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This specification describes the ofc data format and details how Microsoft ® Money uses ofc for online home banking and online bill payment features

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Intrabank Transfer response

The Intrabank Transfer response is used to inform the user of the success or failure of their transfer.



Opening tag for the transaction response

End tag for transaction response.

Notes on

  1. If DTPOSTED is not returned by the server, Money will assume that the funds are immediately available to the destination account.

  2. Unless a STATUS of “0” is returned in an INTRARS, Money will assume the transfer happened and that funds are available in the destination account.

  3. Money does not allow users to inquire on a transfer. If the server returns STATUS of 0, Money assumes the transfer occurred.
If STATUS is 0

  1. If STATUS is 0, it is assumed that the transfer happened and the funds are available in the account described in ACCTTO.
If STATUS is 1

  1. If STATUS is 1, it is assumed that the transfer did not happen. No funds should move between accounts.

  2. Include CLTID element.
If STATUS is 100

  1. If STATUS is 100, it is assumed that the transfer did not happen. No funds should move between accounts. The ERROR should explain the cause of the failure.

  2. Include CLTID element.

  3. Include explanation in ERROR element.
If STATUS is 104

  1. If STATUS is 104, it is assumed that the transfer did not happen. No funds should move between accounts. A STATUS of 104 means that the account specified in the ACCTFROM aggregate in the INTRARQ was not found on the server.

  2. Include CLTID element.

Interbank Transfer request

The Intrabank Transfer request is used in international versions of Money to accommodate payment systems that are based on transferring funds between accounts.

This transaction will not be used in US releases of Microsoft Money.



Opening tag for the transaction request

End tag for transfer request

Notes on INTERRQ:

  1. This record can contain an ACCTTO or PAYEEID but not both.

  2. If ACTION is 1 or 2, Money will include a SRVRTID element.

Interbank Transfer response

The Intrabank Transfer response provides an answer to the interbank transfer request.

This transaction will not be used in US releases of Microsoft Money.



Opening tag for the transaction response

End tag for transfer response

Chapter 14

Online Bill Payment Records

Online Bill Payment records correspond to the online bill payment features offered by Microsoft Money. Enabling online bill payment services for an account will allow the user to send electronic payments to any payee. Online bill payment will also allow the user to send email to the payment processor, inquire on the status of a previously sent payment, and cancel a payment.

Tags displayed in bold are required by Microsoft Money.

Payee request

The Payee request record is sent from Money to the server when a user issues a payment to a payee for the first time. This record will also be sent when the user edits the details of an existing payee.



Opening tag for the maintenance request

End tag of maintenance request

Notes on

  1. Money will always send a complete PAYEE aggregate even if a PAYEEID is included.

  2. If the user is paying the payee for the first time, a complete PAYEE aggregate will be sent

  3. If the user enters an electronic payment to a payee for the first time (the user has not entered a payment to the payee previously) then Money will generate a PAYEERQ and a PAYMTRQ (Payment request). Both records will be sent to the server in the same session.

  4. It is possible that Money will send a PAYEERQ to the server without a PAYMTRQ. For example, if the user schedules an electronic payment in the future, Money will send a PAYEERQ to the server on the next call.
If ACTION is 0

  1. An ACTION of 0 means that the user has entered an electronic payment to a payee who does not exist in the user’s Money file.

  2. A PAYEEID will not be included.

  3. A complete PAYEE aggregate will be included.
If ACTION is 2

  1. An ACTION of 2 means that the user has changed the details of the payee in Microsoft Money.

  2. A user can not change the payee’s name. A user can change the payee’s address, city, state, zip code, phone number and their account number with the payee.

  3. A PAYEEID or complete PAYEE aggregate will be included.

Payee response

The Payee response record provides details about a payee from the server.



Opening tag for the maintenance response

End tag of maintenance response record.

Notes on

  1. Reference the section of this document on Online Bill Payment with Microsoft Money and OFC for details on the DAYSWITH and DAYSREQD elements.
If STATUS is 0

  1. STATUS of 0 means that the payee has been added to the payment processing host system.

  2. If a PAYEEID is available for the payee, it must be present in the PAYEEID element.
If STATUS is 1

  1. STATUS of 1 means that the payee was not added to the payment processing system.

  2. The server should echo the CLTID value sent in the Payee request.
If STATUS is 4

  1. STATUS of 4 means that the PAYEERS is sent “unsolicited” to Money. This means that there wasn’t a corresponding PAYEERQ sent to the server.

  2. CLTID must be zero (0).

  3. A complete PAYEE aggregate or PAYEEID must be included.

  4. DAYSREQD and DAYSWITH must be included.
If STATUS is 100

  1. STATUS of 100 means that the that the payee was unable to be added to the payment processing system.

  2. CLTID should echo the CLTID in the PAYEERQ.

  3. An explanation of why the problem occurred should be in the ERROR element.

Payment request

For each electronic payment transaction the user enters in their Money account register, Money will send a Payment request for each transaction. The payment requests asks the bill payment service to make a payment to a specific payee by a particular date.



Opening tag for the transaction request

End tag of transaction request.

Notes on

  1. In Microsoft Money, users can enter 256 character memos for each transaction.
    Note: If the bill payment processor will not print this memo on the user’s checks, it should make the customer aware of this before they sign up for online bill payment.

  2. If Money has a PAYEEID for the payee, it will be included. If not, Money will send a complete PAYEE aggregate.

  3. PAYACCT will be included in every PAYMTRQ record.

  4. Money will send the payment’s due date in DTDUE. This value will be sent regardless of the payment model used by the payment processor (withdraw funds on the due date or withdrawn funds before the due date.)
If ACTION is 0

  1. An ACTION of 0 means that the user has entered an electronic payment in Money and is sending it to the server to be processed.

  2. Money will assign a CLTID value.

  3. The ACCTFROM aggregate will describe the account the user is using to pay the bill.

  4. TRNAMT will be the amount of the check.

  5. If Money has a PAYEEID, it will send it. If not, a complete PAYEE aggregate will be sent.

  6. PAYACCT will be the user’s account number with the payee.

  7. DTDUE will be the due date of the payment.

  8. MEMO will be the memo a user entered in the Money account register.
If ACTION is 1

  1. An ACTION of 1 is a request to delete the pending payment request from the bill payment server.

  2. An ACTION of 1 means that the user has sent the payment to the bill payment server, but the bill payment has not yet been processed.

  3. Money will assign a CLTID value.

  4. The ACCTFROM aggregate will describe the account the user is using to pay the bill.

  5. TRNAMT will be the amount of the check.

  6. If Money has a PAYEEID, it will send it. If not, a complete PAYEE aggregate will be sent.

  7. PAYACCT will be the user’s account number with the payee.

  8. DTDUE is the due date of the payment.

  9. MEMO will be the memo a user entered in the Money account register.

  10. A SRVRTID will be included. It will be the SRVRTID sent back to Money in the PAYMTRS when the payment was originally sent in for processing.

  11. If the payment has already been processed, Money will not allow the user to send a PAYMTRQ with ACTION of 1 to the server.

Payment response

The Payment response record answers the Payment request, providing details about the payment.



Opening tag for the transaction response

End tag of transaction response

Notes on

  1. The SRVRTID is used when inquiring about a payment. It is displayed in the Money user interface as a “Confirmation #.” It is assumed that a user can use this number when contacting a customer service representative about the status of the payment.
If STATUS is 0

  1. A STATUS of 0 means that the payment referenced in the PAYMTRQ has been accepted by the bill payment server and will be processed by the date in DTDUE.

  2. The CLTID should echo the CLTID sent in the PAYMTRQ.

  3. A SRVRTID must be returned.

  4. If a PAYEEID was sent in the PAYMTRQ, the server should echo it back in the response.
If STATUS is 1

  1. A STATUS of 1 means that the payment referenced in the PAYMTRQ has not been accepted by the bill payment server and will not be processed by the date in DTDUE.

  2. The CLTID should echo the CLTID sent in the PAYMTRQ.
If STATUS is 100

  1. A STATUS of 100 means that the payment referenced in the PAYMTRQ has not been accepted by the bill payment server and will not be processed by the date in DTDUE.

  2. The server should include as explanation why the payment was rejected in the ERROR.

  3. The CLTID should echo the CLTID sent in the PAYMTRQ.

Payment inquiry request

Money will allow a user to send email inquiring about the state of a previously sent payment.



Opening tag for the transaction request

End tag for transaction request

Notes on

  1. Money will send the same SRVRTID that was returned in the PAYMTRS for the transaction. A SRVRTID will always be included in the PAYIQRQ.

  2. The MEMO element will contain the user’s question about the payment. A MEMO element will be generated for each line the user types in followed by a carriage return.

  3. Money will including the following MEMO elements by default:

To: Customer Service
Subject: Subject

The user is able to enter any text in the To: and Subject: fields in Money.

Payment inquiry response

The Payment inquiry response record answers the Payment inquiry request, answering the user’s question about the payment.



Opening tag for the transaction response

End tag of transaction response

Notes on

  1. For each PAYIQRQ sent from Money to the server, the server should at least send back a PAYIQRS with a STATUS of “0” to tell the user that their question was received and will be answered at a later date.

  2. If the answer to the user’s question is not available during the session, the bill payment processor can send the answer to Money in an unsolicited MAILRS when the answer is available. See the chapter on Mail records.

  3. The answer to the user’s question should be in the MEMO of the MAILRS. The MEMO should also reference the date, payee, and amount of the payment so the user is aware what payment is referred to.

Chapter 15

File Import Records

File import will allow a user to import transactions in an OFC (*.ofc) file into Microsoft Money. Money will assume that the transactions in this file have already been posted at the bank.

A file import file is able to be imported into Microsoft Money without a corresponding request.

Tags displayed in bold are required by Microsoft Money.

Account statement



Start tag of OFC file

End of OFC file

Notes on

  1. It is recommended that one OFC file contain data for one account. Microsoft Money will import the transactions for one account at a time.

  2. The information in the ACCTFROM aggregate is used to match the downloaded transactions with those already entered in Money. Money will mark each downloaded transaction as cleared in the user’s account.

Appendix one

Standard Industrial Code support

This section includes a list of the Standard Industrial Codes (SIC codes) supported by Money 5.0 and the categories that Money will assign a transaction that includes a SIC code. SIC codes can be included in a STMTRS or ACCTSTMT.

Money assigns a Category and Subcategory. For example, AutoGas in the list below means that Money will assign the category of Auto and the subcategory of Gas.

AutoGas = 5541, 5542
AutoMaint = 5511, 5521, 5531, 5532, 5533, 5599, 7523, 7524, 7531, 7532,

7533, 7534, 7535, 7536, 7537, 7538, 7539, 7542, 7549

Bank = 6051, 6760
Childcare = 8351
Clothing = 5611, 5621, 5631, 5632, 5641, 5651, 5655, 5661, 5681, 5691, 5697, 5698, 5699
EduBooks = 5942
EduTuition = 8211, 8220, 8221, 8222, 8241, 8243, 8244, 8249, 8299
FoodDiningOut = 5811, 5812, 5813, 5814
FoodGroceries = 5411, 5421, 5422, 5431, 5441, 5451, 5461, 5462, 5499, 5921
Furnishings = 5712, 5713, 5714, 5718, 5719, 5722, 5932
Gifts = 5947
Health = 5047, 5975, 5976, 8011, 8031, 8041, 8042, 8043, 8044, 8049, 8050, 8071, 8082, 8099
HealthDental = 8021
HealthEyecare = 5995
HealthHospital = 8062, 8063, 8069
HealthPrescriptions = 5912
HousingMaint = 780, 1520, 1711, 1731, 1740, 1750, 1761, 1771, 1799, 5033,

5211, 5231, 5251, 5261, 5271, 7216, 7217, 7341, 7342, 7349,

7622, 7623, 7629, 7631, 7641, 7692, 7699
Insurance = 6300, 6381, 6399, 6411
InsuranceHealth = 6321
InsuranceLife = 6311
Leisure = 5551, 5561, 5571, 5592, 5598, 5731, 5732, 5733, 5734, 5735,

5736, 5940, 5941, 5946, 5949, 5996, 7032, 7033, 7513, 7519,

7832, 7911, 7922, 7929, 7932, 7933, 7941, 7948, 7991, 7992,

7993, 7994, 7995, 7996, 7997, 7998, 7999, 8412, 8422

LeisureCableTV = 4841
LeisureToysGames = 5945
PersonalCare = 7231, 7241
UtilElec = 4911, 4931
UtilOilGas = 4922, 4923, 4924, 4925, 4932, 5983 ;
UtilTelephone = 4812, 4813, 4814, 4815 ;
UtilWaterSewerGarbage = 4941, 4952, 4953
VacationLodging = 7011, 7021
VacationTravel = 4011, 4111, 4119, 4512, 4724, 4725, 4729

Open Financial Connectivity and Microsoft® Money Specification: © 1996 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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