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Tout le monde levels 3 & 4: Plan for mixed year 5 – 6 Draft version Important note

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Tout le monde levels 3 & 4: Plan for mixed year 5 – 6

Draft version
Important note
This plan is currently being trialled in various primary schools and is likely to be amended according to feedback in Summer 2009. If you would like to send your feedback we would be delighted to receive it. Please send to:
As a certain amount of repetition needs to be built in, less material will be covered.

Divide each year into 4 blocks of 8 weeks.

Two of the modules will not be used in their current format, though elements from them will be used in conjunction with others. These are Level 3, Module 3 and Level 4, Module 2. This is because a bit longer will be spent on each module, to make it possible to revisit areas and thus give the two year course a feeling of unity, whichever way round the pupil ends up doing it. Certain elements of Level 2, Module 5 (food, recipes) are fitted into the two-year programme.
To make your eight-week blocks:

  • Look at the starters and plenaries. A choice is provided – decide where you are going to use the spare ones.

  • Decide where the additions are going to fit in.

  • Make use of the extra activities given (an hour or more)

To concentrate on for Year 5 pupils:

  • Learn the core language taught in the Flashcards and whole-class games receptively

  • Use it productively both as individual language items and in simple sentences

  • Understand the gist and some detail of the story (with some English explanation)

  • Answer questions on the various contexts studied, giving personal opinions where appropriate

  • Learn to recite the alphabet in French and spell own name and a selection of easy words aloud

  • Learn to put French words into alphabetical order, and work out meanings of cognates

  • Decode some of the graphemes to assist with pronouncing the words correctly

  • Build simple sentences from a model

To stretch the Year 6 pupils:

  • Learn the core language taught in the Flashcards, whole-class games and other activities receptively

  • Use it productively, making simple sentences and more complex sentences using connectives

  • Understand the gist and detail of the story and explain sections of the story in English to other class members

  • Ask and answer questions on the various contexts studied, giving personal opinions and justifying them where appropriate

  • Learn to recite the alphabet in French and to spell a wide selection of words aloud

  • Learn to put French words into alphabetical order, categorise their word class and use various techniques to work out meanings (cognates, bilingual dictionary, from previously-known language)

  • Pronounce a wide selection of new words correctly using knowledge of grapheme-phoneme decoding

  • Build simple and more complex sentences from a model, and to substitute known language (from present or previous modules) to increase level of independence.

Block 1: Weeks 1 – 8
My town: Ma ville (Level 3, Module 1)

  • The module only teaches the alphabet from A - K, but you will need to teach the whole alphabet (for Year 6 pupils this will be revision).

  • Transport is taught only as revision, but if your pupils have followed the mixed Y3-4 plan, they will be learning these the first time round. Teach in the context of ways to get to school (or not to get to school, reinforcing the negative e.g. Je ne vais pas à l’école en avion.)

  • Learn the names of various countries and continents (see list on L2, M5 + countries and continents where French is spoken – use map in L4, M1 but in French), and use transport sentences in relation to going to countries, including en / au + country.

  • Contrast eu / eur and ou / u phonemes

Y6 opportunities:

  • Carry out a class survey about how children travel to school, and which type of transport they prefer for going on holiday. Present results to class.

  • Make a video about yourself: name, how to spell it, age, where you live, how you get to school, which countries you have visited and would like to visit, and preferred means of transport. Can be done as presentation or question and answer session.

  • Lead activities to do with familiarising Y5 pupils with alphabet e.g. spelling words for them to work out.

  • Demonstrate and explain the new class game Chamboule-tout to the Y5 pupils and lead game from front of class.

Block 2: Weeks 9 – 16
The magic watch: La montre magique (Level 3, Module 4)
Additions :

  • Some fruit is introduced. Learn the names of more fruit and various vegetables, and say which ones you like and dislike (j’aime or je n’aime pas + les)

  • Buying fruit and vegetables in a market (role play) , using and understanding kilos and euros

  • Telling the time digitally is introduced in story – develop further to include all times.

  • Learn about circumflex (â, ê, û) and how it affects pronunciation.

Y6 opportunities

  • Carry out a class survey about fruit and vegetables liked and disliked and present results to class (include finding more vegetables in English-French dictionary and working out how to pronounce them)

  • Study the information given in the Comprehension in detail and adapt the language, using the internet to help, to describe a different artist

  • Revise analogue way of telling the time, and carry out partner work, converting from one method to another.

Block 3: Weeks 17 – 24
The sports competition: Le concours de sport (Level 4, Module 1)

  • Supplement expressions about healthy activities with healthy eating (revision for Y6 pupils)

  • Revise known body parts (Level 1) and learn more so that you can label a whole person and pronounce the words.

  • Describe your hair and your eyes, or someone else’s hair and eyes (including a selection of clowns with strange colours, carrying on from circus theme in story)

  • Learn the seasons and say which sports are suitable for which seasons (ski, patinage sur un lac, natation dans la mer, équitation, vélo, kayak, football, tennis). This includes learning a few new sports and whether they are jouer à (au, à la) or faire de (du, de la) e.g. J’aime faire du kayak en été.

Y6 opportunities:

  • Make a Powerpoint presentation or a wall frieze about healthy and unhealthy activities and healthy or unhealthy eating

  • Create own warm-up routine, with instructions in French, and teach it to the rest of the class (could make own video)

  • Justify opinion using car or parce que e.g. J’aime faire du kayak en été parce que l’eau n’est pas trop froide.

  • Demonstrate and explain the new class game, Méli-mélo to the Year 5 pupils. Lead the play from the front of the class.

Block 4: Weeks 25 – 32
On fait des courses: We’re going shopping (Level 4, Module 5)

  • Add more places in town besides shops (see L3, M1) and say where you are going (Je vais + place)

  • Revise compass points and teach simple directions and practise in the hall or playground

  • j phoneme family (j, gi, ge) and contrast with ga, go, gu

  • Recycling (L4, M2 – video and comprehension)

Y6 opportunities:

  • Take turns to give directions for rest of class to follow.

  • Produce own video presentation about recycling, similar to L4, M2 video

  • Learn how to use the verb aller (present tense singular) + place (with à, au, à la, à l’)

  • Study Comprehension in detail and work in groups to write and perform own shopping role play


Block 1: Weeks 1 – 8
Carnival of the animals: Le carnival des animaux (Level 3, Module 2)

  • The module only teaches the alphabet from K – Z, but you will need to teach the whole alphabet (For year 6 pupils, this will be revision)

  • Contrast je joue de + instrument with je joue à + sport and revise and add to list of sports and different activities (L2, M3)

  • Learn how to ask and answer the question: Qu’est-ce que tu fais quand tu es libre? and give an answer to do with music (listening or performing), an answer to do with sport + an answer to describe a different activity e.g. je fais la cuisine, je regarde la television.

  • Study more examples of magic e (er>ère covered in module) e.g. un>une, in>ine, im>ime, on>onne (revision for Y6)

Y6 opportunities:

  • Carry out a class survey about free time activities, and present results to rest of class.

  • Study the information given in the Comprehension in detail and adapt the language, using the internet to help, to describe a different composer.

  • Work in pairs to study the Hare and Tortoise story (L4, M3 Le lièvre et le tortue). Work out what it means with partner and spot two examples of each of: nouns (animals); adjectives (personality), qualifiers, conjunctives, prepositions and adverbs. Collect list of known animals from this and other modules, and choose an adjective to describe each one.

  • Demonstrate and explain the new class game Chamboule-tout to the Year 5 pupils, lead play from front of class

Block 2: Weeks 9 – 16
Eat well: Mangez bien! (Level 3, Module 5)

  • Time in half-hours as well as hours and 5/10 past, also midnight as well as midday

  • Supplement expressions about healthy eating with expressions about healthy activities (for Y6 this will be revision)

  • Find a recipe in French on the internet and give the class opportunity to produce it, including presenting it in form suitable for children’s cook book

  • Learn the names for the different meals and practise them in sentences with times of day e.g. Le petit déjeuner est à sept heures et demie.

Year 6 opportunities:

  • Produce a recipe for making a fruit salad, and demonstrate it to class or video it like a cooking programme

  • Revise 24-hour clock and carry out partner activity to convert from one to the other

  • Plan a day’s menu, giving names of meals, times of meals, what is eaten in each one. Add different courses and say where the meals would be eaten.

Block 3: Weeks 17 – 24
Makembé and the magic arrow; Makembé et l’arc magique (Level 4, Module 3)

  • Learn the words for a few of the French-speaking countries in Africa and other parts of the world. Say which continents they are in. (For Y6 part of this is revision).

  • Learn names of African animals, their habits their habitats e.g. Les elephants marchent lentement dans le jongle. Compare these with the animals of the Camargue and their habitats (use the story from L4, M2 Bienvenue en Camargue to help).

  • Revise previously-learnt weather expressions and learn some new ones e.g. il gèle, il y a un cyclone, il fait mauvais.

  • Learn that the -ent on the third person plural of verbs is silent e.g. Les crocodiles nagent dans la rivière.

Year 6 opportunities:

  • Lead class game asking about activities and different weather e.g. Qu’est que tu fais quand il gèle? (See L4, M2 video for demo).

  • Make a Powerpoint about different animals and their habitats, using the internet to help as a source of information and photos.

  • Revise the singular paradigm of regular -er verbs and common exceptions, and learn the third person singular e.g. Les lions courent vite sur les plaines.

  • Demonstrate and explain the new class game, Méli-mélo to the Year 5 pupils. Lead the play from the front of the class.

Block 4: Weeks 25 – 32
Adventure in Réunion: Aventure à la Réunion (Level 4, Module 4)

  • Teach and regularly practise all possible times using the analogue clock, including quarter-to

  • Extend the work with pocket money so that pupils learn to say how much they receive, when they receive it and what they usually buy and what they want to buy (using je voudrais acheter).

  • Work with pupils from the local secondary school to make a role play presentation about the school day. This will involve learning the names of some of the subjects. Each group presents a day, using props and explanations. The aim is to show the contrast between the primary school day and the secondary school day and to consolidate the language for telling the time, school life and daily routine.

Year 6 opportunities:

  • When you have finished worksheet 4.3 (L’île de la Réunion) work in a group and use the internet to find out about another French island in a different part of the world, and produce a similar worksheet for a Year 5 pupil to complete.

  • Work in a group to draw a plan of your own school. Label the parts you already know and use an English-French dictionary to help you find the remaining ones.

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