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Contributor: Susan Ross

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Lesson Plan: Choose Your Own Adventure Story
Language Arts
Grades 4-6


Susan Ross

Google Certified Teacher

Table of Contents

Students will work in collaborative pairs to create a Choose Your Own Adventure Story about a leprechaun.

Computers with Internet Access and access to Google Docs - Presentations


1. Ask students if they have ever read a Choose Your Own Adventure Story. Show students a sample of a Choose Your Own Adventure Story. Explain to student that they will be working with a partner to creating their own Choose Your Own Adventure Story about a Leprechaun. 

2. Assign partners and have partners brainstorm together to determine an adjective to describe their leprechaun. Have partners come up with a name for their Leprechaun. e.g. Smiley the happy leprechaun, Big Mac the fat leprechaun, etc.

3. Ask students to tell about the different PPT presentations that they have completed in the past. Discuss the difference between a linear presentation and a non linear presentation. Explain that they will be creating a non linear presentation by using hyperlinks. Show students how to access Google Docs and create a new presentation and add slides.

4. Hand out a copy of the flow chart (see related links below) and discuss how they will use this to layout their stories. Students should understand that there will be four different story endings depending on the choices chosen. Partners will work together in class to create a Google Docs Presentation of the beginning of their story. They are responsible for completing slides 1 - 3 together. Once that is done they should save their presentation and make sure that it is shared with each other.

5. One partner will be responsible for the rest of the story on slides 4 - 9 and the other partner will be responsible for the story on slides 10 - 15.

6. Each partner will proof the other partners work and consult with their partner to edit the story and to make sure the story flows, has enough details and makes sense.

7. Students will then revise and edit their slides, add pictures and learn to create the hyperlinks. 

8. Students should test their story and make any needed changes.

9.Finally, have them share the presentation to other users in the class, allowing viewing access but not editing.

Related Links

Flow Chart & Presentation Template

1. Have students complete a reflection journal for this activity:
Reflective Journal Instructions


Now you have finished your Choose Your Own Adventure project. Write a short journal entry to think about your project. In your journal answer the following:
What I did: (explain what you and your partner did to finish your project.)
What I enjoyed: (write about what you liked most about the project.)
What I found difficult: (write about any part of the project you found hard to do.)
What really worked: (write about any part that you thought worked well.)
Next time: (write what you would do differently next time.)
2. Choose Your Own Adventure Story Rubric







The pages are unattractive. Text is difficult to read. The backgrounds are distracting.

The pages appear

"busy" or "dull." Text may be difficult to read. The backgrounds are somewhat distracting.


The pages are eye-catching and attractive. Text is easy to read. The backgrounds are subtle and appropriate.

The pages are exceptionally attractive. Text spacing and alignment make reading easy. The backgrounds enhance the page.


There are no photos, icons or clipart, or they are inappropriate or distract the reader.

Photos are blurry or fuzzy; icons and clipart do not "fit" with the topic. Too many pictures distract the reader.

Photos, icons, and clipart are appropriate and enhance the story.

Photos, icons, and clipart are used creatively and enhance the story.


Story is poorly written; threads are not developed.


Story could be better written and threads do not logically grow from the previous section

Story is well written and interesting to read and is presented in short sections that connect logically.

Story is creatively written and cleverly presented. Threads are well developed and of equal quality


The user may become lost or links may be missing or not working.


The user may become confused when navigating between pages. Some links may not work

Links are consistent and easy to find so that the user can easily navigate back and forth through pages.

Links are created with images and icons to enhance the text links.


Working with Partner

Partners argue or fight much of the time and do not share responsibilities.


Partners have trouble solving disagreements; one partner does most of the work.

Partners get along well and share equally in responsibilities.

Partners show respect for one another, get along especially well and work together on all aspects of the project.

Following Classroom Guidelines

Students are often away from partner without permission and cause disruptions in the classroom.


Students occasionally leave partner without permission and are louder than necessary in the classroom.

Students work with their partner, talk quietly to their partner only, and cause minimum disruptions.

Students are always on task, work with their partner, and cause no disruptions.




NCTE / IRA Standards for the English Language Arts

3 - Students apply a wide range of strategies to comprehend, interpret, evaluate, and appreciate texts. They draw on their prior experience, their interactions with other readers and writers, their knowledge of word meaning and of other texts, their word identification strategies, and their understanding of textual features (e.g., sound-letter correspondence, sentence structure, context, graphics).

5 - Students employ a wide range of strategies as they write and use different writing process elements appropriately to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes.

6 - Students apply knowledge of language structure, language conventions (e.g., spelling and punctuation), media techniques, figurative language, and genre to create, critique, and discuss print and nonprint texts.

8 - Students use a variety of technological and information resources (e.g., libraries, databases, computer networks, video) to gather and synthesize information and to create and communicate knowledge.

11 - Students participate as knowledgeable, reflective, creative, and critical members of a variety of literacy communities.


  1. Creativity and Innovation

  2. Communication and Collaboration

  3. Research and Information Fluency

  4. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making

  5. Digital Citizenship

  6. Technology Operations and Concepts

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