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Study on Vegetation Diversity of Lilung Mountain

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Study on Vegetation Diversity of Lilung Mountain

研究生:葉清旺 Yeh, Qing-Wang

指導教授:葉慶龍 ; 陳子英 Yeh, qing-Long ; Chen, Zi-Ying


本研究於里龍山地區進行植群多樣性之研究,目的在於了解此區域植群多樣性類型,共設置60個0.05 ha樣區,記錄559種維管束植物。經降趨對應分析(DCA)及雙向指標種分析(TWINSPAN),分出4型6亞型植物社會,分別為嶺南青剛櫟-豬腳楠型,其下可再切分為山露兜-豬腳楠亞型與大野牡丹-銳脈木薑子亞型;紅果椌木-鵝掌柴型,其下可再切分為台灣楊桐-鵝掌柴亞型與台灣梭羅樹-樹杞亞型;咬人狗-大葉楠型,其下可再切分為長梗紫麻-大葉楠亞型與九芎-土楠亞型和北仲-烏柑仔型。
里龍山地區α多樣性沿海拔高度呈現單峰模式,在植群結構方面,總胸高斷面積以中坡之台灣梭羅樹-樹杞亞型最大,而密度以稜線至主稜之嶺南青剛櫟-豬腳楠型最大,物種多樣性與資源生產力間為單峰關係;在β多樣性方面不同海拔區域物種轉換率在海拔450~700 m及840~970 m處有明顯較高之物種轉換率,此與環境之快速改變有關,95 ﹪物種平均轉換率僅需522 m,海拔高度差400 m之平均物種轉換率為81.7 ﹪且草本之趨勢與木本相同,其主要歸因於此地區生育地的多樣化;植群多樣性受季風影響,改變了木本植物之物種多樣性及結構,而藤本、附生植物及地被草本在里龍山兩側受季風之影響不大。

關鍵字:里龍山 ; 植群多樣性 ; α多樣性 ; β多樣性 ; 轉換率


This study focused to investigate the vegetation diversity of Lilung Mountain. The main objectives of the present study were to understand the patterns of vegetation diversity on this area. 60 plots of 0.05 ha were analysised. There were 559 vascular plants were found. The results were also indicated that 6 subtypes under 4 main vegetation types with the detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) and two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN) in this area. The first main vegetation was included Cyclobalanopsis championii - Machilus thunbergii type which could be subdivided into Freycinetia formosana - Machilus thunbergii subtype and Astronia formosana - Litsea acutivena subtype. The second type of vegetation was Dysoxylum hongkongense - Schefflera octophylla type which could be subcategorized into Adinandra formosana - Schefflera octophylla subtype and Reevesia formosana - Ardisia sieboldii subtype. The third type of vegetation was the Dendrocnide meyeniana - Machilus japonica var. kusanoi type which could be subdivided into Oreocnide pedunculata - Machilus japonica var. kusanoi subtype and Lagerstroemia subcostata - Cryptocarya concinna subtype as well as Maytenus diversifolia - Severinia buxifolia type.

α diversity along altitudinal was a hump mode of the Lilung Mountain. In the vegetation structure, the Reevesia formosana - Ardisia sieboldii subtype was presented in the biggest type. However, Cyclobalanopsis championii - Machilus thunbergii type occurred the highest density between the main and sub-main crest lines. The specie diversity and productivity were related to the hump of Lilung Mountain. The different altitude influenced the β diversity. While the zone turnover rates were investigated between 450~670 m and 848~980 m respectively, the results indicated the higher species turnover rates due to the environment change abruptly. 95 ﹪species turnover rate as 522 m were quite high and species turnover rate of altitudinal difference in 400 m as 81.7 ﹪on the Lilung Mountain, and the herb layer had the same trend with wood layer. This attributed to the habitat variable of this area. Vegetation diversity was affected with monsoon that changed the species diversity and structure of the wood plant, whereas it could not change the vine plant, epiphytic plant and herb plant on Lilung Mountain of eastern and western.

Keywords: Lilung Mountain ; Vegetation diversity ; Alpha diversity ; Beta diversity ; Turnover rate

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