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Учебно-методическое пособие по обучению диалогической речи для студентов II курса заочной формы обучения факультета «Высшая школа туризма»

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  1. Most large companies have different departments: Research and Development, Sales and Marketing, Financial, Legal, Human Resources, Communication. Where do these people usually work?

  1. Accountants work in the ……………….. department.

  2. Scientists often work ………………. .

  3. Sales people ……………….. .

  4. Lawyers ……………….. .

  5. PR people ……………….. .

  6. Training Managers ……………….. .


  1. At a budget meeting four managers talk about their departments. Read information on page 68 and complete the grid below.






Human Resources





large, open-plan office-ground floor


software research

Other information

  1. Read again and complete these sentences.

  1. We ……………….. a ………………. with ……………….. companies in the USA, so we ……………….. a lot of our ……………….. on ……………….. .

  2. We are ……………….. for ……………….. purchases, raw material, components, and other ……………….. .

  3. ……………….. ……………….. six ……………….. ……………….. in the department, plus the Director.

  4. We are ……………….. ……………….. ……………….. internal and external communications and public relations.


Describing your department

  1. Describing the activity of a department.

My department deals with / is responsible for marketing / administration, etc.

We organize tests / studies / research.

We work with customers / suppliers / subsidiaries / other companies in the group.

  1. Describing the staffing of a department.

There are … people in the department.

Pierre Ducros is in charge of the department.

I am one of the managers / technicians / secretaries / engineers.

  1. Describing the equipment / premises of a department.

We have a large office / three laboratories / a small building.

We use computers / fax / e-mail a lot.

We have a well-equipped laboratory / a lot of technical equipment.

  1. Think about your department or a department you would like to work in. Draw an organization chart for it like the one in 5. Use the language from the Language Note above to give a short presentation about your department.


  1. Jose Bordas and Isabella Romero are organizing a conference in Rio de Janeiro. The programme is not finished. Read the conversation on page 69 and complete the missing information.


Wednesday 27th July

8.00 p.m.
Arriving from? Time? Hotel? Nights? Single / Double?

Welcome Dinner
Guest Speaker:


Thursday 28th July

9.00 a.m.

1.00 p.m.

Time? p.m.

4.00 p.m.

7.00 p.m.

8.30 p.m.

Professor Timothy Railton

Airport Design

Lunch – Garden Room

Professor Patricia Lingwood

Poster Presentations

Cocktail Party

Gala Dinner

Friday 29th July

9.00 a.m.

10.00 a.m.

Round Table Discussions

Prof Denier?
Jaime Gallado

Underground train systems in the 21st century


The Present Continuous for future
When we have a fixed plan for the future we use the present continuous. Usually there is a date or a time in the sentence, or the date or time is understood.
What are you doing this evening? I’m going to a concert.

When is she arriving? She’s coming on Wednesday.

Where is he staying tonight? He isn’t (is not) staying here.

  1. Look at the conference programme in 1 again. Use the words in the boxes below to make questions for the answers provided. Take one word or phrase from each box, as in the example.




How long


What time





Elizabeth Cortes

Patricia Lingwood



coming with?

speaking about?

arriving from?

  1. When is Elizabeth Cortes arriving?………………………On Wednesday.

  2. ………………………………………………………………. From Boston.

  3. ……………………………………………………………….. At midday.

  4. ……………………………………………………………….. Her husband.

  5. ………………………………………………………………. At the Ramada.

  6. ……………………………………………………………….. One night.

  7. …………………………………………....... Trans-European road networks.


  1. Work in pairs. You are arranging the arrivals and transfers of the guests coming to the conference. You do not have all the information. Ask questions to complete your table.

Student A, turn to File G on page 58.

Student B, turn to File H on page 60.

  1. Jordi Marrero wants to visit Diana Wong in Hong Kong. He telephones her four times. Read four conversations on page 69. What is the problem each time?

Dialogue 1 …………………………………………………………………………..

Dialogue 2 …………………………………………………………………………..

Dialogue 3 …………………………………………………………………………..

Dialogue 4 …………………………………………………………………………..

  1. Read again and answer the following questions.

  1. Who does Diana work for?

  2. What is her mobile number?

  3. Which department is she in?

  4. When is she due back in the office?

  5. When does Jordi want to meet?

  6. What is his direct line?

  1. Match sentences 1 – 9 with responses a – i.

1. Could I speak to Diana Wong, please?

2. Can I take a message?

3. I’m afraid you’ve got the wrong number.

4. Can she call you back?

5. Could you spell that, please?

6. Would you like to hold the line?

7. When are you expecting her back?

8. Who’s calling?

9. I’m sorry, the line is busy.

a. G-I-N-S

b. My name is Philip Nevill.

c. Yes, I’m here all day.

d. About 4 o’clock.

e. No thanks. I’ll call back.

f. Speaking.

g. Yes, please. Tell her Tom called.

h. That’s OK. I’ll hold.

i. Oh, no. Sorry.


  1. Work in pairs. Make up dialogue using these prompts. Take one route through the flow chart. Then change roles and choose another route.


  1. Diana Wong receives a lot of messages. Read her voice mail on page 70 and write down as much information as you can for each message. Use the message pads below.


  1. Diana calls Jordi back at the Royal Garden Hotel. Work in groups of three. Make the conversation between the receptionist (R), Diana (D), and Jordi (J), by choosing one expression from each row, as in the example.


1. Royal Garden Hotel. How can I help?

Good morning, Royal Garden Hotel.

Good morning.



2. Hello. Could I speak to Mr. Marrero please?

Jordi Marrero, please.

Is Mr. Marrero there, please?


3. Do you have the room number?

Hold the line, please.

Could you spell that, please?


4. M-A-R-R-E-R-O.




5. The line is busy. Will you hold?

M-A double R did you say?

Ten eighty-one?


6. Yes.

Yes, thank you.

Yes, that’s right.


7. I’m putting you through now.

I’m connecting you.

It’s ringing.


8. Thank you.


Thanks very much.


9. Hello?

Hello, Jordi Marrero speaking.



10. Is that you Jordi? This is Diana.

Hi there. It’s Diana.

Hello Jordi. This is Diana. I got your message.


11. Diana! At last!

Hello, Diana. Nice to hear from you.

Good evening, Diana.


12. Sorry, I was out yesterday.

Nice to hear from you too.

Good evening, Jordi.


13. Are you free this evening?

That doesn’t matter.

Are you doing anything later?

  1. Finish the conversation. Confirm the time and the place for dinner.


  1. Put these terms into the correct column below, as in the example.

department stores newspapers hoardings (USA: billboards)

the general public mail order the 20 – 30 age group

direct mailing companies shopping centres (USA: shopping malls)

specialist shops supermarkets TV and radio adverts

business people retired people specialist magazines


Distribution / sales outlets







..........department stores










  1. What other words can you add to each list?

  1. Think about the companies which produce the clothes you are wearing or the objects you have with you – e.g. your briefcase, your mobile, your watch.

  • What type of customers do they attract?

  • How do they distribute or sell their products?

  • Where do they advertise?


  1. Look at the picture of the DBCV501 and read the product description below.

Product Features

  • Voice record, playback

  • World time: 24 time zones

  • 50 pages of Telememo: 8 letters and 12 numbers per page

  • Calculator

  • Stopwatch

  • 5 multi-function alarms

  • Auto-calendar (pre-programmed until the year 2039)

  1. Here are some of the benefits of its special features. Which feature does each sentence describe?

  1. You can see how long your international phone call lasted. …a stopwatch….

  2. You can see what the time is in Rome when you’re in Tokyo. ……………..

  3. You can leave a message for yourself and listen to it later. ………………...

  4. You can check that the figures on an invoice are correct. …………………..

Think about other features. What are the possible benefits?

  1. Maria Jarvis exports electronic goods. She is in Madrid to present new products to Juan Carlos Almirez, a Spanish distributor. Read the dialogue on page 70 and make notes under these headings.

Types of customer

Sales outlets


  1. Read again, and complete these extracts from the conversation. Do you agree with their analysis?

M: Well, I think ……………….. have more success with men in the twenty to thirty-five age group. The product has a younger high-tech image. Older men ……………….. be interested.

J: How about sales outlets? ……………….. supermarkets buy it?

M: No, they ……………….. . It’s too specialized.

J: But I’m sure ……………….. have customers in airport shopping centres.

M: Yes, absolutely.

  1. Match two halves of the sentences. Read again to check if necessary.

1. You’ll get a lot of sales
2. If we want to sell by mail order,
3. If you don’t decide now,

a. … it’ll be necessary to do some direct mailing.

b. … you won’t have another chance later.

c. … if you advertise in business magazines.

  1. A breakfast cereal company is launching a new muesli product. It is intended for adults who want a healthy diet. To maximize sales, the company is considering three promotional gifts. Work with a partner. Look at the three gifts. Which one would you choose to promote the new cereal, and why?

A pedometer

For people who go running or jogging. Measures speed and distance.

Free for people when you send the coupons from 12 packets of cereal.

The Calorie Counter

A booklet of recipes (with calorie values) for people who want to lose weight.

Free in every packet of cereal.

The “Relax-Max CD”

An audio CD with relaxing music and audio instructions for yoga exercises. Free when you send the coupons from 6 packets of cereal.

  1. Three managers – Carmen, Anna, and Ned – are discussing the gifts. Read their conversation on page 71. Which one do they choose?

  1. What advantages and disadvantages do they mention for each gift? Read again and check.



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