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Презентация «Путешествие в Шотландию»

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Открытый театрализированный урок-презентация «Путешествие в Шотландию» ( 9 класс)

Учителя: Остапенок Т.В., Бабийчук О.В.

Гимназия №18

Цели урока:

социокультурный аспект: знакомство с национальной шотландской музыкой, творчеством Р.Бернса, национальными традициями, культурой и кухней.

развивающий аспект: развитие способностей к установлению последовательности, к логическому изложению, развитию творческих способностей, развитие умения вести диалог, развитие речевого слуха, умение осуществлять проектную деятельность.

воспитательный аспект: формирование потребности и способности понимать образ жизни шотландцев через знакомство с их историей, традициями, культурой.

учебный аспект: совершенствование лексических и грамматических навыков говорения;

Речевой материал: лексический- Caledonia, stern, bagpipe, mountain-dweller, affiliation, clan, treasure, regiment, military bands, kilts, ancestor

Речевые функции: describing, giving your opinion; getting new information

Оснащение урока: проектор; презентация на тему «Шотландия», стол, скатерть
Ход урока: Выходят три ученика одетых как туристы (на экране - живописная природа Шотландии)

Звуки шотландской волынки (негромко).

1-й слайд: «Oh, Caledonia! Stern and wild!» Sir Walter Scott

2-й слайд: Пейзажи Шотландии

3-й слайд: Стихи Роберта Бернса (читают ученики)
Турист1(далее Т.): How great! We are in Scotland at last! At the grеаt Robert Burn’s motherland! I’ve dreamed about it all my life!

T2: Oh, Scotland! It’s a country with an intense national tradition, with its own national dances, its own songs, its poetry…

T3: Yes, its own national food and drink, sport and manners, famous Scottish castles!
4-й слайд: Звучит волынка на фоне живописного вида Шотландии.
T2: And if we are lucky, we’ll see a famous Lox Ness monster!

T3: That’s great! But…what’s this? So wonderful and lovely sounds.

К группе туристов подходит гид (4-й ученик):

G (гид): These are the sounds of the national musical instrument of Scotts – a bagpipe.

5-й слайд: Изображение волынки.

G: Показывая на изображение волынки: The bagpipe consists of a bag made of a skin of a sheep or a goat, a trump and three wooden pipes. People learn to play a bagpipe for a long time because it’s very difficult! Good morning! I’ll be your guide. My name is Duncan.

T1: Duncan MacClaud? Wow! I’ve seen a very famous film named “A mountain-dweller” where the main hero was named Duncan MacClaud!
6-й слайд: С изображением шотландских фамилий с приставкой «mac».
T2: I heard this prefix “mac” is very widespread in Scotland but what does it mean?

T3: I know that the majority of the population of Scotland has surnames beginning with “Mac” means “son”. So the surname “MacCloud” means “the son of Cloud”. Am I right?

G: Absolutely. In XVIII-XIX centuries such kind of surnames were traditional among mountain-dwellers. And a person with a such surname underlined his affiliation to someone’s family or clan.

T3: What does a clan mean?

T1: Recently I’ve seen an interesting documentary film about clans. Scottish clans include some families which have the same surname.

G: Very good! But would you mind if I inform you about your program for today?

T1,T2,T3: Yes, certainly, yes!

G: Our excursion begins from our magnificent Edinburgh Castle!

7-й слайд: Вид Эдинбургского замка.
G: E. The castle is the most famous sight of the city which is worth visiting at least because of its exhibition “Honours of Scotland”, devoting to the greatest treasure of Scotland – monarchy’s jewellery.

8-й слайд: Сокровища Эдинбургского замка.
It was opened thanks to W. Scott who discovered it in 1707.
T1: Being in Edinburgh, we’d like to visit the king’s Museum with its great collection of national monuments!

T2: It’ll be very interesting to learn some new facts about another well-known writer – Robert Luice Stivenson in his museum in Lawn Market.

9-й слайд: Портрет Р.Л.Стивенсона
T3: Oh, this writer is so very popular in Russia!

T2: As far as we are speaking about writers, I’d like to ask – if you know the famous Russian poet M. Lermontov?

10-й слайд: Портрет М.Лермонтова
G: Why not, sure.

T2: The point is that his ancestor was a Scottish rich man George Lermont who took part in the Russian-Poland war in 1613 and then stayed in Russia.

G: It can’t be! Really?

T2: Of course, Lermontov didn’t guess about such a romantic relationship but he considered Scotland to be his Motherland and Scottish motives were attracted in his poetry.

T3: It’s really interesting. But you know Scotland is very rich in different festivals. Festivals of books, films, science, opera and etc. You’ll certainly like Military Tatoo.
11-й слайд: Шоу военных оркестров с барабанами.

T1: You mean “tatoo show”?

T2: Tatoo-show? Sounds funny! Military – men make pictures on their bodies??

G: Certainly not! Tatoo is an outdoor military show with music which is held on the parade grounds of Edinburgh Castle, usually at night.

12-й слайд: Шоу военных оркестров с барабанами.
T3: Do military men match in their traditional Scottish skirts?

G: This show is the show of military bands “Pipes and drums” from all over the world. Bagpipers, drummers from famous regiments Scottish army show their skills. And they wear their traditional kilts or Scottish skirts.

13-й слайд: Шотландский килт.
T2: Oh, how I love Scottish kilts! So much! The word “kilt” is formed from Englo-Scottish “turning clothes around body”. A kilt was traditional clothes of Scottish mountain-dwellers.

Kilt is a peace of wooden coloured material rapping around hips. These clothes are very comfortable.

T1: By the way, clan’s affiliation could determined with a kilt. Kilt had to be of a special colour.

G: Fantastic! Very intelligent group I’ve got! But let me continue our excursion..

T3: (жалобно) Sorry, but don’t you think that it’s time to have a bite?

T2: As for me I’m eager to taste some traditional Scottish meal.

G: I guess you’re tired and hungry and I’d like to invite you to one of the numerous Scottish pubs.

Гид и туристы садятся за импровизированный столик.

G: Can I have some water, please! (Подходит еще один ученик в роли официанта –W.)

Will you bring us a menu?

W: Sure. Here it is. I’d like to recommend you our famous ‘haggis’ or ‘tattis’.

T1: What is haggis?

14-й слайд: Блюдо-хаггис.
T1: What is haggis?

W: It is cooked from calf and sheep entrails, porridge, flour, onion, spices and all boiled in guts.

T2: And what is «tattis»?
15-й слайд: На экране - блюдо «таттис»
W: Tattis is potatoes with meat and vegetables. Very tasty and delicious!

T3: And what about smoked salmon? Would you recommend it?

16-й слайд: Блюдо «Копченая лосось с дымком».
W: Yeah, smoked salmon with potato soup.

W: And at last I’d like you to taste our popular meat or onion filling pies.

T3: And what will we drink?

W: Oh, you should taste our Scotch whisky, as only Scotland has its own secret of producing the most popular drink in the world!

17-й слайд: Изображение шотландского виски.
T1,T2,T3: Wow!
W: Scottish pubs are not only places where you can have meals but it’s a place where people come to talk, to listen to music and dance and recite poems. By the way, the famous poem “Auld lang syne” was written by Robert Burns in one of such pubs!
18, 19, 20 слайды: Пейзажи Шотландии.

( Читает стихи Р.Бернса «Забыть ли старую любовь…» AULD LANG SYNE )

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УМК БогородицкаяВ.Н., Хрусталева Л.В. « The World of Britain» 10-11 классы

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