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Part 1
Virtual tour of Paris

Find photos on the internet or use Google Earth to create a virtual tour of Paris.

Look for some of the sites mentioned in the story – le Bois de Boulogne, l’Arc de Triomphe, les Champs Elysées, la Place de la Concorde, le Musée du Louvre, le Pont-Neuf – or any others that interest you.

Talk to your French friends about the places you choose in French.

Exemple: La Tour Eiffel est magnifique!

J’adore l’Arc de Triomphe, c’est impressionnant.

La Seine est très belle. Je voudrais bien prendre un bateau-mouche.
Part 2
Virtual tour of a town in your own country

Now find pictures of your home town (or a town you like to visit in your country) on the internet or with Google Earth. Tell your French friends about the town in French.

Exemple: Voici Edimbourg. Regardez le château. Cette ville est très historique.
Suggested website
Language skills: Exercise 5 (Writing)
Work with a group

The next project at the youth club is to design a web page in French about one of the famous sights in Paris.

Find information on the internet to help you to design your web page.

Suggested websites
Detective’s assignment
La pollution dans les grandes villes
Paris is a very beautiful city. However, it is very large and busy, and it suffers from pollution, especially in the summer.
Give a presentation in French about the problems of pollution in cities.
In order to prepare and research your presentation, you could read or listen to a number of sources in French.

You could mention:

  • what you think are the main causes of pollution in cities

  • the effects on the environment

  • the effects on health

  • what governments can do to improve the situation

  • your opinion on this subject.

Include any other ideas of your own.

Your presentation should last at least 2 minutes.
Be prepared to answer questions about the topic.
Suggested websites
Episode 2: Learning log
Name__________________________________________ Class__________


Assez bien


Très bien

I can listen to and understand a story in French

I can write a description in French of a character in the story

I can read and understand information in French about a hotel

I can write an email in French to organise accommodation in a hotel

I can talk about the sights of Paris in French

I can talk about a town in my own country in French

I can work with others to design a web page in French about a famous tourist attraction

Detective’s assignment

Assez bien


Très bien

I can give a presentation in French about pollution in large cities

What went well:

Would be even better if:

Mike Martin et le Grand Jeu
Episode 3: L’appel à la prière

  • To listen to an episode of a French audio book and understand the story.

  • To read and understand information in French about Marrakech.

  • To read and understand information in French about the history of Morocco.

  • To work with a group to prepare and deliver a PowerPoint presentation in French about Marrakech.

  • To talk in French about healthy eating.

  • To interview someone in French about healthy eating.

Detective’s assignment

  • To give a presentation in French about healthy living.

Listening exercises
Mots clés
Faire pareil – to do the same; to imitate

En sécurité – in safety, safe

Un lieu sûr – a safe place

Une crise sanitaire – a health crisis

Le taux le plus élevé – the highest rate

Un réseau – a network, a ring (of thieves)

Listen to Episode 3. Are the following statements true or false?



1. The little white-haired man who finds Mike in the street in Marrakech asks if he is stupid

2. In the background they hear a call to prayer

3. The thin, bald man tells Mike he has nothing to worry about

  1. The thin, bald man tells Mike to go with him

5. At the hospital, Mike tells the doctor he is 22 years old

6. Mike has a sore head and sore ears

7. Mike Martin is diabetic

8. The doctor asks Mike if he has a heart problem

9. Mike says he has given up smoking; prefers jelly babies

10. The doctor thinks people in Scotland are very healthy

11. Youssef Mansour is a fireman

12. The information on Désirée’s laptop is very valuable

13. Mike has to trust Youssef because Mike has no money and no passport

14. Youssef tells his family that Mike is a British diplomat

15. Youssef has one son and two daughters

16. Youssef’s children speak French and Arabic

17. Amina invites Mike to stay in their spare room

18. Youssef intends to see Mike off at the airport

19. Youssef has prepared a bag and a false identity card for Mike

20. Désirée has sent some more money for Mike

Here is a summary of the episode in French. The printer has got confused and put it in the wrong order. There are eight sections.
Write the correct numbers next to the sentences to put them in order.

The first one has been done for you.

A l’hôpital, le médecin parle avec Mike et lui pose plusieurs questions. Mike se fait recoudre et se sent beaucoup mieux.
Le petit homme s’en va et quelques minutes plus tard un homme mince et chauve arrive. Il a l’air de chercher Mike. L’homme mystérieux pense que Mike est en danger et veut l’aider.
Quand Mike se réveille, à sa grande surprise, il est dans une rue à Marrakech. Il a été blessé à la tête à la suite de l’attaque à l’hôtel à Paris. Il a perdu son portefeuille, son argent et son passeport.
D’abord Mike rencontre un petit homme aux cheveux blancs qui parle français. L’homme et Mike sont devant une mosquée et ils entendent l’appel à la prière.
L’homme mince et chauve s’appelle Youssef et il emmène Mike à l’hôpital dans une voiture bleu.
Youssef a préparé un sac et une fausse carte d’identité pour Mike. Finalement, ils partent ensemble. Destination La Réunion!
Après l’hôpital, Mike va chez Youssef où il rencontre sa femme et ses enfants. La famille de Youssef est très charmante. A la maison, Youssef parle avec Mike. Youssef connaît Désirée et parle du problème des cyber-voleurs. Désirée a créé quelque chose qui va devenir un phénomène mondial.
Désirée a envoyé une somme d’argent pour Mike.
Language skills: Exercise 1 (Reading)
You are on holiday in Marrakech with some friends. On the first day you go to the Tourist Information Office. You read this article in a brochure about the city. Answer the questions below in English.

Au Palais de Bahia
La ville de Marrakech, fondée en 1062, est aujourd’hui la quatrième plus grande ville du Maroc (après Casablanca, Rabat et Fès). Située au pied des montagnes de l’Atlas, Marrakech est connue par plusieurs noms – Ville rouge, Perle du Sud, Porte du Sud et Ville ocre.
Une visite à Marrakech, c’est l’aventure de toute une vie! Dans la Médina (la ville historique) il y a une grande place, Djeema-El-Fna, entourée de souks animés où les marchands vendent toutes sortes de choses merveilleuses – des parfums exotiques, des épices, des bijoux.
Pour chercher un peu de tranquillité il faut visiter la mosquée Koutoubia, le Palais de Bahia ou le Jardin Majorelle.
N’oubliez pas la cuisine marocaine! On peut passer une bonne soirée en goûtant les plats épicés à la terrasse d’un restaurant. Plus tard, on peut regarder les charmeurs de serpents dans les rues.

  1. What are we told about the size and location of Marrakech?

  2. What do the four nicknames for the town mean?

  3. What could you buy in the market stalls?

  4. Which other tourist attractions are worth a visit and why?

  5. What kind of food would you expect to find in the restaurants?

  6. What entertainment could you watch in the streets?

Language skills: Exercise 2 (Reading)
In a leaflet about the history of Morocco you learn why French and Arabic are spoken here and for how long it was a protectorate of France.

Read this timeline and answer the questions below in English:

30 mars 1912

La convention de Fès: Le sultan Moulay Abd al-Hafid signe le traité de protectorat français.

En octobre, le sous-protectorat espagnol est mis en place au nord du Maroc.

6 novembre 1955

44 ans plus tard le gouvernement français reconnaît le principe de l’indépendance du Maroc.

16 novembre 1955

Mohammed Ben Youssef (futur roi Mohammed V de Maroc) retourne à son pays.

15 février 1956

Visite de Mohammed Ben Youssef en France pour ouvrir des négociations franco-marocaines sur l’indépendance du Maroc.

7 mars 1956

Annonce de l’indépendance du Maroc. Le sultan Mohammed Ben Youssef devient roi Mohammed V.

7 avril 1956

En Espagne un accord est signé entre Mohammed V et le général Franco mettant fin à la souveraineté espagnole sur le nord du Maroc.


  1. Which countries were protectors of Morocco?

  2. How long did this arrangement last?

  3. What happened on the following dates?

    • 15 February 1956

    • 7 March 1956

    • 7 April 1956

Language skills: Exercise 3 (Talking)
Group work
One evening you and your friends decide to prepare a presentation in French about Marrakech to show to your French class when you get home.
Your presentation could be on PowerPoint or in any other form you choose (posters, photos, slideshow etc.).
You could include:

  • geographical location

  • languages spoken

  • interesting places to visit

  • typical foods.

Add anything else that interests you and your group.

Suggested website
Language skills: Exercise 4 (Talking)

Work with a partner
Partner A

During your stay in Marrakech, you meet a young Moroccan medical student at your hotel. The student is conducting a survey about eating habits in different countries. The student interviews you about your eating habits. Your partner will play the part of the Moroccan student.

Tell the student in French:

  • your name ( you might have to spell it out)

  • your nationality

  • what your favourite foods are

  • what kind of food you try to avoid (if any)

  • the foods you eat specially to stay healthy.

Partner B

You play the part of a Moroccan medical student who is conducting a survey about eating habits in different countries. Interview your partner, who is playing the part of a tourist in Marrakech, about his/her eating habits.

Find out by asking the tourist in French:

  • his/her name

  • his/her nationality

  • what his/her favourite foods are

  • what kind of food he/she tries to avoid(if any)

  • the foods he/she eats specially to stay healthy.

Now swap roles.

Detective’s assignment
La santé
The doctor in Marrakech talks to Mike Martin about healthy living.
Give a presentation in French about a healthy lifestyle.
In order to prepare and research your presentation, you could read or listen to a number of sources in French.

You could mention:

  • healthy eating

  • sport and exercise

  • work/life balance

  • what governments can do to encourage a healthy lifestyle

  • what schools can do to promote a healthy lifestyle

  • your opinion on this subject.

Include any other ideas of your own.

Your presentation should last at least 2 minutes.
Be prepared to answer questions about the topic.
Suggested websites

Episode 3: Learning log
Name_________________________________________ Class__________


Assez bien


Très bien

I can listen to and understand a story in French

I can read and understand information in French about Marrakech

I can read and understand historical facts in French about Morocco

I can work with a group to prepare and deliver a presentation in French about Marrakech

I can talk in French about healthy eating

I can interview someone in French about healthy eating

Detective’s assignment

Assez bien


Très bien

I can give a presentation in French about a healthy lifestyle

What went well:

Would be even better if:

Mike Martin et le Grand jeu
Episode 4: La marche sur le feu

  • To listen to and understand an episode of a French audio book.

  • To prepare a PowerPoint presentation in French about La Réunion.

  • To produce a CV in French.

  • To write an email in French asking for details about a holiday job.

  • To play the part of a French-speaking waiter in a hotel restaurant in La Réunion.

  • To order a meal in French in a hotel restaurant in La Réunion.

Detective’s assignment

  • To give a presentation in French about a French film.

Listening exercises
Mots clés
Un morceau – a piece

Tourner un film – to shoot a film

Des braises – hot coals

Ce n’est pas mon truc – It’s not my thing

Gâté – spoiled

S’écarter – to move away

Le requin – shark
Listen to Episode 4 and answer the questions below in English.

  1. What will be offered for breakfast when they leave the plane?

  2. What exactly is Piton de la Fournaise?

  3. Who is François Binochet?

  4. How did the driver of the Renault car know that Mike and Youssef would be arriving?

  5. Where is he taking them?

  6. What ancient custom do they see when they pass the beach?

  7. The driver suggests that Mike might like to try the custom. How does Mike react?

  8. What is François Binochet complaining about and what does he ask for?

  9. Where does Youssef think the laptop might be hidden?

  10. How do they know they have found the right laptop?

  11. What happens when they reach the motor boat?

  12. What does Youssef confess?

  13. What dangers of the ocean concern Mike and Youssef?

  14. What does Mike like to watch on TV?

  15. What joke does Mike make about the fish?

Résumé (a)
Write your own summary of the episode in English.

When you have finished compare it to the solution on the next page to see how well you did.


Résumé (b)
Read the following summary and compare it with your own one. How well did you do?
When Mike and Youssef arrive in La Réunion they are met by a crowd of photographers, who are there to follow the crew of a film company and a famous actor, François Binochet.
A driver appears at the airport with several packets of jelly babies for Mike. He has instructions to take Mike and Youssef to the Océania Hotel.
On the way to the hotel they see a group of people on the beach. They are taking part in fire-walking.
In the hotel lobby they see François Binochet and his entourage. Youssef suddenly has an idea. A film company with loads of technical equipment would be an ideal place to hide a laptop.
Youssef and Mike creep towards the trucks outside. Youssef picks the lock of the boot of the largest one and inside is Désirée’s laptop!
They are seen by a security guard and have to run for their lives towards the beach, dodging bullets.
They jump in a motor boat to escape. At this moment Mike realises that Youssef has grabbed the laptop from the boot of the truck. He has nearly completed his mission! They are heading off into the Indian Ocean towards the horizon…

Language skills: Exercise 1 (Talking)
PowerPoint presentation

You have a holiday job with a local travel agent in Scotland. A French family who live in Scotland have contacted the travel agent to enquire about a trip to a French-speaking country. Your manager has asked you to prepare a short PowerPoint presentation in French about La Réunion to show to the French clients.
You could talk about:

  • where it is located

  • its climate

  • activities and traditions

  • accommodation.

Add anything else that you think would be interesting for the French family.

Suggested websites
Language skills: Exercise 2 (Writing)
The travel agent suggests that you should apply for a holiday job as a waiter/waitress at the Océania Hotel in La Réunion.
Prepare a CV in French to send to the hotel manager. Two of the boxes have been filled in for you with suggestions. You can adapt them to suit your own details.

Nom et adresse


Je souhaite développer mes compétences en tant que serveur/serveuse et exploiter au mieux mes qualités.

Expériences professionnelles


Compétences spécifiques

Langues : Anglais



Language skills: Exercise 3 (Writing)
Congratulations! Your application was successful and you are going to spend the summer holidays working as a waiter/waitress at the Océania Hotel in La Réunion.
Send an email in French to the hotel manager to ask for a few more details about the job. Ask about:

  • staff accommodation

  • hours of work

  • what there is to do during free time.

You can add anything else you want to ask about.

Monsieur (Madame),

Language skills: Exercise 4a (Talking)
Work with a partner
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