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United nations development assistance framework azerbaijan 2005-2009 United Nations Country Team Table of Contents Executive Summary

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Table 3: UNDAF Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Framework


Country Program Outcomes and responsible agencies from UN side



Source of verification

1.1 Effective and transparent management of state oil and pipeline revenues contribute to development of the non-oil sectors.

Responsible agency: UNDP

1.1.1 Non-oil sector growth rate

1.1.2 % of population in poverty: total, by gender, age and region.

1.1.1 3.8%, (2002)

1.1.2 Total – 46.7% (2002)

Female – 47.1% (2002), Male – 46.3% (2002),0-15 years old – 52.8%, 16-29 years old – 44.9% (2002), urban – 47.8% (2002), rural – 45.4% (2002).

1.1.1 MF/MED

1.1.2 SPPRED, Progress report 2004, p. 16, SSC.

1.2 Decent employment increases in the non-oil sectors, particularly for vulnerable people.

Responsible agency: UNDP, ILO

1.2. 1 Unemployment rate, total, by gender, age and region.

1.2.1 Unemployment:

Total: 10.7%.(2003). By gender (2003): 9.6% for men (2003), 12.2% for women (2003).

By age (2003): 15-19 years old: 10.1%, 20-24 years: 30.8%, 25-29 years: 17.7%, 30-34 years: 10.4%, 35-39 years: 8.7%, 40-44 years: 8.1%, 45-49 years: 6.7%, 50-54 years: 5.4%, 55-59 years: 1.5%, 60-64 years: 0.5%, 65 and over years: 0.1%.

By region (2003): 14.3% in urban areas, 7.1% for rural areas.

1.2. Labor Force Survey, SSC, p. 27, 29.

1.3 Private investment in the non-oil sectors increases.

Responsible agency: UNDP

1.3.1 Non-oil FDI

1.3.2 Non-oil domestic investment

1.3.1 2,2 billion $, (2002)

1.3.2 519.8 million $ (2002)

1.3.1. MED, AIPAF

1.3.2 MED, AIPAF

2.1 Social protection and pension systems reformed.

Responsible agency: UNDP

2.1.1 % of pensioners with personal pension accounts

2.1.1 Zero (2003)

2.1.1 State Social Protection Fund

2.2 Addressed social assistance mechanism to the poor and vulnerable population according to the utility sector reforms is developed

Responsible agency: UNDP



WB, SPPRED Secretariat

2.3 ICT/MIS enhances efficiency, transparency, and accountability in the public sector.

Responsible agency: UNDP

2.3.1 Number of Government entities using software systems

2.3.2 Internet users per 100 population

2.3.3 Number of districts implementing ICT4D-10

2.3.4 ITU digital access index, scale 0 to 1 where 1 is the highest access

2.3.1 8 (2003)

2.3.2 3.69 (2002)

2.3.3 TBD

2.3.4 0.24 (2002) (belongs to Low Access Group)

2.3.1 NICTS

2.3.2 ITU, PMU

2.3.3 MoH, SSC, UNICEF

2.3.4 ICT Digital Access Index, ITU

2.4 National and sectoral policies that mainstream population and gender concerns are effectively implemented

Responsible agency: UNFPA

2.4.1 Maternal mortality

2.4.2 Life expectancy, total and by gender

2.4.3 Number of abortions

2.4.4 Number of data collection operations, specialized surveys (census, DHS, migration, etc.) and research completed according to international standards

2.4.5 User-friendly national population and development databank functioning

2.4.6 # of users of the national databank (by type of institutions) increased by set % point(s)

2.4.1 Official data 19.9 (2002), Survey Estimates: 79 (1988)

2.4.2 Total 72.2 (2002), Male 69.4 (2002), Female 75 (2002)

2.4.3 16.6 thsd. (2002)

2.4.4. First population and housing census held in 1999; first Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey held in 2000; first Reproductive Health Survey held in 2001; no DHS held in the Republic of Azerbaijan

2.4.5. Zero (2003)
2.4.6. Zero (2003)

2.4.2 SSC, PMU

2.4.3 SSC, PMU




2.5 Respect for reproductive rights of women, men, and youth expands within the socio-cultural and policy environment.

Responsible agency: UNFPA

2.5.1. Number of abortions

2.5.2 Fertility: total and by age group

2.5.1 16.6 thsd. (2002)

2.5.2 Total: 1.8. By age group TBD

2.5.1 SSC, PMU

2.5.2 SSC, PMU

2.6 Migration management and protection of refugees, IDPs, migrants, and asylum seekers complies with national and international laws/standards

Responsible agency: IOM, UNHCR

2.6.1 Establishing efficient regulation of migration processes: by Developing a National Program and

Establishing an information center

2.6.2 Data base/ system on migration flows functioning

2.6.3 National Action Plan to Combat Trafficking in Persons operational

2.6.4 Number of actors from civil society participating in migration dialogue
2.6.5 Fair and efficient Refuge Status Determination (RSD) procedures and National Asylum System operational.

2.6.6 Reduction of statelessness

2.6.1 First assessment of situation made by task forces (1999) but Policy Program and information center are not available (2004)

2.6.2 National Automated Passport System is functioning at some border checkpoints (2000)

2.6.3. Zero (2003)

2.6.4 35 NGOs are members of Forum of NGOs on Migration (FANGOM) (2003)

2.6.5 Governmental RSD Unit is partly operational (2004)

2.6.6 Circa 40,000 stateless persons (exact statistics Non-available)

2.6.1 IOM, UNHCR, Unified Migration Management Commission (UMMC), PRSP

2.6.2 MIA, SBS

2.6.3 IOM, OSCE, MIA

2.6.4 FANGOM



2.7 Harmonized MDG, SPPRED, and poverty/vulnerability monitoring systems are established and operational in compliance with international standards.

Responsible agency: all

2.7.1 Issuance of integrated MDG SPPRED Progress Report

2.7.1 One (2003)

2.7.1 SPPRED Annual Progress Report – 2003 (2004)

2.8 The general public and stakeholders are widely aware of MDG/SPPRED progress and importance.

Responsible agency: UNDP

2.8.1 Survey on awareness of MDGs, SPPRED progress and importance

2.8.1 TBD

2.8.1 SPPRED Secretariat, PMU

2.9 National environmental protection and natural resource management improve.

Responsible agency: UNDP

2.9.1. Ha of protected areas

2.9.2. Area of land affected by erosion/ salinization

2.9.1. 565,000 ha (2002)

2.9.2 3.7 million ha (erosion), 1.2 million ha (salinization)

2.9.1. MENR

2.9.2 MENR

2.10 The Government effectively combats drug trafficking and consumption

Responsible agency: UNDP

2.10. 1. Number of cases of drug trafficking prosecutions
2.10.2. Number of drug addicts

2.10.3 Annual change of drug addicts

2.10.1 2049 (2003)
2.10.2 17187 (2003)

2.10.3 Increase by 806 (2003)

2.10.1 Ministry of Internal Affairs, SCAD project

2.10.2 MoH

2.10.3 MoH

2.11 Policy, planning and management decisions in areas of health, education and child protection are informed by disaggregated data and are in accordance with international standards.

Responsible agency: UNICEF

2.11.1 No of administrative units implementing International Classification of Diseases-10

2.11.2 Percentage of children having immunization cards

2.11.3 Availability of data on children in need of special protection (working/street children, children with disabilities, institutionalized children, abused children, trafficked children, adopted children)

2.11.4 Number of UN and Government agencies implementing DevInfo

2.11.5 Disaggregated data on education is available at the State Statistics Committee

2.11.1 TBD
2.11.2 Zero

2.11.3 No

2.11.4 Zero

2.11.5 No

2.11.1 MoH
2.11.2 MoH

2.11.3 MYST, ME, MoH

2.11.4 UNICEF

2.11.5 SSC, ME

2.12 Capacities of civil society organizations and media to promote and monitor CRC compliance strengthened.

Responsible agency: UNICEF

2.12.1 Awareness of members of NGO alliance for Child Rights as well as CSOs in 8 focus dsitricts of CRC and Human Rights based Approach to Programming

2.12.2 Inclusion of CRC into secondary school curriculum

2.12.3 Awareness among journalists of CRC and child-friendly reporting

2.12.1 TBD

2.12.2 No

2.12.3 No

2.12.2 UNICEF

2.12.2 ME, UNICEF

2.12.3 UNICEF

2.13 Legislative, policy and implementation framework for facilitating and protecting child and women rights, improves.

Responsible agency: UNICEF

      1. Conformity of national legislation with CRC, CEDAW and other international instruments.

      2. Awareness among parliamentarians, government officials at central and district levels, foreign embassies, donors and development agencies, in particular judiciary, police, district education departments and primary school teachers in 8 focus districts on issues affecting child and women rights.

      3. Existence of a unit under the CMAR to coordinate CRC reporting established and operational

      4. Number of emergency plans at community level

      1. TBD

      1. TBD

      1. No

      2. Non-available

2.13 UNICEF, Cabinet of Ministers, Parliament

2.14 Mechanisms are in place to enable children and young people to participate in decisions affecting their lives.

Responsible agency: UNICEF

2.14.1 # of Youth Resource Centers in the country

2.14.2 # of Youth Media Centers in 8 focus districts

2.14.3 Number of projects where participatory approach in planning, monitoring and evaluation is used

2.14.1 21

2.14.2 Zero

2.14.3 Non-available

2.14.2 UNICEF, ME

2.14.2 UNICEF, ME

2.14.3 UNICEF

2.15 The Government implements effective mine action.

Responsible agency: UNDP and UNICEF

2.15.1 Sq. m. cleared (UNDP)

2.15.2 Casualties per year, total and disaggregated by fatalities and injuries (UNDP)

2.15.3 Mine awareness among population/children (UNICEF)

2.15.1 7,090,000 (2003)

2.15.2 Total 28 (2003): 14 fatalities, 14 injuries.

2.15.3 Non-available

2.15.1 ANAMA

2.15.2 ANAMA


2.16 Ombudsman’s Office effectively promotes rule of law and human rights.

Responsible agency: UNDP

2.16.1 Number of complaints accepted to consideration

2.16.2 Number of complaints satisfied completely or in part

2.16.1 TBD

2.16.2 TBD

2.16.1 Ombudsman Office

2.16.2 Ombudsman Office

3.1 State institutions build capacity for delivery of health-care services meeting the needs of women, men, adolescents, and children, including needs for reproductive health care and knowledge.

Responsible agency: UNFPA, UNICEF

3.1.1 Percentage of deliveries attended by skilled attendants

3.1.2 Proportion of mothers completing pregnancy with delivery in hospital

3.1.3 Infant mortality
3.1.4 Under 5 mortality
3.1.5 Maternal Mortality
3.1.6 % of improper prenatal care
3.1.7 Number of trained staff in IMCI

3.1.8 Immunization coverage: Total. By age, districts, population groups TBD

3.1.9 % of facilities adequately equipped with cold-chain

3.1.10 # of certified baby-friendly hospitals

3.1.11 % of health in GDP

3.1.1 89% (RHS, 2001)

87.5 % (MICS 2000)

3.1.2 79% (2001)
3.1.3. Official Data: 12.8 (IMR, 2002). Survey Estimates: 85 (IMR, 1999)

3.1.4 Official Data: 24.8 (2001).

Survey estimate 108 (2000)

3.1.5 Official Data: 19.9 (MMR, 2002). Survey Estimates: 79 (MMR, 1988)

3.1.6 27.8% (MICS, 2000)

30.3% (RHS, 2001)

3.1.7 120 (2003)

3.1.8 BCG 98.9 (2003)

HepB1 99.2 (2003)

DTP1 97.8 (2003)

DTP3 97.4 (2003)

Polio3 98.5 (2003)

MCV1 98 (2003)

3.1.9 Non-available

3.1.10 29 (2003)

3.1.11 0.8 (2001)

3.1.1 MoH, DHS, UNFPA, Reproductive Health Survey, UNICEF

3.1.2 SSC, PMU

3.1.3 MoH, UNICEF, SSC, MJ
3.1.4 MoH, UNICEF, SSC, MJ
3.1.5 MoH, UNICEF, SSC, MJ
3.1.6 MoH, UNICEF
3.1.7 MoH, UNICEF

3.1.8 MoH, UNICEF

3.1.9 MoH, UNICEF

3.1.10 MoH, UNICEF

3.1.11 MoH, UNICEF, Parliament

3.2 Children and women living in 8 focus districts benefit from and participate in improved, client-friendly preventative and curative maternal and child health services.

Responsible agency: UNICEF

3.2.1 Implementation of Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses in 8 focus districts

3.2.2 Under-5 mortality

3.2.3 Infant Mortality

3.2.4 % of babies exclusively breastfed up to 6 months

3.2.5 % of extensive breastfeeding
3.2.6 % of population practicing hygienic behaviors
3.2.7 % of population with access to safe drinking water

3.2.8 Prevalence of underweight children

Non-available (Will be made available as soon as 8 focus districts have been identified and baseline data collected)


3.3 Policies, institutional capacity, and awareness re: HIV/AIDS and STI prevention are strengthened.

Responsible agency: UNICEF, UNDP

3.3.1 Increase in the number of people who are HIV/AIDS positive
3.3.2 Prevalence rate of HIV/AIDS in general population
3.3.3 Prevalence of HIV/AIDS among pregnant women

3.3.4 Prevalence of HIV/AIDS among young people aged


3.3.5 % of adolescents citing 3 ways of preventing, 3 HIV transmission modes and 3 misconceptions on HIV/AIDS (UNICEF)

3.3.6 National Policy on HIV/AIDS is updated and operational (UNICEF)

3.3.1 As of 1 April 2004, 28 new cases compared to April 2003.

3.3.2 Less that 0.1% (2002)

3.3.3 TBD

3.3.4 TBD

3.3.5 88% of youth (19-24) have no real information on HIV (2001)

3.3.6 No

3.3.1. MoH1
3.3.2. UNAIDS, Epidemiological Fact Sheets

3.3.3 MoH

3.3.4 MoH
3.3.5.ME, UNICEF

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