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Uzbekistan 2005 – 2009 Progress on key indicators

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Uzbekistan 2005 – 2009

  1. Progress on key indicators






Child population (millions, under 18 years)





U5MR (per 1,000 live births)





Underweight (%, moderate and severe)





Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births)





Primary school attendance (% net, male/female)



Primary school enrolment (% net, male/female)



Survival rate to last primary grade (%)*





Use of improved drinking water sources (%)





Use of improved sanitation facilities (%)




Adult HIV prevalence rate (%)

< 0.1




Child labour (%, Children 5-14 years old)




GNI per capita (US$)





One-year-olds immunized with DPT3 (%)





One-year-olds immunized with measles vaccine (%)





* Baseline data refer to primary school children reaching grade 5.

a According to Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2006 data, the U5MR is 57 per 1,000 live births; use of improved drinking water sources is 90%; and use of improved sanitation facilities is 99%

b Age group 3-35 months.

c The 2005 estimate developed by WHO/UNICEF/UNFPA and the World Bank, adjusted for under-reporting and misclassification of maternal deaths, is 24 per 100,000 live births. For more information, see

d The child labour estimate is under review.

  1. Progress on key MTSP indicators 2005 – 2009

Focus Area I – Young child survival and development

  • Vitamin A supplementation coverage rate (children 6-59 months) – 84% in 2008;

  • National Development plan includes quantified targets for scaling up high impact health and nutrition interventions;

  • National Development plan incorporates explicit programmes and targets for achieving MDG target on sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation.

Focus Area II – Basic education and gender equality

  • National standards for monitoring school or developmental readiness established partially or fully;

  • Standardized tests for measuring learning achievement, linked to the national curriculum introduced.

Focus Area III – HIV / AIDS and Children

  • HIV/AIDS education integrated into the national curriculum at the secondary level.

Focus Area IV – Child Protection from violence, exploitation and abuse

  • Policies established partially or fully on the provision of alternative care for children, in line with international standards.

Focus Area V – Policy Advocacy and Partnerships for Child Rights

  • National development plan addresses key challenges for children, women and gender equality;

Cross-cutting areas

  • The country has a plan to address shortages of essential commodities for children.


Country: Uzbekistan

Programme Cycle: 2005 to 2009

Key Results Expected

Key Progress Indicators

Description of Results

Constraints and facilitating factors

1.1 Policy for countrywide expansion of below (reference to Child Friendly Schools (CFS) initiative, see point 2.1 of this matrix) schools in place.


Policy and associated implementation mechanisms developed

Baseline: nothing in place

Status: Revised Law on Education complaint with CRC principles, CFS concept and inclusive education chapter

  • Related regulations on basic education revised according to CRC and CFS concept.

  • National CFS concept developed and included into National School Charter.

  • Scientific Experiment to validate CFS experience has been initiated in Navoi Pedagogical Institute, which will provide evidence for countrywide expansion of CFS.

  • Strong Government commitment to evaluate CFS and use successful experience for nationwide replication

  • Capacity gaps due to changes in management at all levels in the Basic Education system.

1.2 The WHO live birth definition (LBD) is introduced and adopted and policies on birth registration and on pregnancy, perinatal and neonatal care, IMC and Nutrition are strengthened and implemented.


  • State birth registration countrywide is in line with the WHO standards

Baseline: 2 regions started to implement WHO LBD

Baseline: 1 region has standards in place

Status: see next column (for both indicators).

  • Two systems of live birth definition coexist. WHO LBD will become universal in 2010 according to the state plans.

  • Standards for peri-natal and neo-natal care are developed and implemented in 6 regions and will be scaled up nationwide by 2010

  • The existence of two parallel systems creates challenges in reporting, critical analysis of the situation, and planning processes.

1.3 At least 90% of households consume iodized salt with all locally produced salt being iodized (USI); and 60% of households consume iron fortified flour to combat anemia.


  • % of households nationwide consuming iodized salt.

Baseline: 19% (MICS 2000)

Status: 53% (MICS 2006)

  • % of households nationwide consuming iron-fortified flour

Baseline: 0% (GAIN-supported Fortification project, 2004)

Status: 40% (GAIN-supported project, 2008)

  • A Nutrition Investment Plan, encompassing an integrated package of nutrition interventions, was developed and recently approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.

  • Law on Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDD) was adopted in 2007 and the development of regional action plans for its implementation is in progress.

  • UNICEF supported the Government to set up a revolving fund for procurement of potassium iodine.

  • Sanitary and Epidemiological Services and Institute of Endocrinology have strengthened the monitoring system of iodization at all levels (production, packaging, sales, and households). In addition, a parliamentary group was established to monitor the implementation of the IDD law.

The law on IDD is in its first implementation stage, therefore there are still some gaps in the monitoring system to supervise salt iodization processes

1.4 Policy articulating principles of the integrated approach to ECD in place.

Policy on ECD in place and functional

Baseline: no policy in place and lack of awareness on the need for such a policy.

Status: National Early Learning Development Standards have been developed and approved.

A national Concept on Preschool Education has been developed. After approval, it is expected to lead to the development of a one-year-duration National Programme on Preschool Education with allocation of funds from Government and donors.

There is no government body in charge of ECD or any other integrated approach to it. Advocacy efforts in this direction contributed to gain national ownership. Therefore, preschool education and the setting up of such a body is becoming a priority

1.5 95% immunization coverage rate achieved and sustained annually


  • # of districts/cities reporting DPT3 coverage >90%

Baseline: no data available

Status: 154 districts (90% of districts) and 29 cities (100% of cities) (MoH,2008)

  • # of districts reporting measles coverage >95% Baseline no data available

Status: 170 districts/29 cities (100%), (MoH, 2008)

  • The system to maintain the cold chain for vaccines’ appropriate storage was significantly strengthened through health care providers training and the provision of equipments to monitor energy cuts.

  • Pentavalent vaccine was introduced nationwide, although there is no information on coverage yet.

  • Approximately 4 million 11-18 years old children were reached by the mass measles vaccination campaign in 2007.

In late 2008, the national vaccine production factory suspended its operations resulting in a sudden shortage of BCG vaccine. To fill the gap, UNICEF provided vaccines.

1.6 Sustainability of immunization service achieved by 2009


% of routine vaccine supplied with Government funds

Baseline: data not available

Status: 62%(average over the last 3 years) (MoH)

Regular flow of Government fund allocation for procurement of routine vaccines fluctuated over the last 3 years (2006-81%, 2007-51%, 2008-55%) due to banking issue (see next column).

Banking issues and convertibility of US dollars in the country affected the ability of the MoH to cover 100% of the vaccine supplies. Therefore, international agencies have filled the gap in different measure throughout the years (19% -2006, 49% - 2007, 45% - 2008).

1.7 Policy for countrywide expansion of youth friendly health services in place.


National Protocols and Standards for Youth Friendly Health Services (YFHS) programming and quality assurance and associated implementation mechanism

Status: Achieved

  • YFHS standards adopted nationally according to the decree of the Ministry of Health

  • YFHS included into the curricular of post diploma training Institute of Medical Doctors and General Practitioners

  • YFHS is included into the National Strategy on HIV/AIDS Prevention for 2007-2011.

  • Health services for Most at Risk Adolescents (MARA) are not confidential

Key Results modified or added

Key Progress Indicators

Description of Results Achieved

Constraints and facilitating factors

2.1. 700 schools in five regions (Karakalpakhstan, Ferghana, Khorezm, Tashkent city and region) have improved infrastructure (with water, hygiene and sanitation facilities) and provide child-centered, gender sensitive, life skills based education


Baseline: 21 schools (% of children not available)

Status: 750 schools (30% of all children in coverage areas) according to MoPE reports, 2008

  • Following the decision taken during MTR 2007, the number of target schools has been significantly increased (from 51 to 700). Currently, the new target has already been surpassed (750 schools and 30% of enrolled children in the selected areas). By end of 2009 it is foreseen to reach 1,000 schools.

  • 100% of schools offer health lessons which include information on HIV/AIDS prevention.

  • 40 CFS were supported to improve their water and sanitation facilities and bring them in line with Child Friendly Schools standards.

  • Awareness raising activities on WASH have been realized in all CFS. Child participation mechanisms are in place to deliver WASH education activities.

The initial target was largely surpassed due to the following facilitating factors:

  • Government is committed to national scaling up of CFS initiative;

  • Government provided funds for printing of textbooks on Health lessons for grades 1-4.

2.2. At least 80% of women and children, and their families in all districts of six regions use strengthened services that improve MCH.

Expanded coverage:


  • % of women, children and their families utilizing certified PHCs that provide medical services/health care in accordance with WHO protocols in priority geographical areas

Baseline: no available data

Status: assessment will be held in 2009

  • % of PHC centers which are certified and provide medical services and health care in accordance with WHO protocols in priority geographical areas

Baseline: no data available

Status: 100% (MoH, 2008)

  • % of baby-friendly maternity hospitals in priority geographical areas

Baseline: 0 (MoH, 2003)

Status: 76% certified (MoH 2008)

  • Access to PHC services is generally high; there are some gaps in meeting international standards in service delivery. Trainings on WHO protocols were conducted for health professionals of 6 regions.

  • New standards for growth and development monitoring as well as for infant and young children feeding (WHO recommended) were included in the curriculum for undergraduate medical students.

  • Clinical guidelines on ARI and diarrhea are implemented in one region (Ferghana)

  • Supportive supervision activities (monitoring and enforcement training) took place in 70% of PHC in all selected areas with increasing clinical knowledge for 30% in low performing areas (MOH monitoring data 2008)

  • There is strong commitment from the Government to implement the Child and Newborn Survival Package nationwide.

  • Currently, not all PHC centers have all necessary equipment; therefore trained professionals have limited possibilities to apply the acquired skills. This situation will be assessed in 2009 and EU funding for MCH will also contribute to improve the situation.

2.3 80% of vulnerable families in all mahallas (1,224) in six regions improved child-rearing practices.


% of families in priority geographical areas that employ appropriate child care and rearing practices in accordance with existing ECD standards

Baseline: 35% (UNICEF survey, 2003)

Status: 98% (local governments’ reports, 2008)

The target has already been met and surpassed, therefore 2009 will be focused on further expanding coverage, work with local governments, and assure sustainability

  • As in all cases of behavioral change, such interventions entail a slow process. Changes in child rearing practices were particularly challenging as they are deeply rooted in traditions.

  • The administrative structure of the implementing partner was highly effective in reaching targeted families (they have the proper know-how and a deep understanding of local culture and dynamics which allowed to use resources in a more efficient way).

2.4. 50 % children nationwide participate in traditional and non-traditional early child development interventions/service


  • % of children participating in group child care and learning activities in priority geographical areas

Baseline: 19%, MoPE reports 2005

Status: 22%, MoPE reports 2008

  • Policy developed as part of the “Healthy Generation” state programme

Status: see next column

  • Since the development and adoption of the national policy on establishing alternative forms of preschool has taken two and a half years, the access to this type of service is increasing more slowly than expected.

  • As a result of the adoption of the above regulation as well as the advocacy efforts held at local level, mahallas have started to take the initiative in establishing alternative forms of preschool.

  • Due to the variety of stakeholders involved, the process to develop and adopt the policy has been longer than expected.

  • Preschool education is becoming a higher priority due to evidence-based policy dialogue.

2.5 By 2009, coordinated child protection services for vulnerable children and their families (children at risk, children with disabilities, children in conflict with the law, etc) are established in five cities (Tashkent, Andijan, Samarkand, Bukhara, Gulistan) for early identification, assessment, and referral


  • Existence of a standard data collection mechanism for vulnerable children in the pilot districts

Baseline: 0

Status: Six orphanages in Tashkent city have established e-database to monitor children in state institutions for better data collection and reporting, according to “You are not alone” Foundation’s report 2008

Baseline: 0

Status: 6 FCSS in 5 cities, according to Republican Center for Social Adaptation, 2008

  • Minimum standards of care for current institutions developed

Baseline: nothing in place

Status: minimum standards developed

  • Family and Child Social Services (FCSS) are established in all five priority regions to improve gate-keeping mechanisms, prevent institutionalisation of children and provide family support and alternative care arrangements.

  • Social work field is registered as a profession with its own budget allocation, and three universities offer social work education at undergraduate level and one at graduate level.

  • Thirty social workers of FCSS and one hundred child protection professionals received the first diplomas of social work as a second profession.

Overall, the results identified from the beginning of the Country Programme were not realistically achievable due to the complexity of child protection (CP) issues and to the existing gaps in coordination mechanisms and holistic approach. MTR process facilitated a major revision of the results.
Facilitating factors:

  • The yearly Child Protection Forums held since 2004 contributed to a better coordination and allowed the Government and the Social Adaptation Centre to take the lead on the child care system reform


  • Insufficient data on child protection indicators

2.6 By 2009, existing legislation amended to comply with the Convention on the Rights of the Child and a better framework for coordination and monitoring of child rights is established


  • # of national laws adopted to comply with CRC and other child rights related international conventions

Baseline: non existence of a separate law addressing children’s rights

Status: 3 laws (2 drafts)

  • # of secondary legislation developed, and legislations amended to comply with CRC

Baseline: secondary education on adoption, patronage care and family type institutions in place but not aligned with CRC

Status: 5 regulations

  • # of international conventions related to child rights ratified

Baseline: CRC ratified

Status: 5 additional conventions

  • Existence of a coordination body as well as an independent monitoring mechanism for observance of the rights of the child

Baseline: nothing in place

Status: in process (see next column)

  • National laws adopted are: Law on the “Guarantees of the Rights of the Child”, Law on juvenile justice (draft), Law on Child Ombudsman (draft).

  • Secondary legislation are: Guidelines for justice professionals working with children, Regulations on ‘Adoption/Patronage’ and ‘Family type housing’ (amended), Regulation on Children’s Towns, Regulations on current state orphanages (amended), Minimum standards of care (drafted).

  • International conventions ratified: ILO 182 and ILO 138; 2 CRC optional protocols, Palermo protocol on human trafficking

  • The Public Council formed under the Republican Social Adaptation Centre is in charge of coordinating CP issues.

  • A course on Child Rights (including juvenile justice) is introduced in Tashkent Law Institute at Master level and approved by MoEd to be included into the curriculum of all law schools.

Facilitating factors:

  • Government’s commitment

  • CRC concluding observations provided key recommendations.

  • NPAs on CRC concluding observations, ILO Conventions 138 and 182


  • Gaps in coordination mechanisms and holistic approach in addressing CP issues

  • Good laws but weak implementation mechanisms/capacity at operational level.

2.7 60% of Most-at-risk Adolescents (MARA) in priority areas of Ferghana region (Ferghana town, Bagdad, Margilan, Quva, Kuvasay, Kokand, Bagdad districts), Tashkent city (Chilanzar and Unusobod districts), Samarkand, Andijan cities and Tashkent region have acquired knowledge and skills to protect themselves from STIs, HIV/AIDS and drug use.


% of MARA with knowledge about HIV/AIDS, STI drug use prevention and testing/treatment in priority geographical areas


  • 1% of adolescents injecting drugs named correctly all modes of HIV transmission and the means of reducing the risks of contracting (KAPB survey, 2006)

Status: 71% of MARA engaged in commercial sex use condoms (Formative evaluation, 2008).

38% of MARA do not use someone else’s syringes, needles or injection solutions (Formative evaluation, 2008).

There is a need to revise some juridical provisions to allow the project to be scaled up at national level.

2.8 60% MARA in priority areas of Ferghana region (Ferghana town, Bagdad, Margilan, Quva, Kuvasay, Kokand, Bagdad districts), Tashkent city (Chilanzar and Unusobod districts), Samarkand, Andijan cities and Tashkent region have access to quality Youth Friendly Health Services (YFHS).


  • % of YFHS operating in line with international standards in priority geographical areas.

Baseline: 0% (MoH, 2008)

Status: see next column

  • % of MARA who have access to quality YFHS in priority geographical areas

Baseline: 0% (Mapping of Services 2004, KAPB survey, 2006)

Status: see next column

  • % of MARA utilizing youth friendly HIV/AIDS testing and counseling services in priority areas

Baseline: 0% (KAPB, 2006)

Status: see next column

  • Thirty five out patient clinics in five hot spot regions are progressively implementing YFHS standards (UNICEF monitoring, 2008)

  • In five hot spot regions there are thirty five out patient clinic. More than 3,500 MARA used YFHS in the priority regions in 2008 (UNICEF monitoring, 2008).

  • 53% of MARA involved in selling sex did blood tests for HIV/STIs (Formative survey)

Access to prevention means is still limited.

2.9 % of regions that have developed and implemented local plans on inter-sectoral social services for vulnerable children in priority areas (six regions)


% of regions in priority areas with integrated plan for basic services that benefits the most vulnerable children and their families developed and implemented.

Baseline: Decentralization in its beginning stage

Status: 100% (6 regional plans developed) (Cabinet of Ministers and UNICEF reports, 2008)

  • All six regional governments progressively implemented the NPA on Child Welfare. Out of these, 2 were provided technical support by the Academy of State for Social Construction (ASSC) and UNICEF to develop comprehensive integrated regional action plans.

  • Capacities of regional governments strengthened by ASSC in managing and coordinating children’s programmes.

  • Training programmes on results based management for child welfare were integrated into the regular curricula of ASSC.

  • ASSC and the Center of Economic Research, who participated in the regional planning exercise, got engaged in Child Poverty and Social Budgeting Studies.

  • DevInfo was piloted at the regional level to further promote the tool nationwide for child rights’ monitoring.

  • Advocacy with the Cabinet of Ministers, ASSC and national research institutes facilitated a better understanding on the importance of national and regional government partnership in management, coordination and monitoring of child rights.

  • The decentralization policy is in its first implementation stage, therefore decision making at the sub-national level is still in process of expansion

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