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Radioactivity Neutralization Methods

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Reduce radioactive benign materials?

From a traditional point of view, scientists say that it can not be done. They say there is not a technology yet invented that can create the amount of energy needed, to convert deadly radioactive wastes into a safe level of radiation. But the technology does exist, and Mr. Jack Keller has successfully demonstrated his method to skeptics like me.71

Last year was the first time 1 had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Jack Keller through mutual friends. This was where 1 received my first glimpse of this truly amazing process that he calls the "Keller Catalytic Process." I was not quite sure what to expect at first. lt's hard to believe that an unstable radioactive isotope, something that cannot be seen by the naked eye can be rendered or converted into a more stable element, let alone in a coffee can. Jack assured us that the radiation sources chosen for the demonstration, were hot enough to prove his point and safe enough to have out in the open without the need for lead suits and masks.
The materials for our demonstration were gasoline lantern mantles (as a control substance) and some Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM). NORM is radioactive soil recovered from the oil industry, a by-product of drilling for oil wells. I still was not sure about the level of safety, until Jack produced a Geiger-Müller tube type counter and showed us the readings coming from the lantern mantles and the NORM. The lantern mantles (a package of two from a local hardware store) registered an average reading of 600 counts per minute (CPM) on the Geiger counter. The NORM registered an average reading of 1700 CPM. Background radiation count averaged 50 CPM.
The Ignition

Jack started to set up an "ignition" as he calls it, to demonstrate the Keller Catalytic Process' ability to

reduce the level of radiation emission from radioactive elements. He took a four-ounce scoop full of the NORM (which looked like dirt) out of a safety storage container and dumped it into an empty 1 pound coffee can. Then he added about an equal amount of his fluxing compound into the coffee can. Talking as he was mixing the ingredients together in the can, he said "like making cookies."
After the lngredlents were thoroughly mixed together, Jack then placed the can onto a metal stand under an exhaust hood. He then ignited the contents of the can with a propane torch all stepped back.
"Here is where the show starts." Jack stated. The outside color of the can was beginning to change from charcoal black to a dull red. Inside the can, the catalytic reaction was turning the contents into a fluid molten-state that started boiling and sputtering. This reaction resembled the cone of an active volcano, and looked as if it were going to erupt magma out of the coffee can.
Jack held the Geiger counter over and around the can to show that the radiation was basically confined to the reaction in the can and not going up in the exhaust gases. Jack claimed that his Keller Catalytic Process (KCP) was going to convert the NORM's level of radiation emission down about 60 or 70 percent after the ignition. Jack stated that the level of radiation emission would still continue to fall even after the visual catalytic reaction in the coffee can was through for several hours.
The group waited for the magma-like substance in the can to cool down enough to continue on to the next part of the demonstration. Jack walked over and held the Geiger counter over the can to take a reading. Sure enough it was reduced by about 60 percent to around 700 CPM, just as Jack said it would be. The coffee can was a little heat distorted, but was not destroyed by the catalytic reaction of the ignition.
Someone in the group at this point said, "This is amazing, but are you sure that the Keller Catalytic Process does not just mask the radiation into that rock-like cookie?" Jack' s answer to this was, "Lets take the magma out and see."
So with a pair of tongs Jack tapped the rock like magma out of the can, picked the magma up and walked over to a workbench with a heavy metal mortar on it. Then by hand with a heavy metal rod, he broke up the rnagma into srnaller pieces. He then said, "Who wants to do the honors?"
I volunteered – accepting the Geiger counter. Jack instructed me to first take a reading of the lantern mantles, then the crushed up magma. I suddenly felt a little nervous as I took the reading of the mantles. Even though I have changed a lot of lantern mantles on many a summer camping trip, 1 never held the mantles in one hand and a Geiger counter chirping away in the other.
"Registering about 600 CPM." I said and walked back to the bench. Jack said "He looks as if he has seen a ghost or something". This got a good laugh from all of us. I then held the counter over the pile of broken up magma. "About 675 to 700 CPM." I stated. Jack then answered "I guess that the radiation is not masked – p it’s the same broken up or solid after the ignition."
We were all pretty amazed by this Keller Catalytic Process now and really started to fire off some questions. Jack held up his hand to silence us, and without giving up too much of his secret, started to tell us the history of how he came about his extraordinary discovery.
Jack Keller reveals his story...
"My introduction to private research began about 1962 when I met an individual named Homa Smith. He was my mentor. He was a graduate engineer from the University of Washington. Homa Smith did not agree with the current academic explanation of the structure of the atom. He had worked with two other people prior to my involvement – a Dr. Parker and another individual at Wolf Creek, Oregon. I never met these two gentlemen.
"Because of Homa Srnith's influence I became fondly interested in geology, and would go out with him to expiore old mine shafts, tailings, rock formations, and the lay of the land around them. Through this association with Homa Srnith, I was convinced that his thesis was correct. At a later date, Homa introduced me to Mr. Walter Lusich, who was involved in this early research. Mr. Lusich was our guest for a few nights, in our small 3-bedroom house. We furnished Mr. Lusich with a small amount of financial assistance and transportation. Mr. Lusich later became involved with a Mr. Troy Becker and others in a venture in California and Nevada. About 1979, I moved to Arizona, purchased a large mill and three fluorspar mines.
"Because of my interest in the geological formations that caused the mineral deposits in the underground tunnels of the mines, I decided to investigate the results of volcanic action. From that point on I became personally involved in the research of different types of energies that may have accounted for the formation of fluorspar deposits. As a direct result of that research, I discovered that radioactive elements could be greatly influenced by pyro-chemical processes. I developed tests based on pyrochemical mining techniques to test my hypothesis – that indicated radioactive elements could be repolarized by natural forces.
"This was an altogether different process than Homa Smith or Walter Lusich used. At the time I used a blacklight in a darkroorn to detect fluorescent and radioactive elements in a finely ground magma. Further research revealed the probability that NORM is a common denorninator when drilling deeply into the earth's crust (like drilling for oil). If a volcano was to erupt in that same location it is quite apparent from my studies of old lava fields, that no radiation erupted.
"Common sense physics indicates that all forms of nuclear waste can be neutralized or substantially reduced by the endothermic infrared energies of the volcano, that have their origins in an extremely high-pressure subterranean environment.
"Preliminary research into this unexplored environment will undoubtedly teach traditional science some things that have not yet begun to be considered. Further research is needed, for I can now produce phenomena that have no text book explanation whatsoever with technologies that I have developed over the past thirty-plus years.
"I have confirmed patents with continuance for on-going discoveries associated with this phenomenon. The great need of the moment is for continued research with all results being monitored by the best instruments and the best operators available. lt is imperative that we do not go before traditional scientists for opinions at this time, but rely totally and completely on those instruments and their operators. There have been and will continue to be others who will attempt intervention and try to impose their ego into this project.
"Though Homa Srnith was my mentor, this synthesis did not come from him or Walter Lusich. My research has been centered on my own private interpretation of the geological reports and formations that I have personally studied in my own Arizona mines, and many other locations in the western United States.
A Bonus to the Process

Jack then said, "Come over here and take a look at this." The group of people who were standing around, listening to the progression of history, walked over to where Jack was standing. Jack had taken a bottle of water and rinsed off the pile of crumbled up magma in the pie tin.

"Do you see the little beads of metal in the dish?" he asked. We all stared at the wet material in the dish... and yes, there were little beads of metal in the dish. The water that had rinsed off the dust from the grinding in the mortar had highlighted the little beads. The dish was then placed under a binocular microscope. Under the magnification of the microscope those beads turned into different kinds of little beads.
Jack then stated that "Those little beads in the dish were strategic metals, i.e. copper, aluminum, iron and the likes." Jack later showed the group assay analysis of previous ignitions of the same materials.
"Look at all the little beads of metal I have recovered from the NORM ignition. What if I was to take the ashes from a municipal garbage incinerator – like the incinerators that are being closed down all across the country, because of the cost of disposing the heavy metal-laden ash. I would then take that ash and using the KCP, recover the millions of tons ofmetals in that ash. lt would involve some type of funding for research and development of the Keller Catalytic Process. To expand the process from a table-top type of reaction into a large-scale production process."
Jack is convinced that this plan would have the capability to provide immediate retum on investment dollars. Plus the capitol needed for the research to perfect the catalytic reaction to handle more toxic or hotter radioactive materials. lt would take a focused group of people, and maybe about two years of research. Once the proper laboratory instruments and qualified technicians were in place, we would be able to back up the data Jack has to date. The phenomena could be explained quantitatively and modified to a production level process. The instant return would come from metals recovered from the testing. We are ready to go to work he said.
The Synergistic Three-part Plan

"I am talking about the remediation ofcontaminated soil via the microbe, enzyme, or other biodegradable leachant that 1 am working with now. There are many different types of leachant, but essentially I am not just considering the process of leaching, but also the economics of doing the same. If I was to move for example, 60 tons of contaminated soil with any modern day equipment, I would have to include hundreds of thousands of dollars of heavy equipment, plus expensive operators plus a lot of fuel, to move 60 tons of soil or ash.

"But suppose per chance I could leach that same 60 tons of contaminated soil with a leachant and water. Using only a 1/25th of a horsepower pumping unit, something I could hold in my hand, it is possible to

move 12 thousand gallons of leachant with 1/25th of a horsepower in 24 hours. So that equates down to 60 tons of contaminates in solution with 1/25th of a horsepower. The economics demand that in step one of the plan, we transmit the contaminants into the water via the leachant at a very low cost. Now that we have the contaminants in the water, we can now easily move them with a small pump as opposed to bulldozers, front loaders, diesel and operators.

"Once we get the contaminates into the water, step two of the plan would be to extract the contaminants back out of the water and return the water to the environment in a potable condition. So we literally vibrate the contaminates out of the water by ultrasonic frequency and electromagnetic resonance, which we can do. The extraction process leaves potable water and a pile of precipitant sludge – which is another form of concentrate that we have transmitted easily from the soil through the water media into a sludge we can now easily manage.
"Step three of our remediation program, basically would be to process this sludge with our technology.

The sludge would be put through the Keller Catalytic Process type of ignition – which is not anything like a furnace. It's more analogous to a volcano that converts the sludge into two basic economically viable products – fertilizer and strategie metals. In all cases it will come back down to the same end produet. Whether sludge from sewer treatment plants‚ petrol/chemical tanks, garbage incinerators, old burned tires, batteries, we still would convert the contaminate into two common marketable products – fertilizers and strategie metals.

"We can do this at an extremely low cost. We can manage this garbage problem at a much greater volume and substantially lower cost than probably anybody else in the world, with the technologies that we have created. We are trying to expand upon this technology to get this synergistic plan into production internationally.
"These are things we have done, the things we can do, and I am not making any statements I cannot prove. We have good lab analysis for some of it but we will need more obviously. There are still some unanswered questions.
"But I know so far that we can leach uranium, thorium, cerium, cesium, cadmium, lead, mercury, gold, silver, platinum, and many other elements out of incinerator ash. These valuable resources are going into the landfills at the present moment. And the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), if they do not know about this problem, then the EPA needs to be told about it.
"We can prove that the contamination is there because it is leaching into the aquifers, into the streams and oceans from the huge landfills all over the country. Whether in Oregon, Washington, or wherever, it is still leaching into the ground waters. The garbage collection methods need to change.
"lt is obvious that traditional science has not been effective in handling nuelear wastes in a safe manner. Though we as tax payers are having billions of our tax dollars spent and getting nothing in return. These dollars are being spent out of the Toxic Waste Clean-up Superfund for research and development, so we can rightfully conclude that all these monies must fall into research funding.
"Our project is aimed primarily at the remedial technologies to solve this problem. We have no great technological barriers in front of us. Our greatest obstacle is social and political interference. Government funding is not possible for us; that is reserved for the big companies. I have letters to that effect in my files now from our own members of Congress and from the managers of SITE, which is a superfund of 100 billion dollars of taxpayer's money. The solution to government gross mismanagement will be to turn it around academically with good lab analysis by instrumentation and that is the point of our total project."
Jack's Summary

"So to do this, we must break through with funding from the private sector. But to do this from the private sector we will need probably two years of funding. We are ready to go to work. We have enough data in our files at present. So we are not just hoping for something. We know we have something better than probably anyone else in the world at present and we need to get on with the business at hand.

"This is a new answer, the right answer to a long time problem. The answer did not come instantly, out of thin air, I came up with the answer through what I call 'common sense physics'. By observing the answers that nature gives us and a lot of hands-on experience with trial and error.
"This is our own problem as a society; it's our garbage. The fact that this garbage contains huge amounts of economically recoverable materials, that can be converted easily (with the technologies I have briefly explained in this article) into jobs and marketable products on a global scale. We should reopen and convert the existing incinerators that have been closed down, and build new facilities for the catalytic processing of ash. The future can be changed for the better now – both economically and environmentally when society learns the truth about recycling, and the vast wealth that is now being placed in landfills or stored in toxic waste repositories."_DMM

DOE in 1992 Witnessed 96% Reduction of Radioactivity of Cobalt-60 with Brown’s Gas
Professor Yull Brown was the original inventor and advocate of the unusual gaseous fuel known as ‘Brown's gas’. This gas – on its face a stochiometric mixture of hydrogen and oxygen obtained by electrolysis of water – has unquestioned practical applications in welding and metal cutting. However, it has not been widely used (yet) for this purpose. The gas apparently has other properties, more controversial to be sure, including the possibility that it is a more efficient generator of forms of hydrogen (including mono-atomic hydrogen) and oxygen, that it can weld metals to ceramics, and that it can denature radioactive elements.
An experiment involved the treatment with Brown’s gas of a sample of the radioactive isotope cobalt-60. A Geiger counter’s reading dropped from 1000 counts per minute to 40 counts per minute – a reduction in radioactivity of 96% that was witnessed by some Department of Energy officials. Their clumsy explanation of their denial that the reduction of radioactivity was due to Brown’s gas was found to be ludicrous.
Mark Porringa of Zeropoint Techtonix Inc, 430 Bass Lake Road, R R # 1, Deep River, Ontario K0J 1P0 (613) 584-2960 fax: (613) 584-4616 The text of one of Porringa’s brief descriptions of nine alternative, peer-reviewed techniques as candidates for the global clean-up of nuclear waste is copied below. (Mark Porringa’s report was forwarded to Gary Vesperman by Andrew Michrowski, The Planetary Association for Clean Energy, Inc.)
Brown’s Gas-Metal Matrix Process


The BG-MMX process utilizes a patented electrolysis cell of the Australian Professor Yull Brown’s design that is said to produce a stoichiometric mixture of monatomic hydrogen and oxygen or possibly a quasi-stable water molecule raised to a high-energy state. This gas has some very peculiar properties including the ability to sublimate tungsten (6000oC) with an implosive flame that burns cool in air with a temperature of only 130oC.


The gas is used to heat a proprietary mixture of metals and/or metal oxides including the radwaste to be neutralized. A highly exothermic radiant reaction appears to result in the immediate reduction of radioactivity approaching 95% of the original levels judging from preliminary tests, within seconds of treatment. The process is conjectured to be effective with high level solid wastes and possibly gasses, but probably not liquids. The high temperatures involved may also preclude the processing of more volatile wastes.


Since 1991, this technology has been successfully demonstrated, on a small scale, at least 50 times to US, Chinese, Japanese and United Kingdom officials on a variety of nuclear waste products including americium, cobalt, uranium, and plutonium. The technique can be applied for the immediate decontamination of stockpiles of nuclear waste materials being held near nuclear power plants. The process is very simple, safe, and inexpensive to develop further into robotics application for on-site treatment with no foreseen environmental effects.


(End of Porringa’s report)

The following article is “Brown’s Gas: A Revolutionary Breakthrough” Extraordinary Science, International Tesla Society, Vol. 5, Issue 3, July/August/September 1993, pp 19-28. Its author was Yull Brown, Research Professor, 5063 Densmore Avenue, Encino, California 91436. Professor Brown passed on May 22, 1998.

The production of a nonpolluting and cheap energy source has always been a major concem to mankind. The rapid industrialization in this century has led to the enormous consumption of the fossil fuels: oil, coal, and gas. The high rate of consumption of the liniited reserves of these fossil fuels triggered the urgent pursuit for other fuel sources.

The immediate potential for a revolutionary non-polluting renewable energy process which is the conversion of non-portable cheap electrical energy to a gas fuel which is portable, namely Brown's Gas, is vast and virtually liniitless.
Brown's gas is a technological breakthrough discovered by myself – Yull Brown. I am a research professor, scientist, inventor, and Chairman of Brown's Gas International Corporation, a Nevada corporation, incorporated in 1993. (Brown’s corporation is no longer listed with the Nevada Secretary of State. Vesperman) Brown's Gas International Corporation has the worldwide rights for the use of Brown's Gas Generators/Welders as produced by NORINCO, the manufacturers for Research Institute 52, Daotou, Inner Mongolia of the Peoples Republic of China. Research Institute 52 has a staff of 1500 scientists and engineers, and two million employees.
I have a perspective of the current and future role this discovery will play in economics and environmental cleanup, especially employing this technology for nuclear radiation dilution/destruction which has given very good results in tests up to now. A modification of Brown's gas with special conditions and application of other new technology has had dramatic resuits in reducing radiation by as much as 96%.
Throughout the world there has been a trend toward the development of hydrogen as an energy source. The major problem of hydrogen as a viable fuel has been its volatility. Well known is the fact that when hydrogen and oxygen/air or other gases are mixed, there is a high potential for an explosion.
Traditionally, electrolysis was the method for separating water into its component gasses of hydrogen and oxygen by passing an electric current through the water. But due to the volatility of the gases when mixed, an impermeable membrane was used to keep the oxygen and hydrogen separated. The electrical requirement caused by this barrier has made this method less efficient, uneconomical, and very bulky.
I believed in the intuitive idea that water would provide a practical fuel source and began in 1970 to experiment with water electrolysis to attempt to discover a method of mixing hydrogen and oxygen together to create a nonexplosive mixture that was unknown until then. Ultimately, the mixing and compressing of the gas was to be done within the cell safely, efficiently, and economically.
After 22 years of intense research, I developed a highly efficient electrolysis cell which disassociates water, without the need for a diaphragm, to a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen with the exact ratio of two volumes of hydrogen to one volume of oxygen. The fuel gas so produced is called ‘Brown 's gas’ with an efficiency of 90% (one of the highest in the world). The process has been granted patents in 31 countries.
For the first time in history, a stable hydrogen and oxygen mixture could be generated efficiently, stored under pressure, and used safely as a source of energy. This achievement, through my special electrolytic cell, allowed hydrogen AND oxygen to be mixed in the cell and safely used as a fuel source.
In fact, it was immediately apparent that when the gas mixture was applied as a fuel source for welding, the properties exhibited by the flame were considerably different from that of the flame produced by combining conventional hydrogen and oxygen gases from bottles.
lt must be mentioned here that nowhere in national or international studies of fuel processes is there any mention of such a process. There is no other method capable of producing such a gas safely and with efficiency. Brown's gas is a new product so that there is no literature describing the properties of this gas which are very unconventional.
lt has been a popular practice of other investigators of my electrolytic cell to ascribe to the gas properties of molecular hydrogen and oxygen gases in the proportion of 2:1. Aithough these assumptions seem veiy plausible, they are incorrect. Brown 's gas properties are sufficiently different from the combined molecular hydrogen and oxygen gas mixture to be significant in scientific, industrial, and other commercial applications.
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