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Public Sector to Public Services: 20 years of ‘Contextual’ Accounting Research

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Figure 1. Domain of the Public Sector (source: Figure 2, Broadbent and Guthrie (1992))

Figure 2

Figure 3. Public Service Articles by Location

Figure 4. Public Service Articles by level of Government or Jurisdiction

Figure 5. Public Service Articles by Accounting Type


C1. Management Accounting/Budgeting/Financial Management

C2. External Reporting (Financial, Social and Environmental, Intellectual Capital, etc.)

C3. Finance/Capital Budgeting

C4. Auditing/Evaluation

C5. Accountability and Governance

C6 Privatisation, Private Finance Initiative and Public Private Partnerships

C7 Other

Figure 6. Public Service Articles by Research Method


D1. Case/Field Study

D2. Content/Historical Analysis

D3. Survey/Questionnaire/Other Empirical

D4. Commentary/Normative

D5. Theoretical/ Literature Review

D6 Theoretical (D5 + Empirical)

1   2   3   4

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