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Table of contents executive summary

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1 Coastal Wetlands Management

Beach and foredune communities occur along most of the shoreline of

Simmons Woods and are typified by open sand with very sparse grasses,


including beachgrass (Ammophila breviligulata). Rare species that occur here include Pitcher’s thistle (Cirsium pitcheri), Lake Huron tansy (Tanacetum huronense), and Houghton’s goldenrod (Solidago houghtonii). This area is exposed to relatively high winds and wave action, both of which contribute to sand movement and shifting of the configuration of the beach and the interdunal wetlands that often lie directly behind the beach. The shifting sands are important for the germination and establishment of the Pitcher’s thistle, in particular. This species cannot compete well with other species in areas of stable sand. Management of this area should be minimal and uses should be kept to low density hiking, fishing and sightseeing. Vehicles should be strictly prohibited from the beach and foredune.

An interdunal wetland is a n herbaceous wetland community that occurs in calcareous pools between dunes, typically within three to four ridges of the shore. Common species include twig-rush (Cladium mariscoides), beak-rush (Rhynchospora capillacea), and rush (Juncus balticus), Other species include bladderworts (Utricularia spp.) and white camas (Zigadenus glaucus). Houghton’s goldenrod can also occur here on the margins of the wetlands. These wetlands can support high densities of insects and amphibians.

One rare insect that is found in interdunal wetlands, though it hasn’t been

reported from Simmons Woods, is the Hines emerald dragonfly (Somatochlora hinesiana). Management considerations are similar to those of the beach and foredune; low-impact uses only are appropriate.

The Great Lakes Dune Pine Forest community occurs within the wooded dune and swale complex on the dunes that are high enough to be at least well drained. Overstory species include a mixture of white pine (Pinus strobus), red pine (P. resinosa), and jack pine (P. banksiana). White spruce (Picea glauca), paper birch (Betula papyrifers), and trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) also occur. Ground juniper (Juniperus communis var. depressa) and bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi) are prevalent in the understory. Dwarf lake iris (Iris lacustris) is a rare species that occurs in good populations on the dunes adjacent to the open and grassy dunes near the shore. These forested dunes can provide critical habitat for migratory birds, such as the yellow-rumped warbler and Canada warbler, during early spring when the only food to be found are the aquatic insects hatching from the nearshore waters and interdunal wetlands. These areas are somewhat more tolerant of hiking and other non-motorized recreation than the beaches and interdunal wetlands, except near the shore where the dwarf lake iris occurs. Timber harvest should be kept to a minimum within a quarter mile of the shore to ensure the site remains valuable for migratory birds.

2 Grasslands

The intrinsic value of Simmons Woods lies within the diversity and juxtaposition of the habitats on the property. This diversity allows for the maintenance and management of several different biological communities and their associated wildlife. The following paragraphs discuss the various communities found within Simmons Woods and the management strategies to be applied.


There are 117 acres of grassy openings in Simmons Woods. Of that total,

one opening constitutes 28 acres; a second covers 19 acres. The remaining

grassy opening habitat is contained within small areas ranging from one to 10

acres in size. Due to their size, soil characteristics and precipitation patterns,

these openings do not function as true grassland ecosystems but rather as an

edge component within a larger forested ecosystem. This is reflected in the

wildlife community using those areas. A true grassland community in upper

Michigan would contain, among others, species such as bobolinks, eastern

meadowlarks, merlins, upland sandpipers and in some cases, sharp-tailed

grouse. At present, we are unaware of any occurrences of these species in

Simmons Woods.

Although the grassy openings in Simmons Woods do not provide habitats for

species normally associated with large opening complexes, they do provide a

valuable component within the forested ecosystem. There are over 100 wildlife

species in upper Michigan that utilize these openings. As such, maintenance of

this component is considered vital to diversity and will be a part of the over-all

management scheme in those areas not designated as old growth. Maintenance

can be accomplished through the use of either mechanical treatment or fire and

will be scheduled as the area biologist deems necessary. In certain instances,

naturalized non-noxious herbaceous plants may be seeded into these areas to

provide high quality food for wildlife.
3 Uplands (Ecology Discussion)

a General Forest Management

We will leave a 200 foot set back along Scrams Creek and along the stream out of Stone Lake and into the Catarac River. This will provide continued shading along these streams and also discourage beaver activity. Beaver damming would interrupt steelhead trout runs up these streams.

There will be very limited cutting allowed in the proposed Old Growth Area and that is covered in Section D 6 “Old Growth”.
On the rest of the areas of Simmons Woods, except for identified karst areas, normal forest management practices will be followed that are practiced on the Sault Management Unit/Naubinway Forest Area.

See Appendix G – Simmons Woods: Acres Prescribed for Treatment
1) Forest Management Activities for Karst Areas

Research literature has identified a link between forest site productivity and karst. Karst areas are inherently more productive when compared with equivalent sites with non-karst bedrock types. Increased productivity can be attributed to nutrient rich soils with higher base saturation and well developed subsurface drainage. The greater the epikarst (over the karst) development the greater the surface/subsurface connection which provides vertical nutrient transport. Disturbance of forest cover and soils in


karst landscapes can reverse the positive flow of the nutrients to the surface and result in the vertical migration of nutrients

and soil beyond the depth of the rooting zone. Karst systems are productive, but fragile.
Our karst management strategy should be to maintain the capability of the karst landscape to regenerate a forest after harvest, to maintain the quality of the waters issuing from the karst hydrologic systems, and protect the many karst resource values within the underlying cave systems.
It is essential to view karst as a system, not a collection of discrete surface features. It is also important to remember that most caves have no entrances accessible to humans but are still sensitive to disturbances. Surface features are clues to the existence of these entranceless caves. There are typically on the order of ten times as many entranceless proper caves as have natural entrances, although they are on the average shorter in length.
Karst vulnerability mapping utilizes the fact that some parts of a karst landscape are more sensitive than others to planned land uses. The key elements of the strategy focus on the openness of the karst system and its ability to transport water, nutrients, soil and debris, and pollutants into the underlying hydrologic systems. Some general characteristics of karstlands that should be noted during pre-harvest site assessment include:

  • An overall lack of perennial first and second-order streams,

where surface flow and runoff are pirated underground via

sinking streams. These may appear to be dry surface channels during late summer and fall, but can exhibit sudden, voluminous flows in response to rainfall and snow melt;

  • The presence of sinkholes, closed depressions, rocky

outcrops, springs, and caves.

Dye tracing may be necessary to define the karst hydrologic system. Dye tests should be conducted during both high and low flow periods to help define the full complexity of the system. Partners (like Michigan Karst Conservancy) can and should play a major role in helping to define and characterize the karst hydrologic system and conduct the dye traces.

One of the most important determinants of karst vulnerability is the degree of epikarst development, as evaluated by the frequency and depth of the discrete surface karst features.

Epikarst controls the transfer of water (and suspended or dissolved material) to the underlying conduits and caves. Features can range in size from dry gullies to dissolution sinks and collapsed underground drainages. The better developed epikarst is considered to be the more vulnerable to surface disturbances. The thickness and characteristics of the overlying soil are known to influence epikarst dissolution rates.

Timber harvest will not be permitted on high vulnerability karst. Such karst is defined by the presence of any one of a number of features. Such features are caves, karst on very steep slopes, sinks or other epikarst over 8 feet in depth, insurgences (disappearing streams), and resurgences (appearing streams). These high vulnerability karst will require windfirm buffers of no less than 100 feet around the feature or two tree lengths if tree species are not windfirm and over 50 feet in height.
As a rule, features are not isolated but are parts of a much bigger system. Therefore, a systematic approach to inventory the area prior to timber sale preparation is necessary. This is especially true of large, contiguous areas of carbonate rock, such as occurs under much of Simmons Woods.
Areas identified with at least moderate vulnerability will have the following modification made.

a) Timber Harvest

Harvesting by any known method inevitably results in some damage to the thin soils that generally overlie limestone. To moderate this effect over time, we will lengthen even-age rotations from 40-50 years to 60–70 years and the cutting cycle on uneven-age stands from 12-15 years to 25 years. Specifications should limit harvest work when rutting is minimal in the winter or during dry periods of the year.

In stands to be clearcut, no full tree harvesting will be allowed so that tops are left on site to help reduce soil and humus movement after heavy rains. Limbs and other residual logging wastes are to be left in place and not windrowed or bunched into piles. In these areas, firewood permits should not be issued.
If mechanical harvesting is allowed in selectively harvested stands, only directional felling equipment will be allowed to be used to avoid dropping trees over identified karst features or their boundaries.
If any selective harvesting or individual windthrown harvesting is allowed within karst buffer areas, it will only be allowed if minimal disturbance can be assured. Areas of unavoidable or unintentional ground disturbance and exposed soil are to be stabilized by methods such as artificial seeding of native species and/or annual rye and mulched with straw.
Harvesting activities will be closely monitored to ensure cutting specifications are adhered to and an on-site pre-harvest meeting will be required to discuss cutting specifications and any karst features.
b) Roads

If roads are needed into a timber sale area with at least moderate vulnerability, land management staff must decide on the location and not the logger doing the cutting. Where new roads are needed, they should follow ridge lines if possible and not be any closer than 300 feet of any stream, dry stream bed or cave entrance. Roads with down slopes should have ditch diversions or waterbars on them to prevent sediment-laden waters from reaching any watercourses. These areas should be revegetated after harvesting with native seeding and/or annual rye and straw mulch.

Trees pushed out to create the road, have to have the stump portion bucked off and stood upright to reduce soil being washed off the rootball, as well as for safety and appearance on the site. After completion of timber harvesting, any new roads will be required to be closed by filling with tree tops and berming.
For road maintenance of identified DNR roads in Simmons Woods, only selective contact herbicides along maintained road edges are allowed. These chemicals must be biodegradable on ground contact.
c) Management of Fuel

Loggers must have spill and leak containment and cleanup material on site to operate. Fueling of mechanized equipment must be up on designated landings or roads, not down into the woodlands being treated. Oil absorbents must be on-site just in case of petroleum based spills in refueling and for line breaks/bursts in the woodlands. These absorbents are to be immediately used when a spill happens to minimize contamination of the karst water system.


d) Fire

Use of prescribed burning is not an acceptable management tool in forested karst areas with shallow soils. Only minimal impact wildfire tactics will be allowed in at least moderate karst vulnerability areas, which will need to be identified on a map for fire planning.

b Wildlife Management

Forested lands dominate Simmons Woods, comprising 92 percent (9203 acres) of the area. Of that total, 7522 acres are classified as forested uplands. Forested lowlands cover 1681 acres.

Northern hardwood systems generally provide the greatest opportunity for within stand diversity management. Although normally dominated by sugar maple, these forest types generally contain additional species such as hemlock, white pine, white spruce, balsam fir, birch (white and yellow), aspen, red maple, basswood, ironwood, black cherry and American beech. In addition, most northern hardwood stands contain a fair amount of down woody material, den trees and snags. Under normal state land management practices, diversity is encouraged through selective harvest, which maintains all components while creating additional canopy layers within the stand. Usually, northern hardwood stands are entered every 10 - 20 years. This general principle will be applied to all northern hardwood stands except those over sensitive karst features or designated as “old growth”. Stands that occur over sensitive karst features will be managed on longer rotational cycles. Old growth management is addressed later in this report.
Aspen is one of the most valuable forest types in terms of game species management. Proper management of aspen will provide quality habitat that will be used by white-tailed deer, moose, black bear, snowshoe hare, ruffed grouse and woodcock. In addition, a large number of non-game predatory species also benefit from aspen management. Currently, approximately 75 percent of the aspen is in the regenerating stage. Generally, these stands will be harvested again when they attain an age of 40 years. There will be, however, some exceptions to this rule. Some stands may be harvested in more (or less) than 40 years to attain better balance in the aspen age structure. In addition, aspen stands over sensitive karst features (such as those near Stone Lake) will be harvested on 60 to 70 year rotations to lessen the impact on the karst. With the exception of old growth designated areas, management of the aspen type will consist of conducting clearcuts as prescribed during the compartment review process. Within the old growth area, aspen stands will be allowed to proceed through natural successional pathways. Windfall and other natural disturbances will most likely maintain an aspen presence although the total amount remains to be seen.

4 Lowlands

Forested lowlands are dominated by 1393 acres of northern white cedar ecosystems. This constitutes 83 percent of the wet forested lands. The vast majority of the northern white cedar type lies within the old growth designation and will not be manipulated. Any remaining cedar stands outside the old growth area will be managed through normal state land management practices. Due to the thermal cover value and the difficulties of regenerating cedar in the southern U.P., cedar is generally not harvested in this area. This decision will be made through the compartment review process.

5 Streams, Rivers and Lakes (Ecology)

Forest management near Simmons Woods water bodies should be conservative, aimed toward discouragement of beaver. The two major water flows, the Crow River and the Catarac Creek, both have sensitive habitats. The Crow River has the habitat structure and open water flows to support migrating salmonid and smelt spawning runs. A shift in terrestrial riparian habitat that would attract beaver will destroy this system’s fishery value. Beaver routinely build in high-gradient areas, flooding gravel bottomed spawning flows with deep standing water or the dam itself. Further, the dams will limit fish passage upstream into potential spawning habitat. Catarac Creek provides very good brook trout habitat. Beaver ponds would warm the water similarly to the ponds in the Crow River, thus driving adult brook trout out of the system. Likewise with the Crow River, dams would flood spawning habitat and limit spawning migrations.

Only two lakes and two streams showed limnologies that could correlate into positive management potential. Duel and Brown’s Lakes are discussed individually, while the Crow River and Catarac Creek are discussed generically.
Duel Lake’s limnology suggests that smallmouth bass would survive very well and reproduce naturally. They would also help control the panfish community. We initiated a stocking program for bass fingerlings during August 1997. The lake also contains a unique habitat consisting of submerged timber and lumber slabs in the southeast corner that is especially prized by black crappies. This was an exciting find - black crappies are rare in District 4. We intend to develop a black crappie rearing pond in the near future and stock fingerlings into Duel Lake.
The fish community in Brown’s Lake is possibly skewed due to angling harvest of pike. Now, large numbers of bullheads are limiting spawning success for both pike and perch. A second complicating factor concerns the absence of any large forage species. Pike need larger forage such as suckers or lake herring to grow to their fullest potential. Management plans are to conduct a manual removal of bullheads during the spring season. Once bullheads are at a reasonable population level, the other fish should be able to rebound by themselves. Even so, and once bullhead control is achieved, the issue of establishing a large forage species in order to develop the best pike fishery possible has to be addressed.


Duel Lake suffers from lack of pike spawning habitat. Brown’s Lake suffers from inability of pike to get away from anglers. And the isthmus between them is a gravel bar of roughly 150 foot width. For fisheries values alone, it would be beneficial to excavate an open-water channel between the two lakes. Such excavation may never occur and it may not even be desirable within the Simmons Woods management scheme. But the two fisheries communities would become better balanced and more stable as a result. That channel might also negate the requirement for any further extensive management efforts in either lake.
Potential exists for streambank protection and habitat enhancement. Special enhancement structures such as K-Dams, deflectors, log-and-bank shelters, wedge dams and flow constrictors all would be useful. Both manageable streams contain a large sand bedload, expose spawning gravel, etc. Such management effort should be considered in the near future.
6 Old Growth

Approximately 42 percent of Simmons Woods has been designated for potential old growth nomination (see map). This designation links two previously nominated old growth areas. The resultant old growth stand contains more than 15 miles of contiguous Lake Michigan shoreline. In addition to the shoreline habitat, this designation also provides a corridor along the Crow River system, thereby protecting habitat for a coaster brook trout population. The old growth designation also protects sensitive habitats such as the dune and swale complex and endangered plants that occur along the Lake Michigan shoreline. Attempts were made in the designation process to ensure that most all forest types were represented within the old growth area.

The old growth designation does not necessarily limit access to the public to this portion of the forest. Rather, it is a modification of the timber management activities within the designated area. In general, there will be no timber harvest scheduled in the old growth area. Hazard trees near roads and camp sites may be removed. Maintenance of existing roads will also be allowed. Traditional uses such as hunting, trapping, fishing and hiking will continue to be acceptable with this designation.

See Appendix H – Simmons Woods: Proposed Old Growth

7 Threatened and Endangered Species and Rare Communities

A complete survey for threatened and endangered species has not been conducted. As such, we have relied upon a search of the Michigan Natural Features Inventory (MNFI) database and personal knowledge of Naubinway Forest Area personnel for this discussion. MNFI data showed only three occurrences of rare and unique features in Simmons Woods. Of these, two are birds (bald eagle and common loon) which are listed as threatened in Michigan. The third, wooded dune and swale complex, is a rare and sensitive habitat type. In addition to these occurrences, it is known that Pitcher’s thistle and Lake Huron tansy can be found growing along the Lake Michigan shoreline. Gray wolves have also been located in Simmons Woods.


The probability for other threatened or endangered species occurring in Simmons Woods is high. For example, habitat components for walking fern and Hart’s tongue, primarily large limestone boulders within northern hardwood stands, are found in many locations. Dwarf Lake Iris, a wetland species often associated with limestone, is another possible resident of the area. It is expected that as more experience is gained within Simmons Woods, additional occurrences of rare elements will be recorded.

The Michigan Endangered Species Act, which is now a part of the Michigan Compiled Natural Resources Act PA 534, states that, “The department shall perform those acts necessary for the conservation, protection, restoration, and propagation of endangered and threatened species of fish, wildlife and plants”. To that end, resource management in Simmons Woods will be conducted in a manner consistent with this law for all known occurrences of threatened or endangered species.


  1. Road Access

It was the consensus of the advisory committee that the historical public entrance to Simmons Woods be maintained and to keep all other possible entrances bermed closed, blocked by boulders or gated. A Director's Order has been requested for these closures.
The committee also approved the following roads as the DNR maintained roads on state land in Simmons Woods:
Bovee to Amadon Trail 3.0 miles

Amadon Trail (portion) 2.6 miles

Three Tubes over to Amadon Trail .6 miles

Shedowin Trail (Lundy's camp) 1.3 miles

Simmons Trail to W. end Brown Lake Rd. 4.8 miles

Simmons Trail back to entrance to S.W. 1.7 miles

To SW side of Duel Lake (camping & lake access) .2 miles

Fox Pointe Road 1.1 miles

Brown Lake Road 1.4 miles

See Appendix I – Simmons Woods: Maintained Road System
This amounts to a total of 16.7 miles of roads to be maintained by the DNR, which does not excessively cut down the present road system. LaPine Grade and other roads not part of the list will be maintained sporadically as part of timber harvesting activities over time.
The old swayback bridge (north crossing) over Scrams Creek has been removed because of safety reasons and will be replaced when funds become available. Its replacement has been proposed for a National Guard construction


project for 2003, along with the bridge over Shedowin Creek. The south crossing of Scrams Creek on the Amadon Trail has been proposed to be replaced with a cement based ford crossing.

2 Facilities

  1. Buildings

The advisory committee recommended the Bethlehem House be kept for educational purposes and the old caretaker's (gatekeeper's) house be kept for DNR purposes. Since those recommendations in 1997, there has been no use of the Bethlehem House and the pump to the well does not work. Also since that time, the roof on the caretaker's house has gotten bad enough that mold is developing in the upstairs rooms in the winter.g out this summer (2001). Without proper funding to maintain these building and lack of use of both buildings shortly, the unit manager will be recommending Due to lack of funding for renovations, we recommend that both buildings be removed from Simmons Woods as soon as possible. when funding becomes available.
The 28' X 62' metal pole building near the caretaker's house will be retained for DNR cold storage due to lack of adequate storage at the Naubinway Field Office.
The advisory committee recommended that some buildings be preserved for historic reasons. Without any funding, Lundy's Camp and the Amadon House (Wolf House) will not be removed but will eventually succumb to the ravages of Mother Nature.
b Restrooms

A single ADA toilet has been installed at Steakfry Beach to replace an old single-seat toilet. Another single ADA toilet at Duel Lake has been installed to replace a two-seat toilet. These toilets will get infrequent maintenance as the users will be responsible for some maintenance as they have done in the past. The old toilets are to be removed in the future.

3 Camping

It was decided we would not develop any campgrounds or sites in Simmons Woods but allow dispersed primitive camping as has been allowed in the past. Campsites along the banks of the Catarac River that are being degraded down to the water's edge by use should be closed. If any other particular campsite is getting overused, it could be closed for restoration.

The hand pump well at Duel Lake has be replaced and other health concerns taken care of. In the past, during rifle deer season dispersed camping was only allowed at Duel Lake. To continue this practice would require a Director's Order.

  1. ORV Use

ORV use will be confined to the existing road system and no specific trails will be developed for this use. No wheeled vehicles will be allowed off road, including ORV's and bicycles.
5 Traditional Hunting, Trapping and Fishing

The entire Simmons Woods parcel will be open to hunting, trapping and fishing. Generally, State of Michigan rules and regulations will apply.

6 Interpretive and Educational Activities

The Simmons Woods area has historical, biological and geological significance. Providing accurate, interesting and complete information on these subjects will give both visitors and residents an opportunity to understand and appreciate this special place.

To achieve these objectives, the Simmon’s Woods Advisory Committee discussed the following steps:

  • Use the Bethlehem House for Educational Purposes

  • Place an educational sign explaining the significant historic and geological features

  • Form the “Friends of Simmons Woods” to help the DNR restore the Bethlehem House, review and collect historical information and material, and provide other assistance

Due to the state of disrepair, the Bethlehem house will be removed rather than restored.

As a condition of purchase, the Department of Natural Resources is required to display a sign explaining that the property was bought with funds from The Nature Conservancy. Design and placement of other signs should balance aesthetic and educational values without putting rare plants or other features at risk. Ideally, signs and education will enhance the natural appeal of the lakes and woods without intruding on that primary experience. Through the educational information, the agency has an exceptional opportunity to explain the unusual association of the Niagara formation and the dune-swale complex in the tract.
The committee discussed several ways to inform visitors. These included kiosks, bulletin boards, pamphlets and brochures. In addition, either the DNR or other partners might consider developing audio tapes for automobile tours and video tapes for the Bethlehem House. Self guided nature trails offer opportunities for a closer look at the woods, the karst formations, and other natural features.
To help the DNR restore Bethlehem House, collect historical information, and guide plan execution, the committee discussed formation of the “Friends of Simmons Woods”. “The Friends” can link the DNR with community residents and others interested in the project. In addition, local grammar schools, high schools, colleges and universities may undertake projects that study various elements of the woods. In turn, the DNR may use the results to strengthen educational offerings. Finally, the Karst Conservancy can help identify and explain important Karst features.
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