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Predicting the effects of sea level rise and salinity changes on west coast tidal marsh plant and avian communities

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Research Schedule

We propose a three-year study incorporating 1.5 years of data collection that will supplement previously-collected data throughout the Bay-Delta. In Year 1, personnel from San Francisco State University (SFSU) and University of San Francisco (USF) will begin field sampling for plant productivity, diversity, and seed dispersal and seed banks. PRBO, SFSU, and USF will also summarize and prepare existing species occurrence data, and prepare elevation and inundation inputs to SDMs. In Year 2, SFSU and USF will conduct a greenhouse experiment investigating effects of increased salinity and inundation on plant growth and survival. PRBO will also obtain spatial salinity projections, develop, and validate SDMs, and generate predictions for SLR and salinity scenarios. In Year 3, USF and SFSU will complete all analysis of field and greenhouse data, and together with PRBO, will finalize models, synthesize results, and write findings for publication.
Significance and Synergism of Collaborative Research Team

The collaborators in this project have worked together during the IRWM project, which was previously mentioned. We combine extensive field experience with plants and birds, as well as modeling and spatial analysis expertise. Through the IRWM project, we began developing a variety of metrics as a predictive tool for plant and animal distributions and abundances in marshes, and in this proposed research we will build on those findings. In addition, the plant PI and senior scientist (Parker, Callaway) have a new proposal in review with CalFed that has been recommended for funding with final approval due by January 2007. The proposed CalFed research would be synergistic with this one (, focusing on overlapping research sites along the same salinity gradient but targeting questions related to decomposition rates, sedimentation dynamics, plant elevational distributions, and the linkage to estuarine fish food webs. The CalFed research includes a different modeling approach, focusing on potential climate change impacts for fish food webs in Bay-Delta marshes. Together, these two projects would make tremendous contributions to the development of long-term management and policy initiatives for Bay-Delta tidal marsh vegetation and the animals that are dependent on them.

Tables and Figures
Table 1. Sampling strategy for ANPP estimates of dominant plant species at sites in Bay-Delta tidal marshes not previously sampled by USF and SFSU PIs.




China Camp

Petaluma Marsh

Rush Ranch

Sand Mound Slough

S. pacifica


S. foliosa



B. maritimus



S. americanus



S. acutus



T. angustifolia



Table 2. Plant species and metrics to be modeled (in addition to species diversity and ANPP).

Common Name

Scientific Name


alkali bulrush

Bolboschoenus maritimus

common, native

Suisun thistle

Cirsium hydrophilum var. hydrophilum

Endangered; Federally listed

soft birds-beak

Cordylanthus mollis ssp. mollis

Endangered; Federally listed


Grindelia stricta var. angustifolia

common, native


Hibiscus lasiocarpus

CNPS List 2.2

Delta tule pea

Lathyrus jepsonii var. jepsonii

CNPS List 1B.2; CA-Endemic


Lepidium latifolium


Mason's lilaeopsis

Lilaeopsis masonii

CNPS List 1B.1; CA-Endemic

perennial pickleweed

Sarcocornia pacifica

common, native


Schoenoplectus acutus

common, native

common threesquare

Schoenoplectus americanus

common, native

California bulrush

Schoenoplectus californicus

common, native


Spartina alterniflora


California cordgrass

Spartina foliosa

common, native

cordgrass hybrid

Spartina hybrids


Suisun marsh aster

Symphyotrichum lentum

CNPS List 1B.2; CA-Endemic

Table 3. Vertebrate species and metrics to be modeled.

Common name

Scientific Name

Presence / Absence

Abundance (Density)

California Clapper Rail

Rallus longirostris obsoletus


California Black Rail

Laterallus jamaicensis coturniculus


Tidal Marsh Song Sparrow (3 endemic subspecies)

Melospiza melodia samuelis, M.m. pusillula, M.m. maxillaris


Salt Marsh Yellowthroat

Geothlypis trichas sinuosa


Great Egret

Ardea alba


Snowy Egret

Egretta thula


Great Blue Heron

Ardea herodias


Table 4. Climate change scenarios to be evaluated using SDM techniques (combinations with gray shading). GCM outputs will be based on IPCC Assessment Report 4 (AR4) simulations. GFDL = Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory; PCM = Parallel Climate Model. See IPCC (2001) for description of emissions scenarios.

SLR Emissions Scenarios (Cayan et al. 2005)

Salinity Emissions Scenarios / GCMs (from CASCADE project output, based on IPCC 2007 AR4 simulations)


B1 / PCM


A2 / PCM

B1 / GFDL (13-62 cm)

current accretion rates

current accretion rates





A2 / GFDL (18-76 cm)

current accretion rates

current accretion rates





A1fi / GFDL (21-89 cm)

current accretion rates

current accretion rates






Figure 1. Average plant species diversity per 3m-diameter plot and ANPP decrease with increasing salinity in the San Francisco Bay-Delta (error bars = ±1 SE; number of random plots per site range from 151 to 447). Salinity data represent measurements averaged across spring months in 2004 (Wetlands and Water Resources, unpublished data). ANPP values were derived from site-specific averages of total standing biomass of individual dominant species that were scaled up to site-level estimates using vegetation maps, and then adjusted by site area to obtain ANPP estimates at the g/m2 level.

Figure 2. Locations of existing extensive and intensive sampling locations in the San Francisco-Bay Delta. Additional sites will be selected in the Delta region if possible.

Figure 3. Potential effects of sea level rise (SLR) in the San Francisco-Bay Delta.  Maps depict potential extreme shifts in tidal marsh habitat with a 1m rise in sea level, under the assumption that accretion rates do not keep up with SLR.  Potential tidal marsh habitat is estimated between 0 and 1 meter above sea level. Current marsh includes tidal and non-tidal (i.e., diked or leveed) marsh.

Figure 4. Preliminary distribution model predictions for Suisun marsh aster (Symphyotrichum lentum) under current and potential future climate change scenarios, using the MaxEnt modeling approach (Phillips et al. 2006). This model uses 1 m sea level rise and increased mean annual salinity projections (- 0.09 to +1.83 PSU; data provided by Noah Knowles, USGS).

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