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Heal Self—Heal Others

Australian Holistic Healer’s Association


As the Annual General Meeting approaches, I would like to advise readers that I will be stepping down from my current AHHA duties as President, Committee Member and Newsletter Co-ordinator, due to personal commitments. The last two years have been a great adventure. It has been an honour to work with Mark Brown, Helen Bramely –Jackson, Dianne Collette and Loretta, all fantastic contributors of time, energy and expertise to the AHHA during 2005. I would also like to thank the committee members of 2005 who have attended quarterly meetings as well as the newsletter team, consisting of Dianne – Marilyn –Dom –Barb –Janine –Julie –Shanny – and more recently, Gillian.

Volunteers Needed

A new team of volunteers is needed for the Australian Holistic Healers Association Newsletter. Volunteers have set tasks for the duration of one year from July to June each year. This is designed to keep a strict limit on the amount of time and energy that each person contributes, making it a SMALL contribution only.

Producing a newsletter is simple, fun and rewarding.
We need eight people. Consider getting together with a friend or fellow member. You will find the experience enriching, both personally and professionally.
Here are the positions:

  1. Coordinator – calls meetings, assigns tasks, keeps in touch with volunteers by email to ensure the newsletter gets out before the next quarterly meeting.

  2. Content Gatherer(s) – gathers articles from members, encouraging them to write articles in their area of expertise, collects members’ profiles, selects relevant photos.

  3. Editor

  4. Collator(s) - involves putting the articles together into newsletter format. Requires a computer, scanner and computer skills, for example, Publisher.

  5. Land mail organizer (costs covered by AHHA)

  6. Email organizer: emails newsletter and updates members’ email addresses.

The newsletter is produced 4 times a year.

To register your interest please contact the AHHA
Alannah Dore

Retiring President

Inside this issue:

The Healing Powers

of Magic


New Charka Found


Member Profile.


Bali Bombing.


Aboriginal Bush Medicine


Bush Remedies


AHHA Contacts


Page 2

Heal Self—Heal Others


I have been fortunate enough over the last week to attend two very special events: Doreen Virtue’s seminar on the ‘Manifestation of Magic’ and a Full Moon Ritual. The latter was performed by a group of women on the roof top of the Spellbox House of Magical Arts in the city of Melbourne.
Doreen Virtue reminded us that the power of magic is in us all. We only have to ask our Angels for assistance and the deed will be performed. It is very important that, when manifesting magic, you ask for what you want now. Even if it is a future goal, the future is always just that. The Now is where we are with our current dreams, hopes and desires.
Magic is a dream come true, a prayer answered, a hope realized. Magic is an act of creation.

Without magic we lose sense of the amazing journey of life. Magic holds the key to knowing ourselves.

Doreen spoke to us about the importance of connecting with ourselves, and just being.

Our Archangels also play an important part in magic. They represent the Four Elements, without which, there would be no life on Mother Earth.

The element Fire is guarded by Archangel Michael, the Boss.

The element Air is guarded by Archangel Raphael, the Healer.

The element Water is guarded by Archangel Gabriel, the Creator of Communication and the Arts.

The Element Earth is guarded by Archangel Uriel, the Angel Psychologist.

One important thing to remember when asking our Angels for help and assistance is that we may not receive this in the manner we have asked, but we will receive what we need.
The Magical time I spent at the Spellbox performing the Full Moon Ritual was very special. The group was literally ‘moon struck’ after the event. Something as simple as connecting with nature in a group can have an amazing result.
Our wise Forbearers lived by the Laws of Magic –

To Know

To Dare

To Will

To Be Silent
Spend time following the spiritual stages of the Moon:

The Waxing Moon – the Maiden experiencing the excitement of life – a time for increase and growth.

The Full Moon – the Mother, nurturer and protector - send her your blessing and you will be protected; a time to manifest your dreams, hopes and desires.

The Waning Moon – the Crone, the Giver of Wisdom – a time to dispel, purify and banish.
Remember to always put a little magic into your day,

With Blessings,

Gillian Trevascus

Heal Self—Heal Others

Page 3


Scientists from the Clown Academy have discovered a new source of healing: It is a psychic energy point located between the heart chakra and the throat chakra. It is called the Clown Chakra.

When people are feeling miserable: they have financial problems, their relationships are in trouble, they are in ill health, they are involved in a legal battle, or they are finding fault with their brothers or sisters, then obviously their Clown Chakras are closed.

During this time, the Clown Academy scientists observed, using a high-powered
microscope, that the cells of every organ display a sad face. And when the Clown Chakra is open and functioning normally, the cells display a happy face.

The scientists concluded, that if a person is ill, it is because his mind has projected guilt onto the cells of his body and has forced out the love that is normally found within each cell . The cells are therefore saying; “ I Lack Love”, or ILL for short. The scientists also discovered that all disease is due to the fact that the cells are “out of ease” or “dis-eased”.

When the Clown Chakra is open and working (playing) properly, the psychic mechanism sucks up misery, pain, anger, resentment, grievances, unhappiness and so on, and converts the energy into tiny red heart-shaped balloons.
The red heart balloons contain God's Love and Joy. These balloons are directed to the “diseased” cell and a happy face appears instantly. When light enters darkness, the darkness is gone. Sometimes these red heart balloons are called endorphins, due to the fact that when anyone experiences them, the feeling of separation ends. They experience being back home with Father/ Mother and hence are no longer an orphan. This is the well known “end orphan” (endorphin) effect.

So if you think someone is attacking you, Clown Scientists recommend that you visualise sending that person red heart-shaped balloons filled with God's Love and Joy.

Remember to keep your Clown Chakra open and remember to laugh.


From Drug to Laughter Addiction
At The Sunshine Coast Laughter Club near Brisbane, Australia, a young man of 16, had been recently transformed in life by Laughter Yoga. He was a depressed drug addict when, six months earlier, a family relative inspired him to participate in a Laughter Club meeting. One session rocked his world, as he found that, where the artificial euphoria created by drugs would soon wear off and make him feel depressed, Laughter gave him a similar “high”, and had no side effects, and its impact lasted throughout the day. He became a regular member of the Laughter Club and soon gave up using drugs. Today, he spends his time making people laugh, and participates in clowning and humour-based activities.


Try a laughter club near you … has localities and times as well as Laughter exercises to follow.
Laughter is the best medicine. A laugh a day keeps the doctor away.

Page 4

Heal Self—Heal Others



by Gillian Trevascus

I first met Brian when I was studying for my Holistic Living Counselling Diploma.

Brian was the only male amongst eleven women, so Brian was fortunate enough to spend every Wednesday with eleven women: ‘every man’s dream’. What fun we had exchanging Goddess and Warrior energy. Whenever the Goddesses were unsure of a situation, they sought an opinion from Brian, the Wise One. Brian, on the other hand, was always confident of his decision-making and his place in this world. He never needed reassurance from the Goddesses, but always welcomed feedback and suggestions. The Goddesses all loved interacting with Brian.
Brian was also a skilled Healer, and became a Reiki Master whilst studying for his Holistic Living Counselling Diploma. Brian, the Wise One was the quiet achiever, a person who would have been a Shaman in another life. However life presented itself, Brian made positive use of it. He was truly an inspiration to all who were privileged to cross his path.
I wish Brian all the very best in his Healing Practice, and hope that he one day opens up a Healing Retreat, (which is what I predicted he will do) if that is where is heart is. I know many others will benefit from him sharing his heart with them.
Your loving colleague,

Gillian Trevascus

Would you like to do a profile for us to include in future newsletters?

We would love to hear from you.

It is also helpful for our members to get to know each other more as we work together to bring healing to the world.
Please contact the AHHA if interested.

Through the Doorway

"And we must pass through solitude and difficulty, isolation and silence, in order to reach forth to the enchanted place where we can dance our clumsy dance and sing our sorrowful song -- but in this dance or in this song there are fulfilled the most ancient rites of our conscience in the awareness of being human and of believing in a common destiny." Pablo Neruda

Heal Self—Heal Others Page 5


The following article was created by concerned Student Holistic Living Counsellors of the ‘Holistic Living Training Institute’ in Mount Waverley, when the first Bali bombing occurred. Now, more than ever, its contents are relevant for all of us. You may like to share these ideas with friends, family, and clients to encourage a more holistic healing energy in an increasingly troubled world.
It was demonstrated by a Japanese professor, that when positive energy is directed towards water molecules, the molecules HARMONISE ie they form a beautiful synchronised pattern.

We too can harmonize the energy of the world by sending out positive thoughts during our day-to-day lives.

After all we are all made up of mostly water!

Love Bomb
Are we helpless?
How do we respond to violence and atrocities? We can choose!

Let us acknowledge the fear, anger, sadness and loss. Feel the pain.

Then let us move on and redirect these feelings through compassion. We are not helpless.

Here are some suggestions from which to choose, today.


Minimize absorption of excessive media coverage. Make clear choices of how much viewing, listening and reading you are going to do. At what point are you clear about the depth and tragedy of the situation? You can then express your compassion and choose to re-direct your energy in some helpful way, such as:

  1. Light a candle for those who have suffered.

  2. Donate blood.

  3. Send a donation.

  4. Cut out a photo of someone you have read about who has suffered and send love to them and their loved ones.

  5. Promote a compassionate focus when in discussions related to the Bali bombing, rather than dwell on who is to blame.

  6. Donate your time, if you are in the helping profession and know someone who needs help.

  7. Send a ‘thank-you’ to the doctors and nurses involved.


Take an inventory of your own life. Improve yourself and so help to build a positive world:

  1. Give someone a hug.

  2. Bite your tongue next time you feel like blaming someone and find a safe time and place to explore and take responsibility for your part.

  3. Play more! For example, blow bubbles – this is also a great response to road rage (keep some bubble mix in your glove box).

  4. Spend more quality time with loved ones.

  5. Get support to work through old recurring issues.

  6. Do an act of kindness everyday for someone.

  7. Expose yourself to ‘feel-good’ movies.

  8. Donate some time to someone in need.

  9. Smile at a stranger.

We can’t change the world but we can change ourselves and through this

We are all HUMAN and all ONE!

Imagine instead of a Bomb of Darkness, Confusion and Destruction, the Bomb was filled with Light, Clarity and Hope.

Love beats Fear!
Created by Student Holistic Living Counsellors of the ‘Holistic Living Training Institute’ in Mount Waverley.

Page 6

Heal Self—Heal Others

Healing Secrets of

Aborigines traditionally were much healthier than Australians are today. Living in the open in a land largely free from disease, they benefited from a better diet, more exercise, less stress, a more supportive society and a more harmonious world view.

Nonetheless, Aborigines often had need of bush medicines. Sleeping at night by fires meant they sometimes suffered from burns. Strong sunshine and certain foods caused headaches, and eye infections were common. Feasting on sour fruits or rancid meat brought on digestive upsets, and although tooth decay was not a problem, coarse gritty food sometimes wore teeth down to the nerves. Aborigines were also occasionally stung by jellyfish, and snakes. In the bush there was always a chance of injury, and fighting usually ended in great bruises and gashes.

To deal with such ailments, Aborigines used a range of remedies – wild herbs, animal products, steam baths, clay pits, charcoal and mud, massages, string amulets and secret chants. Some of these remedies had no empirical basis, but it is clear from the accounts of colonists that they worked.

Many of the remedies, of course, did directly heal. Aromatic herbs, tannin-rich inner barks and kinos have well documented therapeutic effects. Other plants undoubtedly harboured alkaloids or other compounds with pronounced healing effects. Unfortunately, very few native remedies have been tested systematically.

It is important to recognise that Aboriginal remedies varied between clans. There was no one Aboriginal pharmacopoeia, just as there was no one Aboriginal language.

During the last twenty years, anthropologists have worked in central and north-western Australia to record what is left of Aboriginal medical lore. In Arnhem Land, the Kimberley, and in the deserts of western and central Australia, there are still Aborigines living who were reared without the influence of Western ways. Their testimony has produced a startling picture of a complex and sophisticated pharmacopoeia, embracing remedies for all manner of ailments.   

The adoption of so many introduced plants into bush medicine suggests the possibility that many of the native remedies would also have changed through time. White Australians like to think that Aboriginal culture was static but it has always been changing and adapting to new circumstances.  

  Medicine men sometimes employed herbs in their rites, but they did not usually practice secular medicine. The healing of trivial non-spiritual complaints, using herbs and other remedies, was practiced by all Aboriginies, although older women were usually the experts. To ensure success, plants and magic were often prescribed side-by-side.

Plants were prepared as remedies in a number of ways. Leafy branches were often placed over a fire while the patient squatted on top and inhaled the steam. Sprigs of aromatic leaves might be crushed and inhaled, inserted into the nasal septum, or prepared  into a pillow on which the patient slept. To make an infusion, leaves or bark were crushed and soaked in water (sometimes for a very long time), which was then drunk, or washed over the body. Ointment was prepared by mixing crushed leaves with animal fat. Other external treatment included rubbing down the patient with crushed seed paste, fruit pulp or animal oil, or dripping milky say or a gummy solution over them. Most plant medicines were externally applied.
Medicine plants were always common plants. Aboriginies carried no medicine kits and had to have remedies that grew at hand when needed. If a preferred herb was unavailable, there was usually a local substitute. In the deserts, the strongest medicines are extraordinarily widespread plants. Fuchsia bushes (Eremophila) and bloodwood trees (Eucalyptus terminalis) grow everywhere. Lemon grasses (Cymbopogon) sprout on every ridge top and jirrpirinypa (Stemodia viscosa) around every water hole. In the To End, many different kinds of large leaves are considered useful for staunching wounds, presumably because cases of profuse bleeding allow little time for searching.
Some medicines were known to vary in strength with the seasons. Aromatic lemon grasses had to be picked while green, and toothed ragwort leaves (Pterocaulon serrulatum) were strongest after rain. A wet season growth of green plum leaves (Buchanania obovata), used as a toothache remedy, was considered much stronger than that available during dry.

This article and the following table is a partial extraction from the following website,

please read the full article for maximum information.

Heal Self—Heal Others Page 7



Red ash (Alphitonia excelsa) 
Headache vine (Clematis microphylla) 
Rock fuchsia bush (Eremophila) 
Liniment tree (Melaleuca symphyocarpa) 
Tamarind (Tamarindus indica) 
Snakevine (Tinospora smilacina)

Bathe with crushed leaves in water 
Crushed leaves inhaled 
Leaf decoction drunk 
Crushed leaves rubbed on head 
Fruit pulp rubbed on head 
Mashed stems wound around head


Lemon grasses (Cymbopogon) 
Fuchsia bushes (Eremophila) 
Tea trees (Melaleuca) 
River mint (Mentha australis) 
Great morinda (Morinda citrifolia)

Decoction drunk or applied as wash 
Decoction drunk 
Crushed leaves inhaled 
Decoction drunk 
Ripe fruit eaten


Turpentine bush (Beyeria lechenaultii) 
Kapok tree (Cochlospermum fraseri) 
Lemon grasses (Cymbopogon) 
Red river gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) 
Tea tree (Melaleuca viridiflora)

Leaf decoction taken 
Bark and flower decoction drunk 
External wash of boiled leaves 
Steamed leaves inhaled 
Bath of crushed leaves in water


Lemon grasses (Cymbopogon) 
Eucalypt bark (Eucalypt) 
Cluster fig (Ficus racemosa) 
Sacred basil (Ocimum tenuiflorum) 
Native raspberries (Rubus)

Decoction drunk 
Infusion drunk 
Bark infusion drunk 
Root infusion drunk 
Leaf infusion drunk 
Decoction drunk


Billygoat weed (Ageratum) 
Tree orchid (Dendrobium affine) 
Spike rush (Eleocharis dulcis) 
Paperbark tea trees (Melaleuca) 
Cocky apple (Planchonia careya)

Crushed plant applied 
Bulb sap dabbed on cuts 
Decaying plant bound to wounds 
Bark wrapped as a bandage 
Bark infusion poured into wounds


Northern black wattle (Acacia auriculiformis) 
Beach bean (Canavilia rosea) 
Rock fuchsia bush (Eremophila freelingii) 
Beaty leaf (Calophyllum inophullum)

Root decoction applied 
Mashed root infusion rubbed on 
Wash with leaf decoction 
Rub with crushed nut and ochre


Nipan (Capparis lasiantha) 
Native hop (Dodonaea viscosa) 
Beach convolvulus (Ipomoea pes-caprae) 
Snakevine (Tinospora smilacina) 
Peanut tree (Sterculia quadrifida)

Whole plant infusion applied 
Chewed leaves bound to sting 
Heated leaf applied 
Root poultice applied 
Heated leaves pressed on sting


Blackwood (Acacia melanoxylon) 
Konkerberry (Carissa Ianceolata) 
Beach bean (Canacalia rosea) 
Tick-weed (Cleome viscosa) 
Stinging tree (Dendrocnide moroides) 
Nettle (Urtica)

Bathe in bark infusion 
Oily sap rubbed as liniment 
Mashed root infusion rubbed in 
Leaves applied 
Boiled leaves and bark rubbed in 
Patient beaten with leaves


Ironwood (Acacia melanoxylon) 
Green plum (Buchanania obovata) 
Regal birdflower (Crotalaria cunninghamii) 
Emu apple (Owenia acidula) 
Fan flower (Scaevola sericea) 

Root decoction administered 
Infusion of inner bark applied 
Sap or leaf decoction given 
Wood decoction applied 
Fruit juice applied


River mangrove (Aegiceras corniculatum) 
Lemon grass (Cymbopogon) 
Native hop (Dodonaea viscosa) 
Lady apple (Syzygium suborbiculare)

Leaf decoction applied 
Root decoction poured into ears 
Boiled root juice applied  
Fruit pulp applied


Green plum (Buchanania obovata) 
Denhamia (Denhamia obscura) 
Supplejack (Flagellaria indica) 
Pemphis (Pemphis acidula) 
Quinine berry (Petalostigma pubescens)

Tooth plugged with shredded wood 
Tooth plugged with inner bark 
Benumbing stem chewed 
Burning twig applied 
Fruits held in mouth

President: Alannah Dore

Secretary: Helen Bramley-Jackson

Treasurer: Mark Brown

62 Hargreaves Street

Castlemaine 3450

Phone: 5470 5566


SUNDAY, 13 November, 2005


Westpac Building (upstairs)

75 High St, Woodend

Herbal Tea: Ginger, Cinnamon, Clove Tea

This tea is best taken in the late winter and early spring. However, it may be used throughout the year. The tea is useful to relieve phlegm and mucus from the lungs, tone the intestines, relieve gas, and stimulate the digestive system. The cloves also add a delicate aphrodisiac energy to this tea. 

1/4 tsp ginger powder 
4" piece cinnamon 1/4 tsp cloves 
2 cups boiling water 
1/4 tsp honey (optional) 

Warm a teapot by rinsing with hot tap water. 
Place ginger, cinnamon, and cloves into the warmed pot, and cover with boiling water. 
Steep for 5 minutes. 
Strain and allow to cool. Add honey and serve. 

Serves 2 

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