  She was anxious to try it by herself, but Arabella beckoned them to shore. 


“You two need a break for a while.  Why don’t you swim some and get some sun before the tide comes in?  I’ll send Hopkins with a hamper of food in an hour or so. In the meantime, just rest and have a little fun,” said Arabella.  She waved good-bye from the top of the cliff path as Harry and Hermione raced into waves.  The water was clear and cool, the waves gentle.  Hermione was a bold swimmer and wasted no time in gliding up behind Harry and ducking him under water.    He came bursting up to the surface in mock rage “I’m gonna get you, Miss Granger!” He chased her through the shallows and onto the sand where he caught her at last. They fell onto towels dripping wet and laughing hard.  “Now what are you going to do Miss Granger? I don’t see your wand anywhere!”  Hermione laughed and wriggled helplessly as Harry pinned her easily to her towel.  She stopped struggling suddenly, but Harry didn’t move.  For a long moment he just looked at her as though she were some new bright beautiful creature that had appeared in his life.  Then, as if in a dream, he bent forward and gently kissed her cheeks, her eyes, and then her lips.  Hermione slipped her arms around his neck and he drew her close.  For a moment, neither spoke.  Hermione found herself trembling from the thrill of his touch.  These were not the kisses of a brother or a friend; these were the kisses of a lover. 


This was the bliss she had thought she would find with Ron, but hadn’t.  Ron’s attentions had been clumsy and unnatural.  When they had kissed it had seemed fumbling and forced.  Not so with Harry.  Harry’s touch was as electrifying and as perfect as she could have ever dreamed any kiss would be.  It left her weak, yet longing for more.  She tipped her head to look into his eyes.  At once he said “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.  I just ….”  He broke off as Hopkins apparated nearby with a soft popping sound and a hamper full of food.


Hopkins spread out a feast - tropical fruits, melons, and the most beautiful strawberries Harry had ever seen.  Hopkins also produced a jug of iced tea and glasses.   “Thank you, Hopkins” said Hermione, who had recovered her voice.  “Will there be anything else, Miss?”   “No, thank you Hopkins.”  “For you, Sir?” Harry shook his head, and Hopkins vanished with another small pop.

Chapter Four – Houseguests


“Hermione –“  “Harry –“  they both began at once, and then smiled.  “Let me go first okay?” said Harry.  Hermione nodded.  “I shouldn’t have done that.  I know Ron has feelings for you, and I know that you may have feelings for him.  I would never want to hurt two people I care so much about.  I’ll try to keep better control over myself in the future.  Can you forgive me?”  Harry wondered if he could keep better control over himself if they were going to be in such close proximity all summer.    “Why had he done it?” he berated himself.  But he knew the answer – he loved her.  And she had been so lovely lying there in the sun, so near and so close, cradled in his arms.  He hadn’t been able to help himself. She had felt warm and yielding, and the saltwater on her cheeks and lips mingled deliciously with her breath as he kissed her.    He longed to cover face with kisses, but knew that he had no right to risk so many friendships.

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