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Turkey Green Growth Policy Paper: Towards a Greener Economy

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6.3 Environmental Pollution and Instruments of Abatement

Two types of environmental pollutants are explicitly considered in the model:

  • Air pollution, in the form of CO2 and PM10, from three main sources: (a) industrial processes; (b) (primary and secondary) energy usage; and (c) household energy use. These can be reduced in a variety of ways (fuel substitution, improved energy efficiency).

  • Table 6.1 Environnemental Tax Instruments Modelled

    Waste discharges (both solid and liquid), also from three main sources: (a) urban waste (formulated as a ratio of urban consumption); (b) waste from industrial processes; and waste from water use in agricultural production. The model assumes a fixed quantity of waste generation per unit of output, so as with agriculture, reductions in these waste streams through policy will have proportionate negative effects on output.

Different allocation mechanisms of carbon dioxide are assumed based on the source of emission. Non-combustion emissions from industrial chemical processes (e.g. cement manufacturing) are hypothesized to be proportional to gross output.42 On the other hand, total emissions due to energy usage are generated from two sources: sectoral emissions due to combustion of primary energy fuels (coal and petroleum and gas) and sectoral emissions due to combustion of secondary energy fuels (refined petroleum):

The main greening instrument used, a pollutant tax/fee, is applied on a per-unit basis (to CO2 emissions, production, intermediate input usage, and consumption, respectively) and to PM10 and waste generated. Table 6.1 lists all the tax instruments used in the model. The revenues generated are either directly added to the revenue pool of the government budget, or directed towards a particular set of green job creation or innovation activities. The set of environmental tax/fee instruments are tabulated in Table 6.1. This set-up is stylized, and results should be interpreted with care. Model limitations and possible extensions are discussed below.

6.4 Data

The model is built around a multi-sectoral social accounting matrix (SAM) of the Turkish economy based on TURKSTAT 2002 Input Output Data. The I-O data is re-arranged accordingly to give a structural portrayal of intermediate flows at the intersection of the commodities row and activities column in the 12-sector 2010 macro-SAM. More details of the sectoral input-output flows of the macro SAM in correspondence with the TURKSTAT I-O data are given in Annex 2).

6.5 Policy Scenarios and Analysis

The policy analysis for investigating the macroeconomic impacts of alternative “greening measures” or “green policy instruments” is divided in two parts: greening the urban economy, and greening the rural economy.

(a) Greening the urban economy

This is done through two policy packages:

The first policy scenario targets the control of solid waste and waste water in industry and the household sectors, as well as the reduction of urban air pollution (PM10 emissions) across industry and the households. This is done through the introduction of a set of tax/fee instruments to be implemented as a form of the polluter-pays principle, and covers the requirements of the main EU Directives on air quality, waste water and solid waste.

In terms of solid waste, of the total amount generated by industry annually (estimated at 12.5 million tons) about 40% of it is known to be recovered and/or reused (and thus “greened”). The remaining 7.2 million tons would require further treatment. For the household sector, 26.1 million tons is the total amount of solid waste generated annually. Particular matter intensities (PM10) are reflected in concentrations exceeding both the Turkish standard of 60μg/m3 (an all other more stringent international standards).

In the first set of policy analysis, the policy targets reflect EU directives on waste management; wastewater and air pollution that are the main vehicles for greening solid and industrial waste, and PM10 concentrations are over the base-path. The analysis also includes targets provided in Turkey’s National Climate Action Plan (NCAP) which calls for a 25% reduction in the quantity of landfill-biodegradable waste by 2015, 50% by 2018, and 65% by 2025. The NCAP further calls for reaching 100% of target for the disposal of municipal waste in integrated SW disposal facilities, complemented by waste recycling programs consistent with the EU Integrated Waste Management directives.

To summarize, with reference to Table 6.1, the policy package in the first scenario is made up of a total seven new greening measures: taxes on PM10 emissions applied to industrial processes, industrial energy combustion, and private household energy consumption; and urban solid waste and waste water fees applied to industrial sectors and households.

Overall, the importance of this scenario is aimed at highlighting--among other things--the adjustment mechanisms that the Turkish economy would have to accomodate in response to a green policy of taxing negative environmental consequences. It can be argued that:

  • Confronted with environmental taxes that alter their own efficient production decisions and input mix, the private sector would initiate a host of adjustments, including the adoption of technologies that help reduce pollution intensities per unit of output produced, as well as using inputs more efficiently (e.g., energy input, water). Given the new costs imposed on production by environmental taxes, in order to remain competitive the private sector will look for adopting less polluting and more input-efficient technologies (e.g., the case of the iron and steel industry), as well as target gains in productivity through innovation (e.g., the case of the automotive industry).

  • From the public sector side, in addition to needing to ensure that the enabling environment for private sector investment (e.g., labor market, finance, innovation policy) is conducive to the acquisition/development of green technologies and innovation, there is also the need to consider mechanisms for allocating the green tax revenues in such as way as to limit their economic burdens. The modeling analysis also takes account the productivity improvements expected to result from of the overall population’s lower exposures to different pollutants (not just specific workers).

A detailed analysis of private behavior and public policy analysis (as described above) was beyond the scope of this exercise. The focus of the modeling analysis was primarily to compare the impacts on production costs and GDP of different instruments (allowing as well for the aforementioned productivity gains); second, to illustrate how production costs from pollution taxes are larger in the presence of economic rigidities; and third, to investigate potential mitigating effects of those impacts through various public expenditure policies.

The second policy scenario extends the first by implementing carbon taxes designed to focus on GHG emissions abatement. A carbon tax is levied on the polluting agents: industrial processes, energy combustion in industry, and households. In addition, this scenario also simulates an innovation/R&D-driven growth trajectory by using tax revenues towards research for innovation across the strategic sectors as identified in the Industrialization Strategy Document, 2011 of the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology. Carbon tax proceeds are earmarked under a special fund to promote R&D and knowledge acquisition in the strategic industrial sectors.43 Earmarking tax revenue funds for innovation translates into gains in productivity and emission intensities of the relevant sectors, thereby mitigating the contractionary effects of the tax distortions and providing an industrial basis for green growth and employment.

Box 6.1 Generating jobs through Pollution abatement technologies: Europe’s experience

The potential job gains in green industries are not small, though they are as difficult to accurately identify as are the costs of environmental regulation. By the late 2000s, the wind energy sector was thought to have generated some 100,000 jobs in Germany, 42,000 in Spain, and 22,000 in Denmark, and for the solar photovoltaic (PV) sector, some 70,000 jobs in Germany and 26,000 in Spain. European firms are highly competitive in such areas as pollution-abatement technology and solid waste management, and job gains in these sectors are significant as well. Experience shows that policies matter. An ecological tax reform is credited with helping Germany reduce emissions and increase employment. More generally, very preferential tariffs for renewable energy were used in varying degrees in all three countries. The ecological tax reform in Germany also raised the cost of energy, triggering large energy efficiency gains. The increased revenue was used to reduce nonwage labor costs, which helped create 250,000 jobs.

Source: World Bank (2012b) Golden Growth: Restoring the luster of the European economic model (Spotlight 2: Greening Europe’s Growth).

Source: CGE model and analysis (Annex2)
Potential increases in green jobs and productivity enhancements through pollution abatement activities (Box 6.1 for European experience). An important characteristic of the policy design modeled in this study is the disposition of the pollution mitigation tax/fee revenues collected. Under a passive fiscal policy, the tax revenues would serve as additional public revenues to be disposed of as increased public consumption elsewhere, and/or transfers back to the private sector (including through reductions in spending of other revenues for public debt service, as in this model). In the design of the second policy scenario, we introduced the possibility of using environmental tax revenues to fund additional employment in solid waste and water pollution abatement activities. In this simple first-order calculation, government spending finances the addition of otherwise unemployed workers for these purposes given the revenue available and the fixed urban wage rate (Box 6.2). A quite restrictive assumption in this stylized set-up is that no new capital investment is needed in order for these workers to productively carry out the waste reduction activities. More generally, further refinement of the specification of pollution abatement options across sectors and types of pollutants is a high priority for a more complete and richer CGE analysis of green growth in Turkey.

Policy scenario 2 also incorporates the impacts of reduced pollution intensity sector productivity based on improved health from mitigating air pollution to achieve EU air quality standards, as this is one of the driving factors of a greener economy (Box 6.2). A detailed environmental health valuation based on air pollution levels and the historical growth and population trajectories suggests that without any intervention, the growth in PM10 in Turkey will cost between 1% - 4.5% of GDP from 2010-2030 in the absence of control measures (Table 6.2). Both the health impact and productivity gains should be considered as lower bounds since other environmental health issues (e.g., from water-borne diseases and the fact that the number one water issue in Turkey is related to low level of wastewater treatment) have not been accounted for.

Box 6.2 Generating green jobs and productivity enhancements through pollution abatement activities

A three-step approach is used as part of the new environmental component of the CGE model.

Step 1: Since the urban wage rate is given in real terms (at W*), added employment for wastewater and solid waste mitigation can be written as:

W*LG,J = J (taxrevJ) (1)

In (1) above, LG,J stands for new employment at the j-th category of environmental abatement activities (urban solid waste treatment across industry and households, and urban water treatment across industry and households), and taxrevJ refers to the corresponding tax revenues collected from the respective abatement sector J. Realistically, since not all tax revenues are likely to be channeled for the new employment wage fund, through the parameter J , a portion of the aggregate tax revenues are used for sustaining the wage fund, and the rest accrues to the public revenues as residual. Wage income from this added green employment accrues to the private disposable income.

Step 2: Reducing pollution intensities through the activities of the added green workers. The new employment generated (LG,J) is used for pollution abatement activities at the respective industry to reduce the PM10 and waste intensities, J through the exponential form (2) below, where in the numerical implementation of the model scenarios, the structural parameter αJ is arbitrarily taken as 1,000:


Step 3: Enhancing productivity is further modeled as gains due to improved health from mitigating PM10 pollution, through the following production shift:


Where the Hicks-Neutral productivity coefficients are adjusted upwards given the rate of abatement gains, , and the parameter J controls the structural effectiveness of this relation.

This functional form is calibrated to a standard that could meet the 40µg/m3 EU standard, implying an expected gain of some 2.0% of GDP from PM10 mitigation, which is achieved by setting the structural parameter J at 0.002, implying a modest productivity gain is a modest 0.01% per annum.

Source: CGE model and analysis (Annex2)

Generation of productivity enhancements through earmarking carbon tax revenue for R&D and innovation. In addition to the experiments of the first scenario, which were focused on internalizing externalities through taxes/fees to mitigate air, water, and solid waste pollution, and earmarking funds for green jobs, the second scenario introduces a policy of mitigating CO2 emissions through a tax instrument and earmarking funds for innovation. The base path trajectory reveals that aggregate CO2 emissions (currently 369 million tons) will reach a total of 983.7 million tons by 2030. Given the projected GDP, by 2030 CO2 intensity-(emissions per dollar GDP) is estimate to reach 0.59 kg/$ (in fixed 2010 prices) (currently 0.72 kg/$). To effectively reduce the CO2 emissions, a carbon tax is imposed on polluters, as was done for PM10 above. The distinguishing characteristic of the policy intervention is the use of
Box 6.3 Environmental Regulation and Innovation: The Porter Hypothesis

While it is generally understood that tighter environmental standards will be costly, at least in the short to medium term, the Porter Hypothesis (Porter and van der Linde 1995) holds that properly designed environmental regulation—in particular market-based instruments such as taxes or cap-and-trade emissions allowances—can trigger innovation. Recent research is providing insight into the relevance of the PH. While on the theoretical side, more arguments are emerging that try to justify the hypothesis, empirically, the evidence only supports the “weak” version (i.e., stricter regulation leads to more innovation). So far at least, there is no significant empirical evidence of the “strong” version of the hypothesis (i.e., stricter regulation enhances business performance—or win-win).

Source: Ambec et al. (2001)

Source: CGE model and analysis (Annex2)
proceeds from a carbon tax to support investment in productivity-enhancing innovation activities. Since the model does not allow capturing private sector innovation choices and investments in response to green policies directly through specifying private-sector-induced innovation functions (Box 6.3), it is done instead through an institutional mechanism overseen by the public sector (Box 6.4). While these tax proceeds typically would be captured by the fiscal authority and be disbursed either as increased public expenditures on goods and services, and/or transfers, the carbon tax revenues are earmarked for a special research fund to sustain R&D and innovation activities to boost productivity gains in the strategic sectors identified. Public R&D investments are taken to have high economic rates of return, although in practice this depends on the quality of National Innovation Systems, and the success of public innovation support schemes has varied significantly across countries.44

The following are the main findings from the analysis.45

The results of the policy scenarios of greening the urban economy are summarized in Figures 6.2 (GDP paths), 6.3 and 6.4 (pollution emissions intensity), and Table 6.3 (details numerical results), and Table 6.7 (overall summary of scenarios).

Simulation results of the urban greening policy through combined taxes/fees on PM10 pollution, wastewater and solid waste (i.e., the scenario of pollution taxes on PM10 and urban solid and water waste coupled with TFP gains from health benefits of PM10 abatement)

  • A significant reduction in the level of pollution intensities, consistent with the standards set forth in the relevant EU Directives.

Table 6.2 Health Impacts

PM10 Impact on GDP*


% GDP impact

from all sectors

% GDP impact

from strategic sectors**

Turkey Standard


0.8 – 2.0%

0.1 – 0.3

WHO Standard


1.0 – 2.6%

1.0 - 0.4

EU standard


1.2 – 3.1%

0.2 - 0.5

US EPA standard

15 µg/m3

1.7 – 4.5 %

0.2 – 0.7%

* From 2010 – 2030

** The share of industry sectors is assumed to be 14.5% of total PM10 emissions following from a similar share for CO2 (TurkStat, 2011)

Furthermore, we assume a linear relation between CO2 and PM10

  • But this is also accompanied by a relatively significant reduction in the growth potential of GDP (10-14% over its 2030 real value). This is indicative of the trade-offs involved, as pollution abatement costs increase the price of doing business in the absence of any adjustments in abatement technology, in the presence of the given historical rigidities (especially in labor markets). It cannot be over-emphasized that the figures show a relative decline in GDP relative to what would be achieved by 2030 without the greening measures. However, the results do NOT imply an absolute contraction of GDP due to environmental policy. Indeed, GDP in 2030 is 2.4 times its 2010 base value with the greening measures (not including absent green jobs and innovation-induced TFP gains), versus 1.27 times without any green measures (base path business as usual); in terms of average annual growth rates, the difference is 4.4% versus 5.0%.

  • Note also that these GDP figures do not include productivity gains or any other health benefits from pollution, or other green benefits. Nevertheless, the combined impact of the wastewater, solid waste, and air pollution taxes may raise concerns for fiscally-concerned decision makers.

  • A disaggregated application of individual pollution taxes allows a differentiation of their impacts and reveals that: (a) The tax on PM10 alone has a relatively small negative impact on GDP (less than 0.5%) and 3.8% pollution reduction; and when health-related pollution abatement productivity effects are accounted for, it’s overall impact is positive (+4.6% GDP and 21% pollution reduction). (b) Taxing solid waste has the highest negative impact on GDP. This is due to the combined effects of two factors: current solid waste disposal levels are very low (thus the size of the intervention to meet the set target is very large, leading to a 44% reduction in pollution); and since these waste flows are modeled as ratios of household consumption expenditures, the waste tax thus has a direct negative effects on consumption demand. The costs would be lower with a more realistic, flexible relationship between consumption and the generation of solid waste. In comparison, the economic impacts of the wastewater tax are much lower because both the target coverage and the tax rate are lower, leading to a 19% reduction in pollution. (iii) The CO2tax leads to a 9% abatement and a 7.4% reduction of GDP. These disaggregated results indicate that air pollution and wastewater could be prioritized within the green urban scenario because of their positive health and productivity effects and their low economic impact.

These results reflect that the environmental taxes imposed to meet tighter EU standards (in this case adhering to Directives on air, wastewater, and solid waste) will impose costs, at least in the short- to medium-term. Internalizing the costs of environmental degradation will also make firms less competitive than companies that are not subject to similar pollution controls elsewhere.46
The output impacts of this first scenario depend on the technological relationships we assume in the model. Finer-grained CGE models, which incorporate sector-specific MACs and thus incorporate more detailed options for private sector reactions to pollution and environmental taxes typically find much smaller output losses (see Jorgenson et al., 2010). What this scenario demonstrates is how important it is to have a proper understanding of abatement technologies.

Results of this initial scenario also depend on the recognized rigidities of the Turkish labor markets. Much of the existing rigidities are documented in the literature in a CGE modeling framework (e.g., Telli et al (2006); and Bekmez et al (2002). Amplified adjustment costs are also found in the context of a rigid labor market in response to climate change policies in the example of South Africa (Hassan et al (2008)). Moreover, the findings of the scenario (with rigid labor markets and no adjustments technologically or otherwise) are in line with previous economy-wide modeling exercises of climate change in Turkey (Telli et al (2008), and Kumbaroglu (2006)).

Rigid structures in the labor market raise the cost of adjustment to the new taxation environment. Confronted with the wage rigidities (as formulated by assuming constant real wages in the non-agricultural labor market), producers try to respond by other forms of substitution between capital and energy inputs, as well as greater reductions in the scale of output.

Relaxing the assumption of labor market rigidity can cut the estimated output losses from introducing environmental taxes by about half. A re-formulation of the “tax only” experiment with a fully flexible labor market resulted in halving the loss of the GDP compared to the base path in 2030 (Figure 6.2). However, as a result the wage rate also falls by 13% over its base run value, thereby cushioning most of the taxation burden on enterprises. Further insight is provided by the case of a PM10 tax in the context of a flexible labor market, which results in a slight but positive impact on GDP compared to the case of fixed wage rate. The distributional as well as overall impacts of environmental taxes thus depend significantly on the structure of the labor market, highlighting the importance of this topic for further investigation. Subsequent scenarios in this report retain the assumption of labor market rigidities as manifest in a fixed urban wage rate.

The overall message that emerges from this scenario is: (1) the economic impact of pollution abatement costs with environmental taxes varies with sector and pollutant, but can be large under certain assumptions about limited flexibility in input substitutions; (2) productivity gains from reduced health impacts can considerably soften the cost burdens, as can the use of tax revenues for financing innovation; (3) green policies through taxation complemented by labor market policies to increase flexible adjustments will create lower economic impacts from greening. Model extensions should focus on better characterizing of the private sector reaction to environmental taxes using a detailed understanding of available technologies and their profitability, given changing relative prices to get a more finely-tuned quantitative understanding of the economic impacts of greening policies.

Box 6.4 Generation productivity enhancements through earmarking carbon tax revenue for R&D/innovation.

As part of the new environmental component of the CGE model, a two-step approach is used to model the productivity gain from innovation stemming from earmarking CO2 emission tax revenues.

Step 1: innovation-driven productivity gains are modeled as:


These gains in the productivity parameter AXSS pertain only to the set of strategic sectors (SS). In addition, innovation activities are assumed to use an abatement technology that saves on the use of energy inputs, thereby lowering the CO2 intensities arising from energy combustion.

Step 2: Similar to the specification in (2) above, the CO2 emission intensities in energy use (within the SS-sectors) are reduced through innovation funded by the carbon tax revenues:


The ratio of aggregate R&D expenditures to the GDP currently stands at 0.7%. The Strategy Document calls for an increase of this ratio to 3% of the GDP by 2023.

The two key “enhancement parameters,” φ and ϕ, are set here to calibrate the TFP gains to generate an additional gain of 0.6% over the historically observed path. Moreover, this set-up is very optimistic in that it incorporates both general productivity increases and implicit increases in the specific productivity of low-carbon energy sources. Further work on a more realistic formulation of innovation policy in a CGE analysis for Turkey would be highly desirable.

Source: CGE model and analysis (Annex2)

Figure 6.2 Summary of policy scenarios for greening the urban economy

Simulation results of an urban greening policy through taxes/fees on air pollution, wastewater and solid waste, and financing green jobs by earmarking tax revenues for that purpose (i.e., the scenario of pollution tax only & jobs fund)47

  • Total employment would increase so does the wage income to the private sector. With about 600,000 new jobs “created” in the green activities in the Turkish economy as a whole48 .Green wages reach almost 1.5% of aggregate private disposable income. An example where the potential for green jobs has been identified through the study is energy efficiency in buildings, where specific incentive schemes which could be financed from green taxes, could result in some 110,000 jobs by 2023 over the base case where no incentives are provided (Table 6.3). In addition, if one accounts for health-related productivity gains from PM10 abatement, GDP from all three urban greening taxes leads to GDP only 1.3% by 2030 below its baseline growth path (again, with NO reduction in GDP – simply a lower rate of growth).

  • Pollution intensities are significantly reduced to the levels consistent with the standards set forth in the relevant EU Directives.

Simulation results of an urban greening policy through taxes/fees on PM10 and CO2 emissions, as well as wastewater and solid waste, along with earmarking funds for financing green jobs and innovation expenditures (i.e., scenario of pollution tax, carbon tax, and jobs and innovation funds)

  • When tax policy on pollution is further complemented by adding a carbon tax to control CO2 emissions, but these tax revenues are used for R&D funding and innovation solely in the strategic sectors, the gains in productivity boost GDP to 2.4% and result in addition employment (green jobs) of 3.5% above the base path by 2030. As noted in scenario 1, a CO2 tax without some kind of offsetting productivity and energy efficiency improvement has notable negative effects on GDP growth. This highlights again the importance of exploring these issues in greater depth than was possible in this analysis in order to provide advice on tradeoffs based on greater analytical realism.)

  • Both solid waste (from households and industry) and wastewater are reduced by half from baseline levels. In addition, significant emission reduction is achieved (30% reduction in PM10 and 25% reduction CO2 emissions by 2030.

  • Also, CO2 intensities per $GDP decline below the base path trajectory. Under urban greening with taxation and jobs-financing expenditures, CO2 intensity is reduced to 0.63 kg/$GDP, and is further reduced with the assumed opportunities for strategic innovation to 0.44 kg/$GDP by 2030, on a par with the OECD average (again indicating the importance of further refining this aspect of the analysis).

  • The total revenue of the urban greening policy reaches 3.6% of GDP by 2030.

  • Environmental taxes/fees amount to the following:

    • 0.52% of GDP for industry and 0.55% of GDP for households in the short-term (2015), which falls to 0.20%, and 0.10%, respectively, by 2030;

    • 0.17% of GDP for PM10, rising to 0.66% of GDP by 2030

    • 0.18% of GDP for CO2, rising to 0.7% of GDP by 2030

  • The marginal cost of CO2 emissions abatement (MAC) reaches $62/ton by 2020 then falls to $52/ton by 2030. As noted, this tax is set to meet quantitative emissions goals established under the EU Directive and the NCAC. On the other hand, the resulting marginal cost in 2020, , is quite a bit higher than the numbers often encountered in the policy literature (and the lower figure for 2030 reflects that this is the model’s end date versus more and tougher restrictions to be met in the further future).

  • At the sectoral level, key impacts include the following (by 2030):

    • Higher than average CO2 emissions reduction (30% compared to 25%);

    • Iron and Steel, among the most pollution-intensive sectors, achieves a reduction in PM10 and CO2 emissions by almost 60% over the base path;

    • Solid waste abatement reaches EU directives requirements;

    • Electronics, Construction, and Automotive expand by 15%, 7%, and 9% respectively, leading to gains in employment, while Machinery and White Goods remain almost on par with their base path trajectory;

    • Iron and Steel and Electricity sectors contract. For Iron and Steel, this is due to the burden of taxation, and the sector’s structural dependence on coal as an intermediate input; and

    • Export performance of the strategic sectors follows their expansionary outlook. Automotive, with an expansion of 11% over the base path in 2030, becomes the leading sector, increasing its share in aggregate exports (including services) to 15%. Electronics exports are observed to expand by 22%, and also constitute a major export driver.

Figure 6.4 CO2 intensities

Figure 6.5 PM10 intensities

Figure 6.3 Summary of policy scenarios for greening the urban economy

Table 6.3 Detailed results of the green urban policy simulations

(b) Greening the rural economy through sustainable agriculture

While greening the rural economy requires focusing on broader natural resource management issues including biodiversity conservation, forestry, and water resources, the focus of the present study is more modest and covers mainly agriculture, not only because of its socio-economic importance, but also because of its environmental footprint in terms of water use, agro-chemicals, and soil degradation. (see agriculture section above).

The main issues considered, and places where greening measures could augment the broader sector policies implemented by the Government, include; (i) the lower levels of productivity and land degradation in rainfed agriculture; (ii) the overuse of pasture resources and its impact on livestock productivity; (iii) the low levels of efficiency of water use for irrigation; and (iv) the externalities related to production intensification (agro-chemicals and salinization).

Given the issues discussed in section 5.1 above, in addition the low productivity levels and significant land degradation in rainfed and pasture areas, and the fact that agriculture uses about 74% of the country’s water resources for irrigation--in the context of growing water scarcity, increasing demand by other sectors and uses, and the looming problem of reductions in base flow due to climate change in the future--and given that the Government plans to further develop an additional 3 to 4 million hectares of irrigation by 2030 (e.g., the GAP project and other developments), as well as the status of irrigation technology, lack of volumetric pricing, intensive use of fertilizer and pesticides, as well as poor drainage infrastructure (leading to yield-reducing salinization problems), the of greening policies we chose to investigate in this study are aimed at a “triple-win:” more efficient use of land and irrigation water, reduced land degradation and improved soil carbon (mitigation), and enhanced productivity together with increased resilience to future climate change (adaptation).

The following three specific greening measures were modeled and evaluated

  1. Adoption of Conservation Agriculture/no-till (including minimal soil disturbance, proper management of crop residues, and crop rotation) in an area of 5 million ha which is currently traditionally tilled;

  2. Rehabilitation of 5 million ha of degraded pastures; and

  3. Irrigation efficiency improvements in the 5.2 million ha currently irrigated plus the 3.3 million ha of irrigation schemes yet to be developed.

For each of these greening measures, both costs (i.e., investments) and benefits have been estimated. Benefits have been distinguished between “on-site” (such as increased farm productivity and improved pasture), and “off-site” (such as the benefits derived from reduced sedimentation and its impact on downstream infrastructure and water quality). The estimated Net Present Value over 2014-2030 of adopting the greening measure on a large scale, as indicated above, tops US$11 billion (Table 6.4). Key assumptions and caveats underlying these estimates are detailed in the background note on agriculture sector. The economy-wide impacts of these greening measures were evaluated through the CGE model.

Greening the rural economy through sustainable agriculture is done with a set of three complementary scenarios:

  1. Scenario 1: Improving water use efficiency in irrigated agriculture (labeled EXP_AG01): Water irrigation reduced to two-thirds of the base path utilization. This is done through the introduction of a marginal water fee determined endogenously by the model and representing the shadow price of the binding water availability for irrigation.

TUIK projections suggest that water usage for irrigation will reach 80.7 billion m3 by the end of 2030. This suggests an increase of about two and half-fold in comparison to the current usage level of 34.1 billion m3. Expansion of water use parallels the expansion of the amount of irrigated land assumed at an annual rate of 0.5% under the business-as-usual scenario of the base path49.

Table 6.4 Benefits from adopting greening approaches in agriculture (million US$)

Greening Measure


(million ha)

Net Present Value (NPV50) from On-site Productivity Gains


NPV from Off-site Reduced Social Costs


NPV of Total Gains


a. Conservation Agriculture/no-tillage





b. Pasture improvement





c. Irrigation efficiency improvement









  1. Scenario 2: Improving water use efficiency in irrigated agriculture and earmarking revenues from water fees for improved irrigation technology (labeled EXP_AG02): While under the first scenario above, the revenues from the water fee accrue directly to public revenues with no further earmarking, under this scenario, irrigation water fee revenues are used to sustain further R&D and extension services to improve productivity (crop yields) in the rural economy. A similar approach to modeling the process of revenue use for innovation was done in the case of urban greening policies, above, is also used here (Box 6.5).

  1. Scenario 3: Improving water use efficiency in irrigated agriculture, earmarking revenues from water fees for improved irrigation technology, and introducing conservation tillage and improved pasture management (labeled EXP_AG03). This scenario introduces greening measures aimed at pasture land improvement and conservation tillage in rainfed agriculture. Of the Turkey’s total pasture land (around 15 million ha in), it is estimated that about 5-7 million ha are severely eroded. Estimates suggest that improved pasture management will likely result in a 30% gain in value-added dry matter yield production-- assumed to equate to about a 30% increase in value-added livestock. Complemented with improved control of soil erosion and switching to conservation tillage practices in agriculture, the annualized gain in net present value terms is estimated to reach 3.67 (billion TL) (2.1 billion $). This gain reaches 1.8% of the real agricultural output supply in 2015, and amounts to 1.02% of its real value by 2030. This is reflected in the CGE model as an exogenous increase in the rate of productivity growth in agricultural output by 0.02% per annum starting in 2015.52 To further capture the effects of improved land quality through mitigating soil erosion from poor pasture management, the available supply of rainfed land increases by 1.5 million ha annually starting 2011 until 2015.

Box 6.5 Generation productivity enhancements through earmarking revenue from irrigation water fee for R&D/innovation in irrigated agriculture

As part of the new environmental component of the CGE model, a two-step approach is used to model the productivity gain from innovation stemming from earmarking irrigation water fee revenues.

Step 1: innovation-driven productivity gains are modeled as:


Given the positive yield gains, the agricultural productivity coefficients are updated via


Note: The innovation functions are adapted from earlier application by de Melo and Robinson (1992) for the case of generating productivity gains from trade externalities.

Source: CGE model and analysis (Annex2)
The results of the policy scenarios of greening the rural economy are summarized in Figures 6.5 to 6.7 and Table 6.5.53

Simulation results of a greening policy aimed at of increasing water use efficiency in agriculture, through a reduction of irrigation water from a projected BAU scenario of 81 billion m3 to 54 billion m3 in 2030 (i.e., scenario EXP_AG01)

  • A marginal value of water resources of 28 cents TL/m3 ($ cents 16). The corresponding marginal abatement cost curve indicates a rate of $55 per ha of irrigated land in 2011, increasing gradually to $60/ha by 2030, noting that the current irrigation water charge is in the range of $100 to $200 per hectare (as there is no volumetric system of charges).

  • Potential revenues generated from the higher water fees would represent 0.1% of GDP and 0.62% of the value of agricultural output.

  • But GDP would be 0.35% lower than the base path upon impact in 2011, and it would be 0.4% lower in comparison to the 2030 base path level (Figure 6.6). Again, the 2030 results reflect a slower rate of GDP growth with greening, but not an absolute decline.

Simulation results of a greening policy aimed at of increasing water use efficiency in agriculture, and using the additional water fee revenues for extension and innovation to improve production technology and irrigation efficiency that would translate into productivity gains (i.e., Scenario EXP_AG02)

  • An increase of GDP by 1.8% over its base path value by 2030 (in real terms).

  • Productivity gains of 0.4% in 2011 gradually increasing to 0.95% by 2030.

  • These expansionary effects from the productivity gains emanating from translating fee revenues into research and extension lead to a further increase in the marginal value of water resources to 32 cents TL/m3 ($ cents 18) with a corresponding marginal cost of water irrigation 60$/ha by 2030.

Simulation result of a greening policy aimed at increasing water use efficiency in agriculture, and using the additional water fee revenues for extension and innovation to improve production technology and irrigation efficiency, coupled with the expansion of conservation and pasture improvement, would translate into productivity gains (i.e., Scenario EXP_AG03)

  • An estimated gain of 3.6% in GDP by 2030.

  • Expansion of the rain-fed land (to simulate conservation tillage and improved pasture management) induces important substitution effects reducing the burden of the water fee and leading to a reduction of the marginal cost of irrigation water starting in 2015 ( lowering to 38 $/ha by 2030).

  • Potential revenues generated from the higher water fees would represent 0.06% of GDP and 0.36% of the value of agricultural output.

  • The policy is employment-neutral in the sense that less than 20,000 rural jobs are added by 2030. This is to be expected since some measures, like conservation tillage, tend to increase labor use, but others, like improved irrigation technology, would have the opposite impact.

(c) Integrated comprehensive greening scenario: combining greening the urban and rural economies

The final scenario consists in evaluating the economy-wide impacts of the following package of measures, combining measures under both the urban and greening scenarios:

  • Internalizing environmental externalities by imposing pollution taxes on industrial and household solid waste and water discharges, PM10 and CO2e emissions;

  • Earmarking (part of) the revenue from pollution taxes for financing green jobs for otherwise unemployed workers at the ongoing urban wage rate;

  • Earmarking the carbon tax revenues for improved R&D and innovations for the strategic industrial sectors (as defined within the Industrialization Strategy Document, 2011);

  • Introducing “use efficiency” fees on irrigation water for cost recovery;

  • Earmarking the irrigation fees for rural R&D and innovation to boost agricultural productivity growth; and

  • Improving pasture land and soil erosion control and introducing conservation tillage practices.

Figure 6.6 Real agricultural output supply in Turkey

Figure 6.7 MAC curves of irrigation water abatement in Agriculture

Table 6.5 Summary Results: Base Path versus Rural Greening Policy Scenarios

The results of this integrated policy package indicate the following:

  • GDP increases in real terms to 3,186 billion TL in 2030 (in fixed 2010 prices), 5.8% higher than the base path (again, itself reflecting economic growth over the periods);

  • Consumption contracts slightly as a result of fiscal greening measures (67% of the GDP in 2030 compared to 68% in the base run) ;

  • Investment is doubled between 2015 and 2030;

  • There is no major impact on trade balance (trade deficit around 12 billion TL in fixed 2010 prices in the base run and combined greening scenarios)

  • Innovation leads to Automotive and Electronics becoming the leading sectors of growth, significant gains are also achieved in Machinery and Construction;

  • In comprehensive greening scenarios (referring to urban and rural greening) total employment rises to 26.7 million workers (Table 6.6) (5.3% above the base path, slightly lower than the increase in GDP over the base path), while sectoral results reveal that employment gains are strong in Automotive (59.3%); Electronics (34.7%); and Machinery & White Goods (11.7%);

  • Solid waste both in industry and the household sector meet the EU-inspired coverage and management standards, and water pollution (wastewater) is reduced by half;

  • Aggregate emissions of PM10 is cut by 25% (meeting WHO standards), and gaseous emissions as measured by CO2e is reduced by 21.3% in 2030;

  • The intensity of CO2 emissions per $GDP is observed to fall to 0.44 kg/$GDP –the level of the OECD average for 2008.

These quantitative results should not be taken literally, bearing the significant limitations of the model in mind. They demonstrate how a comprehensive approach, relying on multiple policy instruments to pursue multiple environmental policy objectives (across the urban and rural space) could yield significant social welfare impacts. The model especially highlights the role of public policy in greening through recycling environmental taxes to support green jobs and innovation. In reality, however, the reallocation of resources through the public sector is likely to be far less significant, as induced private sector abatement activities and innovation would result in an expansion of “green activities” and lower tax revenues.

Finally, several strong caveats must be borne in mind. The results from the general equilibrium analysis above are based on a number of assumptions and the boundaries of the modeling paradigm used. The CGE model is an approach in which the adjustment path as characterized by the simulation exercises reflects a “well-defined” and “smooth” general equilibrium system based on consumer and producer optimization in the absence of any rigidities and/or structural bottlenecks. Thus, the adjustments of the model economy in response to various policy shocks should not be taken as literally a measure of the global stability properties of the real economy. For these reasons, while the results are intuitive and suggestive of benefits in reality as well, they should at best be regarded as crude approximations of the long-run equilibrium effects of environmental and investment policies on production, employment, current account, capital accumulation and consumer welfare.

It has been noted previously that the model uses very simplified approaches to represent complex processes of substitution, alternative technology adoption, and innovation. The additional importance of how macroeconomic growth policies interact with environmental policies cannot be over-estimated. In this study, concurrent applications of more macro-oriented measures to stimulate overall TFP growth, and increase jobs through public expenditure, serve to offset the sector-and-pollutant-specific reductions in the rate of GDP growth. The net positive impacts on GDP growth in various scenarios do not, however, reflect a win-win in the sense that the environmental measures are somehow uniquely responsible for the growth benefits. The health-related productivity improvements and (arguably) the specific application of CO2 tax revenues for (induced) energy efficiency improvement do reflect win-win outcomes, and the specific funding of green jobs in the water and solid waste sectors reduces the economic burden imposed by the waste taxes in the model. However, the other benefits depend on a source of expenditure, not that it is specifically environmental tax revenue. For example, the general increases in total factor productivity taken as being induced by application of CO2 tax revenues to unspecified innovation investments could be as easily achieved in the model with no environmental policies, simply by channeling some other sources of revenues to these activities. Similarly, unemployment reduction could be induced through taxes or subsidies on job creation that are not tied to environmental revenues or activities, as well as through labor market reforms. While pursuit of green policy goals adds to the value of also utilizing other macroeconomic-level growth policies to mitigate the cost and thus increase the net social benefit of green measures, solid macroeconomic policies remain a priority in their own right.

Table 6.6 Summary Results: Base Path versus Comprehensive Greening

Figure 6.8 Real GDP under comprehensive scenario

Figure 6.9 CO2 intensity under the comprehensive green scenario

Table 6.7 Summary of CGE scenarios


Scenario Description

% change wrt GDP-BAU in 2030

Simulation 1: Greener Cities


Taxing PM10 under fixed real urban wages



PM10 tax with fixed wages with added TFP gains from health effects due to PM10 abatement



Solid waste tax only, with fixed wages no green jobs



Water waste tax only, with fixed wages no green jobs



CO2 tax only, with fixed wages no green jobs



All taxes together, with fixed wages with added TFP gains from health effects due to PM10 abatement No green jobs



All taxes together, with fixed wages with added TFP gains from health effects due to PM10 abatement plus earmarking green tax revenues for green jobs



All taxes together, with fixed wages with added TFP gains from health effects due to PM10 abatement plus earmarking green tax revenues for green jobs plus TFP gains in strategic sectors (old EXP2)



PM10 tax with flexible wages, no health productivity gains


Simulation 2: Greener Agriculture

EXP3_Rural Greening

Greening through sustainable agriculture

 Expand Conservation Agriculture/no-till

 Improve pasture management

 Improve water use efficiency


Simulation 3: Greener Turkey

EXP4_Integrated Greening

Integrated scenario (urban, industrial & CO2 pollution mitigation + green jobs + innovation + sustainable agriculture

1   ...   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22

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