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F. Articles in non-reviewed journals

  1. Putievsky, E., Ravid, U., Dudai, N. and Zuabi, E. (1984).

Plant height and harvest frequency of sage.

Hassadeh 64: 1330-1333 (in Hebrew).

  1. Sanderovich, D., Putievsky, E., Dudai, N. and Zuabi, E. (1984).

Irrigation of oregano.

Hassadeh 64: 1334-1336 (in Hebrew).

  1. Putievsky, E., Ravid, U.and Dudai, N. (1985).

Yield components of Hyssopus officinalis L. (hyssop).

Hassadeh 65: 1774-1775 (in Hebrew).

  1. Putievsky, E., Ravid, U., Dudai, N. and Zuabi, E. (1985).

Salvia dominica, a new source for essential oil.

Hassadeh 65: 1974-1977 (in Hebrew).

  1. Dudai, N., Putievsky, E., Ravid, U., Michaelovich, Y., Zuabi, E. and Saadi, D.


Seasonal influence on oregano quality.

Hassadeh 66: 2232-2234 (in Hebrew).

  1. Putievsky, E., Ravid, U., Dudai, N., Michaelovich, Y., Zuabi, E. and Saadi, D.


Dry herbs - state of art and their future in Israel.

Hassadeh 66: 1782-1784 (in Hebrew).

  1. Putievsky, E., Dudai, N. and Ravid, U. (1987).

The effect of water shortage on the yield components and essential oil of

Pelargonium graveolens.

Hassadeh 67: 2241-2243 (in Hebrew).

  1. Putievsky, E., Dudai, N., Ravid, U., Saadi, D.and Michaelovich, Y. (1987).

Drip irrigation in aromatic plants.

Hassadeh 67: 1788-1790 (in Hebrew).

  1. Putievsky, E., Ravid, U., Dudai, N., Michaelovich, Y., Saadi, D., Zuabi, E.and

Bassat, M. (1987).

Production of seed herbs - state of art and their future in Israel.

Hassadeh 67: 2015-2016 (in Hebrew).

  1. Putievsky, E., Ravid, U., Dudai, N.and Sanderovich, D. (1987).

Advantages and disadvantages of clone selection in oregano.

Hassadeh 67: 1550-1552 (in Hebrew).

  1. Dudai, N. and Putievsky, E. (1988).

Aromatic plants and essential oils for weed control in organic agriculture.

Haklaut Mitchadeshet (8): 15-17 (in Hebrew).

  1. Dudai, N., Putievsky, E., Ravid, U., Palevitch, D.and Halevi, A. (1988).

Seasonal influence on yield components, morphology and phenological

characters of Majorana syriaca.

Hassadeh 69: 422-425 (in Hebrew).

  1. Dudai, N., Putievsky, E., Ravid, U., Saadi, D., Michaelovich, Y.and Zuabi, E.


Selection of high yield clones of zaatar (Majorana syriaca).

Hassadeh 68: 2096-2098 (in Hebrew).

  1. Dudai, N., Putievsky, E., Ravid, U.and Werker, E. (1988).

Glandular hairs and essential oil of aromatic plants from the Labiatae family.

Rotem (28): 5-18 (in Hebrew).

  1. Putievsky, E., Ravid, U., Dudai, N., Michaelovich, Y, Saadi, D.and Zuabi, E.


Changes of yield components of three aromatic plants during the year.

Hassadeh 68: 2316-2318 (in Hebrew).

  1. Dudai, N. (1989).

Essential oil in aromatic plants.

Lada'at 19(6): 11-13 (in Hebrew).

  1. Putievsky, E., Dudai, N. and Ravid, U. (1989).

Potential and difficulties in growing organic herbs.

Haqla'ut Mithaddeshet (11): 23-36 (in Hebrew).

  1. Putievsky, E., Ravid, U., Dudai, N. (1989).

Fresh herbs - research report.

Gan, Sade uMesheq (5) 54-60 (in Hebrew).

  1. Putievsky, E., Ravid, U., Dudai, N., Michaelovich, Y., Zuabi, E., Saadi, D.,

Chibutero, S. (1989).

Fresh herb-research report.

Gan, Sade uMesheq (3): 59-62 (in Hebrew).

  1. Putievsky, E., Ravid, U., Dudai, N., Zuabi, E., Michaelovich, Y.and Saadi, D.


The influence of harvesting height on yield components of aromatic plants.

Hassadeh 69: 1421-1429 (in Hebrew).

  1. Putievsky, E., Dudai, N., Ravid, U., Michaelovich, Y., Saadi, D.and Zuabi, E.


Fertilization of oregano.

Hassadeh 70: 708-710 (in Hebrew).

  1. Putievsky, E., Ravid, U., Dudai, N., Saadi, D., Zuabi, E. and Michaelovich, Y.


Quality varieties of Salvia officinalis as a source for herb and essential oil.

Hassadeh 69: 1600-1602 (in Hebrew).

  1. Orlan, Z., Refler, M., Putievsky, E., Ravid, U., Dudai, N. Katzir E.,

Michaelovich, Y., Saadi, D. and Zuabi, E. (1991).

Essential oil of Myrtus communis.

Hassadeh 71: 1367-1368 (in Hebrew).

  1. Orlan, Z., Putievsky, E., Ravid, U., Dudai, N. and Refler, M. (1991).

Growing Myrtus communis for religious purposes and for essential oil


J. Biol. Teach. 126: 48- 62 (in Hebrew)

  1. Putievsky, E., Ravid, U., Dudai, N., Michaelovich, Y., Zuabi, E. and Saadi, D.


Growing herbs with small amounts of low quality water.

Hassadeh 71: 1013-1024 (in Hebrew).

  1. Putievsky, E., Ravid, U., Dudai, N., Michaelovich, Y., Zuabi, E., Saadi, D. and

Katzir, E. (1991).

Yield components of lavender and lavandin during eight years of growing

under cultivation conditions.

Hassadeh 71: 1342-1345 (in Hebrew).

  1. Putievsky, E., Dudai, N.and Efrat, Y. (1991).

Methods of growing chives as a fresh herb.

Hassadeh 72: 213-217 (in Hebrew).

  1. Putievsky, E. and Dudai, N. (1992).

Growing chives as a fresh herb.

Gan Sade Vameshek (1): 48-52 (in Hebrew).

  1. Dudai, N. and Putievsky, E. (1992).

Fresh herbs - experiments in 1990-1991.

Gan, Sade uMesheq (10): 77-88 (in Hebrew).

  1. Putievsky, E., Carmeli, D. Eshel, A., Dudai, N., Ravid, U. and Katzir, E. (1992).

Artemisia judaica as a cultivated crop.

Hassadeh 72: 1100-1104 (in Hebrew).

  1. Bettelheim, Y., Dudai, N., Putievsky, E., Ravid, U., Saadi, D. Katzir, E.,

Michaelovich, Y. and Zuabi E. (1993).

Environmental factors and flowering affecting yield and essential oil of sweet


Hassadeh 73: 961-965 (in Hebrew).

  1. Dudai, N.and Putievsky, E. (1993).

Improving the yield quantity and quality of chives – experiments in


Gan, Sade uMesheq (1): 64-66 (in Hebrew).

  1. Dudai, N.and Putievsky, E. (1993).

Evaluation of chives varieties.

Gan, Sade uMesheq (2): 65-66 (in Hebrew).

  1. Dudai, N. (1993).

Essential oil in plants

In: Lev, M. (Ed.), Health and Beauty from Nature (in Hebrew). 'Amutat

Rishonim, Menahemya.
36. Itshak, A., Adler, U., Noy, Y., Dudai, N. (1994).

Examination of growth media for chives.

Gan, Sade uMesheq (4): 55-59 (in Hebrew).

  1. Putievsky, E. and Dudai, N. (1994).

Fresh Herbs - experiments in 1993.

Gan, Sade uMesheq (10): 77-88 (in Hebrew).

  1. Putievsky, E. and Dudai, N. (1994).

Fresh Herbs - experiments in 1993: oregano and sage.

Gan, Sade uMesheq (12): 78-80 (in Hebrew).

  1. Dudai, N. (1995).

Growing aromatic plants in Israel: research and development.

Mashov 88: 54-55 (in Hebrew).

  1. Dudai, N. Reuveni, R. and Putievsky, E. (1995).

Identification of resistant germplasm of Ocimum basilicum against Fusarium


Hassdeh 76 (1): 47-52 (in Hebrew).

  1. Reuveni, R., Raviv, M., Putievsky, E.,and Dudai, N. (1996).

Examination of polyethylene sheets covering greenhouses as inhibitors of

foliar diseases in cucumbers, herbs and organic crops.

Gan, Sade uMesheq (7): 61-64 (in Hebrew).

  1. Dudai, N. Putievsky, E., Poljakoff-Mayber, A. and Lerner, H.R. (1996).

Essential oils against weeds.

Hassdeh 77(1): 27-30 (in Hebrew).

  1. Putievsky E., Dudai, N., Michaelovich, Y., Zuabi, Saadi, D. Itshak, A.,

Rabinovich, E. and Deko, Z. (1996).

Fresh herbs - experiments in the Bet She'an Valley.

Gan, Sade uMesheq (8): 69-72 (in Hebrew).

  1. Itshak, A., Rabinovich, E. and Dudai, N. (1997).

Irrigation of chives by porous pipe.

Hassdeh 77(4): 36-38 (in Hebrew).

  1. Dudai, N., Efrat, Y. and Oren, Y. (1998).

Herbs and spices in south India.

Gan, Sade uMesheq (2): 69-72 (in Hebrew).

  1. Dudai, N., Oren, Y. and Efrat, Y.(1998).

Herbs and spices in south India.

Mivzaq Yeraqot 77: 14-15 (in Hebrew).

  1. Putievsky, E., Dudai, N., Rabinovich, E. and Efrat, Y. (1998).

Agrotechnical research studies on chives growing in Israel – 1989 - 1998 (a

special publication of the Agricultural Guidance Service and Herbs Board of


  1. Dudai, N. (1998).

Control and improvement of quality of essential oils in aromatic plants.

NORA Newsletter 3(3): 4-8.

  1. Dudai, N., Levi, M., Deko, Z., Chaimovitsh, D., Sa'adi, D., Manor, H. and

Putievsky, E. (1999).

Examination of chives varieties growing for fresh market (in Hebrew).

In: Research and Field Experiments on Herbs. (Manor, H., ed.), pp 4-8.

Agric. Ext. Serv. Tel Aviv.

  1. Dudai, N., Putievsky, E., Chaimovitsh, D. and Sa'adi, D. (1999).

Breeding of sweet basil varieties for the fresh herbs market (in Hebrew).

In: Research and Field Experiments on Herbs. (Manor, H., ed.), pp 24-31.

Agric. Ext. Serv. Tel Aviv.

  1. Dudai, N., Putievsky, E., Chaimovitsh, D. and Sa'adi, D. (1999).

Breeding of thyme varieties for the fresh herbs market (in Hebrew).

In: Research and Field Experiments on Herbs. (Manor, H., ed.), pp 36-37.

Agric. Ext. Serv. Tel Aviv.

  1. Ravid, U., Putievsky, E., Dudai, N. and Manor, H (1999).

Decay of pesticides in herbs (in Hebrew).

In: Research and Field Experiments on Herbs. (Manor, H., ed.), pp 53-69.

Agric. Ext. Serv. Tel Aviv.

  1. Dudai, N., Chaimovitsh, D., Sa'adi, D. and Putievsky, E. (1999).

Agrotechnical factors affecting browning of melissa leaves during storage (in


In: Research and Field Experiments on Herbs. (Manor, H., ed.), pp 119-129.

Agric. Ext. Serv. Tel Aviv.

  1. Dudai, N., Putievsky, E., Chaimovitsh, D. ,Sa'adi, D. and Segev, A. (2000).

New varieties and breeding of chives (in Hebrew).

In: Research and Field Experiments on Herbs in Israel - 1999. (Manor, H.,

ed.), pp 33-36.

Agric. Ext. Serv. Tel Aviv.

  1. Dudai, N., Sa'adi, D., Chaimovitsh, D. and Putievsky, E. (2000).

Examination of new fusarium resistant of sweet basil in an infected field in

Gush Qatif (in Hebrew).

In: : Research and Field Experiments on Herbs in Israel - 1999. pp 97-100.

Agric. Ext. Serv. Tel Aviv.

  1. Dudai, N., Chaimovitsh, D., Sa'adi, D. and Putievsky, E. (2000).

Growing of Umbelliferae crops under new types of shedding nets during

the summer (in Hebrew).

In: Research and Field Experiments on Herbs in Israel - 1999. (Manor, H.,

ed.), pp 119-129.

Agric. Ext. Serv. Tel Aviv.

  1. Schwartz, S., Kenig, E. Rabinovich, E. and Dudai, N. (2000).

Response of chives (Allium scheonoprasum) to irrigation methods and

regimes (in Hebrew).

In: Research and Field Experiments on Herbs in Israel - 1999. (Manor, H.,

ed.), pp 81-86.

Agric. Ext. Serv. Tel Aviv.

  1. Ben-Yakir, D., Dudai, N., Sha'aya, Y., Cuntsendlov, S., Hushi, N., Chen, M.,

Shafir, R. and Rabinowich, E. (2001).

Development of strategies to reduce damages by thrips in chives (in


In: Research and Field Experiments on Herbs in Israel - 2000. (Manor, H.,

ed.), pp 27-29.

Agric. Ext. Serv. Tel Aviv.

  1. Dudai, N., Chaimovitsh, D., Sa'adi, D. and Putievsky, E. (2001).

Chemical factors affecting the aroma of basil varieties for the fresh market (in


In: Research and Field Experiments on Herbs in Israel - 2000. (Manor, H.,

ed.), pp 85-88.

Agric. Ext. Serv. Tel Aviv.

  1. Dudai, N., Chaimovitsh, D., Sa'adi, D. and Putievsky, E. (2001).

Field exreriments in resistance of some new cultivars to Fusarium wilt (in


In: Research and Field Experiments on Herbs in Israel - 2000. (Manor, H.,

ed.), pp 85-88.

Agric. Ext. Serv. Tel Aviv.

  1. Dudai, N., Chaimovitsh, D., Sa'adi, D. and Putievsky, E. (2001).

Growing of Umbelliferae crops under new types of shedding nets during

the summer - an annual report for 2000 (in Hebrew).

In: Research and Field Experiments on Herbs in Israel - 2000. (Manor, H.,

ed.), pp 67-74.

Agric. Ext. Serv. Tel Aviv.

  1. Ravid, U., Putievsky, E., Chaimovitsh, D., Larkov, O., Shafir, R., Manor, H.

and Dudai, N. (2001).

Residue of pesticides in fresh herbs - expiring rate. (in Hebrew).

In: Research and Field Experiments on Herbs in Israel - 2000. (Manor, H.,

ed.), pp 27-29.

Agric. Ext. Serv. Tel Aviv.

  1. Tergerman, M., Leshem, Y., Shmuel, D., Aharon, Y., Manor, H., Mor, D. and

Dudai, N. (2001).

Examination of chives varieties. (in Hebrew).

In: R&D Darom – Field Experiments During 1999- 2000 (Matan, E., ed.), pp 319-


R&D-Darom, D.N Besor.

  1. Tergerman, M., Leshem, Y., Shmuel, D., Aharon, Y., Manor, H., Mor, D. and

Dudai, N. (2001).

Examination of basil varieties. (in Hebrew).

In: R&D Darom – Field Experiments During 1999- 2000 (Matan, E., ed.), pp 333-


R&D-Darom, D.N Besor.

  1. Yirmiyahu, U., Tergerman, M., Faingold, I and Dudai, N. (2001).

Boron toxicity in chives affects tips wilting. (in Hebrew).

In: Research and Field Experiments on Herbs in Israel - 2000. (Manor, H.,

ed.), pp 85-88.

Agric. Ext. Serv. Tel Aviv.

  1. Yermiyahu, U., Faingold, I Tergerman, M. and Dudai, N. (2001).

Micro-elements and Boron affecting yield and tips wilting in chives. (in


In: R&D Darom – Field Experiments During 1999- 2000 (Matan, E., ed.), pp

327- 332.

R&D-Darom, D.N Besor.

  1. Dudai, N., Tergerman, M., Aloni, B. and Matan E. (2002) Experiment of CO2

enrichment in aromatic plants grown in greenhouse. (in Hebrew).

In: Research and Field

Experiments on Herbs in Israel - 2001. (Manor, H., ed.), pp 145-150.

Agric. Ext. Serv. Tel Aviv.

  1. Schwartz, S., Rabinovich, E., Manor, H., Avidan, A. and Dudai, N. (2002).

Response of chives (Allium schoenoprasum) to fertilization by Phosphorus (in


In: Research and Field Experiments on Herbs in Israel - 2001. (Manor, H., ed.),

pp 33-39. Agric. Ext. Serv. Tel Aviv.

  1. Ravid, U., Putievsky, E., Manor, H., Chaimovitsh, D., Larkov, O., Shafir, R.

and Dudai, N. (2002).

Residue of pesticides in fresh herbs - expiring rate. (in Hebrew).

In: Research and Field Experiments on Herbs in Israel - 2001. (Manor, H., ed.),

pp 63-82.

Agric. Ext. Serv.,, Tel Aviv.

  1. Tsipilevich, A., Manor, H., Silverman, D., Chaimovitsh, D. and Dudai, N. (2002).

Using new soil media in thyme (Thymus vulgaris )grown in open field. (in


In: Research and Field Experiments on Herbs in Israel - 2001. (Manor, H., ed.),

pp 127-134.

Agric. Ext. Serv. Tel Aviv.

  1. Gilad, Z., Ahiam, M., Silverman, D., Manor, H., Dudai, N. and Ganei-Levin,

R.(2002) Improving of agrotechniques of growing herbs for the fresh market during

the summer in the Jordan valley. (in Hebrew).

In: Research and Field Experiments on Herbs in Israel - 2001. (Manor, H., ed.),

pp 135-143.

Agric. Ext. Serv. Tel Aviv.

  1. Gilad, Z., Achiam, M., Silverman, D., Shema, Y. and Dudai, N. and Ganei-levin,

R.(2003) Optimization of of growing chives for the fresh market during

the summer in the Jordan valley. (in Hebrew).

In: Research and Field Experiments on Herbs in Israel - 2002. (Manor, H., ed.),

pp 30-36.

Agric. Ext. Serv. Tel Aviv.

  1. Chaimovitsh, D., Silverman, D., Manor, H., Meler A., Aharoni, N.

and Dudai, N. (2003).

Effect of type and color of shading nets on yield and quality of basil in Jordan

valley during summer. (in Hebrew).

In: Research and Field Experiments on Herbs in Israel - 2002. (Manor, H., ed.),

pp 81-93.

Agric. Ext. Serv. Tel Aviv.

  1. Dudai, N., Haimovich, R., Chaimovitsh, D., Larkov, O., Freiman, L., Bachshian,

D. Lewinsohn, E., Putievsky, E. and Ravid, U. (2003).

Genetic variability, leaf age and environmental factors affecting the aroma

components of fresh basil.. (in Hebrew).

In: Research and Field Experiments on Herbs in Israel - 2002. (Manor, H., ed.),

pp 94-116.

Agric. Ext. Serv.,, Tel Aviv.

  1. Rabinovich, E., Rabinovich, R., Dudai, N. and and Aharoni, N. (2003).

Examination of sweet basil varieties growing under low temperatures in Bet Shean

valley. (in Hebrew).

In: Research and Field Experiments on Herbs in Israel - 2002. (Manor, H., ed.),

pp 57-67.

Agric. Ext. Serv. Tel Aviv.

  1. Ravid, U., Shalmon, N., Putievsky, E., Manor, H., Larkov, O., Chaimovitsh, D.,

Freiman, L. and Dudai, N. (2003).

Expiring rate residue of pesticides in fresh herbs – new experiments. (in Hebrew).

In: Research and Field Experiments on Herbs in Israel - 2001. (Manor, H., ed.),

pp 125-131.

Agric. Ext. Serv. Tel Aviv.

  1. Ben-Yakir, D., Dudai, N., Hushi, N., Chen, M. and Shafir, R. (2003).

Improving efficiency of disinfestation of thrips in chives (in


In: Research and Field Experiments on Herbs in Israel - 2002. (Manor, H.,

ed.), pp 165-176.

Agric. Ext. Serv. Tel Aviv.

  1. Dudai, N. (2003).

Inhibition of seed germination and growth by essential oils: scientific background

and possible experiment techniques for students. J. Biol. Teach (168): 7- 18 (in


  1. Gilad, Z., Silverman, D., Manor, H., Chaimovitsh, D., Achiam, M. and Dudai, N.

(2004) Improvement of fresh herbs cultivation techniques during summer in the

Jordan valley (in Hebrew).

In: Research on Fresh Herbs in Israel - 2002-2004 (Silverman, D. and Lehman

Sigora, N. eds.), pp 27-36.

Agric. Ext. Serv. Bet Dagan.

  1. Dudai, N., Chaimovitsh, D., Aharoni, N., Rabinovich, E., Rabinovich, R. and

Putievsky, E. (2004).

Breeding of basil (Ocimum basilicum) tolerant to storage in low temperatures (in


In: Research on Fresh Herbs in Israel - 2002-2004 (Silverman, D. and Lehman

Sigora, N. eds.), pp 45-55.

Agric. Ext. Serv. Bet Dagan.

  1. Ben- Yakir, D., Chizik, R.., Mesika, Y., Tergerman, M., Dudai, N. and Chen, M.


Integrated pest management in herb crops (in Hebrew).

In: Research on Fresh Herbs in Israel - 2002-2004 (Silverman, D. and Lehman

Sigora, N. eds.), pp 113-125.

Agric. Ext. Serv. Bet Dagan.

  1. Ravid, U., Shalmon, N., Putievsky, E., Manor, H., Larkov, O., Chaimovitsh, D.,

Freiman, L. and Dudai, N. (2004).

Expiring rate residue of pesticides in fresh herbs – new experiments. (in Hebrew).

In: Research on Fresh Herbs in Israel - 2002-2004 (Silverman, D. and Lehman

Sigora, N. eds.), pp 123-130.

Agric. Ext. Serv. Bet Dagan.

  1. Yermiyahu, U., Tergerman, M., Reshef, G., Faingold, I. Eldanfir, J., Shmuel, D.,

Suriano, S., Mor, D. and Dudai, N. (2004).

Effect of nutrition management on yield and quality of chives during winter (in


In: Research on Fresh Herbs in Israel - 2002-2004 (Silverman, D. and Lehman

Sigora, N. eds.), pp 180-189.

Agric. Ext. Serv. Bet Dagan.

  1. Dudai, N. (2004).

Introduction and breeding of qat (Catha edulis) in Israel (in Hebrew).

Yevul See , (9): 10-11.

  1. Dudai, N. (2004).

Feasibility of production of essential oils in Israel(in Hebrew).

Yevul See, (10): 34-35

  1. Chaimovitsh, D., Manor, H., Saadi, D., Bachshian, D., Silverman, D., Putievsky,

E., Aharoni, N. and Dudai, N. (2005).

Time sowing and plant density affecting yield component and storable of fresh

coriander during summer cultivation (in Hebrew).

In: Research on Fresh Herbs in Israel - 2004-2005 (Silverman, D. and Lehman

Sigora, N. eds.), pp 13-23. Agric. Ext. Serv. Bet Dagan.

  1. Hadad, S., Silverman, D., Askira, I. and Dudai, N. (2005).

Growing chervil during the summer using cooling system and shading (in


In: Research on Fresh Herbs in Israel - 2004-2005 (Silverman, D. and Lehman

Sigora, N. eds.), pp 40-43. Agric. Ext. Serv. Bet Dagan.

  1. Chaimovitsh, D. and Dudai, N. (2005).

Examination of methods for growing sweet basil in non heated greenhouse during

Winter (in Hebrew).

In: Research on Fresh Herbs in Israel - 2004-2005 (Silverman, D. and Lehman

Sigora, N. eds.), pp 29-35. Agric. Ext. Serv. Bet Dagan.

  1. Dudai, N. (2006)

Feasibility of essential oils production in Israel

Kol Hatsmachim (5) 26-27.

  1. Rabinivich, I, Chaimovitsh, D., Kaminetsky, R., Rabinovich, H. and Dudai, N.


Factors affecting flowering parameters of chives (in Hebrew).

In: Research on Fresh Herbs in Israel - 2005-2006 (Silverman, D. ed.), Agric.

Ext. Serv., Bet Dagan. 193-200.

  1. Dudai, N., Shafran, E., Chaimovitsh, D. and Larkov O. (2007).

Factors affecting the browning potential of sweet basil (in Hebrew).

In: Research on Fresh Herbs in Israel - 2005-2006 (Silverman, D. ed.), Agric.

Ext. Serv., Bet Dagan. 132-175.

  1. Chaimovitsh, D., Putievsky, E., Sa’adi, D., Bachshian, D., Matmon, M.,

Silverman, D. and Dudai, N. (2007).

Spanish mint growth dynamics during the winter under greenhouse (in


In: Research on Fresh Herbs in Israel - 2005-2006 (Silverman, D. ed.), Agric.

Ext. Serv., Bet Dagan. 88-91.

  1. Dudai, N., Putievsky, E., Chaimovitsh, D., Serfati, M., Ravid, U. and Larkov, O.


Development of stevia cultivation in Israel (in Hebrew).

In: Research on Fresh Herbs in Israel - 2005-2006 (Silverman, D. ed.), Agric.

Ext. Serv., Bet Dagan. 218-227.

  1. Yermiyahu, U., Peleg, R., Feingold, I., Aldenfiri, Y., Aharoni, N., Lers, A.,

Kenigsbuch, D., Aharon, Z., Maurer, D., Chelopovich, D., Steinberg, D. Vintel,

H., Dudai, N., Shamay, I., Yechezkel, H., Shmuel, D. and Mathan, E.


Optimization of basil nutrition for enhancing its resistance to plant pathogens and

improving its postharvest quality (in Hebrew).

In: Research on Fresh Herbs in Israel - 2005-2006 (Silverman, D. ed.), Agric.

Ext. Serv., Bet Dagan. 116-131.

  1. Eizenschtadt, Y., Manor, H., Chaimovitsh, D., Sa’adi, D., Bachshian, D.,

Matmon, M., and Dudai, N. (2007).

Effect of salinity on parsley (in Hebrew).

In: Research on Fresh Herbs in Israel - 2005-2006 (Silverman, D. ed.), Agric.

Ext. Serv., Bet Dagan. 77-87.

  1. Chaimovitsh, D., Sa’adi, D., Bachshian, D., Matmon, M., Silverman, D. and

Dudai, N. (2007).

Examination of using various harvest regimes as a tool for year-round supply of

french tarragon (in Hebrew).

In: Research on Fresh Herbs in Israel - 2005-2006 (Silverman, D. ed.), Agric. Ext.

Serv., Bet Dagan. 205-218.

  1. Silverman, D., Chaimovitsh, D., Sa’adi, D., Bachshian, D., Putievsky, E., Gilad,

Z., Rabinovich, R., Yechezkel, H., Kenigsbuch, D., Aharoni, N. and

Dudai, N. (2007).

Improvement of the fresh cut quality of some Umbelliferae spp., arugula and mint

in various regions and seosons (in Hebrew).

In: Research on Fresh Herbs in Israel - 2005-2006 (Silverman, D. ed.), Agric.

Ext. Serv, Bet Dagan. 42-51.

  1. Klein, J., Dudai, N., Chaimovitsh, D. and Vahaba, Y. (2007).

Pre-sowing treatments of basil seed to reduce chilling (in Hebrew).

In: Research on Fresh Herbs in Israel - 2005-2006 (Silverman, D. ed.), Agric.

Ext. Serv., Bet Dagan. 187-192.

  1. Shapira, N., Dudai, N., Aharoni, N. and Kenigsbuch, D. (2007)

Winter-growing of fresh herbs in the Dead Sea region.

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