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Confirmed 10 am, Thursday April 2 2009 Location: Resource Room, Union House Agenda

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Minutes of Clubs and Societies Committee Committee meeting held 24/06/2016

University of Melbourne Student Union
Minutes of the Clubs and Societies Committee
Meeting 8/09
10 AM, Thursday April 2 2009
Location: Resource Room, Union House

  1. Procedural Matters

    1. Election of Chair

    2. Acknowledgement of Indigenous Owners

    3. Attendance

    4. Apologies (Josh Torrance, Jason Ball)

    5. Proxies

    6. Membership

    7. Adoption of Agenda

  1. Confirmation of Previous Minutes (23-03-09)

  2. Matters Arising from the Minutes

  • Lockers

  • Compulsory Training Regulations:

6.1.r. fails to attend training or information sessions deemed by a motion of the C&S Committee as compulsory.

  1. Office Bearers’ Report

  2. Correspondence

    1. Jonathan Donagan (Men’s Union)

    2. Neera Odhavji (Sri Lankan Students Society)

    3. Security (metal weapons Use by non-affiliated group)

  3. Motions on Notice

Petition to discipline: To suspend the Science Student Society grants for 6 months on grounds of a failure to comply with a request by the C&S Administrator to produce records (Regulation 6.1.h). If the C&S Committee receives proof of bus payment (copy of the cheque and either bank statement showing it has been cashed or a receipt from the recipient company) the motion will lapse.

Petitioners: Josh Torrance, Lora Evans

  1. Membership List & UMSU Exec Compliance

  2. Grants

  • Standard

  • For Discussion

  • Semesterly

  1. New Clubs

  • Progressive Students: Initial Approval

  • Creative Design Club: Initial Approval

  • Sociedad De Espanol: Initial Approval

  • Poker Club: Initial Approval

  1. Orientation Policy

  2. Other Business

  3. Next Meeting (time, date)

  4. Close

Meeting opened at: 10.25am by Piper O’Dowd

Agenda Item 1; Procedural Matters

    1. Election of Chair

Motion 1: That Katherine Klaus be elected chair

Moved: Jonathan Hunt Seconded: Piper O’Dowd


    1. Acknowledgement of Indigenous Owners

So acknowledged

    1. Attendance

C&S Committee: Lucie Turner, Jono Hunt, Jesse Overton-Skinner, Sam Rankin, Lora Evans

C&S Officers: Piper O’Dowd, Katherine Klaus

C&S Administrator: Fiona Sanders

    1. Apologies

Jason Ball, Joshua Torrance

    1. Proxies


    1. Membership

No changes

    1. Adoption of Agenda

Motion 2: That the agenda be adopted.

Moved: Jono Hunt Seconded: Jesse Overton-Skinner

Agenda Item 2: Confirmation of Previous Minutes (23-03-09)
Motion 3: That the previous minutes (C&S Committee 23-03-09) be confirmed as a true and accurate record.

Moved: Jono Hunt Seconded: Kath Klaus


Agenda Item 3: Matters Arising from the Minutes

Fiona spoke about the upstairs lockers: fixed and ready to go.

Kath investigated locksmiths: the locked lockers can be fixed for $15.80.
Lora Evans arrived at 10.29 am
Motion 4: To authorise up to $20 to be spent from the Special Projects and Events budget line (03 60 605 3839) for locker keys to be made.

Moved: Jesse Overton-Skinner Seconded: Kath Klaus

Compulsory Training Regulations

6.1.r. fails to attend training or information sessions deemed by a motion of the C&S Committee as compulsory.

Motion 5: That the compulsory training regulation be recommended to Students’ Council.

Moved: Jono Hunt Seconded: Sam Rankin

Pub Certificates of Currency

Kath to speak to that in the Office Bearers’ Report

Information Sessions

Fiona spoke to the matter. 4 of the clubs who had not attended the previous information sessions attended the extra one that was held, 2 further clubs had asked for the documents as they were unable to attend. 7 clubs failed to attend outright, Fiona has advised them that the C&S Office will not take responsibility for any failure to comply with tax regulations etc.

Agenda Item 4: Office Bearers’ Report

Katherine reported on success of Information Sessions, locksmith search and recommended that the pub certificate of currency collection task be called off due to lack of success.

Motion 6: That the Office Bearers’ Report be accepted.

Moved: Jesse Overton-Skinner Seconded: Lucie Turner

Agenda Item 5: Correspondence

Jonathan Donagan (Men’s Union)

Requested that either they be allowed to co-opt a general committee member with safe food handling certificate, or to hold joint events with clubs that have safe food handling-qualified executives.

Motion 7: That the Committee accepts safe food handling qualification from a co-opted general committee member, on the condition that this member is co-opted at a minuted committee meeting and that the member’s safe food handling certificate is provided to Clubs and Societies.

Moved: Chair

Neera Odhavji (Sri Lankan Students Association)

A complaint addressed to SLSA re: a domestic abuse “joke” included in their recent performance.

ACTION: OB to write to SLSA, and to author of complaint.
Security (Metal weapons use by non-affiliated group)

A non-affiliated re-enactment group has been using UMSU resources (rooms) by getting UMSU-affiliated clubs to book said resources. This group has had an altercation with security on South Lawn. They brandish metal weapons which is clearly not acceptable.

C&S cannot discipline non-affiliated group and has previously advised the group to “play nice” with SCA or contact MU Sport due to their metal weapons use.

There is no evidence that they have contacted MU Sport and it appears that they “have never tried to play nicely with Josh” (Torrance, of SCA).

ACTION: Fiona to speak with enabling affiliated club, FAS2 and remind them not to book resources for non-affiliated groups.
Agenda Item 6: Motion on Notice
Petition to discipline: To suspend the Science Students’ Society grants for 6 months on grounds of failure to comply with a request by the C&S Administrator to produce records (Regulation 6.1.h). If the C&S Committee receives proof of bus payment (copy of the cheque and either bank statement showing it has been received or a recept from the recipient company) the motion will lapse.

Petitioners: Josh Torrance, Lora Evans

Motion was amended.
Motion 8: To suspend the Science Students’ Society grants for 6 months on grounds of failure to comply with a request by the C&S Administrator to produce records (Regulation 6.1.h). Science Students’ Society will not receive funding for any events held while requested proof of bus payment was outstanding (ie. from 12 February 2009). Suspension will lapse if the C&S Committee receives proof of bus payment (a copy of the cheque and either bank statement showing it has been received or a receipt from the recipient company) or 6 months from 2 April 2009.

Moved: Chair

Agenda Item 7: Membership List and UMSU Exec Compliance

Fiona presented a list of clubs that had incomplete membership lists, had not provided membership lists and/or had not complied with the requirement that 2 executives of the club be members of UMSU.

Clubs that had submitted incomplete membership lists had been relegated to funding band D as decided by the C&S Committee (28/1/09). When complete lists are submitted they will be returned to their correct band:

Choral Society, Chess Club, Envi.

Clubs that had failed to submit membership lists or had failed to meet the requirement that 2 executives of the club be members of UMSU will be disaffiliated if they remain non-compliant:

Pakistani Society, Korean Students Society, Nursing & Social Work Society, Filipino Students Society, Physiotherapy Students Society, Islamic Society, Buddhist Studies Society, Indian Club, Arabic Culture Club, International Commerce Students Society, Turkish Students On Campus, Cross-Cultural Dialogue Society, Liberal Club, Department of Forests and Ecosystem Science Student Club, Mechanical Engineering Students Club, Urban Yoga, BreakFirst, African Drumming Club.

Clubs that comply will not be disaffiliated.
Petition: To disaffiliate all clubs that do not have 2 executive members who are members of UMSU (C&S Regulation 6.1.q:) and/or do not have 30 or more club members that are students of the University of Melbourne (C&S Regulation 6.1.g) and/or have not provided Clubs and Societies with a club membership list (C&S Regulation 6.1.a: deliberately contravenes or fails to fulfil its obligations under these Regulations, in this case 5.6.g: To show that a club is maintaining its minimum membership requirements (thirty Melbourne University students), it must submit a membership list containing names, UMSU membership status, student numbers and courses, by the 15th of March every year).

Petitioners: Lora Evans, Jono Hunt

Lucie Turner left at 11.02 am

Agenda Item 8: Grants
Motion 9: That all standard grants be approved en bloc.

Moved: Sam Rankin Seconded: Piper O’Dowd

For Discussion
Russian Club

Function 1/4. Wants to go to Russian restaurant, has provided Certificate of Currency. Committee impressed.

Motion 10: That the off-campus exemption be granted and the grant approved.

Moved: Chair

Science Students’ Society

BBQ on 2/4. Does not have ground booking and is subject to above motion.

Motion 11: That the grant be rejected on grounds of failure to obtain grounds booking and “epic fail” (previous motion to suspend grants).

Moved: Sam Rankin Seconded: Lora Evans

Agenda Item 9: New Clubs
Progressive Students

Sam Rankin declares interest and will abstain from a vote.

Discussed whether ‘progressive’ is politically understood and Committee determined that it is. Discussed whether susceptible to stacking from other political clubs.
Motion 12: That Progressive Students has initial approval from C&S Committee but recommends that Progressive Students close their membership prior to any general meetings and that this be put into their constitution.

Moved: Chair

For: 3 Abstentions: 1

Creative Design

Is a fashion design club. Committee felt this should be emphasised in name of club.

Motion 13: That Creative Design has initial approval by C&S Committee with the conditions that the name of club be changed to reflect fashion design emphasis and that aim 4 be changed from “create a club” to “create an environment”.

Moved: Chair

Sociedad de Espanol

A Spanish language cultural club.

Motion 14: That Sociedad de Espanol has initial approval.

Moved: Jono Hunt Seconded: Piper O’Dowd


Poker Club

Committee had concerns that illegal activity, ie. playing for money and paying entry fees for tournaments would be hard to monitor.

Motion 15: That Poker Club has initial approval by C&S Committee on the condition that their constitution prohibits playing for cash winnings and charging entry for events.

Moved: Chair

Agenda Item 10: Orientation Policy

Previously circulated. A number of amendments were made to the draft Orientation Policy.

Motion 16: That the Orientation Policy be adopted as amended.

Moved: Piper O’Dowd Seconded: Katherine Klaus

Agenda Item 11: Other Business

Agenda Item 12: Next meeting on Friday 24 April at 10.30 am

Agenda Item 13: Close
Katherine declared the meeting closed at 11.33 am.

Meeting closed at: 11:33 AM

Certified by Chair:

Signed: Dated:


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