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Propuesta de Seminarios

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Propuesta de Seminarios (Curso 06/07)

  • Restauración de turberas.

Ashworth, S.M. 1997 Comparison between restored and reference sedge meadow wetlands in south-central Wisconsin. Wetlands 17, 518-527.

Lavoie, C., Zimmermann, C. & Pellerin, S. 2001 Peatland restoration in southern Quebec (Canada): A paleoecological perspective. Ecoscience 8, 247-258.

Rochefort, L. 2000 Sphagnum - A keystone genus in habitat restoration. The Bryologist 103, 503-508.

Tuittila, E. S., Komulainen, V. M., Vasander, H. & Laine, J. 1999 Restored cut-away peatland as a sink for atmospheric CO2. Oecologia 120, 563-574.

  • Restauración de saladares.

Portnoy, J. W. 1999 Salt marsh diking and restoration: biogeochemical implications of altered wetland hydrology. Environmental-Management 24, 111-120.

Seliskar, D. M. & Gallagher, J. L. 2000 Exploiting wild population diversity and somaclonal variation in the salt marsh grass Distichlis spicata (Poaceae) for marsh creation and restoration. American Journal of Botany 87, 141-146.

Zedler, J. B. 2000 Progress in wetland restoration ecology. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 15, 402-407.

  • Restauración de ecosistemas marinos subacuáticos.

Davis, R. C. & Short, F. T. 1997 Restoring eelgrass, Zostera marina L., habitat using a new transplanting technique: The horizontal rhizome method. Aquatic Botany, 59, 1-15.

Harwell, M. C. & Orth, R. J. 1999 Eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) seed protection for field experiments and implications for large-scale restoration. Aquatic Botany 64, 51-61.

Hernández-Carmona, G., García, O., Robledo, D. & Foster, M. 2000 Restoration techniques for Macrocystis pyrifera (Phaeophyceae) populations at the southern limit of their distribution in Mexico. Botánica Marina 43, 273-284.

  • Naturación urbana.

Gilbert, O. L. 1991 The ecology of urban habitats. London: Chapman and Hall.

Hough, M. 1998 Naturaleza y ciudad. Planificación urbana y procesos ecológicos. Barcelona: Editorial Gustavo Gili.

Schauman, S. & Salisbury, S. 1998 Restoring nature in the city: Puget Sound experiences. Landscape and Urban Planning 42, 287-295.

  • Reconstrucción de bosques tropicales.

Ashton, P. M. S., Gamage, S., Gunatilleke, I. A. U. N. & Gunatilleke, C. V. S. 1997 Restoration of a Sri Lankan rainforest: using Caribbean pine Pinus caribaea as a nurse for establishing late-successional tree species. Journal of Applied Ecology 34, 915-925.

Janzen, D. H. 1988 Guanacaste National Park: tropical ecological and biocultural restoration. En Rehabilitating damaged ecosystems, vol. II (ed. J. Cairns), pp. 143-192. Boca Raton: CRC.

Kapos, V. 2001 Green Phoenix - Restoring the tropical forests of Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Science 292, 1074.

Khurana, E. & Singh, J. S. 2001 Ecology of seed and seedling growth for conservation and restoration of tropical dry forest: a review. Environmental Conservation 28, 39-52.

Tucker, N. I. J. & Murphy, T. M. 1997 The effects of ecological rehabilitation on vegetation recruitment: some observations from the Wet Tropics of North Queensland Forest Ecology and Management, 99, 133-152.

  • Recuperación de suelos contaminados.

Adriano, D.C. 1999 Bioremediation of contaminated soils. Madison: American Society of Agronomy.

Alexander, M. 1994 Biodegradation and bioremediation. San Diego: Academic Press.

Eweis, J. B., Ergas, S. J., Chang, D. P. Y. & Schroeder, E. D. 1999 Principios de biorrecuperación : bioremediation : tratamientos para la descontaminación y regeneración de suelos y aguas subterráneas mediante procesos biológicos y físico-químicos. Madrid: McGraw-Hill.

  • La contribución de la micorrización a la viabilidad de la revegetación.

Azcon, R. & Barea, J. M. 1997 Mycorrhizal dependency of a representative plant species in Mediterranean shrublands (Lavandula spica L.) as a key factor to its use for revegetation strategies in desertification-threatened areas. Applied Soil Ecology 7, 83-92.

Cuenca, G., DeAndrade, Z. & Escalante, G. 1998 Arbuscular mycorrhizae in the rehabilitation of fragile degraded tropical lands. Biology and Fertility of Soils 26, 107-111.

Gemma, J. N. & Koske, R. E. 1997 Arbuscular mycorrhizae in sand dune plants of the north Atlantic Coast of the US: Field and greenhouse inoculation and presence of mycorrhizae in planting stock Journal of Environmental Management 50, 251-264.

Smith, M. R., Charvat, I. & Jacobson, R. L. 1998 Arbuscular mycorrhizae promote establishment of prairie species in a tallgrass prairie restoration. Canadian Journal of Botany 76, 1947-1954.

van der Heijden, M. G. A., Klironomos, J. N., Ursic, M., Moutoglis, P., Streitwolf-Engel, R., Boller, T., Wiemken, A. & Sanders, I. R. 1998 Mycorrhizal fungal diversity determines plant biodiversity, ecosystem variability and productivity. Nature 396, 69-72.

  • El papel de la fauna en la restauración de la cubierta vegetal.

Andersen, A. N. & Morrison, S. C. 1998 Myrmecochory in Australia's seasonal tropics: Effects of disturbance on distance dispersal Australian Journal of Ecology 23, 483-491.

Butt, K. R. 1999 Inoculation of earthworms into reclaimed soils: the UK experience. Land Degradation and Development 10, 565-575.

Howe, H. F. & Brown, J. S. 1999 Effects of birds and rodents on synthetic tallgrass communities. Ecology 80, 1776-1781.

Roose, E., Kabore, V. & Guenat, C. 1999 Zai practice: A west African traditional rehabilitation system for semiarid degraded lands, a case study in Burkina Faso. Arid Soil Research and Rehabilitation 13, 343-355.

  • El potencial de la restauración para mitigar la fragmentación.

Fahrig, L. 2001 How much habitat is enough? Biological Conservation 100 , 65-74.

Groom, M. J. 2001 Consequences of subpopulation isolation for pollination, herbivory, and population growth in Clarkia concinna concinna (Onagraceae). Biological Conservation 100, 55-63.

Palomares, F. 2001 Vegetation structure and prey abundance requirements of the Iberian lynx: implications for the design of reserves and corridors. Journal of Applied Ecology 38, 9-18.

vanDorp, D., Schippers, P. & vanGroenendael, J. M. 1997 Migration rates of grassland plants along corridors in fragmented landscapes assessed with a cellular automation model. Landscape Ecology 12, 39 50.

Williams, J. R. 1999 Addressing global warming and biodiversity through forest restoration and coastal wetlands creation. Science of the Total Environment 240, 1-9.

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