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Università degli Studi di Napoli. Facoltà di Lingue e Letterature Straniere Lingua e linguistica inglese 1° Lauree Magistrali Mock exam total mark: /100

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Università degli Studi di Napoli. Facoltà di Lingue e Letterature Straniere

Lingua e linguistica inglese 1° - Lauree Magistrali

Mock exam ) TOTAL MARK: ………../100

Marker’s initials: ……………
Cognome………………………………… Nome………………….. Matricola………

You have 2 hrs 30 mins. to complete all the exercises. Plan and use your time carefully. There are 100 points altogether. You must get 60% correct to pass. Papers will be annulled (immediately or during marking) for any perceived collaboration between candidates. (You may use a monolingual dictionary). (The questions are spread out on 7 pages on two A3 sheets- You may not use any other sheets)

The paper is structured as follows:

Part 1: Single item focus in textual context: (20%)

A. Open Cloze (mixed) (10%)

B. Word Formation (10%)

Part 2: Single item focus in sentences: (20%)

A. Error correction (5%)(grammar. lexis, punctuation, spelling, etc)

B. Multiple choice (15%) (grammar/lexis)

Part 3: Comprehension and guided writing in context (30%)

A. Sentence rewriting (guided completion) (grammar/lexis, paraphrase)(20%)

B. Textual completion (m.c. missing sentences) (10%)

Part 4: Reading Comprehension and Open writing (30%)

  1. Open writing comprehension questions (8 %)

  2. Summary writing (22 %)

PART 1. Single item focus in textual context:
1.A. Open cloze. Fill in the gaps with an appropriate word (use only one word in each gap)


A Lost European Culture, Pulled From Obscurity By JOHN NOBLE WILFORD

Before the glory that was Greece and Rome, 1).…………………………… before the first cities of Mesopotamia or temples along the Nile, there lived in the Lower Danube Valley and the Balkan foothills people who were ahead of their time in art, technology and long-distance trade.

For 1,500 years, starting earlier than 5000 B.C., they farmed and built sizable towns, a few with as many 2).………………..………. 2,000 dwellings. They mastered large-scale copper smelting, the new technology of the age. Their graves held an impressive array of exquisite headdresses and necklaces and, in one cemetery, the earliest major assemblage of gold artefacts to be found 3).……………………..……….. in the world.

The striking designs of their pottery speak of the refinement of the culture’s visual language. Until recent discoveries, the 4) …………………… intriguing artefacts were the ubiquitous terracotta “goddess” figurines, originally interpreted as evidence of the spiritual and political power of women 5).……………….…………. society.

New research, archaeologists and historians say, 6).…………………….…….. broadened understanding of this long overlooked culture, which seemed to have approached the threshold of “civilization” status. Writing had 7)…………….. to be invented, and so no one knows what the people called themselves. To some scholars, the people and the region are simply Old Europe.

The little-known culture is being rescued from obscurity in an 8)………………………..….…….., “The Lost World of Old Europe: the Danube Valley, 5000-3500 B.C.,” which opened last month at the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World at New York University. More than 250 artefacts from museums in Bulgaria, Moldova and Romania are on 9).…………………………………… for the first time in the United States. The show will run through April 25.

At its peak, around 4500 B.C., said David W. Anthony, the exhibition’s guest curator, “Old Europe was 10) ……………………………….. the most sophisticated and technologically advanced places in the world” and was developing “many of the political, technological and ideological signs of civilization.”

1.B. Word Formation in textual context. Read the text below. Use the word in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning. (1 pt each = 10 pts)

A Musical Genius

For many people Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) is the

Write the word below in CAPITALS:

most (0) ………………figure in the history of western classical


0. influential

music. His (1) ..... talent was already clearly evident as a



young man, (2) ..... surviving a somewhat unconventional  



(3) ..... during which his eccentric father would often force



him to take music lessons in the middle of the night.

The young Beethoven's ability won him the admiration of the

leading contemporary musical figures. Throughout the 1790s

he worked hard to secure the interest of wealthy patrons.

Such patronage (4) ..... him to concentrate on becoming a



successful composer.

Whatever his awe-inspiring musical (5) ....., however, his



personal life was something of a disaster. His day-to-day

(6) ..... with people invariably turned out to be rather



turbulent. Although he apparently fell in love with a number

of society women, the identity of the girl who lay closest to

his heart remains (7) ..... to this day.



However, just at the point when Beethoven was beginning

to reap the rewards of his early endeavours, he had to come

to terms with the crushing (8) ..... that his increasing



deafness was (9) ..... . From that point on, his music



displayed a (10) ..... change in style, becoming both heavier



in tone and larger in scale.



Part 2: Single item focus in sentences:
2.A. Identify and correct the errors in the sentences below (the errors could concern grammar, lexis, punctuation, spelling, etc.):

Ring the (one) error in each sentence, and write your correction on the line provided by each sentence (1 pt each = 5 pts)

  1. I was in the dephts of despair before I heard the good news. ………………………………

2.She lives in a small town in the north of england. ………………………………

3.It is a lot of traffic in our city. ……………………………..
4. If you're asking me which of the candidates should get the job, I'm afraid I don't have some strong views either way.


5. There's no point in trying to wade across the river; the current is far too fast.




2.B. Multiple choice (grammar /lexis) (1 pt each= 15 pts)

(Write the correct alternative out in full in the space in the sentence)

1. Sorry we’re late, we……………………………………..…………………….….. the wrong turning.

a. had taken b. were taking c. took d. are taking
2. I …………………………………….………. with the performance but I got flu the day before.

a. was to have helped b. was helping c. was to help d. had helped

3. We ……………………………………………………..….. into the state of the Italian car industry.

a. made some researches b. did some researches c. made some research d. did some research

4. I’m sorry to ……………………………….. you while you are working but I must ask you a question.

a. molest b. interfere c. bother d. intrude

5. Capital punishment was done……………………………………………… Britain nearly 50 years ago.

a. away with b. off by c. out for d. over from

6. You’d rather stay at home tonight, ……………………………………..……

  1. hadn’t b. wouldn’t c. didn’t d. shouldn’t

7. When I first came to Britain it took me a long time to……………………………..……….….. on the left.

  1. get used to drive b. get used to driving c. be used to drive d. be used to driving

8. …………………………………….…. he should have spent all the weekend preparing for his exam, he in fact just stayed in bed watching videos.

  1. Instead b. nevertheless c. despite d. whereas

9. Only on very rare occasions……………………………………..…………..….. an appearance before midday.

  1. the old lady would make b. would the old lady make c. would make the old lady d. the old lady make would

10. By the time you’re my age, you………………………………………………………………………….……. your mind.

  1. will probably change b. will probably have changed

c. would probably change d. are probably changing
11. She’s one of the kindest people …………………………………………………….……… .

a. I know b. who I know c. whose I know d. which I know

12. The book…………………………………………………….... to a number of really interesting research studies that I would like to find out more about

  1. alludes b. hints c. cites d. suggests

13. They were not in ………………………………………………………….…….. financial position to cut taxes.

a. an enough strong b. a strong enough c. sufficiently strong enough d. the strong
14. …………………………………………………………………….. to popular belief, Pluto is not a planet.

  1. opposite b. compared c. contrary d. conversely

15. I could ………………………………………………….. much more for the painting, if I’d sold it overseas.

  1. have got b. get c. have d. has got.

Part 3: Comprehension and guided completion in context
3.A.Sentence rewriting/paraphrase. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first using the word given in italics. Do not change the word. You may use A MAXIMUM OF 6 WORDS, including the word given. (2 pts each = 20pts)

  1. Although they were incredibly nervous, their performance was brilliant.

They were incredibly nervous …………………………………………………………………………………………………

……………………………………………………………..………….. performance.

2. Jim never takes any notice of what his children say.


John never……………………………………………………….………………………………… what his children say.

3. Due to the heavy rain, the children weren’t allowed to go outside at lunchtime.


Due to the heavy rain, the teachers ………………………………………………………..……….…….. outside at lunchtime.

4. She got the job even though she had no qualifications.


She was appointed …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

…………………………………………………………………… job.
5. People legally become adults at the age of eighteen in Britain.


In Britain, people don’t ……………………………………………………………………………………………………eighteen.

6. If his friends hadn’t helped him, he’d never have managed.


He never …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. of his friends.

7. I’d be happier if you kept it a secret.


I ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…… anyone.

8. “Do you know the way to the Italian restaurant?’”, Julia asked Maria.


Julia asked Maria …………………………………………………………………..…….… the Italian restaurant was.

9. They think that Helen's brother stole the money.

Helen's brother ................................................................................................ the money.
10. If Patrick does not study more, he will not pass the exam.


Patrick will …………………………………………………………..…….………………………………………………….….…. more.

……/20 pts
Fac. LLS, L-LIN/12, esame LM 1° anno, Data: ……….May 2010 . Mock exam. (CONT.)…….Partial total:………./40

Cognome…………………………………………… Nome……………………………… Matricola………..…

3.B. Textual completion with missing sentences (2 pts each=10 pts)

Read the following literary text. In each paragraph there is a missing sentence. Choose from the alternatives given below the text. Write out the sentence on the line provided (care in writing is also evaluated).

When the Wind Stops by VERLYN KLINKENBORG

1.This farm lies on an eastward-facing slope, which rises gradually to a thickly wooded ridge in the west. …………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………..…

………………………………………………………………. . Last week, the wind came ripping over the crest, knocking down a couple of fence sections and gnawing at the trees with a suctioning, siphoning sound. All day long, the air boomed and roared.

2. By evening, even the horses were weary. They had been blown about all day as though they weighed a few ounces instead of a thousand pounds apiece. ………………………………………………..…………

………………………………………………… . A whirlwind of leaves twists past, and they race away from it. The corner of a tarp gets loose, and off they go. They transmit this anxious energy to me, undiluted. I prefer the way the pigs and chickens react.

3. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

…………………………………….. The chickens sit on their perches, knitting and doing their accounts.

4.Sometime during the night, the wind dropped and the next morning was nearly still, smoke rising almost straight up from my chimney and from those down the valley. There was a strange sense of propriety about, a primness in the way every tree had relaxed and, at the same time, come back to attention. In this new silence, the horses seemed enveloped in stillness. …………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……. Their bones and sinews had relaxed.

5. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………. I stood in the sun feeling the strength of its rays now that the wind wasn’t scattering them. When the wind blows, the horses always stand with their heads facing away from it. In the quiet of the morning, they were no longer magnetized. Without a wind, they were free to face in any direction they chose. Without a wind, the day could go any way it wanted.

Place these sentences below in the paragraphs above (There is one extra which does not fit)

a. And I relaxed, too.

b. I was magnetized by the wind.

c. A tree cracks in the distance and they trot, alarmed, across the pasture

d. They were no longer bracing themselves.

e. In a high wind, the pigs snooze together at the back of their house, straw pulled over their heads.

f. I can feel the mass of that hill whenever the sun goes down, and yet, where wind is concerned, there’s very little lee to it.

Part 4. Open Comprehension Questions and Summary Writing (30pts)

For questions 4.A. 1-4 , on the following texts, answer with a short phrase (8 pts).

For question 4.B. Write a summary (and title) according to the instructions given (22 pts)

(NB: in all the answers, both contents and form are evaluated)
Text 1

Does the thought of making a presentation to a group of peers bring you out in a cold sweat? If so, you're not alone. The mere idea of having to 'stand and deliver' in front of others is enough to strike dread into the heart of the most experienced business person, let alone students. Yet effective spoken communication is an essential skill for career success in today's business and academic environments.

So what can people do to add sparkle to their speaking skills and overcome this understandable but unfounded fear of speaking in public? The bad news is that presentation nerves are quite normal and you will probably always suffer from them. The good news is that interesting speakers are made and not born. You can learn the techniques that will turn you into a calm and convincing speaker.
The first step is to persuade yourself you can do it. Just like an actor waiting in the wings, or an athlete warming up for the big race, you need to get yourself on a confidence high. Try focussing your thoughts on moments of particular success during your life to date. Remember that the physical symptoms of nerves are most obvious to you. The audience won't see your knees knocking or your hands trembling, so don't worry about it. Some of the worst presentations are those where the speaker clearly hasn't devoted enough time to it beforehand. Let's face it; a presentation that's slung together half an hour before it's going to be delivered isn't going to impress anyone.

Text 2

Inexperienced public speakers generally rely too heavily on words, so that they overlook other features which give a successful speaker impact.

Research has indicated that words account for only 7% of the speaker's impact on the audience. A massive 55% of the speaker's impact is visual, i.e. how he or she looks, facial expression, gestures, body language, posture etc., while 38% of impact comes from the voice; does the person sound trustworthy, is the voice varied and interesting to listen to?
This breakdown of the impact a speaker has may sound unlikely, but imagine a situation: you have returned a faulty item to a shop, and the shop assistant says, 'I'm sorry, I'll see what I can do.' If this is said in an uninteresting voice as the assistant leans on the counter about to resume a conversation with a colleague, you won't feel confident that very much will happen. But an assistant who is standing up straight and looking directly at you will create an entirely different impression with the same words.
Think of your favourite teacher from school. The person who comes to mind is probably someone who was enthusiastic and animated, someone with both vocal and visual impact. Try recalling phone calls with people you've never met. Invariably, we make judgements about people based on their voices and how they sound. They might say, 'he seemed ill at ease' or 'she looked very confident' and often these opinions are formed before the speaker has said one word.

(Suggestion: underline points in texts above/ take notes below, or on back page)

4.A Open comprehension questions: (2 pts each x 4 = 8pts)

(points are awarded for contents and for correctness of form (but you don’t need to use complete sentences)

1. In the first paragraph (Text 1), what image of public speaking does the writer create?


2. Explain in your own words why the writer has chosen to use the expression 'slung together' in line 17 (Text 1).


3. What exactly does the phrase 'this breakdown' (in Text 2) describe?


4. Which two words in paragraph 4 (Text 2) echo the need for 'liveliness' mentioned in Text 1?


4.B. Summary writing: 22pts total . In a paragraph of 50-70 words summarise in your own words as far as possible the reasons given in both texts for why people perform badly when speaking in public. First give a TITLE to your summary (hint: use words from the question) The title is not counted in the 50-70 word limit.

[Marks are awarded for :

Contents: an appropriate title, essential and relevant points covered, and for logical and coherent organisation of points (…./8);

Form: using appropriate linking words; use of your own words (rather than simply lifting them from text); conciseness (within the limits given), grammatical/lexical correctness and stylistic appropriateness of form) (……/14)]

(you must write the fair copy of your summary below)





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