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Review of Literature This report was produced under contract to the Ministry of Education, Contract No. 323-1642 by Andrew Tagg with the help of Derek Holton and Gill Thomas

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Appendix C: Achievement objectives from asTTle project

Geometric Knowledge

Angle (a)

make clockwise and anticlockwise turns (G2-4)

know about simple angles including 90 (right-angle) and 180; 30, 45 and 60 (EP-2)

be able to use a protractor to measure angles to the nearest gradation (EP-3)

use the angle properties of parallel lines and explain the reasoning involved (G5-1)

make quarter and half turns (EP-1)

apply the symmetry and angle properties of polygons (G5-2

use the angle between a tangent and radius property, and the angle-in-a-semicircle property (G5-3)

identify and solve right-angled triangles within 3-dimensional objects and drawings (G6-3)

find an unknown side in a right-angled triangle, using scale drawing, Pythagoras’ theorem, or an appropriate trigonometric ratio (G5-5)

find unknown angles and lengths in practical problems which can be modelled by triangles, using scale drawing, angle properties of triangles, Pythagoras’ theorem, trigonometric ratios, the sine rule, or the cosine rule (G6-2)

AS90152Mathematics 1.8

Solve right-angled triangle problems

Two dimensional and three dimensional shapes (s)

make, name, and describe, using their own language and the language of geometry, everyday shapes and objects (G2-1)

describe the features of 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional objects, using the language of geometry (G3-1)

calculate perimeters of circles, rectangles, and triangles, areas of rectangles, and volumes of cuboids from measurements of length (M4-2)

find perimeters, areas, and volumes of everyday objects (including irregular and composite shapes), and state the precision (limits) of the answer (M5-1)

explore and describe a locus formed in a practical situation (G6-4)

describe patterns in terms of reflection and rotational symmetry, and translations (G3-6)

describe the reflection or rotational symmetry of a figure or object (G4-7)

recognise when 2 shapes are similar, find the scale factor, and use this to find an unknown dimension (G5-9)

make, name, and describe, using their own language and the language of geometry, everyday shapes and objects (G2-1)

describe the features of 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional objects, using the language of geometry (G3-1)

calculate perimeters of circles, rectangles, and triangles, areas of rectangles, and volumes of cuboids from measurements of length (M4-2)

find perimeters, areas, and volumes of everyday objects (including irregular and composite shapes), and state the precision (limits) of the answer (M5-1)

identify and solve right-angled triangles within 3-dimensional objects and drawings (G6-3)

describe the reflection or rotational symmetry of a figure or object (G4-7)

Geometric Operations

Angle (a)

make clockwise and anticlockwise turns (G2-4)

be able to use a protractor to measure angles to the nearest gradation (EP-3)

use the symmetry and angle properties of polygons to solve practical problems (G5-10)

make quarter and half turns (EP-1)

Symmetry and Transformations (s)

create and talk about geometric patterns which repeat (show translation), or which have rotational or reflection symmetry (G2-3)

describe patterns in terms of reflection and rotational symmetry, and translations (G3-6)

describe the reflection or rotational symmetry of a figure or object (G4-7)

solve practical problems which can be modelled, using vectors (G5-8)

apply the relationship between the scale factors for length, area, and volume (G6-5)

AS90153Mathematics 1.9

Use geometric reasoning to solve problems

design and make a pattern which involves translation, reflection, or rotation (G3-7)

recognise when 2 shapes are similar, find the scale factor, and use this to find an unknown dimension (G5-9)

explain the effect of negative scale factors for enlargement (G6-6)

apply the symmetries of regular polygons (G4-6)

identify and use invariant properties under transformations (G5-12)

describe the net effect of combining two or more transformations (reflections, rotations, or translations) (G6-7)

enlarge, on grid paper, simple shapes to a specified scale (G3-8)

enlarge and reduce a 2-dimensional shape and identify the invariant properties (G4-8)

use and interpret vectors which describe translations (G5-11)

Construction and drawing (c)

make, name, and describe, using their own language and the language of geometry, everyday shapes and objects (G2-1)

make a model of a solid object from diagrams which show views from the top, front, side, and back (G4-3)

construct right angles, parallel and perpendicular lines, circles, simple polygons, medians, mediators, altitudes, and angle bisectors (G5-4)

AS90150Mathematics 1.4

Use geometric techniques to produce a pattern or object

model and describe 3-dimensional objects illustrated by diagrams or pictures (G3-3)

construct triangles and circles, using appropriate drawing instruments (G4-1)

draw pictures of simple 3-dimensional objects (G3-4)

draw diagrams of solid objects made from cubes (G4-4)

make isometric drawings of 3-dimensional objects built out of blocks (G5-6)

draw and interpret 2-dimensional representations of 3-dimensional objects (G6-1)

design and make containers to specified requirements (G3-2)

design the net and make a simple polyhedron to specified dimensions (G4-2)


Time (t)

read time and know the units of time & minute, hour, day, week, month, and year (M2-4)

read and interpret everyday statements involving time (M3-3)

perform calculations with time, including 24-hour clock times (M4-5)

show analogue time as digital time, and vice versa (M3-4)

read and construct a variety of scales, timetables, and charts (M4-3)

Position (p)

describe and interpret position, using the language of direction and distance (G2-2)

draw and interpret simple scale maps (G3-5)

specify location, using bearings or grid references (G4-5)

Metric measurement (m)

carry out practical measuring tasks, using appropriate metric units for length, mass, and capacity (M2-1)

demonstrate knowledge of the basic units of length, mass, area, volume (capacity), and temperature by making reasonable estimates (M3-1)

carry out measuring tasks involving reading scales to the nearest gradation (M4-1)

design and use models to solve measuring problems in practical contexts (M5-2)

demonstrate the knowledge and skills necessary to plan, implement, and evaluate practical measuring tasks (M6-1)

AS90149Mathematics 1.3

Solve problems involving measurement of everyday objects

perform measuring tasks, using a range of units and scales (M3-2)

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