Ana səhifə

By Anne Hébert

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by Anne Hébert

Pluie sur la ville qui s’ébroue, ses chevaux de pierre aux fontaines, sabots, crinières, beaux griffons, fument les rues mouillées, roulent les quais rouillés,
Toi, ta force et ton sommeil, ton rêve sous ta paupière fermée, amande noire au coeur de la nuit, ton bras sur mes reins, comme une ceinture,
Pluie sur la vitre, faufils, aiguilles liquids; de grands métiers tremblent, lissent ton sort et le mien, tisserands aveugles, rivières, fleuves, la nuit, navette et fuseaux, se dévide, forêt de feuilles fraîches secouées,
Toi, ton rire, ton oeil d’oiseau, ton visage qui luit; l’amour s’étend sur moi,
Pluie, au loin l’éclat jaune de platanes, fougères aux troncs noirs, places peuplées de colères brèves, fourmilières brutes où la sagesse noue et dénoue un mince fil secret,
Toi et moi, île dans la ville, sous la pluie, mis au monde, mêlés ensemble comme la terre et l’eau avant le partage,
Pluie sur la vitre. Si j’abandonne ton corps couché et pars en songe aussi, soulève de arches de pluie, quitte la chaleur du lit, goûte le sel des eaux marines à l’horizon roulées, toute la terre accessible, pareille à un tapis,
Toi, ta parole et ton silence, ta vie et ta beauté, ton amour me ramènent inlassablement, tel un rosier sauvage qu’on allume dans la nuit, sous la pluie.

Rain on the city that shakes, its stone hair in fountains, hoofs, manes, fine griffons, smoke the wet streets, roll the rusty docks,
You, your force [power] and your sleep, your reverie [dream] under your closed eyelid, black almond at the heart of night, your arm on my kidneys, like a belt,
Rain on the window, sewing threads, liquid needles, grand looms tremble, smooth your fate and mine, blind weavers, rivers [that flow into other rivers], rivers [that flow into seas], the night, shuttle and spindles, their divide, forest of fresh leaves shaken,
You, your laugh, your bird’s-eye, your face that glows; your love extends over me,
Rain, far yellow brightness of trees, ferns with black trunks, places populated with brief angers, brute anthills where wisdom ties and unravels a thin secret wire
You and me, island in the city, in the rain, placed in the world, mixed together like the earth and water before the division,
Rain on the window. If I abandon your lying body and also leave in a dream, , raising arches of rain, leave the heat of bed, taste the salt of sea water on the rolled horizon, all earth accessible, like a carpet,
You, your words and your silence, your life and your beauty, your love brings me back tirelessly, like a savage rosebush that lights in the night, in the rain.

Poetic Translation
Rain on the city that shakes, its stone hair in fountains, hooves, manes, handsome gryphons, the steaming streets, the rolling rusty docks,
You, your force and your sleep, your reverie behind your closed eyes, black almond at the heart of night, your arm on my back like a belt,
Rain on the window, sewing threads, liquid needles, great looms tremble, seaming your fate and mine, blind weavers, streams, rivers, night, shuttles and spindles, the break, forest of fresh shaken leaves,
You, your laugh, your piercing eye, your glowing face; your love covers me,
Rain, distant yellow flare of trees, ferns with blackened trunks, spots occupied with brief angers, brute anthills where wisdom knots and unravels a thin secret wire,
You and me, an island in the city, in the rain, placed in the world, bound together like earth and water before the divorce,
Rain on the window. If I abandon your lying body both here and in dream, raise arches of rain, leave the heat of bed, taste the salty sea water on the rolled horizon, all land accessible like a carpet,
You, your words and your silence, your love relentlessly brings me back, like a wild rosebush that flares in the night, in the rain.

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