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Creating Art Works Through Choice of Subjects, Symbols, and Ideas

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Name: Mr. Bryant Laude

Subject/level: Art (Egyptians tombs)

Unit: Lost World of Ancient Egypt

Lesson # 11

Standard, Benchmark, Indicator

Standard 3: Creating Art Works Through Choice of Subjects, Symbols, and Ideas

Benchmark 2: Selects, organizes, and employs images, subjects, and ideas in works of art to express meaning.

Indicator 1: Independently organizes relevant subjects, symbols, and ideas to express personal meaning.

Unit Goal

Lesson Goal

Students will appreciate the different style of Egyptian tombs.

Students will understand the different elements in an Egyptian tomb.

Unit Objective

After completion of the unit on Ancient Egypt Students will critique three peers on their final tomb arrangement project on day 15 will be assessed by a rubric.

Lesson Objective

Having discussed Egyptian tombs, students will compose their own Egyptian tomb to be Formally critiqued by peers assessed by a rubric.

Set up

Students will be setting at their normal tables. Five tables in a line. Four students to a table except for middle table which has five students. Accommodation: Make sure David Licthen set at the closes spot to the board. ELMO set up for slide shows. Open space on wall by door for tape marks. Modification: keep lecture short to have maximum engagement especially ADHD

Essential Questions, New & guarded vocabulary

What it every person had to be buried in tomb?
Hieroglyphics: Writing the Egyptians used to tell stories. The writing was made of pictures

Pyramid: An Egyptian king’s tomb from the old Kingdom throughout the middle kingdom.

Mastaba: Was a kind of Ancient Egyptian tomb in the form of a flat-roofed, rectangular with outward sloping sides that marked the burial site of many eminent Egyptians of Egypt's ancient period. Mastabas were constructed out of mud-bricks or stone.

Ka: the Egyptians thought it was the their life force of the pharaoh

Pharaoh: Was the king of Egypt they believe that he was a lesser god.

Sarcophagus: Is a funeral receptacle for a corpse, most commonly carved or cut from stone.

Cutaway Tomb: A tomb that was built into the side of a mountain to hide the location of tomb from raiders.

Materials / visuals / equipment / sources

Photos for lesson (bottom of lesson plan), ELMO, Mud brick, sandstone, limestone, model bed, chair, paper, pencils, clay, rulers, tape, calculator, and tape measure.
Janson’s History of Art 7th edition

The Western Tradition Authors: Davies, Denny, Hofrichter, Jacobs, Roberts, Simons

UDLs are highlighted and in italics



Anticipatory set


A, V

Multiple modalities&

Guarded vocabulary

(T) (will start recorder for David Licthen so he may have recorded version of lesson Accommodation for David so he can go back over material later if he didn’t catch it first time )

(T) Will hand out Graphic organizer and worksheet with hieroglyphics on it and see it students can figure out what the message is. Modifications give student alphabet with hieroglyphic phrase Make sure hieroglyphics are large enough for easy use. Accommodation Be sure to hand out easier version to students who need it.2nd Go is for students who don’t need extra help. 3rd Go is for those who need help

(S) Will look at worksheet.

(T)Now some of you are probably wondering what these are or, maybe you already know from one of your other classes. These are Hieroglyphics. (Place definition on overhead)Can anyone tell me what hieroglyphics are?(hieroglyphics part of guarded vocabulary)

(S) Hieroglyphics are a form of writing.

(T)That’s right. They are a form of writing. Hieroglyphics are all based on pictures. It is like you are talking through images. Let’s say for example if you wanted to say heart in hieroglyphics. You would just draw a heart instead of writing out the word. (write/draw example on board check for clarification) Now does anyone know what they used this type of writing for?

(S)Will give a variety of different answers.

(T) Those are all good answers. Hieroglyphics are used for writing messages. In particular they used them to write on their tomb walls.

Transition :( T) Take some time and try to figure out what these hieroglyphics say. While you are doing that I want you all to think on why they would write on the tomb walls.

(S) Will try to figure out the hieroglyphics and ponder question.

(T) (Give students about three minutes to figure out what it says).

(T) Will go around and check for understanding as well as help students think about question.

Personal Hieroglyphics

10 minutes


(T) Now that you have tried to figure out some hieroglyphics. Why do you think the Egyptians used them to write on the walls?

(S) student respond in multiple different ways(Name of person, Job, title)

(T) WOW! Those are really good answers. Some of you are correct. Egyptians use hieroglyphics to tell stories of how the person in the tomb would reach the afterlife like we study last week in our religious projects. Now it is time that you make some of your own hieroglyphics. What I would like you to do is make up some hieroglyphics that you think might represent your name. Now remember that our next project is creating your own tomb so we are going to make the hieroglyphics that you will put in your tombs. That way in Thousands of years later when they discover your tomb they will be able to know who you are.

(T)Modification: While students work on their own hieroglyphics hand out Graphic Organizer

Egyptian Kings

10 Minutes

A,V & T

Multiple modalities

Multiple modalities&

Guarded vocabulary

Transition: (T) That’s right they used Hieroglyphics to communicate. They used them all over the tombs to tell what they thought was important. Do you think that they just wrote them on paper?
(S)Yes, no,

(T) put up hieroglyphic picture on ELMO

(T)Well the Egyptians craved there work into the walls of their tombs. They did this, like we said early, to tell stories of how the person in the tomb met their afterlife. Here are some examples of the materials that the Egyptians used to build their tombs out of.

(T)(Pass around mud brick, sandstone, granite, and limestone.)

(T)Why do you think that they put people into tombs?

(T) (Show picture of tomb) Modification: Large pictures on overhead.

(S)They did it to honor them.

(T)That is pretty much correct. The Egyptians believed that the important people that they put in tombs had Ka. (Place definition on overhead)The tombs are a place for their Ka to live forever. Ka is the life force of the pharaoh. (Place definition on overhead) Can anyone tell me who a pharaoh is? (show pharaoh picture)

(S)It’s the Egyptian’s king.

(T) That’s right but the Egyptians considered their pharaoh to be a lesser god. They thought that since their pharaoh was a god that they would follow what ever they said. That’s one of the reasons that they wanted to bury them in elaborate places. The Egyptians believed that the ka would live on forever. That is also another reason that they wanted to give their pharaohs really nice tombs so there Ka would have a place to live. The Egyptians also would put things for the Ka’s everyday living in the tomb. Does anybody know what I mean when I say that?

(S) yes, no kind of

Transition: (T) Well what I want for you to do know is turn to you neighbor to brainstorm on some of the objects you think that they would put in their tomb, and remember that their Ka was suppose to live forever in their tomb. Think about the objects in which you would need for your everyday living.(Show picture of Ka)

Pair students to think about objects in tombs

5 Minutes

A, V & T

Multiple modalities&

Guarded vocabulary

(T) Walk around and guide students on what they would find in an Egyptian tombs(Check for understanding)

(T) Those are really good answers. Since the pharaoh is considered a lesser god the objects that they would put in the tombs would be very nice.

(T)(Show examples of everyday things in tombs.) Like we said early the Egyptians thought that their Ka would live forever. What would their Ka do in a tomb through out eternity?

(S)bed, chair

(T) The Egyptians would place things into their tomb that the pharaoh’s Ka would be able to use through out their everyday lives as they pass through-out eternity. One of the main objects that Egyptians put in the tombs was the pharaoh’s sarcophagus (place definition on the overhead). A sarcophagus is a funeral receptacle for a corpse, most commonly carved or cut from stone. They are very commonly made of limestone. The sarcophaguses are the place in which the Egyptians believe the pharaoh’s Ka would reside. (Show sarcophagus) It is almost the same thing as a coffin.

Types of tombs

10 Minutes

V, A & K

Multiple modalities&

Guarded vocabulary

Transition: (T) Now we have been talking all this time about how to label you tomb, and what to put in your tomb. However, Can any one tell me where they buried their pharaohs?
(S) In pyramids.

(T) That is right and wrong. During the old and middle kingdoms the pharaohs were buried in pyramids (put definition on the board and read it). However, the very first types of tombs the Egyptians used were rectangle graves dug under the ground. They then move to tombs called Mastabas. (Place definition on overhead)The mastabas are made of mud bricks. The kings weren’t really buried in the mastabas they were actually buried underneath them. (put up diagram mastaba)We are going to look at the example of king Djoser. (put up diagram of Djoser) King Djoser as it shows on the overhead doesn’t look like that he was burial in a mastaba at all. However, king Djoser was buried in a 26ft. mastaba but the Egyptians continued to add to the mastaba until it turned into the first step pyramid that rose to 204ft. They also built Djoser a courtyard where it is said that his Ka could watch over the rituals that were done in his honor. Dloser’s tomb was the first step pyramid. The Egyptians didn’t continue to make step pyramids. As you will see they started to make smooth sloped pyramids. (show the pyramids at Giza) Still part of the old kingdom, these three pyramids are the pyramids that you would see on television. The pyramids were made in commemoration of Sneferu’s son Khufu (the first and largest pyramid), Khafre, and Menkaure. These pyramids are very large in size. Khufu when it was construction was 480ft. tall. However due to erosion the pyramid is now around 450ft tall. (Show the diagram of Giza explain which pyramid is each one) This is Khufu’s pyramid and this is Khafre’s pyramid which was Khufu’s successor. This last pyramid is Menkaure which is about half the size of Khafre’s. These three pyramids as you can see are on the same funerary complex as the Sphinx. The building of the sphinx is credited to Khafre which stands 65ft in the air. (Show picture of sphinx) They said that the Sphinx was the head of Khafre on a lion body. That was supposed to be a testament to his reign. Does anyone have any question about the material we have covered?

Transition: Now I said that Khufu’s pyramid is 450ft. tall. Now what I want you to do is figure out about how tall the pyramid would be if you all were an inch tall.

Students figure ratio formula

10 Minutes

V, A, & K

(T) (Put up ratio formula on overhead) I would like for all of you to look at the Ratio between you to the Khufu’s pyramid. What I would like is for everyone to follow along (Do problem on board so students can see). Everyone take your height and turn it into inches. If you don’t know there is a tape measure in which we can measure you after I am done walking through the example. If you don’t know how to convert your height into inches just take the feet element in your height and multiple it by 12in. Then add your inches to the total that you got from the previous total. For example 5ft. 8in. take 5ftX12in=60in plus the inches 8in+60in=68in. Now that you have your inches you need to convert the height of Khufu’s pyramid height to inches. Take 450ft. and take that multiple it by 12in. = 5400in. You take 5400ft. and divide it by your height in inches. 5400in / 68in=79in once you have this number divide it by 12in to convert it into feet. 79in/12in=6.6ft. Alright now that we have walked trough an example I would like for you to do it for your own height. Once you have that measurement come over here to the wall and tape up your measurement on the wall.

(S) Will work on personal ratio to Khufu’s temple.

(T)(Will go around and help students with ratios and make sure they understand material that has been taught so far.)

(T) Measure

Modification: Gifted students if finish early can do personal relationship with Sphinx (65ft) or king Djosers step pyramid (204ft) or both. Follow same procedures as with Khufu’s pyramid just exchange height.

New kingdom pyramids

5 minutes

V, A

Multiple modalities&

Guarded vocabulary

Transition: (T) Those pyramids are very large and mystical in their size. We can see that from the activity we just did. Do you think that lots of people could see them form far away?
(S) Yes people could see them from all over.

(T) that is absolutely correct. The Egyptians main goal was for their people to see and

Recognize the pharaoh’s tomb. However, their plan worked better than they had thought, because many of the pyramids and tombs were raided/ robbed. As the Egyptians moved through out the middle and new kingdoms they were worried about their pharaoh’s ka so they started to hide the location of their kings' tombs. They did this so the robbers wouldn’t find them and their pharaoh’s ka would not lose the artifacts that it needed for its everyday living in the afterlife. Does anyone know how they hid their tombs form the tomb robbers?

(S) Multiple different locations in the sea or in mountains.

(T)(show picture of cut out tomb) The Egyptians hid their kings in the side of mountains in cutaway tombs. (Place definition on overhead) They also had two burials for their pharaohs so that they could ensure his or her Ka. They buried their kings in a special location. It was named the Valley of the Kings were it is thought that there are many more kings buried there. However, no one knows where they are buried.


10 minutes

V, A

Transition: (T) Now that you know what the Egyptians used to write, who a pharaoh is and how they were buried them. I want to you to think about the entire different array of elements that you are going to have in you tomb. I would like you include your religious art and your hieroglyphics in your tomb.
(T) The rest is up to you like the artifacts that you would like in your tomb, and what you would like to be buried in a mastaba or a pyramid. What we are going to do now is a review game. We are going to have five teams which will we split up by table so the people at your table are the people on your team. There will be one member form each team at the board at a time. I will start by asking a question from our lesson today. All of the questions that we have will be from today’s lesson. It will be a race so write your answer as fast and as legible as you can. The first person to answer will win their team a point. I will know you’re done when the lid is on your marker and you are turned around. The first one to turn around is the one I will call on. If that person happens to be wrong I will just continue with whoever turned around second and so on. If everyone gets the question wrong the question will go to the bottom of the question stack. The team that wins will have a reward at the end of the class. Alright what I want for you to do right now is come up with your team’s name. It needs to be in some type of hieroglyphic. Then go up to the board and put your name above where your team is going to be writing their answers. Brainstorm really quickly, and then go up and draw your name on the board.

(T) Allow two minutes for students to make decision.

(S) Students brainstorm and draw name on the board.

(T)After that have first members from each team approach the board. Read the first question and continue with procedure as stated above.

Questions for Game

1. This is an old Kingdom tomb in that looks like a rectangle with sloped sides. Mastaba
2. This is another name for and Egyptian king. Pharaoh
3. Mastabas are generally made of what type of material? Mud bricks
4. What was in their kings that the Egyptians wanted to live forever? Ka
5. Which one of the three pyramids at Giza is the largest? Khufu
6. Which Egyptian pharaoh built the sphinx? Khafre
7. How tall was Khufu’s pyramid at the original construction? 408ft.
8. Why did the middle and new kingdom pharaohs get buried in a hidden place?

Tomb raiders or robbers
9. What kind of writing did the Egyptians use? Hieroglyphics
10. What pharaoh had the first step pyramid? Djoser
11. What did the Egyptians always put in the tomb of a pharaoh in which they believe that the pharaohs Ka would reside? Sarcophagus

Questions for teacher reflection

Criticizes my instructional giving strategies.

Did I Asses my students fairly?

Did I compose safe learning environment for my students?

Did I Formulate a functional lesson that provided easily accessible information?

Did I differentiate my instruction and the way I presented my material?

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