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Symbolism of Mahabharata

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How to transcend the Ego and know our Self?

             Krishna says our strong likes and dislikes are the main obstacle in the path. So for next one week pay attention on the strong likes and dislikes that arises in your mind. You will for the first time discover how deep rooted these thoughts breeding in our minds. Being  aware of the these likes and dislikes is the fundamental step in conquering the Ego.

          Every time when you say "I like this" and or "I don't like this" attention....see how your mind is attached to these thoughts that strengthen the Ego. We say "I don't like this food" or "I like this food"....I don't like this color...oh..I like this color......Nothing wrong in the likes and dislikes, but the attachment is what a problem. We suffer mentally when we do  not have what we like and also when we have what we don't like. So get out of this mental block of strong likes and dislikes. Only by being aware of the Ego can be declutched to the "Awareness" state.

      Try to bully your Ego by eating or using something that you  don't like. This does not mean to eat foods that you are allergic to. That is a body condition and not based on your likes/dislikes. Try eating something  that you are not allergic but  you do not like it mentally. Observe how your mind reacts. This is a wonderful chance for you to get in face to face with your ego. Be cautious ....the Ego will not respond immediately......the more you try to work against your Ego's likes/dislikes.. it will pound on you like a mad dog.

       Be aware of the purpose of this exercise. The purpose of being aware of your likes/dislikes is to watch your ego's strength and weakness. It is not intended to torture your body but to witness your Ego.  Witnessing Ego is the best means to witness the actions. This is the practice that will help you to de-clutch you from Ego and transcend to your true Self.

If you have done the practice for a week, then go to the next chapter.

Gita  Chapter -4

(Jnana-Vibhaga Yoga)

          Arjuna was now confused with the message of Krishna. When  he sought help of krishna unable to make a decision about fighting the war, krishna gave him in the second chapter, the knowledge of the true nature of our Self  (Peace) and said the that  this knowledge of the Self (Peace) should be the pursuit in life.

          Then Arjuna asked krishna, if seeking knowledge of the Self  (Peace)  is the most important aspect of life, then oh Krishna, why do you get me involved in fighting this deadly war?  To this question, krishna said that action is inevitable, whether we like it or not. We always have actions : mental action as thoughts in mind, action of speech which arise as thoughts and expresses as speech of action and finally the thoughts that manifest as physical actions.

      We believe that by performing  these actions we will gain peace, which means gaining completeness and feeling of un-limitedness. Seldom we understand that actions (mental, oral and physical) are like quick-sand in a desert, in which every step we take to free us, only make us sink deep into the sandpit.  So more actions only binds us instead of freeing us.

       So krishna made it clear to Arjuna , this knowledge is not about  giving up of actions, but giving up the doer-ship of actions. In other words, instead of being ignorant of being the "doer" of actions, be aware that you are the witnessor of the actions. This being awareful is the basis for spiritual term "Awakening". Being always the witnessor is being alive or awake.

The awakening occurs in Stages.

       In this chapter Krishna tells that there are three attributes  (gunas) of Nature.

1. Knowledge or Intelligence - Satvic .

2. Action or Motion - Rajasic.

3. Inertia or Dullness -Tamasic.

         Based on the above three attributes of nature,  humans can be classified into four different awakening personalities or tendencies. 

1. The  basic human tendency is a mix of Inertia-Action-Intelligence (Tamas-Rajas-Satva). In this the predominating attribute of inertia or dullness leads to the individual to lead a life of total ignorance or darkness and known as Shudra.

      The dullness is so predominant that the individual hardly attempts to even fulfill his own basic needs let alone desire for spiritual awakening.  The individual totally identifies himself with the Ego and has no clue about his True Self.

2. Action-Inertia-Intelligence (Rajas-Tamas-Satva) or Vaishya. This individual  is  action oriented and is interested only in the materialistic pursuits with least knowledge about the Higher Self.

3. Action-Intelligence-Inertia (Rajas-Satva-Tamas) or Kshatriya. This individual is action oriented and has the concept of duty and good  of the society. The individual  has some knowledge of spiritual pursuits and has the enquiring mind in all the performing actions.

4.Intelligence-Action-Inertia (Satva-Rajas-Tamas) or Brahmin. This is the highest state in spiritual awakening who has only the spiritual pursuit as the foremost goal in life. The one who sees knowledge in all the actions and has least inertia is a Brahmin.

        This chapter is called Ganan-vibhaga, which means stages of awakening based on the Knowledge of the Self.  Karma (action) binds more to the Egoistic nature. But Knowledge (Gnana)  liberates us from the crutches of the Ego. So action performed with knowledge liberates or frees us from the prison of the Ego and that is why an individual of the Brahmin personality is considered superior in the awakening stage.

   Gita  Chapter -4

(Jnana-Vibhaga Yoga) - Continued....

          Since action is inevitable, we cannot avoid doing actions , but if actions are done without the identification of doer-ship, the knowledge of the Self  becomes evident which is real freedom or liberation. Krishna says" The one whose whose actions have been burnt (revealed) by the fire of knowledge, will be called as a Sage.  Such a person will always have his or her thoughts established in the true Self. Such a person  while doing any actions is not bound by it because he does not identify as  the doer.

      Such a person witness everything as Brahman, the Un-Conditional Consciousness. Just as the blazing fire reduces fuel to ashes, O Arjuna, so does the fire of knowledge reduce all actions to ashes. Here reducing to ashes means one is not affected by the results of actions. When we do not identify doer-ship in actions then the results also does not belong to us.

Without expecting the results of the actions, no one can perform any action.  What it means is that we should allow the results to unfold the way nature allows it to. Instead, due to  our likes and dislikes we expect results the way our ego dictates.

       If the results are in favor of the Ego's expectation, there is temporary happiness which develops into pride.  Then restlessness follows to maintain the pride. This can lead to delusion and then downfall.

        If the results are not in favor then there is dukka or sorrow. This results in anger, confusion, stress and again we are caught up in the prison of our Ego. Dissatisfaction with oneself leads to undertake action for self approval - for ourself or for others.  Not accepting who we are but  looking for others appreciation  is where the problem lies.

Fourth day of war

In the terrible fight, which took place, Bhima killed eight of the Kauravas brother. All efforts of the Kaurava warriors went in vain. Another highlight of the war was the extraordinary show of bravery by Ghatotkacha. The Bhima’s son was so terrible in his devastation that the Kauravas were not able to withstand his on slaughter and they had to stop the fight much earlier than the usual hour. They were afraid that Ghatotkacha, being a rakshas would grow in strength as the evening approaches. Rakshas become more powerful during the night. At the order of Bhishma the Kauravas army withdraw to their camps.

Death of his eight brothers, has caused Duryodhana to lose his sleep. Everyone else was asleep, tired with exhaustion of the day’s fight. Only he was awake. His mind was in turbulence. He was unable to sleep. His jealousy over the brothers right from child-hood is continuing even in war front and that was fueled by the thought of the death of his eight brothers while none of the pandava brothers had been slained.

Practice for Gita Chapter -4


Awareness while doing an action only brings knowledge of the Self. Most of the time we are not fully aware while doing any action of mental, oral or physical. This leads to imperfection and delays. This is common sense. But there is more to this practicing awareness. 

       Bhima kills 99 brothers in the end. what does Bhima represent?  He represent "Present" and presence will come only in awareness. Always our minds goes back in past and future and never in present. This way the Ego is boosted. Ego is powerless in the present.

    Be aware of the present and it is very powerful to see how the Ego becomes restless in the present. When there is awareness the Ego is shy. Do this practice for a week.

Gita  Chapter -5

The Yoga of Renunciation of Action

(Karma-Sannyasa Yoga)

Arjuna said to Krishna, You tell me to do Renunciation of actions to gain knowledge, and also praise about the Yoga of action (non-doer ship attitude while doing any action) . Now tell me, conclusively that which is the better of the two?

Krishna said, “Renunciation and Yoga of action both lead to the Knowledge of the Self. But out of the two, Yoga of action is superior to the renunciation of action for a person who lives in a society.  For a Sanyasi (Monk) path of renunciation of action is the best means. So there is no question of superiority among the two, in-fact the wise say both the path are one. This means that   Knowledge (Gnana) obtained by renunciation of action (Sanyasa) and knowledge obtained by giving up doer-ship (Karma-Yoga)of actions are one and the same.

“’I do nothing at all’, thus would the knower of Truth think—seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, eating, going, sleeping, breathing, speaking, letting go, seizing, opening and closing the eyes are all actions performed by my body and not me. I am not the body and the mind or Ego, but I am the one who  "Witness"  all that is happening in the body and mind.   In reality I am action-less but aware of what is going in and out of this body and mind.

Arjuna asks Krishna how to know that I am not the body but the one who witness or aware of everything?.

Krishna gives the technique of Pranayama to Arjuna in this chapter.

“Shutting out all external contacts and fixing the gaze between the eyebrows, equalizing the outgoing and incoming breaths moving within the nostrils, with senses, mind and intellect ever controlled, having liberation as his supreme goal, free from desire, fear and anger—the sage is verily liberated for ever” .

Fifth Day of Mahabharata War.

On the fifth day of the war, Bhishma chose to arrange his army in Makarvyuha. Arjuna, Yudhisthira and Dhristadhyumna decided for the Hawk formation of their Army. All the warriors of both sides were assigned to specific places in the formations with special responsibilities.

Bhima tried to break the Kaurava army phalanx and Bhishma confronted him. Duryodhana went to Drona and told him that he  should kill the Pandavas, so that the death of Duryodhana’s brother was avenged.  Duryodhana and Bhima were using their skills to smash each other with their mighty maces. Abhimanyu had emerged as a new hero on the Pandava side. He was giving a good account of himself by killing a number of warriors. He hurt Lakshamana, the son of Duryodhana.

Satyaki too gave an excellent account of himself. He fought with Bhurishrava. The sun was setting and the fighters were tired and exhausted. There faces were drawn and haggard. Bhishma announced the end of the days fighting. All with drew to their camps to tend their wounds and to take whatever rest they could possibly get.

Practice for Gita Chapter -5


Enthusiasm  caused

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