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Miramar Community Crèche

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Miramar Community Crèche



Ph 04 380 6547

Fax 04 380 6488


Te Whare Manaaki Tamariki

o Te Motu Kairangi

emohio ana ratou, ma ratou petahi wahi


Enquiries to: Crèche Manager, Senior Teacher

Applies to: Senior Teacher, Teachers, other staff, parents, adults and children

Purpose: To provide a plan to follow in the event of an emergency situation.

To ensure Crèche maintains sufficient emergency supplies.

Reviewed: July 2013

Next Review: January 2014

Reference: Emergency Planning Guide for Early Childhood Centres Education Regulations (ECE) 24(j)

Licensing Criteria 2008 for Early Childhood Education and Care Centres Reg 46 HS4, HS5 HS6, HS7, HS8

Emergency Plan and Procedure:

  • In the event of an emergency, such as fire, earthquake, flood, tsunami, chemical spill or other disaster, Staff members are to remember to prioritise their own safety. Children are to be given verbal instructions not physical assistance unless this can be carried out with minimal risk or is deemed absolutely necessary. If an adult is injured this puts all children at further risk.

  • Teachers will work as a team, to be responsible for the safety and wellbeing of all children, at all times.

  • CD Warden will ensure parents or emergency caregivers of children present, are notified of the emergency situation by emergency cellphone, at the soonest possible opportunity to do so.

  • Management to ensure all staff know how to turn off water and electricity at mains.

  • Management to ensure all staff have a current first aid qualification.

  • Management to ensure all staff, relievers, parents and visitors to Crèche are familiar with the Emergency Plans and Evacuation Procedures.

  • Management to ensure there is a CD Warden and a Deputy CD Warden appointed.

  • Management to ensure any third party hiring Crèche premises are made aware of the Emergency Plans and Procedures and the locations of the fire alarms, fire extinguishers and fire hose.

  • Four refresher drills are to be practised every year and recorded as carried out on the attendance register, also each practise is to be followed up by an evaluation of effectiveness.

Exit Points / Evacuation Route:

There are two emergency exits that are clearly labelled and must be kept clear at all times. Exit points are:

  • Back door out to playground, then out through gate to the assembly point in the middle of Chelsea St. Park.

  • Main entrance at front doors, then around the front of community centre building, to the assembly point in the middle of Chelsea St. Park.

Fire Evacuation:

  • In the event of a fire, staff will loudly call “FIRE” and immediately activate the alarm. This is situated in the front entranceway of Crèche premises.

  • On sounding of the alarm, instruct all children and adults to go to the closest exit to form a group, before evacuating the premises as quickly as possible to meet at the assembly point in the middle of Chelsea Park (see Appendix H).

  • CD Warden is responsible for:

  • Wearing orange vest (kept by front exit) and ensuring three teachers wear their yellow vests (one kept by front exit, two kept by back exit).

  • Handing the looped rope (hanging up by front exit) to the Deputy CD Warden for the children to hold onto during the evacuation to the middle of Chelsea St. Park.

  • Checking the inside area is clear, Check toilets, bathroom, kitchen, and any other area where a stressed child might hide, like cupboards, staffroom, office etc, leaving lights on and closing (but not locking) doors when checked.

  • Assisting where necessary, any children or adults to evacuate the premises as quickly as possible.

  • Putting a notice on the front door, informing that all adults and children have evacuated the premises and where they can be located.

  • Collecting attendance roll and emergency cellphone from the office, before leaving premises.

  • Checking attendance roll at assembly point, to ensure everyone is accounted for.

  • Ensuring that an adult calls emergency services by dialling 111 as soon as possible

  • Ensuring parents of children attending Creche are notified of any emergency situation by emergency cellphone, at the soonest possible opportunity to do so.

  • Liaising with the Fire Service Officers and ensuring that no one re-enters the building before the “All Clear” signal has been given.

Self- Monitored Trial Fire Evacuation:

(Carrying out a trial evacuation, without the Fire Service in attendance)

  • The WCC (or their agents) are responsible for checking the fire equipment regularly and conducting two spontaneous drills through the year. Any queries should be directed to Community Services Advisor, WCC, telephone: 499-4444

  • Each year the Crèche Manager will set the four trial evacuation dates, in consultation with the Senior Teacher, community centre and holiday programme co-ordinators

  • Approx one hour before the evacuation, the Deputy CD Warden is to confirm that with the fire service that the trial will be held, by calling Comcen 801 0812.

  • CD Warden must wear orange vest (hanging up by front exit) during trial fire evacuations. Creche Teachers wear the yellow vests provided.

  • CD Warden must put a notice on the front door, informing that all adults and children have evacuated the premises and where they can be located.

  • At the appointed time the CD Warden will locate the BULGIN key on top of the panel cabinet. Insert in slot marked TRIAL EVACUATION. Turn key ‘half turn’ to the right, until alarm sounds.

  • Commence the trial evacuation and record the time it took to evacuate everyone from the building (see Appendix H).

  • When the trial evacuation is completed, return to the panel and turn key to upright position. Withdraw key and return to on top of panel cabinet. Alarm panel will continue to show DEFECT (yellow light) for about 10 secs then will return to NORMAL (green light).

  • Complete the trial evacuation record sheet and forward to

C. Hutchings

Fire Safety Officer

Wellington South Fire District

P O Box 19 161

Earthquake Procedures:

All staff are to be conversant with earthquake drill procedures; "Drop, Cover and Hold".

  • Staff to loudly call “Earthquake: Drop, Cover and Hold!” Followed by “Turtle Drop!” or “Jack in the Box!”

  • Staff working inside are to move to a safe place, no more than a few steps away, drop, cover and hold under a table (facing away from windows or other hazards that could fall) while verbally instructing children to get under tables “Drop, Cover and Hold!” “Turtle Drop!” or “Jack in the Box!”

  • Staff working outside are to move to a safe place, no more than a few steps away, drop, cover and hold (facing away from windows or other hazards that could fall) while verbally instructing children to “Drop, Cover and Hold!” “Turtle Drop!” or “Jack in the Box!”

  • All adults and children are to remain in this position, until the “All Clear!” signal is given.

  • Calm and reassure frightened children while attending to any injuries or fatalities.

  • Establish communications with emergency services personnel.

  • Establish communications with parents of children attending Creche.

Emergency Evacuation Procedures:


  • Firstly attend to any injuries. If there are fatalities, dead bodies should be covered and kept separate from survivors.

  • Calm and reassure frightened children.

  • If there is a need to evacuate the premises, the CD Warden will notify all staff of this immediately (see Appendix E for map of evacuation route).

  • Four teachers each have their own set responsibilities (see Appendix A).

  • Using the emergency cellphone, ensure communications have been established with emergency services personnel and the emergency contacts or parents of the children.

  • A notice will be left on the Crèche front door, notifying authorities and families of the evacuation location.

  • Children must always be kept with at least two permanent teachers, until they are collected by parents or a nominated emergency caregiver.


  • If an ALERT is issued of a possible flood (not a warning), this will be forwarded to parents by emergency cellphone and email. Parents may prefer to collect their children from Crèche early. Staff will be notified of the alert and will be prepared to evacuate if this becomes necessary (see Appendix G for flood map of our area and Appendix E for evacuation route map).

  • If a WARNING is issued of an impending flood, parents will be notified by emergency cellphone and email to come and collect their children from Crèche as soon as possible. The CD Warden will assess the situation and when necessary, commence Emergency Evacuation Procedures, taking the Emergency Evacuation Backpack and the allocated Child Carry Backpacks.


  • If an ALERT is issued of a possible tsunami (not a warning), this will be forwarded to parents by emergency cellphone and email. Parents may prefer to collect their children from Crèche early. Staff will be notified of the alert and will be prepared to evacuate if this becomes necessary.

  • Staff to gather the children into groups if the Civil Defence siren is sounded OR a tsunami warning text message from WREMO is received OR once the ground has stopped shaking after a large earthquake.

  • The CD Warden will quickly assess if the planned evacuation route is free from hazards and inform staff of action to be taken. The aim is to get all children and staff to the suggested tsunami safe zone (see Appendix E, Evacuation Map and Appendix F - Tsunami Map), halfway up the hill path from Miramar Avenue to Otaki Street. Once this point has been reached, the CD Warden will assess if there is a need to continue to higher ground, to shelter at 34 Athens St, where there is a small amount of food and water stored for Creche. Once there, the CD Warden will again assess if there is a need to continue to even higher ground. A notice will be left securely at each location, notifying authorities and families of the new evacuation location.

  • If a WARNING is issued of more than two hours but less than four hours of arrival of tsunami, parents will be notified by emergency cellphone and email to come and collect their children from Crèche as soon as possible. The CD Warden will assess the situation and when necessary, commence Emergency Evacuation Procedures on foot, taking the Emergency Evacuation Backpack and the three teacher allocated Child Carry Backpacks.

  • If a WARNING is issued of more than ten minutes, but less than two hours of arrival of tsunami, the CD Warden will assess the situation and commence Emergency Evacuation Procedures on foot, taking the Emergency Evacuation Backpack and the three child carry backpacks.

  • If a WARNING is issued of less than ten minutes of arrival of tsunami, calmly but quickly put all the children in teachers/staff cars, along with the Emergency Evacuation Backpack and immediately take them by road to higher ground, via a planned evacuation route.

Chemical Spill

  • In the event of a chemical spill, staff will loudly call “CHEMICAL SPILL” to immediately notify other staff.

  • The CD Warden will assess the situation and if necessary activate the alarm (situated in the front entranceway of Crèche premises) then commence Emergency Evacuation Procedures, as for a fire evacuation.

Emergency Recovery:


  • Firstly attend to any injuries. If there are fatalities, bodies should be covered and kept somewhere separate from survivors.

  • Calm and reassure frightened children.

  • CD Warden will notify staff if Emergency Evacuation Procedures are to commence (eg. following a large earthquake).

  • Establish communications with emergency services and children’s parents or nominated emergency caregivers.

  • Keep records of all childrens’ departures, only to a nominated caregiver or emergency services personnel.

Three Emergency Evacuation Child Carry Backpacks: (Appendix B)

  • One Emergency Evacuation Child Carry Backpack (MCC3) is kept hanging up in the children’s bathroom. Another Child Carry Backpack (MCC4) is kept in the storeroom. The third Child Carry Backpack (MCC1) is kept near the front door. Each of these are allocated to three teachers and are to be taken by the named teacher when evacuating the premises.

  • See Appendix B for list of contents of Child Carry Backpacks.

  • The Emergency Evacuation Child Carry Backpacks are to be checked every six months and contain supplies that would be needed immediately. See Appendix B for a list of contents.

Emergency Evacuation Backpack: (Appendix C)

  • The large Emergency Evacuation Backpack (MCC2) is kept near the front door. It is to be taken by the Deputy CD Warden when evacuating the premises.

  • The Emergency Evacuation Backpack is to be checked every six months and contains supplies that would be needed immediately. See Appendix C for a list of contents.

Disaster Survival Kits: (Appendix D)

  • The Disaster Survival Kit contains long-term requirements e.g. up to three days worth of food and supplies, kept in the two yellow CD Bin in the CD Shed. The Kits are to be checked every six months for food and battery replacement. See Appendix D for a list of contents.

Licensee consulted Yes/No Staff consulted Yes/No

Parents consulted Yes/No Advisory Committee consulted Yes/No

Approved by: Tracey Edwards Designation: Centre Manager

Date: 24 July 2013

List of Each of Four Teachers Responsibilities

Kept with each of the Three Child Carry Backpacks and the Large Emergency Evacuation Backpack
All teachers are responsible for all the children, as a team.

  • Teacher One: CD Warden – Lynda H

  1. Keep Calm, do not panic.

  2. Keep alert for hazards (eg. aftershocks)

  3. Attend to any injuries or fatalities, while calming and reassuring frightened children.

  4. Put on orange vest.

  5. Take down looped rope and hands to Deputy CD Warden.

  6. Collect allocated Child Carry Backpack (MCC1) and personal medications.

  7. Collect Emergency cellphone.

  8. Check inside area is clear; toilets, bathrooms, kitchen, cupboards, office, staffroom and anywhere else a stressed child might hide.

  9. Delegate who to post notice of evacuation on front door.

  10. Delegate who to lock shed, lock back door, lock front door.

  11. Delegate who to turn off electricity at the mains, by front door.

  12. Delegate who to turn off water at mains toby, under blue cover on road reserve (orange screwdriver to lift blue cover kept in office with charged emergency cellphone).

  13. Establish communication with emergency services personnel.

  14. Ensure parents of children are notified of any emergency situation by emergency cellphone, at the soonest possible opportunity to do so.

  • Teacher Two: Deputy CD Warden – Linda T

  1. Keep Calm, do not panic.

  2. Keep alert for hazards (eg. aftershocks)

  3. Attend to any injuries or fatalities, while calming and reassuring frightened children.

  4. Put on yellow vest.

  5. Receive looped ropes from CD Warden.

  6. Pick up attendance register and locates stickers for identifying children.

  7. Roll count children, checking from the attendance register.

  8. Collect allocated Emergency Evacuation Backpack (MCC2).

  9. Establish communication with emergency services personnel.

  10. Ensure parents of children are notified of any emergency situation by emergency cellphone, at the soonest possible opportunity to do so.

  • Teacher Three – Ellen

  1. Keep Calm, do not panic.

  2. Keep alert for hazards (eg. aftershocks)

  3. Attend to any injuries or fatalities, while calming and reassuring frightened children.

  4. Put on yellow vest.

  5. Collect allocated Child Carry Backpack (MCC3).

  6. Collect childrens medications and own personal medications.

  7. Collect stickers for identifying children from Deputy CD Warden.

  8. Gather children at door and apply identifying sticker onto every childs back.

  9. Establish communication with emergency services personnel.

  10. Ensure parents of children are notified of any emergency situation by emergency cellphone, at the soonest possible opportunity to do so.

  • Teacher Four – Jane

  1. Keep Calm, do not panic.

  2. Keep alert for hazards (eg. aftershocks)

  3. Attend to any injuries or fatalities, while calming and reassuring frightened children.

  4. Put on yellow vest.

  5. Collect allocated Child Carry Backpack (MCC4).

  6. Collect childrens shoe basket and gather children at door.

  7. Assist Deputy CD Warden with roll call from register.

  8. Establish communication with emergency services personnel.

  9. Ensure parents of children are notified of any emergency situation by emergency cellphone, at the soonest possible opportunity to do so.


Contents of each of the Three Child Carry Backpacks: to be checked every six months.

MCC1 kept near front door – Lynda H

MCC3 kept hanging up in childrens bathroom - Ellen

MCC4 kept is storeroom - Jane

  • Personal Medications

  • Notice of possible relocation after initial evacuation and a sharpie pen.

  • 2 way radio communication device for short range outdoor communication.

  • Instructions; how to use communication device.

  • Tissues

  • Antibacterial wet wipes

  • Hand Sanitiser

  • Sunblock

  • Plastic Bags

  • Nappies

  • Bottle of water

Date last checked: June 2013 Date last checked:


Contents of Large Emergency Evacuation Backpack: to be checked every six months.

MCC2 kept under sign in desk by front door – Linda T

• Up to date register of all children and their emergency contacts

• Copy of parent / caregiver and alternative emergency contacts

• Notice of possible relocation after initial evacuation and a sharpie pen.

• An envelope only to be opened in the event of an emergency situation.

• Dynamo powered radio/torch with cellphone charger adapter kit.

• 2 way radio communication device for short range outdoor communication.

• Travel first aid kit

- Panadol

- Pamol

- Ponoxylan gel cream
- Stingose gel
- Solosite wound gel

- Brulidine antiseptic cream

- Dettol antiseptic spray cleanser
- Antiseptic wipes
- Gauze pads
- Small scissors
- Adhesive tape
- Insect repel spray

- Adhesive bandages

- Sodium Chloride irrigation

- Medicine spoon

- Eye wash container

- Arnica cream

- Sunblock
- Children's medication

• Whistle

• Stick-on labels

• Marker pen

Small transistor radio

• Paper and pens

• Party blowers

• Length of yellow rope

• Stretchy bungee chords

• 4 pack of toilet paper

• Pop-up tent

• Duct tape

• Emergency foil blankets

• 2 packets of biscuits

• Sweets i.e. marshmallows, lollipops

• 2x hand sanitiser

Date last checked: May 2013 Date last checked:


Contents of Two Disaster Survival Kits: to be checked every six months

Both kept in the CD Shed, in the playground
Number 1 Yellow Bin

• Food – (also some food stored inside in container under sign-in desk)

- 1.5l skim milk powder and formula
- Dried fruit (sultanas, raisens and apricots)
- Milo, tea, coffee.
- Biscuits, crackers, muesli bars etc.

- 2x bags lollies

- 46 tins food eg. baked beans, spaghetti etc.

• Can opener

• 2x large platters

First aid manual

• First aid kit, including 4x saline solution and pamol

• Torch and spare batteries

• Pocket knife

• Length of yellow rope

• 3.6m x 4.8m blue tarpaulin

• 2x hand sanitiser pump packs

• Finger puppets

• Collage materials

• Back pack containing 26x foil emergency blankets

• Water purifying tablets

• Water stored in containers (3 days worth)
Date last checked: July 2013 Date last checked:
Number 2 Yellow Bin

• Disaster Survival Booklet

• Portable gas stove

• 2x butane gas cans

• Stainless steel pot

• Can opener

• Kit containing pot, bowl, frypan, plastic cup.

• 16x plastic bowls

• 4x serving spoons

• Food
- Skim milk powder and formula

- Dried fruit (sultanas and apricots)
- Biscuits eg. Gingernuts etc.

- Milo, tea,coffee.

- Biscuits eg. Gingernuts etc.

- Tinned food eg. Baked beans, spaghetti etc.

• Plastic cups, teaspoons, forks and knives

• Plastic plates, paper plates

• Can opener

• Kit containing pot, bowl, frypan, plastic cup.

• First aid manual

• First aid kit

- Cold pack

- Paper tape

- Dettol

- Hand wash

- Safety Pins

- Antiseptic Cream

- Saline
- Scissors
- Plasters

- Alcohol wipes

- Bandages

- Sling

• Two torches and spare batteries

• 3x lengths of yellow rope 4mm x 12m

• 5x camping light sticks

• 2x smoke sticks

• 12x long candles

• 8x matches

• Long bic lighter

• Radio and spare batteries

• Blankets (6)

• Nappies and pull ups- various sizes (3 days worth)

• Scented nappy bags

• Wet wipes – 3 packets

• Sanitary pads – 4 packets

• 24x tampons

• 4x Soap

• 4xToilet paper

• 12x small packs of tissues

• Box of tissues

• Balloons, paper, crayons, felt pens

• 4 packs large plastic rubbish bags

• Water purifying tablets

• Water stored in containers (3 days worth) with 2x lid pourers

Date last checked: July 2013 Date last checked:


Emergency Evacuation Route Map


Tsunami Safe Zone Map:


Flood Zone Map:


Fire Evacuation Map:

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